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September 15 – 21, 2017

What was going on in Chattanooga in 1967? Saturday, Sept. 16 Mrs. Z. Cartter Patten, Chattanooga area histori- an, won the Certifi cate of Commendation at the an- nual meeting of the Amer- ican Association of State Emily O’Donnell and Local History held Aug. Heidi Hoffecker 29-Sept. 2 in Toronto. She Photograph by David Laprad won the award for her work Virginia Anne Sharber with the Association for Photograph provided Preservation of Tennessee Antiquities and her spon- Photograph provided sorship of the Messages of the Governors of Tennes- see, edited by state histori- an Robert H. White. Life after law: Mrs. C.C. Burgner, a teacher in the Chattanoo- ga and Hamilton County school systems for 37 years, Taking legal skills to new fields died  ursday after a long illness. Her last position of law school, passing the bar exam and was at Tyner High School, Attorneys give up practices, find new establishing careers as attorneys, they where she taught for 15 stepped away from the legal profession. years. Her husband, C. ways to aid organizations, community To non-attorneys – and some prac- C. Burgner, was principal ticing attorneys – this sounds crazy. there from 1922-1959, By David Laprad and write contracts. But lawyers do leave the profession when they both retired. “If you have to work for a living and for a variety of reasons, some of which Sunday, Sept. 17 hattanooga attorney Emily you’re going to be a lawyer, then, by include the insurmountable work load, O’Donnell loved the prac- Open house for the gen- golly, litigation is pretty darn fun,” she the pressure to constantly prevail in an tice of law. She enjoyed eral public was held Sunday says. antagonistic system and boredom with the thrill of spotting an at the multi-million dollar Virginia Anne Sharber was one of the daily grind. issue in a case and devising new facility of Chattanooga the attorneys Hoff ecker apparent-  ere are other reasons attorneys a strategy to address it. She liked the State Technical Institute, ly didn’t know existed. After a brief call off their careers mid-stride, some of gamesmanship of going up against an- 4501 Amnicola Highway. dalliance with trial work, Sharber found which are not as black and white as be- Cother entity and, as a Legal Aid lawyer, her niche in commercial real estate. She Sessions Court Judge ing overworked, stressed or bored. Such was scratching her itch to do good in Russell Hinson will moder- says the win-win nature of putting to- was the case with O’Donnell, Hoff ecker the world. gether a deal suited her better than the and Sharber, each of whom has a new See 50 YEARS, page 23 Likewise, Heidi Hoff ecker could adversarial nature of going to court. career. not imagine a better job than being a “I also liked pointing out the build- As these former lawyers pursued INSIDE litigator. In law school, she was so eager ings I’d worked on to my kids,” she says. new frontiers, they found themselves to someday be in court that she never But O’Donnell, Hoff ecker and Shar- challenged in fresh ways and discovered ■ FINANCIAL FOCUS P10 even considered that some people were ber are no longer practicing law. After See CAREERS, page 2 ■ REAL ESTATE P13 there to learn how to negotiate deals enduring (and paying for) three years

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EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR CHATTANOOGA BAR ASSOCIATION The lureofthelaw has yettoleavethem. that althoughthey’veleftthelaw,law piration. “It was the weed-out class – and piration. “Itwastheweed-outclass–and Maryville CollegecrushedHoffecker’s as- intended tobecomeaforensicpathologist. mind asshestartedcollege.Instead, was thefarthestthingfromHoff ecker’s other sundrydilemmasfortheindigent. victims ofdomesticviolenceandresolved in dangerofbeingevicted,represented ere,sheadvocatedforclients whowere attorney atLegalAidofEastTennessee. Atlanta, O’Donnellfoundworkasastaff courtroom advocacy.” learned throughmocktrialthatIliked were researchersandwriters,Ihad to court,”O’Donnellsays.“Mostofthem aspiration. mental ProtectionAgencycrushedher of Law.AninternshipwiththeEnviron- to theGeorgiaStateUniversityCollege mental lawyer,O’Donnellmadeherway doors,’” O’Donnellsays. LSAT andgotolawschool.Itwillopen erestofushavetogetajob,sotakethe torney said,‘Emily,onlypriestsarecalled. wanted tobe,afamilyfriend,who’sanat- “took astabattheLSAT.” credit. Shedidn’twanttowasteit,soshe ed severalthousanddollarsineducation ended twoyearslater,she’daccumulat- preservation. also developedaloveforenvironmental camped forseveraldaysatatime.She that wereinfestedwithbarkbeetlesand parks, cutdownmassivePonderosaPines na, O’Donnelldidtrailworkinnational by thefederalgovernment. Corps, acivilserviceprogramsupported securing employment,shejoinedAmeri- science degreetobelessthanhelpfulin rations ofgoingtograduateschool.” lawyer,” shesays.“Ididn’tevenhaveaspi- educational experience.” she enjoyedwhatcalls“anindulgent wanee: eUniversityoftheSouth,where earned herundergraduatedegreeatSe- CAREERS A class on organic chemistry at A classonorganicchemistryat Like O’Donnell,becominganattorney After movingtoChattanoogaescape “ elawyersIworkedwith neverwent With aneyeonbecomingenviron- “While Iwasgrapplingwithwhat When O’Donnell’stermofservice While stationedinFlagstaff, Arizo- When O’Donnellfoundherpolitical “I didn’tgrowupfeelingcalledtobea A Decatur,Georgia,native,O’Donnell Chattanooga Bar Association | The Pioneer Building | Suite 420 | 801 Broad Street | Chattanooga, TN 37402TN Chattanooga,StreetBroad | 801 423-756-3222 | 420| Suite | Building Pioneer The Fax:| Association BarChattanooga | 423-265-6602 | Bar Association Bar notes from the the notesfrom Chattanooga

News and Newsand Executive Committee Steven M.Jacoway Steven William Colvin G.

PRESIDENT-ELECT Bar Association Lee Davis Lee SECRETARY PRESIDENT See page 3 page CAREERS, From page1 Honorable Christie M. M. Christie Honorable serves adults and children withintellectual disabilities. Heidi Hoffecker, formerly alitigator withBaker Donelson, isnow development director of Orange Grove, aprivate nonprofit that Emily O’Donnell has gone from Legal Aid to the Public Education Foundation to The Women’s Fund, where she is now executive director. John C. Harrison John C. PASTPRESIDENT TREASURER Sell Hamilton CountyHerald Board of Governors Barret S. Albritton S. Barret Jeffrey W.Jeffrey Maddux George G. Hixson G. George YLD REPRESENTATIVEYLD Brittany T.Brittany Faith Jimmy Rodgers Marc Harwell Marc Sheri FoxSheri

The Honorable Pamela The Pamela Honorable JUDICIAL REPRESENTATIVEJUDICIAL Ex-Officio Member Fleenor Photograph by David Laprad Photograph by David Laprad 3

| CHATTANOOGA BAR ASSOCIATION September 15 – 21, 2017 15 – 21, September >> PAGE 4 CAREERS >> PAGE PEF boasted upon hiring O’Don- PEF boasted leftTwo months ago, O’Donnell left the prac- Whereas O’Donnell ecker transferred to In 2002, Hoff was untenable,” shee situation “ A change needed to be made ecker had been on the orga- Hoff ecker’s exit from the practice Hoff Sharber remained with Miller & nell that she served on the board of served on the board nell that she of Greater Chat- e Women’s Fund t that advocates nonprofi tanooga, a policies and local level for on a state girls. Passion- ect women and that aff O’Donnell wasate about the issues, of the organiza- a long-time member tion. the executivethe PEF to become e Women’s Fund. director of more impact in hertice of law to have to be presentcommunity, a desire with a much smaller but no less important group of people motivat- departure from theecker’s ed Hoff profession. Baker Donelson to handle nursing home litigation. But the demands of the practice – 16-hour days and regular road trips – did not mesh well with her responsibilities at home, especially after she and her second husband added a son to the mix. says. “ I couldn’t continue to give my and family what they allrm, clients fi deserved.” didn’t know what toecker but Hoff do. When she learned that Orange t Grove Center, a private nonprofi that serves adults and children with intellectual disabilities, was hiring a development director, her uncertain- ty transformed into resolve and she applied for the job. nization’s board since 2009. Her vol- unteer service as well as her personal interest in the population Orange Grove served worked in her favor, t gave her the nod. and the nonprofi of law was marked with hesitation. In comparison, Sharber’s career change was a ride in the park on a sunny day. appeal, Bailey argues (1) the trial court erred in admitting the victim’s statements identifying him as the perpetrator of the shooting and cient to sustain his (2) the evidence is insuffi rm Bailey’s convictions convictions. We affi but remand the case for entry of a corrected ecting an indicted and judgment in Count 1 refl rst degree premeditated conviction offense of fi murder in violation of Tennessee Code Annotat- ed section 39-13-202 and a corrected judgment ecting an indicted offense of in Count 2 refl rearm after having been con- possession of a fi victed of a felony drug offense in violation of Tennessee Code Annotated section 39- 17-1307. State of Tennessee v. Charles Fowlkes Case number: E2016-02386-CCA-R3-CD Authoring judge: Judge Camille R. McMullen Originating judge: Judge Don W. Poole led: Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017 Date fi The Defendant, Charles Fowlkes, entered a uence (DUI) guilty plea to driving under the infl in exchange for a sentence of 11 months and 29 days to be served on probation after the service of 48 hours in the Hamilton County jail. ed question of The Defendant reserved a certifi law challenging the denial of his motion to sup- press, which alleged that he was unconstitution- ally stopped and seized. Following our review, rm the judgment of the trial court. we affi Photograph by David Laprad David by Photograph

Tennessee Appellate Court Opinions Court Appellate Tennessee To begin focusing on systemic Under the umbrella of external re- State of Tennessee v. Charles Fowlkes - concurring Case number: E2016-02386-CCA-R3-CD Authoring judge: Judge Robert L. Holloway, Jr. Originating judge: Judge Don W. Poole led: Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017 Date fi rming I concur with the majority’s opinion affi the trial court’s judgment based on the failure of the Defendant to strictly comply with the prerequisites established in State v. Preston, 759 S.W.2d 647 (Tenn. 1988). State of Tennessee v. Kaylon Sebron Bailey Case number: E2015-01127-CCA-R3-CD Authoring judge: Judge Camille R. McMullen Originating judge: Judge Rebecca J. Stern led: Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017 Date fi Following a mistrial for juror misconduct, the Defendant-Appellant, Kaylon Sebron Bailey, was convicted as charged by a Hamilton County rst degree premeditated Criminal Court jury of fi rearm after having murder and possession of a fi been convicted of a felony drug offense. See T.C.A. §§ 39-13-202, 39-17-1307(b)(1)(B) (Supp. 2011). The trial court imposed a life sentence for the murder conviction before sentencing Bailey, pursuant to an agreement between the parties, as a Range I standard offender to a concurrent rearm offense. On two-year sentence for the fi desperately needed, if the educa- tion system allows you to leave high school and you can’t read a lease, you’re going to be evicted over and over and over again.” change rather than individual case- work, O’Donnell left Legal Aid and the practice of law and took a job with the Public Education Founda- tion. lations, O’Donnell built partnerships, wrote grants and handled media relations. Hamilton County Herald County Hamilton As O’Donnell helped the endless “I could save a woman from “While individual services are “It was terrifi c fun. I loved learn- “It was terrifi Of the three former attorneys, only Born and raised in Chattanooga, A liberal arts education at Van- Sharber secured a position with ankfully, Sharber says, Miller & Although all three attorneys in- parade of people in dire straits, she started to think of poverty as a series of systems rather than individuals. is revelation birthed in her a desire ect change on a broader scale. to eff eviction or help someone divorce an abuser, but I wasn’t changing the sys- at tem that kept them in poverty. was frustrating,” she says. loved her cases. ing about the medicine for each new case, and interacting with the doc- tors, witnesses and opposing counsel was very rewarding,” she says. rm plans to be- Sharber had early, fi come a lawyer – and nothing crushed her aspiration. Sharber grew up watching her dad, the Hon. Robert M. Summitt, in the courtroom. derbilt University prepared her for classes at the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville, where she studied to become a litigator. Miller & Martin after graduating in rm indulged her de- 1984, and the fi sire to try cases in court. But she soon found herself at odds with the work. Martin allowed her to transition to a commercial practice. “I loved it. It was a better match for my personali- ty,” she adds. tended to practice law for the rest of their lives, each eventually arrived at a divergence that took them in unex- pected directions. The paths less traveled From page 2 From

Hoff ecker graduated with an Hoff ecker and her hus- In 1990, Hoff ghting in- ecker also was fi Hoff “I thought if I added a ‘J.D.’ after ecker attend- Like O’Donnell, Hoff ecker soon realized she was Hoff So, unsure about where her law de- rm ecker started with the fi Hoff CAREERS it weeded me out,” she says, laughing. English degree in 1989, but unlike O’Donnell didn’t look for work. Rather, she settled into being full- rst child, Rachel, time mother to her fi born the same year in Knoxville with Down syndrome. band at the time moved close to St. Louis for his job. Once there, she began working a series of clerical and secretarial jobs at Washington University School of Law. surance companies and the Social Security Administration on behalf of her daughter. Feeling like she was trying to swim upstream, she decided to go to law school. my name, it would carry more weight than ‘mom,’” she says. ed law school at UTK, which she said was cheaper than “Wash U” and more accommodating to families. Her goal at the time was to become “the greatest advocate for disability rights ever.” aiming too high. “I couldn’t be Ra- chel’s advocate and mom and be a disability advocate at work,” she says. at would have been too emotion- “ ally demanding.” ecker gree was going to take her, Hoff slipped her resume into all the slots at the job fair and did the customary round of interviews. Robinson Smith & Wells in Chattanooga bit. in 1996, and while there developed a practice centered on professional ecker negligence defense work. Hoff Virginia Anne Sharber, who served on and led a variety of boards in the Chattanooga area while with Miller & Martin, is now executive director director executive Miller & Martin, while with is now area in the Chattanooga boards of on and led a variety who served Anne Sharber, Virginia Art. American of Museum Hunter of 4 | September 15 – 21, 2017 Hamilton County Herald

n HCH VIEW FROM CAPITOL HILL Hamilton County Herald Opioid committee: Good start, issues ahead 102 years of service Smyrna Police Chief Kevin serve on the task force she ap- programs for screening, assess- Telephone 423-602-9270 Arnold can remember the fi rst pointed, and she says she hopes ment, detoxifi cation, family Fax 423-602-9269 time his detectives brought Gov. Bill Haslam will make it a intervention, residential rehab, 735 Broad Street Suite 406 a heroin case to him three or key point in his budget. If not, recovery houses, day treatment Chattanooga, TN 37402 four years ago. she says she believes the Gen- and outpatient services. – CHATTANOOGA – “Of course, my reaction im- eral Assembly will put money It also calls for setting up David Laprad mediately was, ‘I thought that in the budget to provide more pilot recovery schools in each Editor went away in the late 70s.’ But treatment statewide. grand division, expanding par- [email protected] Sam Stockard we’re seeing it. In fact, we are “ is is an ongoing battle, ticipation in recovery courts, Dianna Chambers averaging approximately fi ve [email protected] and it does not end here today,” distributing Naloxone to law Display Advertising [email protected] heroin overdoses a month just Harwell adds as the task force enforcement to treat over- 615-254-5522 in the town of Smyrna,” adds to quell this scourge on the is wrapping up the crux of its doses in “high-risk” areas and Arnold, whose city about 10 state of Tennessee, Arnold says work. expanding Naltrexone grant Julia Warren Foreclosures, Public Notices miles southeast of Nashville has throwing people in jail isn’t the e House speaker, who is programs for state prison and [email protected] a population of nearly 48,600. answer. running for governor but not county jail inmates addicted to 901-521-1196 If Smyrna is experiencing Recommendations by an stepping away from the Legisla- opioids. Donna Gosnell that number of drug overdoses Ad Hoc Task Force on Opioid ture in 2018, even thanked and In addition, it directs state Circulation, Online Subscriptions as a suburb, the problem clearly Abuse approach the problem commended the media for cov- departments to come up with customerservice@ is worse in Nashville, Knoxville from several directions, Arnold ering the epidemic, somewhat a model for the distribution of 615-254-5522 and Memphis, he adds. But points out, including treat- of a rarity. Naltrexone, a medication de- Arnold concedes Tennessee’s ment, which is a crucial part of “ ankfully, this issue is get- signed to stop opioid activity. – CORPORATE OFFICES– rural areas are facing an opioid any solution because putting ting the attention necessary for From a policy standpoint, it 193 Jefferson Ave. crisis, as well, with thousands people in jail for a few days and us to take these serious actions. calls for adding 25 Tennessee Memphis, TN 38103 of people dying annually state- then sending them back out I look forward to continue Bureau of Investigation agents Eric Barnes Publisher, CEO wide. into the world is “not going to hearing from those interested to fi ght the opioid epidemic. [email protected] “My mother lives in Living- treat the problem.” in this issue and working with at fi scal item alone could Lyle Graves ston, and it seems like every As with most things, though, the General Assembly next cost a few million dollars. Associate Publisher, time I call home I’m getting Arnold acknowledges many year,” she says. “We have not expanded Executive Editor a report on someone I went of the answers revolve around In fact, the fi rst item on the their resources signifi cantly, [email protected] to school with whose kid has money. task force’s list of recommen- and yet this plague, this opioid Pam Mallett either died from an overdose The proposal dations for treatment puts the epidemic, has hit our state Chief Financial Officer or is in some type of rehab,” governor on notice that the and it is critical that we have [email protected] House Speaker Beth Harwell Arnold says. House of Representatives wants more agents on the ground,” says treatment expansion and Member of: But while the law enforce- to see a fi scal 2019 budget says state Rep. William Lam- funding will be “a priority” for Tennessee Press Association ment community is prepared bolstering nonprofi t, faith- the group of lawmakers who National Newspaper Association to work with the Legislature based and local government See OPIOID ABUSE, page 5 American Court & Commercial Newspapers

>> CAREERS From page 3 work in the community. Foundation, Allied Arts (now But she doesn’t believe her Her service over 30 years called ArtsBuild), Women’s experiences with public art Martin her entire career, but as was extensive and included Fund, Community Foundation led the museum’s board to she settled into her fi fties, she turns as chair of the board of and Chattanooga Women’s hire her. Rather, she believes slowly applied the brake on her e Bright School, as well as Leadership Institute boards. her lack of artistic bones – as practice, went of counsel and chair of the CHI Memorial Sharber also served on the well as her commitment to started to do more volunteer boards of Baylor School and her community and her broad Subscription $15 per year the Chattanooga Symphony & connections within it – made By mail Opera. her an attractive candidate. Single copy • 50 cents She’s currently chairing “Maybe they thought I could Postmaster send the YMCA of Metropolitan give them the perspective of changes of address to: Chattanooga board and the the average person and help Hamilton County Herald Chattanooga Public Art Com- them to make the museum ap- P.O. Box 3008 mittee, and is serving on the pealing to everyone,” Sharber Memphis, TN 38173 Chattanooga Girls Leadership says. Hamilton County Herald Academy, River City Compa- While their life stories USPS #120710 ny and Chattanooga Design diff er, O’Donnell, Hoff ecker published weekly by Hamilton County Herald, LLC., Studio boards. and Sharber have the law in Periodicals Postage Sharber’s fondness for saying common. ey also share the paid at “yes” to community service also challenges of settling into an Chattanooga, Tennessee landed her a stint as interim unfamiliar role after estab- Material published in the Hamilton County Herald is compiled at considerable expense and is executive director of Hunter lishing themselves in another for the sole and exclusive use of our subscribers. Museum of American Art in profession. But within that The contents of the Hamilton County Herald January 2015. Six months later, common experience, their may not be republished, resold or reproduced in any manner, in whole or in part without the the board made it permanent. stories deviate again to reveal consent of the publisher. Any infringement may Other than one art history surprises about themselves and be subject to legal redress. class at Vanderbilt, Sharber has the new paths they are walking. The records contained in the Hamilton Coun- ty Herald are taken from those fi led in the public no formal training in the arts. New challenges record and do not necessarily refl ect the fi nancial But she has enough credibil- standing of the parties involved. Care is taken to ity to fi ll a several pages of a When O’Donnell was publish suits, judgements, other documents resume. off ered the job leading e exactly as they appear in the public record. Women’s Fund, the idea of However, the Hamilton County Herald assumes U.S. Senator Bob Corker no liability for errors or omissions. Persons who tapped Sharber to chair the spearheading the organization rely solely on these contents do so at their own intimidated her. At Legal Aid, risk. Public Art Committee when she practiced alongside her fel- Any explanation of these items, as well as he served as mayor. During her correction of any erroneous information, will be term, she oversaw the installa- low attorneys, and at the PEF, published upon timely notifi cation by proper tion of a $1.2 million public art she worked under the auspices correspondence. of other people. The editors are responsible for the writing venture along Chattanooga’s and display of the news, data and features in this waterfront. Sharber also co- But the nature of O’Donnel’s newspaper. If you have a question or suggestion, chaired Chattanooga Forward, work at e Women’s Fund you may call during normal business hours. has allowed her to slip comfort- – Susanne Reed, General Manager Chattanooga Mayor Andy 423-602-9270 Berke’s arts and culture task ably into a leadership role. As [email protected] force. See CAREERS, page 11 Hamilton County Herald September 15 – 21, 2017 | 5 Tennesseans can now Events [email protected] register to vote online Family Fun Day at Hunter Museum updated resumes to the event. Information: Children and families are invited to, www.parkridgemedicalcen- Tennesseans can now regis- do so online,” says Rep. Gerald Hunter Museum on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2-4 ter to vote using the state’s new McCormick (R-Chattanooga). p.m., for an afternoon of hands-on activities Southern Lit auction and benefit online registration system. e “ e process is quick and easy and live performances, including a teen zone system allows voters to register and can be completed from Join the Southern Lit Alliance ursday, with zine making, music by Slim Pickins, or change their address. home. Registering to vote will Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m., at e Venue Chattanoo- word painting, mask making, marionette “ is system meets people allow citizens across our state ga, 4119 Cummings Highway, for an auction making and a puppet theatre, all inspired where they already are: online,” to have their voices heard of original work by a variety of regional by the Hunter’s current special exhibi- Tennessee Secretary of State during the 2018 election.” artists. e proceeds from the evening will tion, “ rill After rill: irty Years of Tre Hargett says. “In addition, e system can also stream- benefit Southern Lit’s community outreach Wayne White.” it will improve accuracy and ef- line the process of changing programs such as the Bradley County Jail ficiency for voters and election a voter’s address. It allows Parkridge job fair reading group, Young Southern Student officials by ensuring there are someone to update their infor- Nursing and patient care professionals Writers’ Awards and eater Express for fewer errors and more accurate mation online while reducing seeking career opportunities are invited Hamilton County fourth graders. voter rolls.” time-consuming data entry to attend an open house and job fair at Women’s Fund Voices luncheon e new system will allow by state or county employees, Parkridge Medical Center Wednesday, Sept. e Women’s Fund of Greater Chatta- U.S. citizens with a driver’s who traditionally had to type 20, 5-8 p.m. During the event, Parkridge nooga will host its fifth annual Voices Lun- license or photo ID issued by in what voters wrote on paper Health System recruiters will be looking to cheon on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at Stratton the Tennessee Department of forms. fill more than 100 registered nursing and pa- Hall. e doors will open at 10:45 a.m. for Safety and Homeland Security Tennesseans must register tient care tech positions within the system’s the Power of the Purse silent auction. e to register to vote online. Each online or use a paper form at Chattanooga locations, which also include program will conclude at 1 p.m. online submission is checked least 30 days before an election Parkridge East Hospital and Parkridge Valley Shelley Zalis will deliver the keynote against the department’s to participate. Hospital. address. Zalis is the founder of the Female database while obtaining an For more information, visit e open house and job fair will be held Quotient, which works with corporations to electronic signature already on at the Parkridge Medical Center Diagnostic advance equity in the workplace. She is also file with the state. Source: Tennessee Secretary of State Center, 2205 McCallie Ave. Attendees are “I urge our citizens who Tre Hargett encouraged to RSVP to Parkridge and take See EVENTS, page 15 have not registered to vote to

