A publication of the M ichigan O donata Survey

Volume 8 Issue 3 W il l iam s o n ia Summer 20 0 4

Epitheca costalis (Stripe-w inged Baskettail) in M ichigan: U pdate By M ark O ’Brien M useum of Z oology, U niversity of M ichigan, A nn A rbor, M I 48109

Last year, I alerted M O S m em bers to the possibility of finding Epi- theca costalis in M ichigan, since N ick D onnelly reported speci- m ens that w ere either true costalis or intergrades betw een costalis and E. cynosura (C om m on Baskettail) in O hio. I sent N ick a box of specim ens to see if there w ere any possible E. costalis from southeast M ichigan. A t first, N ick felt that m ost w ere cynosura w ith a few possible intergrades. A fter som e re- exam ination of the data, N ick sent m e an e-m ail listing E. Stripe-winged Baskettail? This costalis that he identified from low er M ichigan: unidentified , photo- graphed by Steve Habbel in Bear Creek Twp., Emmet Co., shows one Mark - I continue to go over the Epitheca. I now think that sev- fairly distinctive characteristic of E. eral of your specimens are costalis. The problem I had was that costalis — a narrowed abdomen at your specimens were at the very north edge of the range and segment 3. thus varied somewhat from more southern specimens. Because

(Continued on page 2)

Subarctic Darner, A eshna subarctica – a historical oddity?

By M ark O ’Brien M useum of Z oology, U niversity of M ichigan, A nn A rbor, M I 48109

Earlier this year, I w as assisting the D N R in determ ining the status of species of O donata that m ay be of special concern w ithin M ichigan (see page 9). There are not m any aeshnids on this list, and one of them is questionable. Subarctic D arner (Aeshna su- barctica) w as reported from M ichigan early in the last century, and the records from the U M M Z C ollection are from a few spots in the U pper Peninsula and Isle R oyale.

Keweenaw Co. Isle Royale 16 Aug 1905 Adams MOS0006820 Chippewa Co. Whitefish Point 31 Aug 1916 A.F. Combs MOS0006564

Keweenaw Co. Isle Royale 5 Aug 1905 Adams MOS0006352 Keweenaw Co. Isle Royale Gleason MOS0016796

Keweenaw Co. Isle Royale Gleason MOS0016727 Keweenaw Co. Isle Royale Aug 1905 C.C. Adams UMMZODO-3333

MOS Records of Aeshna subarctica from the UMMZ Collection.

(Continued on page 2) W illiamson ia P age 2

Stripe-w inged Baskettail, cont.

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it occurs in Williams Co., OH, it is not surprising to find it in Michigan. Note that Kormondy essentially omitted the counties where it is most common! If only he had gotten to Sanilac and Tuscola counties! I ended up with four "intergrade" specimens. Two have spotted wings and fit well with cynosura and two have clear wings and fit with costalis. I am not confident that they represent intergrades. For the moment, pending further study, it seems best to call them costalis. I hope to discuss all this in Iowa.

Sanilac Co. 5-Jul-97 Obee Rd, ponds on W side, T.V. Healy Sanilac Co. 5-Jul-97 Obee Rd, ponds on W side, T.V. Heatley Tuscola Co. 17-Jun-02 Mayville, 2158 West Saginaw Rd, M. Willard Washtenaw Co. 7-Jun-99 Pittsfield Twp, Sec 26, Peplau's Pond, M. O'Brien Bay Co. 11-Jun-02 Hampton Twp, Knight Rd at Bay Quanicasse SWA, M. Willard Washtenaw Co. 7-Jun-99 Pittsfield Twp, Sec 26, Peplau's Pond, M. O'Brien Lenawee Co. 20-May-98 Onsted SGA, One Mile Lk & Cleveland Lk, M. O'Brien et al

Monroe Co. 15-Jul-97 London Twp, T5S R7E S18, across Wanty Rd Rod & Gun Club, J. Farmer Specimens in the UMMZ collection that are E. costalis (first four) or E. costalis/cynosura intergrades.

