OUTSIDE FRONT COVER PLACEHOLDER WARNINGWARNING BeforeBefore playingng this game, rreadead the XboxXbox 360® Instructionction Manual and any peripheral manuals forr importantimportant safety and health information.information.n. KeepKeep all manuals for futurefuture reference.reference. Foror replacementreplacement manuals, see www..com/supportwwww.xbo.xbox.com/supporcom/support or call XboxXbox Customer SupporSupport.t..

ImportantImportant Healthth WWarningarning About Playing Video Gamesmes Photosensitive seizuresseizures A veryvery small percentagepercentage ofof peoplepeoople may experience a seizureseizure when exposedosed to cercertaintain visual images, including flashingg lights or patternspatterns that may appear in videoideo games. Even people who have no historyhistorory ofof seizuresseizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosedndiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures”es” while watching video games. These seizuresseizures may have a varietyety ofof symptoms, including lightheadedness,ness, alteredaltered vision, eye or face twitching, jerkingrking or shaking ofof armsarms or legs, disorientation,tation, confusion, or momentarymomentary loss ofof awareness.awareness. SeizuresSeizures may also cause losss ooff consciousness or convulsions thathat can lead to injurinjuryy fromfrom falling down or striking NTENTS nearby objects. CO Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any ooff these symptoms. ParentsParents should watchch for or ask their childrenchildren about the aboveove symptoms— childrenchildren and teenagersteenagers araree moremorre likely than adults to experience these seizures.seizures. The risk ofof photosensitive epileptic seizuresseizurures may be reducedreduced by taking the followingwing precautions:precautions: Sit fartherfarther fromfrom the screen;screen; use a smaller screen;screen; play in a well-lit room;room; do not play ...... 2 ION ...... when you areare drowsydrowsy or fatigued.ed. INTRODUCT . . . . . 4 ® OLLER If you or any ofof your relativesrelatives have a historhistoryy ofof seizuresseizures or epilepsyepilepsy,, consultconssult a doctor 60 CONTR beforebbeforf e playing.l XBOX 3 ...... 5 ...... CONTROLS E . . . . . 6 O THE GAM ETTING INT G . . . . 7 ESRB Game Ratings ...... MENU ...... 8 The EntertainmentEntertainment SoftwareSoftware Rating BoarBoardd (ESRB) ratings areare designedd to prprovideovide MAIN ...... consumers,consumers, especially parparents,ents,s, with concise, imparimpartialtial guidance aboutt the age- OTES . . . . BRIEFING N ...... 1O appropriatenessappropriateness and contentt ooff computer and video games. This informationinforormation can ...... CTIVES . . . help consumersconsumers make informedinformmed purchasepurchase decisions about which gamesmes they deem SSION OBJE . . . . 10 suitable for their childrenchildren andd families. MI ...... UTORIAL . 1 ESRB ratings have two equal parparts:ts: ROOKIE T ...... 1 ...... • Rating Symbols suggestt age apprappropriatenessopriateness for the game. Thesese symbols ...... ME SCREEN . . . . 12 appear on the frfrontont ooff vivirtuallyrtually evereveryy game boboxx available for rretailetailil sale or GA ...... rrentalental in the United Stateses and Canada.Canada ...... 19 COMBAT ...... • Content DescriptorDescriptorss indicatedicate elements in a game that may havee triggertriggereded a ...... parparticularticular rating and/or may be ooff interestinterest or concerconcern.n. The descriptorsdescriptorptors appear USE MENU . . . . . 19 PA ...... on the back ooff the boboxx nnextext to the rating symbol...... TIVES . . . . 20 OBJEC ...... ON FRONT ON BABACKCK ...... NU ...... VIDE TIONS ME . . . . 20 O OP ...... GAME ...... EMENTS . . 21 ACHIEV ...... E ...... CREDITS . For mormoree inforinformation,mation, visit www.ESRB.orgwwww.ESRB.org N o w i t ’s i i n n YO U c o n t R h a n UCTION r o l o f d s : S NTROD t h e N a t h e l l s h I U S p l a n e h u n t e W a l o c k r n V i e t n a m , a f o r C k e r. 2 p u t s e f o r w a r - t o o f “ W a l a n Yo u m s y o u O n c o u r e - n a m e d h i te k d t r y u s t t r e t c a r g o c o d g a n i g h t o s a k e u n g a t o p - s e c m e . t ” i n o l v e t p c a r r y i j u n g l e s o f S e t i t h i s h e m l o s t o v e r t h e t h n t h e i n te n ys te r i te k n i g h t ” i s t o e V i e d a r k s e “ y “ W h a d i s s e n t i n t n a m , n i g s u r v i v e c i a l O p s s q u c h a W a r, h t m a a l h o m b o d i a . A S p i s a p p e a r. n c e t t h i s r i s h r r o r ” Ca ys te r i o u s l y d o e x p i s y o j u n g l e b u t t h e y a l l m b r u ta e r i e n u r s d u r r e t r i e v e i t, e r g e a n t l j u n c e i n i n g f t h e te a m , S b g l e c o te n s e l a te r, o n e o s y s w a m b a t , O n e m o n t h g l e — b u t h e i t h s m a t u t o f t h e j u n te o f u n c h e d a l k e r, w a l k s o m p o b r i d l e Ca l e b W i m i n s a n e , h o r r o d h i g g h a s d r i v e n h r. h g e d ; s o m e t h i n r k n e s s . c h a n o u t o f t h e d a t f o l l o w e d h i m s o m e t h i n g t h a Th e h o r r o r … k l y b r o u g h t e i s t h e n q u i c r b r o t h e r N a t Ca l ’s y o u n g e W h i te k n i g h t ” a t i o n a b o u t “ t o g e t i n f o r m i n t o t r y b e i n g k e p t i n s i b l i n g . Ca l i s h i s d e ra n g e d a r r y i n g f r o m e c a u s e h e i s c t h e m i l i ta r y b u a ra n t i n e b y s t r u c t i v e q o r r i f i c a l l y d e ta g i o u s a n d h l a h i g h l y c o n t t h e n a l l h e l e t b r i e f l y , b u e b r o t h e rs m e v i r u s . Th o r c e s a t ta c k o n g S p e c i a l F s l o o s e : V i e tc o s b r e a k a n d i n t h e c h a l e t o w n b a s e , e r e m o te j u n g . t h t a n d e s c a p e s Ca l b r e a k s o u t h a t f o l l o w s