OPIOID ABUSE From page 4 Harwell admits she can’t put creation of a panel, in this case People have been tapping days, and if a second refill is a figure on it yet but says task the Tennessee Commission to into poppies since time began requested, the patient would be berth, chairman of the House force members will work with Combat Drug Abuse, to meet to get high, and setting up a required to tell the doctor how Criminal Justice Committee the Fiscal Review Committee quarterly and review programs state commission to crack well it’s working. and a former assistant district to target how much will be and trends and make sug- down on drug abuse probably e insurance company attorney. needed in the budget. gestions to the governor and won’t stop this age-old urge. would get involved if a third e more resources TBI and However, according to Legislature. And when physicians prescription is written, and local law enforcement agencies Rep. Cameron Sexton, the Nor would things run as prescribe 30 pills for a minor a long list of requirements have to track down opioid drug Comptroller’s Office put a normal without someone surgical procedure, it’s easy would have to be met regarding dealers and curb illicit Fentanyl number – $1 billion – on the throwing a bit of a monkey for people to get used to that the cause of pain, alternative distribution, the more deaths amount of money Tennessee wrench into the proceedings. warm, fuzzy feeling. treatments, pregnancy status, will be diverted, says Lamberth, is spending on opioid-related State Sen. Jeff Yarbro did just Nevertheless, prevention counseling, etc. a Sumner County Republican. matters, ranging from incarcer- that when he filed a resolution will involve setting up a public The analysis Rep. Bryan Terry, a Mur- ating people to taking care of authorizing the governor to awareness campaign to educate freesboro Republican and an- children, dealing with mental expand Medicaid to deal with people about the dangers of Believe it or not, a lot of the esthesiologist, says Fentanyl is health problems or medical the opioid crisis. opioids, accompanied by an recommendations make sense. a great anesthetic, one he uses treatment through TennCare. “We can have task forces effort to seek sponsorship from e question is whether the daily in the operating room. “You add all that togeth- and action plans for decades the pharmaceutical industry. If Legislature can get doctors and He also uses Sufentanil er on this problem, and the without making the difference the Legislature and governor drug makers to agree to the problem and the solutions. regularly on patients, but he amount of money it’s costing we need,” says Yarbro, a Nash- can pull money out of those Education will only work if knows the dangers and points Tennessee, and we can either ville Democrat. guys, it could be the single the state puts together realistic out Fentanyl is a hundred times fund this on the front end and “But it will be next to im- biggest accomplishment of this messages for young people. stronger than morphine while save money and save lives or possible to solve this problem effort. Most middle-age folks remem Sufentanil is a thousand times we can continue spending a if people don’t have access to After all, they’re the ones - stronger than morphine. In billion dollars on Department medical care to get treatment, making the drugs and peddling ber those elementary school comparison, heroin is only five of Corrections and everywhere address behavioral health and them to doctors, all at a huge films showing people ready times stronger than morphine, else and just watch the num- treat the underlying health cost to consumers, financially to jump out of windows after he explains. bers explode,” says Sexton, a issues that often lead to opiate and physically. smoking a joint. It’s little wonder anyone Crossville Republican. use in the first place.” e prevention campaign ey never said anything about Cheetos. who’s used heroin and then Tweaking policy A serious approach to the is supposed to include the tries to graduate to Fentanyl or opioid crisis is “impossible” acknowledgement – finally an ose old films might have Sufentanil is going to wind up Just two years after repeal- without expanding Medicaid, effort to “reduce the stigma” been right if they’d been talking dead. ing the Intractable Pain Act of he explains. – that addiction is a treatable about Oxycontin or Oxyco- Toward that end, Terry and 2001, generally considered a Yarbro’s resolution cites ex- disease. done, heroin or Fentanyl and boon to the pill industry, the state Sen. Steve Dickerson, a pansion in Kentucky, Ohio and Information on drug ho- Sufentanil. Somehow, they’ve Legislature will consider several Nashville Republican and anes- West Virginia, where Medicaid tlines, disposal sites, the danger got to convince people the new task force policy proposals, thesiologist, are sponsoring leg- pays for 35 to 50 percent of of use by pregnant women, plunge will be more like 6 feet such as limiting emergency islation in 2018 to cut into the medication-assisted addiction how to acquire and admin- to the bottom of a grave. rooms to prescribing Schedule illegal manufacture of Fentanyl treatment. Getting back to the ister Naloxone and modern Otherwise, people such as II pain medication for only 10 and its analogues, substances Insure Tennessee argument, pain management options are Smyrna Police Chief Arnold days, prohibiting pain clinics in which an illicit drug maker Yarbro points out Tennessee among the proposals. will keep counting the victims. from treating walk-in patients adds a chemical or two in an has foregone $3.3 billion by e state Board of Educa- by requiring referrals from effort to circumvent the law. refusing to expand Medicaid. tion also will be asked to create Sam Stockard is a Nash- an independent health-care ville-based reporter covering Calling the panel’s recom- Crux of the problem lesson plans about opioids and provider and encouraging elec mendations a “starting point,” - drug use to “promote the bene- the Legislature for the Nash- Terry notes all the players will tronic prescriptions of Sched- While finding money is fits of a sober, healthy lifestyle.” ville Ledger, Knoxville Ledger, have to acclimate themselves to ule II drugs. always a stumbling block, the Legislation could come Hamilton County Herald and the plan. Of course, no list of gov- bigger problem will be stopping along, too, limiting the number Memphis Daily News. He can Part of that involves figuring ernment proposals would be people from getting hooked on of days an opioid pain pill can be reached at sstockard44@ out how much this will cost. complete without calling for a opiates in the first place. be prescribed, possibly to 10 Page 6 HAMILTONSeptember COUNTY 15 - 21, 2017 H  Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices 37351. In the event of any discrepancy between plicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as does not discriminate against handicapped Hamilton County this street address and the legal description of well as any priority created by a fixture filing; persons. Building setback requirements as the property, the legal description shall control. and to any matter that an accurate survey of shown, described or noted on recorded plat. CURRENT OWNER(S): TERRIE L. CHASTAIN, the premises might disclose. This property is All other terms and provisions as set forth NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE plicable pursuant to provisions in said Deed VICTOR A. CHASTAIN OTHER INTERESTED being sold with the express reservation that in the deed of record in Book 8796, Page By virtue of the authority vested in me as of Trust. The property is being sold in “AS IS” PARTIES: The sale of the above-described it is subject to confirmation by the lender or 685, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton Substitute Trustee, as contained in Deed of condition. It shall be the responsibility of the property shall be subject to all matters shown Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded County, Tennessee. Rights of others in and Trust from Minnie E. Hughley, to Rickey Martin, successful bidder to obtain possession of the on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn to the use of Private Community Walkway Trustee, dated April 24, 2008, of record in Book property at his expense. There are no repre- restrictive covenants, easements or set-back the day of the sale to another day, time, and Easements as set forth in that amendment 8650, Page 139, Register’s Office for Hamilton sentations by the Trustee as to the validity or lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or place certain without further publication, upon to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and County, Tennessee, for which Wm. Stanton enforceability of any mechanic’s liens or other encumbrances as well as any priority created announcement at the time and place for the Restrictions for Seven Lakes Subdivision Massa, III has been appointed as Substitute liens, or of any suits to enforce same. In the by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- of record in Book 9232, Page 539, in the Trustee, to which Deed of Trust reference is event successful bidder defaults or otherwise accurate survey of the premises might disclose. demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Ten- here made, Notice is hereby given that the fails to purchase the property, the Trustee and This property is being sold with the express and dower are expressly waived in said Deed nessee. Rights of others in and to the use property described below will be sold by me beneficiary reserve the right to award sale to reservation that it is subject to confirmation by of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, of party walls. Conditions and easements at the west facing door (western entrance) the next highest bidder at their sole option. The the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may but the undersigned will sell and convey only contained in document of record in Book of the Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold 2116, Page 186, in the Register’s Office Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee, to another day, time, and place certain without to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, as is, where is, without representations or of Hamilton County, Tennessee. All notes, 37402, at public auction, to the highest further publication, upon announcement at the time, and place certain without further publi- warranties of any kind, including fitness for stipulations, restrictions, easements, condi- bidder for cash on September 20, 2017 at time and place for the sale set forth above. cation, upon announcement at the time and a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW FIRM tions, and regulations as shown, described 11:30 a.m. to effect satisfaction of principal, If applicable, Notice of the Right to Foreclose place for the sale set forth above. All right and IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY or noted on recorded plat. interest, attorney’s fees, costs, expenses and was given in compliance with T.C.A. 35-5-117. equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR ALSO KNOWN AS: 8851 Wilson Creek Drive, other lawful charges due on a promissory note Junior lien holders have been mailed a copy of homestead, and dower are expressly waived THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Sub- Ooltewah, TN 37363 dated April 24, 2008, from Minnie E. Hughley this Notice. Other interested parties include: in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed stitute Trustee 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 This sale is subject to all matters shown to Regency Finance Company, and secured by None known. to be good, but the undersigned will sell and Memphis, TN 38103 on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid the aforementioned Deed of Trust. This office is acting as a debt collector. This is convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: an attempt to collect a debt and any informa- is sold as is, where is, without representations (404) 601-5846 Ad #122266 09/01/2017, or setback lines that may be applicable; any The following described premises located in tion obtained will be used for that purpose. or warranties of any kind, including fitness for 09/08/2017, 09/15/2017 statutory rights of redemption of any govern- the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Dated July 20, 2017. a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW FIRM Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18349 mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens Tennessee, to-wit: Wm. Stanton Massa, III IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY or encumbrances as well as any priority created LOT FOURTEEN (14), CHANCERY COURT Attorney at Law INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- PARTITION OF LOT EIGHT (8), SUBDIVISION P.O. Box 1515 THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Sub- WHEREAS, default has occurred in the curate survey of the premises might disclose. OF ELIZA KIRKLIN 40 ACRE TRACT, as shown Morristown, TN 37816-1515 stitute Trustee 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 performance of the covenants, terms, and In addition, the following parties may claim by plat recorded in Book M, Vol. 3, Page 571 PH# (423) 317-8555 Memphis, TN 38103 conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated August an interest in the above- referenced property: in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18269 property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: 4, 2011, and the Deed of Trust of even date ANGELA T. COBBLE Tennessee (ROHCT). (404) 601-5846 Ad #121916 09/01/2017, securing the same, recorded August 5, 2011, TENNESSEE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR PRIOR TITLE: Being the same real estate NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 09/08/2017, 09/15/2017 in Book No. GI 9451, at Page 527, in Office (THDA) conveyed to Minnie E. Hughley, unmarried, WHEREAS, default has occurred in the Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18324 of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, The sale held pursuant to this Notice may by Quitclaim Deed of Alice G. Linder, unmar- performance of the covenants, terms and Tennessee, executed by Angela T. Cobble, be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option ried, dated April 24, 2008, of record in Book conditions of a Deed of Trust dated July 19, NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE conveying certain property therein described at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn 8650, Page 136, in the Register’s Office for 2000, executed by TERRIE L. CHASTAIN, WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- to Title Guaranty and Trust Company as Trustee the day of the sale to another day, time, and Hamilton County, Tennessee. Also BEING VICTOR A. CHASTAIN, conveying certain real mance of the covenants, terms and conditions for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, place certain without further publication, upon the same property conveyed to Alice G. property therein described to NORTHGATE of a Deed of Trust dated August 3, 1994, Inc., as nominee for Platinum Financial Funding, announcement at the time and place for the Linder, unmarried, and Minnie E. Hughley, TITLE ESCROW, INC., as Trustee, as same executed by WARREN A. HUNNICUTT, convey- L.L.C., its successors and assigns; and the sale set forth above. W&A No. 313041 unmarried, from Fred Noel Grimes, Jr. and appears of record in the Register’s Office of ing certain real property therein described to undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., DATED August 23, 2017 wife, Frances S. Grimes, and Frances Anita Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded July 24, THOMAS F. BAKER IV, as Trustee, as same having been appointed Successor Trustee by WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Grimes, unmarried by deed dated 22 De- 2000, in Deed Book GI 5643, Page 415 (as appears of record in the Register’s Office of JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. Successor Trustee cember 1998 and recorded in Book 5261, modified by “Loan Modification Agreement” at Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded August NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18362 Page 601 in the Register’s Office of Hamilton Book GI 10037, Page 876); and WHEREAS, 16, 1994, in Deed Book 4391, Page 809; and that the entire indebtedness has been declared County, Tennessee. the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE SUBJECT to any and all governmental zoning was last transferred and assigned to Bayview of Trust was last transferred and assigned to & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, WHEREAS, default has occurred in the and/or subdivision ordinances and regula- Loan Servicing, LLC, a Delaware Limited Li- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for the by virtue of the power, duty, and authority performance of the covenants, terms, and tions in effect thereon. ability Company who is now the owner of said EMC Mortgage Loan Trust 2002-A, Mortgage vested in and imposed upon said Successor conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated March SUBJECT to any and all easements and/ or debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, Rubin Pass-Through Certificates Series 2002-A who Trustee, by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National 2, 2011, and the Deed of Trust of even date right of ways as may extend into) over, under, Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed as is now the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, Association, will, on October 19, 2017 on or securing the same, recorded March 4, 2011, across or through said property. Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County in Book No. 9360, at Page 604, in Office of SUBJECT to Health Department Regulations for record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instru- Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, Ten- and Requirements. County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice ment to be filed for record in the Register’s for sale certain property hereinafter described nessee, executed by Jody L Sullins, conveying SUBJECT to all notes as set out on plat is hereby given that the entire indebtedness Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. NOW, to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid certain property therein described to David W. recorded in Plat Book M, Volume 3, Page has been declared due and payable, and that THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from Kious as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Regis- 571, in ROHCT. the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as entire indebtedness has been declared due a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by tration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Guaranty THIS CONVEYANCE is made SUBJECT to Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, and payable, and that the undersigned, Rubin the successor trustee. The sale is free from all Trust Company, its successors and assigns; all applicable easements, rights of way, by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee or his exemptions, which are expressly waived in the and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, setback lines and restrictions of record in and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, Deed of Trust, said property being real estate P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor said Register’s Office. will, on September 28, 2017 at 10:00 AM duty and authority vested and imposed upon situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Trustee by Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC. The street address of the property is believed at the Front Steps of the Hamilton County said Substitute Trustee will, on September being more particularly described as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given to be 1721 West 39th Street, Chattanooga, Courthouse, located in Chattanooga, Tennes- 28, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Front Steps of Lot Forty-nine (49), Final Plat of Seven Lakes that the entire indebtedness has been declared TN 37409, but said address is not part of see, proceed to sell at public outcry to the the Hamilton County Courthouse, located in P.U.D., Phase One (I), as shown by plat of due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & the legal description, and if a discrepancy highest and best bidder for cash or certified Chattanooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at record in Plat Book 90, Pages 66, 67 and Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by exists, the legal description shall control. funds ONLY, the following described property public outcry to the highest and best bidder 68, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested Tax ID No. 155O – C – 013. situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: for cash or certified funds ONLY, the following County, Tennessee. TOGETHER WITH all in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, THIS DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING described property situated in Hamilton County, benefits, rights, privileges, and easements, by Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC, will, on Octo- SOLELY FROM INFORMATION FURNISHED TO AND BEING IN THE FIRST CIVIL DISTRICT OF Tennessee, to wit:THE WEST NINETY (90) FEET and SUBJECT TO the burdens, covenants, ber 19, 2017 on or about 10:00 AM, at the THE PREPARER, WHO MAKES NO REPRESENTA- HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, BEING LOT OF LOT NO. FIVE (5), BLOCK SEVENTEEN (17), restrictions, bylaws, rules, regulations, and Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, TION WHATSOEVER OTHER THAN IT HAS BEEN ONE HUNDRED FORTY TWO (142), OF LUPTON MOUNTAIN LAND COMPANY SIGNAL MOUNTAIN easements all as set forth in Declarations Tennessee, offer for sale certain property ACCURATELY TRANSCRIBED FROM INFORMA- CITY SUBDIVISON OF THE DIXIE MERCERIZING PROPERTIES, TRACT NO. TWO (2), AS SHOWN of Covenants and Restrictions Seven Lakes hereinafter described to the highest bidder TION PROVIDED. COMPANY, AS SHOWN BY PLAT RECORDED IN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE Community and Bylaws for Seven Lakes FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion Said Deed of Trust recites title as unencum- PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 74, IN THE REGISTER`S 44, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF HAMILTON Homeowners’ Association, Inc., of record of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other bered, except as noted therein, but sale will OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. COUNTY, TENNESSEE. SUBJECT TO ANY in Book 8901, Page 179, as amended in lending entity pre-approved by the successor be made as Trustee only, without covenants of SUBJECT TO ANY GOVERNMENTAL ZONING GOVERNMENTAL ZONING AND SUBDIVISION Book 9232, Page 539, in the Register’s trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, seisin or warranties of title and will be made AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES OR REGU- ORDINANCES OR REGULATIONS IN EFFECT Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, and which are expressly waived in the Deed of subject to any unpaid taxes and assessments LATIONS IN EFFECT THEREON. SUBJECT TO THEREON. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS AS on recorded plat. THIS CONVEYANCE MADE Trust, said property being real estate situated and all valid restrictions, liens, covenants, ease- RESTRICTIONS RECORDED IN BOOK 1205, SET OUT IN THAT INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: Any govern- in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more ments, or title defects, if any, of record on said PAGE 416, SAID REGISTER`S OFFICE; BUT BOOK M, VOLUME 13, PAGE 58 AND BOOK M, mental zoning and subdivision ordinances in particularly described as follows: property. The sale may be free from equity of OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION VOLUME 20, PAGE 1, REGISTER`S OFFICE OF effect thereon. Restrictions, requirements, In the Second Civil District of Hamilton redemption, right of redemption, homestead, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Parcel ID: easements, obligations, including lien of County, Tennessee: Being Lot No. Nine (9), dower, and other rights or exemptions, if ap- HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL 107L B 025 PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street assessments, as set forth in Declaration Stillwater Park Subdivision Phase Two (2), ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT address of the property is believed to be 606 of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions as shown by plat of record in Plat Book 86, THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER GEORGIA AVE, SIGNAL MOUNTAIN, TN 37377. for Seven Lakes Subdivision of record in Page 87, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton Go to CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED In the event of any discrepancy between this Book 8901, Page 179, as amended in Book County, Tennessee. for STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP street address and the legal description of the 9232, Page 539, in the Register’s Office of ALSO KNOWN AS: 8344 Old Cleveland Pike, thousands of public records and BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST property, the legal description shall control. Hamilton County, Tennessee, but omitting Ooltewah, TN 37363 public notices. HANDICAPPED PERSONS. SUBJECT TO MAT- CURRENT OWNER(S): WARREN A. HUNNICUTT any covenant or restriction based on race, This sale is subject to all matters shown TERS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: The sale of the color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid HAMILTON COUNTY BOOK 18, PAGE 74, SAID REGISTER`S OFFICE. above-described property shall be subject or national origin unless and only to the ex- taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, Parcel ID: 118K C 004PROPERTY ADDRESS: to all matters shown on any recorded plat; tent that said covenant (a) is exempt under or setback lines that may be applicable; any The street address of the property is believed any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, Chapter 42, Section 3607, of the United statutory rights of redemption of any govern- H  to be 3366 WHITNEY ST, LUPTON CITY, TN easements or set-back lines that may be ap- States Code or (b) relates to handicap but mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens September 15 - 21, 2017 Public Notices Page 7

