HIGH TIDE I (M I J 1)1 ;;'-13-69 7-] j-(,', 1 at ](Jl2 5 2 at 0330 4 0 at 1600 __ IOURGlAS~ 4 d t 21 J6

fL ___V_O_L __9_, __ N_O ___84_4_6 ______==K=W~AJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Long Seeks Senate New Type Nuclear -67944 ti Approval of Surtax Sub Commissioned WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Chairman Russell Long GROTON, CONN (UPI) -- The prototype of (Dem -La), of the Senate Finance Com­ a new line of nuclear attack submarines m1ttee, promised today to fight for Sen­ the U S S Narwhal, was commissioned ate approval by the end of July 0: PreS1- today with a warning that Soviet pro­ dent N1xon's income tax surcharge request duction of atomic submarines will out­ Long, in a statement, said he wanted to strip America's within half a decade make 1t clear he would not permit the RepresentatIve Chet Holifield (Dem­ b11l to be m1red down in an "endless con­ Callf ), ChaIrman of the Joint Commit­ troversy " over tax reform tee on Atomic Energy, said the Rus­ The statement was issued to offset the SIan atomIC sub fleet is growing ra­ 1mpression given earlier that he would pidly Slt on the surcharge extens10n bill 1n­ The U S S R now has 375 submarines defln1tely, untIl a mean1ngful tax reform constructed since World War II, while measure could be incorporated AmerIca's fleet stands at 143, many of Long sa1d the surtax extension should '''hich are diesel boats of World War II ue passed before the end of July if pos­ VIntage, HolifIeld said slble and no later than when Congress be­ "It is estimated that by 1974, the glnS 1ts August recess Sovlets will add about 70 new nuclear The comm1ttee hean.ng schedule was set submarines In its fleet, while the u­ w1th th1s goal in m1nd, he added nIted States will add but 24," Poh­ THE GOOD OLD USA The cha1rman assured anxious Treasury field said Th1-I'd Battal1-on of the us Armv'g offlc1als he did not feel tax reform pro­ MOURNERS walk past the body of Tom He pointed out that the current UnI­ Mboya, Kenya's assass7.11ated m1-n1-steI' 9th D1-vtb1-cn as the 814 mLn drpZane posals in the bill would need to be "so ted States fleet now includes 84 nu- at McCkoI'd A1-I' FoI'ce base npop sweepIng or comprehensive as to obscure of econOm1-C affa1-1s, "11 ¥a1-I'bo7., as clear submarines, some of which are the nat1-on observes a f1-ve-doy off1-­ Tacoma, Wash1-ngton Beyowi 1 s one the need to balance the budget and stabi­ still In construction-plann~ng stages c7.al pel'1-od 01 mouI'n1-ng of the C141 Star>l1-fteI'S that In (','){Ii,t llze the economy " Constructed here by the Electric them from Vwt Nam Boat division of General Dynamics, the 3ll,-fee Narwhal is the largest nuclear Astronauts Hone Flying Skills in vessel of Its type launched in , more C.artered Cabin Cruiser than a decade Described as the vanguard of a new Exp'odes, Kills One loonshlp Trainers, Helicopter Jet type of nuclear attack craft, its mis­ CAPE KENNEDY(UPI) -- Apollo II's Astronauts honed the1r flY1ng sk11ls today 1n two sion IS to hunt and destroy DETROIT (UPI) -- A 33-foot cab~n crUl­ ~oonsh1p tra1ners before practic1ng in a hel1copter and supersonic jet for launch WIth a crew of 94 and 12 offlcers ser cllartered for a gala crUlse bJeH ~pdnesday on Amer1ca's great Moon adventure th~ underwater craft IS commanded by up at a marIna on the Detro1r '(lver The countdown on their gleaming black and white space machine was roJling along Capt Willis A Matson, II, of Roch­ today kIllIng one chIld and slfOothl; toward a 9 32 am, EDT, blastoff A force of thousands was spreadlng out ester, N v InjUrIng 17 other persons around the world to support it Also on hand for the ceremony, the OffiCIals feared more bodle c ,~( ,Jlt Nell Armstrong, 38-year-old clv111an commander of the long-awalted odyssey, and "father of subm<>rines' Adm Rlckover yet be recovered from the pIles OL de­ AIr Force Officers MIchael Collins and bris bobbing on the river or froll' tl-te Edwin aldrin were tak1ng advantage of ev­ craft's hull, which apparentl; rank ery opportunlty to get ready Communists Shell US Base Camp, follOWIng the blast Armstrong arranged for an Air Force he­ "We just don't know how PIAnv more we llcopter flight to get the feel of flY1ng m1ght find," sald Lt Charles rnners the lunar landing craft "Eagle " One Soldier Killed, Seven Wounded of the DetrOIt polIce harbormaster bu- Coillns had the Alr Force prepare a T38 SAIGON (UPl) -- Ihe U ~ ¥llltary Command reported today that CommunIst rockets reau Jet for an acrobatic flight to pract1ce had struck a U S 9th Infantry DiVISIon bas~ camp 37 mIles southwest of SaIgon, DetrOIt General HospItal admltted 9 for the hlgh gravity forces of launch and and kIlled onp Amprlr~n solc_cr and wounded seven who were to have left for the adults and 8 chIldren, all sufferlng the lack of weIght In space UnIted Statev tomorrow from burns and other InjUrIeS One wo­ Today was the Astronauts' last full day The delayed announced of the fhursday actIon COIncided wlth announcement that man, whose three chIldren were wlth her of tra1n1ng They plan to take tomorrow the 800 more troops of the 9th DIVISIon WIll be w1thdrawn from Viet Nam tomorrow at the outIng, was taken to Deaconess otf, work only a few hours Monday and re­ and WIll fly from BIen Hoa Air Base to McChord AIr Force Base, Washington HospItal In serIOUS cond1tJOn lax on Tuesday MIlitary spokesmen saId a total of A bystander sald the blast "blew the Offlclals said they would probably dine two Amerlcans were kIlled and 21 other boat 40 feet In the aIr," strewlng pur­ alone Tuesday evenIng to llm1t thelr ex­ Russian f'otilla Passes servIcemen and a clvllian wounded when ses, SUItcases, clothIng and wood frag­ pos.lre to germs a 107 mIllImeter rocket landed near the ments across a wide area Before gOlng flYIng, all three Astro­ 80 li'es Off Cape lenned, 9th Infantry DiviSIon center where sol­ The boat, belIeved to be owned hv a n~uts brushed up on Moonf11ght techniques diers are beIng processed for their re­ CaptaIn Robert Weber and used for char­ in ground $lmulators that dupl1cate Vlr­ MIAMI (UPI) -- A flotIlla of seven Rus­ turn to the United States ter crUlses and named the "rhamjJ1on" t.lally everythIng but the acceleration SIan naval vessels steamed WIthIn 80 Military spokesmen also reported that It was not known who had chartered It forces and welght1essnes~ of spaceflight miles of the Apollo 11 Moonshot SIte at an American soldier held by the Commu­ or how many persons were on board Armstrong and Aldrin, the men scheduled Cape Kennedy today and headed on south­ nIsts for nearly two months was rescued It appeared that the hoat had Just to land on the Sea of Trdnquility July 20 ward toward Cuba from the jungles below Da Nang by South pulled In for gas at the marlna, had rehearsed key portions of the landIng in At mldafternoon today, tne bh1PS were Vietnamese forces flown in by U S he­ its tanks fIlled, and exploded as It the lunar module trainer reported by U S naval offIcers to be lIcopters was pullIng out, inJur1ng persons hoth Collins worked on the techn1ques he IS 25 m1les east-southedst of MIamI lhe soldIer was lIsted as Spec 4 Lar­ on the boat and at the gas pumps to use 1n his solo flight of the command It was not clear whether the ships ry D AIken, 20, of New York City He Officials speculated that a spark may ship ColumbIa, in lunar orbit intended to contlnue on to Cuba-- where was listed in critical condltlon WIth have touched off gas In the boat's Three Apollo crews have flown around it IS believed they wlll be part of the head injuries suffered just before hIS bIlge the Moon before but the land1ng is some­ celebratIon of Cuba's revolutlGn on the rescue WhICh came after a Communist de­ The marlna, a private harbor for thIng no one has tried And because of 26th of July--or mlght remaln close to fector reportpd an American beIng held pleasure craft, IS located about four that, these Astronauts have been trained the U S coast to watch the Moon In the area miles from downtown Detrolt across from for any eventual1ty launch scheduled for Wednesday Withdrawal of the new battalIon an­ Belle Isle UnlIke some of their predecessors, the The vessels orlglnally were reported nounced today will brIng to more than All WIndows In the marIna's maIn Apollo 11 WIves have made no plans to due in Cuba July 20 1700 the number of American troops re­ building were blown out ay the hlast VISIt their husbands on the final weekend The SOVIet task force compromises a deployed from Viet Nam under a plan to Two boats moored on eIther slde of hpre before launch gUIded missIle destroyer deSIgned to remove 25,000 men by August 30 the shattered craft were also damaged At least two plan to remain home in the attack shlpplng and a1r defenses, one A 9th Infantry battalion of 814 men The DetrOIt River 1S a broad channel city of Houston to watch the blastoff on destroyer, two Fox Trot class torpedo left Tuesday and Thursday an advance linkIng Lake St ClaIr WIth Lake }rle teleVlSl0n Janet Armstlong says she has attack submarInes, the latest of Rus­ group of 110 U S Marines flew from the not made up her mind yet She and Joan SIa's diesel-powered subs, a frigPte, a northern quarter of South Viet Nam to Aldrin are remainIng at 'lOme this week­ a submarlDe tender and an oiler Oklnawa to prepare for the reception of end and PatrIcIa CollIns and their three The U S Naval destroyer escolt Lhom­ the Marines' 9th reg1mental landing chIldren are VISItIng frjends as J Gary was foll~wing the flotilla team and planes contlnued s~rvelilance The ground fightIng contInued WIth a There has been ~peculatlon In offI­ lull, with American military spokesmen cial U S circles that the SOVIet VIsit predicting a major CommunIst summer as­ TODAY'S NEWS mlght be a combination of a friendly sault withIn the next few weeks gesture toward Fidel Castro's govern- During the night there were 27 rocket ment and a polit1cal gesture to the or mortar attacks on military bases and AT A GLANCE world to match President NIxon's up- towns in South Viet Nam comIng ViSIt to RomanIa The Dong Tam base was shelled again Others have advanced the theory that tWIce yesterday, but the barrage caused BOATING -- PleasuI'e c2aft explodes It IS in token retaliat10n against no casualtles, nor damage crU1ses into the Black Sea by AmerIcan With American intellIgence sources warships--or simply to give Sovi~t na­ predlctlng a new Communist offensjve val officials a look at Cuban facll1- waves of B57 bombers smashed at Commu­ SAIGON -- B52s blast I"ay Nwh ties nist posltlons in strategic Tay Ninh This IS the closest SOVIet warships prOVInce with more than 700 tons of WATCHING -- RUss1-an vEssels ofl ever have come to U S shores The U ~ bombs last nlght and early today FZonda coast concedes they have a rIght to be. \vhere Tay Nlnh province, northwest of Sai- they are and to go where they are goi~g In lIght of tradItional freedom of the gon, bo:.::ders CambodIa, and has been the COSMONAUT TO ASTRONAUT Good" Lllmg 'Il Rll' " \ '". , SURTAX BILL -- won't (,et bogged down, "rene CO fIghting In the past The Ican astronaut Frank (left) lX'''"lll '"I".I.] "r seas hE'l"~1 Borm~n says Russell Long N0rth \/..Letnamese are reported to have the Soviet spa<..eshlp VO"itok prf'''iented to I1l1ll III \1() II \ 11\ Soviet fishing vessels work off both at leu.3-t four div1sions In tne area andlSovlet co,>monaut Georgy BeugovOl FI11HI Bnlnlill h SUBS -- Nuclear> attac, sub unve1-led shores of the US, and many of them POS::,l b 1 y mo"'-e Others were reported to came the flnt American to \ \<:;It the flip tltlll I 11 I 1 11)i-­ come in close ro the Loasr, some w~th have - Ii tr,..