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Arts & Style In Your Neighborhood Something for all Wordfeud’s at Scandinavian Norwegian roots Det er ingen vei til fred. Fred er veien. Specialties Read more on page 12 – Mahatma Gandhi Read more on page 13 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 16 April 20, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Historic July 22 trial begins News Highly-anticipated More than 200 different foreign news media and a total 1,400- trial of July 22 1,500 staff will travel to Norway perpetrator to cover the trial against Anders Behring Breivik that started in Anders Behring April 16. Approximately 190 seats are reserved for audi- Breivik begins ence members in the courtroom, 100 of which will be occupied by journalists for the first few St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n days. There will also be a media Norwegian American Weekly center inside Oslo Tinghus, and two additional ones outside of the courthouse that can accom- On April 16, the trial of Anders modate close to 450 working Behring Breivik began. Breivik journalists. has been charged with terrorism (blog.norway.com/category/ and murder of the July 22, 2011, news) bombing and shootings that killed 77 people. “I acknowledge the acts Culture but do not plead guilty, and I claim The last three of the five officers I was doing it in self-defense,” who died when the Norwegian Breivik told the court in Oslo. Airforce Hercules transport He also announced that he did plane crashed in the Kebneka- not recognize the authority of the ise mountains in on Photo: Bilge Öner / AktivIOslo.no March 15 have been found and See > Trial, page 6 Red roses outside of the Oslo Tinghus (court house) on the first day of the trial on April 16. identified. The search has been ongoing ever since the crash, for the five officers onboard and for the so-called “black box”, And the winner is... Sustainable in Alaska despite difficult and dangerous conditions in the mountains. Amanda Berntsen crowned as Miss Consul General The crash also released a large Sten Arne Rosnes avalanche, which buried much Norway of Greater New York 2012 of the larger parts of the wreck. visits Alaska for oil The plane was on its way from Evenes in Norway to Kiruna in development Sweden when it crashed. (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Da v i d Mo e Juneau, Alaska What’s inside? News 2-3 On March 26, Norwegian Business 4 Consul General of San Francisco Sten Arne Rosnes was in Juneau, Research & Education 5 Alaska, to follow up on a visit Opinion 6-7 Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs See > Alaska, page 6 Consul General Sten Arne Rosnes Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Photo: Emma Kongevold Lukewarm support Obituaries & Religion 11 Amanda Berntsen of Chatham, N.J. (center), was crowned Miss Norway of Great- Arts & Style 12 er New York on March 30. She is pictured here with first runner-up Erika Lawson Interest in hosting (left) and last year’s Miss Norway Jennifer Egeberg. In Your Neighborhood 13 Olympics wanes Norwegian Heritage 14 Ly n n Ko n g e v o l d An d e r s o n after Oslo 2011 Sports 15 Brooklyn, N.Y.

Je ss La r s e n $1 = NOK 5.7786 The 57th Miss Norway Contest at the annual event, which was held Norwegian American Weekly Intern updated 4/16/2012 of Greater New York, sponsored by at the Norwegian Christian Home the Norwegian Immigration Asso- and Health Center in Brooklyn, Norway, a place known world- In comparison ciation Inc., was a huge success. N.Y. Throughout the day, music wide for its winter sports, is fac- 3/16/2012 5.7316 There were 16 young women who was played by Jeanne Eriksson ing a little bit of a problem when 10/16/2011 5.5633 were competing for the chance to 4/16/2011 5.3724 represent her Norwegian heritage See > Miss, page 13 See > Lukewarm, page 15 Photo: Stian Broch / Oslo 2011 2 • April 20, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Norges eldste mann er død rettssaken dominerer Sonja henie Thorvald Netteland fra Solund i Sogn og Fjordane, som inntil nylig var Norges eldste mann, ble 106 år gammel. Han sovnet stille Da rettssaken mot på frimerker inn på Solundheimen i Sogn langfredag og terrortiltalte Anders etterlater seg barn, barnebarn og oldebarn, melder Firda. – Det er en svær alder jeg har Behring Breivik Posten markerer nådd. Nå tåler jeg ikke kveite og laks lenger, startet, ble Norge 100-årsjubileet for Sonja men jeg har spist mye av dette opp gjennom tidene. Jeg har dessuten vært fri for alkohol igjen hovedsak i Henies fødsel med å hele livet og har holdt meg sprek og sterk, internasjonale medier utgi to nye frimerker av sa Netteland da lokalavisen intervjuet ham i januar. Med Nettelands bortgang er Norges skøytedronningen eldste mann nå 105 år gamle Birger Niko- AfteNposteN lai Synsvoll fra Osterøy utenfor , Foto: DDP ifølge en oversikt på det brukerstyrte net- Da tingrettsdommer Wenche Elizabeth VG tleksikonet Wikipedia. Norges eldste nåle- Arntzen satte rett klokken ni mandag, var det ikke erkjenner straffskyld, og at han påber- – Sonja Henie var verdens ubestridte is- vende person er Kristi Øktedalen fra Nore foran en hel verden. Rettssakens første del ober seg å ha handlet i nødverge. prinsesse fra hun vant sitt første skøytegull og Uvdal, som fyller 110 år 29. juni. Den blir TV-overført både i Norge og utlandet, Den Qatar-baserte TV-stasjonen Al som 14-åring, til hun erobret Hollywood lengstlevende nordmannen gjennom tidene blant annet på CNN og BBC. Jazeera har lagt stor vekt på å dekke kon- på en måte ingen hadde sett maken til. Det er også en kvinne, nemlig Maren Bolette Disse TV-stasjonene valgte å overføre flikten i Syria, men valgte mandag å legge er derfor på sin plass og helt naturlig at Torp fra Oslo som var 112 år og 61 dager da detaljene i tiltalebeslutningen i sin helhet, terrorrettsaken i Oslo øverst på sin nettside. Posten hedrer kunstløpdronningen med egne hun døde i 1989. mens norske medier fjernet lyden da de- I saken skriver journalistene at mange frimerker, sier frimerkedirektør Halvor Fast- (VG) taljene rundt drapene ble fremført. nordmenn regner med at Breivik vil bruke ing. I tillegg dominerer saken nettaviser over rettssalen som en arena for å fremføre sin De nye Sonja Henie-frimerkene har en Norge får fredsrolle i Burma hele verden. Over 220 redaksjoner med nær- politiske ideologi. verdi på kroner 9,50 og er designet av Kris- Norge har takket ja til en forespørsel fra mere 1.500 medarbeidere fra Norge og ut- Av de 224 redaksjoner som var ak- tin Granli. Posten har gitt ut Sonja Henie på Burma om å ta på seg en rolle i freds- og landet er akkreditert til rettssaken. kreditert før påske, var 93 norske og 131 frimerke også en gang tidligere, i 1990 i en forsoningsarbeidet i landet. Utenriksmin- Den australske kringskasteren ABC har ister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) sier til NTB utenlandske. serie med norske OL-vinnere. lagt vekt på Breiviks egenkomponerte hilsen at arbeidet allerede er i gang, og at det nå Kina blir representert med kommunist- Frimerkene ble lansert i Skøytemuséet som han fremførte da han ankom rettslokalet vil bli trappet ytterligere opp. – Regjerin- partiets hovedorgan Folkets Dagblad, den på Frogner stadion i Oslo der det fredag ble i morges. gen i Burma henvendte seg til Norge med sentrale kringkastingen CCTV og nyhetsby- åpnet en spesialutstilling om Sonja Henies De påpeker også at tiltalte gir uttrykk en forespørsel. De vet at Norge har erfar- rået Xinhua. eventyrlige karriere. for at han ikke anerkjenner det norske retts- ing fra freds- og forsoningsarbeid og ulike De største vestlige nyhetsbyråene Re- Sonja Henie ble født 8. april 1912 og systemet. typer prosesser, og den er det naturlig for uters, AP AFP, DPA og Bloomberg er til døde 12.oktober 1969. I løpet av sin karri- Den danske avisen Ekstrabladet men- oss å dele, sier Støre. Avtalen kom i stand stede, og det samme er amerikanske aviser ere vant hun tre OL-gull, ti VM-gull og seks er at aktor Inga Bejer Engh var på gråtens i forbindelse med at jernbaneminister Aung som The New York Times, Wall Street Jour- EM-gull. Min er på et tre dager langt norgesbesøk. rand under opplesingen av tiltalen. De har nal og Christian Science Monitor. Det er han som har forhandlet fram elleve som mange andre medier en liveblogg hvor English Synopsis: Sonja Henie is to appear on a post- English Synopsis: When Anders Behring Breivik’s våpenhvileavtaler med ulike etniske grupper danske lesere kan følge saken fra minutt til age stamp for only the second time since 1990, in trial began on April 16, Norway was once again thrust honor of the 100th anniversary of her birth. i Burma, og han ønsker at Norge skal delta i minutt. into the international media spotlight. oppfølgingen. BBC påpeker i sin nettsak at Breivik (NTB) Private småfly får ikke fly over Oslo Ikke skyldig i grovt bedrageri Oslo Flyveklubb mener det er en overreak- færre barn sjon å stenge store deler av luftrommet over En 41-år gammel mann Oslo-området for private småfly så lenge I fjor ble det født 1.200 færre terrorrettssaken pågår i Oslo tingrett. Oslo barn i Norge enn året før erklærte seg ikke skyldig politidistrikt innfører midlertidig flyforbud i ha solgt håndskrevne over Oslo, Asker og Bærum for alle småfly på grunn av rettssaken i Oslo tingrett mot VG manuskripter og brev av terrortiltalte Anders Behring Breivik, melder NRK. Flyforbudet innenbærer at luftrommet Det viser tall fra Statistisk sentralbyrå Knut Hamsun og Henrik over hovedstaden stenges for private fly og (SSB). Ibsen helikoptre. – Dette er en overreaksjon fra I fjor ble det født 60.200 barn i Norge. Mors gjennomsnittsalder ved første barns politiets side. De reagerer overfor et miljø Foto: Wikimedia Commons som ikke har noen historikk i Norge for å fødsel var 28,4 år. Det er 0,3 år over nivået NRK Ibsen’s real handwriting ha skumle hensikter, sier Per Julius Helweg, for perioden 2006-2010. flytryggingsjef i Oslo Flyveklubb til NRK. Fars gjennomsnittsalder ved første barns Mandag startet saken mot samler og – Vi mener at tiltalte både må ha visst Helweg kan ikke si eksakt hvor mange fly fødsel var i fjor 31,1 år. Det er 0,2 år over filmregissør Geir Ove Kvalheim fra Nøtterøy at det hersket tvil om dokumentenes ekthet, som flyr i dette området, men mener det kan nivået for årene 2006-2010. i Oslo tingrett. Han er tiltalt for grovt be- og at han har gitt uriktige opplysninger om være snakk om opp mot 15 fly daglig. SSB-tallene som ble lagt fram onsdag, drageri etter å ha solgt dokumenter for over tidligere eiere av dokumentene, sa aktor, po- (VG) viser at kvinner i aldersgruppen 35-39 år har en million kroner. Økokrim mener han visste litiadvokat Aud Slettemoen i Økokrim. om lag halvparten så høy fruktbarhet som at de var falske, eller at han kjente til tvilen Tiltalen omfatter også et forsøk på salg Ingen streik i industrien kvinner i alderen 30-34 år. For første gang om deres ekthet. av et hittil ukjent skuespill av Henrik Ibsen. Storstreiken i konkurranseutsatt sektor er hadde kvinner i aldersgruppen 35-39 år i fjor Ifølge tiltalen har han solgt manuskripter «Solguden» ble tilbudt til Cappelens anti- avblåst. Det blir ingen streik blant 29.000 in- høyere fruktbarhet enn kvinner mellom 20 via Norlis antikvariat i Oslo uten å opplyse kvariat og bokhandel. I skuespillet møter vi dustriarbeidere i om lag 800 bedrifter, etter og 24 år. om at håndskriften i ett eller flere av objek- stortingsmann Løving og hans familie. Cap- at partene ble enige ved 11.30-tiden søndag. Fruktbarheten avtok i alle fylker i fjor, tene, ikke var ekte. pelens antikvariat og bokhandel tvilte på at I den endelige avtalen ligger et generelt til- unntatt Møre og Romsdal, Vestfold og Nor- – Min klient har hele tiden hevdet at skuespillet var ekte, og det ble derfor ikke legg på 1,25 kr/time, samt 14 dagers fød- dland. De siste tre årene har tallet ligget på han aldri har forsøkt å lure noen. Det står noe kjøp. selspermisjon for fedre. Etter det VG Nett mellom 1,95 og 1,98, det høyeste nivået han fortsatt fast på, og erklærte seg derfor Det er likevel tatt med i tiltalen fordi erfarer ble det forhandlet i mer enn tre timer «ikke skyldig». Han er samler, men ikke denne typen forfalskninger kan medføre at for å sikre et symboltillegg på 25 øre som til siden 1975. I fjor var tallet 1,88. Kvinner får profesjonell og erfaren på feltet, sier advokat det danner seg et uriktig bilde av viktige per- slutt ble godtatt. I tillegg blir minstelønns- altså færre barn i dag enn tidligere. Thomas Berge fra advokatfirmaet Elden. soner, hendelser og verk i norsk kulturhisto- satsene og skift- og turnustilleggene hevet. Statistikken avslører også at 44 prosent Kravet om at innleide vikarer fra vikarby- av foreldre som fikk barn i fjor, var gift. 42,5 Det var aktoratets dag i Oslo tingrett rie. Hadde manuskriptet vært ekte, hadde det råer skal være omfattet av tariffavtalen som prosent var samboere og 13,5 prosent var mandag. Tiltalen omfatter omsetning av 19 vært meget verdifullt. gjelder i bedriften som leier dem inn, er in- enslige mødre. Størst andel enslige mødre er dokumenter. Nasjonalbiblioteket var kjøpere De er satt av to måneder til rettssaken. nfridd. det i Nord-Norge, med 22 prosent. av det de trodde var håndskrevne manus- Aktor fortsetter sitt innledningsforedrag tirs- (VG) deler av «På Gjengrodde Stier», minneord dag, før forsvarer og tiltalte får ordet halve etter Adolf Hitlers død og flere brev av Knut tirsdagen, onsdag og torsdag. English Synopsis: Fewer children than ever are be- Hamsun. ing born in Norway. Last year, there were 1,200 less Blant dokumentene er også et falskt in- English Synopsis: A man who forged works by Ibsen children born than the year before. nmeldingsskjema til Nasjonal Samling, NS. and Hamsun says he is not guilty. His trial began Apr. 16.

Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news April 20, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com No to the EU The opt-out dilemma Oslo Airport closed by snowfall Norwegian media outlets offer “Breivik-free” pages Oslo International Airport Gardermoen was closed for an hour April 16, due to a freak snowstorm, causing delays which lasted most of the day. Several planes were also re- routed, and passengers are advised to contact their airline for further information. Up to 30 cm of new snow fell several plaaces the counties of Hedmark and Oppland counties during the morning hours. The cool weather was expected to last for several days. (Norway Post) King Harald a popular monarch NRK Norway’s King Harald is a popular monarch. In a poll made for Dagbladet shows that 93 percent of those asked said the King is doing In a new poll, 74.7 percent of Norwegian a good job for Norway. Only one per cent voters say no to Norwegian membership in says he is doing a poor job. “This shows that the European Union, according to Sentio’s Photo: NRK the Royal Family has a high standing among poll made for Klassekampen and Nationen. The Breivik case will dominate Norway’s online news for the weeks to come, as illustrated by Dagbla- the Norwegian people, says veteran court Only 15.2 percent favor membership. det, VG, Aftenposten, TV2 and NRK. reporter Kjell Arne Totland to Dagbladet. This confirms the record-high oppo- (NRK) sition to E.U. membership shown by polls NRK since the turn of the year. Merethe Lindstrøm wins the Nordic Strongest opposition to the E.U. is found Council Literature Prize 2012 With the Breivik trial now in progress, of Norway’s biggest media outlets are offer- among those who vote for the right-wing the comprehensive coverage from Norwe- ing an alternative to the Breivik trial with an Norwegian author Merethe Lindstrøm has Progress Party (FrP), the Christian Demo- won the Nordic Council Literature Prize gian and international media sources will crats (KrF) and the left-wing party Red. 2012 for her novel “Dager i stillhetens dominate the news in the weeks ahead. Some See > Opt-out, page 7 historie” (Days in the History of Silence). Announcing the award, the Adjudicating Ha det to the øre Committee stated: “In a gentle, precise and Solheim applies for UN post thoughtful prose Lindstrøm relates how a 50 øre coin phased out dramatic past slowly breaks into an elderly Former environment woman’s life and consciousness.” This year of Norwegian currency there were 14 different authors from the and development Nordic countries and Greenland, Åland, the Faroe Islands and the Sami Language Area minister wants to on the list of nominees for the prize. represent Norway at (Nordic Council) the United Nations More Norwegians buying Swedish holiday homes Lured by lower prices across the border, No r w a y Po s t more and more Norwegians are snapping Photo: Norges Bank up summer homes in Sweden, new statistics The 50 øre piece will be phased out of Norwegian show. Since 2007, Norwegian ownership of Former minister of environment and in- currency starting May 1. The coin is worth one Swedish cottages has increased by nearly 35 ternational development, Erik Solheim (57) half of a krone, or about nine cents in American percent, according to Statistics Sweden, and currency. of the Socialist Left Party (SV), is one of they now own around 9,000 cottages located four applicants for the position as Ambassa- in the land of their neighbors to the east. dor to the U.N. in New York. Af t e n p o s t e n This spike in interest makes Norwegians the “I have applied for this job because of fastest growing group of foreign summer my knowledge about the U.N. and its orga- home owners in Sweden. “The number of nizations. I also know many leaders in the The familiar brown 50 øre coin will be holiday homes purchased by Norwegians U.N.,” Solheim tells Dagens Næringsliv. He phased out of Norwegian currency starting has risen for the second year in a row, by Photo: Norway’s Mission to the United Nations does not think that his candidacy will cause May 1. The coin, which is the equivalent of seven percent. They are primarily coming to Erik Solheim, Norway’s former Minister of Envi- any negative reactions within the opposi- half of one krone, was introduced in 1877. areas straddling the Norwegian border,” said ronment and International Development, at the tion. Today, the 50 øre coin is worth about nine Rein Billström of Statistics Sweden. Redd+ event during the High-level Week of the Solheim is currently working as a spe- (The Local) 66th UN General Assembly in September 2011. cents in American currency. Solheim is one four applicants for the post of Nor- See > øre, page 11 way’s Ambassador to the United Nations. See > Solheim, page 11

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • April 20, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (April 16, 2012) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 5.7786 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Norwegian Car Carriers 1.9 13.9% NorDiag 0.1 -12.5% Starting young Dansk Kr. 5.6908 Wilson 14.5 11.5% Eitzen Chemical 0.1 -10.0% Norway’s young entrepreneurs at Søvni UB Svensk Kr. 6.7915 GC Rieber Shipping 34.0 9.7% Wentworth Resources 4.0 -8.9% Rocksource 0.4 4.8% Northern Offshore 11.1 -7.5% Canadian $ 1.0028 Goodtech 1.6 4.7% Aker Seafoods 6.5 -7.1% recognized at Europe Trade Fair 2012 Euro 0.7651 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care Insurance Should you consider it? Call me for honest straightforward advice. (206)362-5913 www.obergltc.com 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155

LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (206)789-5433 Individuals 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 Photo: Ungt Entreprenørskap The team behind Søvni UB: Ingrid Marie Myklebust Haaseth, Tobias Nervik, Julie Mastad Hatlen and Martine Sivertsen. Their high-quality bedding with designs based on Norwegian nature has caught the eyes of interior design blogs and magazines, and the young team won the prize for Best Marketing and MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Sales at the Junior Achievement Young Enterprise Europe Trade Fair. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Ra s m u s Fa l ck Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Oslo, Norway commercial transactions and estate planning. Four youngsters from the Thora Storm Station hosted this one-of-a-kind display of videregående skole (high school) in Trond- student ingenuity, creativity, entrepreneur- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 heim just won the prize for “Best Sales ship and business skills. Students took just Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 and Marketing” at the Junior Achievement a few hours to turn the main terminal into an Young Enterprise Europe Trade Fair. They international marketplace. They came from impressed the jury with their talent for sales 33 European countries representing a total of 17th of May is coming!Full Service SeeAgency Withpage Experienced 3 for details Norwegian Speaking Consultants! and marketing and their knowledge, passion 90 student companies. Products ranged from and wholeheartedly presentation. Their com- services such as web design and personalized Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel pany Søvni UB offers a sheet and pillow case iPhone covers to products such as ergonomic Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! set inspired by the nature of Norway. The furniture and an array of food and drinks. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE product is recommended on interior blogs The trade fair is an annual event recog- Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 and interior magazines in Norway, and the nized by the European Commission as a Best Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] first quantities are already sold out. Part of Practice in Entrepreneurship Education. The their turnover is distributed to their founda- program teaches students how to take a busi- Verrazano TraVel & leisure tion that helps people receive treatment for a ness idea from concept to reality. They form 1 (718) 979-6641 range of serious health and social problems. their own real enterprises and discover first [email protected] Norway also received a Quality Award hand how a company functions. They elect [email protected] in Zürich for best member nation. The award a board of directors from among their peers, 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 is based on the best quality in all parts of the raise share capital, and market and finance a Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] organization and work towards reaching the product or service of their choice. They are strategic goals for the movement. The price mentored by business volunteers. Featuring great Nordic products takes into consideration the employees as Through learning-by-doing, students well as board members work and enthusiasm develop new skill such as teamwork, leader- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments and their participation in international work. ship, presenting, planning and financial con- Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats This year the award was given to Young trol as they learn to take responsibility for the and more! Enterprise Norway. The chair on the board success of their company. At the core of the Vibeke Hammer Madsen also received the program is the awakening of young entrepre- Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com Leadership Award for her outstanding work neurial spirit. nationally and internationally. Alumni of this program are four to five Across Europe, 450 secondary school times more likely to start a business later on students competed for customers at the than their peers. Their start-ups have a better LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Trade Fair in Zürich. The Zürich Central survival rate too! Sales and Service Business News & Notes

