AP European History, The Vanguard School 2019 Summer Reading Guide part II Excerpts from Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa Theologica Petrarch’s The Ascent of Mount Ventoux Questions due on first day of school (14 August 2019). Submit as a word document attached to an email, addressed to
[email protected]. You can type directly into this worksheet, or create a separate document. Save the file using your first initial, last name, the name of the assignment, and the due date. For example, if your name was Billy Frazz, you would save this file as bfrazz_SummerReadingII_14Aug2019. If you do not have a means to work with Word® files, you can also do it as a PDF*. Answer all questions in complete sentences. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) was a Scholastic theologian and philosopher, a Dominican friar, a professor at the University of Paris and later at his own school near Naples. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, a peer-reviewed on-line philosophy journal, provides an excellent summary of his life and works (http://www.iep.utm.edu/aquinas/). His writings were hugely influential even during his lifetime, and remain the foundation for Catholic understanding of philosophy, theology, law, and ethics to this day. They represent the highest development of medieval thought just before the Renaissance. Francesco Petrarca or “Petrarch” (1304-1374) was a poet and scholar, sometimes called “the father of humanism,” born the son of a notary in Arezzo, just south of Florence, Italy. He studied law and then entered the church for a living, but his interest was always in literature, not a highly respected field at the time.