or encumbrances as well as any priority created Foreclosure/Trustee's Sales Scheduled in the Next 3 Weeks by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- curate survey of the premises might disclose. Property Address Publication Dates Borrower Attorney In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above- referenced property: JODY L SULLINS SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-18 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY BANK The sale held pursuant to this Notice may 9104 Windstone Drive, Ooltewah, 37363 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Jeannie T. Miller Wilson & Associates, PLLC be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-20 the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon 1721 West 39 St, Chattanooga, 37409 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Minnie E. Hughley Massa Law announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 323833 SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-21 DATED August 23, 2017 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., 1108 South Saint Marks Ave A/B, East Ridge 2017-07-28; 2017-08-04; 2017-08-11 Osman Selman and, Almira Selman and, Successor Trustee Mirsad Mujkanovic and, Ruzmira Mujkanovic Weiss & Cummins, PLLC 1901 East 32nd Street, Chattanooga, 37407 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Ruth M. Boone Wilson & Associates, PLLC Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18363 1528 North Chester Rd , Hixson, 37343 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Mulzet, Wesley and Hobbs, Janet Shapiro and Ingle, LLP 4122 Lost Drive, Ooltewah, 37363 2017-07-21; 2017-07-28; 2017-08-04 Joseph Baker Wilson & Associates, PLLC SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 1013 Olde Mill Lane, Hixson, 37343 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Julie A. Bolano Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC Sale at public auction will be on September 8202 Blue Drive, Hixson, 37343 2017-08-11; 2017-08-18; 2017-08-25 Marjorie A. Jackson Wilson & Associates, PLLC 29, 2017 at 10:00AM local time, at the west 861 North Orchard Knob Ave, Chattanooga 2017-08-18; 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01 James L. Owens, Jr. Weiss & Cummins, PLLC door, Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Geor- 107 Talley Rd , Chattanooga, 37411 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Danner, Charles IV Shapiro and Ingle, LLP gia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pursuant to 129 Fair St , Chattanooga, 37415 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Singleton, Christopher and Dawn Shapiro and Ingle, LLP Deed of Trust executed by Randall A. Troope, 431 Elliott Street, Soddy Daisy, 37379 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Ricky Dillard Wilson & Associates, PLLC 7723 Basswood Dr, Chattanooga, 37416 2017-08-18; 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01 Walter Rogers, Jr and Iris Rogers Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. Jr., to Charles E. Tonkin, II, Trustee, as trustee 718 Drive, Chattanooga, 37411 2017-07-28; 2017-08-04; 2017-08-11 Gary M. Law Wilson & Associates, PLLC for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, 2204 Milne St , Chattanooga, 37406 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Gillespie, John Shapiro and Ingle, LLP Inc. as nominee for Mortgage Investors Group 2430 Leann Cir , Chattanooga, 37406 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Harrison, William and Juliette Shapiro and Ingle, LLP on May 19, 2003 at Book GI 6677, Page 534; 804 Brookcrest Ln , Hixson, 37343 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08 Stevens, Edward and Heather Shapiro and Ingle, LLP conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed Substitute or Successor Trustee, all SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-25 of record in the Hamilton County Register’s Of- fice. Default has occurred in the performance 3422 Vinewood Drive, Chattanooga, 37406 2017-07-28; 2017-08-04; 2017-08-11 Cassandra F. Smith Wilson & Associates, PLLC of the covenants, terms, and conditions of said 3903 14th Avenue, Chattanooga, 37407 2017-08-04; 2017-08-11; 2017-08-18 Sharon E. Martin Wilson & Associates, PLLC 9211 Villagewood Dr, Harrison, 37341 2017-08-18; 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01 Gary L. Davis Wilson & Associates, PLLC Deed of Trust and the entire indebtedness has 3230 Westonia Drive, Chattanooga, 37412 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Margaret M. Roberts Wilson & Associates, PLLC been declared due and payable. Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: JPM- organ Chase Bank, National Association, its SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-26 successors and assigns. The following real estate located in Ham- 902 Givens Road, Chattanooga, 37421 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Shawanna L Kendrick C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder: SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-28 Described property located at Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: 606 Georgia Ave, Signal Mountain, 37377 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Warren A. Hunnicutt Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON 3366 Whitney St, Lupton City, 37351 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Terrie L. Chastain, Victor A. Chastain Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot one (1), Manor, as shown by plat SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-09-29 of record in Plat Book 23, page 29, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, 6514 Pine Manor Dr , Chattanooga, 37421 2017-09-01; 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15 Troope, Randall Shapiro and Ingle, LLP Tennessee. REFERENCE is made for prior title to deed SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-10-02 of record in Book 6322, page 513, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, 4510 Drummond Drive, Chattanooga, 37411 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Talley Caldwell Wilson & Associates, PLLC Tennessee. 3331 Gundy Drive, Chattanooga, 37419 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Wanda Knight Wilson & Associates, PLLC 10107 Gordon Street, Soddy Daisy, 37379 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Clifford H. Ables Wilson & Associates, PLLC Commonly known as: 6514 Pine Manor Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421. SUBJECT TO Restrictions of record in Book SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-10-03 1570, page 551, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, but omitting 412 Browns Ferry Rd , Chattanooga, 37419 2017-08-11; 2017-08-18; 2017-08-25 Reeves, Inda and Leonard Shapiro and Ingle, LLP any covenant or restriction based on race, 6008 Wellworth Avenue, Chattanooga, 37412 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Christopher Dover and Kaitlin M Dover C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. 2314 Brookwood Drive, Chattanooga, 37421 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Robert L Lewis and Anola Lewis C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2017-10-05 Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United States Code or (b) relates to handicap but 6088 Saab Dr, Ooltewah, 37363 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Billy D Rodgers Jr and Regina A Rodgers Shapiro and Ingle, LLP does not discriminate against handicapped 4130 Sunset Ave , Chattanooga, 37411 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Arnold, Calvin and Belinda Shapiro and Ingle, LLP 7108 Blossom Cir, Chattanooga, 37421 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Tony Dailey and Paula Dailey Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. persons. 915 Hidden Ledge Trl , Hixson, 37343 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Polanecki, Richard and Mary Shapiro and Ingle, LLP SUBJECT TO all easement and stipulations 531 Sharondale Road, Chattanooga 2017-08-18; 2017-08-25; 2017-09-01 Marty L. Dickerson Weiss & Cummins, PLLC shown on said plat. 4007 Creekwood Terrace Ln, Chattanooga, 37421 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Lavorn Moore Priority Trustee Services of TN, LLC Street Address: 6514 Pine Manor Dr, 1326 Clearpoint Drive, Hixson, 37343 2017-07-14; 2017-07-21; 2017-07-28 Vicki Manning Wilson & Associates, PLLC Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421 7517 Remington Ct, Chattanooga, 37421 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Angela L. Reed Wilson & Associates, PLLC Parcel Number: 148C B 025 3627 Indian Trail , Chattanooga, 37412 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 Dietzen, Wilma Shapiro and Ingle, LLP Current Owner(s) of Property: Randall A. 4509 14th Avenue, Chattonooga, 37407 2017-09-08; 2017-09-15; 2017-09-22 David B Turner Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC Troope, Jr. 8208 Fallen Drive, Chattanooga, 37421 2017-08-04; 2017-08-11; 2017-08-18 Najeeb T. Ricks Wilson & Associates, PLLC The street address of the above described property is believed to be 6514 Pine Manor described above will be subject to the right reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- 20, 2006, and the Deed of Trust of even date Being the first civil district of Hamilton Dr, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421, but such of the United States to redeem the land as tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be securing the same, recorded March 22, 2006, County, Tennessee: Lot Thirty-Nine (39), address is not part of the legal description of provided for in 26 U.S.C. § 7425(d)(1). rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at any in Book No. GI 7879, at Page 784, in Office Ruoff’s Addition to Chattanooga, as shown the property sold herein and in the event of Terms of Sale will be public auction, for time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, by plat of record in Plat Book 6, Page 57, any discrepancy, the legal description herein cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a Tennessee, executed by Ruth M. Boone and in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, shall control. redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed return of any money paid towards the purchase Charles E. Boone, conveying certain property Tennessee. Any governmental zoning and/ This sale is subject to, without limitation, all or inapplicable, and the rights of Randall A. price and shall have no other recourse. Once therein described to NO TRUSTEE ON DEED or subdivision ordinance or regulation in matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; Troope, Jr., and those claiming through him/ the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the OF TRUST as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic effect thereon. any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, her/it/them. Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in Registration Systems, Inc., as a nominee for ALSO KNOWN AS: 1901 East 32nd Street, easements, or setback lines that may be ap- Any right of equity of redemption, statutory which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. HSBC Mortgage Corporation (USA), its suc- Chattanooga, TN 37407 plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any and otherwise, and homestead are waived in The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE cessors and assigns; and the undersigned, This sale is subject to all matters shown governmental agency, state or federal; any prior accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, IS, with no warranties or representations of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid liens or encumbrances including those created and the title is believed to be good, but the any kind, express or implied, including without appointed Successor Trustee by Nationstar taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- limitation, warranties regarding condition of the Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper. or setback lines that may be applicable; any association dues or assessments; all claims or stitute Trustee. property or marketability of title. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given statutory rights of redemption of any govern- other matters, whether of record or not, which The right is reserved to adjourn the day This office may be a debt collector. This that the entire indebtedness has been declared mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens may encumber the purchaser’s title and any of the sale to another day, time, and place may be an attempt to collect a debt and any due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson or encumbrances as well as any priority created matter that an accurate survey of the premises certain without further publication, upon an- information obtained may be used for that & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- might disclose. nouncement at the time and place for the sale purpose. by virtue of the power, duty, and authority curate survey of the premises might disclose. The following parties may claim an interest set forth above. If you purchase a property Shapiro & Ingle, LLP vested in and imposed upon said Successor In addition, the following parties may claim in the above-referenced property to be affected at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase Substitute Trustee Trustee, by Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a an interest in the above- referenced property: by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or price is due and payable at the conclusion 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Mr. Cooper, will, on September 21, 2017 on RUTH M. BOONE lien holder with an interest subordinate to the of the auction in the form of a certified/ Charlotte, NC 28216 or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County CHARLES E. BOONE said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, bank check made payable to or endorsed Phone: (704) 333-8107 Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer The sale held pursuant to this Notice may through, or under any of the foregoing. Such to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks Fax: (704) 333-8156 for sale certain property hereinafter described be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option parties known to the Substitute Trustee may will be accepted. To this end, you must bring to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn include: Internal Revenue Service. sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any File No. 17-111050 at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from the day of the sale to another day, time, and The United States Internal Revenue other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18366 a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by place certain without further publication, upon Service has filed notice(s) of lien at: IRS Lien accepted. Amounts received in excess of the the successor trustee. The sale is free from all announcement at the time and place for the recorded in Book GI 10838, Page 961 Hamilton winning bid will be refunded to the successful NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE exemptions, which are expressly waived in the sale set forth above. W&A No. 320614 County Registry. Notice required by 26 U.S.C. purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed WHEREAS, default has occurred in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate DATED August 25, 2017 § 7425(b) to be given to the United States is delivered. performance of the covenants, terms, and situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Continued on page 8 has been timely given. The sale of the land This property is being sold with the express conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated March being more particularly described as follows: Page 8 Public Notices September 15 - 21, 2017 Foreclosure Notices Wells Fargo Bank, NA, will, on October 16, 2017 All right and equity of redemption, statutory will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale Continued from page 7 on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County or otherwise, homestead, and dower are ex- The right is reserved to adjourn the sale to may be rescinded by the Substitute Trustee Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer pressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the another time certain or to another day, time, at any time. WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., for sale certain property hereinafter described title is believed to be good, but the undersigned and place certain, without further publication THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- Successor Trustee to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. upon announcement on the day, time, and LECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18369 at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the place of sale set forth above or any subsequent DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by sale to another day, time, and place certain adjourned day, time, and place of sale. USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE the successor trustee. The sale is free from all without further publication, upon announce- If you purchase a property at the foreclosure Robert J. Solomon WHEREAS, default has occurred in the exemptions, which are expressly waived in the ment at the time and place for the sale set sale, the entire purchase price is due and Substitute Trustee performance of the covenants, terms, and Deed of Trust, said property being real estate forth above. payable at the conclusion of the auction in the Solomon Baggett, LLC conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated No- situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and This office is attempting to collect a debt. form of a certified check made payable to or 3763 Rogers Bridge Road vember 9, 2000, and the Deed of Trust of even being more particularly described as follows: Any information obtained will be used for endorsed to Padgett Law Group. No personal Duluth, Georgia 30097 date securing the same, recorded November The following described real estate in the that purpose. checks will be accepted. To this end, you must (678) 243-2512 16, 2000, in Book No. GI 5721, at Page 120, Second Civil District of Hamilton County Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender and Our File No. CMS.02044 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton Tennessee Lot Fifty nine (59) Nimrod Hills c/o Tennessee Foreclosure Department any other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18372 County, Tennessee, executed by Margaret M as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 22 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Ste 310 accepted. Amounts received, in excess of the Roberts, conveying certain property therein Page 93 and in Plat Book 23 Page 45 in Atlanta, GA 30341 winning bid will be refunded to the successful SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE described to First Title Insurance Company the Register’s Office of Hamilton County PH: 404-789-2661 FX: 404-294-0919 purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed WHEREAS, default having been made in the as Trustee for Mortgage South of Tennessee, Tennessee File No.: 13-02150 FC03 is delivered. payment of the debts and obligations secured Inc.; and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, ALSO KNOWN AS: 6907 Mahlon Drive, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18377 This property is being sold with the express by a Deed of Trust dated 01/12/07, by Lavorn P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Harrison, TN 37341 reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- Moore, an unmarried woman and Cheryl Sax- Trustee by U.S. Bank National Association, not This sale is subject to all matters shown SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be ton, an unmarried woman to David R. Wilson, in its individual capacity but solely as trustee on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid Sale at public auction will be on October 17, rescinded by the Substitute Trustee at any time. Trustee, for the benefit of Chase Bank USA, for the RMAC Trust, Series 2016-CTT. taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, 2017 at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the west door THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, N.A. and appearing of record in Register’s NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby or setback lines that may be applicable; any of the Hamilton County Courthouse, 615 Walnut AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE Office of HAMILTON County, Tennessee, in given that the entire indebtedness has been statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402, pursuant to USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Book 8219, Page 785, and WHEREAS, the declared due and payable; and that an agent mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens Deed of Trust executed by Chasity S. Cooley and Padgett Law Group, Substitute Trustee beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Succes- or encumbrances as well as any priority created Jason E. Cooley, wife and husband, to Emmett 6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203 last transferred and assigned to Federal Na- sor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- James House or Bill R. McLaughlin, as Trustee Tallahassee, Florida 32312 tional Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”) authority vested in and imposed upon said curate survey of the premises might disclose. for Union Planters Bank, N.A. d/b/a Regions PH: (850) 422-2520 and WHEREAS, Federal National Mortgage Successor Trustee, by U.S. Bank National In addition, the following parties may claim Mortgage dated April 15, 2005, of record in FX: (850) 422-2567 Association (“Fannie Mae”), as the holder of the Association, not in its individual capacity but an interest in the above-referenced property: Book GI 7501, Page 648, in the Register’s PLG#17-005484 Note for which debt is owed, (“Note Holder”), solely as trustee for the RMAC Trust, Series JEFFERY P. BURNEY Office for Hamilton County, Tennessee (“Deed Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18380 appointed the undersigned, Priority Trustee 2016-CTT, will, on September 25, 2017 on ESTATE OF JEFFERY P. BURNEY of Trust”), conducted by Padgett Law Group, Services of TN, LLC, as Substitute Trustee by or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County HEIR(S) OF JEFFERY P. BURNEY, IF ANY having been appointed Substitute Trustee, all of NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE instrument filed or to be filed for record in the Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer The sale held pursuant to this Notice may record in the Hamilton County Register’s Office. Default having been made in the payment of the Register’s Office of HAMILTON County, Tennes- for sale certain property hereinafter described be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option Default in the performance of the covenants, debts and obligations described in and secured see, with all the rights, powers and privileges to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn terms, and conditions of said Deed of Trust by a certain Deed of Trust executed by DONALD of the original Trustee named in said Deed of at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from the day of the sale to another day, time, and has been made; and the entire indebtedness SHANNON CANTRELL AND SANDRA JANEE Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by place certain without further publication, upon has been declared due and payable. CANTRELL, husband and wife to Odyssey Title given that the entire indebtedness has been the successor trustee. The sale is free from all announcement at the time and place for the Party entitled to enforce the debt: Ditech Group, LLC, Trustee, recorded June 23, 2008 declared due and payable as provided in said exemptions, which are expressly waived in the sale set forth above. W&A No. 320531 Financial LLC in Hamilton County Register’s Office at Book Deed of Trust by the Note Holder, and that the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate DATED August 28, 2017 Other interested parties: Springcastle America GI 8697 Page 348 Inst#2008062300226 undersigned, Priority Trustee Services of TN, situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Funding Trust, through its Trustee Wilmington and the beneficial interest of said Deed of LLC, Substitute Trustee, or its duly appointed being more particularly described as follows: Successor Trustee Trust, National Association; Secretary of Hous- Trust is owned by CARRINGTON MORTGAGE attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and LOCATED IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18376 ing and Urban Development SERVICES, LLC, and the undersigned having authority vested in it, will on October 5, 2017, OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot The hereinafter described real property located been appointed Successor Trustee by instru- commencing at 10:00 AM at the West Door of Five (5), Subdivision of the Joe B. King NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE in Hamilton County will be sold to the highest ment recorded in said Register’s Office, this the Hamilton County Courthouse, 615 Walnut property, as shown by plat of record in Plat STATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior is notice that the undersigned will on October Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402, proceed to sell Book 16, Page 64, in the Register’s Office WHEREAS, Shawanna L. Kendrick ex- liens and encumbrances of record:. 26, 2017 at 12PM local time, at the Hamilton at public outcry to the highest and best bidder of Hamilton County, Tennessee. SUBJECT ecuted a Deed of Trust to SunTrust Mortgage, Legal Description: All that tract or parcel of County Courthouse, Memphis, Tennessee will for cash or certified check only. The wiring of TO Any governmental zoning and subdivision Inc., Lender and Larry A. Weissman, Trustee(s), land lying and being in the Second Civil District proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest funds will not be accepted. The conducting ordinances or regulations in effect thereon. which was dated March 4, 2008 and recorded of Hamilton County, Tennessee, being Lot and best bidder for cash the following property of the sale will be handled by SUBJECT TO Restrictions recorded in Book on March 11, 2008 in Book GI 8610, Page 847, 18, Block F, Blaney Forest, as shown by plat located in Hamilton County, Tennessee, will be More information concerning their policies 1056, Page 365, as modified in Book 1079, Hamilton County, Tennessee Register of Deeds. recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 81, in the sold to the highest call bidder subject to all and procedures on bidding at the Foreclosure Page 207, in the said Register’s Office. WHEREAS, default having been made in Register`s Office of Hamilton County, Tennes- unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances Sale can be found their website SUBJECT TO North five (5) feet of said lot the payment of the debt(s) and obligation(s) see. This conveyance is made subject to the of record. The following described property situated in to be used in widening of Westonia Drive. thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust following: Restrictions of record in Book 955, Described property is Located in the Second HAMILTON County, Tennessee, to wit: Land in ALSO KNOWN AS: 3230 Westonia Drive, and the current holder of said Deed of Trust, Page 712, in the Register`s Office of Hamilton district, Hamilton County, Tennessee, all as Hamilton County, Tennessee, being Lot No. Chattanooga, TN 37412 SunTrust Bank, (the “Holder”), appointed the County, Tennessee, but omitting any covenant described in Warranty Book 8697, Page 336: Four (4) on the plan of Creekwood Terrace, of This sale is subject to all matters shown undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, as Substi- or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, Being the same property conveyed to Donald record in Plat Book 25, Page 32, in the Regis- on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid tute Trustee, by an instrument duly recorded in handicap, familial status or national origin un- Shannon Cantrell and Sandra Janee Cantrell, ter’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, to taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hamilton less and only to the extent that said covenant husband and wife, by Deed dated June 17, which plat reference is hereby made for a more or setback lines that may be applicable; any County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607, 2008 and recorded June 23, 2017 of record complete description. Subject to all easements, statutory rights of redemption of any govern- and privileges of the original Trustee named in of the United States Code or (b) relates to in Deed Book 8697, Page336, in the Office restrictive covenants and conditions, and other mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens said Deed of Trust; and handicap but does not discriminate against of the Hamilton County Register of Deeds, matters of record, including all items set out or encumbrances as well as any priority created NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given handicapped persons. Utility Easement as Tennessee. on any applicable plat of record. The legal by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- that the entire indebtedness has been declared shown or specified on the recorded plat. Condi- Property Address: 5340 Collegeview Drive, description contained herein is the same as in curate survey of the premises might disclose. due and payable as provided in said Deed of tions, Restrictions, Reservations, Limitations, Collegedale, TN 37315 the Deed of prior title. For prior title see Book In addition, the following parties may claim Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the Easements, etc., as set out on the recorded TAX ID: 141J A 044 Deed 7452, Page 39, said Register’s Office. an interest in the above- referenced property: undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute plat. Any governmental zoning and subdivision Current Owner(s) of Property: DONALD Map & Parcel No. 137K-A-012. This property MARGARET M ROBERTS Trustee, by virtue of the power and authority ordinances or regulations in effect thereon. SHANNON CANTRELL AND SANDRA JANEE is also known as 4007 Creekwood Terrance, ESTATE OF MARGARET M ROBERTS vested in it, will on September 26, 2017, at Street Address: The street address of the CANTRELL, husband and wife Chattanooga, TN. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4007 HEIRS OF MARGARET M ROBERTS 10:00AM at the usual and customary location property is believed to be 3613 Weldon Drive, The street address of the above described CREEKWOOD TERRACE LN, CHATTANOOGA, TN SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DE- at the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chatta- Chattanooga, TN 37412, but such address is property is believed to be 5340 Collegeview 37421 CURRENT OWNER(S): Cheryl Saxton VELOPMENT nooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public not part of the legal description of the prop- Drive, Collegedale, TN 37315 but such ad- The sale of the above-described property The sale held pursuant to this Notice may outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, erty. In the event of any discrepancy, the legal dress is not part of the legal description of the shall be subject to all matters shown on any be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option the following described property situated in description herein shall control. property sold herein and in the event of any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restric- at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: Map/Parcel Number: 168D K 007 discrepancy, the legal description referenced tive covenants, easements or set-back lines the day of the sale to another day, time, and In the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Current owner(s) of Property: Chasity S. Cooley herein shall control. that may be applicable; any prior liens or place certain without further publication, upon Tennessee: and husband, Jason E. Cooley SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN encumbrances as well as any priority created announcement at the time and place for the Lot One (1), Hamilton Subdivision, This sale is subject to all matters shown on POSSESSION. by a fixture filing; and any matter that an ac- sale set forth above. W&A No. 321226 Unit One, as shown by plat recorded in Plat any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; any If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. curate survey of the premises might disclose. DATED August 25, 2017 Book 44, Page 327, in the Register’s Office unpaid taxes and assessments; any restric- 35-5-117 have been met. Substitute Trustee will only convey any interest WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., of Hamilton County, Tennessee. tive covenants, easements or setback lines Other Interested Parties: Secretary of Housing he/she may have in the property at the time Successor Trustee Reference is made for prior title to deed of that may be applicable; rights of redemption, and Urban Development of sale. Property is sold “as is, where is” with Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Fmr18370 record in Book 8208, Page 988, in the Reg- equity, statutory or otherwise, not otherwise All right of equity of redemption, statutory no warranties or representations of any kind, ister’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. waived in the Deed of Trust, including rights of and otherwise, and homestead are expressly including without limitation, warranties regard- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Commonly known as: 902 Givens Road, redemption of any governmental agency, state waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is ing condition of the property or marketability WHEREAS, default has occurred in the Chattanooga, TN 37421. or federal; and any and all prior deeds of trust, believed to be good, but the undersigned will of title. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: Bank performance of the covenants, terms, and Subject to all easements and stipulations liens, dues, assessments, encumbrances, sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. of America, N.A., and Tennessee Housing conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated April shown on said plat. defects, adverse claims and other matters that The right is reserved to adjourn the sale to Development Agency For every lien or claim 10, 2012, and the Deed of Trust of even date Parcel ID Number: 171G A 003.02 may take priority over the Deed of Trust upon another day, time and place certain without of lien of the state identified above, please securing the same, recorded May 10, 2012, in Address/Description: 902 Givens Road, which this foreclosure sale is conducted or further publication, upon announcement of the be advised notice required by § 67-1-1433 (b) Book No. GI 9641, at Page 367, in Office of the Chattanooga, TN 37421. are not extinguished by this Foreclosure Sale. time and place for the sale set forth above. If (1) was timely given and that any sale of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, Tennes- Current Owner(s): SHAWANNA L. KENDRICK. SALE IS SUBJECT TO A ONE YEAR RIGHT OF you purchase the property at the foreclosure property herein referenced will be subject to see, executed by Jeffery P. Burney, conveying Other Interested Party(ies): Mortgage Elec- REDEMPTION HELD BY THE SECRETARY OF sale, the entire purchase price is due and the right of the state to redeem the land as certain property therein described to Arnold tronic Registration Systems, Inc. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT BY payable at the conclusion of the auction in the provided for in § 67-1-1433(c)(1). All right and M. Weiss, Esq. as Trustee for Military Family The sale of the property described above REASON OF THE DEED OF TRUST OF RECORD AT form of certified bank check made payable to equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, Home Loans, LLC; and the undersigned, Wilson shall be subject to all matters shown on BOOK GI 10283, PAGE 310, IN THE REGISTER’S Solomon Baggett, LLC Escrow Account. No homestead, and dower are expressly waived & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed any recorded plat; any and all liens against OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. personal checks will be accepted. You must in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed Successor Trustee by Wells Fargo Bank, NA. said property for unpaid property taxes; any THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY REPRE- bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender and to be good, but the undersigned will sell and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given restrictive covenants, easements or set-back SENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR any other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right that the entire indebtedness has been declared lines that may be applicable; any prior liens IMPLIED, RELATING TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY accepted. Amounts received in excess of the is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & or encumbrances as well as any priority OF TITLE, POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT winning bid will be refunded to the successful another day, time, and place certain without Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by created by a fixture filing; a deed of trust; and OR THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed is further publication, upon announcement at the virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in any matter than an accurate survey of the OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. The title delivered. This property is being sold with the time and place for the sale set forth above. and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by premises might disclose; and is believed to be good, but the undersigned express reservation that the sale is subject to PRIORITY TRUSTEE SERVICES OF TN, LLC 2970 September 15 - 21, 2017 Public Notices Page 9