> ted toward Salgon statIOn ne'n Simferopol ( 1111 1" f 1 sur~elilance eqUIpment PAGE 2 HOURGLASS Saturday, July 12, 1969 I ------KVZH Sch dule T night Second &n the ser&es of art&cles oe6cr&D&nq the hana&craft uJn&ch or&g&nates &n 1 ruv v4RQUND SATURDAY AND SUNDAY _ ~ ~ SPECTACULARS ______::::~;:~~ ______.. ~~~~ .. ~~c~.~------Phlladelphla Orchestra conducted by It 1 ( g t\; Eugene Ormandy 7 30 pm - 37 00 Jim's Job: Pr v nt Accid nts Can Can from Galte Parlslenne, The old Woman Who Llved In A Shoe, The Buffoons from Nutcracker Ballet, Flre Bell Polka, Strauss, Mazurka from "Copella by Dellbes, The Peruvlan & Th~ Can Can Glrls for Galte Parlslenne, Processlon of Bachus from Sylvla Ballet, Dance of the Hours by Ponchlelll, , Scene from Swan Lake Ballet, Trltsch­ Tratsch Polka by Strauss, The Huntres­ ses from Sylvla Ballet, Trolka from LLeutenant K1Je SUlte, Mazurka from Swan Lake Ballet SONGS FOR THE JET SET Tony Bennett wlth Ralph Sharon Trlo and the Wlll Bronson Slngers 8 10 pm - 43 00 Song of the Jet, Fly Me To the Moon, How Insensltlve, If I Ruled the World, Love Scene, Take the Moment, Then was Then and Now Is Now, Sweet Lor­ ralne, The Rlght to Love, Watch What Happens, All My Tomorrows, Two by Two It 1S from Truk toat the lovestlcks come THE TOUCH OF GOLD These lovestlcks are wooden wlth carved 8 53 pm - 30 00 geometrlc des1.gns They are usually about In My Room, The Shadow of Your Smlle, 1'4 to 1/3 of an lnch Wlae and one to four Bonanza, Yesterday, Norweglan Wood, feet long Some are palntea Orlglnally It Was A Very Good Year, Dulclnea, Lhese stlcks were used by the men to decLarl Mlchelle, A Taste of Honey, Lonely thelr love for thelr sweethearts They "I w1.sh there were a mag1.c p1.ll," remarked Global's Safe­ Clown, Walk Rlght In were thrusL through the thatch wall of the ty D1.rector, J1.m Mayhew, "to prevent acc1.dents " THE YEH-YEH GIRL FROM PARIS glrl's out WOlle she was sleep1ng Toe Then, 100k1.ng out h1.s off1.ce w1.ndow, J1.m eXpla1.ned, "To Francolse Hardy, sung ln French glrl wOULd ldentlfy her caLler by feellng that hel1.copter p1.lot pass1.ng above us, safety means one 9 25 pm - 28 00 the pattern carved on toe stlck Lf she thing and to those aV1.at1.on employees on the ramp below, All the Boys & Glrls, It Falled, The wlshed h1.rn to ~~n ger.' she w~uld pull the safety 1.S another story " Glrl wlth You, Oh Oh Cherl, ThlS Tlme sLlck lnto the~ous~ tf'not, She would So, not only try1.ng to prevent acc1.dents, but even com­ Of Love, He's All for Me, As You Please, push lt out agaln mun1.cat1.ng about them can be diff1.cult because each per­ Your Best Frlend, I Threw Away My son has h1.s own 1.dea of what const1.tutes safety, he sa1.d Heart, He Left One Day, I Agree, I J1.m added, "Th1.nk1.ng before you act 1.S the best and most Thlnk About Love bas1.c pol1.cy to follow " WONDERLAND OF OPERA H1.S respons1.b1.l1.t1.es 1.nclude develoV1.ng Global safety 10 05 pm - 60 00 programs as well as adm1.n1.ster1.ng the1.r Workman's Compen­ Andre Kostelanetz sat1.on Insurance Bacarolle Tales of Hoffman, Waltz, J1.m's work ranges from safety promot1.on to on-the-spot Faust, Intermezzo, Cavallerla Rustl­ nspect1.ons of 1.sland fac1.lities About 75 percent of can~, Medltat10n, Thals, Musetta's the t1.me 1.S spent 1.n-the-f1.eld 'r <' ' ., Waltz, La Boheme, March, Love for The Global Superv1.sors on Ennylabegan and Gugeegue act Three Oranges, Oh, My Beloved Daddy, as h1.S safety representat1.ves on the1.r respeot1.ve is~ands GlanDl SChlcchl, One Flne Day, Mad~e The Global Ass1.stant F1.re Ch1.ef on R01.-Namur check~J spfety Butterfly, For Art and Love, Tosaa, standards there Women are Flckle, Rlgoletto, Heavenly As J1.m descr1.bed h1.s job, th1.s reporter nQt1.ced a small, Alda, Perchance It Is He, and Always rectangular 1.nstrument It was a combust1.ble gas 1.nd1.cator Free, La Traviata, My Heart At Thy used to detect flammable gases Sweet VOlce, Samson and Delllah, To 1.llustrate, Jim placed a butane l1.ghter next to the Dle Fledermaus Waltz, On Wlth the Play, nozzle of the 1.nstrument, then opened the cover of the I PagllaCC1., The Toreadors, Carmen, hghter I Hear As In A Dream, The Pearl Flshers, The war ClUbS produred by Truk are made Immed1.ately, the escap1.ng gas was detected An alarm Ever Slnce the Day, Loulse from the LrunK of toe Coconut Palm from sounded, and a d1.al on the trans1.stor1.zed meter showed the Mangrove trees, trom Afor wood, or from amount of gas present KMR's New Security Officer Ponopun wood They are pOlntea at one ena Th1.s 1.nstrument 1.S used at such places as the fuel farm and along t~e sldes Somet1mes Sharp barbs to check tanks and fuel l1.nes before tepslrs are made, J1.m extend from the Sloes noted Ihe Mlcroneslan Shop has also featured "Our off1.ce also g1.ves expert1.se on a myr1.ad of safety letter openers from Truk, WhlCh are made problems rang1.ng from playground eqU1.pment to exploS1.ves from e1theL the Mangrove or Afor wood The handl1.ng " handles are usually carvea 1n a rope or Asked to report on Global's safety record, Jlm stated, gecko deslgn "I've seen a tremendous reduct1.on 1.n acc1.dents S1.nce we The smaLl wooden adze lS maae from a clam took over--a reduct1.on of 80 percent fro~ the previous soell, wltn a handle of h1blSCUS wood or contractor However, the Global employees themselves are Ponopun wood it 1.S tled w1th coconut respons1.ble All we d1.d was help wherever poss1.ble 11 tW1.ne ThlS 1.S a mlnlature of toe larger What has been h1.s most reward1.ng moment? adzes used for chopp1ng and for carv1ng "Once several years ago on a blast furnace Job, a fellow out the outrlgger canoes employee was overcome from carbon monox1.de and because of my tra1.n1.ng, I was able to save h1.s l1.fe " Then, summ1.ng up h1.S 14 years 1.n safety work, J1.m com­ mented, "You don't W1.n them all, but you def1.n1.tely do Announcement make a contr1.but1.on by prevent1.ng acc1.dents IJ He's a graduate of the Un1.vers1.ty of Youngstown, the The technlcal Support Contractor, Nat1.onal Safety Counc1.l's School of Acc1.dent Prevent1.on, Kentron-Hawa1i, Ltd, 1S preparlng past member of the Greater Cleveland Safety Counc1.l, and a report on the number of overseas telephrne c~lls made to and from a graduate of the Human Engineer1ng ~t1.tute J1.m was also founder of the Explosi7!S Safety Englneerlng NEW ARRIVALS to the KMR staff aPe ~waJaleln, and the quallty of each Conference (ESEC), an organ1.Zatlon oethe Atom1.c Energy greeted by MaJor li&ll Lyght Capta&n call It lS requested that all personnel Comm1.ss1.on safety engineers who haVe '~gh explos1.ves and Tom Deley ~s tne new KMR becur&ty uf­ 1.nltlatlng or reCe1.Vlng telephone nuclear weapons safety respons1.bil1.ti~s f&cer Tom, h~s w~fe, June I ana daugh­ calls 1nform the operator as to the The Mayhew famlly has been on 1.sland for three years ter Dorthea have JUs~ come from the tort J1.m and h1.s w1.fe, Revea, have two daughters Chr1.s who &ardon, Georg&a, aPea wnere 10m has been qua11tY sat)sfactory, poor, fadlng, cllpplng, etc 1.S 13 and Anne, 11 at~end~ng h~s branch caPeer course ThlS report w1ll be ut1.l1Zed to Prev~ous ass~gnments nave Deen ~n Ger­ Justlfy an upgrade/lmprovement of ******************* manu, and V~et Nam Tom and June are facllltles/equlpment at the Honolulu ~nterestea ~n water sports, softball Boy Scout News Termlnal The Kwa]aleln fac1.l1tles and manu otner ~slana act~v~t&es Troop 314 W1.ll be conduct1.ng a book drlve on Wednesday, **x***x***x***x* are scheduled for an upgrade/1.mprove­ ment project durlng the September­ July 16th, the books wlll be gOlng to the new Ebeye Llbrary The long-awaltea chapel plates have December tlme frame Any books, hardbound or paper back, technlcalmagazlnes,­ arr1.ved The womer's Protestant Chapel Just about anythlng wlll be appreclated Fellowshlp is selling these pLates for The Scouts wlll be g01.ng door-to-door dur1Dg the day on ~3 75 eaCh, wh1.ch 1ncludes a brass hanger Nednesday, the 16th Watch for them so you may put them on a wall start plann~nq for the women's C&ub ******************** You may purchase your plate by vlsltlng luncheon next Tnursaay, July 17th Paulet~e ~TTENTION PEE WEE PARENTS Please have your child the Chaplain's Uff1.ce at the slde of the S~nwartz w&&l be ~he guest speaKer brlng a package of cookles or a box of crackers on Monday Trans1.ent Hotel aurlng 1.ts normal worklng watcn here on Monday for more aeta~ls PeeWees get hungry' Thank you lsi PeeWee Teachers hours wOlch are 8-11 30 am , and 12 30- concern&ng the &uncneon ~~ should be an ********************* 4 30 pm , Monday througn Fr1aay excot&ag one w~~h the slate of new oJf~cers Tlme's a'wastlng bought your rdffle tlcket yet? tiuy an extra one for a gift b~~ng unve~led Jor tne f~rst t~me Saturday, July 12, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 3