So, it now seem s that w e should add Epitheca costalis to the state list of species, based upon N ick’s analysis. O f course, additional m aterial is w elcom e, especially from the southeastern part of the state. This once again underscores the need to collect speci- m ens and not rely solely on visual records. W ithout the actual specim en, there is no w ay that N ick could have done his analysis. N ote that all the records are recent, perhaps indicating a recent incursion into M ichigan by Epitheca costalis. This also under- scores the need to recheck recently collected sites and to exam ine carefully for specim ens that look a bit different. Epitheca cyno- sura is a com m on species across M ichigan, so m any collectors get one at a site and go on from there.

Since it is too late in the season to collect m ore Epitheca, I w ill try and have a com parison chart ready for next spring’s issue of W illiam sonia to show the critical differences betw een E. costalis and cynosura. Perhaps w e’ll be able to add m ore localities and add to our know ledge of this species in M ichigan.

Subarctic D arner, cont.

(Continued from page 1)

The six records (five adults and tw o larvae) are quite old, and in the years since 1916, w e have had num erous collections m ade in the U P (substantial collections have been m ade in A lger, G ogebic, M arquette, O ntanogan, M ackinac, C hippew a, and Schoolcraft counties), yet no m ore A. subarctica have been reported. K orm ondy (1958) cited Byers (1927) as listing A. subarctica from G ogebic C o. H ow ever, there are no specim ens to substantiate Byers’ identification. Byers (1927) also listed A. subarctica from H oughton C o., and I have not been able to find those specim ens. It is certainly possible that he m isidentified som e Aeshna specim ens at that tim e.

This species is H olarctic, and know n from areas w ith bogs, m uskeg pools, or deep fens (W alker 1958, C annings and C annings 1997). There are a few records from the eastern U S, but m ost N orth A m erican records are north of the U .S. border and from the Pacific N orthw est (C annings and C annings 1997, D uBois et al. 1999, N ikula et al. 2001, D onnelly 2004). W alker (1958) de- scribed it as flying w ith Aeshna juncea, Som atochlora m inor, Leucorrhinia hudsonica, Coenagrion resolutum and C. interrogatum .

This leads m e to w onder if the species should no longer be listed for M ichigan, but classified as a historical record. O bviously, our list of O donata should reflect m ore than just a list of species recorded for the state, but act as a list of species that are know n to occur. This species has turned up in the N ortheast and in W isconsin (D uBois et al. 1999, N ikula et al. 2001), so there is alw ays the possibility that sm all populations have escaped our nets in the U pper Peninsula, or they m ay recolonize the area once again in the future. There is the possibility that A. subarctica is still present on Isle R oyale, though none have turned up in the several other collections m ade there in the past 99 years. I certainly recom m end that the U .S. N ational Park Service support an effort to

(Continued on page 3)

W illiam sonia P age 3

Subarctic Darner, cont.

(Continued from page 2)

sam ple the rem ote island for m arginal species. The first Common O f course, the question is “w hy?” Perhaps the species used to occur across the U p- Green Darner (Anax per Peninsula, but by the tim e it w as collected in 1905, it w as on its w ay out due to junius) of 2004 was environm ental changes caused by logging practices that greatly affected the conif- erous forests of M ichigan and associated riparian areas. A nother possibility is apparently found by that it w as never really established, but the few specim ens collected m erely reflect Steve Ross at Hay- a few individuals that w ere blow n in from C anada and established a short-lived marsh State Game presence. Area in Mecosta Co. on 16 April, when Populations of living things contract and expand over tim e, and given the dra- the temperature m atic changes in the G reat Lakes R egion over the past 8,000 years, and just as there was 77°F. significantly, the past 150 years, w e should expect that som e species that w ere on the edge of the boreal forest w ill no longer be found in M ichigan. A s w e have not seen any M ichigan Aeshna subarctica since 1916, it should probably have its status changed – to a historical record only.

