The London Gazette, 13 November, 1914. 9265
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 NOVEMBER, 1914. 9265 Downing Street. have been promoted to the rank of Chief 10th November, 1914. Artificer Engineer in His Majesty's Fleet.— Frederick William Scarff. The KING has been pleased to give direc- Ernest Jacob William Marchant. tions for the appointment of Reginald James Dated 1st November, 1914. Blair Boss, Esq., (Legal Adviser, Southern Provinces) to be a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Admiralty, llth November, 1914. The undermentioned gentleman, formerly a Sub-Lieutenant in His Majesty's Flee-t, has been placed on the Emergency List with the Scottish Office, Whitehall- rank of Lieutenant Commander: — November 10, 1914. George Whiteside Hillyard. Dated 10th The KING has been pleased, by warrant November, 1914. under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, bearing date the 9th instant, to appoint David Duff McLaren, Esquire, Ordinary Clerk in the Bill Chamber, to be an Assistant Clerk in the Admiralty, 12th November, 1914. Outer House of the Court of Session m the Chief Artificer Engineer Owen George Smale room of Robert Walls Hepburn, Esquire, has been specially promoted to the rank of deceased. Engineer Lieutenant in His Majesty's Fleet, for services rendered on the occasion of the sinking of H M S. " Speedy." Dated 22nd October, 1914. LIGHT RAILWAYS ACTS, 1896 and 1912. In accordance with the provisions of His late Majesty's Order in Council of 19th March, SWALEDALE LlGHT RAILWAY ORDER. 1908, Engineer-Commander John Este The Light Railway Commissioners: have Vibert has been placed on the Retired List. submitted to the Board of Trade for Dated 4th November, 1914.
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