Senators Lose Again I
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Mben's amist. makaing .thsee anib ff meneivi be letter In the bntn Ito rues. Free man htt to right for a bass and 1fereed 0"ttV 4W fa Xuooi - SENATORS LOSEAGAIN I y Parent, Coaghlin to .Rald.suN LA ~hanee singled to right, Desaismahin great oneanded try.for the V4toS was purposely given his base the ntedt dE orners so as to bring Smith to the pmbl "iad the paw Defeated in Boston Imith hit the flrst ball pitched to a ok HaeNot a 0siM~dt Today by; ingle, scoring Parent and wm .the .e ame for Boston. Seam: 3to2. Wsh'ste. R.H.O.A.. Busted. R.R.O.AE. 2 2 0 0 - - aoed -a m ainDtma olmes.3b 0 0 1 1 9 'ty puty.AUdtoi lor the Wnamtoohe r A veaftQ *aa& Wais a Wember me lelbach,lf. 1 0 2 0 * .M 0 1 1 - -- r nthe tya., ef.... 0 2'5 0 0 O'Brien, et 1 '2 1 0 011 freuen - -l-speeto-- a Ethe vudet etm"o Ariead. R e'h't,rf 2 2 2- 0 Preemaa.rf 0 2 1 0 war Department. plyalth~wis~ ptsali coaiaMsr. ,1the late Gen. C(6iuds as 0 0 0 0 Parent, @&- I -1, * =nmen Agud - I. nothe bei A WAS . 112 1 GAME EXCITING Karey 0 1 6 1 0 Lh'n.b on o I esmiel s 110sen-ga61f wUEOT WILLY FAE Lobtn'sm,2b 0- 0 a 2 0 Ferri, 2b..-0 0 & 3 0 O'Denell o a larke, e... 2 5 0.0 Smith,c.... 0 1 4 1 1 The themorial exercises today at the DO- ase, e.k John .-s ktb, 0 0 1 1 2 Gibnm, p..1 11 5 0 n ret ae b e MRSULT WAS IN DOUT p..... tiooi cemetery at United States Seodiers !eetrala Ad t tOssneilg a UNTIL Totals..... 2 7*2510 2 Totals...; a 112 12 8 Home were and pain % ef own,-seting W I= os particularly appropriate Mr.OINWM s"epes a t vi&a&&=imi aT TH LAT INNING. *Ome out when wsmng ran was iered.' Interesting. They were conducted under 905[9s .aie, atree-ofUtharget erowd of the 1 here ~as.hseCase.~a,whi Saehesmins.109heorga 0 0 0 2 0@0--S0 enier anf" tho via nedte n Mr. On=mt e gdnt t er radiegtse........,.. 0 10 1 1---S the direction of Capt. A. Hart, vice plb 1 G 1mest.................. $0 mtan ma man e Two-bin his-Cry. O'Brien., VnemJnef. dartnent commander. The exercises itneiftmah wafitsWese I ~js Delehanty Again istnguishas Him- a acrtaes hit-CllinA. ktolen bas-nraa, Selbach proper were preceded by a parade, Wbich 'ly themlay id nt g ...0itsAe 09 the near KDOgenD.. Xd., to the m=mgsement I, elebanty, Parent. Double nny&-WeMaa. WAe- emti e tournis -&Ai- mrhieb be devoted much of is tsm. He al a chance; Delebanty ad nobiso. First babe ,Was formed in front at the. Scott builWdn& ra~ wtEsaisvnia wmaSf eea e self at the Nat and In the Field- I a bal GUs. the and which tigto a close a"d quite mnway the play U Ved-neat t TA imter InWseuma't Let Passpasti Osm. Gibson, 1. Struck oet-ny ; In Soldiers' Home grounds, . SOrth. a. Paed boo-mth. Umpir-m the to theWemliannl of the m 's and tiMW4 city =A I*a K . singles - Attendance About 4000. Ti of game-1 bear and 50 =1Eute, moved to the -speakers' !stand *ithin- He mwas a grombtest Msember e t] Get - bemetery inelosure shortly after 90 *traat s draw the gmest t shareof f. IN aBale=dend eubs and of ti aPfter AdaMagn, o'clock. The United States Soldiers' Home bas*isaght sets.loMisstorma is now, I =1tC=lta d he leaves a wb me HITS WON GAIB. Band headed the column. Next wer ths Anhougd the Voman by anms one of -the :very beat players of dIrele of ienda Baltimore and Uai Upeelsi Dispatch to The Evening Star. TWO committees that served In connection with dsLWkid Ity. .4me Ohpae tone Eventg tar. the exercises,-and in tha order name. 4e .;the.am1nthuieasthe: weht,ofetewdefeatedmemosngesaC..mee Mari- his moth r- AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK. Boston, at then., thm .svs repttidwh~ - smin UVWsinlesaof drw dthethis "eetsaeOIn Mr. Donnell Is survIved bt BALTIMORE, Md. May a.-Ge-g-o A. 3.-Boston defeated to- Lhe Athletics Defeated New York the officers of the Soldiers'"Home, the Ora- Vqiy Wasington morntig tw! hErs. Caroline O'Donnell. and a sister. II S. ShHver.-===istant to President Leres et ay Washington of the day, Miss s 3 to 2. The lovers of base ball were l'hildeli. tor, chaptains, pdet and readir harSfought sets. Cleosierann neer 1 Abort Hiackley of this city. Two bret the Baltimore Pad Ohio .eailroad, tM e- day. ft .P'ter's Church, ;choir, Henry, Wilson- quan hetjo-ournemest s de a 3. O'DOene not delighted over the outlook this morning. PHILADELPHIA, May 30.