In contrast – Z igzag D arner, Aeshna sitchensis and Sedge D arner, A. juncea, w hich w ere also found in early collections from the U P, have both been collected throughout the last century and during the last 10 years, and are therefore not his- torical species. O f course, is the lack of records in the past nearly 100 years a re- flection of collection effort or real evidence of the species’ absence? Since various collectors have visited the sam e areas, and the original collections w ere m ade by non-specialists, I w ould say that collecting effort is not the problem . Therefore extirpation of w hat w ere previously sm all populations due to environm ental or hum an-induced changes m ay explain their long absence, and that any new colo- nists w ould have to travel across Lake Superior or over from W isconsin.

M y proposal is that w e rem ove A. subarctica from the M ichigan list until som eone proves this to be w rong (a new goal for Stephen R oss!).

Literature C ited Byers, C .F. 1927. An Annotated list of the O donata of M ichigan. O cc. Pap. M us. Z oology, U niv. M ich. N o. 183.

C annings, S.G . and R .A . C annings. 1997. D ragonflies of the Yukon. pp. 169-200 in H .V . D anks and J.A . D ow nes (Eds.), of the Yukon. Biological Survey of C anada (Terrestrial A rthropods), O ttaw a. This cooperative Swamp Spreadwing (Lestes vigilax) was photographed by Julie Craves in Sumpter Twp., Wayne Co. D onnelly, T.W . 2004. D istribution of N orth A m erican O donata. Part I: A eshnidae, Petaluri- dae, G om phidae, C ordulegastridae. Bulletin of Am erican O donatology. 7:61-90.

D uBois, R ., R . Johnson and S. Putz. 1999. A eshna subarctica (O donata: A eshnidae) in north- w estern W isconsin. G reat Lakes Entom ol. 31:29-31.

K orm ondy, E. J. 1958. Catalogue of the O donata of M ichigan. M isc. Publications, M us. Z ool., U niv. of M ich. N o. 104.

N ikula, B., J.L. Sones, & J.R . Trim ble. 2001. N ew and notable records of O donata from M as- sachusetts. N ortheastern N aturalist. 8: 337-342.

W alker, E.M . 1958. The O donata of Canada and Alaska. V ol. 2. Toronto: U niversity of Toronto Press. W illiam sonia P age 4 Tricks of the trade

D o you have any clever devices or handy tips for your outings? Send them to the editor! Steve Ross of M ecosta Co. begins…

T elescoping net handles. R ecently, w hile looking for a w indow -w ashing item in M ei- jer’s, I found several item s w ith w hich I m ade a telescoping handle for a net. There w ere several telescoping handles ranging in price from about $5.00 for a single extension to about 6.5 feet, to $32.00 for a four-part extension to about 17 feet (that w ould be too heavy to use). I chose a single extension that w ill go from 53 to 96 inches for about $10.50. [Ed note: I’ve seen these in the paint departm ent for paint rollers.]

To m odify for a net: rem ove the plastic screw from the extension used to put on the squeegee, m op, or broom . This leaves a bare, open tube end through w hich the net w ill go. I purchased a 5/16th-inch coupling nut and a 5/16th-inch bolt at the hardw are store. I also purchased from Bioquip (w w w .bioquip.com ) the w ing nut (#7360, red T knob, but a thum b screw w ould also w ork) and the flat net-ring (#7353 for 18” net ring, other sizes available) for the 7300 series replacem ent net. The coupling nut is set into the tube, flush w ith the Section of 3/4 –inch telescoping top, for the T knob to hold the net ring. pole with m op screw fitting re- m oved. To center the nut inside the tube, I drilled a hole w ith a ¾ inch chipper bit, m atching the outside tube diam eter, partw ay through a sm all piece of ¾ inch pine. Then I bored a centered ¼ inch hole the rest of the w ay through. From the flat side, I threaded the Carriage bolt, wood block, and coupling bolt through to the bored side so that it w as ex- nut. posed enough to hold the 5/16th inch coupling nut. U sing epoxy, I coated the nut around w hat w ould be the bottom of the coupler to set the coupling nut in the tube w hen placed there. I cut a piece of duct tape slightly larger than the tube and pressed it to the bottom of the nut to keep the epoxy from dripping before setting. The block then is placed over the end of the tube to center the coupler inside the tube. A fter the epoxy is set, I rem oved the block and filled in the em pty space w ith m ore epoxy until it w as flush w ith the top of the tube and nut. G etting the epoxy in took som e careful poking w ith the end of a paper clip. The epoxy eventually settles in w hen the tube is left upright for aw hile, and a second helping of epoxy w as needed to fill the space. Put a sm all piece of tape over the hole of the coupler so none of the epoxy drips into the threads.

