1-STEM WHITE ORCHID PLANT Phalaenopsis amabilis The Phalaenopsis Orchid, also called the Moth Orchid features large velvety blooms on a long arching stem that emerges from olive-green foliage. The blooms Mostly & the of the Phalaenopsis Orchid can sometimes last as long as 4 months in spaces Low Sunlight with adequate humidity and consistently warm temperatures, making them a great economical choice as flowering houseplants. One of the easiest orchids to Elegant flowers maintain and encourage to bloom again, the Phalaenopsis Orchid will reward you with beauty for many years to come. Slow

While blooming, place the orchid About every 10-12 days, touch anywhere out of direct sunlight. the moss for dryness. If the top When not in bloom, bright indirect feels dry, add about a quarter light is best. cup of water.

Easy! Despite a misconceived Keep above 60F at night reputation as being hard to grow, and between 70-80F during Phalaenopsis Orchids are some of the day. Avoid fluctuating the easiest to maintain and get to temperatures as this will cause bloom again. unopened buds to drop.

Use any balanced orchid fertilizer in sphagnum moss at half-strength every week or two. require less frequent watering, Once a month flush out the potting but a mixture of moss and bark mix with clean water to remove any is best for long-term growth. salts that may build up.

Blooms should last several months Yes! Phalaenopsis Orchids are and will then fall off on their own, non-toxic if consumed by dogs but if wilted, just prune or gently and cats. break from the stem for tidier appearance. After last bloom as fallen off, cut stem down to the base to encourage leaves to grow and a new stem to emerge.