Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-05-11
, •Ions ' Notice to Subscribers L The Weather If you have not received your Fair and warmer today. Partty mmlQger copy of The Dally Iowan by 7:30 t[,lIsteeN, ."\1. cloudy and mild tomorrow. yestprdnv. a.m., please call 4191 before High today 75; low tonight 46. 'wcre Charles 10:30 a.m. and the Iowan will al owan Yesterday's high 67; low 42. be delivered to your home. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents ·DM Loan 'Company Held Up; Woman Employe Shot in Leg Jersey City Voters DES MOTNEJS (AP)-A woman employe of -a finllnce eompany thought o. holrlnp here yesterclllY WIlf\ 11 joke. She WIlS shot and wotmMd for laughter. She is ]\fiRS Virginia llco, 21, n. elerl, in thr. A(ltna Finan('!' Oust Hague's Rule eompnny office. Don Crosk('y, IlRsi~tant, mallo.ger, Raiel II mlln wh() iMntified bi~1f liS "Thomos" ent('red * * * . the offirfl TOl' thl' thirrl timr. lit ·fusion Tickel 2 p.m. ond nskl'd to npply for Des MOI"nes Bandl"t Pity the Poor Tombstone Cuffer VAN ALSTYNE, TEX. (VP)-A 86-year·oId Nelro ,,1MSe a 1000nTn th..e Interviewing booth, Cros- F'tI S Descnp · t',IOn 0f name wu one or the world's lonns' died at Ids heme )'eatertla.J. Swamps ,Foes key saId, the mnn PI11Jed a gun Re was Daniel Wisdom May 1 Known Stepheoa Nt aM 8 ....... Show John Dltlne Co_union Feell\(OIe Meeltnell ADt J ...... and sa id, "This is a stickup." Lo I L Rbb JERSEY CITY (II! - Former He then directed Broskey to can ca oan 0 er zeal Wins The Day Murphey.
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