To affix the net, I bored a 5/16th inch hole across the tube and nut com pletely though the tube, centered 3/8th inch below the top. Then the net ring can be placed through that hole and tightened by the T nut or thum bscrew .

N et bag camouflage. I use the Bioquip 7218G R green net bags. These have w hite m us- lin rim s. I spray paint these w ith black, green, or brow n paint to help cam ouflage them . These bags (and none of the other bags I’ve tried) do not dye w ell. Save your tim e and effort. Centering block in position to

hold the coupling nut while epoxy (Continued on page 5) sets. W illiamson ia P age 5 A n unusual m ode of contraception By M ark O ’Brien M useum of Z oology, U niversity of M ichigan, A nn A rbor, M I 48109

Last year, Stephen R oss sent a big batch of voucher specim ens from his w ork in the U P in G ogebic C o. for the Forest Service. In that lot of specim ens w ere m any good records, and one that really m ade m e laugh. O ne unfortunate m ale R apids C lubtail (G om phus quadricolor) w as collected by Stephen w ith the term inal ab- dom inal segm ents of a fem ale still attached to the the m ale's penis. I suppose that had the m ale lived beyond Stephen's capture, he m ay have been able to disengage him self, but in this instance, he w as rem oved from the gene pool apriori. I have often seen fem ale Argia w ith m ale abdom inal segm ents still clasping as though the m ale w ere m ate- guarding, but of course, the head and thorax of the m ale m issing -- probably in the stom ach of som e avian predator or dragonfly. These fem ales w ould presum ably be prevented from m ating again unless the lifeless m ale abdom en w ere to fall off. In this case of the G om phus quadricolor, it is the first tim e I have seen such a predicam ent on a m ale.

The collection inform ation of the specim en is as follow s-- M IC H IG A N : G ogebic C ounty, Tenderfoot C reek upstream about 1/4 m i from C R 527 bridge, over stream , 46¡16.542N x 89¡31.552W , July 12, 2003, Stephen R oss, M O S0029328. The photograph w as taken through a m icroscope w ith a N ikon C oolpix cam era.

Tricks of the trade, continued a M axalt box ahead of tim e for field use. W hen ready to (Continued from page 4) put the day’s catch into acetone, I clip them together w ith a large paperclip into site- or day-related groups Flaccid, unruly net bags. O ne thing about net bags is and let the paperclip sink the group into the acetone. that the tip tends to flop around w hile approaching the The corner cut hole lets the air out quickly. I have a bent insect, occasionally causing the target to fly aw ay. I usu- w ire hook to fish the glassines out by w ay of the paper ally hold a finger w ith the bag end against the pole and let clip. the bag slip aw ay as I sw ing, but this w on’t w ork in a stretch situation. To rem edy this, I w rapped a strip of adhesive-backed V elcro (fuzzy side) around the end of A lthough pencil w orks w ell to label glassine envelopes, the net pole near the bag attachm ent. Then I sew ed a it can som etim es be hard to press hard enough w hen sm all piece of the hook side of V elcro at the tip end of the standing m idstream (plus the pencil lead can break). bag. Lightly sticking this to the V elcro on the pole holds Instead, I like to use Pigm a M icron 0.25m m line-w idth the bag, preventing it from flopping, and w hen the net is archival ink pens for labeling, as the ink is acetone- and sw ung, it releases. alcohol-proof and dries quickly. It doesn’t take m uch pressure to apply the ink. The pens aren’t too expensive