HSBC: Norway may need Swiss-style cap on strategy of the SNB,” HSBC said. krone strength (Dow Jones Newswires.) The Norwegian central bank may have to im- pose a Swiss-style cap on the Norwegian kro- Tesla Expands to Oslo Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 ne to curb its strength against the euro, HSBC fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Holdings PLC (HBC) said. HSBC said this will open its newest showroom and service would allow the Norges Bank to stem the rise center in Norway’s largest city. The Oslo of the krone against the euro without having showroom will introduce Europe to a new, to cut interest rates. “Ultimately, the central highly interactive touchscreen experience de- [email protected] bank may have to consider limiting the krone’s signed to show exactly what it’s like to GO 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 strength in a more direct way by introducing a Electric! floor on the euro against thekrone , akin to the (Tesla Motors) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research April 20, 2012 • 5 Research & Education In the workplace Back to the beginning Scandinavian Center Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Rikke Lind at California Lutheran discusses labor rights and gender equality University looks in the mirror at the campus

Ri c h a r d Lo n d g r e n Director of the Scandinavian Center California Lutheran University

During its Brown-Bag Lunch program on March 7, the Scandinavian Center at Cali- fornia Lutheran University got a review of the early growing pains of the university. Eloise Cohen, daughter of Ray Olson, the second president of Cal Lutheran, shared the saga of the start-up stage of the school. And she offered insights about the stress felt by her family during the challenging early Photo: Howard Rockstad During a March 7 Brown-Bag Lunch presentation, Photo: Søgne Municipality years. But she also told of the satisfaction Eloise Cohen, daughter of the second president Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Rikke Lind gave the keynote address at the forum “A Woman’s felt by her father, a former pastor committed Work: Gender and the World of Work” at the American Center for Progress in Washington, D.C. of California Lutheran University, shared photos to the Lutheran purposes for the campus. and memories about the time when her father was With a sense of appreciation for the ac- president and she was a student there. complishments of her Norwegian-American Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e father, she told about his youth on a farm in Iowa and his early education at rural school She told about how he helped the college there. As the oldest son, he was expected to hold the line at a time of financial recession As May 1 – Norwegian Labor Day (Ar- that when women have a chance to work as stay on the farm. But a teacher supported his in the country. And he had to calm campus beidernes dag) – approaches, Norway with full and equal partners, economies prosper. interest in education and encouraged him to during protests about the Vietnam war. its healthy economy and workers benefits And we also know that when women are go to college. When he resigned after years of stressful stands out as a leader and role model for able to have their voices heard in the politi- So, along with many other Norwegian- service, said Eloise, even the student news- most of the other 70 countries worldwide cal process, democracies are strengthened, American youth, he decided on Waldorf Col- paper editorialized with tribute to her father that celebrate this day. and all of our community voices are stronger lege in Iowa. After the two years there, he for his dedicated and effective leadership. Two years ago the Norwegian Ministry as well.” finished his undergraduate education at an- But, she added, he then continued his of Foreign Affairs provided funding to the Following Tanden’s remarks, Lind spoke other Norwegian-related college, Augustana commitment to service, as he again spent Washington, D.C.-based Center for Ameri- about the progress of women in her country, in Sioux Falls. time in the pulpit of an area Lutheran con- can Progress (CAP) to launch the Just Jobs and what still needs to be done, both in Nor- Two next stops in his career of service gregation, and he accepted other leadership Network, “a global network of think tanks way and around the world: included becoming a pastor, followed by a responsibilities in the development of the and institutions that [would] advocate to Today, in the present [Norwegian] gov- staff position for developing stewardship in new city of Thousand Oaks. ensure that the creation of just jobs – jobs ernment, 10 out of 20 ministers are women. the American Lutheran Church. As she shared the story of Cal Lutheran, complete with labor rights, appropriate re- More than 60 percent of students in the uni- Eloise explained that her father had then including her unusual situation as a student muneration, and social protections such as versity are girls. And more than 70 percent of been virtually “drafted” to serve as presi- and daughter of the president, Eloise gener- health care and pensions – and opportunities Norwegian women are working. dent of California Lutheran, which was still ated considerable input from the audience, for economic mobility are a prime focus in For Norway, gender equality is more a fledging college. Accepting that challenge which included four others who had been on international and national policies.” than an objective on its own right. Gender not long after the start of the college in 1959, the faculty or staff during the Olson era. Early this spring the forum “A Woman’s equality has been and still is [an] investment he served as president from 1963 till 1971. Work: Gender and the World of Work” held in economic growth. at CAP and co-hosted by the Just Jobs Net- Norwegian women have made great work and the Norwegian Ministry of Trade economic strides but they desire children as and Industry, provided an opportunity for a well, said Lind. A shared parental leave pol- wide-ranging discussion on this topic. Rikke icy that lasts a full year and state-supported Lind, Norway’s deputy Minister of Trade and child care help the women of Norway bal- Industry, gave the keynote talk, which served ance work and family life. Nine out of 10 as a catalyst for the discussion that followed. fathers currently participate in 12 weeks of (Visit the website for more information and the parental leave, thanks to a government a video: http://www.americanprogress.org/ quota. This gives women more options and issues/2012/03/iwd_event.html) more opportunities, and is beneficial to the On March 8, the Center for American economy. Progress hosted an event with the Just Jobs “International Women’s Day is a day for Network and the Norwegian Ministry of celebration,” said Lind, “but it’s also a day Trade and Industry in recognition of Interna- for reflection of the challenges we confront. tional Women’s Day. The event focused on And this is my main message to you this the challenges women face in entering and morning: No country, not even Norway, has participating in the public and private sec- reached full gender equality.” tors, as well as the positive impact their em- Lind said that although challenges are th ployment has on countries’ social and eco- different across countries, “the solution in 17 of May is coming! nomic development. all countries is the same. Countless reports In her opening remarks, CAP President show that gender equality and human rights Neera Tanden said: contribute to any country’s development Send your Constitution “We are here today to discuss the chal- democratically and economically.” lenges confronting women in the workforce. A panel discussion followed Lind’s Day event by May 1 Closing the gender gap in the labor work- speech and was moderated by Sabina Dew- to be included in our force, and in political and corporate leader- an, CAP’s Director of Globalization and In- ship, is critical to improve the work-life con- ternational Employment. The panel included national calendar. Email ditions of all women, and help support di- Deputy Minister Lind; Amy Dacey, execu- verse and productive economies worldwide. tive director of EMILY’S List; and Maria [email protected] or “We know that when women are edu- call (800) 305-0217. cated, children are better educated. We know See > workplace, page 6 6 • April 20, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

