Today's Weather ,1111,1 4 lira %alley: Fair to- 0%, high predicted 66-71, bow It-IS 06-52. Northuesterly wind, Directory ISSUe The Student and Violin), IN - the recent San Jaw: High today 79, low in San j,. rectory for San Jose State, sir- rising a Peso days 11{1.4., is now ect" Spirits! Ft . day foreeast: No rain ex- or-casional light rain in ra- on kale in the Spartan Book - i.rI11 stain., net. rding to manager, isin, North. Temperatures cateut Harry .I. Wineroth. shoe normal. SAN RIDING JOSE STATE COLLEGE MY ol. 51 4111PP se SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1963 No. 30 I BROOM What's Nhu? I TO GET Homecoming Grand Marshal Air Science PEOPLE .STUME Officer Joins Recalls Celebrations Since '21 Mme. Nhu Wants To Be lis. JEANNE GATES the dinners and the feature of the earlier to 1,541 to 1943-44. Admissions t Rental event was bringing back A. this campus has changed those who Post -World War II years Duncan calls "the real old-timers." brought attempts for An Air Force veteran of 20 years ri..Til 9 00 um a Normal School of 1,000 more de- Friends With Americans Golden GriaLs from 50 years back partmental activities and tours will be SJS new admission officer. CY 7.409 ideals to a State College of were welcomed and one man or of the newest wings and buildings Roy J. Delpier, who holds the By SCOTT NHXDIE Vietnam would drive the Commu- burliest police guarded Mme. Nhu lvirly 20,000, so has the type of woman was cited in a special for returning alums. rank of Major in the Air Force Hurricane Nhu struck San! nists from her country, which she and her beautiful daughter, 18- nnual celebration for bringing ceremony as oldest returning It was decided that the Athletic Reserve, will take office Dec. 1. Francisco yesterday. repeatedly emphasised is "a demo- year-old Thuy. prk alums changed through the alum or an alum prominent while Department could boost home- South Vietnam's best looking cratic regime." The helmeted police whisked at SJS. coming attendance He succeeds Samuel Milioto, who rms. says Dr. Carl D. Duncan, with an annual little warrior, radiant Mme. Ngo Winning the war without U.S. them from their eighth floor Gov- Entertainment football recently became personnel officer. ssi Homecoming Grand Marshal. in these times game. Dinh Nhu, was the center of a , aid would be impossible, she said, ernor's suite to a small reception was by one of Duncan's favorite Homecoming in the beginning massive typhoon of humanity at land fin' friends and reporters prior to Isinean, chairman of the Nat- pleaded that her country he groups, the "5:40 Boys." He ex- was a one-day event, but now the the Sheraton-Palace Hotel, where the speech. She was the calm eye Sciences Area, has been on treated as "a trusted friend" by sal plains that the name was simply event called Alumni Day has been she is staying. of the hurricane as mountainous SJS faculty since 1921, and the U.S. derived from the fact that the combined with it parade, queen, policement closed around her like was chosen Its Grand Interest generated by the con- "We want to be good partners armfore groups met to practice at 5:40 game, and complete week of ac- a steel vice. keeping with this year's troversial lady's final major veech to the Americans," she emphasized jarshal in p.m. This group combined combo tivities. of her U.S. tour threatened to' in her halting English. Islam "Spartan Memoirs." Duncan pictures today's Home- TICKET HOLDERS turn the normally serene hotel Irs true, too, that this short, roming as an evolvement from Traffic up and down Market in- into chaos. LASHING sy-eheekNI, white-haired man dividual assemblages, to common Street near the hotel was hope- A sellout throng of 2,000 per- American press received a sharp 0, sea a lot to remember dur- :salsifies, to a centering of inter- lessly snarled for a period in the A sons literally crashed into three lashing from her fabled biting g Ill years on the campus. est on returning alums. morning as ticket holders began ballrooms, set up by the sponsor- tongue for headlining South ’iel- Ile huts seen homecoming go to storm the hotel for a place in ing Commonwealth Club to accom- nam's defeats against 'Nash three phases of develop- in the war line. tinily ter me modals. the crowd, when they est. Homecoming in 1921 tea- were Communists anti playing down Hundreds of milled hunt. fish rs, persons1around count,' Tv, dinners by interest admitted just before noon. ;najor victories. and outside the ho- ways Hsu! group inside ready ro Polls Open They heard her predict Steil Some of San Francisco's biggest, it CV. Up .1 