NATIONAL NATIONAL VP U unveils National Vice President U Henry Van Thio opens exhibition at 16th China-ASEAN Expo UMFCCI Centennial International Expo PAGE-5 PAGE-6

Vol. VI, No. 157, 8th Waning of Tawthalin 1381 ME Saturday, 21 September 2019 Govt awards schools with best pass rate, students who aced matriculation exam

President U presents second prize to the No 2 Basic Education High School State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi presents prize for highest score in science subjects (Sangyaung) at the award-giving ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA to Maung Kyaw Linn Than from No 4 Basic Education High School (Ahlon) at the award- giving ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

RESIDENT U Win Myint triculation exam. The ceremony was also at- Win Thein, Nay Pyi Taw Concil Aung, Amyotha Hluttaw Edu- Pand State Counsellor Daw To recognize the efforts of tended by Union Ministers Lt- Chairman Dr Myo Aung; Deputy cation Promotion Committee Aung San Suu Kyi yesterday schools and students in national Gen Ye Aung, Dr Pe Myint, U Ministers U Thar Oo, and U Win Chairman Daw Naw Mya Say, attended an award-giving cer- education development, the cer- Min Thu, Thura U Aung Ko, U Maw Tun, Nay Pyi Taw Coun- Permanent Secretaries, Direc- emony for schools with the best emony was held at the Myanmar Thant Sin Maung, Dr Myo Thein cil Member U Tin Tun, Pyithu tors-General, Rectors, Deputy Di- pass rate and for students who International Convention Center Gyi, Dr Myint Htwe, Chairman Hluttaw Education Promotion rectors-General, Deputy Rectors, performed well in the 2019 ma- II in Nay Pyi Taw. of Union Civil Service Board U Committee Chairman Dr Tin SEE PAGE-3


PARLIAMENT NATIONAL BUSINESS Two more bills Donations Price a deciding amending 2008 for flood factor for rubber Constitution sent to victims production, export: continue producers’ body PAGE-2 PAGE-7 PAGE-11 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Two more bills amending 2008 Constitution sent to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

AT the 26th meeting of the Second Hluttaw unanimously ap- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th reg- prove APMRA after discus- ular session held yesterday, the sion Speaker informed the Hluttaw As a final agenda of the day, about the receipts of two bills to U Nay Kyaw of Dagon Myothit amend the Constitution for the (East) constituency, U Kyaw second time and the formation of Aung Lwin of Sedoktara con- two joint committees to study the stituency, U Maung Maung Ohn bills. Copies of the letter and the of Ayeyawady Region constitu- bills were then distributed to the ency 5, U Win Htut of Pyapon Hluttaw representatives. constituency, U San Myint of Ay- eyawady Region constituency 3 Bills amending the Constitu- Union Minister for Agriculture, Deputy Minister for Construction Deputy Minister for Planning and and Deputy Minister for Industry tion for the second time Livestock and Irrigation Dr Aung U Kyaw Lin. Finance U Maung Maung Win. Dr Min Ye Paing Hein discussed Thu. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak- Myanmar signing ASEAN Mutu- er first informed the Hluttaw of stitution for the second time was Hluttaw Speaker announced the Union Minister Dr Aung al Recognition Arrangement on the receipt of a bill amending formed consisting of all commit- Hluttaw putting on record the Thu said the public develop- Type Approval for Automotive the Constitution for the second tee members of Ministry of Construction’s us- ment project to be conducted in Products (APMRA). time signed and submitted by 144 and Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Com- age of K 1,841.859 million from 17 townships for 7 years miti- After obtaining the unani- Hluttaw representa- mittees with Pyidaungsu Hluttaw emergency fund of fiscal year gating the effect of regional nat- mous approval of the Hluttaw, tives including Amyotha Hluttaw Office Notification 75/2019 on 20 2018-2019 Union Budget Law. ural disasters will benefits the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker an- Tatmadaw representative Brig- September 2019. A copy of the socio-economic development of nounced the Hluttaw’s approval Gen Aung San Chit on 17 Sep- draft bill and the letter sent were Removal of US$ 200 million 1.8 million rural people. While the on the matter. tember 2019. As per Pyidaungsu being distributed to the Hluttaw from World Bank Develop- ministry will manage the project Hluttaw Rule section 135 a Joint representatives said the Py- ment Policy Financing to be effective and successful, Concluding speech by Py- Committee to Study the Bill to idaungsu Hluttaw Speaker. Deputy Minister for Plan- Hluttaw representatives and rel- idaungsu Hluttaw Speaker amend the Constitution for the ning and Finance U Maung evant departments were urged Finally, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw second time was formed consist- Hluttaw put on record Minis- Maung Win then explained to to cooperate in it. ADB loan was Speaker delivered a concluding ing of all committee members try of Construction’s usage of the Hluttaw about the removal of a low interest loan that includes speech of Second Pyidaungsu of Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha K 1,841.859 million US$ 200 million from World Bank an assistance of $ 40.58 million Hluttaw’s 13th regular session. Hluttaw Bill Committees with Afterwards, a matter sent Development Policy Financing and Hluttaw was explained to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office No- by the President about Minis- sent by the President after which approve the $ 185 million loan. er summarizes the works con- tification 74/2019 on 20 Septem- try of Construction’s usage of K Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker an- In his explanation Deputy ducted during the 13th regular ber 2019. A copy of the draft bill 1,841.859 million from emergency nounced the Hluttaw putting the Minister U Maung Maung Win session and urges the Hluttaw and the letter sent were being fund of fiscal year 2018-2019 Un- matter on record. said not much was required to representatives to fulfill in the distributed to the Hluttaw repre- ion Budget Law was explained to be explained as the majority of best possible ways socio-eco- sentatives, said the Pyidaungsu the Hluttaw by Deputy Minister Hluttaw approves $ 185 mil- the Hluttaw representatives nomic development of their re- Hluttaw Speaker. for Construction U Kyaw Lin. lion loan from Asian Devel- who discussed the matter were spective constituencies while the Next, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw The Deputy Minister explained opment Bank (ADB) in support of it. Once the Hluttaw Hluttaw was in recess. Speaker informed the Hluttaw that the fund was used to conduct Later Union Minister for approves the loan coordination Afterwards, Pyidaungsu of the receipt of a bill amending repair and reconstruction works Agriculture, Livestock and Ir- with ADB will be conducted ac- Hluttaw Speaker announced the the Constitution for the second on bridges and roads that were rigation Dr Aung Thu and Dep- cording to procedure in order to conclusion of the 26th-day meet- time signed and submitted by damaged or destroyed by flood- uty Minister for Planning and sign the loan agreement before ing of the Second Pyidaungsu 145 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw repre- ing and inundation that occurs Finance U Maung Maung Win ex- end of December 2019 added the Hluttaw’s 13th regular session sentatives including U Sai Than in Kayin State during June to plained to the Hluttaw about $ 185 Deputy Minister. and the conclusion of the Second Naing of Kayin State constitu- August 2018 period. The Depu- million loan from ADB for Minis- After the Hluttaw voted 522 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th reg- ency 5 on 18 September 2019. As ty Minister added further that try of Agriculture, Livestock and in favor, 5 against and 2 abstain- ular session. —Aung Ye Thwin, per Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Rule Hluttaw was requested to put Irrigation to implement public ing, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak- Aye Aye Thant section 135 a Joint Committee to the matter on record. development projects that was er announced the Hluttaw’s ap- Study the Bill to amend the Con- Following this Pyidaungsu sent by the President. proval of the loan. (Translated by Zaw Min)

13th Biennial Convention of ASNA opening ceremony held in

AN opening ceremony of 13th Bi- (ASNA) in Conjunction with the Melia Hotel, Yangon yesterday held biennially in ASEAN coun- sociation’s Prof. Dr Win Min Thit ennial Convention of the ASE- 4th Biennial Myanmar Neuro- morning. tries and this was the first time delivered messages of greetings. AN Neurological Association logical Conference was held at The ASNA convention was Myanmar was hosting the event. Afterwards, the opening At the event Ministry of ceremony was concluded with Health and Sports Permanent Permanent Secretary Dr Thet Secretary Dr Thet Khaing Win Khaing Win, Prof. Chang Hui delivered a speech on behalf of Meng and Prof. Dr Win Min Thit Union Minister for Health and sounding the gong and took com- Sports Dr Myint Htwe. memorative group photo. Next ASEAN Neurology The 13th Biennial Conven- Academy Chair Prof. Chang Hui tion of the ASEAN Neurological Meng and Myanmar Medical As- Association (ASNA) was attend- ed by neurologists and experts Participants pose for the group from ASEAN countries as well as photo at the opening ceremony of 13th Biennial Convention of the countries such as Australia, Eng- ASEAN Neurological Association land, United States of America in Yangon yesterday. and South Korea.—Nyunt Ko Ko PHOTO : YE HTUT (Translated by Zaw Min) 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Govt awards schools with best pass rate, students …

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the speech at the ceremony to honour most outstanding matriculation students in 2018-2019 Academic Year in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