< Workplace An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 5 Join the conversation! Peña, senior director of entrepreneurship and On the EDGE economic development at Vital Voices. When asked why women might not run Norway’s 9 /11 for political office, Dacey said they need to be asked and encouraged, and that they By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. “need to see more women in office, because they need to see a little bit of themselves in Norway has its own “9/11.” Not quite for fewer details. But starting April 15, we way, apparently because we have made the women that are representing them.” as annihilating, but bad enough. On July must prepare outselves to be brave, be- even the classes in practical skills too the- When asked about women’s barriers to 22, 2011, 77 people were killed and the cause the court case is estimated to last for oretical. If we continue to produce socially entrepreneurship and corporate jobs, Peña entire governmental city block in Oslo 10 weeks. misplaced persons we will end up with so- discussed Vital Voices’ work with and the was totally broken. One man, one brain One can wonder why the killer did cial dynamite in many generations. importance of broader networks and more was behind all this – a scrupulous brain, this, and then why he regrets did not kill The outcome of the court case with beneficial role models, saying, “Women tend extremely narcissistic and self-obsessed, more people. I understand something is re- Mr. Breivik is rather obvious – he will be to rely more on their spouses and immedi- says the psychiatrist’s second report pub- ally wrong in his head, but still has he been held in custody for the rest of his life. The ate family for business decisions and busi- lished now, one week before the trial starts able to function in the society, travel the important questions are therefore how he ness advice relative to men, who have much in Norway. world, keep contact with like-minded and could develop a mind to do this and how more diverse networks”—contacts from Most of us Norwegians are unable collect chemicals to build a several hun- can we make steps to prevent us from the school, the business community, and society to fully understand this. A good-looking dred kilo-heavy bomb, in addition to make attacks of other mass-murders? Are we de- at large. Norwegian raised on the sunny side of our his own police uniform and buy several veloping a society where economic issues And women don’t have many role mod- social life spend several years of his life to types of guns to use during his attack. are too important, and on the cost of better els in business; Peña cited research show- plan how to kill the maximum of people I am sure of one thing: He will never relations between citizens? Have we lost ing there are staggeringly more male CEOs because he wanted to warn the Norwe- walk the streets after this. He will be held the solidarity which built the country dur- than female. Other research shows that gians against the Islamic threat. And now, in custody for the rest of his life, and I ing the last hundred years? while women receive more mentoring than after he is arrested and faces many years in think he will face hard times inside the men, men advance more successfully from prison, he regrets that he did not kill more prison from fellow prisoners. But let us Steinar Opstad, born it. Women, however, enjoyed mentorship people. Can one understand this? now turn the light away from the killer 1941 in , Nor- more. For weeks the administration of jus- to the victims and their families. But also way, is the retired Vice Overall, the panelists agreed that women tice in Norway has planned and rebuilt the to the several hundred young people who President of the Confed- need to have a greater presence in the public court house in Oslo to fit hundreds of rela- escaped the death but are maybe hurt by eration of Norwegian and private sectors, because gender inequal- tives, media and lawyers who will follow the memories of the killer pointed at their Business and Industry. ity strains economic and political develop- the court procedures. Court procedures friends with his guns. During his career, he ment. will also be transmitted live to almost 20 How can this happen in peaceful Nor- was an educator and communicator with positions as a journalist, editor, teacher, and For more on this event, please see its court rooms all over Norway where rela- way? As a matter of facts, we are no longer professor. He has a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. event page at http://www.americanprogress. tives and friends of lost persons can see a distant corner, sheltered from what hap- org/events/2012/03/international.html. from the University of North Dakota. He is and hear what happens in Oslo. The me- pens in the world. On one side, refugees the author of several professional books. He dia have for weeks been “filled” with re- from troubled areas in the Middle East are is also the founder of the American College ports on this and most anything related to flocking over the borders to Turkey and of Norway in Moss, Norway. < Alaska the tragedy and the killer. Many people Greece and from there all the way to Nor- From page 1 are already fed up with the reports on this way. On the other side we have too many tragedy and the relatives of the victims ask drop-outs from the high schools in Nor- made last year and learn more about Alaska. Statoil will be drilling this summer for The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is oil off the coast of Barrow, Alaska. Norway not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. has developed a cooperative relationship with Alaska through the Arctic Council with frequent visits to Alaska, as well as 45 Alas- < Trial conference after the court was adjourned, the reporting to it. “I think it will be easier to kan delegates visiting Norway last summer. From page 1 lawyers were asked what they thought about control this myself if I’m not in Oslo,” said Although the U.S. has not ratified the Law of the lip-reading. Utøya survivor Per Anders Langerød to Af- the Sea, the U.S. is represented on the Arctic Norwegian court. Judge Wenche Elizabeth The court also played tapes of one girl’s tenposten. He has traveled to Germany for Council and has a voice and vote. Arntzen replied brusquely that she would phone call to an emergency dispatcher while two weeks in hopes of avoiding the massive Norway believes in development in an make a note of it. on the island of Utøya. Shots could be heard media coverage. environmentally-sound way. They believe During the proceedings, the list of names in the background. Pictures were also shown “Some want to deactivate their Face- that any kind of development must be done of the dead and injured from the bombing in from both the destroyed government quarter book accounts and social media and stay with long-range planning with all interested Oslo and the attacks on the island of Utøya in Oslo as well as Utøya. away from online newspapers. Others would parties at the table. It is a cooperative process were read. Breivik showed no emotion dur- The media circus surrounding the trial like to follow the ongoing negotiations every rather than a confrontational relationship. ing this part of the trial. is of astronomical proportions. International day. People feel very differently about it and Norway and Alaska continue to coop- However, when one of his own propa- media correspondents from around the world take different actions. For my part, it is the erative and develop a strong relationship. ganda videos was played for the court, the are present at the trial. CNN even has dedi- best therapy to live as normally as possible. I Norway sees Alaska as a storehouse of min- 33-year-old began to cry. Several media cated one reporter’s Twitter account exclu- will not let this matter occupy me too much,” eral wealth that should be developed in an sources consulted lip-reading experts to in- sively to the trial. said Langerød to Aftenposten. environmentally-friendly manner over a terpret what Behring Breivik said to his law- Many Norwegians are not too happy During the next stretch of the trial, be- long period of time. yers during the breakdown. about the massive coverage of the trial, tween April 16 – 22, Breivik will be allowed According to some media sources, Beh- since many of their local news sources are to testify before the court. ring Breivik said that he took to tears because also dedicating much of their manpower and it was an emotional film for him. At the press

Place a classified with us! Scandinavian meet-up Call us today to see how we The fine print Call (800) 305-0217 or email Looking to connect with fel- can help you! Classified ads are prepaid Ole’s List [email protected] for details. low Norwegians or Scandina- advertisements, and are not Norwegian American Weekly vians in your area? We have guaranteed to sell. The Nor- Looking for a bunad? subscribers in every U.S. state wegian American Weekly staff classified ads and most Canadian provinces. reserves the right to turn down Are you looking for a bunad, any ads that are deemed inap- or perhaps in need of a bunad? propriate or not connected to Place a want or sell ad with These ads work! our audience. For more infor- PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. us! Advertisers see the value and mation and to place an ad, call Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in effectiveness of their ads in the toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email Norwegian American Weekly. email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly A april 20, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, has been a jack-of-all-trades in a long, varied at 156 Cherry Street and 208 Elm Street, and Managing Editor As part of an ongoing effort to provide career since serving his country. funds are reinvested locally. Christy Olsen Field [email protected] value to the community, The Bank of New Jensen began his artistic path when giv- Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager Canaan in New Canaan, Conn., exhibits the en a set of oil paints at age 12. He worked on Sincerely, work of local artists at the Elm Street branch. his own for many years and later took figure The Bank of New Canaan Kelsey Larson [email protected] The Bank is currently featuring a photogra- and still life oil painting classes at the Muse- New Canaan, Conn. Assistant Layout Editor phy show by Norman Jensen, which will be um of Modern Art in New York. He became Harry Svenkerud [email protected] on display through June. interested in photography at that time and it Intern became a lifelong passion. Eventually he at- Dear Editor, Jess Larsen [email protected] tended the School of Visual Arts in Manhat- I am so glad you are able to continue the Contributing Editors tan where he studied photography and illus- Norwegian American Weekly. I have lived Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. tration. At present he attends Norwalk Com- here for 60 years, and I still feel like a Nor- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. munity College studying computer graphics wegian. I tell people I have two countries, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. and photography and I love both. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland An active member of the New Canaan Looking forward to the next issue! Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Society for the Arts/Carriage Barn Arts Cen- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. ter for the past 20 years, Jensen’s work is Best wishes, Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway frequently included in member exhibitions Berit Johannessen Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. as well as the annual juried Photography and Sanbornville, N.H. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Spectrum shows. Over the years he has gar- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. nered several awards. Notes former curator Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Photo courtesy of Bank of New Canaan Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Norman Jensen of New Canaan, Conn., is the Cecilia Barnett, “One would say some of Mr. Dear Berit, Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. featured artist of the month at the Bank of New Jensen’s work is on permanent display at the Thank you for your kind words! With Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Canaan. Jensen is a subscriber to the Norwegian Carriage Barn. Norman’s creativity in fine our 123rd birthday coming up on May 17, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. American Weekly. art is a huge asset to the organization. His we are honored to continue the tradition of Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska cheerful nature and willingness to help are the Norwegian-American newspaper. We are Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Born and raised in Brooklyn, N,Y., Jens- an added bonus.” thankful for the support of readers like you Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. en has been a New Canaan resident since As New Canaan’s only locally-owned, and our advertisers who believe in the value Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. 1990. In his early years he served as a radio- independent commercial bank, The Bank of of the Norwegian American Weekly. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. man in the U.S. Navy, a job that took him New Canaan is committed to providing the Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. to many of the world’s most exotic ports of highest possible level of customer service. All the best, call. Jensen, who is also a skilled carpenter, All decisions are made in our two branches Editor CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you < opt-out have a question or comment about news coverage significant issue we have covered. It would Norway after the war on our website,” says call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly From page 3 reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for be wrong of us to open for such a possibil- Lutro. style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right ity. It is part of our core to cover this mat- NRK editor Frank Gander said, “I can not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor “opt-out” button. ter,” says Aftenposten’s digital editor, Skjalg understand that people don’t want more cov- taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. “Sometimes we are told that there is too • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Engebø, to NRK. erage. The media coverage as a whole is too letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian much Breivik and too much terror. We take TV2 also discussed the possibility of big and it goes so long that people need to re- American Weekly, and our publication of those views is reactions from from our readers very seri- offering viewers a Breivik-free site, but de- late to other news... However, we are not go- not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions ously,” says John Arne Markussen, editor- and complaints about the opinions expressed by cided against it. ing to take Dagbladet’s lead. We shall have the paper’s editorials should be directed to the in-chief of Dagbladet. “This case is so important that it will the July 22 trial as the top story for 10 weeks, publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published “We are entering a phase of intensity, send wrong signals to people to opt out. We but we will have a significant coverage on weekly except the first week of the calendar year, so we decided to create an alternative front the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks felt that it would not be right for our read- the front page.” of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • so that those who do not want to see or read ers and the task we have as journalists, says NRK interviewed several people on the Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. about Breivik will be able to press a button,” editorial director for TV 2 news online, Arne street about their opinion of Dagbladet’s opt- NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Markussen said to NRK. Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, Lutro to NRK. out button. US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Not all media sources are taking the ap- TV 2 has accredited a total of 220 staff “Very sensible. Let people choose for SINCE MAY 17, 1889: proach. Aftenposten has accredited a total of to cover the trial. All the major media plans themselves,” said Stian Brua. 60 – 70 journalists for the court coverage, Formerly Norway Times to live update from the courtroom on the net, “I was not aware it existed, but there Western Viking & Washington Posten and most of them will work for the web. also from Breivik explanation. should be more,” said David Brown. There, readers will be served all, they do not “We understand that many people have “Yes, it’s a good idea. It allows you to Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- get the chance to erase Breivik. Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, had enough of the case and the tremendous choose not to read about it all the time. I’m Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven “We have considered the option, but we focus on it, but it is important for us to re- still not going to use it,” said Beate Føli. have concluded that this [trial] is the most flect on what is the most important trial in NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • April 20, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly TasTe of Norway Welcome back! Nordic delicacies “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” With a new rule in the works, Joika meatballs may be on their way back to the U.S. 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com

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northern Lights Photo: Tine.no Norwegian “Joika” reindeer meatballs Auktion have not been allowed into the U.S. since December 1997. Kelsey larson Copy Editor

Sunday, April 29 Are you familiar with bovine spongi- back to your pantry: on Friday, March 6, the form encephalopathy? USDA published a proposed rule regard- Grand Hyatt Hotel Probably not, but you may know it by ing the importation of bovines and bovine 721 Pine Street • Seattle its common name, Mad Cow Disease. Since products. The new rule would allow for 1997, Norway has been considered “un- importation of Joika products from Nor- known status” for this disease, and therefore way again, but it is important that you help importation of any bovine products from make sure this rule is enforced: comments Norway to the U.S. has been forbidden for from the public will play a part in the deci- The year’s most the last 15 years. sion making process! Comment on www. elegant Nordic And you have probably been missing regulations.gov (search for bovine spongi- your Joika reindeer meatballs, which used form encephalopathy or document number affair in the Seattle to be available at your favorite Scandina- APHIS-2008-0010). community! vian imports store. Joika is one of Norway’s In celebration of this proposed rule, best-selling canned goods, and has been here is a creative idea for dressing up your around for 50 years. Last year, Norwegians Joika meatballs if and when they arrive consumed 2 million cans! back on the shelves of your favorite local Don’t worry, Joika might be on its way Scandinavian store! Artichoke Joika Meatballs Joikakaker med artisjokk

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RSVP by April 23 to 206.789.5707 x 10 Lay artichoke hearts in a casserole dish. Pour 1 can of Joikakaker on top. Add some lumps of sour cream and cover the whole thing with grated cheese. Bake in oven at 400 degrees or email [email protected] for 20 minutes or until cheese is golden brown. Serve with green peas and cooked rice and Donation questions? Call Anastasia at 206.789.5707 x32 or email [email protected] don’t forget a good red wine! norwegian american weekly april 20, 2012 • 9 travel A festival summer Norway is famous for its many summer concerts and festivals

Photos: Førdefestivalen, Nancy Bundt/www.visitnorway.com Left: Fiddle players Marie Forr Klåpbakken and Julie Alapnes Normann perform as part of the Førdefestival (Traditional and World Music Festival). Center: The Oslo Jazz Festival comes to Oslo in August. Right: Øyafestival is one of Norway’s biggest concert festivals, attracting 85,000 visitors in 2011.