Clairmont Road NE, Suite 280 Atlanta, Georgia Building Permits 30329 770-234-9181 File No.: 7345.29887 Hamilton County Web Site: Hamilton County Herald 09/08/17, 09/15/17, 09/22/17 Status Licensed Professional Contract Work Description TS#: 7345.29887 Date Site Address Owner Address Address Value FEI # 2013.05367 Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18378 09/07/2017 033149G B 00628 Chattanooga OC Construction New Townhome w/Attached $213,720.00 2336 Rovendell Ln Construction Co LLC Don Oscai Garage on Slab SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Chattanooga, TN 37421 PO Box 828 1048 Little Sorre Road Foundation Sale at public auction will be on October Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37401 Hixson, TN 37343 5, 2017 at 10:00AM local time, at the west New Construction door, Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Georgia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pur- 09/07/2017 033149G B 00628 Chattanooga OC Construction New Townhome w/Attached $196,000.00 suant to Deed of Trust executed by Richard 2338 Rivendell Ln Construction Co LLC Don Oscai Garage on Slab G Polanecki and Mary Louise Polanecki, to Chattanooga, TN 37421 PO Box 828 1048 Little Sorre Road Foundation Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37401 Hixson, TN 37343 American Title Solutions, Trustee, as trustee New Construction for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Lehman Brothers Bank, 09/07/2017 033149G B 00628 Chattanooga OC Construction New Townhome w/Attached $213,720.00 FSB, A Federal Savings Bank on November 6, 2340 Rivendell Ln Construction Co LLC Don Oscai Garage on Slab 2006 at Book GI 8810, Page 552; Scriveners Chattanooga, TN 37421 PO Box 828 1048 Little Sorre Road Foundation Affidavit recorded at Book GI 8822, Page 701; Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37401 Hixson, TN 37343 conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been New Construction appointed Substitute or Successor Trustee, all 09/07/2017 033149G B 00619 Chattanooga OC Construction New Single Family $213,720.00 of record in the Hamilton County Register’s Of- 2360 Rivendell Ln Construction Co LLC Don Oscai Attached Townhouse on slab fice. Default has occurred in the performance Chattanooga, TN 37421 PO Box 828 2991 Presstons Station Dr. w/Attached Garage of the covenants, terms, and conditions of said Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37401 Hixson, TN 37343 Deed of Trust and the entire indebtedness has New Construction been declared due and payable. Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Na- 09/07/2017 033149G B 00619 Chattanooga OC Construction New Single Family $196,000.00 tionstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper, its 2362 Rivendell Ln Construction Co LLC Don Oscai Attached Townhouse on slab successors and assigns. Chattanooga, TN 37421 PO Box 828 2991 Presstons Station Dr. w/Attached Garage Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37401 Hixson, TN 37343 The following real estate located in Ham- New Construction ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder: 09/07/2017 033149G B 00619 Chattanooga OC Construction New Single Family $213,720.00 Described property located at Hamilton 2364 Rivendell Ln Construction Co LLC Don Oscai Attached Townhouse on slab County, Tennessee, to wit: Chattanooga, TN 37421 PO Box 828 2991 Presstons Station Dr. w/Attached Garage Lot Twenty Four (24), Falling Water Heights, Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37401 Hixson, TN 37343 as shown by plat of record in Plat Book 59, New Construction Page 74 in the Register’s Office of Hamilton 09/07/2017 033145LDB 00502 Miller Jackie L & Nancy Peppers Construction New 3 Story Mixed Use $975,000.00 County, Tennessee. 27 W 19th St. 1813 S. Market St. Ben Peppers Building to be built in front Reference is made for prior title to Deed of Chattanooga, TN 37408 Chattanooga, TN 37408 243 Signal Mountain Rd. of existing structure. record in Book 4978 Page 195, Register’s Commercial New Construction Chattanooga, TN 37405 Office Hamilton County, Tennessee. Subject to Easements, Conditions and 09/05/2017 033156B U 01000 Besley Yolanda Jeffrey M. Besley New Single Family $67,200.00 Stipulations as shown and or noted on 1707 S. Kelley St. PO Box 72658 Jeff Besley Home on Slab W/ subdivision plat. Chattanooga, TN 37404 Chattanooga, TN 3100 10th Ave. Parking Pad Subject to Restrictive Covenants of record in Commercial 37407-0658 Chattanooga, TN 37406 New Construction Book 3324 Page 996 and Book 3759 Page 228, as amended in Book 4315 Page 351, 09/06/2017 033155F A 00937 Astir, LLC c/o Collier Ethan Collier New Single Family $150,000.00 Book 5117 page 651, Book 5443 Page 217, 1477 Sinclair Ave. Construction Construction w/ Parking Pad Book 5508 Page 985 and Book 5704 Page Chattanooga, TN 37408 Gabe Thomas Ethan Collier 455 and further as such restrictions imposed Residential (1-2 Units) 1161 E. Main St. 1161 E. Main St. in and as may be modified in Deed Recorded Chattanooga, TN 37408 Chattanooga, TN 37408 in Book 4978 Page 195, in the Register’s New Construction Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, but 09/06/2017 033146O F 02700 Tower Construction Co. Tower Construction New Single Family $84,746.00 omitting any covenant or restriction based on 1608 E. 13th St. 2520 E. 14th St. Co. Inc. Residence, 3 Bedrooms race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiarly Chattanooga, TN 37404 Chattanooga, TN 37404 Calvin Ball status national origin unless and only to the Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction 2520 East 14th St. extent that said covenant is exempt under Chattanooga, TN 37404 Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United States Code or related handicap but does not 09/06/2017 033144D C 00300 C&C Tenn Properties LLC Gilbert Construction New Single Family $125,000.00 discriminate against handicapped persons. 804 Browns Ferry Rd. PO Box 24414 LLC w/Crawlspace & Subject to non-exclusive easements rights Chattanooga, TN 37419 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Fred Berger Attached Garage Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction PO Box 808 and construction and maintenance agree- Ringgold, GA 30736 ments reserved and set out in Deed of record in Book 4978 page 195 in the Register’s 09/08/2017 033153M E 01000 Rowland Development Rowland Development New Single Family $190,000.00 Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. 949 Elk Group LLC Group Residence, Three Bedrooms Parcel No. 072-113.18 Chattanooga, TN 37419 8504 Festival Loop Phil Rowland w/Attached Garage Also Known As: 915 Hidden Ledge Trail Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37419 422 Magnolia Vale Rd. Hixson, TN 37343 New Construction Chattanooga, TN 37419 Street Address: 915 Hidden Ledge Trl, 09/08/2017 033153M D 00900 Rowland Development Rowland Development New Single Family $240,000.00 Hixson, Tennessee 37343 909 Tetra Ct. Group LLC Group Home w/Attached Garage Parcel Number: 072 113.18 Chattanooga, TN 37419 422 Magnolia Vale Rd. Phil Rowland 3 bedrooms & 2.5 baths Current Owner(s) of Property: Richard G. Residential (1-2 Units) Chattanooga, TN 37419 422 Magnolia Vale Rd. Polanecki and wife, Mary Louise Polanecki New Construction Chattanooga, TN 37419 The street address of the above described property is believed to be 915 Hidden Ledge Trl, Hixson, Tennessee 37343, but such ad- lanecki and Mary Louise Polanecki, and those return of any money paid towards the purchase Insurance Company, Trustee, as trustee for referenced in said deed. dress is not part of the legal description of claiming through him/her/it/them. price and shall have no other recourse. Once Mortgage, INc. on March 28, 2003 Being the same property conveyed by deed the property sold herein and in the event of Any right of equity of redemption, statutory the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the at Book GI 6631, Page 911; conducted by recorded in Book 5739, page 846, in the Reg- any discrepancy, the legal description herein and otherwise, and homestead are waived in Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed ister’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. shall control. accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of record Street Address: 4130 Sunset Ave, Chat- This sale is subject to, without limitation, all and the title is believed to be good, but the The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE in the Hamilton County Register’s Office. De- tanooga, Tennessee 37411 matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- IS, with no warranties or representations of fault has occurred in the performance of the Parcel Number: 157B G 053.01 any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, stitute Trustee. any kind, express or implied, including without covenants, terms, and conditions of said Deed Current Owner(s) of Property: Calvin Richard easements, or setback lines that may be ap- The right is reserved to adjourn the day limitation, warranties regarding condition of the of Trust and the entire indebtedness has been Arnold plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any of the sale to another day, time, and place property or marketability of title. declared due and payable. The street address of the above described governmental agency, state or federal; any prior certain without further publication, upon an- This office may be a debt collector. This Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: JPM- property is believed to be 4130 Sunset Ave, liens or encumbrances including those created nouncement at the time and place for the sale may be an attempt to collect a debt and any organ Chase Bank, National Association, its Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411, but such by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ set forth above. If you purchase a property information obtained may be used for that successors and assigns. address is not part of the legal description of association dues or assessments; all claims or at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase purpose. The following real estate located in Ham- the property sold herein and in the event of other matters, whether of record or not, which price is due and payable at the conclusion Shapiro & Ingle, LLP ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the any discrepancy, the legal description herein may encumber the purchaser’s title and any of the auction in the form of a certified/ Substitute Trustee highest call bidder: shall control. matter that an accurate survey of the premises bank check made payable to or endorsed 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Described property located at Hamilton This sale is subject to, without limitation, all might disclose. to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks Charlotte, NC 28216 County, Tennessee, to wit: matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; The following parties may claim an interest will be accepted. To this end, you must bring Phone: (704) 333-8107 Lot 1, SUNSET AVENUE SUBDIVISION, being any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, in the above-referenced property to be affected sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any Fax: (704) 333-8156 a revised subdivision of part of Lot A-2 and easements, or setback lines that may be ap- by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be Lot A-3, RESTRICTED MONTCREST SUBDIVI- plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any lien holder with an interest subordinate to the accepted. Amounts received in excess of the File No. 16-107077 SION, as shown on plat of record in Plat Book governmental agency, state or federal; any prior said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, winning bid will be refunded to the successful Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18382 67, Page 5, in the Register’s Office, Hamilton liens or encumbrances including those created through, or under any of the foregoing. Such purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed County, Tennessee, to which plat reference is by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ parties known to the Substitute Trustee may is delivered. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE hereby made for a more particular description association dues or assessments; all claims or include: HSBC Bank Nevada, NA; Discover This property is being sold with the express Sale at public auction will be on October of said property. other matters, whether of record or not, which Bank; Citibank NA. reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- 5, 2017 at 12:00PM local time, at the west LESS AND EXCEPT that property conveyed to may encumber the purchaser’s title and any Terms of Sale will be public auction, for tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be door, Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Geor- Eastern Tennessee Power Company by deed matter that an accurate survey of the premises cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at any gia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pursuant to recorded in Book X, Volume 10, page 216, might disclose. redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the Deed of Trust executed by Calvin Richard Arnold in the said Register’s Office, but TOGETHER Continued on page 16 or inapplicable, and the rights of Richard G Po- sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a and Belinda A. Arnold, to First American Title WITH the right of access to said property as 10 | September 15 – 21, 2017 Hamilton County Herald

Financial Focus Stan Russell [email protected]

Protect three key goals with life insurance September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. And “awareness” is an appropriate designation, because many people remain unaware of the many ways in which life in- surance can help families meet their key fi nancial goals. Here are three of the biggest of these objectives, as seen through the eyes of a hypothetical couple, Jim and Joan: Pay off mortgage Jim and Joan have a 30-year mortgage. If one of them dies well before that mortgage is paid off , could the other one aff ord to keep making payments to remain in the house with the children? It might be quite diffi cult – many families absolutely need two incomes to pay a mortgage, along with all the other costs of living. At the very least, the death of either Jim or Joan would likely put an enormous fi nancial strain on the surviving Photograph provided spouse. But with the proceeds of a life insurance policy, the Volkswagen eLabs offer state-of-the-art equipment and a guided learning experience. survivor could continue making the house payments – or possibly even pay the mortgage off completely, depending on the size of the policy and other fi nancial considerations. Educate children Volkswagen eLabs open in eight schools Higher education is important to Jim and Joan, and they’d Volkswagen Group of Amer- organization that provides opening this school term to en- like to see both of their young children eventually go to col- ica Chattanooga Operations, training, research and resourc- gage and inspire the imagina- lege. Of course, college is expensive: For the 2016-17 school in partnership with the State es to teachers, principals and tion of children throughout the year, the average cost (tuition, fees, room and board) was of Tennessee and the Ham- schools in Hamilton County. community,” Heimann says. about $20,000 for in-state students at public universities and ilton County Department of e Sale Creek Middle High Each Volkswagen eLab is more than $45,000 for private schools, according to the Col- Education, recently celebrated School Volkswagen eLab is staff ed with a Volkswagen lege Board. And these costs are likely to continue climbing. the grand opening of the Sale one of eight Hamilton County eLabs Innovation Team made Jim and Joan have started putting money away in a Creek Middle High School Schools that were selected for up of trained teachers with tax-advantaged 529 savings plan, but if something were to Volkswagen eLab during a the fi rst phase of installations skills in facilitating learning happen to one of them, the surviving spouse might be hard ribbon cutting ceremony. in March. e additional through digital fabrication. pressed to continue these savings at the same level – or at Volkswagen eLabs, which seven schools (Chattanooga e schools are each re- any level. But the proceeds of a life insurance death benefi t are the result of a $1 million School for the Arts & Sciences, sponsible for raising $5,000 could be enough to fund some, or perhaps all, of the college donation by Volkswagen Chat- Dalewood Middle School, East annually in cash or contributed costs for Jim and Joan’s children. tanooga and the State of Ten- Hamilton Middle High School, materials to ensure that the lab Provide for family’s future nessee, will provide about 8,000 e Howard School, Hunter is continually refreshed and Hamilton County students Middle School, Normal Park materials are replaced. Jim and Joan’s future income is their most valuable asset access to science labs featuring Museum Magnet School and School Superintendent Dr. as they continue working. However, an unexpected death rapid prototyping technologies Red Bank High School) are Bryan Johnson is excited to see could leave this dual-income family with a single income including renewable energy operational as well. what the Volkswagen eLabs that may not cover all fi nancial obligations and retirement components, laser cutters, e Volkswagen eLabs will will mean to Hamilton County contributions – or even preserve the family’s current life- CNC routers, 3D printers, teach hands-on, engineer- students. style. Life insurance could help cover these needs. Plus, the robotics, microcomputers and ing-based learning, said Ulrich “STEM is one of the most death benefi t to the family may be tax-free. vinyl cutters. Heimann, executive vice pres- important learning tracks for Clearly, a life insurance policy could allow Jim or Joan e laboratories will be ad- ident of Finance & ITP Volk- 21st century students as there to continue on with life, despite, of course, the devastating ministered in partnership with swagen Chattanooga. will be 42,000 STEM jobs in the emotional loss of a partner. But how much insurance should the Public Education Founda- “We’re excited that eight state of Tennessee alone within they own? You might read that most people need a death tion, an independent, nonprofi t labs around the county are the next few years. Our part- benefi t of seven to 10 times their annual income. is might nership with Volkswagen will be a good starting point, but everyone’s situation is diff erent. give our students the hands-on You should consider all factors – including liabilities, learning they need to be career- income replacement, fi nal expenses and education – to get and post-secondary ready,” he an accurate picture of how much insurance is appropriate. A says. fi nancial professional can help you with this calculation. Schools were selected by During Life Insurance Awareness Month, take some representatives from Volkswa- to time review your insurance situation. You may already gen Chattanooga, Tennessee have some life insurance, but it’s a good idea to review your Department of Education, coverage to make certain the amount and type of insurance Tennessee Department of is still appropriate for your needs. As we’ve seen, the right Economic and Community coverage can make a huge diff erence in the lives of your Development, the HCDE and loved ones. the PEF. Hamilton County middle and high schools will be able to is article was written by Edward Jones for use by your lo- apply for funds in 2018 to be cal Edward Jones Financial Advisor (member SIPC). Contact chosen for the remaining eight Stan at [email protected]. Volkswagen eLabs. By opening 16 Volkswagen eLabs over the course of the next 15 months, Hamilton County schools will lead the nation in digital fabrication in formal education settings. Hamilton County Herald September 15 – 21, 2017 | 11

CAREERS From page 4 am,” Hoffecker says. “I expect a lot of myself no matter where she builds a legislative agenda, I am. I expected a lot of myself writes statutes and analyzes when I practiced law and I how current policies are either expect a lot of myself here. reinforcing systems or breaking “But at least I’m not going to them down, she finds herself get a nastygram from opposing pulling out her legal toolbox counsel, or a motion for sanc- and utilizing some familiar tions, or a motion to compel.” implements. Like Hoffecker, Sharber is “All roads have led me to as busy as ever. Her daily to-do this place,” O’Donnell says. list includes increasing the “ e practice of law gave me number of visitors, ensuring the skill of advocacy and helped financial sustainability, run- me to understand the argu- ning the museum efficiently ments that are made in support and effectively and hitting the of any issue that affects any museum’s target audiences. group. She also must make sure the “I feel like I’m still practicing museum’s visitors are having law, just in a different way.” good experiences. at said, O’Donnell has at should be no sweat for already identified at least one a former attorney. But add the key difference between serving learning curve and it’s a whole as the executive director of e new ballgame. Women’s Fund and the work “My legal skills are all Photograph provided she did as an attorney: chang- applicable here. I know how ing a system is a longer game Artist Laurie Wohl’s “Jerusalem” is on display at the Jewish Cultural Center as part of the to negotiate a contract, but “Walls” exhibit. than handling a single legal I’ve never been in charge of a issue. 77,000--foot building or “When you’re in court, you a staff of 30 full-time and 30 have to convince a judge or jury part-time employees. At Miller Walls, a multimedia exhibition to see things your way,” O’Don- & Martin, other people did nell says. “But when you’re those things for us,” Sharber trying to change a system, you at the Jewish Cultural Center says. “Walls,” a multimedia exhibition of local, spiritual walls. A statement about each wall, have to win over an entire leg- Sharber is even finding that regional and national artists, is on view at by the artist, is exhibited with each piece. islature or constituency. at’s her leadership role at the muse- the Jewish Cultural Center, 5461 North e exhibit includes works by several more complicated.” um differs from her experience Terrace Road, through Oct. 27. ere is no local artists including Judith Mogul, Miki As such, O’Donnell is doing chairing boards. “It’s one thing cost to view the exhibition. Boni, Tom Farnum, Anna Carll, Howard her best to learn an all-new to set policy and another to be Gallery hours are Monday through Kaplan, Dana Shavin and Charlotte Smith. skill: patience. responsible for making sure it’s ursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Fridays, 9 A unique piece, “ e Wall of Criminal Jus- As development director of implemented,” she says. a.m.-4 p.m. tice,” by deMichael of the H’Art Gallery, is a Orange Grove, Hoffecker is Never say never, unless ... “A year ago, I began thinking about the series of four smaller pieces. picking up a slew of new skills, concept of walls, stirred by the talk of a wall Regionally and nationally known artists too, including fundraising, In her article titled “How did on the U.S. border with Mexico and the include Harriet Goren, Cindy Lutz Kornet, grant writing, database man- I get to be an unhappy lawyer?” conversations in Israel about who is able Flora Rosefskym and fiber artists Laurie agement, marketing, event Jennifer Alvey, a Nashville res- to go to the ... Western Wall. Non-physical Wohl and Rachel Kanter. planning and more. ident and recovering attorney, walls between people seem to be reemerg- e Jewish Cultural Center closes at var- ankfully, like O’Donnell, says she often wonders why ing,” says Ann Treadwell, curator of the ious times during the Jewish High Holidays some of Hoffecker’s new re- many people who practice law exhibition and program director for the (specifically Sept. 21 and 22 and Oct. 5, 6, sponsibilities allow her to draw end up despising it. Jewish Federation. 12 and 13). on her past legal experience. More than 50 percent of e selected pieces of art represent var- Source: Jewish Cultural Center “I couldn’t write a brief or lawyers say if they could do it ious thoughts about physical, mental and argue my position to a judge over again, they wouldn’t go to with no evidence. ere was no law school, she writes. such thing as, ‘Because I said at’s high. But it’s not been never walked into a deposition, world is different. I love when careers but their careers have so, your honor.’ I use that skill the experience of O’Donnell, courtroom or the office, and folks from my past life come to not changed them. when I write grants,” Hoffecker 38, Hoffecker, 48, or Sharber, people were overjoyed to see the museum.” “Was I born to be a lawyer says. 57. All three are still licensed me,” she says. If there’s one more unifying or development director?” Hof- “Once they teach you how attorneys and have not ruled “But the people we serve are factor between O’Donnell, fecker asks. “Probably not. But to think like a lawyer, you can’t out returning to the profession. happy to see me, not because I Hoffecker and Sharber, it’s I was born to not walk away undo it. I will forever use those “I loved practicing law. I can do something for them but that they might have changed from a fight.” skills no matter what I do,” she miss the courtroom and inter- because I walked through the adds. acting with a wide variety of door. at’s awesome.” Hoffecker has carried one poor people with crazy issues,” Sharber also says she prob- Single o ce space available at other remnant from her law O’Donnell says. “My office ably won’t practice law again, Tidwell & Izell on the 15th Floor practice to her new career: the looks out at Patton Towers. although with less conviction of the SunTrust building. struggle to achieve an equitable After it had a fire, I helped its than Hoffecker. The space has two conference work-life balance. When she residents with the legal issues Perhaps that has more to do leaves Orange Grove at the end that rose out of that incident. with the people she misses than rooms and a kitchen. Plenty of of the day, she takes her job I miss having a connection to her satisfaction with being an storage space for les. home with her. those people.” attorney. 220 square feet (20 ft. x 11 ft.). “I’m still answering emails Hoffecker hasn’t dismissed “I miss everyone. I also miss Building has an attached garage the idea of becoming a prac- being a part of things that were and responding to crises,” she for parking. says. “I put in fewer hours than ticing lawyer again, either, happening,” she says. “My I did at Baker Donelson but it’s although she comes the closest still not an eight-to-five job.” of the three attorneys to doing Contact Jerry so. Perhaps that has more to Male and Female Hoffecker says this has more Tidwell or to do with her than it does do with her ties to the people models aged between her job. While expansive, her Orange Grove serves than any 18-40 needed for a water Adam Izell work at Orange Grove is not dissatisfaction with her legal apparel fashion shoot. All regarding this as stressful or intellectually career. sizes can apply and no o ce space: prior experience demanding as practicing law. “ ere are two fellas who 423-602-7511 But, in some ways, she makes it come to my office every day needed. that way. to give me a hug or say hi. I For more Information kindly loved the staff at Baker Donel- “I’ve learned that a lot of the email [email protected] Space will become available on October 1, 2017 struggle is intrinsic to who I son, and they loved me, but I 12 | September 15 – 21, 2017 Hamilton County Herald

n THE JENKINS PERSPECTIVE Tradition vs. safety: Preps tackle timely foe players were often choos- ball, and if not, will it still be THEN: NOW: ing comfort over safety and football when it’s done? “Football is not a contact sport. It is a collision sport.” “Given the potential for injury wearing loose-fitting helmets, On Football Gambling – Vince Lombardi with blindside hits, I person- the rule came into being that required that any player losing We can only roll our eyes “‘… you can’t lead with your helmet, forearm or shoulder.’ ally like the new rule. But, as his helmet during a play must and wonder when we hear that I guess we have to karate kick people now when tackling.” with all rules, it comes down to leave the game for a play, or people bet large sums of money – former Vikings punter Chris Kluwe interpretation and enforcement. until his helmet is properly on NFL exhibition football is rule will require consisten- games. e money is real but “I like to believe that my best hits border on felonious cy across the board on the part refitted. is common-sense assault.” rule was a big success, but it the games are not. Not quite of officials and buy-in by the sure how to reconcile that. – former Raiders safety Jack Tatum coaches. Anytime we can protect suddenly made players more confident hitting and tackling More grounded in reality are “He went down hard, left in a heap by a crackback block as a defenseless player, we help the those who wait until the start of naked as it was vicious. Pro football was like that in 1960, game of football.’’ by “leading with the head.” – Blessed Trinity head coach Tim McFarlin, at led to … college football to begin betting a gang fight in shoulder pads.” their hard-earned mortgage — John Schulian, Sports Illustrated, on Chuck Bednarik’s hit on Frank Gifford Roswell, Georgia In May of 2013, the NFL adopted the following rule, money. (Hopefully, my sarcasm and all other levels of football is evident.) n a recent Friday what constitutes a defenseless soon followed: “A ban on a ball Please consider these Week night, a tough and player,” Akins said the follow- carrier initiating contact with One outcomes before you talented receiver for ing Monday after watching the the crown of his helmet in the pick up your phone to call Ringgold High School game film of the play. “I agree open field or by a defender 1-800-URIDIOT to place that Onamed Andre Tarver, it was called correctly on that while making a tackle.” sure thing bet: was doing his job. play. But my issue with it has A 15-yard penalty will be Texas was an 18.5-point Having run his pass route, he been from the beginning is the called if a runner or a tackler favorite over Maryland. Ranked his quarterback pull down David Jenkins inconsistency in the way it has initiates forcible contact by and under the auspices of a the ball and scramble towards been called. delivering a blow with the top/ new coach, the Longhorns’ A writer who has spent his entire the near sideline with two “I’m watching game film crown of his helmet against an suffered an epic fail. The Terps Fannin County Rebels in hot adult life in Chattanooga appreciating from Adairsville last year, and completed 12 of 15 passes and where he lives. opponent when both players pursuit. Tarver did not hesitate. there were two clear hits on clearly are outside the tackle averaged six yards per carry en e 6-2, 190-pound receiver defenseless players that were route to a 51-41 win. Maryland “defenseless player” and was box (an area extending from came back towards the line not called,” the coach contin- was ahead 30-14 at halftime. socked with a 15-yard penalty. tackle-to-tackle and from 3 of scrimmage and planted ued. “I understand the em- UCLA was a 3.5-point favor- Almost no one in the stands yards beyond the line of scrim- his shoulder pad between the phasis on concussions and the ite over Texas A&M and the saw an infraction because mage to the offensive team’s numbers of linebacker Mason need to protect players, but no over/under was set at 58 points. veteran viewers of the game are end line). Incidental contact Rhodes and put him on the rule works if it isn’t enforced If you placed your bet on A&M, used to seeing that play under by the helmet of a runner or turf. Rhodes, himself a 6-0, consistently.” you did OK, even though the previous rules. a tackler against an opponent 215-pounder, bounced up Aggies blew a 34-point lead, For his part, Ringgold head ‘A forceful block’ would not be deemed a foul. immediately. the second biggest collapse in coach Robert Akins agreed Just that quickly, one of the For the last 60 years, Tarver In February, the high school history. That over of 89, how- that the new rule was correct- most brutal elements of football would have gotten a pat on the rule book changed the defini- ever was not expected. ly interpreted on that play, went away. Spearing, sticking, rear for protecting his QB with tion of a crackback or blindside Don’t know why anyone and Tarver was taken aside to call it what you will, disappeared a clean hit. But this is 2017, and block. e definition of a blind- would bet on church schools, explain why he did something overnight, and with it a breed the rules have changed. side block is “a block against but Baylor was a mortal lock wrong that felt so right. of players like Jack Tatum and Tarver was flagged for an an opponent other than the as a 31.5-point favorite against “It’s a judgment call on Fred Williamson who relied on illegal crackback block on a runner, who does not see the Liberty University. For the blocker approaching.” fear and pain over technique and fundamentals. bettors, this one went south Further, the new rule says early, but the humiliation was a blindside block “involves But the powers that be did not stop there. complete as Liberty won 48-45 contact by a blocker against with 585 total yards. an opponent who, because of Rules that took much of the kamikaze element out of But the game that broke physical positioning and focus many and possibly saved one of concentration, is vulnera- onsides kicks were passed, requiring at least four players or two truly lucky souls was ble to injury. Unless initiated actually played in Las Vegas. with open hands, it is a foul for to be lined up on each side of the kicker. A year earlier, As a result, heavier than usual excessive and unnecessary con- money was bet – legally and tact when the block is forceful rules designed to minimize the wedge and the busting of one otherwise – on the Howard vs. and outside of the free-block- UNLV contest. ing zone.” were instituted. What’s next? You can bet The Runnin’ Rebels were a A “forceful block” is inter- tidy 45-point favorite against preted as a block that knocks your chinstrap that kickoffs will be eliminated altogether from a Howard team that had never somebody off their feet. been a BCS level program. But e wrinkle is that even that college football since virtually every team has a kicker who with Cam Newton’s younger block, properly administered, brother starring at quarterback, is still a 15-yard penalty if the can bury kickoffs through the end zone with ease. More and Howard posted the shocker runner fails to see the defend- among shockers, 43-40. er. And therein lies part of the more, high schools are finding them, as well. One betting site reported problem. Does a player have the staggering truth: this was, to see the whites of their eyes Andy Griffith made an early claim to fame with a bumpkin statistically the biggest upset before he can execute a block? in college football history. If Well, yes. description of witnessing a football game for the first time someone bet $100 on Howard “We took Andre aside and to win, they cleared $60,000. in “What It Was, Was Foot- explained to him that he has Of course, no one will admit ball.” e game he described to have his hands open and to winning, and so many losers back in the 1950s no longer extended,” Akins said. “ at’s emerged in Vegas that a few resembles football in today’s all you can do.” are bound to take the cure and concussion-conscious world. e road to hell is paved leave gambling behind. Is it a better game? Wrong with good intentions. Here are Just as many feel they can question, because it doesn’t some of the cobblestones that win that money back this week. matter if it is or it isn’t. brought us to this point: You never catch up. But e correct question: Are In 2012, the helmet rule was that’s the secret gamblers don’t the changes through with foot- adopted and enforced. Because want you to know. Shhhhh. 13

| GREATER CHATTANOOGA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS - September 15 – 21, 2017 15 – 21, September GCAR, page 14 PRESIDENT Sue Sims Ian O’Shea See See PRESIDENT PRESIDENT ELECT Myra Cochran Clayton Taylor Joanna Jackson Martha Alexander Founded in 1912 TREASURER & STATE DIRECTOR TREASURER & STATE Northwest Georgia Council Georgia Northwest 24 Several factors offer clues regard ward as sales remained strong on less inventory. For the month of August, the Median Sales Price increased to $178,450, which is 7.5 percent bump over last year, and the Average Sales Price increased to $212,324, which represents a 6.3 percent increase. Year to date, the average price of a home in the Chattanooga region stands at $209,432. ing what the upcoming months of home sales might look like. e first category to consider are pending sales. ese are sales contracts which have been written but have not yet closed. e number of pending con- PRESIDENT Joe Pleva Ben Pitts Bill Raines John HealyJohn Steve Hunt Russ Elliott Jeff Jennings Robert Fisher - Commercial Council Commercial

ese strong sales, paired with Less inventory and consistent sales It’s not hard to understand why Dan Griess John Payne John Jon Hughes Jon Robyn Ring Paula Palmer Paula Robert Fisher Robert Backer Myra Cochran significantly less product to work with. decreased inventory, pushed the Months’ Supply of Inventory (MOS) down to 3.8 months. is represents a 24 percent reduction to last year’s figure and is consistent with the MOS for the last seven months. sent the days on market plunging to 50 for August, which is a 13.8 percent reduction to last year’s 58 days. e year-to-date DOM stands at 60 versus 67 for the first eight months of 2016. prices continued their march up Kevin Wamack Jennifer Cooper Brenda Pargeon Becky Cope English Brandi Thompson Pearl