GAME CONTROLS GAME < > BACK START / Menu highlight button button L l A Menu select w left trigger x right trigger B Menu back y left bumper z right bumper

Y button GAME CONTROLS GAME ACTION B button L Move character A button C Camera button X y Run z Throw grenade Xbox A Flashlight on/off Guide B Melee attack Reload weapon L left stick C right stick X Y Use / Interact / Pickup directional pad l w Snap to Iron Sight x Fire weapon / Punch / Melee s / o Change weapon m / q Switch to flare or grenade j (click L) Stance Toggle > Pause Menu / Objectives


The Main Menu screen is the starting point for all areas of the game. • Once the game loads, press >. • You will be asked to Sign In . If you don’t sign in, you won’t be able Here you can choose: New Game to start a new game; Continue Game to save your settings or progress. to resume from the last checkpoint; Level Select to replay an unlocked level; Options to adjust game and controller options; or Change Gamer Profile • Next, you will be asked to select your storage device. This will be to modify your profile. the location of your Autosave and all manual saves. If this is the first time you are playing Shellshock 2: Blood Trails : • You will now proceed to the Main Menu screen. • Select New Game . • Select Easy , Medium or Hard difficulty. Family Settings • Press > once the level has loaded. These easy and flexible tools enable parents and caregivers to decide which games young game players can access based on the content rating. For more information, go to www.xbox.com/familysettings .


You play Nate Walker. Get to know him well and use these character notes to try to understand the special bond he has with his older Sergeant Caleb (Cal) Walker brother Cal. When the brothers were young, Cal always Private Nathanial (Nate) Walker looked after Nate, especially when they were taunted by other kids about their father’s Nate’s father was dishonorably discharged reputation for cowardice. from the US Army in World War Two for cowardice, after suffering shellshock. In the Army, Cal was always the first to volunteer for the most dangerous Nate’s older brother Cal always resented assignments. This “first into the fight” his father. As soon as the US was sucked mentality generated furious loyalty into the Vietnam conflict, Cal from the soldiers he fought with. volunteered to fight, to prove that he was not a coward like his father. Cal worked his way up to Squad Leader of a Special Ops squad, the squad that was It was not long before he was decorated sent in to track down “Whiteknight.” for bravery at the siege of Khe Sanh. His father was overjoyed at the news of the medal and Nate found himself under increasing pressure to volunteer. But before Nate could decide what to do, he was drafted.


