COVID-19: Summary of Cases and Monitoring Data Through May 6, 2021 Verified As of May 7, 2021 at 09:25 AM Data in This Report Are Provisional and Subject to Change
COVID-19: summary of cases and monitoring Data through May 6, 2021 verified as of May 7, 2021 at 09:25 AM Data in this report are provisional and subject to change. Cases: people with positive PCR or antigen test result Cases: people with positive PCR or antigen test result Total cases 2,262,598 Risk factors for Florida residents 2,220,240 Florida residents 2,220,240 Traveled 17,829 Non-Florida residents 42,358 Contact with a known case 887,914 Type of testing Traveled and contact with a known case 24,179 Florida residents 2,220,240 Neither 1,290,318 Positive by BPHL/CDC 81,254 No travel and no contact 268,784 Positive by commercial/hospital lab 2,138,986 Travel is unknown 725,442 PCR positive 1,770,667 Contact is unknown 493,047 Antigen positive 449,573 Contact is pending 459,315 Non-Florida residents 42,358 Travel can be unknown and contact can be unknown or pending for Positive by BPHL/CDC 1,007 the same case, these numbers will sum to more than the "neither" total. Positive by commercial/hospital lab 41,351 PCR positive 28,817 Antigen positive 13,541 Characteristics Florida residents hospitalized 91,848 Florida resident deaths 35,635 Non-Florida resident deaths 711 Hospitalized counts include anyone who was hospitalized at some point during their illness. It does not reflect the number of people currently hospitalized. More information on deaths identified through death certificate data is available on the National Center for Health Statistics website at
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