Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 2011 Annual Report

10 steps closer 10 steps closer

Letter from the Chairman and the President 1

1 | First effective treatments for advanced melanoma 5

2 Genomic analysis offers clues to most common | type of ovarian cancer 7 3 Breast cancer surgery: practice-changing | findings for some patients 9 4 New drugs offer survival benefit for men | with metastatic prostate cancer 11

5 | Insights into DNA damage and repair 13

6 Novel stem cell technique shows promise | in treating disease 15 7 Combination therapy may prevent spread | of nasopharyngeal tumors 17 8 Algorithm can predict shape of , | speeding basic cancer research 19 9 Two of 2011’s top five advances in cancer | research led by MSKCC physician-scientists 21

10 | The Josie Robertson Surgery Center 23

The Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering 25

Statistical Profile 27

Financial Summary 29

Boards of Overseers and Managers 31 Letter from the Chairman and the President

The year 2011 was a strong one at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. We continued to lead across “Our success as an institution is due in the spectrum of patient care, research, and training, and laid the groundwork for important progress in the years ahead. great measure to our remarkable staff… We want to begin by saying that our success as an institution is due in great measure to our remarkable staff. On a daily basis, we are inspired by their dedication and compassion, and We are inspired by their dedication Douglas A. Warner III are grateful for the work they do in the service of our patients and our mission. and compassion, and are grateful for Chairman Boards of Overseers In 2011 MSKCC was recognized for excellence in a number of areas, several of which you and Managers will read more about in this report. But allow us to highlight a few: the work they do in the service of our A study led by Boston University and published in February in the New England Journal of patients and our mission.” Medicine ranked MSKCC as one of the top three public-sector research organizations in the discovery of new therapeutic products, behind the National Institutes of Health’s intramural program and the ten-campus University of California. This is a remarkable achievement, Phase II of the Zuckerman Research Center proceeded on schedule and the academic staff of the especially for an institution of our size. Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and our Computational Biology Craig B. Thompson In 2011 we continued to break new ground in our clinical and research activities. As a result Program moved in. We anticipate the building will be completed by the winter of 2012. President and Chief Executive Officer of work done by our scientists and physicians we saw several tremendous advances in In addition, we received approval to begin construction on a new regional facility in Harrison, new treatments — in particular for metastatic melanoma and prostate cancer. MSKCC . This freestanding center will join our family of ambulatory oncology centers, investigators played a pivotal role in the development of three new targeted therapies, all of providing local access to MSKCC care for patients who live in Westchester County and which received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. They are changing the surrounding areas. standard of care in these diseases, and you will read more about them in the following pages. There were three pieces of important news about collaborations with institutions beyond our Basic science advances in 2011 were wide-ranging. Among many accomplishments, MSKCC walls. Along with our clinical partners — NYU Langone, Montefiore, and Mount Sinai investigators pioneered insights into stem cell biology and its implications for translational Medical Centers and Continuum Health Partners — and our for-profit partner — 21st medicine; provided a deeper understanding of how DNA integrity is maintained during cell Century Oncology — we will develop the New York Proton Center. It will be the only proton division and reproduction; and made a breakthrough toward developing a computer method therapy center in the city. The precision of this technology allows clinicians to safely deliver larger, to predict a ’s shape from its genetic sequence, which could speed research in cancer more targeted — and therefore more therapeutically effective — doses of radiation to tumors. and other diseases. Again, you will read about these developments on the pages that follow. MSKCC is also playing a key role in the development of the New York Genome Center, which As a part of the ongoing revitalization of our Manhattan campus — and with generous will be located in lower Manhattan. We join The , Weill Cornell Medical support from The Robertson Foundation — we announced plans to build the Memorial College, Columbia University, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Sloan-Kettering Josie Robertson Surgery Center on York Avenue between East 61st and , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Stony Brook University, and the East 62nd Streets. Named in honor of the late Josephine “Josie” Robertson, who was elected Jackson Laboratories as founding members. The center will provide genome sequencing, to MSKCC’s Board of Overseers in 2004, this new 16-story building will feature 12 operating computational, and bioinformatics support vital to all aspects of today’s life sciences research — rooms equipped to provide technologically sophisticated surgical care on an outpatient basis. from basic to translational.

1 2 And in an exciting joint undertaking with IBM, we are working to create what will ulti- mately be the world’s most comprehensive, cancer-specific medical resource tool designed to help physicians — wherever they practice — personalize cancer therapies for their patients. Built on the IBM Watson technology, the project will combine the tremendous analytic capabilities of IBM Watson with the clinical expertise of MSKCC’s physicians, along with our vast repository of cancer case histories and other data. We expect to begin John R. Gunn Executive Vice training the tool with a select group of oncologists in late 2012. President We were also delighted to celebrate the awarding of doctoral degrees to the first four graduates of the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at our Commencement and Academic Convocation on May 12, 2012. Three of the four students successfully defended their theses in 2011, and one in the spring of 2012. During 2011 MSKCC’s operating performance improved. We continue to increase our clinical volume and provide a larger portion of our clinical care in a more cost-effective Robert E. Wittes outpatient setting, which has the added benefit of being more convenient for our pa- Physician-in-Chief, Memorial Hospital tients. We are also pleased that the financial markets have allowed MSKCC to raise a significant amount of capital funding with favorable financial terms. This funding will be used to provide a portion of the capital necessary for our clinical expansion program. In this year’s report we have chosen to feature ten research and clinical advances of 2011. We hope these features convey the vitality and collaborative creativity of our basic science investigators and physician-scientists as they work to further the biological understanding Thomas J. Kelly of cancer and develop new and more‐effective approaches to treatment. We invite you to Director, Sloan- read more at Kettering Institute

Douglas A. Warner III Craig B. Thompson, MD Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer James D. Robinson III Boards of Overseers and Managers Honorary Chairman Boards of Overseers and Managers

3 4 First effective treatments 1 for advanced melanoma

In March 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration announced its approval of the drug ipilimumab (Yervoy™) for the treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma. It is the first drug ever shown to improve overall survival for patients with advanced melanoma.

Ipilimumab uses an approach known as immunotherapy, which exploits the body’s own immune system to attack cancer. The early development of this specific type of immunotherapy, originally known as anti-CTLA-4, was led by an MSKCC immunologist, and MSKCC researchers led preclinical and clinical studies using ipilimumab.

In August, another drug, called vemurafenib (Zelboraf ®) — a “The success story of these drugs is therapy that targets a mutation in a gene called BRAF, which is present in about half of all melanomas — was also approved not the end of the story; it’s a very by the FDA for the treatment of advanced melanoma. Again, exciting and important beginning.” MSKCC physician-scientists led clinical and preclinical studies of the therapy and headed a large phase III clinical trial that resulted in the drug’s approval. Paul Chapman Then, in a study published in December, MSKCC researchers reported that they had uncovered a previously unknown mechanism by which tumors can become resistant to vemu- rafenib. The hope is that their findings will lead to the development of new treatments and will inform the design of next-generation drugs that are not as susceptible to this form of resistance.

5 6 Left page: Medical oncologist Paul B. Chapman specializes in metastatic mela- noma, treating patients in the clinic and searching for new therapies that can control and cure the disease. He focuses on developing drugs that target genetic changes in melanoma as well as testing methods to direct a patient’s immune system against melanoma cells that may remain following successful treatment. Dr. Chapman was the global principal investigator on a pivotal international, multicenter phase III clinical trial that led to FDA approval of vemurafenib for the treatment of advanced melanoma.

(Inset) David B. Solit is a physician-scientist on the Genitourinary Oncology Service in the Department of Medicine and heads his own laboratory in the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program. The focus of his research is the development of cancer therapies that target pathways responsible for cancer initiation and progres- sion. Dr. Solit led the research that identified a previously unknown mechanism of resistance to vemurafenib.

Right page: Medical oncologist Jedd D. Wolchok specializes in the treatment of melanoma and also leads the Center’s immunologic therapeutics clinical core. His research is focused on the development of innova- tive ways to use the immune system to treat cancer. Dr. Wolchok directed crucial clinical trials that led to FDA approval of ipilimumab. (He and Dr. Chapman were co-principal investigators on their respective clinical trials.)

“The success story of these(Inset, drugs left) The lungs is of a 75-year-old male with metastatic melanoma. In November 2010, before treatment with ipilimumab, not the end of the story; it’smelanoma a tumorsvery (indicated in red) have infiltrated the lungs of the patient. After treatment with ipilimumab the tumors have almost exciting and important beginning.”entirely disappeared by April 2012.

Paul Chapman (Inset, right) James P. Allison (pictured with Jedd Wolchok) was Chair of the Sloan-Kettering Institute’s Immunology Program from 2004 to June 2012. For more than 20 years Dr. Allison’s research has focused on the mechanisms that regulate the immunological responses of T lymphocytes (T cells) with an emphasis on manipulat- ing T cell response in order to develop novel tumor immunotherapy approaches. In 1996, he and his colleagues developed ipilimumab — originally known as anti-CTLA-4.

Background: Chemical structure of vemurafenib.

5 6 Genomic analysis offers clues to 2 most common type of ovarian cancer

A large-scale genomic analysis led by MSKCC researchers identified genetic mutations and pathways in the most common and aggressive type of ovarian cancer that distinctly set the disease apart not only from other types of ovarian cancer, but from other solid tumors as well.

The results may be useful in helping doctors assess which experimental targeted therapies are most likely to be effective in individual patients with this type of ovarian cancer, called high-grade serous ovarian cancer.

The research was part of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project, a collaborative study funded by the National Institutes of Health that is one of the most comprehensive national efforts to collect, process, and analyze the largest set of tumor samples to date using state-of-the-art genomic and molecular techniques. MSKCC provided the greatest number of ovarian tumor samples for this study and served as one of the main centers that generated and analyzed the genomic data.

7 8 Left page: Surgeon-scientist Douglas A. Levine is co-chair of TCGA Ovarian Disease Working Group. He is using knowledge gained from TCGA and other collaborative efforts to advance the understanding of the genomic basis of disease and to translate the findings into clinical benefit for patients.

Right page: Chris Sander (left) is Chair of the Computational Biology Program in the Sloan-Kettering Institute. Marc Ladanyi (right) is a pathologist on the Molecular Diagnostics Service of the Department of Pathology and is a member in the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program. Together, Dr. Sander and Dr. Ladanyi are leading one of TCGA’s Genome Data Analysis Centers, which is housed at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. (To read more about Dr. Sander and his work, see page 19.)

7 8 Breast cancer surgery: practice- 3 changing findings for some patients

Although there has been much progress in cancer surgery over the past several decades, one practice has gone largely unchanged: For more than a century, women with breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast have been undergoing a potentially debilitating and painful procedure in which all the lymph nodes in the armpit are removed.

But a 2011 multicenter study, of which the Chief of MSKCC’s Breast Service was the senior author, found that for women who meet certain criteria, the surgery, called axillary node dissection, is unnecessary and does not improve survival or reduce rates of recurrence. The majority of women who meet these criteria — about 40 percent of all breast cancer patients — have chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy such as tamoxifen, which is part of the standard treatment for breast cancer when there is any lymph node involvement.

Avoiding the removal of all their armpit nodes allows women to avoid the often severe side effects associated with the pro- cedure. The most common is lymphedema, or swelling of the arm, which can be permanent and can greatly affect quality of life. The surgery can also lead to temporary or permanent loss of arm strength and difficulty with movement and is associated with a longer and more painful recovery after surgery. Chang- ing the standard treatment will allow up to 40,000 women in the United States to avoid these side effects each year.

9 10 Left page: The sentinel lymph node (in blue) is the first node to which cancer spreads when it leaves a primary breast tumor (in brown).

Breast surgeon Alexandra Heerdt (left) with surgical fellow Kshama Jaiswal.

Right page: Monica Morrow, Chief of Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Breast Surgical Service, is a surgical oncologist who dedicates her practice to treating breast cancer. Dr. Morrow has led several large, multicenter clinical trials that have contributed to changes in the standard of care for patients with breast cancer. Her cur- rent research focuses on investigating how treatment choices for breast cancer surgery are made and on applying new technology to local breast cancer therapies. Dr. Morrow holds the Anne Burnett Windfohr Chair of Clinical Oncology and is also President of the Society of Surgical Oncology, the professional organization for surgeons who specialize in cancer treatment.

9 10 New drugs offer survival benefit for 4 men with metastatic prostate cancer

Memorial Sloan-Kettering played a leadership role in 2011 successes in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. These treatments are offering men and their physicians new weapons against the disease.

MSKCC researchers led an international study of abiraterone acetate (Zytiga®), and in April 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration approved this new drug in combination with the drug prednisone to treat men with a form of the disease called metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Abiraterone blocks the production of male sex hormones (such as testosterone), which fuel the growth of these tumors.

An MSKCC investigator led the development of the phase I through phase III trials of an experimental drug called MDV 3100. The drug, which has since been named enzalutamide, was largely developed by an MSKCC researcher. The phase III trial was halted when enzalutamide showed a significant survival benefit, and patients on the placebo arm of the trial were offered the drug. Enzalutamide is currently under review by the FDA for a full approval while studies in men with earlier stages of the disease are ongoing.

Finally, a retrospective case control study led by MSKCC researchers showed that a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test taken at age 60 can predict the likelihood that a man will die from prostate cancer over the next 25 years. The findings suggest 90 percent of deaths from prostate cancer occur in men with PSA levels in the top quartile, and that men with PSA below median (i.e., half of all men) may not benefit from subsequent PSA testing. A second report showed that a PSA test taken for the first time between the ages of 44 and 50 can predict the likelihood that a man will develop a prostate cancer manifesting unfavorable features at the time of diagnosis over the next 25 to 30 years. The findings suggest that more than half of men could forgo annual PSA testing and have PSA tests much less often.