and can be obtained at office-supply stores. T ips on glassine envelopes. I cut off the “teeth” before using to prevent snagging on the net, particularly if I plan to use them to slide up m y net to a captured butterfly I M ore tips next issue! don’t w ant to handle. For , I cut off one corner and m ake a sm all snip about the fold line. I fold the glass- ine top dow n about ¼ of the w ay and fit eight em pties to W illiamson ia P age 6

R e v ie w : C om m on D ragonflies and D am selflies of Eastern N orth A m erica

By M ark O ’Brien M useum of Z oology, U niversity of M ichigan, A nn A rbor, M I 48109

I recently received an evaluation copy of the D V D "C om m on D ragonflies and D am sel- flies of Eastern N orth A m erica" by R ichard W alton and G reg D odge, of Brow nbag- productions (brow nbagproductions.com ).

A fter view ing it several tim es, I am im pressed w ith the overall video quality and presentation. H aving m enus to navigate and skip back and forth is a w onderful thing, and m akes the D V D w ell-suited to teaching situations. O f course, it is geared tow ards beginners, w ho have to be the biggest beneficiaries of all the ode w ork that has gone on so recently.

The D V D has a distinct advantage over their previous effort on V H S (w hich I liked). You can play it on your com puter if it has a D V D player A N D it's easy to go to a spe- cific segm ent an view it. A great thing for those giving presentations to sm all groups, etc.

The D V D is w ell edited, w ith very good video footage of our favorite beasts. It is w ell presented and organized. M y only less-favorable com m ent w ould be that although the narrative is w ell done, it w ould be good to have som eone narrate w ith a higher pitched voice and m ore inflection. The current narration detracts from the overall experience.

H ow ever, the D V D is definitely w orth having -- a great idea to have a copy or tw o at nature centers, w here people could view it at any tim e. A t a stand-alone video kiosk, it w ould be really great. It’s desirable to have for the great video footage alone, and as I w atched it on a snow y February day, it m ade m e anxious for the season to start! I cer- tainly recom m end it to get beginners started, and as a general educational tool.

M eet Lucas Langstaff

Lucas Langstaff at w ork in the U M M Z O donata R ange. Luke is a junior in U M 's School of N atural R esources and Environ- m ent. H is interest is in aquatic biology, and last sum m er w orked for the U S Forest Service in H iaw atha N ational Forest. H e has been learning about all things odona- tological over the past few m onths, and hopes to continue surveys for U SFS- designated "sensitive species" in the com - ing m onths. Luke's com bination of good hum or, hard w ork, and quest for know ledge should prove valuable in any future career. W e expect som e good records from Luke from his hom e area in the U P, too! W illiamson ia P age 7

R e v ie w : W ild G uide: D ragonflies

W ild G uide: D ragonflies, by C ynthia Berger; Stackpole good phenology table tow ards the beginning of the chap- Books, 2004. ter show ing the possible flight tim es of several odes. Each species account gave m e new and interesting inform ation

in “A bout the nam e:” and “Behavior:” Thus, it’s w orth by D arrin O ’Brien, D earborn, M I reading each account since one w ill learn a bit of Latin in doing so. H ow ever, m ore inform a- I alw ays look forw ard to new tion could have been given in the books on odes and I find this one “Sim ilar species:” sections such as has an additional connection. O ur noting C om et D arners relative to ow n leader, M ark O ’Brien, w as the fem ale C om m on G reen D arners, technical editor for this publica- Illinois R iver C ruisers relative to tion. R oyal R iver C ruisers, or Beaver- pond and Spiny Baskettails rela-

