47 November 24, 2002

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47 November 24, 2002 INSIDE:• Special supplement: 50th ANNIVERSARY OF SOYUZIVKA, the resort of the Ukrainian National Association – an eight-page keepsake section located in the center spread. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXX HE No.KRAINIAN 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2002 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine UCCAT announces plans toU build Famine memorial in D.C. Donetsk OblastW Chairman Yanukovych Fourth annual requiem service held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral approved as Ukraine’s prime minister by Andrew Nynka like, would likely be decided by a competi- tion of artists, architects or other interested by Roman Woronowycz NEW YORK – The Ukrainian Congress individuals. The details of such a competi- Kyiv Press Bureau Committee of America, with the support of tion also are not yet known. KYIV – Viktor Yanu- diaspora and U.S. government representa- Askold Lozynskyj, president of the kovych took the reins of tives, announced plans to build a memorial Ukrainian World Congress, the leading in Washington to the victims of the 1932- umbrella organization of the Ukrainian Ukraine’s 10th government 1933 Great Famine. UCCA President diaspora, said he and his organization fully since independence on Michael Sawkiw Jr. made the announce- support the initiative to build a monument November 21 after receiving ment at a press conference here on to victims of the Famine and said it would solid support for his appoint- November 16 after approximately 3,500 serve two very important functions. First, ment as prime minister from Ukrainians, as well as Cardinal and Major the monument would educate people who a recently formed and previ- Archbishop Lubomyr Husar, primate of were unaware of the Great Famine, said ously untested pro-presiden- the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, and Mr. Lozynskyj, adding that the Western tial parliamentary majority. other Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox world was largely to blame for a lack of Mr. Yanukovych, 52, chair- Church hierarchs gathered for the fourth information on the Famine-Genocide and a man of the Donetsk Oblast, annual ecumenical requiem service offered monument in Washington would be a step which is Ukraine’s most pop- for the victims of the Great Famine at St. towards ensuring that more people learn ulous oblast and until earlier Patrick’s Cathedral. about the forced starvation of Ukrainians this year was a bedrock of Mr. Sawkiw made the announcement at by Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin. Communist support, received the UCCA headquarters on Second Avenue Second, Mr. Lozynskyj said, it is impor- a solid majority of 234 votes – before a gathering of nearly 50 people. He tant not only for people to know the Great almost entirely from the pro- said: “It gives me great pleasure to stand Famine occurred, but to understand why it presidential parliamentary before you today and announce the fulfill- happened. He stressed that the memorial majority. While the four fac- ment of a joint initiative with Rep. Sander would characterize the Great Famine of tions that remain in opposition Levin of Michigan and the Ukrainian 1932-1933 as a Soviet government policy to the policies of President Congress Committee of America to intro- aimed at the “deliberate and systematic” Leonid Kuchma stood on the AP/Efrem Lukatsky duce House Resolution 5289, which allo- sidelines in solidarity against destruction of the Ukrainian people and Viktor Yanukovych at the Verkhovna Rada after cates a plot of land in Washington, D.C., the appointment as they had not, as some have stated, the result of natu- he was approved as Ukraine’s new prime minister. whereby the Ukrainian community will ral causes, the UWC president said. announced they would – only erect a monument to the victims of Mr. Lozynskyj added that, to date, only two of their lawmakers supported the vote of latitude in passing legislation in a Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932- the United States has recognized the Great – the parliamentary majority voted in una- Parliament that will remain fractious, if 1933.” Famine through a 1988 commission estab- nimity in support of the new prime minis- only because the parliamentary majority Mr. Sawkiw said that a plan to build the lished by the U.S. Congress which called ter. consists of a large number of businessmen monument was in the earliest stage of the Great Famine a genocide against “I understand that the government and with competing interests. development and that more details about Ukrainians. UCCA officials said that, the Parliament need to work very effec- And while he did not receive the 250- the proposed monument would emerge despite that recognition, the memorial in tively,” stated Mr. Yanukovych after the plus votes that Verkhovna Rada Chairman following passage of the congressional Washington would be only the second vote. “The number that appeared on the Volodymyr Lytvyn had predicted