Handbook: Time 4 Safety
Background The Traffi c Incident Management Handbook was funded by North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (North Florida TPO) and developed by HNTB Corporation in Jacksonville, Florida. Time for Safety (TIM4Safety) is a comprehensive multi-agency, multi-discipline program, dedicated to improving responders’ safety, coordination, and enhancement of the Traffi c Incident Management within the northeast Florida region. This effort is in support of the ITS coalition whose membership includes North Florida TPO, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Florida Department of Transportation, City of Jacksonville, and other members of the northeast Florida Intelligent Transportation Systems Coalition. The study area encompassed four counties within the North Florida TPO boundary - Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns, as well as, neighboring counties - Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Flagler, Putnam and Union. On October 14, 2008, North Florida TPO in association with Florida Highway Patrol hosted a northeast Florida Traffi c Incident Management stakeholders’ workshop in Jacksonville, Florida. This workshop attracted multi-disciplinary representatives from law enforcement, fi re and rescue, road ranger, towing and recovery, and transportation agencies within northeast Florida. Through discussions and hands on activities during this four hour workshop, all attendees were encouraged to comment on previously submitted standard operating guidelines, which were also briefl y presented during the session. Based on comments received during and after the workshop, as well as after reviewing other nationwide initiatives, this Traffi c Incident Management (TIM) Handbook was created. The handbook can be downloaded from the North Florida TPO website at www.northfl oridatpo.com. In addition to the handbook, fi ve training modules were produced in the form of eight to ten minute videos.
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