ad major organizations and was tel during the speech to get a ;god travel 4' tesuipas, ss ishlighted by an AWS banquet. glimpse of the much publicized sits 4.1 uuriental beauty. ATTENDANCE HIGHER About dozen pickets early l'ioportionately attendance was For two 0 Queen Quarter System Plan the in the morning paraded near Uell higher at the activities in hotel entrances. Matronly mothers ese first years of homecoming, and whiskered old men solemnly Tooling to Duncan. At that time IER signs saying "Freak Wel- here were two sororities, not ROY J. DELPIER Under carried irr.tIonst 3542tX Balloting Consideration comes Mrs. NMI," anti "Ni, More stional ones bearing Greek ... assumes duties Dec. I By STEVE Nhtis." ernes, 1,iit Itrganizations bearing Voting began at It a ii. today SPENCE At the same time it is believed Pickets increased gradually terary names. and will continue through tomor- Delpier has been office manager The move to put California's that colleges will save money byl . throughout the day. A changing AWS was a much more im- row in the last balloting fur the for the Air Science Department publicly supported colleges, and putting students through in three of the guard later brought in ',mint srisanization then partially 1963 Homecoming Queen. university on a year-round basis years, rather than four. at SYS since 1958. about 50 students, sandal clad -c.rm there was no larger worn- Students may vote for one fin- is beginning to take positive form. DR. CARL D. DUNCAN Ile flew combat missions in PROGRAM ATTACKP:D and solemn, who replaced the h., organization competing with alist only. Booths ss ill he located For the California state colleges, State College Chaneellor Glenn S. 1963 Grand Marshal Europe in 1944-45, and was in mothers anti grandfathers. I. ,s, plains the Grand Marshal. in front of the cafeteria and book- and SJS students in particular, Inimke has both praised and at- this may mean going to school for a light blue silken The old Vendome Hotel on N. music with comedy and Duncan store and will remain open until 4 charge of an Air Force recruiting tacked the year-'round plan. Dr. Wearing four quarters each year. ' gown, the Oriental Dragon Lady nsi Street and the Masonic is especially fond of their version p.m. both days. office in Indiana for six years. Dumke first attacked the full -year At the same time, students nor- 'was once again trapped inside the capil. were used for the large of "Ghost Riders in the Sky." Ballots will be counted Wednes- He has also been a wing person- plan on the assumption that it molly would complete their col- 'tight little security web of polire 'niters .itch as AWS. Besides din- Homecoming had now moved day evening and the results will be would save money. He argued that nel inspector and group personnel lege education in three rather than r and hustled off to a press confer- r hulks, entertainment, and toward acts to entertain large kept secret until Saturday night it would cost $25 million a year in , sergeant for the Air Force. four years. ! ence of waiting reporters. ns. I. students inr facility, there groups and it was confined to the when the Queen will be crowned at faculty salaries alone to put the Delpier attended the University WHEN AND WHERE 'a,. al, iy, a poet at the function assembling of alums. the Coronation Ball. colleges on a full -year basis. CAL SPEECH of Detroit and the University of At present. the plan is drifting .. to hail jot usi down a few words Finalists are Anne Chambers, Then Dr. Dumke toned-down his canceled her DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES Florida. around committee tables anti board There she formally ; s. the occasion. Nancy Niederholzer, Kerry stand, saying that after a decade today at Uni- Homecoming during the war fell meetings. Nothing has been writ- speech scheduled for STRACT O'Brien. Carolyn Ohliger, and the lives with his wife and three of the four-quarter system, the California at Berkeley. RARRECI'IS to its lowest point in 1943-44, ten down as to when and where versity of Sally Jane Prahr. ‘"11 at 119k C"Y'ac It11 year-'round plan would save the Nialean the state Eater, 1550 students front the spon- mentions that the rea- along with school enrollment. Ii at all colleges "i" colleges money by putting students lm m:iny operate soring organization were whisked 44-iy student and alumni At this point in his reminiscing, ir on a full -year basis. througn in three years. ,,,ed to be a barbecue Speculation as to when the state Then he enehmed: scnoiering , into Mme.
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