tive to C om m on Baskettails. O nce A ccording to the introduction, this again I m ust realize that I didn’t book is intended as an introduc- pick up this book as a field guide. tory book to dragonflies for those

of us birders that have taken an interest in odes or others interested The next chapters of the book in- in learning m ore about dragonfly clude inform ation on w atching life cycles and behaviors. The book and attracting dragonflies. M any begins w ith chapters (about 40% basic ideas are given regarding of the book) on life cycles and be- equipm ent, w here to go, w hen to havior, follow ed by selected species go, etc. I w as very disappointed to accounts (about 50% of the book), see a special section noting tradi- w ith the rem aining portion cover- tional m ethods for capturing drag- ing suggestions for w atching odes onflies w hich I believe is inappro- and resources for m ore inform a- priate for a book like this since the tion. I w ould purchase this book as techniques have a higher likeli- a learning aid for understanding hood of injuring or killing the these interesting insects, but not as a field guide. The pic- dragonflies and not necessarily for a scientific purpose tures in the book are not photographs but are draw ings. since the audience of this book is likely beginning or am a- In m ost cases the illustrator w as able to accentuate the teur odonata enthusiasts. [Ed note: The original text read particular details needed, but som etim es I feel the draw - “buggers.” This seem ed inappropriate, but so does ing didn’t do the subject justice such as m aking the par- “oders.” W hat D O w e call ourselves?] ticular dragonfly look too soft or cartoonish. That said, I really did enjoy reading the book. The final chapter lists m any resources such as textbooks, field guides, videos, organizations, and w ebsites. This The portion of the book describing the life cycle and be- listing can be very helpful for one that w ants to learn havior w as very inform ative. Som e inform ation I had read even m ore about odes or find other people w ith sim ilar previously, w hile other details w ere new to m e such as interests. “H ow N ym phs Breathe”. There are also several great draw ings that show details of the body such as the la- O verall, I found the book to be useful and inform ative. bium (or low er jaw ) of nym phs and the features of the I’ve noted som e issues but these are m inor w hen com - head. pared w ith the purpose of this publication. Thus, I’d rec- om m end this to anyone w anting to learn m ore about The largest portion of the book includes the species ac- dragonfly life history or w anting to add to their ode li- counts for w hich I have m ixed feelings about since I gen- brary. erally like books to have them all or none at all. There is a W illiamson ia P age 8 R ecent O donata Literature

D e Block, M . and R . Stoks. 2004. Life-history variation in relation to tim e constraints in a dam selfly. O ecologia 140:68-75. Exam ined the effects of photoperiod on developm ent of Lestes viridis (“G reen Em erald” Spreadw ing). These authors published a very sim ilar paper in Jrl. Evolutionary Biology last year.

Eason, P. K . and P. V . Sw itzer. 2004. The costs of neighbors for a territorial dragonfly, Perithem is tenera. Ethology 110:37-47. C osts of territoriality in the Eastern A m berw ing.

Fincke. O . M . 2004. Polym orphic signals of harassed fem ale odonates and the m ales that learn them support a novel frequency-dependent m odel. Anim al Behaviour 67:833-845. Exam ines m ale reactions to fem ales that are androm orphic (colored like m ales) and heterom orphic (not like m ales).

H ovm oller, R . and F. Johansson. 2004. A phylogenetic perspective on larval spine m orphology in Leucorrhinia (O donata: Libellulidae) based on ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 rD N A sequences. M olecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 30:653- 662. Som e taxonom y of the w hite-faces based on m olecular study, and the role of abdom inal spines on the larvae as defense.

Johansson F. and F. Suhling. 2004. Behaviour and grow th of dragonfly larvae along a perm anent to tem porary w ater habitat gradient. Ecological Entom ology 29:196-202. Study took place in the N am ibian sem i-desert.