11 12 Left page: Howard I. Scher, Chief of the Genitourinary Oncology Service, is a medical oncologist with special expertise in treating men with prostate cancer. His research is focused on three areas: developing treatments that target specific signaling pathways that contribute to prostate cancer growth, developing noninvasive methods to select specific treatments and to determine whether they are working, and improving the way drugs are evaluated in the clinic. Dr. Scher led the phase I/II and phase III trials of enzalutamide and was a principal investigator on phase II and III trials of abiraterone acetate (Zytiga®).

Right page: Charles L. Sawyers (top), Chair of the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, investigates signaling pathways that promote the growth of cancer cells, with an eye toward designing new treat- ment options for patients. Dr. Sawyers’s work was instrumental in the development of two drugs for the treatment of chronic myeloid leu- kemia, imatinib (Gleevec®) and dasatinib (Sprycel®). His current focus is on developing new treatments for patients with prostate cancer by exploring the mechanisms of resistance to hormone therapy. He and Michael Jung, Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, were co-inventors of MDV 3100 (enzalutamide).

Hans G. Lilja (bottom) is a research clinical chemist with joint appointments in the Departments of Laboratory Medicine, Surgery, and Medicine. His primary research focus is on circulating tumor markers that predict the development and progression of prostate cancer, as well as the possibility that these markers play a key role in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. Dr. Lilja was lead author of the 2011 study that suggested that more than half of men could forgo annual PSA testing and have just three PSA tests in their lifetime. The research will help physicians distinguish between those men who may benefit from regular PSA screening for prostate cancer and those men who may not need to be screened as frequently.

Background: Molecular model of testosterone.

11 12 “Our study shows that BRCA2 not only repairs Insights into DNA damage DNA damage, but also prevents DNA damage 5 from occurring in the first place…This changes and repair conceptually how we think about this and potentially other DNA ‘repair’ proteins.”

Maria Jasin When chromosomes are copied and divided properly, a parent cell gives rise to two identical daughter cells that function properly. But when DNA damage occurs, the genetic code contained on the DNA strands can become corrupted, leading to errors that change the behavior of cells and may ultimately lead to cancer. A particularly dangerous type of DNA damage is called a double-strand break, in which the two strands of the DNA double helix break in the same place, making it difficult for a cell to repair itself. One mechanism that cells use to repair such breaks is called homologous re- combination. In this process, a cell finds a DNA sequence in the genome that resembles the sequence next to the break site and mends the break by copying that undamaged sequence.

In 2011 MSKCC researchers published several important studies that provided new insights into this and related biological processes that are fundamental to life — from the birth of a new cell to sexual reproduction and fertility to aging — but can lead to cancer or other conditions when it malfunctions.

13 14 “Our study shows that BRCA2 not only repairs Left page: DNA damage, but also preventsScientist Maria DNAJasin (in glasses) damage investigates the basic mechanisms cells use to repair DNA that has been damaged. Her laboratory in the from occurring in the firstSloan-Kettering place…This Institute’s Developmental changes Biology Program focuses on the repair of double-strand breaks — a type of lesion in which the conceptually how we thinktwo strandsabout of a DNA this molecule and break in the same place — through a mechanism known as homologous recombination. Dr. Jasin was potentially other DNA ‘repair’ the lead investigatorproteins.” of three studies in 2011 that provided new understanding about this and related mechanisms, which are critical Maria Jasin for maintaining proper cell functions and behavior. Pictured with Dr. Jasin is Deniz Simsek, formerly a graduate student in Dr. Jasin’s laboratory and now a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of California, San Francisco.

Right page: This electron microscopy image (top) shows an X and a Y chromo- some from a cell undergoing meiosis, a type of cell division that leads to the formation of sperm or egg cells. One end of each chromosome is joined, as seen at the bottom of the image, at the site where DNA is exchanged between the chromosomes by homolo- gous recombination. (Courtesy of Frédéric Baudat and Maria Jasin.)

(Middle right) Scientist Scott Keeney is a member of the Sloan- Kettering Institute’s Molecular Biology Program and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. Research in his laboratory is aimed at investigating the mechanisms of homologous recombina- tion during cell meiosis. Pictured with Dr. Keeney is postdoctoral research fellow Liisa Kauppi. She was the lead author on a study that shed new light on a process that enables the male sex chro- mosomes, X and Y, to line up properly during meiosis, ensuring that the integrity of the genome is maintained as new sperm cells are produced.

(Bottom right) The laboratory of Stewart Shuman, in the Sloan- Kettering Institute’s Molecular Biology Program, investigates the function of enzymes called DNA ligases, among other things. DNA ligases enable cells to glue pieces of broken DNA back together, and play an important role in a number of basic cell processes including DNA repair. Dr. Shuman was a co-author on a study that revealed that one of the enzymes, called ligase III, plays a role in DNA repair within mitochondria, the cellular compartments that provide cells with energy.

13 14 Novel stem cell technique shows 6 promise in treating disease

Cell replacement therapy seeks to restore function in the body by replacing cells that are lost due to disease. In Par- kinson’s disease, this means replacing dopamine cells in the brain, the main type of cell that degenerates in this disease.

In November, a team of Memorial Sloan-Kettering investigators published a study on a new strategy for using embryonic stem (ES) cells to graft human dopamine neurons into models of Parkinson’s disease. Historically, ES cells have shown the ability to become dopamine- producing neurons in a dish, but have not been effective at treating Parkinson’s disease when transplanted into a living animal. The new technique has been effective in three animal models of Parkinson’s, reflecting the potential for dopamine cells’ survival and function in the brain.

Center researchers are also investigating how ES cells might be engineered to become healthy brain cells that could replace brain cells that are injured or lost in the course of treatment for cancer — either during surgery or treatment with radiation therapy.

“When we injected these cells into animal models, the cells not only survived but were functionally active in the brain… We are optimistic that one day this will be a viable treatment for patients.”

Lorenz Studer

15 16 Left page: Stem cell biologist Lorenz Studer, a member of the Developmental Biology Program in the Sloan-Kettering Institute, has focused much of his research on developing potential therapies that are based on embryonic stem (ES) cells. In November 2011, Dr. Studer’s team pub- lished a study in the journal Nature that reported a new strategy for using ES cells to graft human dopamine neurons into animal models of Parkinson’s disease.

Right page: Embryonic stem cells can be coaxed into becoming many special- ized cell types of the brain and the nervous system. Such cells have great potential for applications in cell therapy and for the study of disease mechanisms, which are key areas of research in Dr. Studer’s laboratory.

“When we injected these cells into animal models, the cells not only survived but were functionally active in the brain… We are optimistic that one day this will be a viable treatment for patients.”

Lorenz Studer

15 16 Combination therapy may prevent 7 spread of nasopharyngeal tumors

While nasopharyngeal cancer is relatively rare in the United States, it is more widespread in other parts of the world, including Asia and North Africa. MSKCC research- ers showed that people with cancer of the nasopharynx, an area behind the nose, may benefit from a new combination therapy. A team of international investigators from North America and Hong Kong, led by an MSKCC radiation oncologist, reported that adding the drug bevacizumab (Avastin®) to the current standard therapy might prevent the spread of nasopharyngeal tumors to other parts of the body, prolonging the lives of patients.

“We are hoping that this new treatment strategy might prove useful for treatment of several advanced tumors of the head and neck — not only in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.”

Nancy Lee

17 18 Left page: Nancy Y. Lee (left) is a radiation oncologist with expertise in using intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) to treat patients with head and neck cancers including nasopharyngeal carcinoma and thyroid cancer. She is the principal investigator of a national clinical trial for the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group that evaluates IMRT for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer. She led the inter- national study published in the Lancet Oncology that suggested that adding bevacizumab (Avastin®) to standard radiation therapy and chemotherapy might prevent nasopharyngeal cancer from metastasizing to other sites in the body. (In the photograph, Dr. Lee is joined by radiation oncology resident Neil B. Desai and their patient.)

“We are hoping that this new treatment strategy might prove useful for treatment of several advanced tumors of the head and neck — not only in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.”

Nancy Lee

17 18 Algorithm can predict shape 8 of proteins, speeding basic cancer research

To understand how a particular protein functions or how it might contribute to disease, scientists need to investigate its three-dimensional structure, or shape, in detail. This type of information is normally obtained through complex and time-consuming lab experiments — for example, using a method called x-ray crystallography. For most proteins in our cells, such experiments have not yet been done, and the shapes remain unknown.

In December, a team of researchers made a breakthrough toward developing a computer method to predict a protein’s shape based on its genetic sequence. The research team — led by scientists from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and — was able to rapidly gain detailed information about protein structure using genetic information alone.

The mathematical-physical method uses an algorithm that extracts clues about the way protein shapes have evolved over thousands or millions of years. Complementary to traditional methods of protein structure analysis, it could speed up basic research on cancer and other diseases and lead to more-effective strategies for drug design.

19 20 Right page: Computational biologist Chris Sander is Chair of the Sloan-Kettering Institute’s Computational Biology Program. In his laboratory, research- ers are developing computer tools for the analysis of cancer genomics data to map out cancer-causing molecular pathways. In addition, the lab uses systems biology methods to identify candidate combination therapies. Dr. Sander led the development of a new mathematical- physical method that makes it possible to use genetic information to compute the shapes of proteins, facilitating drug design.

19 20 Two of 2011’s top five advances 9 in cancer research led by MSKCC physician-scientists

Two of the top five advances in cancer research cited in the 2011 annual progress report of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) were led by Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center researchers. The report focused on improvements in the areas of personalized medicine and targeted therapies. ASCO is the world’s premier oncology professional society, representing more than 30,000 multidis- ciplinary medical professionals who treat people with cancer.

In a further demonstration of excellence, five MSKCC physician-scientists were selected to participate in the press program at ASCO’s annual meeting in June 2011. The press program highlights clinical cancer research that a panel of ASCO experts considers the most significant of the year and worthy of media attention. The five MSKCC studies represented nearly a quarter of all those on the press program. The areas of research covered were advances in mela- noma, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. “In the past decade, due in large part to work done at MSKCC, it has been established that the key to treating lung cancer effectively has to do with finding the specific mutation in the tumor cells of each individual’s cancer.”

Mark Kris

21 22 Left page: Carol A. Aghajanian is Chief of the Gynecologic Medical Oncology Service. Dr. Aghajanian focuses on the medical treatment of gynecologic cancers and leads MSKCC’s research program in developmental therapeutics for ovarian and endometrial cancers. At ASCO’s 2011 annual meeting, Dr. Aghajanian presented the results of a large study that she led showing that combining the drug bevacizumab with standard chemotherapy could reduce the risk of progression of recurrent ovarian cancer by 52 percent.

Right page: Medical oncologist Mark G. Kris is Chief of the Thoracic Oncology Service. Dr. Kris specializes in the care of patients with all can- cers arising in the chest. Since 2009, he has led MSKCC’s Lung Cancer Mutation Analysis Project with MSKCC pathologist Marc Ladanyi (see page 8) to look for all known mutations in tumors of patients diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancers. The informa- tion obtained is then used to guide treatment. At ASCO, Dr. Kris — a member of the executive committee of the National Cancer Institute’s Lung Cancer Mutation Consortium (LCMC) — presented an ongoing study from that group in which LCMC members (MSKCC and 13 other centers) were prospectively enrolling 1,000 patients with lung adenocarcinomas to test their tumors for known mutations. The goals were to use the information to provide the best care for the patients who participated, and to collect valuable information about the frequency and characteristics of genetic abnormalities in lung tumors to spur research that will further improve care.

(Inset, top) Howard I. Scher, Chief of the Genitourinary Oncology Service, is a medical oncologist with special expertise in treat- ing men with advanced prostate cancer. At the ASCO meeting, Dr. Scher presented the results of an international study of the drug abiraterone acetate (Zytiga®) that showed an even greater survival benefit than previously reported and established a new class of treatment for men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate can- cer. (To read more about Dr. Scher and his work, see page 11.) “In the past decade, due in large part to work (Inset, middle) Medical oncologist Jedd D. Wolchok specializes in the treatment of melanoma. Dr. Wolchok participated in the meet- done at MSKCC, it has been established that ing’s Plenary Session where he presented research findings about ipilimumab (Yervoy™), a drug approved in March 2011 for the treat- the key to treating lung cancer effectively has ment of patients with metastatic melanoma. ASCO Plenary Sessions highlight scientific research deemed to have the highest merit and greatest impact on oncology research and practice. (To read more to do with finding the specific mutation in the about Dr. Wolchok’s work, see page 5.) tumor cells of each individual’s cancer.” (Inset, bottom) Medical oncologist Paul B. Chapman specializes in metastatic melanoma, treating patients in the clinic and searching for Mark Kris new therapies that can control and cure the disease. Dr. Chapman also participated in the meeting’s Plenary Session, presenting find- ings about a new therapy called vermurafenib. The drug (now called Zelboraf ®) was approved in August 2011 for treatment of patients with advanced melanoma. (To read more about Dr. Chapman’s research, see page 5.)

21 22 10 The Josie Robertson Surgery Center

“By supporting initiatives that focus on high-quality cancer treatment…The Robertson Foundation has A generous commitment from The Robertson Foundation providedhas made possiblethe themeans creation of theto Memorial honor Sloan- Mrs. Robertson in a Kettering Josie Robertson Surgery Center, a new 16-story, way that179,000-square-foot goes buildingto heart to be constructed of this on York institution’s mission.” Avenue between East 61st and East 62nd Streets. It will Craig B.feature Thompson 12 operating rooms equipped to provide technologically Presidentsophisticated and CEO, surgical care on an outpatient basis. The facility Memorial Sloan-Kettering is scheduled to be completed in 2015. Cancer Center

The Robertson Foundation was established in 1996 by inves- tor Julian Robertson and his wife, the late Josephine “Josie” Robertson, along with their family. Mrs. Robertson, who was elected to Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Board of Overseers in 2004, worked with her husband to support a range of causes in education, medical research, and other areas.

23 24 Left page: The Josie Robertson Surgery Center will span the block between 61st and 62nd Streets on York Avenue and is scheduled to open in 2015.

