Official Inauguration of Mayor-Council Elect November 3, 2014 - 10:00 A.M
OFFICIAL INAUGURATION OF MAYOR-COUNCIL ELECT NOVEMBER 3, 2014 - 10:00 A.M. CONVENTION HALL - GADSDEN, ALABAMA A welcome was extended by Iva Nelson, and the Colors were presented by the JROTC Color Guard Unit. The Gadsden City High School concert choir sang the National Anthem and “This is Why We Sing”. The invocation was given by Rev. Dedric Cowser. The Oaths of Office were administered to the officials, as follows: (1) Councilwoman Cynthia W. Toles - By The Honorable Carnella Greene-Norman, District Judge, Tenth Judicial Circuit of Alabama, assisted by Ruldoph Toles and Audrey Toles (2) Councilman Deverick Williams - By Michele Graham Bradford, Director of Legal Affairs, Gadsden State Community College, assisted by Yvette Williams. (3) Councilman Thomas Worthy - By The Honorable Andra Sparks, Presiding Judge, City of Birmingham, Alabama, assisted by Charlotte Worthy (4) Councilman Robert Echols - By Etowah County Probate Judge Bobby Junkins, assisted by Betty Echols (5) Councilman Billy Billingsley, Sr. - By Michele Graham Bradford, Director of Legal Affairs, Gadsden State Community College, assisted by Sheila Billingsley, Billy Billingsley, Jr., Jay Tinker and Kaye Tinker (6) Councilman Johnny Cannon - By Etowah County Probate Judge Bobby Junkins, assisted by Lana Cannon (7) Councilman Ben Reed - By City Clerk Iva Nelson, assisted by Barbara Reed (8) Mayor Sherman Guyton - By Etowah County Probate Judge Bobby Junkins, assisted by Debra Guyton and Grace Guyton OATH OF OFFICE I, ____________________ solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Alabama, so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability.
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