Y 00-A9 Doct rs US·Russia to Seek Iideast Solullon Pref r Slums (UPI)--Joseph H SlSCO, the Un1ted State's top M1ddle East negot1ator, arr1ved 1n Mos~ cow today for another U S -Russ1an attempt to f1~d a Solut1on to the M1deast cr1S1S that T Armed fore s threatens any day to flare 1nto another all out war (UPI)--Many young doctors and medlcal As he d1d, Ca1ro reported another heavy art1llery duel along the Suez Canal near Suez students agree they would rather be draf­ C1ty where the Egypt1ans on Thursday n1ght carr1ed out the1r most successful commando ted 1nto slums ~han 1nto the armed for­ attack across the waterway Slnce the end of the SlX day war 1n June, 1967 ces, a UPI survey 1nd1cated today A Calro spokesman sald Israel started the clash by flrlng long range artlllery from Dr Roger 0 Egeberg, soon to become the deep 1n the Slnal Desert at Suez Clty He nation's top health off1cer, proposes to sald Egypt had sllenced the flre Murder Suspect Virtually do just that w1th some doctors, many of Israel reported a serles of Arab commando whom are requ1red to go 1nto the armed forays Into Israel1 farmland today and sald Cleared of Ann Arbor Siayings serV1ces after spend1ng 10 or 12 years 1n four guerrlllas were kllled 1n a clash In Ann Arbor, MICh (UPI)--Ernest BIShop school the Israel1-occupled Golan Helghts area of Jr , In custody on charges of kllllng a "I th1nk most of us would rather work 1n Syrla and In the northern Jordan Rl ver Val­ Unlverslty of Mlchlgan coed, has been Vlr­ a ghetto than 1n the Army," John Frey, 26, ley Oppos1te Jordan tually cleared of any connectlon wlth the a sen10r at Northwestern Un1vers1ty Med1- The fear In Western capltals was that Is­ earller slaYlngs In the Ann Arbor area of cal School sa1d "Not because we don't rael would be goaded Into further reprlsals SlX other young women want to go 1nto the Army - Wh1Ch 1S a aga1nst the Arabs, part1cularly Egypt, and Balllstlcs tests on a 22 cal1ber p1S­ relat1vely easy serv1ce - but because we SlSCO'S mlSS10n In Moscow was reported almed tol that BIShop, 28, allegedly used to want to do someth1ng more" Army bases, at flndlng a Solut10n before t~ere IS even fatally shoot pretty 25-year-old Margaret he sa1d, are usually overstaffed more escalatlon Ph1111PS July 5, showed yesterday 1t was After Egeberg announced hlS proposal In Damascus, the varlOUS Arab commando not the weapon used to k111 two other before a Senate Labor Commlttee thIS week, groups were reported consolldat1ng thelr U M coeds the Un1vers1ty of Ch1cago post~d a ques­ operatlons aga1nst Israel 1n cooperatlon The other v1ct1ms had d1ed by beat1ngs, t10nnalre to poll 1tS students It was w1th the Syr1an government WhlCh has sent chok1ngs and stabb1ngs no contest large troop unlts to the Israel border and "We would asswne at th1S p01nt that he Egeberg's plan was favored 30-0 glven the commandos perm1sslon to attdCY Isn't Involved In the other murders, but "I want to go where the people need from Syrla In pol1ce work you Qon't assume too much," me," sald Lloyd Dodd, 21, of Las Vegas, The Syrlan government newspaper Al Thawra Pollce Ch1ef Wal~er Krasny sa1d Nev , a freshman at Baylor Med1cal School, reported the Popular Front for the Llbera­ "You can't el1mlnate anyone unt11 you and Cary Young, 23, a jon10r at Baylor tlon of Palestlne, the maverlck group among rap someone else " from Redland, Cal1f , sa1d, "I concur the guerr1lla organlzat1ons, had declded to BIShop, a short, slender ex-conv1ct who completely " JOln forces wlth the Palestlne Armed Strug­ drlfted from Job to job, was belng held "If offered a cho1ce between worklng gle Command ThlS brlngs together such wIthout ball 1n the Washtenaw County ja11 w1th the poverty program and serVIng In groups as Al Fatah and the Palestlne Llbera­ He faces arra1gnment ]n clrcult court the armed forces, I would work w1th the tlon Organ1zatlon July 25 on a charge of premed1tated mur­ poverty program," he sald The Syrlan cab1net met to reVlew the re­ der Under Egeberg's plan, some of the new sults cf the mlSSlon to Moscow by Syrlan Ellmlnatlng BIShop frOM the prevlous phys1c1ans, chosen by lottery, would do­ Presldent Noureddln Al Atassl Informed slaY1ngs left pollce at a dead end They nate thelr serV1ces for one year to Clty sources In Moscow sald he had gone there In adm1t they have few leads slums, Ind1an reservat10ns or other an effort to obtaIn more arms from Russla In an attempt to f1nd some Solut10n to places where doctors are urgently needed A hIgh ranklng and 011 rlch delegat10n the str1ng of k1l11ngs a c1t1zen's com­ 1nstead of serv1ng 1n the armed forces from KUwaIt was In Damascus and was expected mlttee, composed mostly of young towns­ "I see thIS as a step forward In help- to flnance SyrIan arms purchases elsewhere people, has been seek1ng donatlons to 1ng our nat10nal health," sa1d R1chard SlSCO IS AssIstant Secretary of State for enable them to secure the serV1ces of Wulfsberg, a fourth year med1cal student Near Eastern and South ASlan Affalrs and he Dutch "seer," Peter Hurkos who helped In at the Un1vers1ty of Southern Callfornla flew to Hoscow from talks In ParIs wlth solv1ng the Boston strangler murders "The only reservat10n I would have 1S that ForeIgn Hlnlster Maurlce Schumann and talks The posslbll1ty of Huryos' part1c1pa­ 1t m1ght not prov1de the teachIng alds In London wlth Forelgn Secretary MIchael tlon 1n the hunt fOl tbe k11ler here has that a large m1l1tary hosp1tal mlght prove Stewart been met w1th m1xed feel1ngs by pol1ce to have " SlSCO'S trlp comes at a tlme when there have been slgns of Improvement In the Krem- lIn's relat10ns wlth the Un1ted States and at a tIme when the SovIets have been maklng efforts to draw conceSSlons from the Arabs FBI Eav sdropping Admitted By Judge in Hoffa Case ChIcago (UPI)--Overrullng defense objec­ tlons, U S Dlstrlct Court Judge Rlchard B Austln has admltted 1nto eVldence all govern­ SUNDAY ment-offered exhlblts of Federal Bureau of InvestIgat10n electronlc eavesdropplng on assoclates of Teamsters Presldent James R Hoffa Hoffa and flve assoclates were convlcted In a 1964 Teamsters penslon fund fraud trlal They are seeklng new trlals on the grounds that lllegal electronlC eavesdrop­ p1ng was used to conv1ct them Speaklng of the government exhlblts yes­ terday, Marulce Walsh, Hoffa's chlef defense counsel, sald "I object If they are of­ fered for proof of anyth1ng that happened They should be admltted as what has been shown to the defens~ Furthermore, they are not rellable Harvey Sllets, an·)ther of the defense counsels corps, askpd that the complete logs of all eavesdroppIng on Hoffa assocIates be MENNEN Push Button Deodorant opened to the defen,e AustIn overruled thlS motlon 40z $ 70 At one pOlnt, Aus11n sald, "I'm stIll waItlng for eVldencp that Hoffa has a r1ght to obJect to the eavesdr0pplng, or that he MENNEN Protein 29 Aerosal has any standlng In thlS motlon that hlS trlal was talnted " The defense went through all but one of Hair Groom 70z $ 90 ItS flnal wltnesses yesterday, court offl­ clals sald Among them were seven present or former FBI agents, a U S attorney, a Scope Mouth Wash 120z $ 80 defense counsel and a Detrolt TEamsters off1clal The defense attempted to show Hoffa's conversat1ons wlth hIS lawyers durlng hlS V05 Hair Spray 1 ¢ Sale 1964 trlal may have been overheard by the FBI by means of a hIdden mlcrophone 1n the buy an 180z can &get a 60z can for 1$ offIce of Joseph Gllmco, head of Teamsters Local 777, WhlCh formerly was the bargaln­ Ing agent for Chlcago taxlcab drIvers