Hamilton County Herald County Hamilton ® Amnicola Hwy. | Chattanooga, Tn 37406 | 423 -698-8004 423-698-8001 | | | Amnicola 37406 Fax: Hwy. Chattanooga, Tn

REALTOR ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE MLS CHAIR PRESIDENT Kim Bass TREASURER Mark Hite Vicki Trapp Vicki Geoff Ramsey PRESIDENT-ELECT Mark Hite Nathan Walldorf Nathan Association of Realtors IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT PAST IMMEDIATE President, Greater Chattanooga 2017 Board of Directors of Board 2017 to note that the region had a 23.5 percent decrease in the amount of residential units that were available for sale in August 2017 versus the same time last year. Area Realtors produced the same sales result with

Summer Summer home sales still strong Photograph provided Photograph

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Southside Social. Hudson hosted the event to to event the hosted Hudson Social. Southside a client appreciation bash Saturday, Sept. 9, at at 9, Sept. Saturday, bash appreciation client a Realtor throws client appreciation bash appreciation client throws Realtor While August is generally thought For the month of August, residen- Taking a closer look at this sales Association Association of Realtors of as the end of the summer selling season as children return to school and fall arrives, the Greater Chatta nooga housing market is showing no signs of “cooling” down. tial home sales were flat to last year, with a .2 percent increase. Keep in mind that this same month last year was the largest August sales month Chattanooga had experienced, so to be flat is an accomplishment. Year to date the market is standing at +1.1 percent to last year, which falls in line with early predictions. data, it’s particularly important 14 |

GREATERGREATER CHATTANOOGACHATTANOOGA ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION OFOF REALTORSREALTORS September 15–21,2017 Institute as a place where land real Institute asaplacewherelandreal held annuallybytheRealtorsLand Bill andtimberland. sion developmenttothe2018Farm from transitionallandandsubdivi- trending topicswithintheindustry sales production.Speakerswillcover cally forlandprofessionalsbasedon Awards, anawardsprogramspecifi- session andtheinauguralAPEX showcase), apropertymarketing ing anewlandrealestatetechnology speakers, anexpandedexpo(includ- Graphics ResearchGroup. chairman oftheboardforMarket- sity, andEdselCharles,founder nies ofColumbus,Georgia. sented theseller,FlournoyCompa- Berkadia’s Chattanoogateam,repre conjunction withMarcusLyonsof with Berkadia’sAlabamateam,in rent of$1,027perunitwhenitsold. 95 percent,withanaveragein-place operating withoccupancyratesnear ilton PlaceMall. epropertywas Berkadia negotiates multifamily sale multifamily negotiates Berkadia The Haven atCommons Park Berkadia haschangedhandsafter handledits sale. Nashville in meet torealestate agents Land Estate CenteratTexasA&MUniver Dotzour, chiefeconomistoftheReal Nashville Downtownhotel. take placeMarch12-14attheHilton conference. whichisscheduledto National LandConference. join theminMusicCityforthe2018 agents fromacrossthecountryto of Realtors,inviteslandrealestate affiliate oftheNationalAssociation the ShallowfordRoadareanearHam property builtin2009andlocated Commons Park,a319-unitClassA months of 2016. is is a sign that months of2016. isisasignthat is up1.3percent overthefirsteight number ofcontractswritten, which percent. ly tolastyear,cominginatminus one tracts fromAugustweredown slight- GCAR is National Land Conference is is NationalLandConferenceis RLI willfeatureadditionalindustry David Oakley and David Wilson David OakleyandWilson Keynote speakers include Mark Keynote speakersincludeMark Registration isnowopenforthe e RealtorsLandInstitute,an Berkadia has sold e Haven at Berkadia hassold eHavenat is is in line with the year-to-date is isinlinewiththeyear-to-date

From page13 - - - estate agentsinattendancespecial- est conferencesyetwithover200real tise. tions, referbusinessandgainexper- gather toshareideas,makeconnec estate agentsfromacrossthecountry keynote speaker atthe2018 NationalLandConference, to take place March 12-14 inNashville. Dr. MarkDotzour, chief economist of theReal Estate Center atTexas A&M University, willbea Verandas atTaylorOaks,both332- e VerandasatMityleneand Class Aportfoliothatincluded noy 3Portfolio,athree-property cets. kitchen sinksandnewfau- vinyl plankflooring,newfarm-style were alsoupgradedwithwood-style kitchen andbathroom.Someunits installing granitecountertopsinevery e Haven,upgradedtheinteriors, er andmanagementcompanyfor 2016, which is slightly weaker than 2016, whichis slightlyweakerthan decrease of9.4 percentcomparedto market. Inthiscategory,we sawa number ofnewlistingscoming to about futuresalesresultsare the year overthenextfewmonths. record levelsandremainflattolast home salesshouldcontinueatnear It’s expectedtobeoneofthelarg- e HavenwaspartoftheFlour- Flournoy, theoriginaldevelop- e other item that offers a clue e otheritemthatoffersa clue Hamilton CountyHerald - com/national-land-conference. and huntinglandmore. ranchland, timberland,recreational commercial, residential,farmland, izing inalltypesofland,including on year-to-datetrends. to beinthenextfewmonths based sales downward,butitdoes notlook reduced levelsofinventorywill push percent. the year-to-datetrendofminus7.4 National Corporation.Information: Berkshire HathawayandLeucadia were providedviaFreddieMac. portfolio. reelow-leverageloans ver teamfacilitatedfinancingforthe Stephanie MorrisofBerkadia’sDen Alabama. submarket areaofMontgomery, unit propertieslocatedintheeastern To learnmore,visitwww.rliland. At some point in the future, the At somepointinthefuture, the Berkadia is a joint venture of Berkadia isajointventureof Kevin McCormack, Brian Huff and Kevin McCormack,BrianHuffand

Source: RealtorsLandInstitute Photograph provided Photograph provided Source: Berkadia - (Mississippi) University. ness administrationfromBelhaven State Collegeandamaster’s inbusi business managementfrom Dalton English. Healsoholdsadegree in for aspecificseasonintheir life. helping peoplefindtherighthome ten-year careerinrealestatehasbeen destination.” transition isjustasimportantthe make theirnextmoveasuccess. e diligence andexpertisetheyneedto to providethemwiththesupport, looking forastarterhome.Iwant is toprovidethemwithexceptional and individuals,’’hesays.“Mygoal transitions tofindaffordablehousing. and otherindividualsinvariouslife single moms,students,seniorcitizens serve customers. web-based applicationstobetter investment propertiesanddeveloped of newhomes,supervisedrentaland company’s marketingandadvertising now knownasBellHomebuilders. tion brokerage,BellDevelopment, joined theBellfamily’snewconstruc- from Champion.In2009,Martinez ty Centerandreceivedsalestraining 2007. HethenjoinedPrudentialReal- licenses inTennesseeandGeorgia and directorofcareerdevelopment. tor, SteveChampion,servesasbroker Realty Downtown KW Greater joins Martinez Williams Greater Downtown Realty. Realtor ManuelMartinez hasjoinedKeller Chattanooga, wherehisformermen Keller Williamsofficeindowntown specializes in: Manuel Martinez More info Martinez is fluent in Spanish and Martinez isfluentinSpanish and Martinez saysthehighlightofhis “My passionistoservefamilies Martinez alsohelpedfamilies, At Bell,Martinezmanagedthe Martinez obtainedrealestate Manuel Martinez has joined the Manuel Martinezhasjoinedthe l l l l l Property manage- Investment Leasing and Relocations New construction ment consulting properties rentals and re-sales

Source: ManuelMartinez Photograph provided renting or renting or folks arealso home. or sellinga life: buying decisions in most crucial in oneofthe of theway in everystep being vested service by customer “Many “Many - - Hamilton County Herald September 15 – 21, 2017 | 15

The Critic’s Turn your backyard into Corner By David Laprad a great living space [email protected]

When you think of making box, as the saying goes, and home improvements, the inte- expand or replace that drab Will ‘It’ scare you? rior and exterior of your home slab with a rounded or flowing may get the most focus. But contoured patio. there is also a lot of potentially ere are many options to Sure, but it offers great living space just outside choose from, and even the your door. Here are a few ways least expensive materials like viewers much more to make your back (or front) Mike Croxall concrete have come a long way “It,” the new movie based on the 1986 novel by Stephen yard a seamless extension of with varied textures, visual King, is everything a film based on the book should be. your home for entertaining and President, Home Builders appeal and durability. It bathes viewers in warm rays of nostalgia. It hums with enjoying the Chattanooga area Association of Greater Chattanooga Add a meandering walkway the constant threat of a lurking horror. Its characters feel like days and evenings of summer, through a garden space and real people but the true nature of its monster is left unex- fall and beyond. privacy while still leaving you beyond to draw your backyard, plained. Outdoor living and dining out in nature, as well as provide landscaping and patio area Yes, Pennywise the Dancing Clown is all smiles until he’s rooms, kitchens a welcome glow and warmth together into an inviting, cohe- all razor-sharp teeth, dripping with saliva stirred by an un- into the fall months. sive living space. It’s becoming more common natural hunger, but what exactly is he? King’s novel offers an Likewise, fire pits can be per- Pergolas, outdoor lighting to see cushioned chairs, bench- explanation, but the movie, which is based on only half the manently installed to provide es and tables arranged on a Break up, instead of block book, doesn’t. a safe, appealing glow to your separated patio or adjoining the out, the daylight sun with I admire the restraint. Viewers outdoor gathering. home, often under an awning wooden structures like pergolas like things to be explained. ey It or roof but still very much in Stone gardens to bring some welcome shade don’t like peering into a dark the open air of your backyard. Rocks may be an unwelcome without creating a barrier closet and wondering what’s in there. But aren’t the scariest Rated R for violence, Start off on the right foot site when you’re installing between you and the outdoors horror, bloody images and monsters the ones our imagina- with a properly installed and posts or digging a patio you are enjoying. language graded patio of stone or con- or a hole to place a plant, but At night, these same struc- tions summon as we’re peering crete and you can enjoy meals don’t toss them away just yet. tures can feature lighting ele- into shadows? or just have a comfortable place Stones can add color and ments designed specifically for “It” is also everything a horror movie fan could want. It to relax with friends and family. texture to a garden, and larger outdoor use to add a subtle but fills the screen – to its very edges – with the gory, chilling, Some go further and create rocks can create their own helpful glow in the evening. sinister details of King’s writing. an outdoor kitchen complete unique focal point. Installing elements like these Nothing is safe or sacred – not even an arm attached to a with a grill, sink, refrigerator, Add new dimension to your into your home’s outdoor space 7-year-old boy. Such was necessary for Pennywise to be as countertop and storage space, backyard with stones large is a great way to expand the threatening as he looks. often built right into a patio’s or small. ink of it this way enjoyment of your home. Lastly, “It” is everything someone who loves a good film stonework. – you’ll never have to water And don’t be shy about could want. Granted, some people (including a few I know) Be sure to buy furniture, them. contacting the Home Builders have no interest in horror and will not see this. I feel a little rugs and accessories that have Patios and walkways Association of Greater Chatta- bad about them missing a movie built on a skillfully adapted been designed for outdoor or nooga at to find screenplay, direction by a capable filmmaker and wonderful outdoor/indoor use. Is your backyard patio a contractors with the necessary performances by young actors. square or rectangular slab of Fire pits and fireplaces expertise to help you with your If you love films but not horror, consider giving “It” five concrete? ink outside the project. minutes. If you can make it through the first scene, which Another more recent trend serves as a microcosm of everything that’s to come, then you is having a skilled professional can weather the whole movie. install a freestanding brick or “It” begins with the elated laughter of a young boy as he stone fireplace near a seating or chases a paper boat along a river of curb water during a entertaining area in your back- rainstorm. en there’s the sudden appearance of Pennywise yard. It can create a sense of in a sewer. I could feel the back of my throat tightening as the crea- EVENTS From page 5 ture, which looks like a nightmarish clown, baits the child with talk of a lost circus and warm, buttery popcorn in the the host of a new Bloomberg bowels of the neighborhood. en its mouth opens wide to series titled “Walk the Talk,” reveal the nine levels of Hell and ... which is focused on gender On second thought, maybe you should skip it. But I still equality and the importance say you’re missing out. of women in executive leader- “It” is set in Derry, Maine, where the titular monster awak- ship. Zalis will speak about the ens every 27 years to feed on the town’s children. e film importance of gender-balanced follows seven of his victims during one summer of horror. teams. Before eating any meat, though, Pennywise likes to salt it In addition, the Women’s with fear. us, in the process of battling the creature, each Fund will present a check to kid faces his or her personal demons. the winner of the Nightingale To a young germaphobe, the creature takes on the guise Network grant. e Nightin- of a plague-ridden corpse; to a girl who’s experiencing her gale Network supports local first period, he appears as a geyser of blood bursting out of a nonprofits that serve women bathroom sink. Her father, drawn by her screams, opens the and girls. e finalists are door and sees clean walls. Chattanooga Room in the Inn, What a great group of kids King fashioned. And what TechTown and Girls, Inc. fine work the three credited screenwriters did carrying the Proceeds from the event ensemble over to the movie. I felt transported back to my will support the WFGC’s work childhood and the friends I knew, the girls I fell for, the bul- at the state and local levels to lies I hated – the whole nine yards. advance policies that protect I even had a friend who was every bit as vulgar as Richie. and advance women and chil- One of the achievements of this adaptation of “It” is the dren, the Nightingale Network way it perfectly captures the wonder, innocent and fears of and partnership organizations adolescence. across Tennessee that support Director Andy Muschietti, who introduced himself to women and girls. the world with the effective horror chiller “Mama” in 2013, Information, tickets: www. See CRITIC, page 23 chattanoogawomensfund. Page 16 Public Notices September 15 - 21, 2017 Foreclosure Notices IS, with no warranties or representations of ESTABLISHED BY MASTER DEED AND DECLA- Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18384 easements or set-back lines that may be ap- Continued from page 9 any kind, express or implied, including without RATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS plicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as limitation, warranties regarding condition of the AND THE BY-LAWS APPENDED THERETO OF NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE well as any priority created by a fi xture fi ling; The following parties may claim an interest property or marketability of title. RECORD IN BOOK 8446, PAGE 739, AND WHEREAS, default has occurred in the and to any matter that an accurate survey of in the above-referenced property to be affected This offi ce may be a debt collector. This BEING LOCATED UPON LOT NO. 1, REVISED performance of the covenants, terms and the premises might disclose. This property is by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or may be an attempt to collect a debt and any PLAT OF LOT 1, 1301 MARKET STREET SUB- conditions of a Deed of Trust dated June 20, being sold with the express reservation that lien holder with an interest subordinate to the information obtained may be used for that DIVISION, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF RECORD IN 2005, executed by David B. Turner, convey- it is subject to confi rmation by the lender or said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, purpose. PLAT BOOK 86, PAGE 90, IN THE REGISTER`S ing certain real property therein described to Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded through, or under any of the foregoing. Such Shapiro & Ingle, LLP OFFICE, HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO Transcontinental Title, as Trustee, as same at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn parties known to the Substitute Trustee may Substitute Trustee WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE appears of record in the Register’s Offi ce of the day of the sale to another day, time, and include: None. 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 FOR A MORE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded June 28, place certain without further publication, upon Terms of Sale will be public auction, for Charlotte, NC 28216 Parcel ID: 145E N 010 C309PROPERTY AD- 2005, in Deed Book GI 7580, Page 672; and announcement at the time and place for the cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, Phone: (704) 333-8107 DRESS: The street address of the property is WHEREAS, the benefi cial interest of said Deed sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed Fax: (704) 333-8156 believed to be 1301 MARKET ST UNIT 309, of Trust was last transferred and assigned to demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, or inapplicable, and the rights of Calvin Richard CHATTANOOGA, TN 37402. In the event of any Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper who and dower are expressly waived in said Deed Arnold and Belinda A. Arnold, and those claim- File No. 17-112752 discrepancy between this street address and is now the owner of said debt; andWHEREAS, of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, ing through him/her/it/them. Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18383 the legal description of the property, the legal the undersigned,Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Any right of equity of redemption, statutory description shall control. CURRENT OWNER(S): been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instru- Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold as is, and otherwise, and homestead are waived in NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE S SALE KEARY P. SIMS, CRYSTAL M. SIMSOTHER ment to be fi led for record in the Register’s where is, without representations or warranties accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- INTERESTED PARTIES: The Market Street Loft Offi ce of Hamilton County, Tennessee. NOW, of any kind, including fi tness for a particular and the title is believed to be good, but the mance of the covenants, terms and conditions Condominium Owners Association, Inc. The THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the use or purpose.THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- of a Deed of Trust dated October 4, 2007, sale of the above-described property shall be entire indebtedness has been declared due ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION stitute Trustee. executed by KEARY P. SIMS, CRYSTAL M. subject to all matters shown on any recorded and payable, and that the undersigned, Rubin OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. The right is reserved to adjourn the day SIMS, conveying certain real property therein plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee or his Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee119 of the sale to another day, time, and place described to LEGAL TITLE & ESCROW, INC., enants, easements or set-back lines that may duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, S. Main Street, Suite 500Memphis, TN 38103 certain without further publication, upon an- as Trustee, as same appears of record in be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances duty and authority vested and imposed upon Tel: nouncement at the time and place for the sale the Register’s Offi ce of Hamilton County, Ten- as well as any priority created by a fi xture fi ling; said Substitute Trustee will, on October 5, (877) 813-0992Fax: (404) 601-5846 Ad # set forth above. If you purchase a property nessee recorded October 10, 2007, in Deed and to any matter that an accurate survey of 2017 at 10:00 AM at the West Door of the Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18385 at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase Book GI 8493, Page 574; and WHEREAS, the the premises might disclose. This property is Hamilton County Courthouse, 615 Walnut price is due and payable at the conclusion benefi cial interest of said Deed of Trust was being sold with the express reservation that Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402, proceed to SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE of the auction in the form of a certifi ed/ last transferred and assigned to Nationstar it is subject to confi rmation by the lender or sell at public outcry to the highest and best Sale at public auction will be on October bank check made payable to or endorsed Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper who is now Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded bidder for cash or certifi ed funds ONLY, the fol- 5, 2017 at 10:00AM local time, at the to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, the at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn lowing described property situated in Hamilton west door, Hamilton County Courthouse, will be accepted. To this end, you must bring undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having the day of the sale to another day, time, and County, Tennessee, to wit:ALL THAT TRACT OR 625 Georgia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee suffi cient funds to outbid the lender and any been appointed as Substitute Trustee by place certain without further publication, upon PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Billy other bidders. Insuffi cient funds will not be instrument to be fi led for record in the Reg- announcement at the time and place for the FIRST CIVIL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON COUNTY, D Rodgers Jr and Regina A Rodgers, to Title accepted. Amounts received in excess of the ister’s Offi ce of Hamilton County, Tennessee. sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- TENNESSEE, BEING LOT ELEVEN (ll), BLOCK Guaranty & Trust Company, Trustee, as trustee winning bid will be refunded to the successful NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, TWO (2), SOUDER`S ADDITION TO EAST LAKE, for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed the entire indebtedness has been declared and dower are expressly waived in said Deed AS SHOW BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK Inc. as nominee for First Horizon Home Loan is delivered. due and payable, and that the undersigned, of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, 5, PAGE 8, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF Corporation D/B/A First Tennessee Home This property is being sold with the express Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee but the undersigned will sell and convey only HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE.Parcel ID: Loans on December 29, 2006 at Book GI 8205, reservation that the sale is subject to confi rma- or his duly appointed agent, by virtue of the as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold 160J-P.011PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street Page 638, Instrument No. 2007010900176; tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be power, duty and authority vested and imposed as is, where is, without representations or address of the property is believed to be 4509 conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at any upon said Substitute Trustee will, on October warranties of any kind, including fi tness for 14th Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37407. In the appointed Substitute or Successor Trustee, all time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Front Steps of a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW FIRM event of any discrepancy between this street ad- of record in the Hamilton County Register’s Of- sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a the Hamilton County Courthouse, located in IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY dress and the legal description of the property, fi ce. Default has occurred in the performance return of any money paid towards the purchase Chattanooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED the legal description shall control. CURRENT of the covenants, terms, and conditions of said price and shall have no other recourse. Once public outcry to the highest and best bidder FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, OWNER(S): David B. TurnerOTHER INTERESTED Deed of Trust and the entire indebtedness has the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the for cash or certifi ed funds ONLY, the following Substitute Trustee119 S. Main Street, Suite PARTIES: First Tennessee BankThe sale of the been declared due and payable. Substitute Trustee may deem the sale fi nal in described property situated in Hamilton County, 500Memphis, TN 38103 above-described property shall be subject Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Federal which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. Tennessee, to wit: BEING UNIT NO. 309, OF property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992Fax: to all matters shown on any recorded plat; National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE MARKET STREET LOFT CONDOMINIUMS, AS (404) 601-5846 Ad #123166 any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, its successors and assigns.a The following real estate located in Ham- ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder: Described property located at Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot Nine Hundred Eighty-one (981), Hamilton on Hunter, Phase Fourteen (14), as shown by revised plat of record in Plat Book 82, Pages 70 and 71, in the Register’s Offi ce of Hamilton County, Tennessee. Being the same property conveyed to A & M Construction, Inc., a Tennessee corporation, by Warranty Deed from Fatherson Partner- ship Two, a Tennessee general partnership, dated May 25, 2006 and recorded in Book 7954, Page 885. in the Register’s Offi ce of Hamilton County, Tennessee. THIS CONVEYANCE MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: Restrictions as set out in instrument recorded in Book 6121, Page 674, as imposed in Book 7930,Page 687, in the Register’s Offi ce of Hamilton County, Tennessee, but omitting any covenant or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607, of the United States Code or (b) relates to handicap but does not discriminate against handicapped persons. Ten (10) foot Power and Communication Ease- ment as shown or specifi ed by recorded plat. Ten (10) foot Drainage Easement as shown or specifi ed by recorded plat. Conditions and easements contained in document of record in Book 2116, Page 186, in the Register’s Offi ce of Hamilton County. Tennessee. Any governmental zoning and subdivision ordinances in effect thereon. All notes. stipulations. restrictions, ease- ments. conditions, and regulations as set out on recorded plat. Street Address: 6088 Saab Dr, Ooltewah, Tennessee 37363 Parcel Number: 113J E 059 Current Owner(s) of Property: Billy D. Rodgers Jr and wife, Regina A. Rodgers The street address of the above described property is believed to be 6088 Saab Dr, Ooltewah, Tennessee 37363, but such ad- September 15 - 21, 2017 Public Notices Page 17

