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THE BLUE PRINT VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 APRIL 2019 HALDANE WELCOMES CONGRESSMAN MALONEY FOR TOWN HALL Catriona Fee variety of questions, The first question asked INSIDE THIS ISSUE: By the time the second from the recent govern- was on the government bell rang for the start of ment shutdown to the shutdown, and Repre- the lunch period on importance of youth sentative Maloney ex- GIRL’S LACROSSE AT 3 plained how the shut- Monday, February 4th, involvement in politics HALDANE high school room 126 today. He talked about down occurred, and was packed with stu- how our generation is what he was doing as a HALDANE’S LEO 3 dents, teachers, and taking the reins on po- member of Congress to CLUB members of the local litical activism and limit the shutdown. He press, all gathered for change in our country, elucidated students on WINTER BASKETBALL 4 Representative Sean and the importance of how budget bills and RECAP Patrick Maloney’s first civic involvement. He funding for the Federal student town hall. Rep- said, “There’s a lot of Government are Poetry Out 4 resentative Maloney things we need to do passed, in this recent loud briefly talked about the better in this country, case, through 12 budget Haldane’s Ski Trip 5 day-to-day functions of and it's not all on peo- bills, one of which con- Congress, before open- tained the controversial ple like me, it's on peo- New Ninth 6 ing up the floor for stu- ple like you. People like element of border secu- Grade Counse- dent questions. me are only as strong as rity funding. lor the people who send Haldane Cele- 6 Students asked their them to Washington. Contd. on pg 2 brates Kindness Congressman a wide This is a team sport”. Low Temperature 6 hits NY Cultural Immer- 7 sion 2019 Awards 8 Show recap Pats are Super- 9 bowl champs A Trip to the 9-10 Movies Op-Ed 11 PAGE 2 THE BLUE PRINT TOWN HALL CONT. and fully funded border Maloney talked the to be exposed to politics security, but only pro- most about student civ- and the way in which it vides funding for addi- ic involvement, empha- can affect their lives. tional fencing at the sizing its importance in Having accessibility to border, rather than a improving the state of knowledgeable and ex- border wall. our nation. perienced individuals like Sean Patrick Malo- He then answered a The event certainly pro- ney can be greatly bene- question about Trump’s cured great excitement ficial to this which is tweets and discussed from many, students why I’m grateful he how social media, par- and teachers alike. Gov- came in and spoke with ticularly Twitter, has ernment and Politics us”. become a medium of teacher Ms. Seidman, political announce- who organized the fo- ments, rather than the rum, said: “I was really traditional press re- excited to have him lease. He responded, (Sean Patrick Maloney) “It's spring as a guest speaker, and I Sean Patrick Maloney “Tweeting is obviously fever. That is also told students that a new thing in Presi- think he did a really he, along with several of dential history, but it's good job running it as a what the his Congressional col- not that weird when town hall, and I think it name of it is. resonated with a lot of leagues, refused to ac- you think about it; The And when cept payment for the President’s tweets are students”. thirty-five days of the weird..”, stirring up you've got it, partial federal govern- some laughter in the Senior Reid Sandlund you want— remarked, “It was great ment shutdown. Malo- room. He proceeded to oh, you don't ney said that by this ac- answer questions about to have the opportunity tion, he was “standing current legislation he is to receive direct an- quite know in solidarity with those working on, including swers from him. He what it is you was articulate with his who were furloughed”. reform of Congress, do want, but In more recent weeks, campaign finance, and points and had an inter- Sean Patrick Maloney even the current esting perspective on it just fairly voted in favor of a Mueller investigation current politics, so I’m makes your spending bill, H.J.Res. into the current admin- glad he was willing to 31: Making further con- istration, considering come in and speak with heart ache, tinuing appropriations that Representative us”. you want it for the Department of Maloney was just so!” Homeland Security for placed on The House Junior Anneke Chan commented about the the fiscal year 2019. The Permanent Select Com- - Mark Twain bill prevented another mittee on Intelligence. event, “It's really im- government shutdown, Overall, Congressman portant for adolescents VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3 Play like a girl be playing games with offi- fundamentals and to share Elizabeth Nelson get a team started. cial teams and referees. my passion of it in hopes The clinic is being held in Although Chuck Twoguns they will develop their own This upcoming spring there hopes to attract a wider range has wanted to start a team love for the game… We will be a girls lacrosse clinic of players, which will allow for quite a while, he knew make the game fun to learn for high school students at for an official varsity and/or this was not possible due to and hope the girls develop Haldane, along with a Girls junior varsity team in the fu- the lack interest, experi- their own passion for the Modified Lacrosse Team for ture, along with help from the ence, and funding for a game that will enable them seventh and eighth graders. Modified team. In the clinic new sports program. His to encourage themselves.” Chuck Twoguns is subjected Twoguns will teach the funda- intentions are to help amass to coach the clinic, while as of mentals of lacrosse. As of now more interest and There are a group of eight to now there is no coach for the the clinic will allow for the knowledge of lacrosse to ten high school girls inter- Modified team. Talk about a girls to compete in scrimmag- get the girls ready for a ested in the clinic, and of girls lacrosse team has been es with other teams to give a team. When asked about course more numbers are going on for a few years now, feel for what it’s like to play. the program Twoguns stat- desirable. New and experi- and after several girls in the The “season” will culminate at ed, “my intention is to enced players are welcome. high school have shown inter- the Annual Roscoe Tourna- teach any girl interested in est, Twoguns was happy to ment in June, where girls will this great sport the basic Haldane Warms Hearts Elizabeth Nelson blankets for charity groups to ill or traumatized by person- nus. “It was a great way for the club to get together and get in- On March 6th, the LEO Club donate to misfortunate chil- al experiences. “The LEO volved in an important issue.” came together in efforts to dren whom have been hospi- Club spent their lunch peri- This years LEO Club made make blankets for Project Li- talized. The LEO Club has od giving back,” says LEO twelve blankets that will be put nus. Project Linus is a non- been engaging in this charita- Club President Olivia Ol- into the hands of deserving chil- profit organization that col- ble act for the past three sen, who has been a mem- dren. lects old blankets as well as years. The blankets have gone ber since the club started distributes materials to make to children whom are fatally partnering with Project Li- PAGE 4 THE BLUE PRINT WINTER BASKETBALL RECAP Julia Rotando Hamilton. The boys had a The Haldane Girls Basketball teleone and Olivia McDermott very successful season ending team did not have the best rec- both got named to the All For years basketball at Hal- it with a 14-7 record. As the ord going into the postseason Tournament team, along with dane has been one of the most season slowly came to an this year. Losing more than Bela receiving tournament successful and popular winter end, players Mame Diba twice as many games as they MVP. Following this win the sports. The basketball teams (Junior), Kyle Sussmeier won, not many believed they girls took on Millbrook High always tend to make a run in (Senior) and Matt Champlin would be able to bring the title School in the regional semi- the off season, leading to the (Junior) all received awards home again. On February 21st finals on March 5th. Millbrook many section championships and were selected for All the girls beat Alexander Hamil- had defeated Haldane in the and postseason successes. League. Matt Champlin was ton in the section semi finals 62 previous year in the regional Within recent years, the girls selected for the All Confer- -37. Junior Bela Monteleone finals and the Haldane girls had team has won six straight sec- ence team as well. The boys led the team with 26 points, high hopes of getting revenge tion championships (2014- have high hopes for next sea- followed by junior Olivia this year. But, Millbrook once 2019) along with the boys son and believe they will gain McDermott and senior Julia again got the best of Haldane having three consecutive wins back the Class C Section 1 Rotando both adding 11 each.