FROM PAGE-1 The ceremony was intended to ed she noticed some significant the State. Whether good or bad tinued that a good school should congratulate the endeavours points in studying matricula- financial background of the par- be a place to motivate the stu- Education Officers at the level of respective schools and stu- tion exam results, such as lower ents, the promising students dents to pursue education, in of Regions/States, districts and dents. The increasing capacity pass rate despite an increasing should get real opportunity as addition to generating excel- townships, heads of best pass- of schools and students reflect number of students in the exam, they are genuine resources for lent students. Motivation is as ing-rate schools, outstanding the country’s development and the gaps in pass rate between the development of the country. important as teaching at the students and their parents. an indicator of education. the States and the Regions, get- The State Counsellor also schools, and that team works The ceremony was opened The data and figures on ma- ting high scores in science and concluded the government are encouraged at the schools. with the song ‘Myanmar School’ triculation exams can be used in mathematics subjects, more alone is not capable to generate Such practice gives lessons to by the students from Practicing analyzing the education status outstanding rates of male stu- excellent students, and the con- have sympathy and good volition School of Yangon University of of the country such as the in- dents in comparing with those tributions of teachers, parents to the others, to calmly accept Education. terested subjects of students, of previous years and majority of and people enthusiastic for pro- the loss when facing defeats, In delivering her speech, the differences of pass rate and excellent students from private moting education are required. to enjoy success in peaceful the State Counsellor said she distinctions between male and manner and to have a positive was pleased to meet with those female students and the schools attitude in sharing possessions who recognize the education as which generated the most out- The participation of teachers with good with others. It is important to a power of critical thinking in standing students. provide these lessons. overcoming various challenges She also reiterated that fe- volition is very fundamental to upgrade She also said her expecta- and flaws in physical and mental male students are more brilliant capacity of schools amidst some tion on the young students to conditions. The State honour than their male counterparts become good citizens, as well as to the outstanding students in at schools in recent years. It is restraints of a newly developing country. valuable persons for the world. matriculation exam is intended quite critical condition for the In this regard, all the teachers to this power of students. country. It is expected equal de- and parents are requested to She also said that the velopment of male and female schools. The participation of teachers take part in setting up good government has believed the in Myanmar society. And that She also recognized some with good volition is very fun- schools. She repeated that the strength of people in develop- surveys are being conducted satisfactory outcomes despite damental to upgrade capacity of teachers need to teach in good ing the country into a peace- who, male or female, are more the remaining flaws. schools amidst some restraints intention for the country, for the ful and prosperous state. The excellent and more interested She said that it is delighted of a newly developing country. students and for all the citizens government has put emphasis in education. to honour outstanding students Even some school children to ensure development of the on the education as it is the The matriculation exam is of any schools, but it is expected from remote areas could enjoy country and prosperity of the best guarantee for the future of largely related with social, eco- to see the state-owned schools success in education thanks world. country. Rather than focusing nomic and political situations generate more brilliant stu- to creations and endeavors of In conclusion, she gave a on the top pass rate and high of the country. The reason for dents. It does not mean to favour students. message to both outstanding scores, the government intends schooling of children beginning the private-owned schools as She added that the gov- students and other common to develop capacities that are at the age of 5 is for self-reliance she even attended such schools ernment is trying to eliminate students that the core value required for implementing the or for livelihood when they be- and valued these schools. How- private tuitions which impose of excellence is a strength to long-term goals of the country. come adults. Formal education ever, the state-owned schools burdens on the parents. It is promote the welfare of others. At this juncture, the possible from schools should meet the are attended by majority of stu- regrettable for the country that It should be utilized properly in question would be the reason for needs in social and economic dents, and that these schools some teachers oppose to this both self-interest and benefits giving awards to the outstand- situations. The National Educa- need to generate excellent stu- plan. And that, all the teachers of others. ing students. tion Strategic Plan was adopted dents in promoting the future are requested to deliver best She finally encouraged that The State Counsellor re- to cover these objectives. Ma- of the country in terms of social services for development of everybody has a potential to be- marked the pass rates and the triculation exam results are and political aspects. Access education, and the parents are come excellent people nation- scores are the visible measure- included in reviewing the im- of common people to the best also to contribute in the tasks ally and globally by developing ments in making judgment on plementation of this plan. education is encouraging the of teachers. themselves. the development of education. The State Counsellor add- development and stability of The State Counsellor con- SEE PAGE-4 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Govt awards schools with best pass rate, students …

President U Win Myint, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Union Ministers pose for photo together with the outstanding students who passed 2019 matriculation exam at the award-giving ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

FROM PAGE-3 Practicing School of Yangon Maung Myo Min Aung from the Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw member of Nay Pyi Taw Coun- University of Education (Ka- Basic Education High School Council, the Deputy Ministers, cil, the Chairmen of Education Union Minister for Edu- mayut), and the second prize to (Hopin) in Mohnyin Township Nay Pyi Taw Council member, Promotion Committees from cation Dr Myo Thein Gyi ex- the No 2 Basic Education High of Kachin State, and for the the Chairmen of Education Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha plained the education statistics School (Sangyaung). highest scores in arts subjects Promotion Committees from Hluttaw presented awards to and preparation for award-giv- State Counsellor Daw to Ma Thazin Win from Basic Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha the outstanding students. ing to the whole country’s out- Aung San Suu Kyi presented Education High School (Tauk- Hluttaw, the outstanding stu- At the ceremony, the priz- standing students who passed the prizes for highest score teyoe) in Kyonpyaw Township dents, and the heads of schools es were given to the 61 bests the matriculation exam for in science subjects to Maung of Ayayawady Region. with best passing rate posed schools and 142 outstanding 2018-2019 academic year. Kyaw Linn Than from No.4 Then, the President, the for documentary photo. students at the Union-level. Then, President U Win My- Basic Education High School State Counsellor, the Union In the second session of — MNA int presented the first prize (Ahlon), for the highest score Ministers, the Chairman of the event, the Union Minis- for best passing rate to the in science-art subjects to Union Civil Service Board, ters, the Deputy Ministers, the (Translated by Aung Khin) Nepalese embassy commemorates National Day

UNION Minister for Informa- tion Dr Pe Myint and wife Daw Khaing Nwe Oo attended a cer- emony to commemorate the National Day of Depal at the Embassy of Nepal in Natmauk Road, Tamway Township, Yan- gon, yesterday evening. The ceremony was opened with the national anthems of Myanmar and Nepal. This was followed by sepa- rate addresses from Nepalese Ambassador Mr Bhim Krishna Udas and Union Minister Dr Pe Myint, after which they took a documentary photo with all the guests. Next, the Union Minister, Nepalese Ambassador, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein and their wives cut the celebratory cake. The Ambassador and his Union Minister Dr Pe Myint and wife, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein and wife, Nepalese Ambassador Mr Bhim Krishna Udas and wife then entertained the wife, and diplomats pose for documentary photo at the reception to mark the National Day of Nepal in Yangon. PHOTO: MNA guests at the dinner hosted to mark the National Day of Also attending the cele- Hluttaw Speaker U Tin Maung d’affaires stationed in Yangon, ed guests. — MNA Nepal. bration were Yangon Region Tun, ambassadors and chargé UN representatives and invit- (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5 Vice President U Myint Swe talks multisectoral cooperation with Chinese Vice Premier

VICE President U Myint Swe peace process, and developing and China’s Vice Premier Mr the socio-economic livelihood Han Zheng held a meeting at of the people. Li Yuan International Con- Accompanying the Vice ference Center in Nanning President at the meeting were around 5 pm yesterday. Union Minister Dr Than Myint, Both sides discussed Myanmar Ambassador U Myo boosting bilateral relations, Thant Pe, Consul-General in increasing goodwill visits Nanning U Soe Thet Naung, between the leaders of both Permanent Secretary U Aung countries, implementing Belt Soe of the Ministry of Com- and Road projects, agricultural merce and other officials. cooperation, elevating trade on Later in the evening, the rice, grains, beans, maize, sug- Vice President was treated to ar and other fruits and vege- a dinner reception hosted at tables, increasing investments the same conference center. and trade, assisting with mat- —MNA ters related to technology and Vice President U Myint Swe shakes hands with China’s Vice Premier Mr Han Zheng during a meeting at Li trainings, Myanmar’s internal (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) Yuan International Conference Center in Nanning yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Vice President U Myint Swe unveils Myanmar National exhibition at 16th China-ASEAN Expo

HE Myanmar delegation the Department for Boosting ident observed around it. He The Vice President, to- There are 169 booths dis- Tled by Vice President U Investments. They provided then took a documentary photo gether with Union Minister Dr playing Myanmar coffee, tea Myint Swe arrived at the office detailed information and cur- with all the officials. Than Myint and Magway Re- leaf-related products, tra- of the Free Trade Port Area rent and future projects for In the afternoon, the Vice gion Minister U Zaw Min, cut ditional handicrafts, gems Management Committee in the Qinzhou free trade port President arrived at Nanning ceremonial ribbons to open the and jewellery, finished wood Qinzhou around 9:20 am yes- area and the experimental free International Convention and exhibition, viewed the cultural products, fruits, traditional terday, where they were wel- trade port zone (Qinzhou). Exhibition Center for the open- dance troupe’s performance, medicine, rattan furniture, comed by Vice Mayor Mr Liu Next, the Vice President ing ceremony of the Myanmar and took a documentary photo agricultural products and Renshan and officials. travelled to Qinzhou contain- national exhibition. He and his with everyone in attendance. food samples at the expo. The The Vice President ob- er port and were received by delegation were welcomed by The Vice President ob- booths are opened by about served the small-scale replica General Manager Mr Zhou Mr Huang Shiyong, permanent served the national exhibition 600 Myanmar entrepreneurs of the free trade port area and Yan of Beibu Gulf Port Qin- member of the Communist which chose Magway as its city and have a combined value of was given explanations by the zhou Dock Co Ltd. They gave Party of Guangxi Zhuang Au- of charm and toured the booths US$1.937 million. —MNA committee’s second in-charge various explanations on the tonomous Region and Secre- displaying Myanmar commod- Mr Huang Shanrong and Dep- port including its history and tary of the Political and Legal ities at the 16th China-ASEAN (Translated by Zaw Htet uty Director Mr Xu Chaoran of processes while the Vice Pres- Affairs Committee. Expo. Oo)

Vice President U Myint Swe observes Myanmar exhibition showcasing traditional costumes Vice President U Myint Swe cuts ribbon to open the Myanmar exhibition at Nanning at Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center in Nanning yesterday. International Convention and Exhibition Center in Nanning yesterday. PHOTO: MNA PHOTO: MNA 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Vice President U Henry Van Thio opens UMFCCI Centennial International Expo

