Zeebrugge Public Transport

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Zeebrugge Public Transport Welcome to Zeebrugge Public transport Belgium is known for its strong network of public transport. All the important coastal towns are connected by a single tram line. Train connections to inland destinations are offered from either the station(s) of Zeebrugge or the station of nearby Heist. Tram: This shuttle bus will bring you safely from your ship’s gangway to the • every 15 minutes a tram passes by the tram stop ‘Zeebrugge Kerk’ just opposite the church; village the Zeebrugge just outside the port zone. From this central point • to Blankenberge (10 minutes) and Ostend (45 minutes) in the direction we invite you to discover our region in the way that suits you best. of De Panne; • to Knokke (15 minutes) in the other direction. The medieval marvel of Bruges is just 15 minutes away by train, Train from Zeebrugge direct to Bruges (15 minutes): coastal towns like Blankenberge, Knokke or Ostend can be easily • During July and August the railway station Zeebrugge Beach offers reached by tram. Taxi’s will take you anywhere you want to go hourly connections to Bruges as of 7.30 a.m. The return train leaves the city on the hour. but perhaps you just prefer strolling in Zeebrugge for a few hours. • On weekdays (except during July and August) the railway station Why not enjoy the local gastronomy in the marina or beach area ? Zeebrugge Village offers hourly connections to Bruges as of 7.30 a.m. The return train from Bruges leaves the city on the hour. • During weekends (except during July and August) the railway station The map inside contains all essential information for visitors that want Zeebrugge Beach offers connections to Bruges as of 7.30 a.m. every 2 hours.The return train from Bruges leaves the city every 2 hours. to make their own choices. Train from Heist to Blankenberge direct to Bruges (15 minutes): • During July and August both railway stations offer connections to and from Bruges every half hour. • From September through June both railway stations offer connections to and from Bruges every hour with trains leaving to Bruges at 10 minutes past the hour and returning at 30 minutes past the hour. Taxis: Taxi Snel (Tel. + 32 (0)50 363 649) Euro Taxi’s Brugge (Tel. +32 (0)50 31 77 31) Martin’s Taxi’s Brugge (Tel. +32 (0)50 550 650) Rony’s Taxi’s (Tel. +32 (0)50 333 881) Taxi Georges (Tel. +32 (0)475 576 015) Taxi Gilbert (Tel. +32 (0)50 603 000) Taxi Giovanna (Tel. +32 (0)50 371 540) Taxi John (Tel. +32 (0)50 311 093) Taxi Mobile (Tel. +32 (0)475 878 079) Taxi Patsy (Tel. +32 (0)475 477 955) Taxi Rita (Tel. +32 (0)475 82 41 82) Taxi Schoonbaert (Tel. +32 (0)478 56 89 56) your ship shuttle service tram station railway station on foot Duinbergen by tram GPS Entrance Leopold II-dam Zeestation : 51°345 93’ N Your ship 3°197 21’’E Knokke-Heist Kustlaan Knokke P. Vandammesluis Marina Kerk ZB beach Beach Vaart Baron de Maerelaan de Baron Kustlaan Zeebrugge Strandwijk Kustlaan ZB village Blankenberge (tram stop just opposite railway station) Ramskapelle Zwankendamme Lissewege Dudzele Grote Watergang.

—— Preview end. ——

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