Visit Norway

From Fredrikstad in the south to Sval- day. Concerts at Oslo’s top concert ven- bard in the North, here are some music festi- Voss Jazz The Oslo Chamber Music Festival ues, including the Royal Palace, The Opera vals, large and small, taking place in Norway Since 1973, Voss Jazz has been a ma- Oslo Chamber Music Festival presents House, Fortress, and this year. jor yearly event in Voss in the week before music from Medieval times to the present Oslo Concert Hall. August 10 – 18. Easter. This internationally acclaimed jazz The Øya Festival festival is one of the oldest in Norway in Øya is one of the most popular music spite of its rural location. Come and see for festivals in Norway. Björk and the Stone yourself why people come here – over and A Piece of Norway in America Roses will be headlining in 2012. over again! Experience the best Norwegian musical When: March 30 – April 1, 2012 talent together with up-and-coming interna- tional acts and established crowd-pleasing Norwegian Wood Festival icons. Norwegian Wood is an annual rock fes- The delight of this music festival comes tival held at Frognerbadet by the Frogner/ partly from the ability to see world famous Vigeland Park at Majorstuen in Oslo. names without the crush of a mega-festival, Since the start in 1992 famous artists and from the way the acts are mixed – many such as David Bowie, Roger Waters (Pink different genres are represented on the three Floyd), Van Morrison, Simple Minds, Bob stages. The festival, which takes place in Dylan, Lou Reed, Roxy Music, Tori Amos, Oslo every summer, attracted 85,000 visitors Foo Fighters, System of a Down, Eric Clap- in 2011. ton, Eagles and Neil Young have played at Kanye West, Pulp, Kaizers Orchestra, Norwegian Wood. Karpe Diem, Paul Weller, Robyn, Iggy Pop, Whereas established Norwegian and Lily Allen, Madness and Arctic Monkeys are international artists play on the main stage, among many big names to have performed at the Underwood stage gives up-and-coming Øya in recent years. Norwegian bands a chance to play for the Photo: flickr.com When: August 7 – 11, 2012 festival audience. Where: The Medieval Park in Oslo is When: June 14 – 17, 2012 Norwegian Settlers’ Memorial where The Øya Festival kicks off. Norway, Ill. The Hove Festival Oslo Jazz Festival Taking place on the island of Tromøy in This Memorial commemorates the 1834 settlement at Norway, Illinois—the first Oslo Jazz Festival was held for the first Southern Norway, this popular festival of- permanent Norwegian settlement in the Midwest. A departure point for many time in 1986. The festival always has an em- fers cool music, bathing and a fabulous at- Norwegians who settled other parts of the Midwest, Norway became known as the phasis on quality and history, and you will mosphere. “mother settlement.” The monument, dedicated in 1934, honors the community and find practically every genre represented, Besides great music in various genres, its founder, Cleng Peerson (1783-1865). The Memorial is one of five commemorative from ragtime to rap via main styles swing, the Hove Festival promises festival goers markers in front of the small Cleng Peerson Memorial Cemetery. bop and modern electric and acoustic forms. everything from quirky art scenes to yet-to- Share your favorite piece of Norway in america! The one-week festival includes about be-released movies and even organic food. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 80 events and has built a strong reputation When: June 26 – 29, 2012 among performers, their agencies and audi- Who: The lineup for 2012 includes ences alike for being a warm and profession- Snoop Dogg, Skrillex, The Shins, Rise ally executed festival. Against, Lana del Rey, M83, Jonas Alaska Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Only $59 for a year’s When: August 13 – 18, 2012 and more. subscription. Call (800) 305-0217 or email at [email protected]. 10 • April 20, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly Roots & ConneCtions norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week NorwegiaN 101 LANGuAGE PRACTICE WITH HEIDI HåVAN GROSCH Potholes (hullete veier ) Potholes (hullete veier). They’re not a pretty subject (ikke et pent emne), but one that is hard to avoid (ikke er lett å unngå) at this time of year (på denne tiden av året). Our country road is a three dimen- sional (tredimensjonal) arcade game (arkadespill) as one swerves to the left (venstre) and right (høyre) trying desperately to avoid bottom- ing out (unngå å treffe hullet or trying to avoid meeting the holes) in some nature made swimming pool. One is not always successful (man lykkes ikke alltid). “Is it better to drive fast so you can skim over the top (skumme over toppen), or is it better to drive more slowly so you roll in and out (rulle inn og ut)?” Last spring I found out that driving fast isn’t always the answer as a flat tire (et flatt dekk) was my reward (belønning) for not avoiding a pothole of monumental propor- tions (enorm størrelse). One solution (en løsning), temporary though it might be, is to scrape the road (å skrape veien). This is wonderful when the road is Photo: Perry Straw dry (tørr), but that is not realistic (det er ikke realistisk) in the spring Contributing editor Ken Nordan shared this photo with us, saying: “On March 27, 2012, Aslaug Orlien and her son Stian Orlien, both of Norway, visited the Viking Ship in Geneva, (våren) and the resulting road scraping Illinois. The Norwegian guests are relatives of Captain Magnus Andersen, who sailed results in slopping through mud (sklir the “Gokstad” Viking christened “Viking” from Norway to the 1893 World’s gjennom gjørma) in addition to Columbian Exposition in . They were given a special tour by Liz Safanda and avoiding the potholes, which you Lorraine Straw, board members of Friends of the Viking Ship, NFP.” can no longer see (som du ikke lenger kan se). Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? But… we all hold out hope Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. (vi håper alle) that one day they will indeed pave (asfaltere) on our country road as promised (som lovet) and then we can 17th of May is coming up! drive home in relative peace (i relativ fred). Don’t forget to check out our special offer on page 3! New Feature! Community Connections 23. april Kay Saatvedt Everett WA George O Lillegard Chico CA Minnie Helgeson Anoka MN Do you have a new grand- Oscar Hokold Tacoma WA child? Does your loved one have Torgeir Haugland Auburn WA Kjell Bakke Leavenworth WA a milestone birthday coming up? Has your family recently celebrat- 24. april ed a wedding or special anniver- Bennie Kalland Hannaford ND Your picture here! 20. april Inga Otheim Kennewick WA sary? Share your news with the Sally Lorentzen Staten Island NY Sverre Odegaard Seattle WA Norwegian-American community Edwin O Emang Juneau AK Rick Morgan Denver PA by printing an announcement with Mette Ekelund Løvenstad Norway Kami Norland Duluth, MN Marianne Ekelund Løvenstad N us! Ida Strickland Gresham OR Jens Flesland New London MN Bernice Nissen Everett WA 25. april Kristine Lovise Nilsen Portland OR Martha J. Arnum Raleigh NC Hans Karlstad Sacramento CA A new feature for the Norwegian American Weekly: Community Connections! Paul E. Haugland Seattle WA Caroline Olsen Tacoma WA For just $35, you can print a photo and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate life’s Emma Mattson Tacoma WA Rev. Janni Belgum Coleman AB Can milestones with the Norwegian-American community. Commemorate birthdays, en- Mrs. Hans Kveum Roseau MN gagements, weddings, anniversaries, baptisms, birth announcements and more! Almo Skiple Colton OR Each submission will be printed in the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will 21. april Esther G. Eide Cottonwood CA Penny Joseph Knudsen Martinez CA Dana Anne Jorgensen New City NY send you up to 10 copies to share with family and friends. Einar Mathison Missoula MT Magny Opdahl Mjøndal Norway For more information, call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. Magnhild M. Andvik Andvikgrend Norway Selma Rud Gallatin TX Scott Baunsgard Portland OR Gladys Kongevold Brooklyn NY Ivar Mathison Columbus MT r a n d o m f a c t s Tom Tindeland Springfield MN 26. april Did you know? Kristmar Simpson Surrey BC Can Robert Diddams Price Springboro OH about n orway Elida Salmonson Otis Orchards WA Karl Klovee Seattle WA Tina A Stensland Lynnwood WA Knut Hidle Newport Beach CA Beulah Sollie Camano Island WA Verna Kjelstrom ParmentecMontrose CO American movie “Star Wars: Em- Leo Langley Sun City West AZ Ray A. Larson Eau Claire WI pire Strikes Back (episode V)” was Elsie Willumsen Brooklyn NY partly recorded at Finse, near the Want to see your birthday in the 22. april Norwegian American Weekly? Oslo-Bergen railway, in March Nathan Luke Herset Kalispell MT 1979. The Finse area appears in Will Fry Tacoma WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ the movie as Hoth, the snow & ice Ole Tvede Arendal Norway norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at planet. Many Norwegians contrib- Elaine M. Nelson Holmen WI least one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed uted as extras. away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly A april 20, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Ragnar Rice Engebretsen July 26, 1927 – March 21, 2012 Every Sunday