dress is not part of the legal description of TENNESSEE: LOT NO. TWENTY-EIGHT (28), gage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given Eight (8); thence North twenty (20) degrees the property sold herein and in the event of FINAL PLAT, DOGWOOD VILLAGE SUBDIVI- nominee for SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., Lender that the entire indebtedness has been declared Forty-two (42) minutes East, one hundred any discrepancy, the legal description herein SION, AS SHOWN BY PLAT RECORDED IN and Larry A. Weissman, Trustee(s), which due and payable as provided in said Deed of seventeen (117) feet, more or less, to Pan shall control. PLAT BOOK 77, PAGE 71, AND IN PLAT BOOK was dated February 2, 2007 and recorded on Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the Gap Creek; thence Southeastwardly along This sale is subject to, without limitation, all 79, PAGE 23, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF February 7, 2007 in Book GI 8234, Page 800, undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Pan Gap Creek, eighty (80) feet, more or matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Hamilton County, Tennessee Register of Deeds. Trustee, by virtue of the power and author- less, to a point: thence South twenty (20) any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, FOR PRIOR TITLE SEE DEED IN DEED BOOK WHEREAS, default having been made in ity vested in it, will on October 3, 2017, at degrees forty-two (42) minutes West, one easements, or setback lines that may be ap- 7688, PAGE 848, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE the payment of the debt(s) and obligation(s) 10:00AM at the usual and customary location hundred twenty-six (126) feet to a point; plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust at the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chatta- thence North sixty-nine (69) degrees governmental agency, state or federal; any prior PROPERTY KNOWN AS 7108 BLOSSOM and the current holder of said Deed of Trust, nooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public eighteen (18) minutes West, twenty-five liens or encumbrances including those created CIRCLE, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE 37421, SunTrust Bank, (the “Holder”), appointed the outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, (25) feet to the East line of said cul-de-sac; by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ MAP PARCEL NO. 139H-A-007.28. undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, as Substi- the following described property situated in thence along said cul- de-sac, seventy-five association dues or assessments; all claims or THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO tute Trustee, by an instrument duly recorded in Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: (75) feet, more or less, to the point of other matters, whether of record or not, which THE FOLLOWING: the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hamilton Certain real property situate in Hamilton Coun- beginning, excepting therefrom five (5) may encumber the purchaser’s title and any ANY GOVERNMENTAL ZONING AND SUBDI- County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers ty, Tennessee, and described as follows, to-wit: feet reserved for the future widening of matter that an accurate survey of the premises VISION ORDINANCES OR REGULATIONS IN and privileges of the original Trustee named in Lot 18, Revised plat of Lots 18, 19, 20 Gundy Lane and that part of said Lot to might disclose. EFFECT THEREON. said Deed of Trust; and Brookhaven Heights as shown by plat re- be used for the extension of Gundy Lane. The following parties may claim an interest ALL APPLICABLE CONDITIONS, RESTRIC- NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given corded in Plat Book 28, page 35 of the Reg- SUBJECT TO any governmental zoning and in the above-referenced property to be affected TIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS, ETC., that the entire indebtedness has been declared ister’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. subdivision ordinances or regulations in by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or AS SHOWN ON RECORDED PLAT. due and payable as provided in said Deed of BEING all of the same property conveyed effect thereon. SUBJECT TO Restrictions, lien holder with an interest subordinate to the RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OF RECORD IN Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the to Robert L. Lewis by Warranty Deed from conditions, and provisions as set out in said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, BOOK 7362, PAGE 371, IN THE REGISTER`S undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Mildred R. Hill, unmarried, dated October instrument recorded in Book 1665, page through, or under any of the foregoing. Such OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, Trustee, by virtue of the power and author- 21, 1999 and filed of record in Book 5470, 480, said Register’s Office. parties known to the Substitute Trustee may BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRIC- ity vested in it, will on October 3, 2017, at Page 410, Register’s Office for Hamilton ALSO KNOWN AS: 3331 Gundy Drive, Chat- include: None. TION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, 10:00AM at the usual and customary location County, Tennessee. tanooga, TN 37419 Terms of Sale will be public auction, for SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NA- at the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chatta- Property commonly known as 2314 Brook- This sale is subject to all matters shown cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, TIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE nooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421. on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, Parcel ID Number: 148D B 008 taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or inapplicable, and the rights of Billy D Rodgers UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607, OF THE the following described property situated in Address/Description: 2314 Brookwood or setback lines that may be applicable; any Jr and Regina A Rodgers, and those claiming UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421 statutory rights through him/her/it/them. HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE In the Second Civil District of Hamilton Current Owner(s): ROBERT L. LEWIS of redemption of any governmental agency, Any right of equity of redemption, statutory AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS. County, Tennessee: Being Lot Nine (9), Block Other Interested Party(ies): N/A state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances and otherwise, and homestead are waived in TEMPORARY SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT D, Del-Rey Park, as shown by plat of record The sale of the property described above as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 7026, PAGE 583, in Plat Book 11, Page 15, in the Register’s shall be subject to all matters shown on and to any matter that an accurate survey of and the title is believed to be good, but the IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF HAMILTON Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, to any recorded plat; any and all liens against the premises might disclose. In addition, the undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- COUNTY, TENNESSEE. which plat reference is hereby made for a said property for unpaid property taxes; any following parties may claim an interest in the stitute Trustee. TEN (10) FOOT POWER AND COMMUNICA- more particular description of said property. restrictive covenants, easements or set-back above- referenced property: The right is reserved to adjourn the day TIONS EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON RECORDED Subject to any governmental zoning and subdivi- lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or WANDA KNIGHT of the sale to another day, time, and place PLAT. sion ordinances or regulations in effect thereon encumbrances as well as any priority created ESTATE OF WANDA KNIGHT certain without further publication, upon an- Tax ID: 139H-A-007.28 Subject to any other easements, conditions, by a fixture filing; a deed of trust; and any mat- HEIR(S) OF WANDA KNIGHT, IF ANY WILLIAM nouncement at the time and place for the sale Current Owner(s) of Property: TONY DAILEY restrictions, provisions, etc. as shown, ter than an accurate survey of the premises DOYLE KNIGHT set forth above. If you purchase a property AND PAULA DAILEY noted or described on said recorded plat. might disclose; and The sale held pursuant to this Notice may at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase The street address of the above described Being the same property conveyed to All right and equity of redemption, statutory be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option price is due and payable at the conclusion property is believed to be 7108 Blossom Cir, Christopher Dover and wife, Kaitlin M Dover, or otherwise, homestead, and dower are ex- at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn of the auction in the form of a certified/ Chattanooga, TN 37421-6604, but such ad- from Dennis Lee Dawson and wife, Elizabeth pressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the the day of the sale to another day, time, and bank check made payable to or endorsed dress is not part of the legal description of the Breaux Dawson, by Deed dated February title is believed to be good, but the undersigned place certain without further publication, upon to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks property sold herein and in the event of any 2, 2007 and Recorded February 7, 2007 will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. announcement at the time and place for the will be accepted. To this end, you must bring discrepancy, the legal description referenced in Book GI 8234 at Page 798, Hamilton The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale set forth above. W&A No. 323784 sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any herein shall control. County Register’s Office, State of Tennessee. sale to another day, time, and place certain DATED September 1, 2017 other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be SALE IS SUBJECT TO OCCUPANT(S) RIGHTS Parcel ID Number: 169F J 023.02 without further publication, upon announce- WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., accepted. Amounts received in excess of the IN POSSESSION. Address/Description: 6008 Wellworth ment at the time and place for the sale set Successor Trustee winning bid will be refunded to the successful THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ADJOURN THE Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37412 forth above. Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18392 purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed DAY OF THE SALE TO ANOTHER DAY, TIME AND Current Owner(s): CHRISTOPHER DOVER This office is attempting to collect a debt. is delivered. PLACE CERTAIN WITHOUT FURTHER PUBLICA- and wife KAITLIN M. DOVER Any information obtained will be used for NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE This property is being sold with the express TION, UPON ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TIME AND Other Interested Party(ies): SunTrust Mort- that purpose. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH ABOVE. THE gage, Inc. and First Financial Bank USA Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee performance of the covenants, terms, and tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH. ANY TAXES OR The sale of the property described above c/o Tennessee Foreclosure Department conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated Au- rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at any FEES WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE shall be subject to all matters shown on 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Ste 310 gust 26, 2004, and the Deed of Trust of even time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the PURCHASER. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR any recorded plat; any and all liens against Atlanta, GA 30341 date securing the same, recorded August 30, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE said property for unpaid property taxes; any PH: 404-789-2661 FX: 404-294-0919 2004, in Book No. GI 7255, at Page 267, in return of any money paid towards the purchase SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY TO A RETURN OF THE restrictive covenants, easements or set-back File No.: 16-00158 FC02 Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton price and shall have no other recourse. Once PURCHASE PRICE. THE PURCHASER SHALL lines that may be applicable; any prior liens Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18391 County, Tennessee, executed by Angelia A. the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE or encumbrances as well as any priority cre- Turner, conveying certain property therein Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in GRANTOR, THE GRANTEE, OR THE TRUSTEE. ated by a fixture filing; a deed of trust; and NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE described to Charles E. Tonkin, II as Trustee for which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: TYNER CHURCH any matter than an accurate survey of the WHEREAS, default has occurred in the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE OF GOD premises might disclose; and All right and performance of the covenants, terms, and as nominee for Mortgage Investors Group, its IS, with no warranties or representations of THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated successors and assigns; and the undersigned, any kind, express or implied, including without ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED homestead, and dower are expressly waived March 31, 1998, and the Deed of Trust of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been ap- limitation, warranties regarding condition of the FOR THAT PURPOSE. in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed even date securing the same, recorded April pointed Successor Trustee by MidFirst Bank. property or marketability of title. If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. to be good, but the undersigned will sell and 7, 1998, in Book No. 5067, at Page 464, in NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given This office may be a debt collector. This 35-5-101 have been met. convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton that the entire indebtedness has been declared may be an attempt to collect a debt and any All right of equity of redemption, statutory is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to County, Tennessee, executed by Wanda Knight, due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & information obtained may be used for that and otherwise, and homestead are expressly another day, time, and place certain without conveying certain property therein described Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by purpose. waived in said Deed of Trust, but the under- further publication, upon announcement at the to National Lending Center Tilt, Inc. as Trustee virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested Shapiro & Ingle, LLP signed will sell and convey only as Substitute time and place for the sale set forth above. for National Lending Center, Inc.; and the in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, Substitute Trustee Trustee. This office is attempting to collect a debt. undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., by MidFirst Bank, will, on November 2, 2017 on 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 If the U.S. Department of Treasury/IRS, the Any information obtained will be used for having been appointed Successor Trustee by or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County Charlotte, NC 28216 State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, that purpose. Santander Bank, N. A.. Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer Phone: (704) 333-8107 or the State of Tennessee Department of Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given for sale certain property hereinafter described Fax: (704) 333-8156 Labor or Workforce Development are listed c/o Tennessee Foreclosure Department that the entire indebtedness has been declared to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid as Interested Parties in the advertisement, 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Ste 310 due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from File No. 17-112660 then the Notice of this foreclosure is being Atlanta, GA 30341 Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18386 given to them and the Sale will be subject PH: 404-789-2661 FX: 404-294-0919 virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in the successor trustee. The sale is free from all to the applicable governmental entities’ File No.: 13-181023 FC03 and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by exemptions, which are expressly waived in the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE right to redeem the property as required Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18390 Santander Bank, N. A., will, on October 2, 2017 Deed of Trust, said property being real estate Sale at public auction will be on October 5, by 26 U.S.C. 7425 and T.C.A. §67-1-1433. on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and 2017 on or about 11:00AM local time, at This property is being sold with the express NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer being more particularly described as follows: the Main door of the Hamilton County Court- reservation that the sale is subject to confir- STATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY for sale certain property hereinafter described LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, house, Chattanooga, Tennessee, conducted mation by the lender or trustee. If the sale is WHEREAS, Robert L. Lewis and Anola to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Being a by the Substitute Trustee as identified and set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at Lewis executed a Deed of Trust to Mortgage at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from part of the Northeast Quarter of Section set forth herein below, pursuant to Deed of the sale shall be entitled only to a return of Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nomi- a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Nineteen (19), Township Six (6), Range Trust executed by TONY DAILEY AND PAULA the purchase price. The Purchaser shall have nee for Wilmington Finance, Inc., Lender and the successor trustee. The sale is free from all Three (3), West of the Basis Line, Ocoee DAILEY, to PRIORITY TRUSTEE SERVICES no further recourse against the Mortgagor, Warranty Title Insurance Company, Trustee(s), exemptions, which are expressly waived in the District and more particularly described as OF TENNESSEE, L.L.C, Trustee, on April 16, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. which was dated July 21, 2006 and recorded Deed of Trust, said property being real estate follows: Beginning on the Northwest line of 2007, at Record Book GI 8313, Page 288 as MWZM File No. 16-001415-670 on July 27, 2006 in Book GI 8027, Page 421, situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and North Parkdale Avenue Ninety-five (95) feet Instrument No. 2007042300103 in the real MACKIE WOLF ZIENTZ & MANN, P. C., Substi- Hamilton County, Tennessee Register of Deeds. being more particularly described as follows: Southwestwardly as measured along the property records of Hamilton County Register’s tute Trustee(s) WHEREAS, default having been made in Part of Lot Nine (9), Valley Village Subdivi- Northwest line of North Parkdale Avenue Office, Tennessee. PREMIER BUILDING, SUITE 404 the payment of the debt(s) and obligation(s) sion, as shown by Plat of Record in Plat Book from its intersection with the Southwest line Owner of Debt: WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL 5217 MARYLAND WAY thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and 25, Page 21, Register’s Office of Hamilton of Midland Pike; thence continuing along the ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 37027 the current holder of said Deed of Trust, The County, Tennessee. According to said plat, Northwest line of North Parkdale Avenue, MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007-6, ASSET- PHONE: (615) 238-3630 Bank of New York Mellon, as Trustee for CIT said part of said Lot is more particularly One Hundred Five (105) feet Southwest- BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-6 EMAIL: [email protected] Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-1, (the “Holder”), described as follows: Beginning at a point wardly to a point; thence Northwestwardly The following real estate located in Hamilton Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18387 appointed the undersigned, Brock & Scott, on the North line of a cul-de-sac at the East Seventy-nine (79) feet to a point; thence County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest PLLC, as Substitute Trustee, by an instrument end of Gundy Lane, five hundred twenty-six Northeastwardly One Hundred Five (105) call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE duly recorded in the Office of the Register of (526) feet, more or less, as measured along feet to a point; thence Southeastwardly liens and encumbrances of record: STATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY Deeds of Hamilton County, Tennessee, with all Gundy Lane, from its intersection with the Seventy-nine (79) feet to the point of begin- LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, WHEREAS, Christopher Dover and Kaitlin the rights, powers and privileges of the original East line of O’Grady Drive, if both lines are Continued on page 18 HAMILTON COUNTY, M. Dover executed a Deed of Trust to Mort- Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and extended, at the Southeast corner of Lot Page 18 Public Notices September 15 - 21, 2017 Foreclosure Notices at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from sale set forth above. W&A No. 311764 the day of the sale to another day, time, and accepted. Amounts received in excess of the Continued from page 17 a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by DATED September 1, 2017 place certain without further publication, upon winning bid will be refunded to the successful the successor trustee. The sale is free from all WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., announcement at the time and place for the purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed ning. SUBJECT TO any governmental zoning exemptions, which are expressly waived in the Successor Trustee sale set forth above. W&A No. 323382 is delivered. and subdivision ordinances and regulations Deed of Trust, said property being real estate Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18394 DATED September 1, 2017 This property is being sold with the express in effect thereon. situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- ALSO KNOWN AS: 911 N Parkdale Avenue, being more particularly described as follows: NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Successor Trustee tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be Chattanooga, TN 37411 IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT OF HAM- WHEREAS, default has occurred in the Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18395 rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at any This sale is subject to all matters shown ILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: To locate performance of the covenants, terms, and time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid the true point of beginning of the property conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, hereby described, begin at the intersection December 16, 2005, and the Deed of Trust Sale at public auction will be on October return of any money paid towards the purchase or setback lines that may be applicable; any of the center line of the existing pavement of even date securing the same, recorded 5, 2017 at 10:00AM local time, at the west price and shall have no other recourse. Once statutory rights of redemption of any govern- of Gordon Street with the center line of the December 22, 2005, in Book No. 7787, at door, Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Geor- the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens existing pavement of Green Pond Road; Page 769, in Office of the Register of Deeds gia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pursuant Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in or encumbrances as well as any priority created thence go North 3 degrees East along the for Hamilton County, Tennessee, executed by to Deed of Trust executed by Wilma Elizabeth which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- said center line of Gordon Street 916.39 Talley Caldwell, conveying certain property Dietzen, to PRLAP, Inc., Trustee, as trustee The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE curate survey of the premises might disclose. feet, thence North 87 degrees West 20 therein described to Century Title as Trustee for Bank of America, N.A. on May 29, 2008 IS, with no warranties or representations of In addition, the following parties may claim feet to a rod set in the West right-of -way for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, at Book GI 8683, Page 300, Instrument No. any kind, express or implied, including without an interest in the above- referenced property: of Gordon Street (having a width of 40 Inc., as nominee for MILA, Inc., its successors 2008060400220; conducted by Shapiro & limitation, warranties regarding condition of the ANGELIA A. TURNER feet) this rod marking the true point of and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed Substitute or property or marketability of title. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may beginning of the property herby described Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee, all of record in the Hamilton This office may be a debt collector. This may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option and also being the Northeast corner of Successor Trustee by U.S. Bank, National County Register’s Office. Default has occurred be an attempt to collect a debt and any informa- at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn property conveyed on or about this date from Association, as Trustee under the Pooling in the performance of the covenants, terms, tion obtained may be used for that purpose. the day of the sale to another day, time, and Grantors to Clayborn O Reeves, Jr and wife and Servicing Agreement dated as of May and conditions of said Deed of Trust and the Shapiro & Ingle, LLP place certain without further publication, upon Karen S Reeves; thence with the West line 1, 2006, GSAMP Trust 2006-HE3, Mortgage entire indebtedness has been declared due Substitute Trustee announcement at the time and place for the of Gordon Street North 3 degrees East 34 Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-HE3. and payable. 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 sale set forth above. W&A No. 324042 feet to a point; thence with the North line NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Spe- Charlotte, NC 28216 DATED September 1, 2017 of property described in Book 4195, Page that the entire indebtedness has been declared cialized Loan Servicing LLC, its successors Phone: (704) 333-8107 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., 306, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & and assigns. Fax: (704) 333-8156 Successor Trustee County, Tennessee North 87 degrees West Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by The following real estate located in Ham- Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18393 208.4 feet, more or less; thence on an virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the File No. 17-112272 approximate bearing of South 23 degrees in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, highest call bidder: Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18396 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE West a distance of 280 feet, more or less, by U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee Described property located at Hamilton WHEREAS, default has occurred in the to a rod at a Southwest comer of the said under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement County, Tennessee, to wit: NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE performance of the covenants, terms, and con- Reeves and wife property; thence with lines dated as of May 1, 2006, GSAMP Trust 2006- Land in the Second Civil District of Hamilton WHEREAS, default has occurred in the ditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated January of the Reeves property as follows; North 27 HE3, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, County, Tennessee, being Lot No. Fourteen performance of the covenants, terms, and 26, 2006, and the Deed of Trust of even date degrees 02 minutes East 221 feet, North Series 2006-HE3, will, on October 2, 2017 (14), Block Two (2), on the plan of Indian conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated July securing the same, recorded February 1, 2006, 64 degrees 40 minutes East 40 feet and on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County Woods Addition, of record in Plat Book 18, 9, 2015, and the Deed of Trust of even date in Book No. GI 7827, at Page 926, in Office South 87 degrees East 180 feet to the Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer Page 26, Register’s Office for said County, securing the same, recorded July 13, 2015, of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, point of beginning. Being shown on survey for sale certain property hereinafter described to which plan reference is hereby made for in Book No. GI10515, at Page 152, in Office Tennessee, executed by Clifford H. Ables, Jr. by Hopkins Surveying Group, Inc., dated to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid a more complete description. of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, and Charlotte Danelle Ables, conveying certain May 11,1994. subsequently revised, Draw- at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from Being the same property conveyed to Wilma Tennessee, executed by Daniel B. Fary, con- property therein described to Lenders Title & ing No 1094-384-2. The above described a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Elizabeth Dietzen by deed from Charles H. veying certain property therein described to Escrow as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic property including portions of the properties the successor trustee. The sale is free from all Harris, IV and wife, Gena R. Harris, of record Charles E. Tonkin, II as Trustee for Mortgage Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for heretofore vested to Grantees by Deeds exemptions, which are expressly waived in the in Book 8683 Page 298, Register’s Office Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Ownit Mortgage Solutions, Inc., its successors record in Book 4195, Page 306 and Book Deed of Trust, said property being real estate for Hamilton County, Tennessee. nominee for Mortgage Investors Group, its and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & 4221, Page 889, in the Register’s Office situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Subject to all easements, restrictive successors and assigns; and the undersigned, Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed of Hamilton County, Tennessee. Subject being more particularly described as follows: covenants and conditions, and other matters Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been Successor Trustee by US Bank National As- to Governmental zoning and subdivision Lot 9, Block 5, Sunny Acres, of record in Plat of record, including all items set out on any appointed Successor Trustee by PennyMac sociation, as Successor Trustee, to Bank ordinances or regulations in effect thereon. Book 18, page 57, in the Register’s Office applicable plat of record. Loan Services, LLC. of America, National Association, successor ALSO KNOWN AS: 10107 Gordon Street, of Hamilton County, Tennessee. Street Address: 3627 Indian Trail, NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given by merger to LaSalle National Association, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 ALSO KNOWN AS: 4510 Drummond Drive, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37412 that the entire indebtedness has been declared as Trustee for Ownit Mortgage Loan Trust, This sale is subject to all matters shown Chattanooga, TN 37411 Parcel Number: 168D-G-038.00 due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid This sale is subject to all matters shown Current Owner(s) of Property: Wilma Elizabeth Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by Series 2006-3. taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid Dietzen virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby or setback lines that may be applicable; any taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, The street address of the above described in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, given that the entire indebtedness has been statutory rights of redemption of any govern- or setback lines that may be applicable; any property is believed to be 3627 Indian Trail, by PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, will, on Oc- declared due and payable; and that an agent mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Chattanooga, Tennessee 37412, but such tober 19, 2017 on or about 10:00 AM, at the of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Succes- or encumbrances as well as any priority created mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens address is not part of the legal description of Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, sor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- or encumbrances as well as any priority created the property sold herein and in the event of Tennessee, offer for sale certain property authority vested in and imposed upon said curate survey of the premises might disclose. by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- any discrepancy, the legal description herein hereinafter described to the highest bidder Successor Trustee, by US Bank National In addition, the following parties may claim curate survey of the premises might disclose. shall control. FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion Association, as Successor Trustee, to Bank an interest in the above- referenced property: In addition, the following parties may claim This sale is subject to, without limitation, all of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other of America, National Association, successor CLIFFORD H. ABLES, JR. an interest in the above- referenced property: matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; lending entity pre-approved by the successor by merger to LaSalle National Association, CHARLOTTE DANELLE ABLES TALLEY CALDWELL any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, as Trustee for Ownit Mortgage Loan Trust, SUNTRUST BANK MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION easements, or setback lines that may be ap- which are expressly waived in the Deed of Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, The sale held pursuant to this Notice may SYSTEMS, INC. plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any Trust, said property being real estate situated Series 2006-3, will, on October 2, 2017 on be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option AS NOMINEE FOR MILA, INC. governmental agency, state or federal; any prior in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn MILA, INC. liens or encumbrances including those created particularly described as follows: Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer the day of the sale to another day, time, and The sale held pursuant to this Notice may by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ All that tract or parcel of land lying and for sale certain property hereinafter described place certain without further publication, upon be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option association dues or assessments; all claims or being in the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid announcement at the time and place for the at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn other matters, whether of record or not, which County, Tennessee, being Lot 16, Block 1, may encumber the purchaser’s title and any Highland’s Addition of the Chattanooga matter that an accurate survey of the premises Estates Company, as shown by plat recorded might disclose. in Plat Book 6, Page 29, in the Register’s The following parties may claim an interest Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. THIS in the above-referenced property to be affected CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or FOLLOWING: Restrictions of record in Book lien holder with an interest subordinate to the U, Volume 16, Page 333, in the Register’s said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, but through, or under any of the foregoing. Such omitting any covenant or restriction based parties known to the Substitute Trustee may on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fa- include: None. milial status or national origin unless and Terms of Sale will be public auction, for only to the extent that said covenant (a) is cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607, redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed of the United States Code or (b) relates to or inapplicable, and the rights of Wilma Eliza- handicap but does not discriminate against beth Dietzen, and those claiming through him/ handicapped persons. Any and all matters, her/it/them. including but not limited to Conditions, Any right of equity of redemption, statutory Restrictions, Reservations, Limitations, and otherwise, and homestead are waived in Easements, Stipulations, Notes, etc., as accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, set out on the recorded plat. Any govern- and the title is believed to be good, but the mental zoning and subdivision ordinances undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- or regulations in effect thereon. stitute Trustee. ALSO KNOWN AS: 1345 Hixson Pike, Chat- The right is reserved to adjourn the day tanooga, TN 37405 of the sale to another day, time, and place This sale is subject to all matters shown certain without further publication, upon an- on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid nouncement at the time and place for the sale taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, set forth above. If you purchase a property or setback lines that may be applicable; any at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase statutory rights of redemption of any govern- price is due and payable at the conclusion mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens of the auction in the form of a certified/ or encumbrances as well as any priority created bank check made payable to or endorsed by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks curate survey of the premises might disclose. will be accepted. To this end, you must bring In addition, the following parties may claim sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any an interest in the above- referenced property: other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be DANIEL B. FARY September 15 - 21, 2017 Public Notices Page 19

