Leeds Student Hunt Saboteurs Were Arrested on Ate the Audience
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LEEDS Page EN g INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER su • Stunner IT1 ASBESTOS Uninformed students were star- SCARE Despite Mr Hitchin's assur- tled this week when it was con- ,inces. Mr Gamble was sceptical firmed that a significant amount About the danger risk. of asbestos has been discovered The president also revealed in Macaulay Hall in Beckctts hat he was considering getting Park, an independent source to assess The Hall. which is a resi- the gravity of the problem. He dence for many Polytechnic stu- has asked Wolverhamptoa Poly dents. has large quantities of for advice because they have both blue and white asbestos experienced the same difficulty which is serving as insulation in one of their buildings. around piping in the basement Another source of anxiety is area. the close proximity of the halls The basement is nut directlt to each other. Mr Gamble linked to the main living quii feared that the students will he tors, and Geoff Hitchins. Assis- "absolutely bricking it" when tam Director (estates and per- they discover the extent of the sonnel) claimed that the situa- nrde . tion was under control. The elusive Dr Paul Crossley. asbestos. which is apparently of the Leeds City Council harmless in dust lorm. was de- Asbestos Unit was not \Orkie tected by a team of specialists to commcnt. Ile Lint% emloiscd from Leeds City Council, An the points that ashcsto is .1 tests were conducted in perilous carcinogenic substAmc Macaulay and other halls and which affects the lungs the results were below normal Ashestos comes in mangy safety le% els, forms. the most dangerous The asbestos will he removed being blue which is present in over 12-15 weeks. and the cost Macaulay Hall. Many respitory is an estimated 05010. The diseases can he caused b■expo- bill will be met from a special sure to asbestos dust which contingency fund. but consider- blocks the lungs, and long term ing the present financial crisis at inhalation problems are also the Poly. due to a council created by exposure to it. spending freeze, it is unclear Several factors must combine how the money will he found to to initiate cancer, but people remove the asbestos from the w ho hat 12 inhaled asbestos dust other halls. have a 51t per cent greater The state of affairs is not chance of contracting lung can- being viewed so calmly by some cer. It must be stressed, howev- people, however. Steve Stewart er. that asbestos in good repair Vice President for Beckett's is not dangerous to anyone. Park. was "not prepared to say It seems strange that students anything" but was anxious that in Macaulay Hall were only in- the problem should he kept at a formed in an emergency meet- low profile. ing on Wednesday about the A worried Poly Union Presi- potentially lethal substance re- dent, Ed Gamble, was willing siding in their basement. to talk. Apparently the asbestos Whether other residents in has been found on all the halls Beeketts Park will shortly be in Beckett's Park. but informed of asbestos in their Macaulay Hall is under special particular hall has not been de- scrutiny hecause it is in the . ided yet. worst condition. Despite assurances that she Mr Gamble has called a spe- Asbestos will he removed in cial general meeting next Mon- completely safe conditions. the day to discuss the problem. decision to allow students iii which he viewed as a crisis: remain within the halls may We arc very worried about worry some residents. Chris removing the asbestos during roce. Director of the Poly, was term time whilst students are unavailable lor comment. about." Tim Whitacii MUSIC WHAT'S SPORT BOOKS Lloyd Cole The Boys Murdoch Looked At ON? Done Great Mortimer INSIDE See Pages 16 & 1 / IrPageMI 2 NEWS If you want a comfortable con- ventional night at the theatre don't go and see Shakespeare's IN TROIL US AND CRESSIDA. What's in More arrests Loud. incongruous music, gadded screens, a gold table and ears dangling from the ceiling a name? for hunt sabs BRIEF have been designed to alien- Four more Leeds student hunt saboteurs were arrested on ate the audience. Even if you Suggestions as to how to clas- Saturday., when they helped stop the York and Ainsty foxhounds hke the unsettling music and set, sify the various institutions now from catching any-thing but a cold at Linton-on-Ouse, near York University Students* Un- there'll be no sitting hack tc funded for research, is the only York. ion has joined the growing enjoy it as this is a promenade thing lacking in the current de- The 70-strong saboteurs But the sahs managed