~------~------Page t--_ 4__ ~ ___~~_'RGLASS SPORiJ~ Saturday, July 12, 19(,9 Namath H ads For Susp nsion carl~~!~!k~"~~~me~,~~~~-g~", the ~f64j 0 Boston Red Sox handed the flrst place Baltlmore Orloles New York (UPI)-- appears theu fust double header loss of the season last night, Slow p,tch Sch dul headed for a suspenSIon when he shows 7-4 and 12-3 Sunday, July 13 up for a crucial "showdown at hIgh noon" Yastrzemski's 27th homer came wlth two on base In the Dally FIeld tomorrow with the flrst Innlng of the second game and sparked a 22-hlt bom­ 12 00 Have Falth vs Weco Mets League at the traIning bardment of Baltlmore pltchlng Mlke Andrews had four (AntonIo & Lauten) camp slngles, a double and a walk In SlX trlps to the plate In 1 30 Hawallanas vs Olympla Pete Rozelle, COmIDlSIOner of football, the nlghtcap and Reggle SmIth stretched hIS hlttlng (YamashIta & ChIng) ordered Namath to sell the East Slde streak to 19 games WIth three hltS In the opener and four 3 00 Bagger Rats vs Hospltal pub, Bachelors III, If he wanted to In the second game SmIth's hltS In the opener Included (Neale & CorSI) keep plaYlng for the Jets Rather than a three-run homer Yastrzemskl's homer In the seventh 4 30 Speclal Servlces vs Kentron part WIth ~he bar, Namath tearfully Innlng of the fIrst game broke a 3-3 tIe (Mlerk & Laborte) announc ~lS retlrement from football H?rmon Klllebrew drove In four runs wlth hlS 26th and Brandon FIeld in a dr lC news conference on June 27th homers of the season to lead the Mlnnesota TwlnS to 12 00 Wenoca vs Palm Terrace "B" 6 a 9-3 rout over Seattle (Tokuda & Ramsey) Howev, the 26-year-old Ken Harrelson hlt hlS second career grand slam as the 1 30 Range RIders vs Pagodas neglecte to notlfy the Jets of hlS Cleveland Indlans parlayed three hltS Into a slx-run (Akana & Bolllan) retIrement, and they sent a letter warn­ thlrd Innlng uprlslng to crush the Detrolt Tlgers, 8-1 3 00 Altalr vs BandIts Ing him to report ~o the club's Hofstra Blll Freehan's error opened the gates for four unearned (GouveIa & Akana) Unlverslty tralnlng camp at noon tomor­ runs as Sam McDowell breezed to hlS 11th VICtory agalnst 4 30 Coconut Grove vs Rocky Rooters row Nrunath has saId he WIll be there, elght losses wlth a fIve-hltter He fanned SlX In the (JeffrIes & Dempsey) along WIth hIS lawyers game Monday, July 14 "There WIll be no preVIOUS announce­ Bob Taylor's elghth-lnnlng plnch-hlt slngle scored Dally FIeld ment about any actlon to be taken," Ellle Rodrlguez wlth the tle-breaklng run and Ignlted a 5 15 S K F vs AltaIr sald an offlclal of the commlssloner's three-run rally that Ilfted the Kansas Clty Royals to (Bryan & Yamashlta) offlce "Any actlon wlll have to be an 8-5 VICtOry over the Chlcago WhIte Sox 3randon FIeld taken If and when the sltuatlon arlses " Wlth the score tled 5-5 In the elghth, Rodrlguez slng­ 5 15 Palm Terrace "A" vs Hawks An AFL spokesman sald he dldn't see led and went to second on an error Taylor's slngle (Gouvela & Dempsey) that the league has any altermatlve scored Rodrlguez and Vaul Echaal brought home two more Tuesday, July 15 but to suspend the volatlle Namath If WIth a bases-loased slngle Dally Fleld he does not make an appearance at the Horace Clarke colledted a homer and two slngles as 5 15 Islanders vs Expos Hempstead, N Y camp the New York Yankees edged the Washlngton Senators, 4-3, (Akana & ChIng) "Namath was ordered to sell hlS bar," and staked Mel Stottlemyre to hlS 13th VICtOry of the Brandon Fleld the spokesman sald season 5 15 Coconut Grove vs Sandbaggers "He stlll has It There doesn't seem Clarke cracked hlS flrst homer of the year on the open­ (Bolllan & AntonIO) to be any alternatlve but suspensIon" Ing pltch of the game to spark a three-run rally agalnst Wednesday, July 16 The usual routIne calls for the play­ loser Barry Moore Clarke scored the other Yankee run Dally FIeld ers to arrlve In camp tomorrow mornlng In the flfth after he had reached on a slngle 5 15 Rocky Rooters vs S K F and get set up In thelr rooms, but Lew Krausse hurled hlS flrst complete game of the sea­ (Neale & CorSI) Namath has not IndIcated when he wll1 son to lead the Oakland Athletlcs to a 3-0 VICtOry over Brandon Fleld arrIve There IS no practlce schedu­ the Callfornla Angels 5 15 Kool Kats vs Spartans led, and the only order of bUSIness Krausse, who jOlned the startlng Ilneup only a week (Ramsey & Tokuda) calls for the players to have physlcal ago, scattered seven hltS In addltlon, he scored one Thursday, July 17 examlnatlons and receIve thelr world of Oakland's runs In the thIrd ReggIe Jackson's double Dally Fleld champlonshlp rIngs for theIr Namath­ knocked In the other two In the flfth 5 15 Islanders vs Vlklngs Insplred VIctOry over the Baltlmore PInch-hltter Bob Aspromonte slngled In two runs In the (Bryan & Mlerk) Colts In the Sugar Bowl nlnth Innlng yesterday to spark a three-run rally and Brandon FIeld As far as the Jets are concerned, Joe lead the Atlanta Braves to a 6-3 VICtOry over the San 5 15 Have FaIth vs Sandbaggers Namath IS stlll No 1 In front of Dlego Padres (Lauten & Akana) old standby Babe Parllll, JIm Turner and Aspromonte's hlt off Bllly McCool came after Orlando Yesterday's Results a couple of rookles, Al Woodall and Cepeda slngled and Bob TIllman and Tlto Francona walked The VIkIngs defeated the Hawks, 8-4, Harold Olson HIS unlform IS lald out The Braves' vlctory gave them a half-game lead over at Brandon Fleld yesterday The score waltlng for hlm and hlS room has been the Dodgers In the Western Dlvlslon was tled up 3-3 untll the Vlklngs scored asslgned Bobby Bonds slngled In two runs in the top of the one run In the fourth and rallIed for UntIl Commlssloner Rozelle tells the tenth Innlng to glve the San Franclsco Glants a 6-4 four runs In the next Innlng Jets what actlon to take, Joe Namath IS VlctOry over Los Angeles that dropped the Dodgers out Galarlada and Davld had two hltS each free to play, accordlng to a club of flrst place for the Hawks, Daved also contrlbuted a spokesman Hal Lanler slngled and DICk DIetz walked In the tenth two-run homer Erlnwa and Bolllan had "If he comes to camp, there's no rea­ and advanced on a sacrlflce before Bonds' declslve hlt three hItS each for the WInners son for 1 - to stop hlm," sald the Bonds had scored the tYlng run In the nlnth on a throw­ * * * spokesmc "That's somethIng that must Ing error after Wlllle Mays SIngled In a run A grand slam homer by Moseley sparked be done the comlSSloner HIS offIce Home runs by Johnny BrIggs, hlS second of the game, and the Expos to an 11-7 WIn over Kentron has to t L us that Namath IS suspended " Ron Stone, hlS flrst In the majors, capped a four-run last nIght at Dally Fleld The Expos nlnth Innlng uprlslng that gave the Phlladelphla Phll­ took a four-run lead In the fIrst In­ British Open Winners lles a 7-5 V1CtOry over the ChlCagO Cubs nlng and Kentron dIdn't score untIl the Tony JacklIn of England took the fIrst The Phlls traIled 5-3 when BrIggs homered and one out thIrd Moseley's homer came In the bot­ place prIze money of $10,200 In the later, Stone tled the game wlth hlS home run Consecu­ tom of the SIxth after two SIngles and Brltlsh Open Golf Champlonshlp wlth a tIve SIngles by Mlke Ryan, Dave Watklns and Tony Taylor an error fIlled the bases 280 Bob Charles of New Zealand fol­ accounted for another run and Larry HIsle bunted across Brewer and BrownIng had three hItS lowed wltr a 282 whlle two golfers the fourth for the Expos, Moseley contrIbuted a were tled at 283, Roberto De Vlcenzo PItcher Mlke Wegener drove In four runs wlth two slng­ SIngle and a home run Conners, Schuf­ of ArgentIna and Peter Thompson of les and a double and Mack Jones and Bobby Wlne hlt home fert and Brewer each had two hItS for Australla runs as the Montreal Expos walloped the New York Mets, Kentron * * * * * * 11-4 * * * * * * RACING SERIES Wegener slngled In the Expos' fIrst run In the second All-Star Pitchers A sall raCIng serIes In Innlng after slngles by Ron Brand and Wlne and capped a Cal-20's wlll be held on the four-run thlrd Innlng rally wlth a three-run double Unbeaten Dave McNally of BaltImore and' remalnlng Sunday mornIngs In Den~s Menke drove In four runs, three wlth a bases­ the DetrOIt TIgers' one-two punch of July and August These ra­ loaded trlple in the nlne-run slxth and Don Wllson Plt­ Denny McLaIn and Mlckey LollCh head a ces WIll be sponsored by ched a slx-hltter as the Houston Astros routed the Cln­ IlSt of elght pItchers named today to Speclal Servlces and wll1 clnnatl Reds, 13-2 the AmerIcan League All-Star team be run by the Kwajaleln Sall The Astros, tralllng 3-1, put together SIX hlts, flve Mel Stottlemyre of the New York Yan­ Raclng Assoclatlon and the walks and a hlt batsman for theIr nIne runs Jlm Wynn kees, Ray Culp of the Boston Red Sox, Marlna Entry IS open to and Sandy Valdesplnso had two RBI's each In the Innlng John "Blue Moon" Odom of the Oakland anyone WIth a valld KMR Lou Brock and Vada Plnson slngled In two runs each dur­ Athletlcs, Sam McDowell of the Cleve­ sallIng lIcense for Cal-20s ThIS IS a Ing a flve-run seventh to power the St LOUIS Cardlnals land IndIans and Darold Knowles of the good chance for flne sallIng experIence to a 6-1 VICtOry over the Plttsburgh Plrates Washlngton Senators complete the pItch­ among keen sklppers If Interested, WIth one out In the seventh, Julaln Javler doubled and Ing staff for the July 22 battle call D Clapp, 99406, work 84243, agalnst the NatIonal League In WashIng­ pInch-hItter VIC Davlllllo walked Rellever Lou Maron home, H Irlon, 99548 or 82667, or B walked Wlnner Steve Carlton to fIll the bases and Brock ton Kuhn, 99548 or 82592, no later than The balanced array of four rlght­ SIngled In two runs Curt Flood doubled home Carlton 1.10nday, July 14 handers and four left-handers was selec­ before Plnson slngled home two more * * * * * * Yesterday's Results AMERICAN LEAGUE ted by manager Mayo Smlth of the World NatIonal League Today's Scores Boston Red Sox 7 Baltlmore Orloles 4 Champlon Detrolt TIgers, who WIll pIlot Phlladelphla 200-010-100--4--11--2 Boston Red Sox 12 Baltlmore OrIoles 3 the AmerIcan League team, and announ~ed ChlCagO 024-001-000--7--12--1 New York Yankees 4 Washlngton Senators 3 through the league offlce In Boston Cleveland Indlans 8 DetroIt TIgers 1 ThlS IS the fourth tlme that Stott le­ Plttsburgh 000-100-200--3--11--1 Mlnnesota Twlns 9 Seattle Pllots 3 myre and McDowell have been selected St LOUIS 210-003-000--6--10--0 Kansas Clty Royals 8 ChIcago WhIte Sox 5 to play In the mld-season classlc, the Oakland Athletlcs 3 Callfornla Angels U thIrd tIme for McLaIn, and the second AmerIcan League NATIONAL LEAGUE for Odom New York 010-000-110--3--13--0 PhIladelphla Phlllles 7 ChICagO Cubs 5 * * * * * * WashIngton 010-000-000--1-- 8--0 Montreal Expos 11 New York Mets 4 GO-KART St LOUIS Cardlnals 6 PIttsburgh Plrates 1 ATTENTION All Karters -- There WIll ChIcago 000-000-000--0-- 3--0 Houston Astros 13 Clnclnnatl Reds 2 be a meetIng thIS Sunday, July 13, to Kansas CIty 200-131-000--7--14--2 Atlanta Braves 6 San Dlego Padres 3 dlSCUSS the posslblllty of haVIng a San FranC1SCO Glants 6 Los Angeles Dodgers 4 race on July 20 All members are re­ Seattle 100-000-000--1-- 5--1 quested to attend the meetlng so a MlnnesoV, 012-052-010--11--14--1 SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE SOFTBALL TEAM race can be scheduled for Labor Day * * * * * * Cleveland 000-000-201--3--6--3 Betrolt 650-101-200--15--16--0 Saturday, July 12, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 5 Mon 14 Tues 15 Wed 16 !'lurs 17 Fri 18 Sat 19 Sun 20 Church BulletIn ------~-=~~=----r~~------lr------_r------lr------~------~~~~~~~~_,CHURCH OF CHRIST 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 Services will be held this Lord's Day ~~~~~~~ __ +-~0~9~30~-~2=3j~-0~~0~93~0~-~2~33~0~{ __0~9~3~0~-_~23~3:0+.::.0=-93~0~-=2_33_0i~~;__=~;;~~~D9:IO=-i8:~~D9:lO=-i8:lOlat 10 am in Tr 664 L BOWLING ALLEY closed 0930 _ 1830 0930 1830 0930 _ 1830 formation call 82327 For further in- 1 11_~D=EP~E=N=D=ENT~S__ PO_0_L_+-~09~3~0~~-1~8~30~~09~3~0~-~1~8~30~-----.:0~9~3~0....:-~1~83~~+.~~~=j_~19~0~0~_=-:;2~1~00~~1~9~0~0--:-~2;10~Of~1~9~0~0--:-~2;10~0~l 1900 2100* 1900 - 2100* 1900 - 2l00~ closed LATTER DAY SAINTS _ I 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 Services are held in the Fine Arts ~B~A~C~H~E~LO~R~S~P:O~OL~ __~=g~V\~-=~v~v+_~~--~~+_~~~~~i_~~=-~Hlr-l:UKl::UW(- -O£7'UO - 2.3"" 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 +------+----::-:-----::-::-::~IIBuilding Priesthood meeting is at 1900 1200 - 1900 0730 - 1900 0730 - 1900 8 30 am Sunday School and Sacrament ~MA~R~I~N~A~ ______l Ii ~1~2~00~-~1~9~00~_;1;20;O;_-~1;90~0~--~12~0;r0l:-~197_°Uoll~li2°3(°):~73(rl_123():173(>i-i2:iO:-0~--~~~~~lmeeting is at 9 45 L . ! 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 HOBBY SHOP closed 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 _ 2130 1830 _ 2130 1830 _ 2130 EPISCOPAL SERVICES 1830 - 2130 1830 - 2l30! 1830 - 2130 1830 Evening prayer and sermon is held _ I 0900 - 2200 0900 - 2200 1300 - 2200 'every Sunday evening in the Chapel ~~~~ ______'~0~9~0~0~~2~20~0~~0~9~0~0-=--.:.2:2~0~0+~0~9~0~0~--~22~0:0~~10:9~0~0~-~2~2~0~Oi~~;__=~Boi--OaJO~]j~to;33c>--;:U;)ll'beginning at 6 pm Everyone is cord- LIBRARY 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 I 0830 1730 0830 1730 0830 _ 1730 12000830 -_ 14301130 I Lally invited to attend these services _ ~G=EA==R~L=O=C=KE==R~ ______+- ______~~~_~~+I~:~~~~lr~~~~~-j~~~~~~~~~~~~~CATHOLIC 1800 - 2100 1200 1900 1200 - 1900 7 am and 9 15 am in the Memorial Chapel __ P~H~0~T~0~1.A~B ______~C:l~0~s~e~d-=-=-~~1~8~0~0~~2~1~0~0+~1~8~0~0~-~2~10~OJI ~1~8~0~0~-~2~1~0~0~~53(;-:::2;;oi--06JO~2;i30to;53c>_-:!;;)l: and at 11 20 on Roi Namur DaLly Mass _ ,I 0630 2330 0630 - 2330 0630 - L330 lat 4 45 om in the Blessed Sacrament ~~~~~~ ____~0~6~3~0~-~2:3~3~0~~0~6~3~0~-~2~3~3~0+~0~6~3~0_=_~2~3~3~Ot ,:0~6~3~0~~2~3~3~Ot~~~u~t(m~::]:93ot(mO-::]nol Chapel Monday through Saturday Con- I TENNISGOLF SHACK COURTS 1930 1630 1930 0730 _ 1930 0730 - 1930 Ifessions before weekday Masses and Sat- 1 .~~~~~ ______~~~~...::-~129~30~~1~6 .. :~0~~1~9~30~ __~16~3~0~~19:':3~01i~1~63~0::""'=~~l---"::'==--~::"::""i------l------l urday from 4 to 4 45 pm and from 7 30 I to 8 30 pm BEACH LIFE I 1830 1530 _ 1830 0930 - 1830 0930 - 1830 _~EM~0~N~~~~GUARD ON DUTY _____:~~0~-.~1~8:3~0~~1:5:30~~1;83~0~~1~5~3~0~-~1~8~30~' I ~1:5~30~-~~~~~~~~~t-~3(K)::u~t---~~~--~EVANGELISTIC HOUR h ld I 1800 1300 - 1630 closed An informal worship service LS e 1530 - 1800 1530 - 1800 1530 - 1800: 1530 - 1800 ~~~~ _ 2300 2030 _ 2330 leach Sunday evening in the Memorial : __T~E:E=N~C=L=U~B~ ______~L- ______~~1:9~0~0~-~2~1=3~0+1----~~~--~~~::~--_t--~::~----li~~~=-~~--I,Chapel beginnLng at 7 pm There wLll lI PISTOL RANGE closed 1700 -1800 closed closed closed closed 0900 - 1100 being a withsong a andsermon testimony service, clos- I 1------1---.----- closed closed l300 _ 1500 I------~ --c-l::~_;;_-- closed 1700 - 1800 clo~e_d__ +_------+----===----+------11 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL : TRAP RANG~ ------Young people up to the age of 20 years I 1 ,J. J)l · "'-- * "'-- are invited to attend the Christian I *Adult swimming I "'-- *"'-- ~1'l/t WCCI(, S (lVICS ~ s-.r~ Science Sunday School which meets every ~ s-.r~ ~ 1'''~1 Sunday at 9 am in the Scout Hut j

