PRESENTATIONPRESENTATION | 1 Panayotis Petrakis has worked as a diverse and sought after actor/singer/dancer in TV, theatre and music for almost 20 years. A combination of talent, impeccable professionalism and an infectious personality has ensured him constant work and an exemplary reputation.
[email protected] PRESENTATION | 1 HEIGHT: 1,85M | WEIGHT: 82KG | EYES: DARK BROWN | HAIR: DARK BROWN | SINGING VOICE: BARITONE PRESENTATION | 3 Actor - Singer Panayotis Petrakis was born in Athens. Whilst in drama school, he began training alongside inter- nationally renowned baritone Kostas Paskalis1, ultimately earning the acclaimed Fulbright Scholarship2 to continue his training in NY. Panayotis has worked successfully in TV, theatre and music for almost 20 years, collaborating with some of Greece’s most acclaimed directors, musicians, actors and recording artists at the biggest venues, concert halls and TV channels. In 2008 he received nationwide recognition for his role in the No1 rated, prime time continuing drama “Secrets of Eden”3. The show achieved ratings up to 52% and 2 million viewers for 3 consecutive years and was sold to 8 countries. His theatre credits include leading roles in productions as diverse as: “Saturday Night Fever, the musical”, “Fun- ny Girl”, “Querelle de Brest” and “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, the musical”4 5. Known for his rich baritone voice and soulful renditions, he has collaborated with Greece’s most acclaimed com- posers and song writers like Mikis Theodorakis6 and Mimis Plessas7. In 2011 Panayotis won the celebrity talent TV show “Just the two of us”8; a 14-episode reality singing contest show for a charitable cause, based on BBC’s homonymous production.