VICE PRESIDENT U HENRY ist and develop together with the VAN THIO attended and ad- country from the centennial to dressed the opening ceremony many more years and support of Union of Myanmar Federation more toward the country’s devel- of Chambers of Commerce and opment, strengthen and develop Industry (UMFCCI) Centennial private sector. International Expo 2019 held at Next, Union Minister U Soe Fortune Plaza, Thakayta Town- Win and Yangon Region Chief ship, Yangon Region yesterday Minister delivered speeches morning. honoring UMFCCI and UMFCCI The ceremony was attended President U Zaw Min Win deliv- by Union Minister for Industry, ered a message of greeting. Planning and Finance U Soe Afterwards, the Vice Pres- Win, Yangon Region Chief Min- ident, Union Minister, Chief ister U Phyo Min Thein, Yangon Minister and officials took com- Region Hluttaw Speaker U Tin memorative group photo and ob- Maung Tun, Deputy Minister for served the exhibits at UMFCCI Commerce U Aung Htoo, Yan- Centennial International Expo gon Region ministers, foreign 2019. diplomats, UMFCCI President, UMFCCI was supporting Vice Presidents, secretaries, cen- from the private sector toward tral executive committee (CEC) the country’s economic devel- members, sister associations’ opment and the expo was held presidents, CECs and Executive to establish timely contact and Vice President U Henry Van Thio Union minister, deputy minister and dignitaries open the Union of Myanmar Committee members. works between local and foreign Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) Centennial International Expo 2019 in Yangon. In his speech Vice President PHOTO: MNA business persons, for Myanmar U Henry Van Thio said UMFCCI products to penetrate interna- was formed in pre- independ- products and international level works in a timely manner. Mar- tainable Development Plan that tional market and for quality ent period of 1919 as Burmese local products to local businesses ket is most important for today’s does not cater to the develop- international products to enter Chamber of Commerce and as and consumers. In addition to businesses enthusiastic cooper- ment and short term economic into local market. of 2019, it has proudly reached this good opportunities were cre- ation of associations, business- development of an individual or By holding the expo, op- its centennial. With an aim for ated for local and international es and the government was an an entity, but aims for a sustain- portunities were provided to in- UMFCCI to support economic businesses to establish contacts. important requirement for local able development of the whole troduce local products not only development this Centennial In its all-round efforts for products to compete and enter country, protect and preserve to the local market but also to Expo was conducted on its cen- economic development the State into local and foreign markets. the natural environment, devel- penetrate international market. tennial. As known to everyone had been meeting with UMFCCI In addition to establishing ops human resources and for the Local and foreign business can holding an international expo like as well as economic associations and implementing economic poli- establishment of a peaceful and conduct business discussions. this brings forth opportunities to and organizations to consider cies that were in line with market stable society. Systematic aims, Local private business persons exhibit the country’s products as the submissions and suggestions economy system the State had strategies and work processes and SME business persons can well as to introduce international made and conduct necessary also drawn up Myanmar Sus- were being established and im- raise their competitiveness by plemented toward these ends. studying international products As private sector devel- and technologies. Developments opment was important for the of MSMEs could create job op- State, business persons and asso- portunities it is learnt. ciations should enthusiastically Exhibits at the expo includes cooperate with UMFCCI toward automobiles, machinery parts, private sector development. Pri- electronic products, construc- vate Sector Development Com- tion products, home decorations, mittee was formed for private beauty products, garments, jew- sector development. Difficulties elries, food and beverages, trans- and challenges encountered by port, ICT sector private sector were discussed The expo has 235 exhibits ex- in meetings held regularly and hibiting automobiles, machinery coordinated with relevant min- parts, electronic products, con- isterial departments resulting struction products, home decora- in successes achieved. UMFCCI tions, beauty products, garments, was also playing a satisfactory jewelries, food and beverages, job as a bridge connecting the transport, ICT sector products government and business per- from Germany, Netherland, sons. Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, UMFCCI and sister associa- Vietnam and local businesses. tions can be proud of holding this Ministry of Industry, Minis- centennial event systematically try of Commerce and Ministry and completely using their finan- of International Cooperation cial resources, human resourc- supported and cooperated in the es and organizational resources UMFCCI Centennial Expo 2019 Vice President U Henry Van Thio visits the exhibition showcasing products at the opening ceremony of Union said the Vice President. Finally that will be held for three days of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Centennial International Expo 2019 in the Vice President concluded from September 20 to 22. — MNA Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA with a wish for UMFCCI to ex- (Translated by Zaw Min) 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 7 Govt produces Rakhine Joint Assessment report

THE Ministry of Social Welfare, was submitted to the Protocol Relief and Resettlement, to- and Ethical Board of the minis- gether with the United Nations try in January 2017 by forming Development Programme, in- a technical team to be able to troduced the Rakhine Joint As- implement it in accordance with sessment Report at the Shwe research ethics and principles San Eain Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw and avoid sensitive issues, with yesterday. seeking recommendations from The ceremony was attend- Rakhine State government and ed by Union Minister Dr Win the relevant departments. Myat Aye, Deputy Minister for The survey for Rakhine State Counsellor’s Office U Khin Joint Assessment began after Maung Tin, Deputy Minister for holding a workshop in Nay Pyi Social Welfare, Relief and Reset- Taw in May 2017. However, the tlement U Soe Aung, Rakhine survey works were postponed State’s Electricity, Industry and due to the conflcts in August Transport Minister U Aung Kyaw 2017, and resumed in Kyauktaw, Zan, officials from the Union Mrauk-U and Minbya townships Enterprise for Humanitarian in July and August 2018. Assistance, Resettlement and The Union Minister also dis- Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye attends the ceremony of Sharing the findings of the Rakhine Joint Development, the invited guests, closed the findings have indicat- Assessment held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA representatives from UN agen- ed that underdevelopment was cies and international organi- the main reason of the problems; He also added the findings Department of Disaster Man- importance of security in imple- zations. access to food, nutrition, educa- will be used in the development agement and the UNDP. menting the works, and working Union Minister Dr Win Myat tion and healthcare services is programmes of Rakhine State, In his concluding remark, groups will be formed under the Aye said that the research re- not too much different among and will be informed to the local Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye management of UEHRD. The port was developed to collect different communities; availa- communities through the Rak- noted the Rakhine Joint Assess- Union Minister also called for information for adopting de- bility of hygiene water is still a ine State government. ment report is a result received more assistance of international velopment assistance policies grave problem in most of the Then, the UN acting ne- by the collaboration between the organizations and ASEAN mem- through humanitarian aid, and villages; lower education level gotiator gave remarks on the ministry and the UN agencies, ber countries to work better in for promoting social unity and and lesser employment opportu- findings in the Rakhine Joint and development works will be social economic development of harmony in Rakhine State. nities are the underlying causes Assessment report, followed by carried out based on these find- Rakhine State.—MNA The joint assessment plan for temporary jobs. explanations of officials from the ings. He also emphasized the (Translated by Aung Khin) Donations for flood victims continue

THE Ministry of Social Welfare, search Department under the Relief and Resettlement re- Ministry of Agriculture, Live- ceived more donations for the stock and Irrigation donated flood-afflicted areas across My- K2.5 million. anmar yesterday. Union Minister Dr Win Myat Myanmar Edible Oil Deal- Aye accepted the donations and ers Association donated K10 gave certificates of honour in million, the education officer of return, followed by words of Lewe Township and education thanks.—MNA Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye accepts cash donation for flood victims from officials of Myanmar Edible Oil associates donated K2,157,050, (Translated by Zaw Htet Dealers Association in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA and staff of the Agricultural Re- Oo)