to number of unions with an performance. bate about reorganising group prevented any fox kill- successfully disrupt the hunt academic research in line with a 'Abortion fund'. Mathew Wooten and David ings at the meet. despite a and even incensed the Private abortions for students new classification of universi- heavy police presence. mounted gentry when they C'rellin are the director and de- ties according to a recent report are to be subsidised to the tune signer of this production which One of the Leeds subs was pointed out that a fox had of £1.000 a year. in an area in the Times Higher Education arrested for blowing a walked not 30 yards from the will be on at the Raven Theatre. Supplement. %%here the NHS refuses 97 per December 2-5, rpm. powerhorn and another for foxhounds and not even been noticed. cent of requests. The Advisory Board for Re- spraying 'scent duller' to cover Vanessa Jones. LUU's Susan Beenstock search Councils is exact about the foxes' tracks. Each "Despite our difficulties the Women's Affairs Secretary. has what is required; differentiation apparently constitutes a hunt sabs will carry on." said a investigated the possibility of a between the types of institu- breach of the peace. triumphant Mat Cryer, presi- similar scheme in I ceds The devaluation of the Nigerian tion. Yet the ABRC proposal is The two LUU vans and one dent of LUU sabs. But she claims that the currency. the niara, has meant lacking in that it does not sug- from the Poly were shadowed £11X10 would he better spent on that Nigerian students funded gest how institutions should he by police all clay and their "We're implementing Un- pressing local authorities for an by the Federal Government are placed in these categories. ignition keyS were confiscated ion policy in preventing Abortion Day Care Centre. facing a severe shortage of while the sabs still had a ten- bloodsports with non-violent Jeremy Coleman money. the value of their grant THES has come up with an mile walk to the meet direct action." has fallen to t:84 a month. idea as to how a research grad- The University has eta its con- ing of universities might he A report on Crisis and calculated. They have es• tribution to the west Yorkshire Hardship Arrangements for .intined three different mea- Poly safety bus NUS. Overseas Students (CHAOS) sures of research performance Last year the University Un- has led to the Nigerian High Wednesday night Poly disco- Lane, Otley Road, and Char- which include gradings by the ion gave 0'8.500 which was the Commission in London setting goers will now be able to get chwood Avenue, returning agreed 1.25 per cent stated in the University Grants Committee. home safely (and for free!). down Otley Road/Headingley up a 'slush fund' to help stu- THES 'peer review' reports and constitution. This year that fi- dents in trouble. The payments courtesy of the recently intro- Lane. Universities Statistical Record gure will fall since the Union. will be made in sterling to avoid Juced LPSU bus service. Poly Ents boss Ian Childs under fiancial pressure, has de- figures for recurrent income for The service began on further currency problems. research grants. However each sees the scheme as an important cided to reduce its subscription November 17 and for the pre- extension of Union services for to one per cent, According to In Leeds University no stu- different measure has its draw- sent will only operate on dents have yet been hit by a real backs, not one is ideal. the benefit of students. York- Jackie Nixon and Suzy Barret of Wednesdays. There will he four shire Rider run only one bus Leeds Poly, this decision should crisis; both the Leeds Universi- tripS, beginning at midnight and Not surprisingly though. in a (along the Otley Road) on not have been taken with first ty Union Welfare Office and poll of polls' the top 15 include leaving 'Portland Way at half- consulting NUS Area council. the Nigerian Students Associa- Wednesday nights. and this Oxford and Cambridge, and all hour intervals thereafter, until leaves many students with a .411 other affiliated colleges are tion are helping students in 1.30am. The route follows that the large metropolitan universi- long walk home or an expensive still paving 1.25 per cent of their trouble to apply for extra ties - those with more than of the 9)/57 bus to Cardigan money. taxi ride. grant. 7.000 students. Road, but then heads for the Susan Beenstock Tom Walker Jo Braggs Becketts Park site via North Karen Thornton 1 L.U.U. BOOKSHOP Cut & Blow Wave £3.50 High Lights/Low Lights Perms from £9.00 incl. TE L, 4 4 4 97 4 from £9.00 Basement of Students Union Cut & Blow Wave Tints £9.00 incl.