Adult Salmonid Monitoring on the Grays River Through the Use of an Instream Weir
STATE OF WASHINGTON November 2018 Monitoring of Grays River Fall Chinook Salmon using an Instream Weir, 2008-2010 by Jeremy Wilson, Bryce Glaser, Dan Rawding, and Thomas Buehrens Photo credit: Monitoring of Grays River Fall Chinook Salmon using an Instream Weir, 2008-2010 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 5525 S 11th Street, Ridgefield, WA 98642 Jeremy Wilson Region 5 Fish Management Bryce Glaser Region 5 Fish Management Dan Rawding Fish Science Division Thomas Buehrens Fish Science Division November 2018 Page intentionally left blank Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following people who assisted with this project and made it a success. The fieldwork conducted by Greg Queener, Jeff VanDusen, Pete Riley, Talbert Looking Elk, Kellie Brennan, Scott Breslin, Bryce Kilponen, and Claire Landry was exceptional and allowed for project goals to be achieved. The WDFW construction shop, Mike Queener, Todd Hillson, and Josh Holowatz assisted with installation and removal of the weir. The Grays River Hatchery and staff provided tools, shop space, and valuable craftsmanship to the weir design. Pat Frazier, Pat Hulett, and Todd Hillson provided project oversight. Pat Hulett, Elise Olk, and Todd Hillson for providing comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper. Jon Sneva and Lance Campbell conducted all scale analyses. The WDFW coded wire tag recovery lab dug all snouts, verified coded wire tag codes, and uploaded the results to the statewide database. Steve VanderPloeg provided extensive GIS assistance. A special thanks to The Wahkiakum Community Foundation and the Sorenson family who provided river access through their properties. Funding was provided by Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) in 2008 and Mitchell Act Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reform (MA MER) in 2009 and 2010.
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