Water quality assessment of Mekong River in Shan State to begin soon

THE Environmental Conserva- project is scheduled to take place tion Department under the Min- from the 2018-2019 FY to 2019- istry of Natural Resources and 2020 FY and will assess the water Environmental Conservation quality of Mekong River and its and the Mekong-Lancang Co- branches in Shan State. operation and Negotiation Group Deputy Director-General of jointly organized the launch cer- the Environmental Conserva- emony of the water quality as- tion Department U Sein Tun Lin sessment project for the Mekong first delivered opening remarks River and its branches in Nay and officials then explained the Pyi Taw yesterday. project background, transfer of The project is one of the funds, implementation of pro- 19 projects funded by the Me- cesses and assessment of the kong-Lancang Cooperation water quality.—MNA Deputy Director-General U Sein Tun Lin and attendees pose for a documentary photo at the launching Special Fund (2018 batch). The (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 9 The attraction of Republic of the Union of Myanmar Why Climate Change Matters for Myanmar’s Office of the President working overseas Order 40/2019 7th Waning of Tawthalin, 1381 ME Development, and What We Are Doing About It 20 September, 2019 and related pitfalls By U Ohn Win, Union Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, and Mr. Peter Batchelor, UNDP Myanmar Resident Representative Appointment of Region Minister ORE than 33,000 Myanmar citizens found em- ployment overseas this August according to an YANMAR faces bon economy. The government In accordance with the provisions stated in article 262 (f) of the announcement made by the Ministry of Labour, many develop- will continue promoting green Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and section M Immigration and Population. The news also says ment challeng- businesses and aligning incen- 19 (c) of Union Government Law and Section 8 (g) of Region or the ministry successfully connected 616 people with government M es, but climate tives for the private sector to State Government Law, Dr Soe Win has been appointed as Min- jobs and 28,366 with jobs from the private sector. change presents the greatest introduce low carbon technol- ister for Immigration and Human Resources in the Ayeyawady The countries Myanmar citizens went to work include Ma- challenge of all. And while the ogies. Region Government. laysia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Japan, UAE, impacts of climate change To empower younger gen- Sd/ Win Myint Jordan and Qatar. Fulfilling the required skills, qualifications are felt in many ways, it is the erations with the knowledge, President and other requirements for securing a job overseas will make threat to the country’s future skills and attitudes to prosper Republic of the Union of Myanmar achieving it even closer. development that makes it so in 21st century Myanmar, cli- The young people of Myanmar these days seem more in- significant. mate change must inform the terested in finding jobs abroad than at home. One of the main Myanmar’s geographic lo- strengthening of the educa- reasons is that these jobs pay substantially more and this fact cation and incredible physical tion system – in the curricu- has attracted a lot of people to seek employment overseas. diversity means climate change lum, as well as by developing But this phenomenon is not limited to Myanmar. The global takes many forms – in the dry climate-resilient schools. trend of going to live and work in other countries is appealing zone, temperatures are increas- Such approaches also show to people who starve for challenges, opportunities and new ing and droughts becoming that what is good for the climate Myanmar Daily Weather Report experiences. Of course, this benefits both the migrant worker’s more prevalent, while the coast- is also good for our country’s (Issued at 7:00 pm Friday 20th September, 2019) country of origin and the al zone remains at constant risk development and the lives of host nation. The migrant from intensifying cyclones. And our people. BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is weak to moderate over the workers will also be able to extreme flooding in the current Myanmar is ready to be part Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal. The victims send back enough money to wet season has already seen of the climate change solution raise the living standards of over 190,000 people seek emer- at this month’s United Nations FORECAST VALID UNTIL NOON OF THE 21st September, of human their families. gency shelter, with the damage Climate Action Summit, to be 2019: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Sagaing and trafficking who However, there are also to homes, schools and farms held in New York on 23 Septem- Magway Regions, Kachin and (Northern and Eastern)Shan States, numerous incidents of peo- compounding the impact of last ber, 2019. The Government is fairly widespread in Nay Pyi Taw, Mandalay and Bago Regions, fall prey to the ple who have been swindled year’s floods, and those from continuously intensifying its ef- Southern Shan, Chin, Rakhine and Kayah States and widespread Photo shows an aerial view of the area of deadly landslide that struck a village in Paung Township in August, 2019. PHOTO: KO ZAW MIN of their money by brokers the year before. forts, but does need internation- in the remaining Regions and States. Degree of certainty is (80%). deception of offering them jobs in foreign porates the notion of environ- ing the decline of the country’s is committed to increasing the al support from partners like these brokers lands. Some people also try mental sustainability for future forests. For example, the Gov- use of renewable energy while UNDP. Technological know-how STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be moderate in Myanmar waters. to go abroad through illegal The energy sector contributes two- generations by systematically ernment has committed 500 mil- helping provide electricity to is needed to support actions Wave height will be about (4–7) feet off and along Myanmar Coasts. are usually means and face various dif- embedding environmental and lion US dollars over 10 years the millions of people who still on the ground, such as in the thirds of greenhouse gas emissions from remote ficulties. In both cases, some climate considerations into all for the Myanmar Rehabilitation lack reliable access. New forms form of affordable renewable OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Continuation people have had their entire in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, future policies and projects. The and Reforestation Programme. of renewable energy – including energy technologies. Finance is of thundery activities in Central Myanmar areas. areas with an livelihoods uprooted. Myanmar Sustainable Devel- Nature-based solutions, such solar and biomass – will contrib- needed to support investments The victims of human energy development in Myanmar opment Plan (2018-2030) has as protecting coastal mangrove ute 9% of the country’s energy in human resources and innova- FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING unfortunate trafficking who fall prey to committed Myanmar to a cli- forests, can help mitigate cli- mix by 2030. The distribution tive solutions. And training and AREA FOR 21st September, 2019: Isolated rain or thundershow- the deception of these bro- must be climate smart and cannot mate-sensitive development ers. Degree of certainty is (100%). lack of access mate change by storing huge of fuel-efficient cookstoves is technical assistance is needed kers are usually from re- ignore the sector’s changing pathway and is complemented amounts of carbon dioxide while being rapidly expanded to 5 to strengthen the capacities of to proper mote areas with an unfortu- by the new National Environ- also building natural barriers to million households – this will all players – governments, com- FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA nate lack of access to proper economic outlook. mental Policy and Myanmar reduce the impact of cyclones improve people’s health, while munities and the private sector. FOR 21st September, 2019: One or two rain or thundershowers. information and information and education. Climate Change Policy, which and storm surges on coastal also helping avoid deforestation The Climate Action Summit Degree of certainty is (100%). Those who are sent were both recently launched communities. from people gathering firewood. in New York will be a critical fo- education. through the illegal path The possibility of more time and resources that could by the President. Both policies The energy sector contrib- Myanmar’s private sector rum for global leaders to come FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING AREA face abuse and torment intense and more frequent otherwise be spent on more have benefitted from technical utes two-thirds of greenhouse has a vital role to play in re- together and present strong FOR 21st September, 2019: Isolated rain or thundershowers. from their foreign employ- climatic events is already im- pressing development priori- support from international de- gas emissions in the Asia-Pa- sponding to climate change, new actions to reverse climate Degree of certainty is (100%). ers. They may also have their pay docked or withheld and, being pacting Myanmar. The country ties. velopment partners like UNDP cific region. Therefore, energy but this also presents great change. It is also an opportu- illegal migrant workers, are in a peculiar and difficult position is already one of the most vul- There is no question that and extensive public consulta- development in Myanmar must opportunities as the economy nity to recognize the valuable WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR WEEKEND: Rain or thunder- to file complaints on these unfair treatments to the authorities. nerable in the world to such ex- Myanmar must work with the tions across Myanmar. be climate smart and cannot ig- expands. Disruptive green tech- efforts of developing countries showers will be fairly widespread in Naypyitaw, Yangon and Sometimes on the news, you will see stories of people working treme weather events. With the international community to Together, these new poli- nore the sector’s changing eco- nology and innovation will help like Myanmar, and to redouble Mandalay Regions. abroad who can’t even entrust anything to their close associates memories of 2008’s catastrophic slow down and reverse global cies set a vision for Myanmar nomic outlook. The Government us accelerate towards a low car- support for countries pursuing or even family members while they’re gone. Cyclone Nargis still vivid, the warming, while also building as a climate-resilient, low-car- sustainable, low-carbon devel- One particular guidebook for migrant workers warns that a development gains that have its resilience by adapting to the bon society that is sustainable, To empower younger generations with opment pathways. friend with a well meaning offer of a better job with a better salary been made in recent times reality of a changing climate. prosperous and inclusive, for The world is now in a des- and conditions can also end up deceiving you. This warning only remain highly susceptible to The Government of the the well-being of present and the knowledge, skills and attitudes perate race against climate managed to find its way into these pages because similar incidents such risks. Even without a sin- Republic of the Union of My- future generations. They are to prosper in 21st century Myanmar, change. Strong and urgent ac- have really happened. If you can’t even trust your friends on this, gle Nargis-scale event, the loss anmar recognizes that a clean also the basis for Myanmar’s tion, both internationally and Call then a stranger is simply out of the question. and damage caused by floods, environment, with healthy and implementation of the Paris climate change must inform the locally, is critical to protecting We’d like to inform people seeking jobs overseas to contact landslides and droughts in re- functioning ecosystems, is the Agreement to help keep global Myanmar’s current and future Thin Thin May, the employment offices and legal overseas employment agencies. cent years runs into the billions foundation upon which the temperature increases to 1.5 strengthening of the education system development. We must all act Going through the whole thing legally is the only good option to of US dollars, not to mention the country’s social, cultural and degrees Celsius above pre-in- – in the curriculum, as well as by together if we are to win this avoid any difficulties while you work overseas. deaths and turmoil for people’s economic development must dustrial levels. race and ensure a sustainable 09251022355 So please, avoid the brokers knocking on your door with offers lives. The need to prepare for, be sustained. It has therefore Myanmar’s ambitious ap- developing climate-resilient schools. future for the world and for My- of lucrative jobs. They just might backstab you later. respond to, and recover from, committed to a national devel- proach to reducing greenhouse anmar and its people. 09974424848 these natural disasters costs opment framework that incor- gas emissions includes revers- 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 10 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Plans afoot to shift some CNG shops outside Yangon: MOGE By Nyein Nyein are outside town, there won’t shops, we will need land. The are about 6,500 YBS buses us- ACTING CHIEF EDITOR be long lines of YBS buses in land should be legally owned ing CNG in Yangon Region, and Aye Min Soe THE authorities are planning the town,” said U Hla Win Htay. and must have a safe bound- about 4,000 of the YBS buses are [email protected] to relocate some Compressed After observing 31 YBS ary. After searching for sites, filling up CNG daily. SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Natural Gas (CNG) shops out- CNG filling stations in four we will submit the plan to seek The daily CNG consump- Kyaw Myaing side the town, said U Hla Win zones, MOGE has found that the budgetary allocation to tion in Yangon is 24.14 million Htay, the general manager of one shop between shop 2 and move the shops outside town. cubic feet, of which the YBS SENIOR TRANSLATORS Zaw Min Myanma Oil and Gas Enter- shop 3 in Ahlon township can be We have already submitted a buses consume 13.41 million Zaw Htet Oo prise (MOGE) and member of moved out of the town because potential situation to the Un- cubic feet. Alphonsus the Yangon Region Transport they are separated by only a ion government as well as to MOGE had extended its INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR Ye Htut Tin, Authority (YRTA). street, and one shop between the regional government. The CNG project in 2014 to enable [email protected] “It is not advisable to fill shop 1 and shop 2 in East Dagon YRTA and YBS companies need smooth transportation for Yan- CNG in buses inside the town. township can also be relocated to get land at the seven entrance gonites. Currently, there are 41 LOCAL NEWS EDITORS It is a wrongful practice that because they are separated by gates of Yangon town,” said U CNG shops in Yangon town. Tun Tun Naing (Editor), [email protected] has been going on for several only a fence. Moreover, CNG Hla Win Htay. There are two teams — Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), years. To resolve this issue, the shops at the foot of the Thanlyin Most YBS buses are filling emergency maintenance team [email protected] YRTA will search for land, in bridge can also be moved out of CNG at the following shops — and regular maintenance team