Shellshock 2: Blood Trails has a large number of intense levels. Each level The game screen is deliberately left clear and uncluttered, enabling you has a number of mission objectives that you must complete before you can to see and hear exactly what Nate Walker is experiencing. This conveys progress to the next level. the atmosphere of being there, deep in the jungle, surrounded by hostiles, New objectives are added to the list as you progress. When added, they are the VC after your blood and a terrifyingly contagious virus primed shown briefly on-screen and then listed in the Objectives Menu. and ready to infect you. Completed objectives are checked off. Some HUD items and text messages will appear on-screen briefly , then fade away to clear the screen for action. The screen also graphically reflects Nate’s state of health, shock, stamina, etc. L ROOKIE TUTORIA

When the game begins, you have to hit the ground running. Initially, you won’t know what’s going on. You will be briefed by Master Sergeant Griffin, a fiercely patriotic psychotic who would willingly die for his country. You are in the frontier town where Cal is quarantined. Griffin takes you to meet your incoherent brother. Cal’s first moment of clarity occurs when he recognizes you. There is a connection—but then an explosion blasts through the cell, showering debris into the room. When you come to, you spot Cal escaping with Griffin racing after him. There’s very little time for basic training. You must chase them and learn the basic game controls FAST—your life and the life of your brother now depend on it!

10 11 COMBAT

Weapons Contextual Button Your current weapon in hand is shown on-screen, but be warned that you There are many objects, items, and structures in the game that you can use, will have to find additional weapons to survive. You will find a number pick up, or interact with in some specific way. When you are near of different US and VC weapons; those that can be picked up are the object, an on-screen contextual button prompt will appear. clearly indicated. • Press the contextual button shown on-screen to use, pick up, interact, • Once you possess more than one weapon, you can scroll through them and so on. (put them into your hands) with s/o. Stance Icon Crosshair You have two stance positions in the game: standing and Each pistol, rifle or automatic weapon you are currently holding crouching . Standing gives you more mobility but makes you has an on-screen crosshair sight icon that allows you to aim more vulnerable. Crouching makes you slower across the ground and fire at a specific target. but puts you in a better defensive position. An icon appears The crosshair is permanently on by default, but you can choose to switch it briefly on-screen to show the changed stance. off via the Options Menu. It will then appear on-screen only when you • Click j to switch between standing and crouching. begin to fire. Ammo and Reloading Iron Sight Ammo is at a premium in the game. There’s not much of it around, Each pistol, rifle or automatic weapon also has the option of an Iron Sight. so try not to waste it on indiscriminate fire. This raises the weapon’s sight up to your eye line, and allows you to fire When your weapon is low on ammo, the weapon icon flashes up an accurate, finely controlled shot. on the HUD. When your weapon is out of ammo, the weapon icon • Pull w to use the Iron Sight. appears with a red cross through it. • You cannot use the Iron Sight while running, and you will not see • Press X to reload the equipped weapon. the crosshair.

12 13 Melee Attack Throwing Grenades If an enemy jumps out at you too You can pick up and throw various different objects, such as grenades close for you to aim your weapon, and flares, but in combat the explosive grenades are by far the most you can use a melee attack to smash important. the enemy in the face with whatever • Select the grenade (scroll through your items with / ). is in your hands. m q • Turn and look in the direction you want to throw. • Press B when close to an enemy to melee attack. • Press z to throw the grenade. If you are not carrying a weapon, The grenade is thrown in an arc in the direction you are facing: you will use your fist to smash • If you are looking forward, level with the ground, the grenade will travel the enemy’s face. in a low trajectory arc. • If you are looking up, you’ll get a longer distance on the throw Grapple Attack by pressing, holding and then releasing z. Increase the effort you put If a deranged enemy suddenly gets right into throwing the grenade to increase the thrown distance. in your face, that foe will lock you into A grenade is fitted with a detonation timer that initiates as soon as you a hand-to-hand grapple. release z. This means that a grenade thrown a great distance with a large • To successfully grapple attack the enemy, press the on-screen button trajectory arc can explode in the air above an enemy, making him prompts in sequence. vulnerable even when he is in good cover. • Once you manage to beat down the enemy, pull w / x to perform the finishing move of your choice.