“By supporting initiatives that focus on high-quality cancer treatment…The Robertson Foundation has provided the means to honor Mrs. Robertson in a way that goes to heart of this institution’s mission.”

Craig B. Thompson President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

23 24 The Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering

Notable contributions include: • Julian H. Robertson, Jr., and his family pledged $50 million through The Robertson Foundation to create the Josie Robertson Surgery Center and the Josie Robertson Investigators Program as an enduring tribute to the late MSKCC Board member Josephine Robertson. • Memorial Sloan-Kettering will benefit from a total of $55 million in renewed support from The Starr Foundation for the Starr Cancer Consortium, an innovative collaboration that also includes the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, The Rockefeller University, and Weill Cornell Medical College. • With their commitment of $30 million through The Commonwealth Foundation for Cancer Research, Alice and William H. Goodwin, Jr., have brought their total giving in support of the Experimental Therapeutics Center to $75 million. • Alan and Sandra Gerry pledged $5 million in support of the Metastasis Research Center, which is at the forefront of efforts to understand the deadly process by which tumors spread to other parts of the body. • A gift of $5 million from the John W. Kluge Foundation will be used to support research at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. • A commitment of $5 million from Mary Miner will help underwrite research into lung cancer, Top row (from left): Last year brought compelling evidence of the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s which is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, but an area that is seriously Craig B. Thompson; ongoing success, as the Boards of Overseers and Managers authorized a five-year underfunded. Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.; extension of the historic fundraising effort and raised its overall goal to $3.5 billion. and Douglas A. Warner III. In this same spirit of generosity, thousands of volunteers banded together last year to provide The Campaign had surpassed its previous goal more than two years ahead of schedule, an unparalleled source of encouragement and support. The 2011 ING Mara- Bottom row (from left): and as of December 31, 2011, gifts and pledges totaled $2,518,507,078. thon included 775 runners running on behalf of Memorial Sloan-Kettering as members of Jeff Rochford, a coach for Continuing in their roles as co-chairs of the extended Campaign are Douglas A. Warner III Fred’s Team. Through their efforts in this and other events nationwide, Fred’s Team members Fred’s Team since 2004, run- raised more than $4.7 million during the course of the year. ning the ING New York City and Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. They, along with MSKCC President Craig Thompson and Marathon, in his 15th mara- their colleagues on the Board, have played decisive roles in the Campaign’s record-setting The Cycle for Survival indoor cycling event continued to show impressive results as it expand- thon with the team; a February achievements. ed to new locations around the country. Since its establishment in 2007, the event has raised 2012 Cycle for Survival ses- $17.5 million to support research into rare cancers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. sion in full force at the 44th Benefactors from around the world contributed nearly $220 million in cash gifts in Street Equinox Fitness Center 2011, and the Campaign generated an additional $161.3 million in new pledges — the Money raised during the Campaign is already helping to meet a variety of needs critical to in New York City. highest new pledge total in Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s history. Donors have given the institution’s future. Benefactors are inspired to give by the extraordinary work being done generously at every level, and the exceptional support provided by the following every day in the Center’s laboratories and patient care facilities, and this support, in turn, fuels exemplifies the commitment shared by all. even greater progress in the fight against cancer.

25 26 Statistical Profile 2011 Staff 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Sloan-Kettering Institute Members 128 133 140 142 143 Hospital Attending Staff 672 727 768 804 834 Registered Nurses 1,615 1,734 1,845 1,945 2,018 Support Staff 7,536 7,945 8,321 8,613 8,989

Total Staff * 9,917 10,505 11,039 11,469 11,950 Volunteers 848 871 917 942 1,058

* In 2011, 34 staff members held appointments in both the Institute and the Hospital.

Patient Care 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 Education 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Patient Admissions: Adults 20,195 21,039 21,932 22,852 22,983 Residents and Clinical Fellows — Positions 419 418 436 447 440 Patient Admissions: Children 1,673 1,650 1,537 1,494 1,503 Residents and Clinical Fellows — Annual Total 1,687 1,609 1,651 1,625 1,676 Total Admissions 21,868 22,689 23,469 24,346 24,486 Research Fellows 404 254 303 295 321 Research Scholars — 140 121 132 131 Total Patient Days 137,787 139,847 140,224 143,532 140,990 Research Associates 63 87 90 94 82 Average Patient Stay (days) 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.9 5.8 Graduate Research Assistants — — — 23 29 Bed Occupancy Rate (based on adjusted bed count) 87.4% 88.0% 88.5% 83.7% 82.2% PhD Candidates 195 232 227 231 225 Outpatient MD Visits: Manhattan 368,200 384,889 406,024 418,415 432,802 MD/PhD Candidates 24 29 28 26 21 Outpatient MD Visits: Regional Network 75,631 81,995 94,293 97,658 103,098 Registrants in CME Programs 2,035 2,115 2,395 2,554 2,533 Total Outpatient Visits 443,831 466,884 500,317 516,073 535,900 Medical Observers 522 561 572 541 526 Screening Visits 30,200 28,888 27,369 23,373 20,518 Medical Students 368 358 399 391 429 Surgical Cases 16,951 18,035 19,233 19,362 19,374 Nursing Students 61 72 109 105 142 Social Work Students 6 6 6 6 6 Radiation Treatments and Implants: Manhattan 57,307 58,494 57,856 59,223 60,393 Radiation Oncology Technology Students 16 15 15 14 14 Radiation Treatments and Implants: Network 44,615 43,550 47,987 47,926 51,615 Cytotechnology Students 4 3 3 2 3 Total Radiation Treatments and Implants 101,922 102,044 105,843 107,149 112,008 Physical Therapy Students 3 3 3 3 4 X-ray Examinations and Special Procedures 329,329 346,157 358,052 362,609 377,360 Occupational Therapy Students 1 5 4 3 3 Clinical Investigation Protocols (open to accrual) 493 522 507 552 552

27 28 Financial Summary (in thousands) Operating Revenues 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Patient Care Revenue $1,531,639 1,606,989 1,723,313 1,854,776 2,141,421 Grants and Contracts 149,275 163,352 167,495 186,327 190,948 Contributions Allocated to Operations 95,481 108,844 126,250 117,323 130,791 Royalty Income 38,302 94,131 62,232 68,663 77,510 2011 Total Operating Revenue | $2,740,137 Other Income 39,902 41,963 43,144 44,874 48,351 Investment Return Allocated to Operations 113,131 116,546 103,998 100,389 104,699 Patient Care Revenue | $2,141,421 $2,528,467 | 2011 Total Operating Expenses Transfer of Board-Designated Annual Royalty Annuitization 29,440 33,122 37,158 41,578 46,417

$1,466,667 Compensation Total Operating Revenues $1,997,170 2,164,947 2,263,590 2,413,930 2,740,137 | and Fringe Benefits Operating Expenses

Compensation and Fringe Benefits $1,061,946 1,164,155 1,286,536 1,361,032 1,466,667 Purchased Supplies and Services 659,488 684,872 757,863 772,968 835,621 Provision for Bad Debts and Assessments 13,387 6,823 10,881 11,046 18,285 Depreciation and Amortization 157,494 175,870 171,806 175,494 195,461 Interest Expense 54,872 59,023 64,997 47,931 57,098 Less Fund Raising Expenses (33,523) (36,048) (40,320) (43,926) (44,665) Transferred to Non-Operating Income (Expenses)

Total Operating Expenses $1,913,664 2,054,695 2,251,763 2,324,545 2,528,467 Grants and Contracts | 190,948 Income from Operations $83,506 110,252 11,827 89,385 211,670

835,621 Purchased Supplies | and Services Philanthropy

Contributions 130,791 Philanthropy $239,020 279,103 166,247 237,666 301,374 Allocated to Operations | Capital Spending Investment Return 104,699 Allocated to Operations 195,461 Depreciation and Capital Spending $274,455 345,135 226,049 262,371 223,251 | | Amortization Royalty Income | 77,510 Balance Sheet Summary 57,098 | Interest Expense Other Income | 48,351 Assets $6,143,433 5,578,522 6,068,707 6,448,415 6,790,005 18,285 Provision for Bad Transfer of 46,417 | Debts and Assessments Liabilities 2,098,776 2,354,618 2,467,135 2,550,899 2,848,843 Board-Designated Annual Royalty (44,665) Less Fund Annuitization | | Raising Expenses Net Assets $4,044,657 3,223,904 3,601,572 3,897,526 3,941,162 29 30 Boards of Overseers and Managers as of March 15, 2012 Board of Scientific Consultants as of March 15, 2012

Douglas A. Warner III James D. Robinson III Philip A. Cole, MD, PhD, Chair James R. Downing, MD Arthur Levinson, PhD Chairman Honorary Chairman Frederick R. Appelbaum, MD Levi A. Garraway, MD, PhD Sir , FRS Richard Axel, MD Joseph L. Goldstein, MD Stanley R. Riddell, MD Richard I. Beattie Marie-Josée Kravis Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Nancy E. Davidson, MD Gregory Hannon, PhD William R. Sellers, MD Vice Chair of Boards; Vice Chair of Boards; Vice Chair of Boards Chair, Board of Managers, Chair, Board of Managers, Titia de Lange, PhD Caryn Lerman, PhD Gregory L. Verdine, PhD Memorial Hospital Sloan-Kettering Institute

Clifton S. Robbins Norman C. Selby Craig B. Thompson, MD Principal Officers Treasurer Secretary President and Chief Executive Officer Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as of March 15, 2012

Frederick R. Adler Bette-Ann Gwathmey Benjamin M. Rosen Craig B. Thompson, MD Robert E. Wittes, MD Thomas J. Kelly, MD, PhD Richard I. Beattie William B. Harrison, Jr. David M. Rubenstein President and Chief Executive Officer, Physician-in-Chief, Director, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital Sloan-Kettering Institute Mrs. Edwin M. Burke Jane D. Hartley Jack Rudin Cancer Center Mrs. John J. Byrne Ben W. Heineman, Jr. Lewis A. Sanders Larry Norton, MD Maureen Killackey, MD Mrs. Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Mrs. Ann Dibble Jordan Fayez S. Sarofim John. R Gunn Deputy Physician-in-Chief, Deputy Physician-in-Chief Ian M. Cook David H. Koch Norman C. Selby Executive Vice President Breast Cancer Programs, and Medical Director, Stanley F. Druckenmiller Marie-Josée Kravis Stephen C. Sherrill Memorial Hospital MSKCC Regional Care Network Anthony B. Evnin Mrs. John L. Marion Peter J. Solomon Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Paul A. Marks, MD William C. Steere, Jr. Murray F. Brennan, MD Kathy Lewis Patricia C. Skarulis Steve Forbes Donald B. Marron Scott M. Stuart Vice President for International Vice President, Public Affairs Vice President, Information Systems Programs and Director, and Chief Information Officer William E. Ford Jamie C. Nicholls Craig B. Thompson, MD Bobst International Center Edward J. Mahoney Richard N. Foster James G. Niven Lucy R. Waletzky, MD Vice President, Facilities Management Ellen Miller Sonet Stephen Friedman Hutham S. Olayan Douglas A. Warner III Eric Cottington, PhD Vice President, Marketing Ellen V. Futter E. Stanley O’Neal Sanford I. Weill Vice President, Research and Kathryn Martin Philip H. Geier, Jr. Bruce C. Ratner Peter Weinberg Technology Management Senior Vice President Carolyn B. Levine, JD Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Annette U. Rickel, PhD Jon Winkelried and Hospital Administrator Associate General Counsel and Michael P. Gutnick Corporate Secretary Laurie H. Glimcher, MD Clifton S. Robbins Deborah C. Wright Senior Vice President, Finance Richard K. Naum Jonathan N. Grayer James D. Robinson III Jeff Zucker and Assistant Treasurer Vice President, Development John R. Gunn Virginia M. Rometty Mortimer B. Zuckerman Jason Klein Roger N. Parker, JD Board of Overseers Emeriti Vice President and Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer General Counsel Mrs. Elmer H. Bobst Richard M. Furlaud Elizabeth J. McCormack, PhD Peter O. Crisp James W. Kinnear Mrs. Arnold Schwartz Paul A. Marks, MD Harold Varmus, MD J. McLain Stewart President Emeritus President Emeritus

For a listing of the members of the professional staff of Memorial Hospital and the Sloan-Kettering Institute, please visit 31 32 Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as of March 15, 2012 Produced by

Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Craig B. Thompson, MD The Department of Public Affairs Kathy Lewis Anne B. O’Malley Chairman of the Board President Memorial Sloan-Kettering Vice President, Public Affairs Executive Director, Public Affairs Cancer Center Thomas J. Kelly, MD, PhD Kenneth J. Marians, PhD Linda D. Burnley 1275 York Avenue Provost Dean Associate Dean New York, NY 10065

John R. Gunn Michael P. Gutnick Carolyn B. Levine, JD t: 212-639-3573 Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary f: 212-639-3576 [email protected] Trustees

Richard I. Beattie Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Benjamin M. Rosen Writers Photography Design Richard N. Foster Jonathan N. Grayer Norman C. Selby Celia Gittelson Juliana Thomas Thinkso Creative Stephen Friedman David H. Koch Craig B. Thompson, MD Julie Grisham Eva Kiesler Additional Photography Ellen V. Futter Hutham S. Olayan Douglas A. Warner III Richard Dewitt Printing Contributors Mario Morgado Finlay Anne Clear ASCO/GMG/Scott Morgan Sloan-Kettering Division Ha Ly Matthew Septimus Front Cover Image Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences as of March 15, 2012 Joe Pisarchick Dermatologist and Christina Schoen Director of Micrographic Thomas J. Kelly, MD, PhD Kenneth J. Marians, PhD and Dermatologic Surgery Kishwer S. Nehal Director Director, Graduate Studies

Graduate Program Co-Chairs Nikola P. Pavletich, PhD Alan Hall, PhD James P. Allison, PhD Biochemistry and Cell and Developmental Immunology and Microbial Unit Biology Unit Pathogenesis Unit