TRANSLATORS cooperation with the Yangon town, according to MOGE. 003 in Ahlon, 004 in Kyaikkala- — that ensure machines fixed Hay Mar Tin Win, Bus Service (YBS). Additionally, In order to shift some CNG wk, 008 in Pale, 021 in Dagon in CNG shops run smoothly. In- Ei Myat Mon some CNG stations, which are shops outside the town, the Seikkan, 027 in Shwepyitha-2, ternational experts are training Kyaw Zin Lin not efficient and effective, will related ministries, the YRTA, and 042 in Htigyaing. This has members of the maintenance Kyaw Zin Tun be moved out to the bus termi- and the YBS companies need often caused traffic problems. teams to make them familiar REPORTER nals, with the payment of mov- to scout for land. According to official statis- with advanced technology. Nyein Nyein Ei, ing charges. If YBS terminals “When we move the tics provided by MOGE, there (Translated by Hay Mar) [email protected] Aye Yamon Oo

PHOTOGRAPHER Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar Seasonal influenza claimed 114 lives in Jan-Sept Kyaw Zeya A total of 114 people died from Mandalay region each. za. The number of A (H1N1) pdm the public to cover their nose COMPUTER TEAM the A (H1N1) pdm 09 seasonal At present, deaths caused 09 seasonal influenza cases has and mouth while sneezing and Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, influenza virus across the coun- by the influenza virus are being shown a slight increase till now. coughing, get sound sleep, drink Ye Naing Soe, Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, Sanda Hnin, try between 1 January and 17 reported across the country. Among the patients con- plenty of water, wash their hands Thein Htwe, Nyi Lin Thu September, and 736 persons While 68 deaths and 289 cases firmed to have been infected frequently, and avoid going out- were confirmed to have been of A (H1N1) pdm 09 seasonal in- by the virus between 1 January side during the hottest times of EDITORIAL SECTION infected by the virus, according fluenza virus have been reported and 17 September, 58 per cent the day to prevent exposure. (+95) (01)8604529, Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 to the sub-central epidemiology from Yangon region, 46 deaths were aged 15 to 65 years, 14 per H1N1 has been breaking units under the Public Health have been reported in other cent were in the 1-5 age group, out annually since 2009. H1N1 CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION Department. There were 112 states and regions. 9 per cent were over 65 years, flu symptoms are the same as San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, Hotline - 09 974424114 deaths from the seasonal influ- According to the health de- 12 per cent were in the 5-15 age seasonal flu. They include cough, enza virus reported across the partment, out of the 1,719 sus- group, and 7 per cent were less fever, sore throat, stuffy or run- ADVERTISING & MARKETING country as on 13 September. On pected cases reported across the than a year old, according to the ny nose, body aches, headaches, ( +95) (01) 8604530, 17 September, one death was re- country, 736 patients have been sub-central epidemiology units. chills, and fatigue. —Pwint Thit- Hotline - 09 974424848 [email protected] ported from Sagaing region and diagnosed with seasonal influen- Officials are encouraging sa (Translated by Hay Mar) [email protected]

Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at Five killed, 41 injured in traffic mishaps in Hinthada in August No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light FIVE deaths were reported in the number of injured increased, and 41 injured. The number of is doing its utmost to reduce the of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. traffic accidents in Hinthada according to official statistics injured has increased this year number of mishaps by half in 2020 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. District in the month of August, provided by the traffic police. as 12 people sustained injuries to meet the goal set by the Na- [email protected] according to traffic police. For- “Five persons were killed in a single accident in August,” tional Remote Sensing Centre ty-one persons were injured in and 25 injured in 18 traffic ac- said an official with the district’s (NRSC). We are also conducting the mishaps. cidents in six townships of Hin- traffic police. regular awareness talks and dis- Although the number of thada District in August, 2018. In “The number of traffic ac- tributing pamphlets among the traffic accidents showed a de- August this year, there were 15 cidents has been on the decline public,” he added. —Aye Cho cline compared to last August, accidents, which left five dead every month. The traffic police (Translated by Hay Mar)

Over 2,000 kg of raw jade stones seized in Phakant Tsp

An illegal consignment of raw on board, identified as Arkar jade stones, weighing over 2,000 Kyaw, 17. The police found 1,780 Write for us kg, was seized during a search illegal raw jade stones weigh-

We appreciate your feedback and operation on Wednesday at a ing over 2,000 kg concealed contributions. If you have any comments checkpoint in Phakant Town- in eight oil tanks inside the or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email ship of Kachin State. vehicle. [email protected] Acting on a tip, a com- The Township Police have with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only bined team led by inspector filed a case against Wai Tun and able to publish “Letter to the Editor” Kyaw Kyaw Lwin Oo searched Arkar Kyaw under the Myan- that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words a Hino vehicle, driven by Wai mar Gemstone Law. —Win Na- please be aware that your letter will be Tun, 19, at the checkpoint. The ing (Kachin Myay) edited. Two suspects arrested with confiscated raw jade stones. vehicle had another passenger (Translated by La Wunn) PHOTO: WIN NAING (KACHIN MYAY) 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 11 Price a deciding factor for rubber production, export: producers’ body By Nyein Nyein tential for the market,” said U is also shipped to Singapore, Khaing Myint. Indonesia, Malaysia, Viet Nam, ANY improvement in Myan- Additionally, the volatil- Korea, India, Japan, and other mar’s rubber exports will be ity in rubber prices is linked countries. directly linked to the price of- to global climate change, and Myanmar has sent over fered, as production is usually subsidy from the government 190,000 tons of rubber, with suspended if the rates are low, is required for growers in need, an estimated value of US$250 according to U Khaing Myint, he added. million, to external markets in the secretary of the Myanmar Rubber is primarily pro- the past eleven months of the Rubber Planters and Producers duced in Mon and Kayin states current fiscal year. The export Association (MRPPA). and Taninthayi, Bago, and volume is up 41,000 tons, or $60 “The improvement of rub- Yangon regions in Myanmar. million, compared to the year- ber exports will rely on the There are over 1.6 million acres ago period, according to data price. For example, the owners of rubber plantations in Myan- released by the Ministry of Com- of small farms cannot produce mar, with Mon State accounting merce. when the price drops as they for about 500,000 acres, followed At present, Myanmar is ex- cannot even cover the produc- by Kayin State (270,000 acres), porting only rubber sheets ow- Production of rubber latex sheets goes down as the temperature of the tion cost. Thus, a price drop according to the MRPPA. ing to lack of machines and tech- local weather increases. PHOTO: HTUT HTUT (YE) leads to a halt in production. About 300,000 tons of rub- nology. Therefore, the MRPPA If rubber is priced at K800-900 ber is produced every year in called for the establishment raw materials at the 15th regu- About 150,000 tons of rubber per pound, production will rise. the country. Seventy per cent of of special rubber zones in the lar meeting with private entre- was exported in the 2017-2018 However, if the price is below Myanmar’s rubber production regions and states to produce preneurs, led by Vice President fiscal year. (Translated by Ei K800 per pound, there is no po- goes to China. Myanmar rubber value-added rubber and quality 1, which was held on 15 March. Myat Mon) Myanmar external trade reaches over Border trade with $32 bln during 11 months of this FY ITCs crosses K55.2 bln

BETWEEN October and August of 2018-2019 Financial Year, provisional figures of Myanmar Interna- TRADE at the border check- in the 2012-2013 fiscal year, 261 tional trade showed that the total trade reached at US$ 32.051 billion with $15.474 billion export and $ points using Individual Trading ITCs in the 2013-2014FY, 317 16.577 billion import. Myanmar external trade was expected to reach $31.100 billion with $15.300 billion Cards (ITCs) exceeded K55.2 ITCs in the 2014-2015FY, 146 export and $15.800 billion import this FY. So Myanmar made positive growth of 103 per cent in total billion between 1 October and 31 ITCs in the 2015-16 FY, 248 ITCs trade with 101 per cent in export and 105 per cent in import. August in the current financial in the 2016-17FY, 168 ITCS in the Following is the external trade provisional figure as of August this FY comparison for target and year, according to data provided 2017-2018FY, 91 ITCs between actual growth. Values are in million US$. by the Ministry of Commerce. 1 April, 2018 and 30 September, Data from the ministry 2018 in the interim period, and Sr Sec- 2018-2019 FY’s expected value 2018-2019 FY’s provisional value Growth (per cent) shows 157 ITCs were used to 157 ITCs have been issued as tor export goods worth K8.7 billion on 31 August. Export Import Total Export Import Total Ex- Im- to- and import goods worth K46.5 Most of the trade with port port tal billion in the current fiscal. ITCs was conducted through 1 Over- 8150.000 13430.000 21580.000 8879.476 13780.211 22659.687 109 103 105 Trade was pegged at over the Myawady border post as sea K3.7 billion at the Tamu border of 31 August. Trade using ITCs trade checkpoint, over K30.7 million totalled K22.5 billion between 1 2 Bor- 7150.000 2370.000 9520.000 6594.759 2796.743 9391.502 92 118 99 at Muse, over K29.7 billion at April, 2018 to 30 September, 2018 der Myawady, over K97.6 million in the interim period. trade at Tachilek, over K66.9 million The Ministry started issu- 3 Total 15300.000 15800.000 31100.000 15474.235 16576.954 32051.189 101 105 103 at Lwejel, over K1.9 billion at ing ITCs in 2012. Traders can Kanpiketee, over K5.3 billion trade goods worth up to K15 Up to August, 2018-2019 FY, Myanmar exported agriculture products worth $3.032 billion, animal at Kawthoung, K1.5 billion at million per week using ITCs, products worth $341 million, marine products worth $675 million, mineral products worth $1.363 billion, Reed, over K11.6 billion at Maw- which need to be extended forest products worth $157 million, manufacture products worth 9.164 billion, and other sector worth taung, over K443 million at Ht- every year. ITC application 741 million. Main export items of Myanmar – various kind of beans and peas, marine, animal, as well eekhee, and over K920 million forms can be obtained at any as CMP -- were exported higher compared with the same period of last FY while rice and broken at Kengung. office under the Ministry of rice were exported less. Myanmar imported investment products worth $5.230 billion, raw products The Ministry of Commerce Commerce and the border worth $6.156 billion, commodity products worth $3.037 billion, and CMP products worth $2.152 billion. has issued 1,681 ITCs as of 31 trade posts.—Zwe (Trans- Myanmar more imported CMP products than others.—MNA July — 292 ITCs were issued lated by Hay Mar)