I PROTESTANT SERVICES : RICHARDSON YOUNG GUNS I KITTEN WITH ADVANCE TO 7 GOLDEN VIOLENT UPTIGHT GOLDEN ARROW Worship Services will be held at 8 10 I THEATER THE REAR MEN FOUR and 11 00 am at the Island Memorial ! OF TEXA-=-__ L~ WHIP __ --t------t-·--·------+---·...:.:..------t------+------I Chapel Rev Stephen C Evans will r preach the sermone entLtled "Why Are You I ----- OCEAN VIEW 1 TI HT ''7 GOLDEN KITTEN WITH VIOLENT YOUNG GUNS GOLDEN ADVANCE TO THE ">. Christian? __ The Hope of Heaven or 1 THEATER I UP G MEN A WHIP FOUR OF TEXAS ARROW REAR the Well of Gratitude?" based on John 4 :------_---L-______------1------1 _ 26 I j YOKWE YUK KITTEN WITH VIOLENT GOLDEN YOUNG GUNS UPTIGHT ADVANCE TO 7 GOLDEN A nursery is provided in the Island Day Nursery for the Sunday School and I THEATER A WHIP I FOUR ARROW OF TEXAS THE REAR MEN 11 06 am Service -- 9 15 to 12 45 -r - ----+------+------I Sunday School classes for all ages , IVEY HALL 7 GOLDEN I, ADVA.'iCE TO VIOLENT KITTEN WITH GOLDEN YOUNG GUNS UPTIGHT are held at the George Seitz School at ,I THEATER MEN THE REAR FOUR A WHIP ARROW OF TEXAS 9 30 am Adults are present to assLst newcomers in finding their classroom ------t--.------Sunday School on Roi Namur is at 9 am I TRADE WINDS GOLDEN YOUNG GUNS UPTIGHT ADVANCE TO 7 GOLDEN KITTEN WITH VIOLENT FOUR in the Community Building : THEATER ARROW OF TEXAS THE REAR MEN A WHIP The Worship SerY1ce on ROL Namur will be held at 7 00 pm in the Community --- Building and will be led by Rev Stephen i-~: ~SLAND -- BREATH OF WRECKING FERRY CROSS HEAVEN WITH MODEL SHOP GLOBAL COME BLOW YOUR C Evans I THEATER tSCANDAL CREW THE MERSEY A GUN AFFAIR HORN , I Post Off,ce InformatIon .. i--Th-e-s~~~=~;;;-y-;;~'f·-; ;--..~!!:::an-ge-r---"T-'-e-xa-s--n,-,-,--'-C-O--=~-'=---rIt C Wec K YOUNG GUNS OF TEXAS On Monday, July 14th, increased Post Color I Office special service fees will be in I John Slaughter", starring Tom Tyron r" I Western 85 min ATC II 75 min UPTIGHT James Mitchum, Alan Ladd effect Following are the the services , ------Raymond St Jacques, Ruby Dee, Offspring of famous stars are in affected ! Frank Silvera Color this story of young people and their I ADVANCE TO THE REAR B&W Drama 111 min AT lives in the Old West All registered mail (domestic and Western-Comedy 105 min ATC This powerful drama, set in Cleveland international) I Glenn Ford, Stella Stevens, Melvin in April of 1968, is the story of a POT LUCK AT THE RICHARDSON TONIGHT All special delivery (domestLc and Douglas poor, frustrated, fundamentally sincere international) I Through a comfortable understanding black man caught in a changing world, Richard Burton stars in "Where Eagles Insured mail (domestic) return re­ I with the opposing forces, the colonel and too weak emotionally to take an Dare" -- wartime drama ceipt only of a Union regiment is enjoying a honest stand and fight with integrity Certified mail (domestLc) return quiet Civil War, with nothing more "Uptight" reveals the lack of unified One Dead in' Festival receipt only to do than fire an occasional token leadership and the widening split be- volley Suddenly he is ordered to tween the disciplined and armed mili- PAMPLONA, Spain (UPI) -- A fight­ Further information concerning the in­ attack Somehow, the troops seem to tants who can no longer wait for liber- ing bull called "The Quiet One" fata­ crease in these fees can be obtaL~ed at advance the wrong way Melvin Doug- ation, and tqe opposing non-violent lly gored one Spaniard and critically the Post Office The new sschedule is las is the pompous colonel Glenn factions dedicated to an integrated wounded two others today during Pam­ currently posted in the lobbf Organi­ Ford is his suffering aide Stella America Based on the novel The Infor- plQna's annual "running of the bulls" zations having a need for reprints of Stevens is a rebel spy -- a festival made world famous by the new schedule may contact the Post- (ReI 1960) (ReI 1969) American novelist Ernest Hemingway master The three men were among hundreds of other Spaniards and tourists running SEVEN GOLDEN MEN in front of six bulls through a board­ Guilty of Embezzl m nt Color THE VIOLENT FOUR Color W-S Drama 94 min ed up street ,to the bullring, where AT Drama 105 min AT SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- A federal jury Phillipe Leroy, Rossana Podesta John Cassavetes, Anita Sanders all of the bulls were later fought Phillipe Leroy heads a gang of big­ and killed today convicted former bank president Violence, Italian style, bursts on Don Silverthorne of embezzlement in the time robbers From his hotel suite the screen in a re-enactment of the The morning running of the bulls and the afternoon bullfight were the sixth $14-million collapsed in 1965 of the in Geneva, he directs the operation robbery in 1967 of the Bank of Naples with the aid of loads of electronic of the city's annual festival of San San Francisco National Bank, largest in Milan The thriller uses a pseudo­ ~ank failure since the Depression equipment and Rossana Podesta Pos­ documentary approach in recounting the Fermin, the patron saint of Pamplona ing as maintenance men, his gang tun­ The festival provides the background The jury deliberated all night and histories of four robbers who special­ at 4 am returned a nine-count guilty nel beneath ~he streets of the city for Hemingway's novel, "The Sun Also ize in banks The job goes wrong verdict, the second conviction the and underneath the vault of a bank The violent four attempt to escape in Rises," which made the running of the The usual double-cross follows, but bulls here known throughout the world 69-year-old Silverthorne has received a mad bloody pursuit on charges he misapplied over $200,000 no one seems to mind since the money (ReI 1968) and later a major tourist attraction is lost anyway The group is last During the running today, one of the in loan fees during his bank's 2 1/2 seen attempting a similar job in bulls from the ranch of Salvador Guar­ year existence The first conviction Rome diola broke away from the others He and 60-year prison sentence were over­ THE GOLDEN ARROW Color W-S (ReI stopped and began lashing out with his turned on appeal 1964) Adventure 99 min ATC horns as runners around him tlatteneq Federal Judge Albert C Wollenberg Tab Hunter, Rosanna Posesta set sentpncing for Aug 8 Motions for In the fanciful realm of Damascus, themselves on the street and in door­ KITTEN WITH A WHIP a new trial must be filed by July 21 B&W the people seek a new sultan and consort ways or scrambled over wooden barri­ Drama 91 min AT cades Defense Attorney George Martinez for their beautiful princess, an honor said he would fi!e for appeal of Ann-Margre~. John Forsythe The 1,200 pound bull speared one man that will fall to the man who can shoot today's verdic t Fleeing from the police after her an enchanted Golden Arrow from a mighty with his horn and slammed him into a escape from a reformatory, a sexy, building, killing him instantly Ther The portly, ailing Silverthorne did bow The only successful contende. is he turned, hooking another man as he not take the witness stand during the criminal teenager hides in the home -- you guessed it -- Tab Hunter, the tried to climb over a wooden b~ricad6 three-week trial wnich Martinez had of a senatorial candidate, whose fam­ debonair leader of a robber band, who is ily is away She enlists his sympa­ A third man trying to dart past the warned might kill his client because actually the long last son of a murdered thy with a series of lies, but when he front of the bull was caught in the of the physical strain During the sultan Much befalls him in this Ital­ chest trial, U S Dist Atty Cecil Poole learns the truth, she threatens to ian fantasy, most of it generously en­ ruin him publicly if he turns her ov­ Spectators told police the bull used told the jury Solverthorne was guilty livened with magic of the Eastern fairy of "reprehensible conduct" in the "sad er to the police Some sadistic hood­ tale sort his right horn in each of the go rings lum friends join her for a party that and sordid tale of the demise of this LS climaxed by a killing (ReI 1963) bank " Page 6 HOURGLASS Saturday, July 12, 1969 ICROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer I Moon-Walker Armstrong Joins Galaxy HORIZONTAL 38 --of 55 Encircle 9 Jaunt~ 1 Machme London 56 TV award 10 Enghsh parts 40 Therl'fore river 5 Blemish 41 Pig VERTICAL 11 Entreat~ 9 Flounder 43 Green 1 Fastener 16 Ches'Dlere- Of Greats-First In Their Fields 12 Sewmg fodder 2 First rate 20 ArabiaI' stitch 17 Digit 3 Speck bIrd 13 Enormou5 48 Mounts 4 Steeple' 22 Cnnge By FRANK WATSON Graham Bell plays an ImporL.nt 14 MIss 51 Bitter vetch 5 Fish 23 Choppec' CrlltJll1 Prns Stuff Wnt. r part m the SUCre" of Ap()lifl Arden 52 Charles 6 Slice 24 Farm WHEN ASTRONAl'T "leI! Moon tnps The telephone " d 15 Suggest' Lamb 7 Mature animal Armstrong becomes the flro t VItal link m the cQmmumrci 17 Sv.amp 53 CaVil 8 Paint 25 EXist hum,m to walk on the ourface tlOn" ,etup of space exp/()rd IngredlCnt 26 Most ]8 Looked 54 MOist tlOn Bell hImself was mtere,ted 19 Presses flavorful of the Moon he WIll be follov. 21 Printer s Ans\\ er to ) esterday s puzzle 27 Menu mg In the footstep' of III end In aVIatIon term 29 Rural soune less Ime of darmg men 'lnd The \Vlzard of Menlo Park ~E L L .T AG C LlA[M 22 Law HE S[E 30 Conclus!Or \\omen who aha dId somethIng --Thomas Alva Edlson--helong, AG UE .A I L • 35 Weight m the forefront of tho," wh" 24 Spiteful ND SO ME AVER memorable that no one eho h ld women HA • 37 City neec left large footpl'lnt, behmd The AD AG E • • E •F. EIT,E ever done before them 27 Cunning R_ 39 German The Apollo nllSSlOn of the father of more than a thousand • E TU I. L E composer animal 15th century "as led by le'ld mventlOns he IS credited WIth 28 Arrived ••AD AR OM A. ACT 40 Title .L )(. navigator Chn,topher Colum the phonograph mIcrophone 31 Money of RE L. AN NE GOA 41 Simmer bus m three spacecr aft -the mimEograph carbon transmit account TE M. SA IT • BE TIA 42 Had on _0 SITA_ 43 Deer Nma the Pinta and the Senta ter for the telephone and hIS 32 Overv. helm I L .A 33 Electrified MA NT E L _A SIDE 44 First mar Mana Columbus rel~ mg unly greatest gift to mankmd- the particle OGEE.I ROjl CAL 45 Seed en the crude salling In sl! u mcandescent bulb 34 The TERM~OT COTS 46 Descry ments of hIS day landed m the UnquestIOnably one of the OCCident S E 5 S.p E T 5 NIE E 49 Hebre\\ history books as the dl'covcrer greatest SCientifiC thmkers of pnest 36 Commumst MAYOR SWORN IN-Sworn all lime Albert Emstem, dIS 00 Transgre..-.:s of America 37 Poke A\erale time 0' soluhon 23 mlDutu m (above) as the first black The craters of the Moon It COVEl,)' of the theory of rela maJor of a biraCial town 111 self are named for manv of the tlVlty re\ olutlOmzed the field of MISSISSIPPI S1llce reconstruc SCientIsts and explolers \\ ho left phY'les It v. as hiS famous let lion days James Charles the first footpnnt m theIr 0\\ n tel' to PIe6ldent FranklIn Roose yelt m 1939 th'lt started Arne! Ever" 46 VO\\ s to make Fay particular \\ arid Amon~· them are such giants as ::'n rS'l'lL ICd on the ro lel to developmg ette 'l dream town \\ here Nev. ton EnglIsh gemus \\ ho 'In dtolnlt bomb blacks ''\Ild v. hlte, can live In dlsco\ered the la" of uP",r- d h'UffiUn\ WIthout hate arfear gravitatIOn the Ita !Un C'lhleo OTHER famous fIrsts belong who mapped the he'l\Cll- llJd Astronaut Armstrong to Johann Gutenberg, movable found the libratlOll of the 1I1:oon pOl t'lnt firsts In the sC1entdic I 1\ pc) Gergorv Breit and Mer and ArchImedes of ancient '-,)1 realm Glegor (Johann) Mendel lIe A Tuve (r'ldar) Charles F acuse who found the pt mClple : 'In Augllstln!Un monk of the I Kettermg· ,automobile self of the dIsplacement of "ater I 19th century conducted breed I shrter) ElI"" Howe Isewmg • • mg expenments With peas and machme) SIr Ernest Swmton OTHER nameo engrmed Olliformlliated hiS famous basIc I (mIlitary tankl and the trans the Moon are fou" of the grcctt pnnuples of heredltj "tur by John B Irdeen WIlham est In polar exploratIOn Rotld I Llngl Gaham III 1791 "'lSI Schocklev lnd '\dltel Brattam Amundsen offICIal dlsco,erel dl'>sectlng a frog when he sa" In the Ire'l of dlscoverle, and of the South Pole Robert E Ilh muscles tWitch "hen a spark I theolle, leaders have been WI! Peary first to reach tile North, uf eleclTlclty was drawn from! lIam Haney for the clrculdtlOn Pole Robert Falcon Scott 'lnd! 1 static electriC machme This' of blood Ennco FermI for at Richard E Byrd Appropn ltdy ~ aCCidEnt led to the dIscovery am smashing and SIr Joseph Peary 5 crater IS at the ]\[uon s, thc~t electrICIty may result f!0~11 Lister for antiseptic sUlgery