Ragnar Rice Enge- thenia Gravis Foundation and was a board When the early Christians started the both amazed and inspired by all that went bretsen passed away member of the Pacific Northwest Myasthe- practice of gathering together on the first into each service. Each congregation cel- peacefully incident nia Gravis Foundation in Seattle, Wash. day of the week to celebrate the resurrec- ebrated Christmas with beautiful music, to age at his home in Ragnar is survived by his wife Calista tion, they started a tradition that stands at inspired preaching, and well planned lit- South Ogden, Utah Anne and his children: Allen Engebretsen the heart of our faith. They understood urgy. Banners, flowers and decorations on Wednesday, March (Florida); Elyse Anne Battey (California); how important it would be for the fu- added to the beauty and inspirational set- 21. Ragnar was born David Edward (Florida); Ursula Roll (Steve) ture of Christianity to get together each ting of each service. on July 26, 1927, in (Utah); Zina Engebretsen (California); Mark week to uplift each other in faith. Regu- When I retired, I wondered if I would Rock Springs, Wyo., Engebretsen (Tracy) (California); and Kjell lar church attendance keeps this tradition enjoy attending worship now that I was the son of Ray and Zina Rice Engebretsen. Engebretsen (Utah); 23 grandchildren re- going in the modern church. When I was no longer in charge. I worried that I would Ragnar was a veteran of the U.S. Army, ferred to Ragnar as Bestefar and Pop Pop; a parish pastor, I found that when some- be overly critical knowing that I would and after the war he fulfilled a three-year LDS and eight great-grandchildren referred to him one became irregular in their attendance have probably done things differently. mission to Norway. He graduated from the as Altefar; and sister Helen Wells (George). at worship, chances were good that they The opposite has been the case. I enjoy University of Utah with a B.S. in Psychol- Ragnar was preceded in death by his parents, would soon drop out completely. It turns and appreciate every worship service like ogy and received his J.D. at the University of and two brothers, Arden Bernt and David out that regular worship attendance is a I never could when I was the pastor. I get Washington. He worked for the District At- Hyrum Engebretsen. necessity. It strengthens both the church so much out of Sunday morning these torney’s Office in Santa Barbara, Calif., and Ragnar held many church assignments, and our personal life of faith. days that I wonder why everyone doesn’t as County Counsel for the County of Orange, especially enjoying missionary and temple As a retired pastor I have an oppor- come to church every Sunday. It is such Calif. He was appointed a Municipal Judge work. tunity to visit several different congrega- an inspirational experience to hear the by Ronald Reagan in 1972; later was elected Special thanks are extended to Cheryl tions during the course of a year. It has word read and preached, to sing the great a Superior Court Judge in 1980. He had a Wayman, Malinda Bonny, and Lissa Last of become the thing I enjoy the most about hymns of the church, to enjoy the special reputation as being firm but fair. the Dignity Home & Hospice Therapy, as being retired. This past Christmas I at- music, to see the children and meet and After being diagnosed with Myasthenia well as Ken Colledge, Physical Therapist, tended worship at three different congre- greet brothers and sisters in the faith. I Gravis, he became involved with the Myas- and Michael Nielsen, M.D. gations. I went to my own congregation wouldn’t miss it for the world. Most im- at 5:00 PM on Christmas Eve, to my portantly, I know that as long as I show daughter’s church at 11:00 PM, and then up every Sunday morning my faith and < øre to a former congregation on Christmas my congregation will stay alive and well. From page 3 “The 50 øre coin has insignificant val- morning. At each of these services I was ue now. This came out clearly in the broad In the early 1900s, people could make consultation process we had before the deci- an entire meal for 50 øre, about the equiva- sion on withdrawal was taken. I’ve also read lent of one hour’s work. Looking at price sta- interviews with store employees that some Funeral Home tistics from 1914, a person could buy a half- customers do not want them,” said Trond Ek- SOlie and Crematory kilo of cod and three liters of potatoes for 50 lund, Director of the Cashier’s Department at Honoring • Caring • Serving øre (potatoes used to be measured in liters). Norges Bank. One kilogram of bread would cost less than May 1 is the last day Norwegians can 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 25 øre at the time. pay with a 50 øre coin in shops, according to But given inflation, the 50 øre piece has Eklund. Starting May 2, only Norges Bank is become more of a nuisance to customers and obligated to accept them. As of May 1, 2022 Proud to bring you the merchants. the coin will not be worth any more than Norwegian American Weekly scrap metal.

< Solheim do not make decisions about this in the op- From page 3 position,” she says. “Parliament does.” Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? The other three applicants are special Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with cial advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Af- an annual review—it takes less than an hour. fairs (UD). Before he became the Minister advisor Kai Eide (63), Director General Geir O. Pedersen (56), and ambassador Cecilie Schedule a review to: of Development back in 2005 he also held a Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. position in UD, and he was the leader of the Landsverk (57). and review goals. Review protection coverage. Socialist Left Party from 1987 to 1997. Current Ambassador to the U.N. Morten Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. MP and chair of the committee on foreign Wetland will return to Norway after four years in New York this fall, and start work- update beneficiaries. affairs and defense Ine Marie Eriksen, from Contact your financial representative and get started today! the Conservative Party (H), does not want to ing as an advisor for the PR company First comment on any individual applicants. “We House. 17th of May is coming! Introduce your friends, family and fellow Norwegians to the Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are Weekly for just $40! available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. See page 3 for details 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 12 • April 20, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style The king of words Calendar of Events Norwegian Wordfeud app founder Håkon What’s going on in your neighborhood? Bertheussen likes his new job

California from a Year in Norway” with Former ASF Norway Day Festival Fellow Michael Straus. Join us May 31 at May 5 – 6 7 p.m. at Scandinavia House in New York San Francisco, Calif. City. Admission: $10 ($7 ASF Members) Thousands of Norwegians, Norwegian- Composer Peter V. Swendsen presents a Americans and non-Norwegian visitors full program of new and recent composi- from and around the Bay Area visit the tions for instruments, electronics, video, Norway Day Festival at Fort Mason Cen- and dance, performed by some of the fin- ter every May, and we invite you to join est young performers in contemporary us! Interested in volunteering? Email vol- music, including former ASF Fellow Mi- [email protected]. For details about chael Straus, saxophone; Sigrun Eng and the event, visit www.norwayday.org. Sarah Biber, cello; Dana Jessen, bassoon; Terri Hron, recorders; and Jennifer Tor- Lodge’s Heritage Fair rence, percussion. Allusions to Seasons and May 5 Weather: Music from a Year in Norway is a Temecula, Calif. set of four pieces based on Swendsen’s ex- Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge #6-159 in perience of seasonal transitions in Norway, Temecula, Calif., invites all Scandinavians where he lived from 2006-2007 as a Ful- and people interested in Scandinavian heri- bright Fellow in residence at the NoTAM tage and culture to their annual Heritage Computer Music Studios in Oslo. Follow- Fair on May 5 at 11 a.m., located at Temec- ing the concert, Swendsen will discuss the ula City Library, 30600 Pauba Rd. Temec- locations and experiences that served as Photo: Thor Nielsen / VG ula. There will be Rosemaling and Knitting inspiration and material for these pieces, as Wordfeud founder Håkon Bertheussen shows his world-famous app on the iPad. demonstrations, maps, books, Royal fam- well as his process of working closely with ily pictures, and national costumes. Short the performers during the composition pro- movie and speech on why the Norwegians cess. For information call (212) 847-9740 Co m p i l e d b y Je ss La r s e n celebrate 17th of May. Members will bring or email [email protected]. Norwegian American Weekly Intern their own artifacts for display. Norwegian Visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. food for sale. Call (951) 678-2462 or (760) 650-6281 or [email protected]. Washington Donna Gibbs in Concert Scrabble, a common word game enjoyed Combining his interest in technol- Minnesota April 22 by many, became a technological wonder ogy with a fondness of the game Scrabble, Decorah Eagle talk Seattle, Wash. after Håkon Bertheussen, a Norwegian soft- Bertheussen developed Wordfeud, his smart April 22 Please join us on Sunday, April 22 at 6 p.m. ware developer, felt like trying something phone app. Since its release Wordfeud has St. Paul, Minn. at Rock of Ages Church (316 N 70th St, new. been downloaded 16 million times and is On Sunday April 22, Mary Jo Thorsheim, Seattle, WA 98103) for the Donna Gibbs Bertheussen graduated from the Norwe- available in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, author of “Three Little Eagles and How Concert. Donna is a local rock singer/song- gian Institute of Science and Technology and Dutch, French, English, and Spanish. They Grew: Jacob’s Story” will speak to writer and she was the former lead vocalist had a day job of developing software and It is no wonder then that Wordfeud has in Z-Bone and back-up singer for various the St. Paul Minnesota Norwegians World- working with computers, a job he enjoyed. become an obsession for many of its users rock groups such as Heart and Pearl Jam. wide / Nordmanns-Forbundet at Luther Searching for a new challenge, Bertheus- who find it difficult to put their smart phones Seminary. Following a delicious Sunday She will be accompanied by the Rock of Ages Band as she minister in song. Sr. V. sen decided he was going to try and develop and other devices down. Bertheussen him- dinner at 1 p.m., Thorsheim will present a smart phone application. “It was complete- self, an example of this obsession, states an illustrated program about the live eagle- P. Gary Fast from the Seattle Union Gospel ly new to me. But I found the user manuals “Let’s see ... 20 games. I have 20 games go- cam project of the Raptor Resource Project Mission will be attending. Don’t miss this and tips online. It was trial and error,” ex- ing now.” in Decorah, Iowa. Nearly 5 million people wonderful concert! You will be blessed!. worldwide have watched the development plains Bertheussen to Aftenposten. He never Clearly successful, Bertheussen had to of three little eaglets in 2011 and the new Wisconsin realized his little side project would become quit his day job within three weeks of the app 2012 family in the most popular program Annual Benefit Dinner for the Norwe- the next big thing. being released and it is rumored he could be ever viewed on Ustream. Thorsheim is gian American Genealogical Center earning around NOK 100,000 a day. best-known for speaking about Norway April 22 With this success some may wonder Art, but she has presented entertaining and Middleton, Wis. whether Bertheussen is letting it go to his educational programs about bald and gold- The Madison-area Friends of the Norwe- head? The answer to this question is no. en eagles, and Norwegian sea eagles, as gian American Genealogical Center & Proving his humbleness Bertheussen states well. Call (651) 644-8132 for reservations. Naeseth Library cordially invite everyone “I still drive an 11-year-old car,” and, other E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 to their festive annual benefit dinner. This (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] than having no financial worries, his life has Nevada year, we observe the 150th anniversary of changed very little. Daughters of Norway Smørgåsbord the participation in the Civil War by the all- Busy with such success, Bertheussen April 21 Scandinavian Wisconsin 15th Volunteer In- Comfy and stylish! and his team strive to make the application Reno, Nev. fantry Regiment and its charismatic leader, better and accessible to all. Having just de- Come all you Norskies, Swedes, Danes and Col. Hans Heg. The program features a Style and veloped an iPad version, the Wordfeud team talk by Scott Cantwell Meeker, one of the Finns! The Daughters of Norway Sonja He- comfort is currently working on a Facebook version foremost experts on the history of the Wis- nie Lodge is having their annual smørgås- meet with of the application. It seems as if there is no consin 15th Regiment. Starting at 4 p.m., bord fundraiser at the Washoe County Se- these wool end to its success. nior Center. Join us at 5 p.m. for a family the event features social time with vendor and heritage displays, and the display of dresses for In the rare event that Bertheussen needs fun evening of music, dance, raffles and a day job again, his former boss will gladly a smørgåsbord of delicious Norwegian wonderful donated raffle items. Dinner is women and at 6 p.m., followed by Mr. Meeker’s pro- girls with welcome him back. By the looks of it though, dishes, all for just $20. Children under 12 Wordfeud will be around long enough for $6. Please call Heidi at (775) 233-0174 for gram. The event is being held at the Madi- removable this to never be a problem. tickets. son Marriott West Conference Center, 1313 felted John Q. Hammons Drive, Middleton (near flower pin. New York Madison), Wisconsin, 53562. Bunads and festive dress encouraged. Tickets are $45 Music from a Year in Norway per person; to make a reservation, please Available Be our fan on May 31 telephone (608) 255-2224 or email geneal- New York City, N.Y. in red and Facebook! [email protected]. “Allusions to Seasons and Weather: Music grey! Find us online at Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Visit us online at facebook.com/ to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! www.thetrollscove.com naweekly Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. or our shop in Waupauca, WI norwegian american weekly A Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us april 20, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood < Miss Norway From page 1