Mung bean prices recover on back of China demand

RECENT demand from China of mung beans has risen again purchases, according to traders. has stopped the fall in price of due to demand from China,” said This year, India had an- mung beans, which had spiralled U Soe Win Myint, a trader from nounced that it would import downwards after India suspend- Mandalay. 150,000 tons of mung beans and ed purchases, and the trade of The price of mung beans 200,000 tons of pigeon peas. mung beans is picking up again plunged from K75,000 for three Although Myanmar’s mung in Mandalay, said traders. baskets in January, when India bean production has declined “At the moment, traders began buying mung beans as this year, the country could have PHOTO: MIN HTET AUNG who have stored mung beans part of its agreement to pur- produced over 300,000 tons of (MANDALAY are selling their stocks in the chase 150,000 tons, to K68,000 mung beans.—Min Htet Aung SUB-PRINTING market. These days, the price in August, when India stopped (Mandalay Sub-Printing House) HOUSE) 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 12 NATIONAL / SOCIAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Myanmar police delegation returns from 39th ASEANAPOL Conference NEWS In BRIEF CHIEF OF MYANMAR Police Museum-developed Force Police Lt-Gen Aung Win creative product Oo and senior police officers re- turned home yesterday afternoon revenue exceeds 4 after attending the 39th ASEAN bln yuan in 2018 Chiefs of Police Conference (ASEANAPOL 39) which was BEIJING — The revenue from held in Hanoi, Viet Nam, from 17 the development of cultural and to 19 September. creative products based on the The three-day event was at- cultural relics collections of Chi- tended by the police chiefs and na’s museums exceeded 4 billion senior police officers from 10 yuan (564 million US dollars) in ASEAN member countries and 2018. Timor-Leste, 10 dialogue part- According to statistics ners of ASEANAPOL, the Inter- released at a conference on national Association of Chiefs of the authorization of the use of Police, the International Crimi- Chief of Myanmar Police Force Police Lt-Gen Aung Win Oo, Police Chiefs from ASEAN member countries, information from the museums’ th nal Police Organization and the Minister for Public Security General Tao Lam pose for a documentary photo at the 39 ASEAN Chiefs of Police collections on Thursday, as of last Conference in Hanoi, Viet Nam. PHOTO: MNA European Police Office, Deputy year, more than 40,000 kinds of Secretary General of ASEAN The Chief of Myanmar Po- ence, police chiefs of 10 ASEAN and Deputy Commissioner Neil relevant products are available. and Asian representative of the lice Force also discussed coop- member countries paid a cour- Antony Gaughan, Acting Chief of Moreover, China will pro- International Committee of the eration with relevant countries in tesy call on Vietnamese Prime Australian Federal Police on 18 mote open information sharing Red Cross. fighting against drug smuggling, Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and September afternoon, and dis- in this regard, in a bid to further During the conference, they terrorism, arms trafficking, hu- Minister for Public Security Gen- cussed about capacity building reinvigorate and make better use discussed cooperation of the in- man trafficking, crimes related eral Tao Lam. programmes for MPF in preven- of the country’s cultural relics ternational countries in combat- with wildlife, financial crime, cy- The MPF Chief also sep- tion of crimes, cooperation in the resources, according to cultural ing transnational crimes, using ber-crime, fake travel documents arately met with Head of UK use of technologies and bilateral relics officials. Museums will be high technologies and exchange and cross-border frauds. National Crime Agency Com- relations between police forces.— encouraged to authorize the use of information. During the period of confer- mander Mark Edward Bishop MNA (Translated by Aung Khin) of resources related to their col- lections to enterprises and other entities from the public, said Luo Trump ends California’s right to set auto emissions standards Jing, an official with the National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA), at the conference. LOS ANGELES — US President California Gov. Gavin New- —Xinhua Donald Trump said Wednesday som said the same day in a press he will strip California of the right conference that he will take legal Facebook plays to to set its own auto emissions action to fight the Trump’s move. standards, as he bids to appeal The state is exempt from the social ties with Portal to the motor industry ahead of 1970 Clean Air Act and has been smart-screen next year’s presidential election. allowed to set its own emission The president said in a Twit- standards. SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook ter post that the industry will be In 2007, the administration of on Wednesday unveiled sec- able to build vehicles “far safer George Bush denied the state’s ond-generation Portal smart and much less expensive” and request to set greenhouse gas screens, touting them as a way to create jobs. limits on vehicles, but this was stay connected to loved ones at “Many more cars will be pro- overturned by Barack Obama’s the leading social network. duced under the new and uniform administration, according to Facebook also pushed down standard, meaning significant- California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a news conference at the US media. Trump pulled the costs to make new Portal, Portal ly more JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!” California justice department on 18 September, 2019 in Sacramento, United States out of the Paris Mini, and Portal TV devices Trump posted. California. PHOTO: KYODO NEWS Agreement on climate change in more enticing to consumers at a But the decision to bar Cali- 2017, as his administration rolls starting price of $129. fornia, a Democratic stronghold, than federal government prompt- some environmental protection back environmental protections. Portal and Portal Mini will from setting stricter regulations ed criticism from the state and groups. —Kyodo News begin shipping on 15 October, while a notepad-sized Portal TV device that turns a television ‘Flying’ river taxi tests Seine into a smart screen for video calls and more will begin shipping on waters in Paris November 5 at a price of $149. Facebook would not dis- PARIS — A “flying” electric river A journey from the Eiffel close how many Portal devices taxi hailed by its creators as the Tower in the west to Notre-Dame have been sold since they were future of clean city transport is cathedral in the bubble takes introduced late last year, but being put through a battery of just minutes, as the craft zips said adoption has been strong tests in Paris this week, with a past the traffic snarled along the enough to inspire second-gen- view to being in service by the banks of the river. eration models. Shipments of spring. Back to the future smart speakers in the US last year Named the “Sea Bubble”, The taxi, which looks like a nearly doubled to 57.5 million, the white aerodynamic craft nautical version of the DeLorean with Amazon accounting for skimmed over the River Seine at car in the 80s sci-fi film “Back To about 48 per cent of the market The taxi, which looks like a nautical version of the DeLorean car in speeds of up to 30 km/hour (17 m/ The Future”, is the brainchild of and Google claiming nearly 39 the 80s sci-fi film “Back To The Future”, is the brainchild of French hour), hovering 50 centimetres French yachtsman Alain The- per cent, according to Interna- yachtsman Alain Thebault. PHOTO: AFP (1.5 feet) above the water. bault. —AFP tional Data Corp.—AFP 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD/ AD 13 Spain’s leftwing trades Israel vote deadlock confirmed barbs as new vote looms MADRID — Squabbling took just 123 of parliament’s by near-complete results between Spain’s leftwing 350 seats, and Sanchez parties erupted Friday with pointed the finger at rival JERUSALEM — Israe- leaders trading mutual re- parties for failing to sup- li vote results on Friday criminations over the fail- port him. confirmed a deadlock ure to form a government He had initially agreed, in the country’s general as the country braced for very reluctantly, to form a election and put Prime its fourth election in as coalition with the radical Minister Benjamin Net- many years. leftwing Podemos, but the anyahu’s Likud party as Spain’s most recent party refused, with its lead- the second-largest, leaving political crisis came to a er Pablo Iglesias saying the him with a tough battle to head on Tuesday night government portfolios on extend his long tenure in when Prime Minister Pe- offer did not carry enough office. dro Sanchez said a fresh political clout. The near-complete poll was necessary after he Sanchez then with- official results from Tues- failed to secure support to drew the offer, and refused day’s election gave ex-mil- be confirmed as premier to negotiate further, offer- itary chief Benny Gantz’s following an inconclusive ing Iglesias only talks on a centrist Blue and White al- election in April. joint policy programme, in liance the most seats, with Although his Socialist a dispute which was never 33 out of parliament’s 120. party won the election, it resolved. —AFP Netanyahu’s right- wing Likud won 31 seats, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara casts their votes at a voting but neither had an obvious station in Jerusalem on 17 September, 2019. PHOTO: AFP path to a majority coalition. In a stark admission government since Blue ven Rivlin plans to begin sundown Friday. on Thursday, Netanyahu and White was the larg- consultations with all par- Final results will be acknowledged he was un- est party. ties voted into parliament published on Wednesday able to form a right-wing The standoff has even on Sunday to decide who and there could be chang- coalition as he hoped and raised the possibility of yet to choose to try to form a es before then, Israel’s called on Gantz to join him another election -- which government. election committee said. in a unity government in- would be the third to be Major developments The committee said stead. held in a year following were not expected before the results did not include Spain’s Socialist premier Pedro Sanchez said it would have Gantz responded by April polls that also ended then, particularly with the 14 polling stations where been irresponsible to form a coalition with the radical saying he would have to be inconclusively. Sabbath, or weekly Jewish verifications were still on- leftwing Podemos. PHOTO: AFP prime minister in a unity Israeli President Reu- day of rest, beginning at going.—AFP Pompeo favours ‘peaceful resolution’ to crisis after Saudi oil attack

DUBAI — The US wants ties, condemning an “act allies in Riyadh and Abu tion. “We’d like a peaceful a peaceful solution to the of war” which knocked out Dhabi, Pompeo said there resolution. I think we’ve crisis sparked by attacks half the kingdom’s oil pro- was an “enormous consen- demonstrated that,” he told on Saudi oil installations, duction. The rhetoric has sus in the region” that Iran reporters. “I hope the Is- Secretary of State Mike raised the risk of an unpre- carried out the attacks, de- lamic Republic of Iran sees Pompeo said Thursday, af- dictable escalation in a tin- spite its denials and Yeme- it the same way.” Iran’s For- ter Iran raised the spectre derbox region where Saudi ni rebels’ claims that they eign Minister Mohammad of “all-out war”. Arabia and Iran are locked were responsible. Javad Zarif earlier warned Pompeo has blamed in a decades-old struggle US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks with a Saudi But Pompeo said the any US or Saudi military Iran for the dramatic week- for dominance. official before boarding his flight from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia US was intent on finding strike on Iran could lead end assault on two facili- After meeting with to the UAE. PHOTO: AFP a way out of the confronta- to “all-out war”.—AFP

CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE M.V KUO HSIUNG VOY. NO. (1108 S/N) M.V CAPE FLORES VOY. NO. (135 N/S) M.V BLUE LOTUS Consignees of cargo carried on M.V KUO HSIUNG Consignees of cargo carried on M.V CAPE Consignees of cargo carried on M.V BLUE LOTUS VOY. NO. (1108 S/N) are hereby notified that the FLORES VOY. NO. (135 N/S) are hereby notified that are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 21- vessel will be arriving on 21-09-2019 and cargo will be the vessel will be arriving on 21-09-2019 and cargo will 09-2019 and cargo will be discharged into the premises discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie be discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will of SPW7L where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA AGENT FOR: M/S BEN LINE AGENCIES SHIPPING LINE SHIPPING LINE SINGAPORE PTE, LTD Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301928 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 14 ART & CULTURE THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ART & CULTURE 15 Historic bell which returned from England

Maung Tha (Archaeology)

YANMAR has been preserving many historic bells similar to the royal bells of kings in Konbaung era. The bell M which returned from England hung on the platform of Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay is one of the historic ones. The bell is significant because it reached Britain from Shwehsandaw Pagoda of Pyay and returned to home.


meant crowded residence of the a concept that ancient Pyu city pagoda into the ravine in north- king, at the corner of the royal state Sri Kestra in Hmawza of west corner. He built over the palace, at the edge of hill, the Pyay Township was established original pagoda as 58 elbows high greatest Wiseman, called Mya in 101 Sasana Era (BC 443), Shwe- pagoda encircled with three small Thitin, spread and disperse the hsandaw Pagoda in Pyay was pagodas. The main pagoda was whole universe as well as the built before Sri Kestra city state. hoisted with a nine tiers of um- whole ground, it is the noblest brella and emerald orb. Hence, land of sacred hair relics.” The Myat Hna Shay, Myat Hna Pu the pagoda was titled Mya Thee original Shwehsandaw Pagoda and Shwehsandaw Tin. Shwehsandaw Pagoda built called Mya Thitin as well as Mya According to Saya U Hsan by King Duttabaung was 62 Theetin is in the shape of paddy Htun (Mann Tekkatho), the town elbows (93 feet) high and new with seven elbows in height. Pyay was established by Thiha Shwehsandaw Pagoda enveloped In 101 Maha Era when the Thu, son of King Narathihapatae by King Myat Hna Pu, 58 elbows Bell which returned from England. PHOTO MAUNG THA Lord Buddha had entered the of Bagan era in 604 Myanmar (91.8 feet) high. Currently, Pyay Parinivanna, two Arhats Ash- era. After King Thiha Thu, Kya Shwehsandaw Pagoda is 126.55 Two-tier umbrella on Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Candasiri and Ashin Can- Swa and Saw Yan Naung became feet high from the base circum- The pagodas under the titles of Shwehsandaw dagariz, two princes of King kings respectively, and King Myat ference, the base circumference, are located in some townships in Myanmar. These Duttabaung, urged their father Hna Shay also became king in 294 feet in diameter and girth of pagodas named Shwehsandaw means enshrining the king to build over the Shweh- Pyay in 739 Myanmar era. the pagoda, 88 feet and eight pagodas with sacred hair relics of the Lord Buddha. sandaw Pagoda again. Hence, Pyay King Myat Hna Shay inches. Among them, Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay King Duttabaung built 62 elbows enveloped the pagoda to become Bagan’s King Kyansittha was built on Sudassana Hillock in the north of Hsin- high Shwehsandaw Pagoda on an 18 elbows and two mikes high renovated the pagoda in 1083 AD su Ward in Pyay. Some believed construction of the Sudassana Hillock on fullmoon hoisted with a nine tiers of um- and erected a stone post with in- pagoda finished on fullmoon day of Tabaung, 103 day of Tabaung, 126 Sasana Era. brella. The whole hill was filled scriptions in Mon language. The Maha Era, Tuesday, when the Lord Buddha attained (Sasana Era was counted from with stone and bricks, in addition stone inscription on the post can enlightenment. BC 544 when the Lord Buddha to building a stairway. be seen in the stone plaque cham- Poet Pyay Nawade composed a Ratu poem ded- entered Parinivanna.) In his reign, King Myat Hna ber on the lower terrace, east of icating to the Lord Buddha, saying that “Sri Kestra, If it is in comparison with Pu expanded the platform of the Shwehsandaw Pagoda. Inwa’s 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 14 ART & CULTURE THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ART & CULTURE 15