Stewart Shuman, MD, PhD David A. Scheinberg, MD Molecular Biology Unit Pharmacology Unit

© Copyright 2012 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 33

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Medical Board as of March 15, 2012

David R. Artz, MD Lewis J. Kampel, MD Eileen O’Reilly, MB, BCh, BAO Colin B. Begg, PhD Thomas J. Kelly, MD, PhD Richard J. O’Reilly, MD George J. Bosl, MD Nancy A. Kernan, MD Esperanza B. Papadopoulos, MD Kevin Browne, RN Maureen Killackey, MD Melissa S. Pessin, MD, PhD Michelle Burke, RN Aileen Killen, PhD, RN David G. Pfister, MD Ephraim S. Casper, MD David W. Kissane, MD Simon N. Powell, MD, PhD CHAIR Lisa M. DeAngelis, MD DavidS. Klimstra, MD Paul J. Sabbatini, MD Robert E. Wittes, MD Joseph O. Deasy, PhD Charles D. Lucarelli, RPh Leonard B. Saltz, MD Vincent Astor Chair of Dawn P. Desiderio, MD Kathryn Martin Rori Salvaggio, RN Clinical Research Mary Dowling, RN Mary Jane Massie, MD Charles L. Sawyers, MD John R. Gunn Mary McCabe, RN Peter T. Scardino, MD Philip H. Gutin, MD Elizabeth N. McCormick, Craig B. Thompson, MD William Hoskins, MD MSN, RN Martin R. Weiser, MD Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD Larry Norton, MD Roger S. Wilson, MD

Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Robert Piljae Lee, MD David Amar, MD Kenneth H. Cubert, MD Amy Lu, MD Lisa R. Barr, MD Jamie A. Fortunoff, MD Jennifer Mascarenhas, MD Ruth A. Borchardt, MD Eric R. Kelhoffer, MD EIleen P. McAleer, MD Paul H. Dalecki, MD Vivek T. Malhotra, MD Leslie S. Ojea, MD Dawn P. Desiderio, MD Roger E. Padilla, MD Alessia C. Pedoto, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Mary Ellen Fischer, MD Louis P. Voigt, MD Kane O. Pryor, MBBS Roger S. Wilson, MD Jeffrey Groeger, MD Vinay G. Puttanniah, MD Founder’s Chair Florence J. Grant, MD ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Nina D. Raoof, MD Neil A. Halpern, MD James R. Alberti, MD Elizabeth F. Rieth, MD Paul M. Heerdt, MD, PhD Vittoria Arslan-Carlon, MD Luis E. Tollinche, MD Anne C. Kolker, MD Kara M. Barnett, MD Hallie Weiss, MD Alan L. Kotin, MD Clara Broad, MD Cindy Beng-Imm Yeoh, MD Ronald A. Kross, MD Mohit Chawla, MD William L. Marx, MD Sanjay Chawla, MD Stephen M. Pastores, MD Anahita Dabo-Trubelja, MD Diane E. Stover, MD Oscar E. Del Valle, MD Alisa C. Thorne, MD Amitabh Gulati, MD Robert A. Veselis, MD Kaye E. Hale, MD Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS Katherine S. Panageas, DrPH Yuelin Li, PhD Peter B. Bach, MD Jaya M. Satagopan, PhD Allison N. Lipitz-Snyderman, PhD Jonine L. Bernstein, PhD Howard T. Thaler, PhD Irina Ostrovnaya, PhD Mithat Gönen, PhD Andrew J. Vickers, DPhil Susan Oliveria, ScD, MPH Glenn Heller, PhD Ann G. Zauber, PhD Sujata Patil, PhD Malcolm C. Pike, PhD Li-Xuan Qin, PhD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Chris Sander, PhD ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Talya Salz, PhD Colin B. Begg, PhD Venkatraman E. Seshan, PhD Victoria S. Blinder, MD Ronglai Shen, PhD Eugene W. Kettering Chair Marinela Capanu, PhD Camelia S. Sima, MD ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Sean M. Devlin, PhD Zhigang Zhang, PhD Ethan M. Basch, MD Elena B. Elkin, PhD Chaya S. Moskowitz, PhD Anna Helena Furberg-Barnes, PhD INSTRUCTOR Sara H. Olson, PhD Shari Goldfarb, MD Jennifer Brooks, PhD Irene Orlow, PhD Alexia E. Iasonos, PhD

Department of Laboratory Medicine as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Ann M. Dnistrian, PhD Celia J. Menendez-Botet, PhD Martin Fleisher, PhD Renier J. Brentjens, MD, PhD Hans G. Lilja, MD, PhD April E. Chiu, MD Peter Maslak, MD Rekha Parameswaran, MD Eric Pamer, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Enid A. Haupt Chair in ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Melissa S. Pessin, MD, PhD Clinical Investigation Maria E. Arcila, MD Ellinor I. B. Peerschke, PhD Ngolela Esther Babady, PhD Lilian M. Reich, MD Laura K. Bechtel, PhD Trudy Nan Small, MD Christine Gi-Yun Moung, MD Gerald A. Soff, MD Kazunori Murata, PhD Yi-Wei Tang, MB, MSc, PhD Christopher Y. Park, MD, PhD David L. Wuest, MD Larry J. Smith, PhD Department of Medical Physics as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS Amita Dave, PhD David H. Gultekin, PhD Howard I. Amols, PhD Yusuf E. Erdi, DSc. Hongbiao Carl Le, PhD Chandra M. Burman, PhD Doracy P. Fontenla, PhD Guang (George) Li, PhD John L. Humm, PhD Y. C. David Huang, PhD Jingdong Li, PhD Peter Kijewski, PhD Margie A. Hunt, MS Ruimei Ma, PhD Jason A. Koutcher, MD, PhD Andrew Jackson, PhD Yousef Mazaheri, PhD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Gloria C. Li, PhD Assen S. Kirov, PhD Kyung K. Peck, PhD Joseph O. Deasy, PhD C. Clifton Ling, PhD Dale M. Lovelock, PhD Charles R. Schmidtlein, PhD Enid A. Haupt Chair of Thomas J. LoSasso, PhD James G. Mechalakos, PhD Yulin Song, PhD Medical Physics Gikas S. Mageras, PhD Sadek Nehmeh, PhD Sunitha Bai Thakur, PhD Jean M. St. Germain, MS Ceferino H. Obcemea, PhD Weijun Xiong, PhD Ellen D. Yorke, PhD Joseph A. O’Donoghue, PhD Guozhen (Jenny) Yang, PhD Marco Zaider, PhD Kristen L. Zakian, PhD Pengpeng Zhang, PhD Pat Zanzonico, PhD Qinghui Zhang, PhD ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Ase M. Ballangrud-Popovic, PhD INSTRUCTORS Douglas J. Ballon, PhD Lawrence T. Dauer, PhD Ellen Ackerstaff, PhD Maria F. Chan, PhD Cesar Della Biancia, PhD Jazmin Schwartz, PhD Paul Frisch, PhD

Department of Medicine as of March 15, 2012

DIVISION HEADS AND SENIOR ATTENDING Arthur E. Brown, MD ATTENDINGS Bayard D. Clarkson, MD Philip C. Caron, MD, PhD Ephraim S. Casper, MD Enid A. Haupt Chair of Albert R. Casazza, MD Division of Network Therapeutic Research Barrie R. Cassileth, PhD Medicine Services Laurance S. Rockefeller Chair Eric G. Pamer, MD ATTENDINGS in Integrative Medicine CHAIR AND ATTENDING Division of General Medicine; Carol Aghajanian, MD Hugo R. Castro-Malaspina, MD Enid A. Haupt Chair in Clinical George J. Bosl, MD James P. Allison, PhD Raju S. K. Chaganti, PhD Investigation The Patrick M. Byrne Chair David H. Koch Chair in William E. Snee Chair David R. Spriggs, MD in Clinical Oncology Immunologic Studies; Paul B. Chapman, MD Division of Solid Tumor Howard Hughes Medical Dan Douer, MD Oncology; Winthrop Rockefeller Institute Investigator Chair in Medical Oncology James A. Fagin, MD Peter Bach, MD Marcel R. M. van den Brink, Carlos D. Flombaum, MD Dean F. Bajorin, MD MD, PhD Kathleen M. Foley, MD Michael S. Baum, MD Division of Hematologic The Society of Memorial Sloan- Oncology; Alan N. Ellin Berman, MD Kettering Cancer Center Chair Houghton Chair William S. Breitbart, MD Francesca M. Gany, MD Murray F. Brennan, MD Hans Gerdes, MD Benno C. Schmidt Chair Teresa Ann Gilewski, MD in Clinical Oncology Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Medicine as of March 15, 2012

Sergio A. Giralt, MD Malcolm A. S. Moore, DPhil David A. Scheinberg, MD, PhD Anne R. Bass, MD Paul A. Glare, MBBS Enid A. Haupt Chair of Vincent Astor Chair Renier J. Brentjens, MD, PhD Michael S. Glickman, MD Cell Biology Howard I. Scher, MD Jacqueline F. Bromberg, MD, PhD José G. Guillem, MD Craig H. Moskowitz, MD D. Wayne Calloway Chair Alan C. Carver, MD in Urologic Oncology Richard D. Granstein, MD Robert J. Motzer, MD Chih-Shan Jason Chen, MD, PhD William J. Schneider, MD Jeffrey S. Groeger, MD Patricia L. Myskowski, MD Gabriela Chiosis, PhD Philip Schulman, MD Allan C. Halpern, MD Stephen D. Nimer, MD Gabriella M. D’Andrea, MD (through April 30, 2012) Gary K. Schwartz, MD Neil A. Halpern, MD Gary E. Deng, MD, PhD Alfred P. Sloan Chair Andrew D. Seidman, MD Audrey M. Hamilton, MD Maura N. Dickler, MD Larry Norton, MD Kent A. Sepkowitz, MD Alan N. Houghton, MD Pamela R. Drullinsky, MD Norna S. Sarofim Chair Lloyd J. Old Chair for Clinical Moshe Shike, MD in Clinical Oncology Alan L. Engelberg, MD Investigation Stewart Shuman, MD, PhD Kevin Oeffinger, MD Marc B. Feinstein, MD Clifford A. Hudis, MD Simon H. Rifkind Chair Herbert F. Oettgen, MD Theodore R. Fields, MD David H. Ilson, MD, PhD Nancy T. Sklarin, MD Kenneth Offit, MD John J. Fiore, MD Ann A. Jakubowski, MD, PhD Gerald A. Soff, MD RIchard J. O’Reilly, MD Stephanie A. Fish, MD Suresh C. Jhanwar, PhD Richard M. Steingart, MD Claire L. Tow Chair in Pediatric Venera Grasso, MD Diane E. Stover, MD Lewis J. Kampel, MD Oncology Research Hani Hassoun, MD David J. Straus, MD David Paul Kelsen, MD Stephen A. Paget, MD Mark L. Heaney, MD, PhD Edward S. Gordon Chair Steven M. Sugarman, MD Esperanza B. Papadopoulos, MD Martee L. Hensley, MD in Medical Oncology Martin S. Tallman, MD Gavril W. Pasternak, MD, PhD James J. Hsieh, MD, PhD Nancy E. Kemeny, MD Yi-Wei Tang, MB, MSc, PhD Anne Burnett Tandy Chair Katharine C. Hsu, MD, PhD Richard N. Kolesnick, MD Maria Theodoulou, MD of Neurology Michelle N. Johnson, MD Jason A. Koutcher, MD, PhD Craig B. Thompson, MD Stephen Pastores, MD Joseph G. Jurcic, MD Mark G. Kris, MD R. Michael Tuttle, MD David G. Pfister, MD Marcia F. Kalin, MD William and Joy Ruane Chair Nicholas Jon Vander Els, MD Carol S. Portlock, MD Noah D. Kauff, MD in Thoracic Oncology Stephen R. Veach, MD Lilian M. Reich, MD, PhD Mary L. Keohan, MD Robert C. Kurtz, MD Carolyn Wasserheit, MD Isabelle C. Rivière, PhD Jeffrey A. Knauf, PhD Diana E. Lake, MD Sidney J. Winawer, MD Nancy Roistacher, MD Beatriz Korc-Grodzicki, MD, PhD Steven M. Larson, MD Paul Sherlock Chair Neal Rosen, MD, PhD Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Lee M. Krug, MD Enid A. Haupt Chair in Robert E. Wittes, MD Chair in Radiology Mario E. Lacouture, MD Medical Oncology Vincent Astor Chair of Stuart M. Lichtman, MD Clinical Research Sheron Latcha, MD Michel Sadelain, MD, PhD Hans G. Lilja, MD Stephen and Barbara Han Xiao, MD Ross L. Levine, MD Michael D. Lockshin, MD Friedman Chair Nicholas Jon Vander Els, MD Jennifer E. Liu, MD Steven K. Magid, MD Leonard B. Saltz, MD David L. Wuest, MD C. Ronald MacKenzie, MD Joseph A. Markenson, MD Jean T. Santamauro, MD James W. Young, MD Vivek T. Malhotra, MD, MPH Arnold J. Markowitz, MD Charles L. Sawyers, MD Ashfaq A. Marghoob, MD Paul A. Marks, MD Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Franklin Marsh, Jr., MD Steven C. Martin, MD Chair in Human Oncology and Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, MD Michael R. McDevitt, PhD Peter G. Maslak, MD Pathogenesis; Howard Hughes David R. Artz, MD Michael J. Morris, MD Medical Institute Investigator Nancy E. Mills, MD Juliet N. Barker, MBBS Mary E. Moynahan, MD Ethan M. Basch, MD Kishwer S. Nehal, MD Department of Medicine as of March 15, 2012

