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Open Engagment Group A Habitable Worlds 2021 Workshop Open Engagement – Group A Abstract # Title 1st Author 8 Rocky Worlds and their Siblings Lauren Weiss Exploring Biogenic Dispersion Inside Star Clusters with Javier Darío 10 System Dynamic Modeling Salcedo Dynamical and Biological Panspermia Constraints Within 11 Dimitri Veras Multiplanet Exosystems 13 Origins of Kepler-1656b's Extreme Eccentricity Isabel Angelo EUV Spectroscopy with the ESCAPE Mission: Exploring the 14 Kevin France Stellar Drivers of Exoplanet Habitability Planetary Magnetic Fields, Planetary Interiors, and 18 T. Joseph LaZio Habitability Impact of Photochemistry in Terrestrial P type Circumbinary 22 Michaela Leung Exoplanetary Atmospheres Statistical Assessment of Thermochemical Disequilibria in 23 Theresa Fisher Exoplanets: Implications for Biosignature Detection Testing key concepts of planetary habitability using 24 Martin Turbet observations of nearby rocky exoplanets New Near-UV H2O Cross-Sections & Photochemistry of Early 25 Sukrit Ranjan Earth-like Atmospheres Magnetospheres of Terrestrial Exoplanets and Exomoons - 26 James Green Implications for Habitability and Detection Modeling Flood Basalt Volcanic Climate Disruptions: 27 Scott Guzewich Implications for Terrestrial Planet Habitability MHD Effects of the Stellar Wind on Observations of Escaping 28 Laura Harbach Exoplanet Atmospheres A Framework for Relative Biosignature Yields from Future 30 Noah Tuchow Direct Imaging Missions On the prospect of detecting habitable trojan planets in the 31 Jeffrey Sudol Kepler circumbinary planetary systems 32 Inter-model Comparisons for Exoplanets Thomas FaucheZ Imaging Small Planets Around the Very Nearest Stars with 37 Rory Bowens METIS on ELT 39 The Role of Orbital Dynamics In Planetary Habitability Stephen Kane 41 On the oligarchic growth in a fully interacting system Zoltan Dencs 42 Methane: the Ideal Biosignature for the JWST Era? Maggie Thompson Using the Sun-Earth Interaction to Explore Exoplanetary 43 David Alexander Systems High pCO2 reduces sensitivity to CO2 perturbations on 44 temperate, Earth-like planets throughout most of habitable Robert Graham Zone Taking the photometric pulse of Venus, our nearest terrestrial 45 planet: Probing atmospheric super-rotation rather than surface Yeon Joo Lee features 48 Phosphine and the importance of unusual biosignatures Clara Sousa-Silva 50 Hiding Planets Near and Far Thea Faridani 51 Entering the Habitable Zone: An Earth-like Perspective Johnny Seales The Effect of Cryoconite on the Deglaciation Thresholds of 53 Nicholas Duong Snowball Planets Transmission Spectroscopy of Exo-Solar Systems in the TESS 54 Colby Ostberg Era Madeline 57 New Estimates of Nitrogen Oxide and Hydrogen Cyanide Christensen 58 Habitability Models for Exoplanet Sciences Abel MendeZ Mars ~3 Ga had river-forming climates at low average pCO2, 59 raising the likelihood of false negatives in the search for Edwin Kite habitable exoplanets Water on hot rocky exoplanets and the sub-Neptune-to-super- 60 Edwin Kite Earth transition The Large Interferometer for Exoplanets (LIFE) mission: Daniel 61 characteriZing habitable planets in the mid-infrared Angerhausen Hubble WFC3 Transmission Spectroscopy of the Habitable 62 Billy Edwards Zone Super-Earth LHS 1140 b 63 Interiors of water-rich planets: what do we know about them? Allona VaZan 64 Habitability at the End of the Universe Ray Pierrehumbert Transport of surface oxidants into internal oceans by brine 65 Marc Hesse migration through ice shells 67 Climate on High Obliquity Planet Wanying Kang 68 The Sun's Magnetic Activity is Normal for its Age Jason Curtis On the Lithology and Mineralogy of Polluted White Dwarf 69 Keith Putirka Materials Photochemistry of planetary atmospheres with 3D Global 70 Yassin JaZiri Climate Model A Snowball in Hell: The Potential Steam Atmosphere of TOI- 71 Sonny Harman 1266c Planetary Archaeology: Exploring Planets Transiting Red 74 Samuel Grunblatt Giant Stars Potential storage of molecular hydrogen in CaTiO3 perovskite 76 Suyu Fu in the deep interiors of rocky planets 81 A Bolt from the Blue - Lightning on Terrestrial Exoplanets Laura Lewis Stellar flares and planetary habitability: atmospheric escape, 82 Dimitra Atri chemistry and radiation dose enhancement Early (In)Habitability Among Exoplanets: A 1D ParameteriZed 85 Matthew Weller Approach Linking the Mantle-Tectonics-Atmospherics System Magnetic Fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to 86 David Brain Habitability (MACH) The Effect of Radiative Time Step on the Climate of a L1 Robert Washington Habitable Planet Detecting Biosignatures of Nearby Rocky Exoplanets: L2 Simulations of High Spectral Resolution Observations with the Sophia Vaughn ELTs .
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