King Narapati built stairways atop Pyay Shwehsandaw Pagoda ed by Maung Aung Tu hung at the Useful Information and prayer halls at the pagoda and gilt them with 15 viss of gold. northwest corner of the platform in 1468 AD and King Bayintnaung was famous as the bell which re- JAPANESE CUISINE Ph: 09 777 799101. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM in 1551 AD. The bell which returned to turned from England. Secretary AJISHIN King Alaungphaya gilt the home of Pyay Shwephonepwint Pitakat No.192, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Myanmar Little Sheep Hot Pot Myanmar structure of the pagoda from the There are 64 bells hung at Chamber and Cultural Museum Plaza, 4th Floor, Yankin Township, Yangon, 14/14B Kanbawza Street Golden Valley (1) base circumference to Chayath- Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay U Zin Thein himself measured Myanmar. Ph; 09-970890390, Time- 10:00 to Bahan Township (1.71 km),Yangon. ee in 1756 AD and hoisted a My- in successive eras, according to the bell which returned from 23:00 (Open Daily) Ph: 09443399701, 09443399702, 11:00-23:00 anmar umbrella inside the Mon the survey of Saya U Naing Win England. The inner part of the ANAIMO umbrella. That is why the pagoda from Department of Archaeology bell is 28 centimetres in diameter, No. 300, Mahabandula Park Street, Kyauk- HOTEL is significant as a double umbrella and National Museum. eight centimetres in thickness, tada Township, Yangon. Ph; 01-378022.Time- BELMOND GOVERNOR’S RESIDENCE pagoda. Generally, Buddhists shared 113 centimetres in circumfer- 11:30-14;00/ 17;30-22;00 No. 35, Taw Win Road, Dagon Township, In the reign of King Mindon, merits gained by beating bells ence, 93 centimetres in middle (Saturday only evening and Sunday off) Yangon. Ph: 01-229860 01-229861. a powerful earthquake jolted after doing a meritorious deed. At girth, and 43 centimetres in top BIKKURA SUSHI & SASHIMI JAPA- CHATRIUM Pyay on Tuesday, fullmoon day least, they wish to beat the trian- girth. The mouth of the bell is 14 NESE RESTAURANT No. 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, of Wagaung, 1220 Myanmar era gular brass gong. Hence, bells are centimetres in diameter. The bell No. 16, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon. Ph: 01-544500/ 01-544244. (24 August 1858). In the incident, donated to hang at pagodas and crown is 15 centimetres. Yangon.Ph:09-799566917, 09-36714873. 10:30- CHERRY HILLS HOTEL the upper structure of bell shape stupas. Records of well-wishers Among the bells on the 22;30 (Open Daily) No. 520/4 A, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Shwe- of the pagoda collapsed. Thus, and inscriptions for praying for platform of Pyay Shwehsandaw BUSHIDO gon Daing, Bahan Township, Yangon. merchant U Tha Ywe led the future life were described on the Pagoda, the bell which returned No. 75/ AB Boyar Nyunt Street, Dagon Town- Ph:01-559722. well-wishers and volunteers to bells. However, anyone did not from England is in the best beau- ship, Yangon.Ph:09-260031197/ 09- 420231330. HOTLE 51 repair the pagoda. On 9th waning describe curses on the bells. tiful form, said Adviser to History 10:00-22:00 (Sunday Off) No. 154/ 156, 51st. Upper Pazundaung Town- of Kason, 1221 Myanmar era, a The earliest bell on the plat- Department of Pyay University CHO JAPANESE DINNING & BAR ship, Yangon. Ph: 01-200823/ 09-429918554. golden umbrella was hoisted atop form of Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Daw Kyin Htay. The crown of the Level (1), Garden Wing, Beside Lobby HOTEL KAN KAW the pagoda with the contribution Pyay was the bell in Nyaungyan bell was installed with a dragon Lounge.(Inside Sedona Hotel), Yangon No.93(A), Hnin Si Gone Road, Ahlone Town- of King Mindon. At that time, the era hung on 6th Waning of Kason, statue each. Top of the bell was Ph:09-258322223/ 09-261322223. Lunch 11:30- ship, Yangon. pagoda was 76 elbows. Well-wish- 992 Myanmar era (21 April, 1630). shaped with double down lotus 14:30/ Tea Time 14:30-18:00/ Ph: 01-228566/ 01-2301700/ 01-1221731. ers from Pwesartan Ward and The latest bell was donated in flowers. Dinner 18:00-23:00(Open Daily) HOTLE SIDNEY Ywabe Ward in Pyay led the task 1937. Two bells in Nyaungyan Six lines of inscriptions DINNING FUKUROU No. 8L/Mindhama Road, Between Kyaik of hoisting the umbrella atop era, three in Konbaung era and were expressed on the bell. The No. 37, Kabar Pagoda Road, Inside of Inya Wine Pagoda Road and Parami Road, Shwehsandaw Pagoda in 1277 25 in Yadanabon era have been third line mentioned well-wisher Lake Hotel, Yangon. Ph:09-260031197 09- Mayangone Township. Myanmar Era. hanging on the platform of Pyay Maung Aung Tu and wife Shin 420231330.11:00-22:00 (Open Daily) Ph: 01-655770/ 01-9669600-02. In 2002, under the leader- Shwehsandaw Pagoda till today, Min Yauk and family as “bell do- EDOZUSHI INYA LAKE HOTEL ship of the Ministry of Religious most of which were donated by nor Maung Aung Tu with title of A-1, Star City, Kyaik Khauk Pagoda Road, No.37, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon.Ph: Affairs, Myanmar umbrella and those from Pyay region. Yazakywahtin Mara, wife Shin Thanlyin Township, Yangon.Ph:056-23150-53/ 01-9662866/ 01-9662857-9. Mon umbrella were renovated Among them, the bell donat- Min Yauk, elder daughter Shin 056- 23313-318(Ext-1183)/ 09-2560-75020.11:00- LOTTEE HOTLES AND SERVICED Bon and younger daughter Shin 21:00(Open Daily) APARTMENTS YANGON Ton family from Yadanapura (3) YAKINIKU FUKAGAWA No.82, Sin Phyu Shin Avenue, Pyay Road, 6 Royal City”, without date of do- A-1, Star City, Kyaik Khauk Pagoda Road, mile, Hlaing Township. Ph: 01-9351000. nation. The fifth line stated “the Thanlyin Township, Yangon.Ph: 056-23150-53/ MERCURE HOTEL bell weighing 49 viss and 25 ticals 056- 23313-318(Ext-1183)/ 09-2560-75020,11:00- No.17, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Town- of bronze was donated”. 21:00(Open Daily) ship, Yangon. Ph: 01- 650933. In the Second Anglo-My- FUJINOBO NOVOTEL YANGON MAX anmar War in the time of King (Cherry Hill Hotel) No. 520/4 A, Kabar Aye No.459, Pyay Road, Kamayut Township, Yan- Bagan (1846-1853 AD), a British Pagoda Road, Shwe Gone Daing, Bahan gon. Ph: 01-2305858. artillery troop stationed on the Township, Yangon.Ph: 09-450067052, 06:00- PAN PACIFIC YANGON platform of Shwehsandaw Pago- 09:30/ 11:30-14:00/ 17:00-22:30 (Open Daily) No. Corner of Bogyoke Aung San Road and da. After the war, British troops FURUSATO Shwedagon Pagoda Road, Yangon, took the bell of Maung Aung Tu No. 137, West Shwe Gone Daing, Bahan Ph:01-9253810. to England to give it as gift to Township, Yangon.Ph: 01-556265/ 09-73081914. PARK ROYAL General Sir Thomas Godwin of 11:00-14:00/ 17:00-22:00(Open Daily) No.33, Alan Pya Phaya Road, Dagon Town- British Army. GEKKO ship, Yangon, Ph: 01-250388. Lt-Col Godwin Austin, grand- 535, Merchant Street, Kyauktada Township, PULLMAN YANGON CENTREPOINT son of Sir Thomas Godwin, sent a 4th Quarter, Yangon.Ph: 01-386986, 09:00- No.65, Corner of Sule Pagoda Road and Mer- letter to the Bago District Com- 23:00(Open Daily) chant Street.Ph: 01-382687. missioner on his wish to keep HIMARI MYANMAR ROSE GARDEN HOTEL the bell on the platform of Pyay Pearl Condo, Block D, Ground Floor, Units- No.171, Upper Pasodan Road, Yangon. Shwehsandaw Pagoda from Eng- G-10, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Town- Ph: 01-371992/09263440500. land to Myanmar with his cost. ship, Yangon,Ph: 09-775330494. 11:30-14:00/ SAVOY HOTEL The bell box arrived at the 14:00-22:00(Open Daily) No.129, Corner of Dhammazedi Road and Deputy Commissioner office of HOKKAIDO JAPANESE RESTAURANT Inya Road, Yangon. Pyay in 1915. After carrying out No. 24/ 26, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Golden Ph: 01-526289/ 01-526298/ 01-526305. conveyance in Pyay, the bell was Hill Tower(A), Bahan Township, Yangon.Ph: 09- SEDONA HOTEL conveyed to the platform of the 250537315. 11:00-14:00/ 17:00- 21:30 (Open Daily) No. 1, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin pagoda on a grand scale. Township, Yangon. Ph: 01-8605377. Translated by Than Tun Aung HOT POT KING and Hot pot and BBQ SULE SHANGRI-LA Reference Buffet Restaurant No. 223, Sule Pagoda Road, Kyauktada Bells and bell inscriptions on No - 26/27, Thitsar Road and Corner of Wai Za Township, Yangon. Ph: 01-242828. platform of Shwehsandaw Pa- Yan Dar Road, South Okkalapa, Yangon.Tel - SUMMIT PARTVIEW HOTEL goda (Daw Kyin Htay) 09 777777 008, 09 09 777777 009, 09 777777 883. No. 350, Ahlone Road, Dagon Township, Bell inscriptions on Pyay Shwe- Hot Pot City 8 Miles Yangon. Ph: 01-211888/ 01-211966. hsandaw Pagoda (Naing Win) No(33), Kyaik Wine Pagoda Road (7.34 km) 095 SUPER HOTEL King Myat Hna Shay (Hsan Yangon, Ph:09 797 799111,11:00-22:00(Open Daily) No. 51/ D, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, 10th Htun-Mann Tekkatho) 101 Hot Pot & Sushi Quarter, Mayangone Township, Yangon. A researcher records the measurements on th bell. Myanmar Encyclopaedia (Vol- No.141, West Shwegondaing Road,Bahan T/s. Ph:09-797109000/ 01-658210/ 01-658220. PHOTO: MAUNG THA (ARCHAEOLOGY) ume XI) near Yuzana Hotel. (1.78 km), 11201 Yangon., 21 SEPTEMBER 2019 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

AFC U-16 Championship Qualifiers: Myanmar concede narrow loss to South Korea

Captain Kyaw Min Khant, Htoo unchanged till the final whistle. Myat Khant, Kaung Htet Paing, After the match, Myanmar Tun Tun Win, Kaung Khant, head coach U Min Thu said the Yan Naing Tun, Kaung Khant result was acceptable as team Kyaw, Zin Myo Aung, Aung Thiha Myanmar was very different Paing, and Sai Sai Enn Htoo. from the South Korean team in Myanmar launched a mas- all-round skills. sive defense against South Ko- “I changed some players rea, which is a world-class team, this time and that helped sta- but right from the start, South bilize the defense, and my boys Korean strikers continuously could play with full stamina launched open attacks, which through the whole match,” he kept Myanmar defenders busy. said. The first half ended with a The head coach of the South goalless score as Myanmar de- Korean team, Mr. Choi Young fenders and keepers managed Joon, said that his team found to clear every chance created by Myanmar’s defense tough to the South Korean team. breach. The first goal for South Ko- “The South Korean U-16 rea was netted by a penalty shoot team had met with the Myanmar at 50 minutes after some rush U-16 in previous international Myanmar Captain Kyaw Min Khant (red) vies for the ball against a South Korean player (white) yesterday play by Myanmar defenders in matches, and trounced Myan- during the AFC U-16 Championship 2020 qualifier at the Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon. PHOTO: MFF the penalty area. mar by many goals, but this time, While South Korea created the match ended with a narrow MYANMAR was defeated by yesterday for the AFC U-16 Led by head coach U Min several goal chances, Myanmar win result. The Myanmar team South Korea by a narrow 0-1 Championship 2020 at the Thu- Thu, team Myanmar lined up managed to deflect any more is improving quickly,” he add- score in the qualifying match wunna Stadium in Yangon. with goalkeeper Htet Arkar Win, goals, and the score remained ed.—Lynn Thit (Tgi) We will set a new record: Japanese Judo team holds Shan United head coach demonstration in Yangon WITH Shan United reaching the team’s fans from Shan State can final of the General Aung San enjoy the final match, and U Aung Shield 2019, where it is set to meet Naing said he was grateful for the Yangon United, the team’s head fans’ support. coach U Aung Naing said he is “When they hear the melody confident of his team setting a of the Shan traditional long drum, new record. my players get more active and The match between Shan they play with renewed energy United and Yangon United will and more power on the ground. take place at 6 pm on 24 Septem- Thus, Shan traditional long drum ber at the Thuwunna Stadium in players or fans from Shan State Yangon. are really a source of strength for Shan United head coach U our team,” said U Aung Naing. Aung Naing said: “I want to set The final match for the Gen- a new record. We have prepared eral Aung San Shield 2019 will be to our best. In order to set a re- broadcast live on MWD Channel cord, we need a win. If we win, and Fortune TV, and it will also be we will have three trophies in the streamed live on MySports’ Face- 2019 Myanmar National League book page, according to the My- th Season.” Shan United officials anmar National League.—Lynn A visiting Judo team from Japan pose for a photo with the winners of the 15 Japan Cup Judo Championship and Myanmar Judo athletes yesterday at the Aung San Indoor Stadium in Yangon. PHOTO: SAW THEIN WIN have made arrangements so the Thit (Tgi)

A team of Judo athletes from at the same venue. Judo methods along with new Japan, led by Mr. Kosei Inoue, In the men's 66-kg weight tactics created by a new gener- the director of the youth team class, Aung Zeyya Tun won the ation of players. The Japanese of the International Judo Fed- first prize, Khun Thant Zin came Judo instructors also urged My- eration of Japan and Sydney second, and Aung Kyaw Naing anmar Judo players to train ex- Olympics gold medalist (100-kg and Nyein Pyae Mg won the tensively using the new tactics. Judo event), demonstrated their third prize. After the demonstra- skills and new tactics yesterday In the women's 55-kg weight tion, the Japanese athletes at the Aung San Indoor Stadium class, Khin Khin Su won the first posed for a group photo with in Yangon. prize, Ei Ei Win came second, Myanmar Judo athletes and The demonstration was and Karen ethnic girl Pyarmyar the winners of the 15th Ja- held after the 15th Japan Cup finished third. pan Cup Judo Championship. Shan United head coach U Aung Naing seen during a team training Judo Championship 2019, which After the tourney, the Japa- —Saw Thein Win (Translated session. PHOTO: MNL was held earlier in the morning nese team exhibited traditional by Kyaw Zin Lin)