Deena J. Nelson, MD Stefan Berger, MD Stephanie M. Goodman, DO Eileen P. McAleer, MD Kenneth K. Ng, MD Jessica R. Berman, MD Tabitha N. Goring, MD Heather L. McArthur, MD Ariela Noy, MD Victoria S. Blinder, MD Mila Gorsky, MD Robin B. Mendelsohn, MD Eileen M. O’Reilly, MB, BCh, BAO Michelle S. Boyar, MD Mrinal M. Gounder, MD Charis Fan-Hui Meng, MD Genovefa A. Papanicolaou, MD Richard D. Carvajal, MD Deena M. Atieh Graham, MD Taha Merghoub, PhD Rekha Parameswaran, MBBS Kathleen N. S. Cathcart, MD Polly D. Gregor, PhD Shanu Modi, MD Govindaswami Ragupathi, PhD Andrea Cercek, MD Yvona Griffo, MD Patricia and James Cayne Milind Rajadhyaksha, PhD Sarat Chandarlapaty, MD, PhD Rebecca D. S. Guest, MD Chair for Junior Faculty Naiyer A. Rizvi, MD Mohit Chawla, MD Shellie L. Gumbs, MD Ana M. Molina, MD Mark E. Robson, MD Sanjay Chawla, MD Kay E. Hale, MD Natalie Moryl, MD Jonathan E. Rosenberg, MD Carol L. Chen, MD Paul A. Hamlin, MD Alison J. Moskowitz, MD Paul J. Sabbatini, MD Yu Chen, MD, PhD Alan Loh Ho, MD, PhD Tanya M. Nikolova, MD Mona Sabra, MD Ping Chi, MD, PhD Steven M. Horwitz, MD Michelle K. Nowak, MD Lisa R. Sammaritano, MD Geoffrey Beene Junior Yelena Y. Janjigian, MD Roisin E. O’Cearbhaill, MB, BCh, BAO Mark A. Schattner, MD Faculty Chair Robert Jenq, MD Susan A. Oliveria, ScD, MPH Sergio Schwartzman, MD David J. Chung, MD, PhD Erik K. Johnson, MD Barbara O’Sullivan, MD Susan K. Seo, MD Dana M. Cutzu, MD Anna Kaltsas, MD Paul K. Paik, MD Monika Shah, MD Chau T. Dang, MD Mini Kamboj, MBBS Maria Lia Palomba, MD Susan F. Slovin, MD, PhD Sandra P. D’Angelo, MD Rana Kaplan, MD Edward J. Parrish, MD David B. Solit, MD Marco L. Davila, MD, PhD Amsale Ketema, MD Jae Hong Park, MD Robert F. Spiera, MD Jennifer L. DeFazio, MD Kyriakos A. Kirou, MD, DSc Tina M. Passalaris, MD Richard Stern, MD Liang Deng, MD, PhD Virginia M. Klimek, MD Shilen N. Patel, MD Andrew J. Vickers, PhD Madhuri Devabhaktuni, MBBS Adam D. Klotz, MD Miguel-Angel Perales, MD Gina M. Villani, MD, MPH Lisa C. Diamond, MD, MHS, MPH Guenther Koehne, MD, PhD Maria C. Pietanza, MD Louis P. Voigt, MD Mark A. Dickson, MD Jason A. Konner, MD Ian G. Pinto, MBBS Jonathan W. Weinsaft, MD Stephen J. Di Martino, MD, PhD Douglas Koo, MD, MPH Doris M. Ponce, MD Howard Weinstein, MD Barbara C. Egan, MD Chhavi Bansal Kumar, MD Christine Querfeld, MD Jedd D. Wolchok, MD, PhD Doruk Erkan, MD Nicole Lamanna, MD Elizabeth A. Quigley, MD Ann G. Zauber, PhD Azeez Farooki, MD Heather J. Landau, MD Dragos Rancea, MD Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD Julie Fasano, MD Erica H. Lee, MD Nina D. Raoof, MD Darren R. Feldman, MD Robert P. Lee, MD Dana E. Rathkopf, MD ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Monica N. Fornier, MD Nikoletta Lendvai, MD, PhD Diane Reidy Lagunes, MD Omar I. Abdel-Wahab, MD Mark G. Frattini, MD, PhD Jennifer C. Leng, MD, MPH Gregory J. Riely, MD, PhD Juliet B. Aizer, MD Matthew G. Fury, MD, PhD Michelle K. Logozzo, MD Todd L. Rosenblat, MD Arlyn Apollo, MD Devika Gajria, MD Alexander M. Lesokhin, MD Marina Rozenberg, MD Abraham Aragones, MD, MS John F. Gerecitano, MD, PhD Emmy Ludwig, MD Linda A. Russell, MD Dalit Ashany, MD Monica Girotra, MD Vicky Makker, MD Mabel M. Ryder, MD Christopher G. Azzoli, MD Ilya G. Glezerman, MD Lisa A. Mandl, MD Craig S. Sauter, MD Shrujal S. Baxi, MD Jenna Goldberg, MD Debra Mangino, DO Cori Salvit, MD Katherine M. Bell-McGuinn, Zoe Goldberg, MD Anna R. Marcelli, MD Wendy L. Schaffer, MD, PhD MD, PhD Shari Goldfarb, MD Matthew J. Matasar, MD Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Medicine as of March 15, 2012

Neil H. Segal, MD, PhD Emily S. Tonorezos, MD, MPH INSTRUCTORS Gopakumar V. Iyer, MD Eric J. Sherman, MD Tiffany A. Traina, MD Vivek K. Arora, MD, PhD Jyoti Malhotra, MBBS, MPH Stephanie Smith-Marrone, MD Tiffany Troso-Sandoval, MD Amer Assal, MD Peter A. Mead, MD Philip S. Spencer, MD Frank Tsai, MD Kathleen R. Atlans, MD Anju B. Mehta, MD Zsofia K. Stadler, MD Lisa C. Vasanth, MD Samarth Beri, MD Crystal M. North, MD Sung Wu Sun, MD Adrienne Vincenzino, MD Erika F. Brutsaert, MD Wael C. Saleh, MB, ChB William D. Tap, MD Steven Q. Wang, MD Walid Chalhoub, MD Nelson F. Sanchez, MD Sohail F. Tavazoie, MD, PhD Kathleen M. Wesa, MD Elizabeth Comen, MD Jonathan H. Schatz, MD William P. Tew, MD Rona D. Yaeger, MD Lisa M. Czanko, MD Ummara H. Shah, MD Muthukumar Thangamani, MBBS Arthur M. F. Yee, MD, PhD Daniel C. Danila, MD Stacy M. Stabler, MD, PhD Dharmarao Thapi, PhD Joseph P. Yoe, MBBS Judy Dong, DO Ying Taur, MD, MPH Roma Tickoo, MD Kenneth Ho-Ming Yu, MD David Ecker, MD George K. Wang, MD, PhD Daniel Goldstein, MBBS

Department of Neurology as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS Neal Rosen, MD, PhD Yvonna Griffo, MD Ronald G. Blasberg, MD Enid A. Haupt Chair in Thomas Kaley, MD Robert B. Darnell, MD, PhD Medical Oncology Susruta Majumdar, PhD Kathleen M. Foley, MD Jonathan D. Victor, MD, PhD Ingo K. Mellinghoff, MD The Society of Memorial Sloan- Natalie Moryl, MD Kettering Cancer Center Chair ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Babak Navi, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Paul A. Glare, MBBS Alan C. Carver, MD Antonio M. P. Omuro, MD Lisa M. DeAngelis, MD Eric Holland, MD, PhD Xi Chen, MD, PhD Elena Pentsova, MD Emily Tow Jackson Chair Lillian Rojtman Berkman Chair Denise D. Correa, PhD Sonia K. Sandhu, DO in Honor of Jerome B. Posner in Oncology Yasmin Khakoo, MD Jonas M. Sokolof, DO Gavril W. Pasternak, MD, PhD Craig P. Nolan, MD Roma Tickoo, MD, MPH Anne Burnett Tandy Chair Ying-Xian Pan, PhD of Neurology Kaleb H. Yohay, MD Michael D. Stubblefield, MD Jerome B. Posner, MD Clinical INSTRUCTORS Research Professor; George C. ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Milan Chheda, MD Cotzias Chair of Neuro-Oncology Edward K. Avila, DO Kevin C. De Braganca, MD Christian M. Custodio, MD Christian Grommes, MD Igor T. Gavrilovic, MD Department of Neurosurgery as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Mark H. Bilsky, MD Michael Kaplitt, MD, PhD Cameron W. Brennan, MD Eric C. Holland, MD, PhD Mark M. Souweidane, MD Jeffrey P. Greenfield, MD, PhD Emily Tow Jackson Chair Viviane S. Tabar, MD Ilya Laufer, MD in Oncology Samuel H. Selesnick, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Philip E. Stieg, MD, PhD Philip H. Gutin, MD Lorenz P. Studer, MD Fred Lebow Chair in Neuro-Oncology

Department of Pathology as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Marcia Edelweiss, MD Cristina Antonescu, MD Emily Cheng, MD, PhD Samson W. Fine, MD Edi Brogi, MD, PhD April Chiu, MD Karuna Garg, MBBS Klaus J. Busam, MD Ronald A. Ghossein, MD Anuradha Gopalan, MBBS Meera R. Hameed, MBBS Dilip D. Giri, MD Jason T. Huse, MD, PhD Suresh C. Jhanwar, PhD Cyrus V. Hedvat, MD, PhD Nora Katabi, MD ACTING CHAIR AND Marc Ladanyi, MD André L. Moreira, MD, PhD Melissa Murray, DO ATTENDING William J. Ruane Chair Khedoudja Nafa, PhD Christopher Y. Park, MD, PhD David S. Klimstra, MD in Molecular Oncology Jinru Shia, MD Kay J. Park, MD Oscar Lin, MD Lee K. Tan, MD Melissa P. Pulitzer, MD Victor E. Reuter, MD Christina E. Vallejo, MD Natasha Rekhtman, MD, PhD Marc K. Rosenblum, MD Liying Zhang, MD, PhD Carlie Silbo Sigel, MD Founder’s Chair Laura H. Tang, MD, PhD Robert A. Soslow, MD ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Efsevia Vakiani, MD, PhD Julie Teruya-Feldstein, MD Narasimhan Agaram, MBBS Lu Wang, MD, PhD Satish K. Tickoo, MD Hikmat A. Al-Ahmadie, MD Yong Hannah Wen, MD, PhD William D. Travis, MD Maria E. Arcila, MD Maureen F. Zakowski, MD Michael F. Berger, PhD INSTRUCTORS Yingbei Chen, MD, PhD Deborah F. DeLair, MD Adriana Dionigi Corben, MD Robin Michael Elliott, MD Snjezana Dogan, MD Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Pediatrics as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS Patrick A. Flynn, MD Julia Kearney, MD David H. Abramson, MD Bruce M. Greenwald, MD David C. Lyden, MD, PhD Nai-Kong V. Cheung, MD, PhD Yasmin Khakoo, MD Ajay Mirani, MD Enid A. Haupt Chair in Kim Kramer, MD Saroj Nimkarn, MD Pediatric Oncology Shakeel Modak, MBBS Steven Pon, MD Patricia J. Giardina, MD Mark M. Souweidane, MD Christine A. Pratilas, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Nancy A. Kernan, MD Tanya M. Trippett, MD Susan E. Prockop, MD Richard J. O’Reilly, MD Brian H. Kushner, MD Maria G. Vogiatzi, MD Stephen S. Roberts, MD Claire L. Tow Chair in Pediatric Michael P. La Quaglia, MD Leonard H. Wexler, MD Peter M. C. Savard, MD Oncology Research Joseph H. Burchenal Chair Leonard G. Steinberg, MD in Pediatrics ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Chani Traube, MD Paul A. Meyers, MD Seena S. Abraham, MBBS Kaleb H. Yohay, MD Kevin C. Oeffinger, MD Zoltan Antal, MD Michel Sadelain, MD, PhD Naomi B. Bishop, MD INSTRUCTORS Stephen and Barbara Friedman Chair Sheila J. Carroll, MD Ellen M. Basu, MD, PhD Charles A. Sklar, MD Alexander Ja-Ho Chou, MD Kevin J. Curran, MD Trudy Nan Small, MD Nana E. Coleman, MD Kevin C. De Braganca, MD Laurel J. Steinherz, MD Jeffrey Dayton, MD Rachel Kobos, MD Peter G. Steinherz, MD Ekaterina Doubrovina, MD, PhD Heather Magnan, MD Jennifer S. Ford, PhD Jessica L. Perniciaro, MD ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Stephen W. Gilheeney, MD Grace J. Pinto Britton, MD Farid Boulad, MD Jeffrey P. Greenfield, MD, PhD Thomas M. Renaud, MD James B. Bussel, MD Aisha N. Hasan, MBBS Edward Shlasko, MD, MBA Irene Y. Cheung, ScD Joy D. Howell, MD Neerav Shukla, MD Ira J. Dunkel, MD Deyin Doreen Hsing, MD Cindy L. Wong, MD Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS INSTRUCTORS Timothy A. Ahles, PhD Abraham Aragones, MD Matthew N. Doolittle, MD Philip A. Bialer, MD Thomas M. Atkinson, PhD Richard G. Key, MD William S. Breitbart, MD Smita Banerjee, PhD Melissa L. Ozga, DO Katherine N. DuHamel, PhD Abraham S. Bartell, MD Francesca M. Gany, MD Jack E. Burkhalter, PhD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Jimmie C. Holland, MD Jeanne Carter, PhD David W. Kissane, MD Wayne E. Chapman Chair Lisa C. Diamond, MD Jimmie C. Holland Chair of Psychiatric Oncology Jennifer S. Ford, PhD Marguerite S. Lederberg, MD Julia A. Kearney, MD Mary Jane Massie, MD Jennifer C. Leng, MD Andrew J. Roth, MD Tomer T. Levin, MBBS Yuelin Li, PhD ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Wendy G. Lichtenthal, PhD Carma L. Bylund, PhD Christian J. Nelson, PhD Jennifer L. Hay, PhD James C. Root, PhD Jamie S. Ostroff, PhD Elizabeth L. Ryan, PhD Talia I. Zaider, PhD