northern most tIP whIle Amund I' chenllcal action In the astronaut, m\n field sen s IS at the "outhern tip \Nllhelm Konr3.d von Roent the name of Robert Goddard Another great fe It l!l the gen IS dnothel SCIentIfIc great st"nds out He \\as re'ponslble textbooks of navigatIOn belongs I "ho IS listed as the discoverer fOl the first launch of a liqUId to the mtrepld Fel dmand Ma I of X I ays Roentgen was so un fuel r ocket- some 7500 feet­ gellan even though he wa, certam of what he had found 1m 1926 CRYPrOQUIPS kIlled before hIS mISSIOn v." th it he applied the term X I MaJ Gen A J Old Jr led accomplIshed The Portuguese (Symbol of the unlmown) to the the fI"t lound the world non LGDEVS LBPVL LMXVV VSXQ GD navigator left Spclln m 151 q : ray, that later bore IllS name I stop Jet flight In 1957 \\ Ith EGBPL ESBEVS XMSXQ With five ships He was kIlled Just·" a Moon crater nov. car three USAF B 52 bombers on the Island of Mactdn 011\ ne, hiS name I From Kitty Hawk N C and Yesterday. Cr~ptoqulp-CRAB GRASS ANGERED CRAB one of hI, shIps relul ncu c,tt~t M'lne Curne and her hus I the Wright brothers first sue BED GARDENER BEMEDALED Halle Selassle of FlhlOpla Kmg of Kmgs and the first clrcumn" Ig it uti of beind PIerre gaIned fdme for cessful heaVier than aIr flight the world Russn.'> run C 'e;ell theIr (lI,cO\ ery of radIUm The)! m 1903 to today and the first LIOn of Judah looks evel y m of course "'" the 'It ,t to ,hared a Nobel PrIze In 190311'lndmg on the 'Moon mankmd Inch In enlperor on hl":l VISIt orbit the Ear'h "nd Mane \\ as honored With a i has advanced through the ef to Washmgton BEGINNING MONDAY --- It can be saId that '1 [rog, Nobel a\\ '1rd In 1911 'forts of men and women who and some peas leel to two 1m I An InventIOn by Alexander' have taken that first step

After spendrng more than $20 b,ll,on In 8 years to land the fIrst men on the surface of the Moon, what are the prospects for AmerIca s future rn space? SOYlet space experts continue to boast of assembling manned space stations By 1975 the need for nuclear rockets capable of lifting larger payloads WI" become cfltlcal Now a presIden­ tial space task force IS considering gIant orbltmg space bases, Moon colonies and a manned land­ Ing on Mars by 1982 READ THE NEXT FRONTIER, A SIX-PART SERIES OUTLINING THE LATEST PLAN FOR AMERICA'S CONQUEST OF SPACE'