Something for all Widman Andersson and SmorgasBandet. This annual event is highly anticipated in the Scandinavian Specialties celebrates 50 Norwegian-American community, and this year did not disappoint. years of business in Seattle, Wash. There were five judges: Steve Danna from Den Norske Bank, Joyce Abraham- sen from the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center, Lena Barnes from SAS, Senator Martin J. Golden from the New York State Senate and Ingeborg Vidringstad from Verrazano Travel, Inc. The judges were all in awe of how accomplished these young women were, and in the age range of 17 – 24. They receive a book of the contestants' photos and biographies prior to the event, which is assembled by long-standing com- mittee member Barbara Govertsen. Rolf Kristian Stang was our Master of ceremonies. He entertained us all with his life experiences and passed them along to the young women. One question he asks every year is “Do you speak Norwegian?” Some will say yes and some will say no. The per- Photos: Emma Kongevold son that says no to him will get this response: Winner Amanda Berntsen (pictured here with first “Your answer should be ‘Not yet.’” runner-up Erika Lawson) received a rosemaled This year the interviews were done dif- plate enscribed with “The 57th Annual Miss Photos: Christy Olsen Field ferently. The judges, who normally interview Norway Contest of Greater New York March 31, The colorful facade of Scandinavian Specialties is a bright spot on the corner of 15th Avenue NW and the contestants prior to the event starting at 2012” by Minnesota-based artist Cathy Koball. NW 67th Street in Ballard, Seattle, Wash. The store is celebrating 50 years of business in 2012. 2 p.m., now would interview all of them in front of the whole crowd. The number of pated and they were all winners! The Little people attending the event as spectators this Miss Norway and Junior Cadets also get to Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d year was close to 260. Every year we get a ride on the float with their parents at the 17th Managing Editor bigger crowd, which is terrific. (Remember of May Parade which will be held on May 20 to reserve a seat once tickets are available on Third Avenue in Bay Ridge Brooklyn at This year, Scandinavian Specialties in the extensive grocery section offers a wide for next year’s event – the seats sell out fast! 1:30 p.m. Please visit www.may17paradeny. Seattle, Wash., is celebrating 50 years of variety of special Scandinavian items that Visit www.niahistory.org for information.) com for more information. business. The store has been a fixture in the are hard to find in the U.S. The people who attended this year could While the judges left the room to decide traditionally Scandinavian neighborhood of Scandinavian Specialties was founded then see the response to each question asked who would be named Miss Norway of Great- Ballard since 1962, and it is the go-to place in 1962 as the Norwegian Sausage Company by the judge and see that it is a very difficult er New York, the committee announced raf- for the local Scandinavian community to find by Mr. Sagland with the goal of bringing its contest to judge. Each contestant was given fle winners. Local merchants and individuals food, gifts and items with a Scandinavian customers the finest quality Scandinavian five minutes to answer questions asked of donated items for this fun event. connection. foods. Sagland was a master butcher trained them by the judges, and all the contestants After much deliberation by the judges, In honor of this milestone anniver- in Oslo, and equipment was brought over had such poise and grace with answers from Erika Lawson, the Shipman from the Kings sary, Scandinavian Specialties is hosting a from Norway to make all the sausages, etc. the heart. The Miss Norway of Greater New Point Military Academy, was named first year-long sale with a different focus every Mr. Sagland retired in 1980 and the store York contest is not focused on looks or talent runner-up. Amanda Berntsen of Chatham, month. was purchased by Ruby and Herb Anderson – it's all about individuality, intelligence and N.J. was crowned the 57th annual Miss “We don’t do sales often, so it’s a nice who continued to make the highest quality integrity. Above all, contestants must have Norway of Greater New York. She is a very way for us to give our customers something Scandinavian foods available to the Scandi- knowledge about their Norwegian heritage gifted basketball player and will be attending special,” said Bjorn Ruud, manager of the navian community in Seattle. The Andersons and present themselves before an audience Princeton University in the fall. Congratula- store. expanded the the product line and added the and articulate their heritage. tions to Amanda! As the only Scandinavian store in Bal- mail order business which opened up the As in the past, there have been Little Lynn Kongevold Anderson is the co- lard, Scandinavian Specialties draws people company’s line of Scandinavian Foods and Miss Norway and Junior cadets who are in- chair of the Miss Norway of Greater New from all over the region in search of Scandi- Imports to the entire U.S. vited to be part of the celebration at the con- York event, and Emma Kongevold is the teen navian items and foodstuffs. The store focus- In September 2000, the Andersons re- test. This year, 13 young Norwegians partici- photographer. es on Scandinavian traditions as well as con- tired and the store was purchased by Anne- temporary design in its gift section. In terms Lise Berger and Ozzie Kvithammer. The of food, their welcoming cafe is a cozy place for lunch or a coffee break with friends, and See > Specialties, page 14

The 16 contestants for the 57th Miss Norway Contest of Greater New York and the Little Miss Norways and Junior Cadets.

Norwegian- Always the owned best possible since 1963 prices! AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide

7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 The extensive gift section has items for every Scandinavian on your list, and the book room (right) offers Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] titles from local authors and Scandinavian authors. 14 • April 20, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Corner The boys from Vangen: Storm of war Alf Rygh of Snohomish, Wash., shares memories of growing up in Norway during World War II Written by Leif Halse

Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Al f Ry g h Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri Snohomish, Wash. My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! I was seven years old when on April 9, the wood behind our house. A B17 bomber 1940, a German trimotor (Ju52) flew low flew low just over my head; so close I could over my grandmother’s home where I lived see the waist gunner’s face and waved at him. with my mom, dad, and younger brother in I still wonder why no shots were fired with Hommelvik, Norway. World War II had be- all the German soldiers just in the woods be- gun. In two days we were packed and on our hind me. We learned that the German sub- way to the Petersberg farm in Malvik. For marine pen in Trondheim had been bombed. the next year the four of us would share one When we went to Trondheim, we passed the bedroom and a common kitchen with sev- coffins scattered, opened and their contents ETTER HJELP GOING FOR HELP eral other families. Here, we witnessed the revealed. Kåre doesn’t dare to loosen his grip on Kåre tør ikke slippe taket i stokken, og bombing of the Hegra Fortress for three-four One day after school in 1944, my class the log, and now he is out in the middle of nå er han kommet midt ut i Driva. Strøm- weeks. In the woods behind us, stood a Rus- mated and I, while walking home, noticed Driva. The current gets faster and faster, men blir striere og striere, og strømskav- sian prison camp guarded with German sol- several grenades in a pile along the pathway. and the river rollers keep washing over the lene vasker over stokken alt i ett. Somme diers. Mom would be searched by them as Curious as we were about these, I told my log. Sometimes the log wants to roll over, tider vil stokken rulle rundt, og Kåre st- she successfully smuggled bread, butter and friends not to touch them. Another group of and Kåre struggles hard to hold it upright, rever hardt med å holde den på rett kjøl, cheese under dirty socks in her backpack dis- boys walked a distance behind us. We con- making sure he doesn’t lose his grip and og passe på at han sjøl ikke slipper taket og guised as a laundry bag. tinued ahead a ways when we heard a loud roll off the log. ruller av stokken. When we moved back to Hommelvik, explosion. I ran to tell dad. He being a car- Steinar has gotten himself onto land. Steinar har skyndt seg inn på land. Han the Germans had taken over my school as penter was also the local coffin maker and He grabs the bike and rides like mad down triver sykkelen og stormkjører nedover their headquarters. Holland had been taken undertaker and informed me later that three along the river. He has no idea how he will langs elva. Hvordan han skal greie å berge by Germany and Dutch soldiers had been of my classmates had been blown apart from manage to rescue his brother, but there has broren, vet han ikke, men ei slags råd sent to our hometown to build more bar- the explosion and died instantly. Two others to be some way! Maybe he will find a boat må det bli! Kanskje finner han en båt ett racks. The Germans enlisted my dad, who died from their injuries at the end of the war. somewhere or another so that he can row eller annet sted, så han kan ro ut og hjelpe was a carpenter by trade, and other neigh- This was one of many gruesome tasks my out and help Kåre. Kåre. bors, to help with their projects. dad dealt with due to his trade. Some Ger- Down along the river there stands a Nede ved elva står en mann og fisker. One night the sirens went off and rushing man soldiers, when hearing they were being man who is fishing. Steinar jumps off the Steinar hopper av sykkelen og løper ned til to the window facing the bay, we watched the sent to the Russian front committed suicide, bike and runs down and tells him what has han og forteller hva som er hendt. Sunn- British attack the German battleship Tirpitz throwing themselves under oncoming trains. happened. The Sunndal man looks up in dalingen ser forundret på den fremmede, anchored near Skatvald. We witnessed two Dad had to pick up their remains while mom surprise at this naked young stranger. But nakne guttungen. Men så får han se tøm- British bombers shot down before we were sewed burial clothes made of thick paper. he catches sight of the log with Kåre, float- merstokken med Kåre, drive ute i elva. Da forced from our view point to the cellar to es- At one point dad was called to Trond- ing downstream. Then he realizes what’s skjønner han hva som er på ferde. cape the oncoming artillery rounds. The Ger- heim Missions Hotel and was questioned by wrong. mans quickly repaired the damaged Tirpitz Rinnan, the famous Norwegian Nazi, and and moved it. While stopped at our town it torturist. We did not know the outcome of Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods got stuck in the bay during low tide. It used that meeting until after the end of the war 8.NAW.Langeland.27Feb2012_Layout Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen 1 2/27/12 2:35 PM Page 1 its propellers to shake itself loose form the on May 9, 1945. It was three days later, on Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. bay floor while the intense shaking shook my May 12, 1945, that my dad was listed to be www.astrimyastri.com mom’s dishes out of the cupboard. executed for outstanding citizenship and his That summer while I was picking rasp- Christian faith. berries, the Germans fled the school house to Norwegians in America, Some Records of the Norwegian Emigration to America: A transcribed and translated version of the 1888 Nordmændene i Amerika, Nogle Optegnelser < Specialties crystal, glassware and china sparkle. An im- om De Norskes Udvandring til Amerika From page 13 pressive selection of sweaters is in the cen- Written by Knud Langeland ter of the store, and a wide variety of items couple owned a Scandinavian wholesale 240 pgs, hardcover, 5-1/2”x7-1/2”, Smyth sewn: for the kitchen, decor, clothing and gifts for company called ScanSelect, and expanding • Bilingual English Norwegian from Gothic script every taste and budget. Their book nook fea- • Autobiographical, Life in Norway before 1843 to a Scandinavian retail store made sense as tures local authors and Scandinavian authors • Early immigrant life in America the next step for their business. They moved • Social and political portrait on a wide variety of topics. Scandinavian Specialties into a larger space, • Norwegian immigrant press Perhaps the most appealing aspect of • Foreword, Biography & Review by Odd S. Lovoll nearly quadrupling the retail space and ex- Scandinavian Specialties is their commit- • = $24.95 with FREE shipping in USA panding its offerings for a larger customer ment to customers. Their cheerful staff is Call — send a check— or order from website base. Today, Berger’s son Bjorn Ruud man- ready to help with a smile, and their loyal [Note: book is not part of the Ulvestad 3 Vol set] ages the day-to-day operations of the store Made in America! Visit website for more details customer base comes back again and again and their website customers come from all for the neighborhood atmosphere. over the country. Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com “What’s great about Scandinavian Spe- Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Just as it did in the early days, Scandi- 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] cialties is that we have all the heritage items navian Specialties still offers fresh sausages, that people don’t know about all in one meats, sandwiches and baked goods. Their Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates place. We have a lot of younger people who welcoming cafe is a cozy place for lunch or come in and connect with what’s here, and in coffee break with friends, and it’s a popular Organization of the Week Scandinavian expats come by and like it. It’s gathering place for people. North Dakota a slice of old Scandinavia delivered here in When asked about their most popular Sons of Norway Seattle,” said Ruud. item, Ruud immediately replied: “Fishcakes. Svalbard Lodge #2-33 Honorary Consul With 50 years of history, Scandinavian They are made in-house, and they are very Ronald H. McLean Specialties keeps up the Nordic heritage of Juneau, Alaska popular. When we have fresh fish days, we Royal Norwegian Consulate the neighborhood by celebrating traditions For more information, contact have so many people calling in to see if fish- PO BOX 6017 and the best of Scandinavia today. cakes will be available. We have quite a fol- President Lowell Barrick Fargo, ND 58108 Scandinavian Specialties is located lowing!” Phone: (907) 790-2966 Tel: (701) 232-8957 at 6719 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107. Email: [email protected] Scandinavian Specialties is more than Fax: (701) 237-4049 Hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. http://www.alaska.net/~svalbard/ food – their gift items have something for E-mail: [email protected] – 5:30 p.m. For more information, call (206) every Scandinavian. Near a wall full of win- For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, 784-7020 or toll-free (877) 784-7020. Visit visit noram.norway.com/organizations dows, special gift items of Kongetinn pewter, visit noram.norway.com/organizations www.scanspecialties.com. norwegian american weekly A Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports april 20, 2012 • 15 sports Round four in Tippe League Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings

4/10 Vålerenga 1 – 0 Viking Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. Tromsø IL 4 10 4/13 Fredrikstad 1 – 2 Rosenborg 2. Rosenborg BK 4 8 4/14 Brann 1 – 2 Strømsgodset 3. Strømsgodset IF 4 7 4/15 Sogndal 1 – 1 4. Vålerenga Fotball 4 7 5. Viking FK 4 7 4/15 Ålesund 2 – 1 Odd Grenland 6. Sogndal IL Fotball 4 6 4/15 Tromsø 3 – 1 Sandnes Ulf 7. Hønefoss BK 4 6

4/15 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Vålerenga 8. Ålesunds FK 4 6 9. Molde FK 4 6 4/16 Stabæk 0 – 2 Hønefoss 10. FK Haugesund 4 5 4/16 Viking 1 – 0 Molde 11. Fredrikstad FK 4 4 12. SK Brann 4 3 Photo: Marius Fjærli / Sandnes Ulf Newcomers to Tippe League, Sandnes Ulf (player Gilles Ondo shown here) had a tough match with 13. Lillestrøm SK 4 3 Tromsø on April 13. To read more about football in 14. Odd Grenland 4 3 15. Sandnes Ulf 4 2 Norway, visit www.uefa.com Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i 16. Stabæk Fotball 4 1 Trondheim, Norway

Tromsø rolled ball with the newcomer Jonatan Tollås settled the game for Ålesund Sandnes Ulf in one period at Alfheim Sta- 15 minutes from time. The Scandinavian Hour dium Sunday and won comfortably 3 – 1 No one has since 1991 kept a clean sheet Celebrating over 50 years on the air! and took back the table top in the league in the league longer than Sogndal’s goal- after Rosenborg fights home a win against keeper Kenneth Udjus. The new record is KKNW – 1150 AM Fredrikstad with the April 13 game and bor- now on 558 minutes and is a record since the rowed the top spot sfor ome hours. Eight league was named Tippe League. Udjus its Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST minutes were played when the team's Czech long period of backwards cracked when the Streaming live on the internet at: mercenary, Zdenek Ondrasek, swept home 1 game clock showed 72 minutes. FK Haug- – 0. Thomas Drage added on a spot kick after esund’s Alexander Soderlund, intercepted a www.1150kknw.com 18 minutes. The day was totally destroyed boxing out from Songdal’s fort Udius and for the guests when a clearance attempt from put it in the net. From the first half Songdal Sandnes Ulf ended in their own net. In sec- had a 1 – 0 advantage and the game ended ond half Sandnes Ulf got their comfort goal with a draw. Introduce a friend to the by Fredrik Torsteinbø. Brann had to face a 1 – 2 loss in Ber- Ålesund fights home the first victory gen against Strømsgodset. Strømsgodset Weekly with our special this season with 2 – 1 against Odd Gren- captain Alexander Aas played his first game 17th of May offer! land. Their first goal was disputed. Demar after he was the victim of blind violence in Phillips had dribbled off a couple of play- Skien three weeks ago. The defender was a ers in the Odd box, and hit Alex Post in an giant in the defense a brought the Drammens offside position. The referee selected after club in front on a header. Brann leveled but See page 3 for details some discussion to approve the scoring, but Peter Kovacs settled the game in front of an since Post was offside it was a wrong deci- angry Brann crowd. The late game on April sion. Odd got balance by Snorre Krogsgård 15 between Lillestrøm and Vålerenga ended on a fierce shot from the edge of the box, but in a 1 – 1 tie, but both teams burned several the home fans whistled loudly, since they be- clear cut chances in an entertaining game at lieved Demar Phillips should have had a free Åråsen. kick in a situation in advance before the goal.

< Olympics den. Others try to promote hosting the Olym- From page 1 pics stating it provides many financially ben- eficial opportunities for the country as well it comes to gaining support for hosting the as providing for much needed city improve- 2022 Winter Olympics in Oslo. ments in Oslo. Politicians, businesses, and sports fa- For the time being, as officials continue natics all eager to welcome the 2022 Winter to make progress on the application process Olympics are receiving a lukewarm response they remain optimistic. City government from the rest of Norway with a recent poll official Ola Elvestuen states “This is pretty showing only 49 percent of Norwegians in positive number in an early phase.” favor of hosting the Olympics in 2022. The official vote by City officials will This statistic may suggest that the rest of take place on May 23. Norway is opposed to the idea all together, however this is not entirely true, as only 28 percent of people polled said they are op- NEW! Birkebeiner print posed to hosting the Olympics. While 23 9.75x12” + generous border percent remain undecided, it is certain that Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue more support is needed. • full-color, fade-proof Most believe this skepticism is due to • quality paper • FREE shipping in the high cost of hosting such an event with sturdy mailing tube to the cost at minimum being NOK 29 billion US 48 states • $15 each, USD only; (USD 5 billion). That amount aside, the ap- VISA/MasterCard plication process in applying to host the Olympics costs nearly NOK 150 million Order from (USD 26 million) alone. With such a high NORWAY ART 1455 West Lake St, B-20 price many worry that social services pro- Minneapolis, MN 55408 vided in Norway will suffer. call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or Some try to remedy these worries by email: [email protected] stating that the government will pay for the Why not order now for shipment to your home or business expense of hosting the event and, as a result, and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! social services will not feel the financial bur- A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

With a full day of activities on May Sten Arne Rosnes has served 17, the streets of Ballard come as Consul General of Norway in San Francisco since 2008. alive with music and celebration of Rosnes was a First Lieutenant from 1981-1985 and became Norwegian Constitution Day! a Captain in 1985. In 1985, he joined the Foreign Service and has since held positions at the Kids games at Nordic Museum – 10-2 p.m. Embassy in Bonn, Germany; Free admission all day at Nordic Heritage NATO in Brussels; and the UN in New York. In addition, Sten Arne Museum (3014 NW 68th St). Games for kids, Rosnes was Deputy Chief of Mis- Nordic Café and fjord horses! sion at an Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel; Deputy Director General – 12 p.m. MFA in Oslo), and Representa- Luncheon at Hall tive of Norway to the Palestinian Tickets: $30 / person. RSVP to 206-783-1274 Authority. We are honored to Grand Marshal have Mr. Sten Arne Rosnes as Honorary Marshals Entertainment at Bergen Place – 2-5 p.m. our Grand Marshal! Sissel Peterson Kaare Ness Live entertainment! Free admission Sten Arne Rosnes Open House at Leif Erikson Hall – 3-5 p.m. Purchase Scandinavian food and drink, and learn about Scandinavian groups in the area New, extended Parade Route – 6-8 p.m. Route starts at NW 62nd and 24th NW down to Market St, east to Bergen Place, down 22nd Ave NW and south on Ballard Ave NW, all the way to Dock St!

Learn more at www.17thofmay.org