Department of Radiation Oncology as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS David H. Abramson, MD Daphna Y. Gelblum, MD Christopher A. Barker, MD Kaled M. Alektiar, MD Karyn A. Goodman, MD Kathryn F. Beal, MD Adriana Haimovitz-Friedman, PhD Nancy Lee, MD Karen Borofsky, MD Gloria C. Li, PhD Borys R. Mychalczak, MD Timothy Chan, MD, PhD Beryl McCormick, MD Suzanne L. Wolden, MD Brett Wayne Cox, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Karen D. Schupak, MD Yoshiya Yamada, MD Pinaki R. Dutta, MD, PhD Simon N. Powell, MD, PhD Joachim Yahalom, MD Richard M. Gewanter, MD Enid A. Haupt Chair in Michael J. Zelefsky, MD Alice Yoosun Ho, MD Radiation Oncology Marisa A. Kollmeier, MD James E. Lee, MD Boris Mueller, MD Preeti K. Parhar, MD Shyam S. D. Rao, MD, PhD Melissa R. Remis, MD Andreas Rimner, MD Helen L. Sidebotham, MD Abraham Jing-Ching Wu, MD Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Radiology as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS Otilia-Liana Dumitrescu, MD Kinh Gian Do, MD, PhD Andrea F. Abramson, MD Jeremy C. Durack, MD Mark Phillip S. Dunphy, DO Sara J. Abramson, MD Arthur A. Fruauff, MD Joseph P. Erinjer, MD, PhD Ariadne M. Bach, MD Scott R. Gerst, MD Kimberly N. Feigin, MD Mark J. Bluth, MD Michelle S. Ginsberg, MD Stephen E. Fleming, Jr., MD Karen T. Brown, MD Marc J. Gollub, MD Josef J. Fox, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING James F. Caravelli, MD Linda A. Heier, MD James L. Fuqua III, MD Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD Jorge A. Carrasquillo, MD Tunç A. Iyriboz, MD Athanasios P. Glekas, PhD Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair Christopher E. Comstock, MD Stefanie S. Jacobs, MD Ravinder K. Grewal, MD D. David Dershaw, MD Maxine S. Jochelson, MD Jan Grimm, MD, PhD George I. Getrajdman, MD Jennifer B. Kaplan, MD Sofia S. Haque, MD Robert T. Heelan, MD Sasan Karimi, MD Vaios Hatzoglou, MD Andrei I. Holodny, MD Karen B. Karlson, MD Mary C. Hughes, MD George Krol, MD Delia M. Keating, MD Sinchun Hwang, MD Steven M. Larson, MD Robert A. Lefkowitz, MD Sandra Joo, MD Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Eric Lis, MD Seth S. Katz, MD, PhD Chair in Radiology Neeta Pandit-Taskar, MBBS Valencia King, MD Carol H. Lee, MD Harpreet K. Pannu, MD Moritz F. Kircher, MD Jason S. Lewis, PhD Jurgen Rademaker, MD Yuliya Lakhman, MD Laura Liberman, MD Marc Z. Simmons, MD Jonathan Landa, DO Elizabeth A. Morris, MD Constantinos T. Sofocleous, Duan Li, MD David M. Panicek, MD MD, PhD John K. Lyo, MD Anita P. Friedman Price, MD Hilda E. Stambuk, MD Weining Ma, MD Heiko Schöder, MD Raymond H. Thornton, MD Majid Maybody, MD Stephen B. Solomon, MD Barbara Wajsbrot-Kandel, MD Svetlana Mironov, MD H. William Strauss, MD Corinne B. Winston, MD Nagavarakishore Pillarsetty, PhD Jerrold B. Teitcher, MD Jingbo Zhang, MD Vladimir Ponomarev, MD, PhD Jean Torrisi, MD Edmund R. Ryan, MB, BCh, BAO Robert D. Zimmerman, MD ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS Elmer B. Santos, MD, PhD William Alago, Jr., MD Debra M. Sarasohn, MD ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Miriam Benezra, PhD Robert H. Siegelbaum, MD Linda R. Aboody, MD Michelle S. Bradbury, MD, PhD Janice S. Sung, MD Oguz Akin, MD Sandra Brennan, MB, BCh, BAO Gary A. Ulaner, MD, PhD Lynn A. Brody, MD Sean D. Carlin, PhD Darren R. Veach, PhD Betty A. Caravella, MD Joshua L. Chaim, DO Robert J. Young, MD Anne M. Covey, MD Donna D. D’Alessio, MD Department of Surgery as of March 15, 2012

DIVISION HEAD AND Alexandra S. Heerdt, MD ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS ATTENDING Harry W. Herr, MD Edward A. Athanasian, MD Ronald P. DeMatteo, MD William J. Hoskins, MD Peter J. Allen, MD Division of General Surgical Joseph M. Huryn, DDS Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, MD Oncology; Leslie H. Blumgart William R. Jarnagin, MD Jay O. Boyle, MD Chair in Surgery Enid A. Haupt Chair Mary S. Brady, MD CHAIR AND ATTENDING in Surgery Carol L. Brown, MD ATTENDINGS Peter T. Scardino, MD Maureen Killackey, MD Deborah M. Capko, MD David H. Abramson, MD David H. Koch Chair Dennis H. Kraus, MD Michael D’Angelica, MD Nadeem R. Abu-Rustum, MD (through April 2012) Cherry L. Estilo, DMD Manjit S. Bains, MD Stephen McDermott Chair Mary L. Gemignani, MD Neil H. Bander, MD in Surgery Henry G. Godfrey, MD Richard R. Barakat, MD Michael P. LaQuaglia, MD Deborah J. Goldfrank, MD Ronald O. Perelman Chair Joseph H. Burchenal Chair in Gynecologic Surgery in Pediatrics Murk-Hein Heinemann, MD Leslie H. Blumgart, MD Hans G. Lilja, MD Tari King, MD Jeanne A. Petrek Junior Bernard H. Bochner, MD Monica Morrow, MD Faculty Chair Patrick J. Boland, MD Anne Burnett Windfohr Chair of Clinical Oncology Vincent Laudone, MD Murray F. Brennan, MD Mario M. Leitao, Jr., MD Benno C. Schmidt Chair John P. Mulhall, MB, BCh, BAO in Clinical Oncology Raul O. Parra, MD Douglas A. Levine, MD Mercedes Castiel, MD Philip B. Paty, MD Babak J. Mehrara, MD Dennis S. Chi, MD Valerie W. Rusch, MD Oliver Hans-Joseph Muensterer, MD, PhD Hiram S. Cody III, MD Miner Family Chair in Intrathoracic Cancers Carol D. Morris, MD Daniel G. Coit, MD Paul Russo, MD Snehal G. Patel, MBBS Peter G. Cordeiro, MD Virgilio Sacchini, MD Sitaram Pillarisetty, MD Guido Dalbagni, MD Lisa M. Sclafani, MD Andrea L. Pusic, MD Joseph J. Disa, MD Jatin P. Shah, MD Nabil Rizk, MD S. Machele Donat, MD Elliot W. Strong Chair in Glenn L. Schattman, MD Robert J. Downey, MD Head and Neck Oncology Yukio Sonoda, MD James A. Eastham, MD Ashok R. Shaha, MD Florence and Theodore Vivian E. Mack Strong, MD Jatin P. Shah Chair in Head and Baumritter/Enid Ancell Larissa K. F. Temple, MD Neck Surgery and Oncology Chair of Urologic Oncology Karim A. Touijer, MD Joel Sheinfeld, MD Mahmoud El-Tamer, MD William G. Cahan Chair Martin R. Weiser, MD Yuman Fong, MD in Surgery Richard J. Wong, MD Murray F. Brennan Chair Samuel Singer, MD in Surgery Bhuvanesh Singh, MD, PhD Harold P. Freeman, MD Pramod C. Sogani, MD Jose G. Guillem, MD Diane E. Stover, MD John H. Healey, MD Kimberly J. Van Zee, MD Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Surgery as of March 15, 2012

ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS David J. Finley, MD John Karwowski, MD Jaspreet S. Sandhu, MD Prasad S. Adusumilli, MBBS Ian Ganly, MB, ChB, PhD T. Peter Kingham, MD Inderpal Singh Sarkaria, MD Charlotte E. Ariyan, MD, PhD Ginger J. Gardner, MD John P. Lyden, MD Nitsana A. Spigland, MD Jeanne Carter, PhD Leonard N. Girardi, MD Charles A. Mack III, MD Steven J. Tunick, DMD Brett S. Carver, MD Allan D. Greenberg, DMD, PhD Brian P. Marr, M.D Zhaoshi Zeng, MD Mohit Chawla, MD Jerry L. Halpern, DDS Evan Matros, MD Jonathan A. Coleman, MD James Huang, MD Colleen M. McCarthy, MD Aimee M. Crago, MD, PhD Elizabeth L. Jewell, MD Garrett M. Nash, MD

Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program as of March 15, 2012

ATTENDINGS ASSISTANT ATTENDINGS James A. Fagin, MD Cameron Brennan, MD Marc Ladanyi, MD Timothy A. Chan, MD, PhD Sarat Chandarlapaty, MD, PhD ASSOCIATE ATTENDINGS Yu Chen, MD, PhD Emily H. Cheng, MD, PhD Ping Chi, MD, PhD CHAIR AND ATTENDING Adriana Heguy, PhD Geoffrey Beene Junior Charles L. Sawyers, MD James J. Hsieh, MD, PhD Faculty Chair Marie-Josée and Henry R. Ross L. Levine, MD Ingo K. Mellinghoff, MD Kravis Chair in Human David Solit, MD Christopher Y. Park, MD, PhD Oncology and Pathogenesis; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator Department of Nursing as of March 15, 2012

DIRECTORS Donna Miale-Mayer, RN CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALISTS Kevin P. Browne, RN Altagracia I. Mota, RN Jean Adelhardt, RN Michelle Burke, RN Maryellen O’Sullivan, RN Roberta H. Baron, RN MaryAnn Connor, RN Diane Paolilli, RN Christopher Brooks, RN Mary E. Dowling, RN Elizabeth S. Rodriguez, DNP, RN Suzanne Costello, RN Dennis Graham, DNSc, ANP, RN Jane A. Sallustro, RN Maureen F. Cunningham, RN CHIEF NURSING OFFICER Josephine Nappi, RN Robert Schley, RN Elizabeth Nelkin McCormick, R. David Rice, PhD, AOCNP, RN Anna M. Schloms, RN Mary Elizabeth Davis, RN MSN, RN Rori Salvaggio, MSN, RN Lenore Smykowski, RN Kristyn DiFortuna, RN Enid A Haupt Chair of Nursing Donna Schick, RN Patricia Spellman, RN Nkechi Fearon, RN Lystra M. Swift, RN Elizabeth R. Grahn, RN NURSE LEADERS, MANAGERS, Blanca M. Vasquez-Clarfield, RN Cathyann M. Hanson-Heath, RN CLINICAL COORDINATORS Keri Jean Wagner, RN Melanie Harold, RN Abigail Baldwin, RN Marianne Wallace, RN Sandra E. James, RN Patricia Brosnan, RN Maribeth Woodridge-King, RN Noelene A. Johnson, RN Jacquelyn Burns, RN Joyce E. Kane, RN Carole M. Cass, RN CLINICAL NURSE SUPERVISORS Nancy Karo, RN Kristin Cawley, RN Nancy M. Borzain, RN Joanne F. Kelvin, RN Stacie Corcoran, RN Marie E. Cox, RN Janine Kennedy, RN Susan L. Dosil-Loiacono, RN Barbara K. Hutton, RN Christina Kiss, RN Mary M. Eagan, RN Susan LaBombardi, RN Robina Kitzler, RN Susan Filshie, RN Christine E. Lantier, RN Ethel Beeling Law, RN Jeanine Gordon, RN Kathleen Maher, RN Beth Dee Licht, RN Judy M. Graham, RN Esther M. Ruiz, RN Vashti Livingston, RN Barbara G. Hennessey, RN Diane M. Llerandi, RN Nancy G. Houlihan, RN NURSE EDUCATORS Nora A. Love, RN Catherine Hydzik, RN Kristy Dunleavy, RN Nancy McEntee, RN Matthew Kennedy, RN Debra Dunn, RN Linda Muller, RN Stephanie Kennedy, RN Wendella Facey, RN Maureen G. O’Brien, RN Michele Kranz, RN Lisa Kennedy, RN Wayne Alec Quashie, RN Catherine T. Licitra, RN Joan McKerrow, RN Natasha Ramrup, RN Sulin Low, RN Marjorie E. Mosley, RN Debra Rodrigue, RN Suzanne V. Maier, CPNP, RN Janice R. Reid, RN Wanda Rodriguez, RN Annmarie Mazzella-Ebstein, RN Beth Sferrazza, RN Corey Russell, RN Shelley W. McKay, RN Hrafn Oli Sigurdsson, RN Patricia Schaindlin, RN Lorraine K. McEvoy, DNP, RN Shaneka D. Storey, RN Kathleen Short, RN Patricia A. McTague-Allen, RN Inderani M. Walia, RN Joanne M. Taylor, RN Kim Mertens, RN Elisabeth M. Wall, PhD, RN Eileen M. Walsh, RN Cecilia Watson, RN Donna J. Wilson, RN Departments of Memorial Hospital