The sale held pursuant to this Notice may and assigned to CMC Funding, Inc who is now by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or warranties of any kind, including fitness for be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, the and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, encumbrances as well as any priority created a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW FIRM at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having on October 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Front by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY the day of the sale to another day, time, and been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instru- Steps of the Hamilton County Courthouse, accurate survey of the premises might disclose. INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR place certain without further publication, upon ment to be filed for record in the Register’s located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, proceed This property is being sold with the express THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Sub- announcement at the time and place for the Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. NOW, to sell at public outcry to the highest and best reservation that it is subject to confirmation by stitute Trustee119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 sale set forth above. W&A No. 323467 THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the bidder for cash or certified funds ONLY, the fol- the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may Memphis, TN 38103 DATED September 5, 2017 entire indebtedness has been declared due and lowing described property situated in Hamilton be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., payable, and that the undersigned, Rubin Lublin County, Tennessee, to wit: A CERTAIN TRACT to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, (404) 601-5846 Ad #123515 Successor Trustee TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee or his duly OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN THE CITY OF time, and place certain without further publi- Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18403 Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18398 appointed agent, by virtue of the power, duty CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON COUNTY, STATE cation, upon announcement at the time and and authority vested and imposed upon said OF TENNESSEE, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY place for the sale set forth above. All right and NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE S SALE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Substitute Trustee will, on October 12, 2017 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT:LOT FORTY- equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- WHEREAS, default has occurred in the at 10:00 AM at the Front Steps of the Hamilton FOUR (44), CHERRY HILLS SUBDIVISION, AS homestead, and dower are expressly waived mance of the covenants, terms and conditions performance of the covenants, terms, and County Courthouse, located in Chattanooga, SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed of a Deed of Trust dated September 15, 2005, conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to 20, PAGE 50, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE to be good, but the undersigned will sell and executed by PATRICIA GOSS AND MELVIN December 5, 2014, and the Deed of Trust the highest and best bidder for cash or certified OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Parcel convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property HAMBRICK, conveying certain real property of even date securing the same, recorded funds ONLY, the following described property ID: 129A H 006 PROPERTY ADDRESS: The is sold as is, where is, without representations therein described to CHARLES FLEISCHMAN, December 9, 2014, in Book No. GI 10358, at situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, to street address of the property is believed or warranties of any kind, including fitness as Trustee, as same appears of record in the Page 332, in Office of the Register of Deeds wit: LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, to be 4630 Northland Ln, Chattanooga, TN for a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennes- for Hamilton County, Tennessee, executed by HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: LOT 34, 37416. In the event of any discrepancy between FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. see recorded September 16, 2005, in Deed Angela L. Reed, conveying certain property FRIAR BRANCH TOWN HOMES SUBDIVISION, this street address and the legal description ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED Book GI 7678, Page 665-668at Instrument therein described to Milligan-Reynolds Guaranty FINAL PLAT PHASE 2, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK of the property, the legal description shall FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Number 2005091600083; and WHEREAS, Title Agency as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic 81, PAGE 186 IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF control. CURRENT OWNER(S): Gary L. Catlett Substitute Trustee119 S. Main Street, Suite the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE.SUBJECT TO OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: The sale of the 500 Memphis, TN 38103 www.rubinlublin. was last transferred and assigned to Bayview Realty Center Mortgage, LLC, its successors ANY GOVERNMENTAL ZONING AND SUBDIVI- above-described property shall be subject com/property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Loan Servicing, LLC a Delaware Limited Liability and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & SION ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS IN to all matters shown on any recorded plat; Fax: (404) 601-5846 Ad #123457 Company who is now the owner of said debt; Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed EFFECT THEREON. SUBJECT TO DECLARATION any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18402 and WHEREAS, the undersigned, Rubin Lublin Successor Trustee by Pingora Loan Servic- OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS easements or set-back lines that may be ap- TN, PLLC, having been appointed as Substitute ing, LLC. FOR RIGHTS FOR FRIAR BRANCH TOWNHOMES plicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE S SALE Trustee by instrument to be filed for record in NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given RECORDED IN BOOK 8883, PAGE 587, IN THE well as any priority created by a fixture filing; WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Ten- that the entire indebtedness has been declared REGISTER`S OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, and to any matter that an accurate survey of mance of the covenants, terms and conditions nessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & TENNESSEE, AS AMENDED IN BOOK 9663, the premises might disclose. This property is of a Deed of Trust dated April 28, 2006, given that the entire indebtedness has been Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by PAGE 898 AND BOOK 9860, PAGE 435 IN being sold with the express reservation that executed by VINCENT J LASELVA, conveying declared due and payable, and that the under- virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested SAID REGISTER`S OF LICE. SUBJECT TO TEN it is subject to confirmation by the lender or certain real property therein described to signed, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, (10) FOOT POWER AND COMMUNICATION Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded ROBERT M WILSON JR, as Trustee, as same Trustee or his duly appointed agent, by virtue by Pingora Loan Servicing, LLC, will, on Octo- EASEMENT. SUBJECT TO SIXTEEN (16) FOOT at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn appears of record in the Register’s Office of of the power, duty and authority vested and ber 5, 2017 on or about 10:00 AM, at the UTILITY EASEMENT. SUBJECT TO TWENTY-FIVE the day of the sale to another day, time, and Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded May 1, imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, on Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, (25) FOOT UNDISTURBED BUFFER EASEMENT. place certain without further publication, upon 2006, in Deed Book GI 7924, Page 955; and October 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Front Tennessee, offer for sale certain property SUBJECT TO ALL MATTERS AS PER PLAT. Parcel announcement at the time and place for the WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed Steps of the Hamilton County Courthouse, hereinafter described to the highest bidder ID: 138FA 035.34 PROPERTY ADDRESS: The sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- of Trust was last transferred and assigned to located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, proceed FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion street address of the property is believed to be demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE to sell at public outcry to the highest and of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other 6339 LARAMIE CIRCLE, CHATTANOOGA, TN and dower are expressly waived in said Deed BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE (CWALT best bidder for cash or certified funds ONLY, lending entity pre-approved by the successor 37421. In the event of any discrepancy between of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, 2006-20CB) who is now the owner of said the following described property situated in trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, this street address and the legal description but the undersigned will sell and convey only as debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, Rubin Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: LOCATED which are expressly waived in the Deed of of the property, the legal description shall Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold as is, Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed as IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON Trust, said property being real estate situated control. CURRENT OWNER(S): THE NANCE/ where is, without representations or warranties Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed COUNTY, TENNESSEE: LOT SEVENTY-ONE in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more EDWARDS FAMILY TRUST OTHER INTERESTED of any kind, including fitness for a particular for record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton (71), WALLACE`S AMENDED ADDITION TO particularly described as follows: PARTIES: The sale of the above-described use or purpose. THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice ST. ELMO, AS SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON property shall be subject to all matters shown ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION is hereby given that the entire indebtedness IN PLAT BOOK 4 PAGE 11, IN THE REGISTER`S COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot Thirteen (13), on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. has been declared due and payable, and OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Final Plat, Remington Court, a Planned Unit restrictive covenants, easements or set-back Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee 119 that the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, SUBJECT TO ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1843 Development, as shown by plat of record in lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or S. Main Street, Suite 500 Memphis, TN 38103 as Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed OF THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, Plat Book 70, page 69, in the Register’s encumbrances as well as any priority created agent, by virtue of the power, duty and author- AND ANY AMENDMENT OR SAID ORDINANCE. Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. ALSO by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: (404) 601-5846 Ad ity vested and imposed upon said Substitute Parcel ID: 167J D 010 PROPERTY ADDRESS: CONVEYED is an undivided 1/16th inter- accurate survey of the premises might disclose. #09/15/2017, 09/22/2017, 09/29/2017 Trustee will, on October 12, 2017 at 10:00 The street address of the property is believed est in Lot Eleven (11), Remington Court, This property is being sold with the express Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18368 AM at the Front Steps of the Hamilton County to be 4909 BEULAH AVE, CHATTANOOGA, TN a Planned Unit Development, as shown reservation that it is subject to confirmation by Courthouse, located in Chattanooga, Tennes- 37409. In the event of any discrepancy between by plat of record in Plat Book 70, page the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE S SALE see, proceed to sell at public outcry to the this street address and the legal description of 69, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved WHEREAS, default has occurred in the per- highest and best bidder for cash or certified the property, the legal description shall control. County. TOGETHER WITH all benefits, rights, to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, formance of the covenants, terms and condi- funds ONLY, the following described property CURRENT OWNER(S): PATRICIA GOSS AND privileges, easements and SUBJECT TO the time, and place certain without further publi- tions of a Deed of Trust dated April 9, 2007, situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: MELVIN HAMBRICK OTHER INTERESTED PAR- burdens, covenants, restrictions, by laws, cation, upon announcement at the time and executed by RANDY STARGIN, JR., conveying LOCATED IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT OF TIES: CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), NA, PRECISION rules, regulations and easements all as place for the sale set forth above. All right and certain real property therein described to K HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: LOT SIXTY- RECOVERY ANALYTICS, INC, AS ASSIGNEE OF set forth in Declaration of Covenants and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, WINSTON, as Trustee, as same appears of TWO (62), SOMERSET ESTATES, UNIT ONE GE MONEY BANK/WAL-MART, MIDLAND FUND- Restrictions for Remington Court as set homestead, and dower are expressly waived record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton (1), AS SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT ING, LLC, AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO out in instrument recorded in Book 6021, in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed County, Tennessee recorded April 10, 2007, in BOOK 26, PAGE 176, IN THE REGISTER`S HSBC, TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE page 903, as amended in Book 6225, page to be good, but the undersigned will sell and Deed Book GI 8300, Page 948; and WHEREAS, OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. , Internal Revenue Service (TN)The sale of the 883, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust SUBJECT TO ANY GOVERNMENTAL ZONING above-described property shall be subject County, Tennessee, and on recorded plat. is sold as is, where is, without representations was last transferred and assigned to Bayview AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES AND REGU- to all matters shown on any recorded plat; ALSO KNOWN AS: 7517 Remington Ct, or warranties of any kind, including fitness Loan Servicing, LLC a Delaware Limited Liability LATIONS IN EFFECT THEREON. SUBJECT TO any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, Chattanooga, TN 37421 for a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW Company who is now the owner of said debt; APPLICABLE CONDITIONS AS SET OUT IN easements or set-back lines that may be ap- This sale is subject to all matters shown FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. and WHEREAS, the undersigned, Rubin Lublin SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS RECORDED IN plicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED TN, PLLC, having been appointed as Substitute BOOK 2116, PAGE 186, SAID REGISTER`S well as any priority created by a fixture filing; taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Trustee by instrument to be filed for record in the OFFICE. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS AND and to any matter that an accurate survey of or setback lines that may be applicable; any Substitute Trustee 119 S. Main Street, Suite Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennes- EASEMENTS RECORDED IN BOOK 2221, PAGE the premises might disclose. This property is statutory rights of redemption of any govern- 500Memphis, TN 38103 see. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given 919, SAID REGISTER`S OFFICE. Parcel ID: being sold with the express reservation that mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: that the entire indebtedness has been declared 150J D 014PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street it is subject to confirmation by the lender or or encumbrances as well as any priority created (404) 601-5846 Ad #122862 09/15/2017, due and payable, and that the undersigned, address of the property is believed to be 4010 Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- 09/22/2017, 09/29/2017 Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee BERWICK LN, OOLTEWAH, TN 37363. In the at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn curate survey of the premises might disclose. Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18365 or his duly appointed agent, by virtue of the event of any discrepancy between this street the day of the sale to another day, time, and In addition, the following parties may claim power, duty and authority vested and imposed address and the legal description of the prop- place certain without further publication, upon an interest in the above- referenced property: NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE upon said Substitute Trustee will, on October erty, the legal description shall control. CUR- announcement at the time and place for the ANGELA L. REED WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Front Steps of RENT OWNER(S): VINCENT J LASELVA OTHER sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- The sale held pursuant to this Notice may mance of the covenants, terms and conditions the Hamilton County Courthouse, located in INTERESTED PARTIES: MERS AS NOMINEE FOR demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option of a Deed of Trust dated March 1, 2005, Chattanooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at AMERICA`S WHOLESALE LENDER The sale of and dower are expressly waived in said Deed at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn executed by Gary L. Catlett, conveying certain public outcry to the highest and best bidder the above-described property shall be subject of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, the day of the sale to another day, time, and real property therein described to PRLAP, INC., for cash or certified funds ONLY, the following to all matters shown on any recorded plat; but the undersigned will sell and convey only place certain without further publication, upon as Trustee, as same appears of record in the described property situated in Hamilton County, any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold announcement at the time and place for the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennes- Tennessee, to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL easements or set-back lines that may be ap- as is, where is, without representations or sale set forth above. W&A No. 324035 see recorded April 8, 2005, in Deed Book GI OF LAND IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, plicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as warranties of any kind, including fitness for a DATED September 5, 2017 7489, Page 598 (see also “Modification of HAMILTON COUNTY, STATE OF TN, BEING well as any priority created by a fixture filing; particular use or purpose. In addition this sale WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Security Instrument” at Book GI 8273, Page KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS BEING ALL OF and to any matter that an accurate survey of shall be subject to the right of redemption by Successor Trustee 613); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest LOT 4, BLOCK 29, IN THE MCCALLIE AVENUE the premises might disclose. This property is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pursuant to Sept. 8, 15, 22, 2017 Fmr18399 of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S FIRST being sold with the express reservation that 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the follow- assigned to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, ADDITION TO ORCHARD KNOB, FILED IN PLAT it is subject to confirmation by the lender or ing tax lien(s) of record in: Book 9158, Page NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE FSB, doing business as Christiana Trust, not BOOK 1 AT PAGE 41.Parcel ID: 146J R 01 Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded 491. Notice of the sale has been given to the WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- in its individual capacity, but solely as trustee 5PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance mance of the covenants, terms and conditions for BCAT 2015-14BTT who is now the owner the property is believed to be 1706 OAK ST, the day of the sale to another day, time, and with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b). In addition this sale of a Deed of Trust dated October 8, 2014, of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37404. In the event of any place certain without further publication, upon shall be subject to the right of redemption by executed by JOYCE N. EDWARDS, conveying Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed discrepancy between this street address and announcement at the time and place for the the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pursuant to certain real property therein described to FIRST as Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed the legal description of the property, the legal sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the follow- TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as Trustee, as for record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton description shall control. CURRENT OWNER(S): demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, ing tax lien(s) of record in: Book 9158, Page same appears of record in the Register’s Of- County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice RANDY STARGIN, JR.OTHER INTERESTED and dower are expressly waived in said Deed 492. Notice of the sale has been given to the fice of Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded is hereby given that the entire indebtedness PARTIES: The sale of the above-described of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance October 10, 2014, in Deed Book GI 10319, has been declared due and payable, and that property shall be subject to all matters shown but the undersigned will sell and convey only with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b).In addition this sale Page 46; and WHEREAS, the beneficial inter- the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold Continued on page 20 est of said Deed of Trust was last transferred Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, restrictive covenants, easements or set-back as is, where is, without representations or Page 20 Public Notices September 15 - 21, 2017 Foreclosure Notices mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens The following real estate located in Hamilton Jose Beaton IRA #32TR19009, exercising its the Deed of Trust affecting same beginning Continued from page 19 or encumbrances as well as any priority created County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest authority as such owner and holder appointed September 15, 2017. by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior Andrew F. Tucker as Substitute Trustee; and THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COL- shall be subject to the right of redemption by curate survey of the premises might disclose. liens and encumbrances of record: WHEREAS, default has been made in the LECTOR. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pursuant to In addition, the following parties may claim LEGAL DESCRIPTION: payment of debts and obligations secured by A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the follow- an interest in the above- referenced property: CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON COUNTY, said Deed of Trust and the owner and holder BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ing tax lien(s) of record in: Book 9404, Page PAULINE F EVANS TENNESSEE: of the Note has declared the entire balance Andrew F. Tucker 338. Notice of the sale has been given to the The sale held pursuant to this Notice may ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING due and payable and has instructed the un- Law Office of Andrew F. Tucker UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option AND BEING IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, dersigned Substitute Trustee to foreclose said 385 2nd Avenue, Suite 1 with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b). In addition this sale at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, BEING Deed of Trust in accordance with its terms Dayton, Tennessee 37321 shall be subject to the right of redemption by the day of the sale to another day, time, and LOT FORTY-FOUR (44), HOLIDAY HILLS AS and provisions. (423) 570-0506 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pursuant to place certain without further publication, upon SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK NOW THEREFORE, by authority vested in me Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18413 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the follow- announcement at the time and place for the 22, PAGE 30, REGISTER`S OFFICE, HAMILTON as Substitute Trustee under said instrument, I ing tax lien(s) of record in: Book 9491, Page sale set forth above. W&A No. 323106 COUNTY, TENNESSEE. will, on October 11, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. EDT NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE 573. Notice of the sale has been given to the DATED September 8, 2017 BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED at the West door of the Hamilton County WHEREAS, default has occurred in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., FROM LEO D. DENNY TO ERNESTINE WADE Courthouse, 615 Walnut Street, Chattanooga, performance of the covenants, terms, and with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b).In addition this sale Successor Trustee BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 21, 1995, IN BOOK Tennessee, offer for sale at public auction to conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated August shall be subject to the right of redemption by Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18407 4518, PAGE 989 IN THE REGISTERS OFFICE the highest and best bidder for cash in bar of 27, 2004, and the Deed of Trust of even date the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pursuant to OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. all rights and equities of redemption, statutory securing the same, recorded September 1, 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the follow- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE ADDRESS: 7807 HOLIDAY HILLS CIRCLE; and otherwise, homestead, dower and all other 2004, in Book No. GI 7259, at Page 438, in ing tax lien(s) of record in: Book 10702, Page WHEREAS, default has occurred in the CHATTANOOGA, TN 37416 rights or exemptions of every kind, all of which Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton 310. Notice of the sale has been given to the performance of the covenants, terms, and TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO: 129L-B-013 are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, as County, Tennessee, executed by Keyna Shalyce UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated Tax ID: 129L-B-013 modified, the property therein conveyed which Moore and Kevin Dion Moore, conveying with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b). In addition this sale January 12, 2005, and the Deed of Trust Current Owner(s) of Property: ERNESTINE is situated in the State of Tennessee, Hamilton certain property therein described to Kirsten shall be subject to the right of redemption by of even date securing the same, recorded WADE County and is described as follows: W. Scott, Attorney as Trustee for Compass the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pursuant to February 16, 2005, in Book No. GI 7429, at The street address of the above described Tax Map 138N-C-010.06 Mortgage, Inc.; and the undersigned, Wilson 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the follow- Page 711, in Office of the Register of Deeds property is believed to be 7807 Holiday Hills LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed ing tax lien(s) of record in: Book 10737, Page for Hamilton County, Tennessee, executed Circle, Chattanooga, TN 37416, but such ad- HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Successor Trustee by JPMorgan Chase Bank, 469. Notice of the sale has been given to the by Sharon E. McClendon, conveying certain dress is not part of the legal description of the The South 125 feet of Lot 110, Meadowlawn National Association. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in accordance property therein described to Arnold M. Weiss, property sold herein and in the event of any Subdivision, as shown by plat of record in NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b).In addition this sale Esq. as Trustee for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; discrepancy, the legal description referenced Plat Book 35, Page 213, Register’s Office, that the entire indebtedness has been declared shall be subject to the right of redemption and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, herein shall control. Hamilton County, Tennessee. due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson by the , pursuant to T.C.A. 67-1-1433C(1) by P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor SALE IS SUBJECT TO OCCUPANT(S) RIGHTS SUBJECT TO all applicable conditions, re- & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, reason of the following tax lien(s) of record in: Trustee by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. IN POSSESSION. strictions, reservations, easements, etc., by virtue of the power, duty, and authority Book 9965, Page 669. Notice of the sale has NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ADJOURN THE as shown on recorded plat. vested in and imposed upon said Successor been given to the State of Tennessee in ac- that the entire indebtedness has been declared DAY OF THE SALE TO ANOTHER DAY, TIME AND SUBJECT TO building requirements as noted Trustee, by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National cordance with T.C.A.67-1-1433b(1).THIS LAW due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & PLACE CERTAIN WITHOUT FURTHER PUBLICA- on recorded plat. Association, will, on November 2, 2017 on FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by TION, UPON ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TIME AND SUBJECT TO a 10 foot temporary construc- or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH ABOVE. THE tion easement along the West line, as shown Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH. ANY TAXES OR on recorded plat. for sale certain property hereinafter described Substitute Trustee119 S. Main Street, Suite by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., will, on November FEES WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUBJECT TO Restrictions as set out in to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid 500 Memphis, TN 38103 www.rubinlublin. 16, 2017 on or about 10:00 AM, at the PURCHASER. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR instruments recorded in Book 1449, Page at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from com/property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE 147 et seq., and Book 2116, Page 186 et a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Fax: (404) 601-5846 Ad #123520 Tennessee, offer for sale certain property SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY TO A RETURN OF THE seq., Register’s Office, Hamilton County, the successor trustee. The sale is free from all Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18404 hereinafter described to the highest bidder PURCHASE PRICE. THE PURCHASER SHALL Tennessee. exemptions, which are expressly waived in the FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE SUBJECT TO any governmental zoning and/ Deed of Trust, said property being real estate NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other GRANTOR, THE GRANTEE, OR THE TRUSTEE. or subdivision ordinances or regulations in situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the lending entity pre-approved by the successor OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: CHANCELLOR`S effect thereon. being more particularly described as follows: performance of the covenants, terms, and trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, LEARNING SYSTEMS SUBJECT TO any and all easements and Lot 102, Maplewood Heights, Southeast conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated Janu- which are expressly waived in the Deed of THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND rights-of-way whether visible or not visible. portion, Unit 2, as shown on plat of record ary 10, 2002, and the Deed of Trust of even Trust, said property being real estate situated ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED BEING the same property conveyed to Aaron in Plat Book 26, Page 47 and revised in date securing the same, recorded January 14, in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more FOR THAT PURPOSE. Financial Services, Inc., as Trustee of the Plat Book 26, Page 50, in the Register’s 2002, in Book No. GI 6116, at Page 239, in particularly described as follows: If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. 2339 David Lane Trust #20091028-1 from Office, Hamilton County, Tennessee, to Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton Located in the City of Chattanooga, Ham- 35-5-101 have been met. Charles E. Ritchey, II, as Executor of the which plat reference is hereby made for a County, Tennessee, executed by Pauline F ilton County, Tennessee and being more All right of equity of redemption, statutory Estate of Myra L. Ritchey by Warranty Deed more particular description of said property. Evans, conveying certain property therein particularly described as follows: Lot Ten, and otherwise, and homestead are expressly dated November 25, 2009 and recorded ALSO KNOWN AS: 4045 East Freedom described to First Title Insurance Company as (10) Block C, Don Moore’s Resubdivision waived in said Deed of Trust, but the under- November 30, 2009, of record in Book Circle, Ooltewah, TN 37363 Trustee for Compass Mortgage Inc; and the of part of Blocks C, D, and E, Montcrest signed will sell and convey only as Substitute 9065, Page 349 et seq., Register’s Office, This sale is subject to all matters shown undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., Subdivision, as shown by plat of record in Trustee. Hamilton County, Tennessee. on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid having been appointed Successor Trustee by Plat Book 19, Page 59, in the Register’s If the U.S. Department of Treasury/IRS, the Commonly known as: 2339 David Lane, taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB DBA Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee or setback lines that may be applicable; any Christiana Trust as Trustee for HLSS Mortgage ALSO KNOWN AS: 4108 Rogers Road, or the State of Tennessee Department of 37421-1721. In the event of a discrepancy statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Master Trust for the benefit of the Holders of Chattanooga, TN 37411 Labor or Workforce Development are listed between the street address and the legal mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens the Series 2016-2 Certificates issued by the This sale is subject to all matters shown as Interested Parties in the advertisement, description, the legal description of the Deed or encumbrances as well as any priority created HLSS Mortgage Master Trust. on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid then the Notice of this foreclosure is being of Trust shall control. by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, given to them and the Sale will be subject to Said sale shall be made for cash in bar of all curate survey of the premises might disclose. that the entire indebtedness has been declared or setback lines that may be applicable; any the applicable governmental entities’ right to right and equity of redemption, homestead, In addition, the following parties may claim due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & statutory rights of redemption of any govern- redeem the property as required by 26 U.S.C. dower, and all other rights of exemptions of an interest in the above- referenced property: Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens 7425 and T.C.A. §67-1-1433. every kind, all of which are expressly waived in KEYNA SHALYCE MOORE virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested or encumbrances as well as any priority created This property is being sold with the express said Deed of Trust, but subject to the following: KEVIN DION MOORE in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- reservation that the sale is subject to confir- Any unpaid taxes against the property; and TENNESSEE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB DBA curate survey of the premises might disclose. mation by the lender or trustee. If the sale is Any recorded easements, conditions, TN VALLEY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Christiana Trust as Trustee for HLSS Mortgage In addition, the following parties may claim set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at covenants, rights-of-way or subdivision plats REPUBLIC FINANCE Master Trust for the benefit of the Holders of an interest in the above- referenced property: the sale shall be entitled only to a return of affecting the property and; The sale held pursuant to this Notice may the Series 2016-2 Certificates issued by the SHARON E. MCCLENDON the purchase price. The Purchaser shall have Any dedication of roads affecting the be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option HLSS Mortgage Master Trust, will, on Octo- SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN no further recourse against the Mortgagor, property and any governmental zoning and at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn ber 16, 2017 on or about 3:00 PM, at the DEVELOPMENT CITY OF CHATTANOOGA the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. subdivision ordinances or regulations in effect; the day of the sale to another day, time, and Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, The sale held pursuant to this Notice may MWZM File No. 17-001410-670 and place certain without further publication, upon Tennessee, offer for sale certain property be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option MACKIE WOLF ZIENTZ & MANN, P. C., Substi- Any prior or superior liens, judgment, deeds announcement at the time and place for the hereinafter described to the highest bidder at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn tute Trustee(s) of trust or other interests of record, including, sale set forth above. W&A No. 103821 FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion the day of the sale to another day, time, and Premier Building, Suite 404 but not limited to following: Sam and Marjorie DATED September 12, 2017 of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other place certain without further publication, upon 5217 Maryland Way Chastain WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., lending entity pre-approved by the successor announcement at the time and place for the Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Mortgagee has complied with the notice Successor Trustee trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, sale set forth above. W&A No. 126335 PHONE: (615) 238-3630 provisions of 26 U.S.C. §7245(c) and Reg. Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18415 which are expressly waived in the Deed of DATED September 7, 2017 EMAIL: [email protected] §301.7425-1 and, Tenn. Code Ann. §67-1- Trust, said property being real estate situated WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18411 1433(b)(2), if applicable. in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more Successor Trustee The failure of any high bidder to pay the particularly described as follows: Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2017 Fmr18408 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE purchase price and close this sale shall, at the LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated No- option of Entrust Tennessee FBO Jose Beaton Court HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot Two SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE vember 24, 2009, 2339 DAVID LANE TRUST IRA #32TR19009, cause for rejection of the (2), Pinoak Subdivision, Unit One (1), as Sale at public auction will be on October 19, #20091028-1, did convey in trust to Aaron bid, and if the bid is rejected, Entrust Tennes- Notices shown by plat of record In Plat Book 17, 2017 on or about 11:00AM local time, at the Financial Services, Inc., Trustee a certain see FBO Jose Beaton IRA #32TR19009, shall page 41, in the Register’s Office of Ham- Main door of the Hamilton County Courthouse, tract of land to secure payment of a debt in have the option of making the sale to the next ilton County, Tennessee. SUBJECT TO Any Chattanooga, Tennessee, conducted by the the principal sum of $67,000.00 (the “Original highest bidder who is capable, and willing to STATE OF TENNESSEE governmental zoning and subdivision ordi- Substitute Trustee as identified and set forth Note”), payable to ENTRUST TENNESSEE FBO comply with the terms thereof. The proceeds GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON nances and regulations in effect thereon. herein below, pursuant to Deed of Trust ex- JOSE BEATON IRA #32TR19009, of record in derived from the sale of the property will be COUNTY SUBJECT TO Utility Easement as set out ecuted by ERNESTINE WADE, to UNISOURCE Book 9065, Page 351 et seq., Register’s Office applied as provided for in said Deed of Trust Docket Number: 13GS5928 in that instrument recorded in Book 1102 INFORMATION SERVICES, Trustee, on Novem- of Hamilton County, Tennessee. Said Deed of and are made a part hereof as if set forth Plaintiff: Laurel Ridge Apartment Homes page 75, said Register’s Office. SUBJECT ber 18, 2004, at Record Book GI 7360, Page Trust (the “Deed of Trust”) are incorporated verbatim herein. Title is believed to be good, Defendant: Hughes Siana or Occupants TO Sixteen (16) foot Power Easement as 958 as Instrument No. 2004120600124 in herein by reference; and but will be sold as Substitute Trustee only. Date of this Order: 8/11/2017 shown on recorded plat. the real property records of Hamilton County WHEREAS, Entrust Tennessee FBO Jose The right is reserved to adjourn the day of Appearance Date: 10/9/2017 ALSO KNOWN AS: 1557 Pin Oak Dr, Chat- Register’s Office, Tennessee. Beaton IRA #32TR19009 is the true and lawful the sale to another day, time and place certain At 11:00 a.m. tanooga, TN 37411 Owner of Debt: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- owner and holder of the Note, secured by the without further publication, upon announce- Appearance Address: Court of General This sale is subject to all matters shown CIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE REGISTERED Deed of Trust; and ment at the time and place for the sale set Sessions, Civil Division on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid HOLDER OF ASSET BACKED SECURITIES COR- WHEREAS, by instrument recorded on forth above. Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, PORATION HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES September 11, 2017, in Book 11150, Page This Notice of Sale has been posted and Building or setback lines that may be applicable; any 2005-HE1 ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH 701 et seq., Register’s Office of Hamilton published accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. 600 Market Street statutory rights of redemption of any govern- CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-HE1 County, Tennessee, Entrust Tennessee FBO §35-5-101 et seq. and any provisions of Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 September 15 - 21, 2017 Public Notices Page 21