-MasterlY No. G. A. and veterans ofthe es ternoon gave th quietus to the story pub- Post 17, L. whih s i-t untoan for the: Anaduato for tea p~' d for there was a heavy mist at an early 4itching by Griffth and Henley and-bril- home, invited guests abd vimitom. headva sinc Thetumu~wxongem'ents have not Y t libed throughout the country to th a, and it but it was I lant on both sles characterled Upon reaching- the epedkerW stand''a-bU- freient resultd in ith'impeioth at t N Ch""ie bMen made. feet that the Goulds had secured hour. afterward stopped, fielding occasion *X* eW'Yr etat,. enough crowds I he American morning game - gler sounded "aasemily," after ahieh- the afinnpta wot the fhar. V. 'ark 6f this ithrae'stsbeing re- of Baltimore ad-OMo- stock to- cold and nasty. Record-breaking League band rendered 'The Soldifters Dream," have sature d been expected at the games, but in- I ween New YQrk and the Athletics. The. quised to decide the supremacy between WOmromD NB A WOAN. control of the read. To The Star e- closing with "Nearer My -dod to Thee," themselves areputitt i s toth the two playars. U the weather pe arit emency of the weather will doubtless keep i fhamplons won In the tenth Inning, when, all presens joining in the sting of the for)i"todin ohtda heinesh Mr. Fraik Geghmean will maet Mr. John spondent he saM: the attendance down, both morning and 1 with'no one out Seybold hit for two based hymn. Capt. Hart called the assembly tar.ts3 eme th .Gye'eral giitw toa rh- MoDadayson The winner of this match aDr. Earesty Protects 35r IS I* "It sounds so nuch like a fairy tale that man scored. on Murphy's single. Attend- to order with appropriate remarks ex- *'l Mr. ad then the winner It seems hardly worth a denial. It is bard afternoon. play Grant, . of the Of .a mn There were over 8.000 present at the i Lne, 6.323. Score: planatory meaning and purpose General oristow was authority forthe Will play-Mr'. Rarynand D; Little of New Against' for me to understand at times how these Memorial day. He told of its usefulness statement who won the last Capt. Boardman Is assisting the autbom morning game on Patriots' day holiday, New York. R.H.O.A.K. Whl. R..O.A.M. and rev- that Mae develipant in the situ- York, championship cup foolish railroad stories origna. There is k.Davis. If 0 1 1 0 0 Pick'ringr 0 1200 in teaching lessons of patriotism iof' othM ber s' lo ues eto year. t lea of Calvert county. Md.. in their e April 2). which affords an indication of rf.. 0 0 3 0 0 R.Davisb#' S 1 1 erence of the memory of those who devoted a q Moiftwhic nothing at all in the story. Keeler, Efink Closterans f4ueer to a men who is m'antA " what might be expected today. The at- deF'l'nd,cf 0 0 8 0 0 3b0 1 8 1 0 their lives to their country, and the hope- andhesetr of addedth e thatec 'Jeagst'd deMr.l-notcnerneMihebi arts apprehend 'Another oScial of the Baltimore and Will'ax, 2b 0 0 2 1 0 eyXd, ill 1 2 0 of the Grand of the Republic, that that anything wrbuM -he Despite the hard rains of lasthsit the om a charge of having unlawfully enteri 4 who tendance this morning 'was about 4.000. lanise. lb. 0 1 8 2 0 r b 0 1 0 1 0 Army stst~llg near Port R Ohio, has just returned from New through whose -efforts it was established, tOrtfcehaing ow-that day.,. % courts were In fair shape this morning t a bhuse of Franklin Wood. York. Then the hard luck which has attended the Jauroy, 8h. 0 0 2 2 0 Ua 0 0.20,0 and Charles said: attend- Jourtm'y,m 0 1 2 4 1 M.Croa., a 00 2 3 0 that it would be perpetuated respected wk .tJ ih .Geziaj flrlstow today o when play -was called Dortly after 10 ublic, Wednesday afternoon. ''There is at all Senators had its effect- upon the YConor, c 0 0 4 2 c.0 010 2 0 by future generations. and his wife and baby live In nothing In the rumor ance, not what 2 1 :eShrok,0 0 0 1 80 garding the pssiblI d efense of eAlie o'clock.' KisWI dmands kCst a lardesty that the Goulds are after the and they will draw they ).16th, p.