Department of Nursing as of March 15, 2012

NURSE PRACTITIONERS, Maryann Carousso, FNP, Amy Rose Devigne, FNP, RN Elizabeth F. Halton, ANP, RN NP COORDINATORS AOCNP, RN Kleoniki Diamantis, FNP, RN Joan M. Hartnett, ANP, RN Megan P. Abate, ANP, RN Erin K. Carr, FNP, RN Deborah Diotallevi, CPNP, RN Kelly Haviland, NP, RN Lynn Adams, ANP, RN Anne Regan Casson, CPNP, RN Stephanie Dlugacz, ACNP, RN Elizabeth Hicks, FNP, RN Rose Ali, NP, RN Naomi Cazeau, NP RN Maria Donzelli, CPNP, RN Unn Hidle, PNP, RN Karen V. Allison, CPNP, RN Mei Ling Chan, ANP, RN Karen Drucker, ANP, RN Evlyn L. Hinds, FNP, RN Lorraine E. Anderson, ANP, RN Ewa Chauvin, ANP, RN Lauren Drysdale, ANP, RN Maria Hinton, ANP, RN Latasha Anderson-Dunkley, Cynthia Ciaschi, AOCNP, RN Jane Duffy-Weisser, ANP, RN Brianna Hoffner, NP, RN ANP, RN Laura Ciavolino, ANP, RN Megan Dunne, ANP, RN Ashley Hole, FNP, RN Ramadevi Arcot, ANP, RN Jennifer Ciminiello. ANP, RN Christina Durney, CPNP, RN Karen E. Holritz, ANP, RN Laurie Augello, AHNP, RN Keith A. Clement, ANP, RN Nancy E. Edmonds, ANP, RN Mi Young Hong, NP, RN Nadine Auguste, ACNP, RN Kristen Cognetti, NP, RN Carlene Edwards, FNP, RN Aletha R. Huckins, FNP, RN Jennifer Aviado-Langer, FNP, RN Abigail Cohen, NP, RN Catherine Ellenberger, ANP, RN Lauren Hughes, NP, RN Pamela Baird, NP, RN Kimberly Colantuono, ANP, RN Glenda Espinosa, ANP, RN Solange D. Inglis, ANP, RN Lauren Oelkers Baker, FNP, RN Nancy Collado, ANP, RN Catherine Ann Featherstone, Christine Scura Iovino, FNP, RN Christina Baldwin, NP, RN Mercedes M. Condy, ANP, RN FNP, RN Shani Irby, NP, RN Cheryl D. Barnes, FNP, RN Erin Ann Conlon, FNP, RN Zulay E. Fernandez, ANP, RN Lorraine Jackson, ACNP, RN Melissa Bassis, NP, RN Lenny Coraci, ANP, RN Christine Ferrari, ANP, RN Mindy Jaffe, CPNP, RN Rana Bazzi, ACNP, RN Rosemarie Corless, CPNP, RN Cheryl M. Fischer, CPNP, RN Laura A. James, ANP, RN Alison Berkowitz, ANP, RN Zana Correa, ANP, RN Cristy B. Fitzpatrick, ANP, RN Jeanine Jerro-Doody, ANP, RN Kimberly A. Berry, ANP, RN Marissa Corti, ANP, RN Deborah A. Fleischer, ACNP, RN Latisha A. Jones, ANP, RN Margaret H. Boelke, FNP, RN Alison Costalos, ACNP, RN Idania Flete-Olmeda, ANP, RN Stacey L. Kaufman, ANP, RN Christine Bray, NP, RN Margaret Courtney, AOCNP, RN Jennifer A. Flood, ANP, RN Sheila Keaveney, ANP, RN Devika Brijlall, CPNP, RN Joanne Cregg, ANP, RN Karen A. Flynn, ACNP, RN Kathleen J. Keenan, ANP, RN Nicolette Brown, NP, RN Catherine C. Cruz, ANP, RN Anna Ford, NP, RN Elizabeth Kelliher, ANP, GNP, RN Laurie Brusco, ANP, RN Bernadette M. Cuello, ANP, RN Christine Freise, NP, RN Paulette M. Kelly, FNP, RN Tara Buchholz, ACNP, RN Laryn M. Cullen, ANP, RN Jamie Fritts, NP, RN Sheila A. Kenny, ANP, RN Bernice E. Burford, ANP, RN Rhonda D’Agostino, ACNP, RN Erin Fusco, FNP, RN Denise M. Kessel, ANP, RN Melanie Bushnell, NP, RN Rebecca G. D’Amore, CPNP, RN Patricia Gabriel, ANP, RN Karen Kestenbaum, ANP, RN Regina Byrne, ANP, RN Linda D’Andrea, PNP, RN Lee Ganshaw, NP, RN Kathleen Kilroy, ANP, RN Maura E. Byrnes-Casey, CPNP, RN Ester C. Dantis, PNP, RN Ruth Gargan-Klinger, ANP, RN Nicole Kowalewski, NP, RN Maureen Caban, ANP, RN Dorothea A. Dashiell, CPNP, RN Lincy George, NP, RN David R. Kraft, ANP, RN Maryann Canavan, NP, RN Denise Dasti, ANP, RN Alison Gilgan, FNP, RN Lauren Kushner, PNP, RN Joanne Lee Candela, ANP, RN Deeann M. Davidson, ACNP, RN Maryanne M. Giuliante, ANP, RN Amanda Kwan, NP, RN Lisa Canecchia, NP, RN Anthony De La Cruz, ANP, RN Winsome L. Grant, WHCNP, RN Kenny M. Lacossiere, ANP, RN Maria Elena C. Cantos, ANP, Jenny Delaleu, FNP, RN Randolph E. Gross, WHCNP, RN Liza Lee Lagdamen, NP, RN ACNP, RN Joanne Delaleu, NP, RN Maureen Guiney, NP, RN Michelle Lange, NP, RN Susan Derby, GNP, RN Michelle Hall, ANP, RN Mary Layman-Goldstein, ANP, RN Department of Nursing as of March 15, 2012

Alexis Leitenberger, ANP, RN Aida Milcetic, FNP, RN Hilda Quintanilla, ANP, Yekaterina D. Tayban, ACNP, RN Angela Lentini-Rivera, CPNP, RN Grace Monger, NP, RN AOCNP, RN Jennifer Tempesta, NP, RN Nicole R. Leonhart, ANP, RN Mary Montefusco, ACNP, RN Coleen Ranaghan, NP, RN Janice Terlizzi, NP, RN Nicole LeStrange, ANP, RN Joanna J. Moulton, CPNP, RN Robin Rawlins-Duell, ANP, RN Eileen Tiernan, NP, RN Erica G. Levinson, ANP, RN Kara Ann Muhr, ANP, RN Sarah Rebal, NP, RN Ursula McPeak Tomlinson, Isobel M. Lewis, FNP, RN Carolyn Mulryan, NP, RN Tara A. Reilly, ACNP, RN CPNP, RN Christine A. Liebertz, ANP, RN Yvette Murillo, FNP, RN Rebecca W. Repetti, ANP, RN Joanne E. Torok-Castanza, Yi-Chih Lin, CPNP, RN Eibhlis Murray, FNP, RN Martha Rodriguez, ANP, RN CPNP, RN Camille L. Lineberry, ACNP, RN Joseph B. Narus, GNP, RN Carol Rossetto, CPNP, RN Kathleen A. Trotta, ANP, RN Ashley Linington, NP, RN Rachel O. Nebab, ACNP, RN Rose Ann Ruddy, ACNP, RN Roseann Tucci, CPNP, RN Marie-Helene Lofland, ANP, RN Katherine G. O’Connor, ANP, RN Mary Rudzewick, ANP, RN Leslie Tyson, ANP, RN Helen M. Loumeau, ANP, RN Mary Ann P. O’Connor, FNP, RN Julianne Ruggiero, CPNP, RN Jennifer Valdellon, ANP, RN Andria D. Lyn, ACNP, RN Shannon O’Keeffe, ACNP, RN Tara Russo, FNP, RN Jill M. Vanak, ACNP, RN Peggy Lynch, ANP, RN Marykate O’Rourke, ACNP, RN Jean Rutigliano, CPNP, RN Nelly Vega-Woo, FNP, RN Noelia Maamouri, ACNP, RN Kristen Ohagan, ANP, RN Erin Ryan, ACNP, RN Stephanie Vitolano, CPNP, RN Kelly M. Magee, FNP, RN Robert U. Okolie, NP, RN Lina Saab, FNP, RN Jamie Voccola, PNP, RN Jibran Majeed, NP, RN Claudia M. Ortiz, WHCNP, RN Joseph Santarpia, NP, RN Kelly Vuksanaj, ANP, RN Jennifer L. Maloney, NP, RN Rosemary Ortiz, FNP, RN Anita Schabel, ANP, RN Emily R. Walsh, FNP, RN Melissa A. Manning, ACNP, RN Maria Pacis, ANP, RN Kristin Schaffner, NP, RN Christine D. Waters-Clayton, FNP, RN Nina Maresca, NP, RN Brima Padlan, ANP, RN Mary A. Schoen, ANP, RN Joanne Weiner, NP, RN Denise Margiotta, NP, RN Meighan Palazzo, NP, RN Katherine Scorrano, NP, RN Richard Weiner, ANP, RN Kathryn Mariano, NP, RN Lauren Panico, NP, RN Jodi Selzer, FNP, RN Joanne M. Wells, ANP, RN Mariel Marrano, NP, RN Sylvia Pasieska, NP, RN Yelena Shames, ACNP, RN Elizabeth H. Whittam, FNP, RN Marie Kathlyn Marte, ANP, RN Alichia L. Paton, ACNP, RN Rosanne Sharp, ANP, RN Charles Wikle, NP, RN Alison Massey, NP, RN Karen Perialis, NP, RN Caroline Shirzadi, NP, RN Kerry Williams, ANP, RN Megan Masterson, NP, RN Purnima Persaud, NP, RN Ana Sjoberg, ANP, RN Nadia Aziz Wilson, NP, RN Leslie V. Matthews, ANP, RN Mary C. Petriccione, CPNP, RN Zeta Smikle-Hamilton, ANP, RN Gloria Y. Wong, ACNP, RN Shirley Mauzoul, ANP, RN Sandra D. Pezzulli, AOCNP, RN Tammy Son, ACNP, RN Christina M. Wray-Asaro, Susan McCall, NP, RN Katherine Picconi, FNP, RN Celeste M. Springer, ANP, RN ACNP, RN Emily J. McCullagh, FNP, RN Bobbi Pino-y-Torres, ANP, RN Rebecca Steed, WHCNP, RN Fengxin Wu, ACNP, RN Christine McGrade, FNP, RN Mary Plakovic, FNP, RN Christine Stefanski, FNP, RN Jane Yoffe, FNP, RN Kateri McGuire, CPNP, RN Joan M. Pope, ANP, RN Deborah E. Stein, ACNP, RN Joanna Yohannes-Tomicich, NP, RN Julie Ellen Mcmahon, CPNP, RN Paula Portelli, ACNP, RN Karen Stellato, NP, RN Heidi M. Yulico, GNP, RN Julianne McNamara, FNP, RN Elaine M. Pottenger, CPNP, RN Rebecca Sturm, CPNP, RN Nicole Zakak, CPNP, RN Margaret McSweeney, ACNP, RN Nana Prempeh-Kete Ku, ANP, RN Dyana K. Sumner, ANP, RN Joan M. Zatcky, ACNP, RN Carol Ann Milazzo-Kiedaisch, Erin Punturieri, ANP, RN Miho Suzuki, NP, RN Rebecca Zeuren, ANP, RN FNP, RN Avery Putterman, CPNP, RN Marie Tait, NP, RN Departments of Memorial Hospital

Division of Pharmacy Services as of March 15, 2012

ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS CLINICAL COORDINATORS CLINICAL SPECIALISTS Stella Lee Eng, RPh Stern Bereth, RPh – ADULT Scott Freeswick, RPh Manpreet Boparai, RPh Manpreet Boparai, RPh Raymond J. Muller, RPh Zenia Bunyi, RPh Thu Dang, RPh Priti Patel, RPh Amelia Chan, RPh Nina Cohen, RPh Florina Chuy, RPh Stephen Harnicar, RPh DIRECTOR SUPERVISORS Douglas Deritis, RPh Andrew Lin, RPh Charles D. Lucarelli, RPh Barbara Camacho, RPh Joseph Galgano, RPh Angela Michael, RPh Jerry Chow, RPh Dennis Grossano, RPh Sherry Mathew, RPh Jacqueline Gomes, RPh Peter Ho, RPh Jeanna Miller, RPh Susan Murillo, RPh Ellie Kashani-Massoumi, RPh Russell Moore, RPh Donald Murhy, RPh Michael Kellick, RPh Alla Paskovaty, RPh Gerald O’Neill, RPh Mark Klang, RPh Marcin Puto, RPh Marie Ryan, RPh Caroline Lau, RPh Hetal Shah, RPh Dolores Sleiman, RPh Melissa Lee-The, RPh Richard Tizon, RPh John Timoney, RPh Diane Leone, RPh Bhatt Valkal, RPh Jodi Wald, RPh Donna McGuffy, RPh Amy Wigglesworth, RPh Elaine Yam, RPh Vivian Park, RPh Karen Yeung, RPh Barbara Simon, RPh CLINICAL SPECIALISTS Pofan Sin, RPh – PEDIATRIC CLINICAL MANAGERS Yat Ling So, RPh Melissa Pozotrigo, RPh Nelly Adel, RPh Gregory Stelzer, RPh Jennifer Thackray, RPh David Gregornik, RPh James Sumka, RPh Daniel Van Meter, RPh Frank Surita, RPh Edward Tyler, RPh Frank Zappa, RPh Anthony Zinga, RPh

Division of Social Work as of March 15, 2012


DIRECTOR Jane Bowling, DSW, LCSW Programs of the Sloan-Kettering Institute

Steering Committee as of March 15, 2012

James P. Allison, PhD Nikola P. Pavletich, PhD (through May 31, 2012) Alexander Rudensky, PhD Kathryn V. Anderson, PhD (effective June 1, 2012) Eric M. Cottington, PhD Chris Sander, PhD John R. Gunn David A. Scheinberg, MD, PhD Alan Hall, PhD Craig B. Thompson, MD DIRECTOR Kenneth J. Marians, PhD (ex officio) Thomas J. Kelly, MD, PhD Joan Massagué, PhD Benno C. Schmidt Chair of Cancer Research