K oskim aki, J., M . J. R antala, J. Taskinen, K . Tynkkynen, and J. Suhonen. 2004. Im m unocom petence and resource holding potential in the dam selfly C alopteryx virgo L. Behavioral Ecology 15:169-173.

Petrulevicius, J. F. and A . N el. 2003. Frenguelliidae, a new fam ily of dragonflies from the earliest Eocene of A rgentina (Insecta: O donata): phylogenetic relationships w ithin O donata. Jrl. N atural H istory 37:2909-2917. Som ething new in bedrock: the authors describe still m ore fossil odes from South A m erica.

R antala, M . J., J. Ilm onen, J. K oskim aki, J. Suhonen, and K . Tynkkynen. 2004. The m acrophyte, Stratiotes aloides, protects larvae of the dragonfly A eshna viridis against fish predation. Aquatic Ecology 38:77-82. The authors get m ore m ileage out of their study of an endangered European darner (see Suutari et al.)

Suutari, E., M . J. R antala, J. Salm ela, and J. Suhonen. 2004. Intraguild predation and interference com petition on the endangered dragonfly A eshna viridis. O ecologia 140:135-139. Aeshna viridis is a rare European darner w hich relies on the aquatic plant Stratiotes aloides for ovipositing. This paper exam ined com petition from tw o co-occurring A eshnas: A. grandis and A. juncea.

Tsubaki, Y. and R . E. H ooper. 2004. Effects of eugregarine parasites on adult longevity in the polym orphic dam selfly M nais costalis Selys. Ecological Entom ology 29:361-366. G ut parasites had a greater im pact on a larger, orange-w inged territorial m orph of a Japanese dam selfly than on the clear-w inged, non-territorial type.

D R A G O N F L I E S A N D D A M S E L F L I E S A publication of the M ichigan O donata Survey O F G R E A T E S T C O N S E R V A T I O N N E E D M ichigan O donata Survey M ichigan W ildlife C onservation Strategy

Family A ESH N IDA E Michigan Odonata Survey c/o Museum of Zoology -- Insect Division Aeshna juncea Sedge D arner University of Michigan Aeshna m utata Spatterdock D arner Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 Aeshna sitchensis Z igzag D arner Phone: 734-647-2199 insects.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/MICHODO/MOS.HTML Aeshna subarctica M uskeg D arner Boyeria grafiana O cellated D arner Editor: Julie Craves Family C A LO PT ER YG IDA E Rouge River Bird Observatory University of Michigan-Dearborn H etaerina titia Sm oky R ubyspot Dearborn, MI 48128 [email protected] Family C O EN A G R IO N IDA E Coenagrion interrogatum Subarctic Bluet R egents of the U niversity:

D avid A . Brandon Family C O R DU LEG A ST R IDA E Laurence B. D eitch Cordulegast er erronea Tiger Spiketail D aniel D . H orning A rrow head Spiketail SC O livia P. M aynard Cordulegaster obliqua R ebecca M cG ow an A ndrea Fischer N ew m an Family C O R DU LIIDA E S. M artin Taylor N eurocordulia yam askanensis Stygian Shadow dragon K atherine E. W hite Som atochlora cingulata Lake Em erald Som atochlora hineana H ine's Em erald FE Som atochlora incurvata Incurvate Em erald SC W illiam sonia fletcheri Ebony Boghaunter W illiam sonia lintneri R inged Boghaunter

Family G O M PH IDA E G om phus lineatifrons Splendid C lubtail SC G om phus quadricolor R apids C lubtail SC O phiogom phus anom alus Extra-striped Snaketail SC O phiogom phus howei Pygm y Snaketail SC Stylurus am nicola R iverine Snaketail SC Stylurus laurae Laura's Snaketail SC Stylurus notatus Elusive Snaketail SC Stylurus plagiatus R usset-tipped C lubtail SC

Family PET A LU R IDA E Tachopteryx thoreyi G rey Petaltail SC

(This list as excerpted from the D N R ’s M ay 2004 list via A m y C lark Eagle)