14 15 Heavy Machine Guns Stamina At certain times, you may have to fire Maintaining stamina is very important; it affects everything you do. Prolonged a mounted high-caliber weapon such as sprinting, the effects of shellshock, and taking damage all reduce your stamina a heavy machine gun. These weapons can level. Reduced stamina affects your combat efficiency, reducing your reload do a lot of damage in a short space time and the accuracy of your aim. You can preserve (or top up) stamina by of time , and can be very useful against walking slowly, remaining still or crouching for a period of time. a strong, determined attack. While there is no specific indicator on the HUD to show your stamina level, • Approach the mounted gun by facing you can get a good idea via realistic audio feedback and on-screen effects. the handles, and press Y. You will grab hold of the gun. Breathing • Aim with . The heavier and more frequent your breathing, the lower your stamina. L When your stamina is at its lowest point, your breathing will change • Fire with x. to an unhealthy wheeze and you will only be able to move very slowly • Press Y to release the mounted gun. across the ground. Walking and Running Flashlight Walking is the default character movement in Shellshock 2: Blood Trails . You are carrying a useful flashlight that will help light your way through You can also sprint by pressing and holding y. pitch black tunnels and dark sections of the game. Remember: using • Be aware that running tires you out and uses up stamina. a flashlight will also make you visible to an enemy, so turn it off when it’s not essential to your progress. • Press A to turn the flashlight on/off.


Health You can access the Pause Menu at any time to freeze the game and take You are able to see your current state of health without affecting your field a break from the intense action. The Pause Menu also allows you to: of view: as health decreases, the edges of the screen turn red and begin • Restart the level. to close in. If you continue to take damage and die, your view will go • Return to the last checkpoint. completely dark. As you regain health from injuries, your field of vision is • Access the game options. gradually returned to normal. • View your current objectives.

Injury A number of full-screen effects show the effects of injury, S impaired vision, drug use JECTIVE or shellshock. If Nate is badly OB affected by gas or smoke, you will hear him cough and gasp You can access the Objectives screen at any time. Next objectives will be and the screen will flash. shown briefly on-screen and then listed on the Objectives screen. If an objective has been completed, it will be checked off. • Press > to view your current objectives.