CONTRACT BRIDGE DIGS DITCH DIGGING - EO 3 WIlham J Ivory makes ad­ By B Jay Bee k e r Justments on one of MCB 1's ditch diggIng machInes He IS (Top Record Holder In Maslers IndiVidual Championship Play) one of more than 200 Alpha Co GUESS WHO?-Thls piece of driftwood "hlCh resembles carIcatures of a figure promln Seabees who maintaIn and op­ West dealer 'had-but It was a good practl erate more than 300 pIeces of North South vulnerable I cal bid consldermg everythmg ent In French politiCS was picked up by Lorens Nielson and Wife Josephine of Sonoma construction equIpment m sup­ NORTH West led the four of clubs Calif Nielson sprayed It With g:Jlt and mounted It on another piece of driftwood port of alhed forces In Vietnam obvIOusly a smgleton Putting • J 10 5 this knowledge to valuable use • A K 10 6 4 Hados They'll Do It Every Tlme ® .72 South \\ on "Ith the ace cashed ",,932 the A K of diamonds and then led the three of diamonds' WEST EAsr BUT HOW DOES HE LEAVE nll~GS • Q87 3 .942 West \\ as pleasantly surpTised .Q9532 • J 8 7 to wm a trump tTick he hadn t WHEN HE GETS ONE MEAL FOR. • J 84 expected to get but hiS JOY was HIMSELF? ",,4 "" KQJ 10865 short lived It dldn t matter SOUTH.-- what he played next A heart return v.ould enable declarer to • AK6 take two valuable discards on • A K Q 10 9 6 5 3 the A K v. hilI' a spade return .- \\ ollld like" lSI' provide an entry ""A7 to dummy by the Simple ex The blddmg pedlent of putting on the ten West North East ~outh So South made SIX diamonds Pass Pass 6. as a result of conceding a trump Opemng lead-four4"" of clubs tnck he dldn t have to lose He The ability to visualize the \\ auld have gone down one opponents hands and to play agamst accurate defense had he accordmgly has a great deal to not played the hand preclsel~ do With how good a declarer this way you are South s unusual trump pia) For example take this hand was 100f sure to succeed De where South dlstmgulshed him clarer knew that West would be BACK TO SCHOOL-A teach self In the bidding and play to forced to lead a spade or I er for 52 jears Mrs Amy brmg home a well desened heart after wlnnmg the trump slam tnck smce \Vest could not haH Ditmer 71 h"s returned to South had an Important de a club to lead the college (I"ssroom at CISlOn to make after East had Perhaps West shouldn t h"vr Bc)\\lIng Gleon ,0hlO\ Lm opened t h I r d hand With four been as pleased as he momen '\ CT:,lt\ \\ hel L "ihe IS liVIng clubs HIS Jump to SIX diamonds tanly was when he got the m a dClrmltolY She IS tak Was not what would be called trump tnck to which he was '17tl1'*" ANI) A "AT TIP TO mg "pecldl educatlon courses sCientific-South knew he might! not entitled He should have ~~~;;;;;:::3=:::::;;:;;;;;J MRS JAYNE ~OFFMAN to be('onH~ l te Ichet of men ill 80X 152 go down or make SIX or even I recognized It at once '" a Gr~ek MEN"-O, rOWA seven on what North gift t 111) retou dcd \oung~tu ~ Saturday, July 12, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 9 B.C. BIG GEORGE! by VI(QII Partch

P anuts


"I thought flag pole sItting went out ID the twenties" LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE

rUST (..IS""~N '1S:AH MAt<~6 YOUR TO "'f'1-IIO-M 6L.OOD ~UN COI..D, ! 'fHlt-IK 01)"" TH~Re. I DOi-GN'"f IT Z 11"S CAl.l.E.D A .; j,.. PARTY .1 / ~ I 1 f

B tl

Vl13!faWn 9 ll'v'alOO~ s llVS £: 'S31aana z; 'N31 L-UMOa S)I::>Ola 6 '1'113 8 ':110M L. Pog '~md 3~1:I ~ 'llzv~a " 'anl L-SSODV S1I3M5NV I WISHING WELL~.I 4 8 6 5 3 2 4 7 2 3 8 5 4 C L B T A A 0 R F R U H N 8 4 5 6 2 3 7 3 8 2 :; 4 6 C T E E R T E 1 K E G I F 8 5 4 2 6 7 3 8 5 4 2 7 5 F 1 N S R A S 0 F U H L T 5 8 2 4 7 3 6 3 4 :; 7 2 6 0 R 0 E S T I I E F A U E 8 2 5 6 3 4 7 4 3 7 :; 6 2 F T H N C F V }<' T I E D L 2 5 6 3 8 4 8 7 5 3 4 2 8 0 A L A A 0 M N L L R 0 I 5 6 3 8 4 8 2 3 7 5 3 4 7 T. __ Y E L T Y K N G H r S s

Mo S HERE IS a pleasant htUe game that-wIll gIve you ames ge every day It IS a numerIcal puzzle deSIgned to spell out your fortune Count the letters In your fIrst name If the num MRS JOHNSON I-IE)(T DOOR DOE"SNT ber of lettel s IS 6 or more subtract 4 If the number IS less !-lOW SHE For<60T TO INVITE US To thdn 6 add 3 The result IS your key number Start at the THE PARTY f;l4e: WANTS uS TO upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check ever) one HURRY OVER-OH,'YES -8J(ING ot youl key numbers left to nght Then read the message GOMe: ICE CUBES the letters under the checked fIgures gIve you io -12


REPLACING BROKEN ~~\\)llilr lL- i

TILE ~~,~_ I' O~~~FI~E 1 ~ SQUARESI I Wizard I I ~ I WHY' I~ IT, You CAN Ne:VE:JO: FIND A HANDKG"RC.HIE:F W\-I,sN YoU N~ep ITP ~~" ~~ :


------~ ' I--~~--~~~~------~~~=------Saturday, July 12, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 10 -~I CLASSIfiED PUBLISHED BY GLOBAL ASSOCIATES AT'THEIl .... DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, FOR SALE 'A ~--- KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL IS- :;;: \ \" MOVIES TONIGHT \ , LANDS CONTACT DAAG-43-67-C-000I c:> The HourGlass is published daily 3 Bikes one 26" girl's bike with bas­ II kets, one ladies' with baskets, one II? b- Monday through Saturday Material for publication on the Renegade with banana seat, $8 each ~ AROUND TOWN page must be submitted Phone 82453, available immediately I in writing to the HourGlass 72 hours 3-speed Kwaj condition bike, new rubber Ivey Hall Trade Winds pr~or to desired publication date and very servicable, $10 Susie Home­ Material for the AD and SPORTS pages "Heaven W~th a Gun" maker oven for little girls Used once "Breath of Scandal" must be ~n the HourGlass Office in Glenn Ford, Carolyn Jones writing 24 hours prior to desired for $7 Call 82362 Sophia Loren, John Gavin, Western Color AT Maur~ce Chevla~er publicat~on dates 6 30 & 8 30 AM/FM Crown radio phonograph-stereo, Drama B&W AT Telephone notices and ads will not complete, $80 Manequin, adjustable to 8 be accepted All copy and photo­ any medium size, $15 Phone 82486 or graphs become the property of the see at Tr 662 HourGlass Richardson Ocean View Republ~cation of material con­ Tired of flimsy amateur tape recorders? tained herein is not authorized with­ "Model Shop" "Ferry Cross the Mersey" out approval of the Commanding Of­ Try a profess~onal 10 1/2" reel 4-track ~mee Anouk, Gary Lockwood stereo tape recorder Takes 7" reels, Mus~cal B&W ATC f~cer, Kwajale~n M~ss~le Range Drama Color AT too Tapesonic Model 70-TRSQ Three Gerry and the Pacemakers If you have not rece~ved your Hour­ 7 45 heads, hysteresis synchronous capstan 7 30 & 12 30 Glass by 6 15 pm please call 83539 motor plus two capacitor type reel mo­ between 6 15 and 6 45 pm and a copy tors Two mixing inputs per channel I will be delivered to you including one low ~mpedance microphone EDITOR Larry Cors~ input per channel Professional rug­ STAFF Marcia Chr~via gedized construction throughout Modu­ Yokwe Yuk Meck Island G~nger Storme Lucy Bloedel lar plug-in c~rcuit boards All sil~­ "Global Affa~r" ll con transistor electronics Two 4 1/2" "R10t Rudy Baldwin Bob Hope, Robert Sterling VU meters Excellent dependable frequ­ J~m Brown, Cene HackMan Lu Clark Comedy B&W AT ency response Curves furnished Car­ Drama Color A 7 & 9 8 (tomorrow n~ght) FEATURE rying case $650 Call 99441 dur~ng working hours and 83606 evenings WRITER !loD !'nlll~ps

Two 19,000 BTU air conditioners, both CIRCULATION MANAGER two-years-old $50 for one in Kwaj Phil POk~ conditton, $150 for other unit com­ pletely rebuilt 6 months ago Depart­ ure date July 16 Phone 82364

F~sher 440-T FM receiver, excellent GLOBAL ASSOCIATES condition, 50i of original cost Heathkit GR-54 shortwave receiver, $25 including world radio handbook Call Ralge Operatiol 82527 after 5 pm A Spartan Launch M~ss~on lS sched­ Magnavox Astrosonic AM/FM record chang­ uled for Monday, July 14 Dependent er Clothes dryer, Westinghouse As­ on wlnd conditlons there mayor may sorted LP records, $1 each Phone not be a "take cover" requ~rement for 82819 after 4 pm the mlSSlon In elther event all non­ essentlal personnel ln areas 1, 2, and