ORDER OF PUBLICATION the defendant is a non-resident of Tennessee, and the case will be set for hearing ex parte This 30th day of August, 2017. It appearing from the record in this cause that and certain property or money has been or without Jesse Bryan Logan’s presence. Larry L. Henry the defendant is a non-resident of Tennessee, attached. This 24th day of August, 2017. Circuit Court Clerk Misc. and certain property or money has been One or more civil warrants have issued Larry L. Henry By J. WHEELER Notices attached. but returned unserved, and an attachment Circuit Court Clerk Deputy Clerk One or more civil warrants have issued issued and was levied upon certain property By T. Skolfield Attorney for Plaintiff: but returned unserved, and an attachment or money. Deputy Clerk PRO SE issued and was levied upon certain property IT IS ORDERED that publication be made Attorney for Plaintiff: Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017 Cmr18397 or money. requiring the defendant to appear at the time Charles Paty NOTICE IT IS ORDERED that publication be made and place stated above and defend this suit, 19 Patten Parkway NON-RESIDENT NOTICE This vehicle will be auctioned on Sept. 30 requiring the defendant to appear at the time or a judgment by default may be entered Chattanooga, TN 37402 STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF at 9:30 am @ 2924 Rossville Blvd., Chat- and place stated above and defend this suit, against him. This Order shall be published in Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017 Cmr18373 HAMILTON tanooga, TN or a judgment by default may be entered a newspaper by this County as required by law. Docket No. 17D1894 2007 Toyota 1NXBR32E772851218 against him. This Order shall be published in LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK Non-Resident Notice DIVISION 2004 Honda 2HGES16374H557207 a newspaper by this County as required by law. Kim Emmett, Deputy Clerk State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton CHERYL RENEA OLIVER DAVIS Sept. 15, 2017 Mmr18409 LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK Attorney for Plaintiff: Docket No. 17A224 vs Kim Emmett, Deputy Clerk Wagner and Weeks DIVISION ELDON LEE III DAVIS PUBLIC NOTICE Attorney for Plaintiff: Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Cmr18356 In Re: Leilani Elizabeth Wales It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiffs OF MEETING OF Wagner and Weeks VS Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a ELECTRIC POWER BOARD Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Cmr18354 Non-Resident Notice Nicholas Keith Wales non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that OF CHATTANOOGA State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s the ordinary process of law cannot be served Take notice, pursuant to Chapter 442, STATE OF TENNESSEE Docket No. 17D1224 Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a upon ELDON DA VIS III. Tennessee Public Acts of 1974, the Sunshine GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON DIVISION I non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for Law, that the Board, the governing body of the COUNTY Havner, Brent Lee the ordinary process of law cannot be served four successive weeks in the Hamilton County Electric Power Board of Chattanooga, Tennes- Docket Number: 14GS4697 VS upon Nicholas Keith Wales. Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton see, will convene and meet in open session Plaintiff: Echols Wilma Havner, Wendy Rebecca IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for County, Tennessee, notifying said nonresident on Friday, September 22, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. Defendant: Johnson Travis It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s four successive weeks in the Hamilton County that unless ELDON DAVIS III answers and Eastern Time, in the Distribution Center 2, 1401 Date of this Order: 8/11/2017 Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton makes defense to said complaint in the offices Oak Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee, where Appearance Date: 10/9/2017 non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, and at which time and place said Board will At 11:00 a.m. the ordinary process of law cannot be served that unless Nicholas Keith Wales answers and Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the transact such public business as may lawfully Appearance Address: Court of General upon Wendy Havner. makes defense to said complaint in the offices fourth weekly publication of this order, the come before it. Sessions, Civil Division IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, same will be taken as admitted by ELDON Gregory S. Eaves Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts four successive weeks in the Hamilton County Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the DAVIS III and the case will be set for hearing Secretary Building Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton fourth weekly publication of this order, the ex parte or without ELDON DAVIS III presence. Sept. 15, 2017 Mmr18410 600 Market Street County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident same will be taken as admitted by Nicholas This 1st day of September, 2017. Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 that unless Wendy Havner answers and makes Keith Wales and the case will be set for hear- LARRY L. HENRY Public Notice of Meetings ORDER OF PUBLICATION defense to said complaint in the offices of the ing ex parte or without Nicholas Keith Wales’ CIRCUIT COURT CLERK Committee Meetings and Regular Meetings It appearing from the record in this cause that Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, Tennes- presence. By J. Wheeler, D.C. Hamilton County Board of Commissioners the defendant is a non-resident of Tennessee, see, within thirty (30) days after the fourth This 24th day of August, 2017. Deputy Clerk Hamilton County, Tennessee and certain property or money has been weekly publication of this order, the same will Larry L. Henry Attorney for Plaintiff: Pursuant to TCA 8-44-103, public meetings attached. be taken as admitted by Wendy Havner and Circuit Court Clerk Pro Se of the Hamilton County Board of Commission- One or more civil warrants have issued the case will be set for hearing ex parte or By T. Skolfield Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 2017 Cmr18405 ers and Commission Committees will be held, but returned unserved, and an attachment without Wendy Harner’s presence. Deputy Clerk and will transact such business as may lawfully issued and was levied upon certain property This 21st day of August, 2017. Attorney for Plaintiff: NON-RESIDENT NOTICE come before them. or money. Larry L. Henry Mitchell Lee Meeks STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 9:30 AM, IT IS ORDERED that publication be made Circuit Court Clerk Copeland & Whittenberg HAMILTON Recessed Meeting. requiring the defendant to appear at the time J. Wheeler 3505 Brainerd Rd. Ste. 8 Docket No. 17D660 Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 9:30 AM, and place stated above and defend this suit, Deputy Clerk Chattanooga, TN 37411 DIVISION I Agenda Preparation Session. or a judgment by default may be entered Attorney for Plaintiff: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017 Cmr18374 LENISE MAYTOY A GORDON Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 9:30 AM, against him. This Order shall be published in Pro Se vs Regular Meeting. a newspaper by this County as required by law. Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017 Cmr18361 Non-Resident Notice MICHAEL RAY GORDON Committee Meetings LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiffs Board of Commissioners Committees may Kim Emmett, Deputy Clerk Non-Resident Notice Docket No. 17D1879 Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a meet prior to said meetings at 8:30 AM and/ Attorney for Plaintiff: State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton DIVISION non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that or immediately following said meetings. Wagner and Weeks Docket No. 17D1707 ASHLEY LAUREN MARSHALL the ordinary process of law cannot be served Meeting Locations: Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2017 Cmr18355 DIVISION VS upon MICHAEL GORDON. Regular and Agenda meetings, Courthouse, In Re: Monique Nicole Due BRYANT RANDALL MARSHALL IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for Room 402, 625 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, STATE OF TENNESSEE VS It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s four successive weeks in the Hamilton County Tennessee GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON Jesse Bryan Logan Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton Committees, 8:30 AM meetings, County COUNTY It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that County, Tennessee, notifying said nonresident Commission Office, Room 401, County Court- Docket Number: 14GS12760 Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a the ordinary process of law cannot be served that unless MICHAEL GORDON answers and house. Committees, after Regular meetings, Plaintiff: Bluff View at Mountain Creek non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that upon BRYANT MARSHALL. makes defense to said complaint in the offices Commission Conference room adjacent to Defendant: Fowlkes Derrick the ordinary process of law cannot be served IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, Room 402, County Courthouse. Date of this Order: 8/11/2017 upon Jesse Bryan Logan. four successive weeks in the Hamilton County Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the To discuss auxiliary aids or services needed Appearance Date: 10/9/2017 IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton fourth weekly publication of this order, the to facilitate participation, those with disabili- At 11:00 a.m. four successive weeks in the Hamilton County County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident same will be taken as admitted by MICHAEL ties may contact the ADA Coordinator, Equal Appearance Address: Court of General Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton that unless BRYANT MARSHALL answers and GORDON and the case will be set for hearing ex Employment Opportunity Officer Ken Jordan, Sessions, Civil Division County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident makes defense to said complaint in the offices parte or without MICHAEL GORDON presence. 317 Oak Street, Suite 220, Chattanooga, Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts that unless Jesse Bryan Logan answers and of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, This 6th day of September, 2017. Tennessee, 37403, (423) 209-6146. Hearing Building makes defense to said complaint in the offices Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the LARRY L. HENRY impaired callers may use the Tennessee Relay 600 Market Street of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, fourth weekly publication of this order, the same CIRCUIT COURT CLERK Service, (800) 848-0298 or (423) 209-6131. Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the will be taken as admitted by BRYANT MARSHALL Attorney for Plaintiff: W.F. (Bill) Knowles ORDER OF PUBLICATION fourth weekly publication of this order, the same and the case will be set for hearing ex parte Pro Se County Clerk It appearing from the record in this cause that will be taken as admitted by Jesse Bryan Logan or without BRYANT MARSHALL presence. Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 2017 Cmr18414 Sept. 15, 2017 Mmr18416

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Super Crossword Building the retirement 51 PICKUP by King Features you’ve always envisioned White sandy beaches. Waves that gently kiss your toes with warm water. BOOK REVIEW In your minds’ eye, they stretch for miles Terri and are yours to explore. at will be Schlichenmeyer your retirement – or so you hope. But as you’ll see in “How Do I Get “How Do I Get There from ere From Here?” by George H. Scho- Here?” by George H. Schofi eld, fi eld, Ph.D., you might dare to hope for PhD more. c.2017, Amacom How long ‘til your retirement? If $16.95 237 pages you’re over 50, you may count years, months, maybe even weeks until you don’t have to hit the alarm anymore. But Cultivate curiosity, learn new things, and get this, says Schofi eld: thanks to tech- let go of old notions. Remember that nology and modern medicine, today’s retirement is not a “life stage” so much 50-year-old may have 50 more years to as it is a continuation of life. And fi nally, live. know when you’re “done” planning. What will you do with all that time? “If you are dead,” says Schofi eld, Most people, Schofi eld says, will fi nd “you’re done.” that idleness is boring after awhile: a Naturally, you want your Golden survey done in 2014 showed that the Years to shimmer like real gold. After all, average retiree takes just over two years you may have more Golden Years than to “relax and recharge” before returning you fi rst thought, and “How Do I Get to the work world. e “New Normal” ere from Here?” will enhance them. is that we don’t want to Right from the outset, it’s slide “slowly downhill the whole-life advice that through golden years sets this retirement book of leisure until death…” apart from the others. Au- Instead, there’s chance thor George H. Schofi eld for challenge ahead, op- doesn’t just focus on the portunities to learn new fi nancial; he encourages things and to jettison readers to look within and that which doesn’t work ask hard questions before for us anymore. making any kind of move. To get there – and do is, of course, assumes it well – takes a good bal- that you’ll stay healthy, ance between planning which Schofi eld tack- and action. Be willing to les; it also assumes that listen to the experiences you have no emotional of others before leaping, baggage, a subject he and keep in mind that an also dives into. Quizzes “Old Normal” doesn’t nec- essarily help here, as do DIY worksheets. True, apply here. readers may scratch their heads over Also, be sure you know the diff erence the weird faux-interviews that Schofi eld between “continuous change” (expected seems to have with himself, but there are natural progression) and “discontinu- takeaways inside those, too. ous change” (the throw-you-for-a-loop is book means work, but it’s things that happen). You’ll encounter eye-opening work so grab a pen and them in abundance after you retire; be “How Do I Get ere from Here?” Read sure you’re able to deftly handle both. it carefully. Become fi nancially literate and update Missing it’s a beach. that knowledge often. Gather a handful of pros you can rely on for various issues Terri Schlichenmeyer’s reviews of of your life. Ask your doctor what she’d business books are read in more than 260 like to see you do to become healthier. publications in the U.S. and Canada.

Super Crossword puzzle solution for this week: Hamilton County Herald September 15 – 21, 2017 | 23

CRITIC From page 15 the kids, everyone is terrific. I also will not soon forget the so seamlessly stitched these makeup applied to Skarsgård elements to the scary bits that I to bring Pennywise to life. It’s It’s apple-picking time barely noticed the transitions. Tennessee’s apple harvest reminiscent of the look created I also like the way Muschietti for Tim Curry in the 1990 ABC started in late July and has captured the lovingly crafted ramped up with good prospects miniseries adapted from the sets (especially Pennywise’s King novel, but it does a better for a quality crop statewide. creepy, twisted house) and the e harvest schedule appears job of blending the playful groups of kids with wide shots elements of the clown with the to be running at least a week and a steady camera. or two early, with an increased creature’s inhumane, socio- Other noteworthy aspects pathic nature. presence of fresh apples on of “It” include the excellent job farms, at farmers’ markets It’s what I see now when I casting the actors. From Bill peer into the shadows. and in community supported Skarsgård as Pennywise to all agriculture (CSA) boxes across the state. One benefit to picking up apples on site is access to the A Help Button Should homemade foods most or- chards make available. Depend- ing on the orchard, visitors Go Where You Go! might enjoy apple ciders or slushies, and most sell an array Traditional of pies, fritters, apple butters Help Buttons and jellies. At Home Apple varieties ripen at vary- ing times and some varieties In the Car have reputations for being best On a Walk suited for specific purposes. All apples are great for eat- On Vacation ing fresh, but apples that will customers the opportunity to early November. At the Park hold their shapes when sliced enjoy a wide variety of flavors Find Tennessee orchards, lo- and cooked, like Fuji, Jona- Shopping over a long period. cal farmers markets and CSAs gold and Arkansas Black, are Ozark Gold, Gala and Hon- on the Web at www.PickT- favored for pies and dumplings. eycrisp are among the varieties or with Pick For apples that yield smooth currently being picked. Most Tennessee mobile app. Follow apple sauce or butter when of Tennessee’s crop will be ripe Pick Tennessee on social media cooked, try Golden Delicious, in September and October, to learn more about current McIntosh or Gala apples. and a few varieties, including seasonal products, recipes and Apples have the longest Arkansas Black, Pink Lady and activities. harvest schedule of any fruit Goldrush, are harvested in Source: Pick Tennessee grown in Tennessee, giving Order Now & Receive a FREE Lockbox! 50 YEARS From page 1 opening the 1967 Chattanoo- terstate Fair history. Hamilton ga-Hamilton County Interstate County School children had ate a panel discussion of “Prob- Fair. She was crowned by Peggy sunshine and fair weather and 1-844-437-3350 lems of Sessions Courts” during Pendergrass, the 1966 fair came by the thousands. Miss Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. Current GPS location may not always be available in every situation. the eighth annual convention queen. Olive Atwood, executive sec- of the Tennessee General Wednesday, Sept. 20 retary of the fair, said, “ anks Sessions Judges’ Conference, to the weather, our attendance to be held in Nashville Sept. 22 Marble J. Hensley, president has been excellent.” of Hensley-Schmidt Inc., a and 23. Friday, Sept. 22 Monday, Sept. 18 Chattanooga firm of consulting engineers, was scheduled to Walter C. Greenspan, Chat- e University of Chatta- be elected administrative vice tanooga insurance executive, nooga began its 1967-68 aca- president of the Institute of was elected president of the demic year Monday morning at Traffic Engineers at the annual Citizens Taxpayers Association 8 a.m. Evening classes opened meeting of the 3,200-member during the September meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday marks organization in St. Louis. e held Wednesday. Other new the beginning of the universi- post will put Mr. Hensley in officers include: George C. ty’s 82nd year and its second line for the presidency of the Hudson, vice president; Mrs. under the administration of Dr. international organization next Charles L. Suggs, secretary; William M. Masterson, its 11th year. John B. ompson, treasurer; president. omas C. Bright, Jr., presi- and James J. Griffin, chair- Solicitation for the 12th dent of Southern Products Co., man of the board of directors. annual United Fund for the was nominated for president of During the coming year, the Greater Chattanooga Area the Chattanooga Kiwanis Club organization plans studies on campaign began Monday with at the luncheon meeting at Ho- annexation, crime and law a goal of $1,720,317 for operat- tel Patten as the slate of officers enforcement, consolidation of ing funds for 37 agencies. Sam was presented by the nominat- schools and consolidation of E. Miles, executive vice presi- ing committee to be elected at city-county government. dent of Provident Life and Ac- the Oct. 3 meeting. cident Insurance Co., is general Thursday, Sept. 21 chairman of the campaign. PAPA Raymond F. Hale, Jr., is HAULAWAY Tuesday, Sept. 19 ERVICES nominated to head the Chat- S Carl C. Reimer, former tanooga Board of Realtors as HOMEOWNERS: PROFESSIONALS: manufacturing superintendent 1968 president on the ticket •Junk Removal •Real Estate and Construction cleanup for Du Pont Nylon Plant here, of officers and directors which •Garage Cleanouts will return to Chattanooga as •Appliance Disposal •Estate Cleanouts has been mailed to the board •Evictions manager of the plant, accord- •Basement Cleanouts members. e election will be •Event Clean Up ing to company officials. •Yard Debris Removal held at the annual meeting at And Much More! And Much More! Rhonda Huckabee, Chat- the Read House Oct. 11. Elgin tanooga High School senior, Smith is the 1967 president. Call (423) 629-0700 was crowned “Fairest of the Wednesday was one of the or visit Fair” Monday night, officially heaviest attendance days in In- We gladly accept VISA and Mastercard 24 | September 15 – 21, 2017 Hamilton County Herald Bidding open for tiny house to benefit Children’s Hospital Outdoor living enthusiasts approximately 10-by-30-foot n A $1,000 allowance for can bid on their own custom re-built structure to the site, windows, doors and living space to help raise money which must be within 20 miles siding. for the new Children’s Hospital of the Chattanooga city limits. e bid will not include the at Erlanger in He Shed/She n Consultation with the necessary permits, foundation, Shed/Tiny House. Children’s Hospital design electrical, heating, cooling, e successful bidder will team to transform the building plumbing or furnishings. own the reconstructed space for the winning bidder. Ideas Bidding must start at $5,000 currently on display at Erlanger include a garden room, pool and can be increased in $100 Baroness Hospital Medical room, party room, play house, increments. Bids can be sub- Mall. e rooms, built by Mc- tiny house, outdoor bar, office mitted at www.shed.kintera. Carthy Building Company, are or craft room. org. e last bid will be accept- staged to show what an exam n Reconstructing the build- ed before midnight Saturday, room will look like in the new ing on a patio or other appro- Sept. 30. Children’s Hospital Outpatient priate foundation. Information: Jan.Coooper@ Center. n A new roof, all existing, www.webelieve. e winning bid will include: , sliding wood and build n Transportation of the glass doors. Source: Erlanger Photograph provided

Client Brenda Connell and children Jay Hudson’s client Below: Jay From page 13 Hudson, his wife, appreciation Photographsbash provided Kari, and their daughter

At right, Jay Hudson’s Above, Client buyer’s agent, Ginger Bosco, Clay Bowman and her husband, Nick. rolls for a Below, Jay Hudson and clients strike. Catharine Wells and Rick Cedena

At right, Jay Hudson and client Adam Dane

At right, Judy Klein, clients Larry Tom Zeilke and Sue Bar- and grand- low and their daughter daughter