Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Committee (FWC) Date: February 17, 2016 Time: 3:00 p.m. Location: County Public Works Department Road Maintenance Division lunch room (squad room) 2475 Waterbird Way, Martinez CA 94553 (Map is attached.) AGENDA 3:00 p.m. Convene meeting. 1) Introductions. 2) Review/Approve minutes from the January 20, 2016 meeting. 3) Public comment. Includes public comment on topics on the agenda and items not listed on the agenda. The FWC shall also accept public comment on agenda items at the time they are discussed. 4) Updates and announcements from staff and FWC members. Includes discussion on implementation of actions authorized previously, on correspondence received, and on upcoming meetings of interest to the FWC. 5) Review and accept the final report from East Bay Regional Parks Foundation on their “Contra Costa County Youth Environmental Education Camperships” project. 6) Review and accept the final report from SPAWNERS on their “Teaching Volunteers to Monitor the Aquatic Invertebrates Present in San Pablo Creeks an Indicator of Stream Health” project. 7) Continue to consider the 16 Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund applications submitted by January 6, 2016. Consider making a recommendation to the Internal Operations Committee of the Board of Supervisors on this matter. 8) Determine the agenda for the next meeting. The next regular meeting date is March 16, 2016. Possible agenda items for upcoming meetings include: • Presentation on problem weeds • Election of Officers - April Adjourn The Committee Chair may alter the order of agenda items at the meeting. Please contact Maureen Parkes at 925-674-7831 /
[email protected] (or Abigail Fateman at 925-674-7820 /
[email protected]) at the CCC Department of Conservation and Development if you have questions about the Fish & Wildlife Committee or desire materials related to this agenda.