18 19 OPTIONS MENU CREDITS REBELLION You can access the Options Menu from the Main Menu or from the Pause Developed by Designers Animation Voice Talent REBELLION Wayne Adams John Barnard Nick Brewer Menu. It allows you to adjust various control- and game-related options Jonathan Barrett Sarah Deas Peter Brooke REBELLION Oli Clarke-Smith Des Forde Roger Clark and manually save the game. Management CEO Ade Esan Gary Ronaldson Tim Davenport Jason Kingsley Paul Field Duncan Skertchly Darren Daly Ben Gouldstone Emily Denniston CTO Ian Hannigan Asura Engine Code Son Do Chris Kingsley Jamie Morton Catalin Arsenescu Stuart Duffield Control Options Game Options Kevin Nolan Steve Barnett Des Forde • Invert Controls on/off (default: off) • Crosshair yes/no (yes = always on) Head of Production Darren Price Nick Brett Tim Haywood Mike Burnham Andy Sandham James Bulman Ben McCullough • Aim Sensitivity (graduated bar) David Ward Paul Cardy Elaine McCullough Head of Programming Nick Davis Hung Nygen Kevin Floyer-Lea • Aim Assist on/off Save Options Lead Artist Kevin Floyer-Lea Kerry Shale Daryl Clewlow Anthony Gregson Robert G. Slade • Save Game Head of Design Martin Harris • Aim Assist Sensitivity (graduated bar) Tim Jones Tom Scutt • Auto Save on/off Art Mike Healey Eben Young • Control Layout Leavon Archer Steve Keen Game Team Peter Asberg Steven Lovesey Game Music • Left Handed on/off (default: off) Senior Producer Pete Barnard Richard May Martin Iveson View Credits Sean Griffiths Tom Beesley Andrew McDonald Ben McCullough Available from the Main Menu Options Adrian Denne Stuart Middleton Graphics Options Producer Andrew Finch Craig Mitchell IT Support Menu only. John Walsh James Fraser Mark Parry Ed Duerr • Brightness (graduated bar) Jamie Gibson Morgan Parry Robb Howell Assistant Producers Jason Hardman William Plano Andy Liggett Lee Heir Nick Hinton Kim Randell Dan Thomas Richard McClaughry John Lilley Richard Rice Audio Options Eric Miller Doug McPherson Andy Southgate Additional Thanks • Music Volume (graduated bar) Claire Muncey Andy Tate Audio Motion Lead Coder Chris Narchi Neil Young Film Finance Inc. • Sound Volume (graduated bar) Stuart Middleton Jerry Oldreive Thomas Young Andrew Pattinson Special Thanks • Speech Volume (graduated bar) Code Sean Power Head of Audio Paul French Catalin Arsenescu Vidar Rapp Martin Oliver Andy Gibson • Subtitles on/off (default: off) Steve Barnett Lee Ray Iain Hancock James Bulman David Reading Audio Lead Duncan Hopkins Damian Furlong Graham Rice Stuart Duffield Sam Kinch Martin Harris Scott Robinson John O'Brien Mike Healey Jo Taylor Audio Steve Pritchard Steve Keen Paul Trehan-Young Nick Brewer David Reed Andrew McDonald Rick Underhill Tim Haywood Tom Scutt Mark Parry Richard Whitelock Michelle Leonard Olive Sentance ENTS Morgan Parry Matt Wilmot Jordan Pedder Claire Timpany IEVEM Richard Rice Jake Turner H Video Technician Friends, Families AC Guy Symonds Additional Art John Treece-Birch Kornelius Dahl Ian Smith and the better halves Ben Weston Martin Ocheng of all of the staff Can Wetherlit Paul Sparkes QA Manager during the development Ian Tuttle Achievements are awards that you can unlock by completing specific Neil Young Nathan Tang process Thomas Young Andrew Stewart QA tasks within an Xbox 360 game. Each Shellshock 2: Blood Trails Lead Designer Simon Brewer Keith Ledger Hayos Fatumnbi achievement includes an achievement score that will be added to your Pawel Goleniewski Owen Keys gamerscore when it is unlocked. Kevin Marshall Alejandro Millican Oliver Scott 20 21 EIDOS, INC. MUSIC EXECUTIVE REGIONAL SALES WEB SYSTEMS FACILITIES ASSISTANT “Free Bird” “Me Ya Ya” “L’edge en Dame” VICE PRESIDENT MANAGER MANAGER Claire Laik Performed by Written by Andrew Barnabas, Written by Andrew Barnabas OF SALES Holly Robinson John Glass Lynyrd Skynyrd Paul Arnold & Li Jiang. and Paul Arnold & MARKETING IT DIRECTOR Written by Lyrics by Li Jiang Performed by the City of Prague Robert Lindsey SALES & MARKETING WEB ADMINISTRATOR Brian Venturi (Van Sant/Collins) Vocals by Amy Li, backing Philharmonic Orchestra. SERVICES MANAGER Veronica Rueda Courtesy of MCA vocals by Li Jiang. Guitar – Louis Thorne SENIOR DIRECTOR Ilana Budanitsky IT SUPPORT Records Inc Drums & percussion – Orchestrated and conducted HUMAN RESOURCES SENIOR KEY ACCOUNT Barnaby Go Under licence from Universal Alex Reeves, by Nic Raine Lisa Dennis SALES SUPPORT MANAGER Patrick Laciste Music Operations Guitars – Louis Thorne, Recorded at Barrandov Scoring SUPERVISOR Kevin Witte Andre Rodriguez Published by Duchess Music Bass – Chris Taylor, Stage, Smecky Studios, Prague. MARKETING Lena Sparks-Anderson Robert Hernandez Corp/Longitude Music Trumpet – Paul Arnold Engineered and mixed DIRECTOR SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Travis Rogers Co/Universal/ Recorded at Blue Bank Studios, by Jan Holzner Karl Stewart LEGAL & BUSINESS Chen Jieping Ryan Worrell MCA Music Ltd Cambridgeshire. Engineered Produced by James Fitpatrick AFFAIRS MANAGER & edited by Chris Taylor MARKETING Clinton Waasted SENIOR PAYROLL SPECIAL THANKS Music produced by Bob & Barn, COORDINATOR & BENEFITS JVST “A Horse Side UK. Joveth Gonzalez CHANNEL MARKETING ADMINISTRATOR Robert Dang With No Name” SPECIALIST Dee Edwards Connie Cheung Cover version produced PR SPECIALIST Rafal Dudziec Matt Dahlgren by Hal Ritson “All the Smoke” Stanley Phan ACCOUNTS PAYABLE John Lerma and Richard Adlam Written by Leavon Archer, OPERATIONS ANALYST SPECIALIST Kelly Xu Lisa Sakurai Arsenia Delacueva Written by Dewey Bunnell Andrew Barnabas SENIOR MANAGER Rich Campbell © 1972 WARNER BROS MUSIC & Paul Arnold. OF PRODUCT Rudy Geronimo LTD (PRS). LICENSED Lyrics by Leavon Archer MANAGEMENT U.S. MASTERING CREDIT MANAGER Greg Wu Mai Kawaguchi Brian O’Leary COURTSEY OF WARNER/ Vocals & Guitar – & SUBMISSIONS Oonagh Morgan CHAPPELL MUSIC (UK) LTD. Leavon Archer, SUPERVISOR Cale Byrom CREATIVE SERVICES Jordon Romaidis RECEPTIONIST Guitars – Guthrie Govan, Drums & percussion – MANAGER Elizabeth Adelman Vocals – Roland Jones, Alex Reeves, Mike Cala U.S. MANUAL Drums – Richard Adlam, Bass – Chris Taylor, Hanshaw Ink & Image SENIOR FACILITIES Keyboards by Hal Ritson Organ – Paul Arnold. CREATIVE SERVICES COORDINATOR Recorded at Blue Bank Studios, PROJECT MANAGER Tilo Ortega Cambridgeshire. Engineered Julie Moretti & edited by Chris Taylor Music produced by Bob & Barn, Side UK.

