No. 485,605, Patented Nov. 8, 1892
(No Model.) . K. BROWN. INFLATABLE TIRE FOR WEHICLE WHEELS, No. 485,605, Patented Nov. 8, 1892, 2% s.S. SN2 SONS o UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. KIRK BROWN, OF PHILADELPHIA, PEN NSYLVANIA. INFLATABLE TRE FOR VEHICLE-WHEELS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 485,605, dated November 8, 1892. Application filed November 10, 1891. Serial No. 411,438, (No model.) To all whon, it may concern: the inner tube and thickened from the tread Be it known that I, KIRK BROWN, a citizen portion thereof to about the points of contact of the United States, residing at the city of of the same with the peripheral surface of 55 Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia the felly or rim of a wheel and supported in and State of Pennsylvania, have invented position thereon by sectional rails provided certain new and useful Improvements in In with clamping and unclamping devices. flatable Tires for the Wheels of Wehicles, of My invention further consists of an inflat which the following is a specification. able tire having an inner tube and an outer Go My invention has relation to that class of covering and the inner tube preferably made O tires composed of compressible or elastic ma of a softer material than the outer or sur terial in contradistinction to those made of rounding covering, thickened from the tread metal and of such type as are capable of be portion to near or about the points of contact ing inflated by means of air, gas, or other of the same with the felly or rim of the wheel aeriform or gaseous fluid.
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