earlier in bill. memorial to the Great Famine on public screen, however, shows that a true majori- the week, it was, nonetheless, a victory for UCCA representatives said, however, land in the United States. ty exists and there is support for it in the him and those political leaders who have that details on who would design the pushed for a parliamentary majority, Parliament. For this reason, I have great memorial, as well as what it would look (Continued on page 10) which includes President Kuchma who hope that the new government together nominated Mr. Yanukovych on November with the Parliament will do what is needed 16. for the country.” President Kuchma’s press secretary, With eight more votes than the required Olena Hromnytska, said after the vote that 226 needed for a majority, Mr. Yanukovych should have a small amount (Continued on page 10) Kuchma insists on traveling to Prague though he is not wanted at NATO summit by Roman Woronowycz downgraded a long-planned Ukraine-NATO Kyiv Press Bureau Council meeting from the summit level to the foreign ministerial level over allegations KYIV – Ukraine’s President Leonid that Ukraine’s president had authorized the Kuchma prepared to fly to Prague on sale of anti-aircraft systems to Iraq. In the November 21 for the NATO summit, even originally planned summit scenario, the 19 as Brussels officials maintained that, while NATO state leaders would have sat with they could not ban his presence, his absence President Kuchma to discuss Ukraine’s would make for smoother proceedings. future with the alliance. “Our position is that it wouldn’t be smart NATO officials have also indicated that for President Kuchma to come to Prague,” if the Ukrainian president takes part in the explained NATO official Yves Broder on Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council round- Andrew Nynka November 18, according to Holos Ukrainy. table, the meeting of the 44 countries that UCCA President Michael Sawkiw Jr. (far right) addresses the assembled in St. Patrick’s Ukraine was put in a difficult situation belong to the Partnership for Peace Cathedral. Seated (from left) are Bishop Basil Losten, Archbishop Antony and Cardinal on October 30 when the North Atlantic and Major Archbishop Lubomyr Husar. Council of NATO announced that it had (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2002 No. 47 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS Presidents of Belarus and Ukraine NEWSBRIEFS PM-designate meets with Rada caucuses parliamentary majority groups on November 15. A measure to dismiss the fall short of Euro-Atlantic standards KYIV – Donetsk Oblast Chairman current government has already been pre- Viktor Yanukovych, who was appointed pared, and President Kuchma will by Jan Maksymiuk ment is obviously understood by NATO prime minister by President Leonid announce his decision on November 15, RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report planners and strategists, and it has also Kuchma last week, began meeting parlia- the source suggested, adding that spawned a great deal of ironic commentary mentary caucuses on November 19, President Kuchma intends to submit Mr. Two scandalous political developments in Russia as well as in the United States, ahead of an expected vote on his approval have burst onto the international agenda Yanukovych’s candidacy to the legisla- which now seems to uphold NATO’s mili- in the Verkhovna Rada on November 21, ture soon to allow for a vote on prior to the NATO summit in Prague on tary reliability completely with its own international and Ukrainian news agen- November 21-22. The first concerns the November 21. Ukraine’s parliamentary efforts. cies reported. “I see my role as stabilizing majority has proposed four candidates for Czech Republic’s denial of a visa to However, the political significance of the the work of the government and develop- Belarusian President Alyaksandr prime minister, including Mr. current NATO expansion should not be ing cooperation with the Parliament. We Yanukovych, current Prime Minister Lukashenka, effectively preventing him underestimated. In actual fact, the inclusion need stability. Everyone is sick of insta- from coming to the country to participate in Anatolii Kinakh, First Deputy Prime of these seven new countries into NATO is bility,” Reuters quoted Mr. Yanukovych Minister Oleh Dubyna, and State Tax a sitting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership in reward for the progress they made as saying. The People’s Power, Agrarian Council (EAPC). The second is NATO’s Administration Chairman Mykola toward shaking off their “Eurasian” politi- Party, Social Democratic Party-United Azarov. (RFE/RL Newsline) decision to hold a meeting of the NATO- cal legacy and acquiring new, “Euro- and European Choice parliamentary Ukraine Commission at the summit at the Atlantic” identities. It is also a clear sign of groups have reportedly decided to support Kuchma plans to attend NATO summit foreign-minister level in an apparent how greatly the realm of democracy and Mr.
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