22 23 EIDOS LIMITED WARRANTY TES The medium (i.e., disc/cartridge) on which an Eidos game This limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, NO software product is recorded (“Game Disc”) is warranted whether oral or written, express or implied, including, to the original purchaser of the product to be free from without limitation, any warranty of merchantability defects in materials and workmanship for a period or fitness for a particular purpose, and no other of ninety (90) days from the original date of purchase. representation of any nature shall be binding on or If the Game Disc is found to be defective in materials and obligate Eidos. If any such warranties are incapable of workmanship within 90 days from the date of purchase, exclusion, then such warranties applicable to an Eidos Eidos agrees to replace the Game Disc to the original software product are limited to the 90-day period purchaser thereof, free of charge, upon receipt of the described above. In no event will Eidos be liable for any Game Disc and required proof of purchase. The foregoing special, incidental or consequential damages resulting replacement remedy is the sole and exclusive remedy for from possession, use or malfunction of an Eidos software breach of the foregoing limited warranty, and Eidos shall product, including damage to property, and to the extent have no obligation to provide such remedy (i.e., free permitted by law, damages for personal injury, even Game Disc replacement) with respect to (i) any recording when Eidos has been advised of the possibility of such medium damaged by abuse, mistreatment or neglect (e.g., damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitation as to cracks, scratches, damage from application of chemicals), how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or (ii) any defect arising after ninety (90) days from the limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the original date of purchase of the corresponding product or above limitation and/or exclusion of liability may not (iii) in instances where the original purchaser cannot apply to you. In such jurisdictions, Eidos’ liability shall be produce a copy of the original sales receipt dated no limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. earlier than 90 days preceding the date of return.


For warranty claims and product support, please In the event the Recording Medium or Manual is contact us at support.eidosinteractive.com (or confirmed to be defective and replacement is subject to www.eidosinteractive.com) or (650) 421-7670. Our the foregoing limited warranty, you will need to return, Customer Services Department personnel are available postage prepaid, the Recording Medium/Manual (along between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Pacific with its packaging, unless advised to the contrary by time) Monday through Friday (except holidays). You are Eidos Customer Service Department personnel) together responsible for all toll charges. Customer Support with a copy of your original sales receipt (dated no earlier Representatives will not provide game hints, strategies, than 90 days preceding the date of your return), and a or codes. statement containing a brief description of the difficulty To initiate a warranty return, you will need an RMA# you are experiencing, the applicable RMA# you have been (“Return Merchandise Authorization”) from our Custom issued, your first and last name, return address, email er Services Department. (Any materials not containing address and phone number to Eidos Customer Service at an RMA# sent to Eidos may be returned unprocessed.) the following address to receive warranty replacement: In many cases, return and replacement of a Recording Eidos, Inc. Medium or Manual isn’t the best solution for the RMA# (state your authorization number here) problem(s) you may be experiencing or replacement may 1300 Seaport Boulevard, Suite 100 not be covered under the foregoing limited warranty. Our Redwood City, CA 94063 Customer Services Department personnel can help you determine if replacement is necessary and covered under warranty.

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails © Eidos Interactive Limited, 2009. Co-published by Eidos, Inc. and Warner Bros. Interactive Register Online at Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc. Developed by Rebellion Developments Ltd. Shellshock, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails, Eidos, Eidos Interactive and the Eidos logo are trademarks of Eidos Interactive Ltd. Rebellion and the Rebellion logo are trademarks of Rebellion Developments Ltd. Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1991-2008 by RAD www.eidosregistration.com Game Tools, Inc. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. The rating icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s09) 24 OUTSIDE BACK COVER PLACEHOLDER