Complete Fisber Stereo high f~delity 4 wlll be evacuated to area 3 at, or system Fisher 550-T 90-watt AM/FM before T-l hour (See map below for stereo receiver Two Fisher XP-7 outllne of all areas) If there lS speakers Complete system for $450 ££ "take cover" requlrement, the Call 82793 after 4 30 pm earllest launch wlll be at 11 am and actlVlty ln area 3 wlll contlwue as Tape recorder, Akai M-8 with cross­ usual dur~ng the mlSSlon If there lS field heads Like new condition Fea­ a "take cover" reqUlrement, the ear-­ tures sound-on-sound, 1 7/8, 3 3/4, l~est launch wlll be at 12 noon and 7 1/2 and 15 ips Automatic shutoff all personnel ~n area 3 wlll take cov­ Has integral power amplifiers and moni­ er ln an approved shelter when the tor Microphones and all accessor~es "take cover" s~gnalL~s sounded at T-30 included $230 Call 84513 after 5 mlnutes (earllest at 11 30 am) The "take cover" s~gnal w~ll be three ten Akai 355-D tape deck (reverse-a-mat~c, ~~~ond blasts, wlth twenty-flve se­ repeat-a-matic, atomatic shutoff), $280 conds between blasts, on the flre Sl­ Fisher TX 200 amplifier, 90-watts, $180 rens Personnel wlll remaln under Call 83625 after 5 pm cover untll the "all clear" slgnal lS Sunday sounded The "all clear" slgnal wlll Two 9000 BTU, 220-volt, two-year-old, be one twenty second blast on the flre good condition air conditioners, $60 Slrens each or both for $100 GE dishwasher The "take cover" and the "all clear" slgnals wlll also be announced over of uncertain age in good working cond~­ Movi es tion, $20 Kenmore clothes dryer, 220- AFRS After the "all clear, stay volt, good condition, $35 Lewyt elec­ tuned to AFRS for lnformatlon regard­ tric broom ( bags available at Macy's ), lng resumptlon of normal actlvltles $8 Two ladies bikes, 26", better than IVEY HALL ------MODEL SHOP In connectlon wlth thlS operatlon, Kwaj condition, baskets, $10 each One RICHARDSON ------FERRY CROSS THE MERSEY hazard areas wlll eXlst ln the ocean man's Schwinn bike, 26", 2-speeds, bet­ YOKWE YUK ------COME BLOW YOUR HORN area between the latltudes of 0°30' ter than Kwaj condition, $15 Avail­ TRADEWINDS ------THE WRECKING GREW north and 9°0' north and the longl­ able July 21st Call 82474 OCEAN VIEW ------GLOBAL AFFAIR tudes of 159°0' east and 171°0' east and ln the KwaJaleln lagoon south of Remember the Crossroads serves the a l~ne JOlnlng Llttle Bustard and the northern tlP of Carlson Islands All ANNOUNCEMENTS f~nest steaks and Zobster. aZong personnel and craft w~ll be out of Home for handsome Kwaj male cat, white 7.n.. th yOUI' favon te beverages with black markings, two-years-old, ac­ these hazard areas by 7 am on the mlS­ Due to heavy attrition during the Jo~n yOUI' fnends and come to the customed to children, sleeps in or out Slon day and wlll not enter these past few months, MICK (Mutual Invest­ Crossroads for d~nner ton~ghtl of doors, is not a wanderer See at areas before 6 pm on the mlSS10n day ment Club of Kwajalein) is conducting a 428-B or call 82474 or unt~l the restrlctlons have been membership drive for new members The main ~nack Bar w~ll be cJnsed on llfted Sunday, July 13, 1969 in order to make Home for an 18 month old tiger and At the next regular meeting, to be held Monday, 14 July at 7 00 pm in room necessary repa~rs to the air cond~t~on­ white male cat Has been vaccinated 205 of the new high school, shares pre­ ing system Hopefully ~t w~ll re-open for Rabies Call Fridhs at 82389 viously valued as high as $26 55 can be early Sunday even~ng Re-open~ng t~me Home for a one-year-old affectionate purchased for $20 33 With the market will be announced on the rad~o male cat He ~s very well kept and at its lowest point of the year, now has had Rabies vaccination Comes with appears to be a good time to start in- lisence and case of cat food Call vest~ng ~nimum initial investment is OFFICIAL BULLETIN 82582 $200 00 which purchases approximately 12 July 69 CW3 Sands ti2629 ten shares at the present value per 13 July 69 MAJ Thompson 84555 LOST share There is no membership fee and 14 July 69 CPT Lynn 82623 no h~dden costs 15 July 69 LTC Coyle 82882 The club ~s chartered as an educa­ Brown rimmed eye glasses at or near 16 July 69 MAJ Schaaf 82438 t~onal benef~t of mak~ng a few extra Emon Beach Please call Bob Willington 17 July 69 CPT Deley 84486 dollars wh~le learning 18 July 69 CPT Rader 84691 SERVICES at 81374 during the day or 82746 after Contact D L Hirst at 82151 or D Gud­ 5 pm 19 July 69 LTC Coyle 82882 zikowsk~ at 83463 for further informa- ..10 July 69 LTC Whitehorn 82602 Baby sitter/Mother's helper I can t~on babysit wh~le you shop and help clean your house, or take your children to there will be a SALT WATER OUTAGE SUNDAY SCUBA DIVE ~ Duty hours of 11 30 - 12 30 Monday Monday, July 14, 1969 between the Sunday's d~ve through Friday, phone 81419 for Duty the playground, beach, or movies while you reat I have lots of experience hours of 8 am and 1 pm All fac­ w~ll be a class Officer ilities north of Sixth Street checkout dive Dive Duty Officer is KwaJale~n ~ssile with children, am very dependable and will be affected Other facili­ masters are Cameron and Cataldo The Range Commanding Officer's representa­ have references Satisfaction guaran­ ties in the area may be affected boat will depart at 11 30 am Life tive during other than normal duty hours teed or your money returned Call vests are mandatory for all divers bie at 84686 Household Hint FOR SALE When threading a needle, soap or wax EMON LODGE #179 F &A M will hold a Nikon "F" W1th 50 mm Fl 4 lens, $180 Will babysit anytime during the the thread The stiffened tip slides Stated meeting 7 30 pm July 15 All Vivitar/Nikon 800 mm lens, $100 Call and in the evening before midnight in easier Master Masons are cordially invited 83329 after 5 pm Please call 84003 and ask for Cathy SPARTAN LAUNCH SPARTAN LAUNCH PROCEDURE

FACILITIES SCHEDULE - SPARTAN LAUNCH A Spartan Launch is scheduled for Monday, July 14, 1969 The expected time of launch will be 11 am , if there is no take­ When TAKE COVER requirements are 1mposed and unless cover requirement If a take-cover requirement must be put into delays are encountered, the following schedule ~e effect, the ear11est launch time will be 12, noon Sheltering effected requirements may be imposed depending upon wind criteria This 1 The school will close at 11 am and all children determ1nat10n w1ll be made not later than 1 hour prior to will be released to return immed1ately to their homes launch (T-l) If sheltering is required, announcement will be School children will remain at home, or under shelter, made over AFRS at regular intervals until the TAKE COVER sounds until the ALL CLEAR is sounded If sounded by 2 pm, at 30 minutes pr10r to launch(T-30) At the TAKE COVER signal school will resume in 30 m1nutes If sounded after (three 10-second blasts of the fire sirens), all personnel 2 pm, school will not resume that day in the protected area will be required to take cover in an approved shelter and remain there until the ALL CLEAR sounds 2 The Island Nursery w1ll close at 11 am All (one 20-second blast) A list of approved shelters follows mothers will be required to pick up their children pri­ or to 11 15 am The Nursery will reconvene 30 minutes this art1cle after the ALL CLEAR, if sounded by 3 pm If after 3 pm The protected area 1S designated as AREA 3 and is indicat­ the Nursery will not reconvene ed on the map on the reverse of this notice AREA 3 is nor­ 3 Macy's and Surfway w1ll close at 11 am and will mally the area north of 9th Street, but may be compressed reopen 30 minutes after the ALL CLEAR, except that they according to wind criteria>to the line at the north boundary will be closed between the hours of 1 - 2 pm, as usual of the shaded area shown on the map The shaded area will 4 The Beauty Salon will close at 11 am and reopen then be designated as EXTENDED AREA 2 and must be evacuated 30 minutes after the ALL CLEAR by all non-essential personnel Announcement will be made 1 The Package Store will be evacuated at 11 am and over AFRS should this become necessary and roadblocks will will reopen on its normal schedule or 30 m1nutes after be set up on the boundary line the ALL CLEAR, if sounded dur1ng store hours When TAKE COVER sounds personnel who reside in trailers and In the event the scheduled launch 1S delayed, busi­ Qtrs 401, 402, 403, 404 and 241 must go to an approved ness will proceed as usual unt1l the new launch time shelter Normally, they should make arrangements in advance is announced The above procedures w1ll then become of launch days to take shelter with friends in concrete-roof­ effective with T-l hour being substituted for the times ed quarters Personnel unable to make other arrangements must shown above go to the Yokwe Yuk Club for sheltering Bus transportation In the event a TAKE COVER requirement 1S unexpectedly will be provided at T-30 from the trailer areas to the Yokwe imposed after 11 am, the above procedures w1ll become Yuk effectivQ at T-l hour or as directed by AFRS announce­ Employers are responsible to ensure their employees do go to ments a shelter and remain until the ALL CLEAR sounds Trailer res­ Buses will be stationed 1n the tra1ler areas as indi­ idents who employ Micronesian maids must ensure that their cated on the map (at bottom) Buses w1ll be on station maids are sheltered, either in approved quarters or at the at T-30 and will depart for the Yokwe Yuk shelter ten Yokwe Yuk minutes after the TAKE COVER s1gnal Buses will return If sheltering is NOT re1u1red business will proceed as us­ evacuated personnel to the trailer area immediately af­ ual in AREA 3 Please note, however, that if EXTENDED AREA ter the ALL CLEAR signal 2 is placed in effect, the area must be evacuated of non-es­ All Micronesian personnel must be under approved shel­ sential personnel even though no TAKE COVER is imposed Bus­ ter On all launch days the CROSSROADS w1ll serve lunch iness will then proceed as usual in compressed AREA 3 from 10 30 - 11 15 am All MicroneS1ans must return to If AREA 2 has not been evacuated by lunch time (11 30 am), their place of work by 11 30 am and proceed to the1r all NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL must leave by the regular buses, designated shelter at the sound of the S1ren or other means of transportation This is necessary to pre­ Working mothers should be released at 11 am to return vent anyone being stranded in the area without transportation to their homes to care for their ch1ldren, and in the if T-30 occurs during the regular lunch period If T-30 oc­ case of trailer residents, to prepare to evacuate at curs after 11 30 am and before 12 15 pm, buses will not be the sound of the siren Mothers in the trailer area available at AREA 2 for evacuation should plan lunch for the1r children in advance in or­ If there 1S an extended hold beyond 12 30 pm, persons as­ der to evacuate as rap1dly as possible for the TAKE COV­ signed duty in AREA 2 will be returned to work AFRS will ER signal. broadcast information relative to departure time of buses Island residents should plan the1r shopp1ng and person­ LIMITED MAR FILL RESTRICTIONS DURING ALL SPARTAN LAUNCHES al affairs on ALL launch days so that they w1ll be clear of the shopping areas by 11 am 1n the event a TAKE COVER There w1ll be l1m1ted access to the MAR fill area during is imposed certain per10ds of the Spartan countdown both for the dry Residents should keep tuned to AFRS for current infor­ run and the regular launch operations mation concerning launch status and TAKE COVER require­ Road blocks will prohibit vehicular traffic for periods ments of no more than approx1mately 30 minutes beginning no ear­ lier than 9 am


All permanent family quarters except the above mentioned ** Terminal Bldg (901) Except for 1st floor lobbv ** Aviat10n Bldg (900) Parachute Bldg (902) Yokwe Yuk Club (502) ** Aircraft L1ne Operations (687 & 949) * Surfway Store (301) Except for new addition ** Public Works Bldg (804) * Macy's (704) ** Automotive Repair Shop (808) * * Special <;ervices Bldg (805) ** Lean-to Portion of Power Plant (Part of 803) Transient Hotel (903) * Central Po11ce Station (807) * Pacific Barracks (704) * Hosp1tal (603) * Surfr1der BQ (501) ** Supply Warehouse (602) Snack Bar (704) * Kwajalein Data Center Pacific Dining Room (703) * Boiler Plant (706) Parenthesis 1nd1cate building numbers Post Offlce (704) * Laundry Bldg (710) * -- Normal occupants only permitted 1st FIr only of Reef Bldg (564), Sands (565), Shell (562), Palm (561) and Coral (563) ** -- Approved shelter but must be evacuated if AREA 2 1S extended C LIP AND S A VET HIS E N T IRE P AGE



LAG 0 0 N

Area 3

Area 4

Normally part of

Area 3 or

(Extended Area 2)

Area 3

Normally Part of

fI" .....;;}~_I ' Area 3 or ~'" "- (' )~'\ • "" I ~ J ;' >" / '/1' -/ (Extended Area 2) ~ /. - '9'".'. "II I, .... -

.... '--- Area 2 , I -, Area 2

o C E A N

Shaded area is designated Area 3 under normal launch conditions

Shaded area is designated Extended Area 2 under unfavorable wind cond1t1ons and must be evacuated