Cancer Biology and Genetics Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS ASSISTANT MEMBERS PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Robert Benezra, PhD Kitai Kim, PhD Laboratory Members Eric C. Holland, MD, PhD Robert J. Klein, PhD Neil S. Lipman, V.MD Emily Tow Jackson Chair Christine Mayr, MD Felix R. Wolf, DVM, PhD in Oncology Andrea Ventura, MD, PhD Associate Laboratory Member Scott W. Lowe, PhD Geoffrey Beene Junior CHAIR AND MEMBER Geoffrey Beene Senior Faculty Chair Andrew C. Nicholson, DVM, PhD Faculty Chair Joan Massagué, PhD Hans Guido Wendel, MD Assistant Laboratory Members Alfred P. Sloan Chair; Craig B. Thompson, MD Paula C. Ezell, DVM Howard Hughes Medical Christine Lieggi, DVM Institute Investigator ASSOCIATE MEMBER Sebastien Monette, DVM Johanna A. Joyce, PhD Rodolfo J. Ricart-Arbona, DVM Julie White, DVM

JOINT APPOINTMENT Kenneth Offit, MD Programs of the Sloan-Kettering Institute

Cell Biology Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS ASSISTANT MEMBERS AT THE ROCKEFELLER Raju S. K. Chaganti, PhD Cole M. Haynes, PhD UNIVERSITY William E. Snee Chair Jidong Liu, PhD Assistant Member (Affiliate) Filippo G. Giancotti, MD, PhD Philipp M. Niethammer, PhD Hironori Funabiki, PhD Paul A. Marks, MD Michael H. Overholtzer, PhD Malcolm A. S. Moore, DPhil Meng-Fu Bryan Tsou, PhD AT WEILL CORNELL CHAIR AND MEMBER Enid A. Haupt Chair of MEDICAL COLLEGE Alan Hall, PhD Cell Biology PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Member (Affiliate) Alfred P. Sloan Chair Marilyn D. Resh, PhD Associate Laboratory Member Timothy A. Ryan, PhD Urs Rutishauser, PhD Margaret A. Leversha, PhD


Computational Biology Program as of March 15, 2012

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF AT WEILL CORNELL Gregoire Altan-Bonnet, PhD Laboratory Member MEDICAL COLLEGE Bristol-Myers Squibb/James D. Alex E. Lash, MD Member (Affiliate) Robinson III Junior Faculty Chair Harel Weinstein, DSC Christina S. Leslie, PhD Associate Laboratory Member Gunnar Raetsch, PhD Nicholas D. Socci, PhD

CHAIR AND MEMBER Assistant Laboratory Member ASSISTANT MEMBER Chris Sander, PhD Raya Khanin, PhD Tri-Institutional Professor Joao de Bivar Xavier, PhD

Developmental Biology Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ASSISTANT MEMBERS Mary K. Baylies, PhD Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, PhD Zhirong Bao, PhD Peter Besmer, PhD Eric C. Lai, PhD Mary G. Goll, PhD Maria Jasin, PhD Song-Hai Shi, PhD Danwei Huangfu, PhD William E. Snee Chair Bristol-Myers Squibb/James D. Julia A. Kaltschmidt, PhD Alexandra L. Joyner, PhD Robinson III Junior Faculty Chair CHAIR AND MEMBER Courtney Steel Chair in Jennifer A. Zallen, PhD PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Kathryn V. Anderson, PhD Pediatric Cancer Research Howard Hughes Medical Laboratory Members Elizabeth H. Lacy, PhD Institute Early Career Scientist Enid A. Haupt Chair in Katia O. Manova-Todorova, PhD Developmental Biology Lorenz P. Studer, MD Willie H. Mark, PhD

Assistant Laboratory Members Peter J. Romanienko, PhD Mark J. Tomishima, PhD Immunology Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS ASSISTANT MEMBERS Michael S. Glickman, MD Morgan Huse, PhD Ulrich G. Hämmerling, PhD Ming Li, PhD Alan N. Houghton, MD Joseph C. Sun, PhD Lloyd J. Old Chair for Clinical Investigation PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF CHAIR AND MEMBER CHAIR AND MEMBER Herbert F. Oettgen, MD Laboratory Member James P. Allison, PhD Alexander Y. Rudensky, PhD Richard J. O’Reilly, MD Tullia Lindsten, MD, PhD (through May 31, 2012) (effective June 1, 2012) Claire L. Tow Chair in Pediatric David H. Koch Chair in Howard Hughes Medical Oncology Research Associate Laboratory Members Immunologic Studies; Institute Investigator Eric G. Pamer, MD P. Jan Hendrikx, PhD Howard Hughes Medical Enid A. Haupt Chair in Clinical Frances Weis-Garcia, PhD Institute Investigator Investigation Marcel R. M. van den Brink, Assistant Laboratory Members MD, PhD Annamalai Selvakumar, PhD Alan N. Houghton Chair Jianda Yuan, MD, PhD

ASSOCIATE MEMBER JOINT APPOINTMENTS Jayanta Chaudhuri, PhD Ronald P. DeMatteo, MD Leslie H. Blumgart Chair in Surgery Katharine C. Hsu, MD, PhD Jedd D. Wolchok, MD, PhD James W. Young, MD

Molecular Biology Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AT THE ROCKEFELLER Jerard Hurwitz, PhD Prasad V. Jallepalli, MD, PhD UNIVERSITY Scott N. Keeney, PhD Xiaolan Zhao, PhD Member (Affiliate) Howard Hughes Medical C. David Allis, PhD Institute Investigator ASSISTANT MEMBERS Thomas J. Kelly, MD, PhD Dirk Remus, PhD JOINT APOINTMENT Benno C. Schmidt Chair CHAIR AND MEMBER Iestyn Whitehouse, PhD Simon N. Powell, MBBS, PhD of Cancer Research Kenneth J. Marians, PhD Enid A Haupt Chair in Andrew Koff, PhD William E. Snee Chair PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Radiation Oncology John H. J. Petrini, PhD Laboratory Members Paul A. Marks Chair in Molecular Cell Biology Hediye Erdjument Bromage,PhD Mark S. Ptashne, PhD Agnès Viale, PhD Virginia and Daniel K. Associate Laboratory Members Ludwig Chair Ricardo Toledo-Crow, PhD Stewart Shuman, MD, PhD Simon H. Rifkind Chair Assistant Laboratory Members Paul Tempst, PhD Mariana M. Yaneva, PhD Programs of the Sloan-Kettering Institute

Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS Jerome B. Posner, MD Associate Laboratory Members Colin B. Begg, PhD American Cancer Society Clinical Elisa de Stanchina, PhD Eugene W. Kettering Chair Research Professor; George C. Ouathek Ouerfelli, PhD Cotzias Chair of Neuro-Oncology Ronald G. Blasberg, MD George D. Sukenick, PhD Neal Rosen, MD, PhD Murray F. Brennan, MD Nian Wu, PhD Benno C. Schmidt Chair Enid A. Haupt Chair in Medical Oncology Assistant Laboratory Members CHAIR AND MEMBER in Clinical Oncology Michel Sadelain, MD, PhD David A. Scheinberg, MD, PhD Bayard D. Clarkson, MD Christophe Antczak, PhD Stephen and Barbara Vincent Astor Chair Enid A. Haupt Chair of Ying-Xian Pan, PhD Friedman Chair Therapeutic Research Maria K. Spassova, PhD Samuel J. Danishefsky, PhD Peter T. Scardino, MD David H. Koch Chair Eugene W. Kettering Chair AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY Zvi Fuks, MD Assistant Member (Affiliate) Alfred P. Sloan Chair ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Hening Lin, PhD Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD Gabriela Chiosis, PhD Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair Derek S. Tan, PhD AT THE ROCKEFELLER Richard N. Kolesnick, MD UNIVERSITY Steven M. Larson, MD ASSISTANT MEMBERS Assistant Member (Affiliate) Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Luca Cartegni, PhD Sean Brady, PhD Chair in Radiology Jan Grimm, MD, PhD Yueming Li, PhD Michael G. Kharas, PhD JOINT APPOINTMENTS C. Clifton Ling, PhD Minkui Luo, PhD Enid A. Haupt Chair Michelle S. Bradbury, MD, PhD of Medical Physics Renier J. Brentjens, MD, PhD PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Stephen D. Nimer, MD Jason A. Koutcher, MD, PhD Laboratory Members (through April 30, 2012) Jason S. Lewis, PhD Alfred P. Sloan Chair Ting-Chao Chou, PhD Gavril W. Pasternak, MD, PhD Hakim Djaballah, PhD Anne Burnett Tandy Chair Ronald C. Hendrickson, PhD of Neurology Isabelle Rivière, PhD

Structural Biology Program as of March 15, 2012

MEMBERS ASSISTANT MEMBERS Jonathan D. Goldberg, PhD Stephen B. Long, PhD Stephen and Barbara Friedman Alexandros Pertsinidis, PhD Chair; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Christopher D. Lima, PhD Associate Laboratory Member Dimitar B. Nikolov, PhD CHAIR AND MEMBER Yehuda Goldgur, PhD Nikola P. Pavletich, PhD Dinshaw Patel, PhD Stephen and Barbara Friedman Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Chair Chair; Howard Hughes Medical of Experimental Therapeutics Institute Investigator Members Emeriti Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Lowell L. Anderson, PhD Robert B. Golbey, MD Manuel Ochoa, Jr., MD Stephen S. Sternberg, MD Donald Armstrong, MD Walter B. Jones, MD Stuart H. Q. Quan, MD Elliot W. Strong, MD June L. Biedler, PhD Susan E. Krown, MD Richard A. Rifkind, MD Osias Stutman, MD (deceased May 2012) John L. Lewis, Jr., MD Lawrence N. Rothenberg, PhD Alan D. Turnbull, MD Ronald A. Castellino, MD Philip H. Lieberman, MD F. Kingsley Sanders, DPhil Norma Wollner, MD E. Eugene Covington, MD Kenneth O. Lloyd, PhD Morton K. Schwartz, PhD James M. Woodruff, MD Bo Dupont, MD, DSc Klaus Mayer, MD Maurice E. Shils, MD, ScD Samuel D.J. Yeh, MD, ScD Thomas J. Fahey, Jr., MD Myron R. Melamed, MD Francis M. Sirotnak, PhD Joseph H. Galicich, Jr., MD W. P. Laird Myers, MD Maus W. Stearns, MD Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

$100,000,000 OR MORE $10,000,000 — $19,999,999 ICAP $2,500,000 — $4,999,999 The Estate of Geoffrey Beene Anonymous The Robert J. Kleberg, Jr., Anonymous Mortimer B. Zuckerman Trust of Burton Abrams and Helen C. Kleberg Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adam Foundation The Elmer and Mamdouha The Allbritton Foundation Trust of L. H. P. Klotz $50,000,000 — $99,999,999 Bobst Foundation Bethany Allen The Breast Cancer Research John W. Kluge David H. Koch Lance Armstrong Foundation Foundation The Lebensfeld Foundation The Leonard and Evelyn Estate of Eleanor Backer The Stephen and Barbara Estate of Tse Kyung Lee Lauder Foundation Band of Parents Foundation Friedman Foundation The Leon Lowenstein Virginia and D. K. Ludwig The Arthur & Rochelle Belfer Alan and Sandra Gerry Foundation, Inc., and Fund for Cancer Research Foundation The Arnold and Arlene Robert and John Bendheim Robertson Foundation Estate of Lillian R. Berkman Goldstein Family Martin S. and Sheila Major The Starr Foundation Foundation and Family The James E. and Diane W. Burke Foundation, Inc. The Donald B. and Catherine The Robert and Kate Niehaus $25,000,000 — $49,999,999 C. Marron Foundation Foundation Estate of Nizza Burstyn The Atlantic Philanthropies Mr. and Mrs. Milton Petrie Peserga International Mrs. D. Wayne Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Jack Byrne Laurance S. Rockefeller Foundation Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation The Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Donna and Benjamin Rosen Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reed Foundation, Inc. Robert F. X. Sillerman and Laurance S. Rockefeller Fund The Kristen Ann Carr Fund Mr. and Mrs. William H. Laura Baudo Sillerman Dorothy Rose and James D. Carter Goodwin, Jr., and the through their Tomorrow Dr. Milton Rose Estate of Franklin Chenenky Commonwealth Foundation Foundation Allan H. Selig Pei-Yuan Chia and the Chia for Cancer Research The Simons Foundation The Peter Jay Sharp Family Foundation The Sidney Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Foundation The Irma L. and Abram S. Foundation Warner III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siegal Croll Charitable Trust The Tow Foundation The Society of MSKCC The Doris Duke Charitable $5,000,000 — $9,999,999 Thrift Shop Foundation $20,000,000 — $24,999,999 Anonymous Estate of Margaret The Mitzi & Warren Eisenberg Foundation/The Susan Anonymous Bristol-Myers Squibb Company McCormack Sokol The William and Lynda Steere and Leonard Feinstein Stanley F. and Fiona The Carson Family Charitable Foundation Druckenmiller Foundation Trust Trust of Richard J. Eisemann Prostate Cancer Foundation The Steven A. and Alexandra Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, Inc. Estate of Elizabeth M. M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Frelinghuysen Charlotte and Bill Ford III UBS Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III Estate of Jeanette R. Fulham Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Estate of Francis Gonzalez Garonzik Swim Across America, Inc. Michael A. and Zena Wiener Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan N. Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Geier, Jr. Grayer Estate of Sherlock Hibbs William Randolph Hearst Foundations Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Estate of Irma A. Howard The Joseph and Arlene Taub Cancer Research Institute Estate of Frank H. Gabriel W. M. Keck Foundation Foundation Estate of Marion B. Carstairs Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation Estate of Martin C. Kessler Estate of Richmond E. Robert B. Catell Sara Gadd Thompson F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. John and Michael Chandris Estate of Thomas Gardiner Trust of Jane Toplitt Susan G. Komen for the Cure Trust of Charles P. Ciaffone Trust of Virginia L. Garrison Margaretta J. Taylor Henry and Marie-Josée Kravis Trust of George Clegg Trust of Florence K. Geffen TOSA Foundation Myra Nelson Larrison The Comer Science and The Lawrence M. Gelb The Lymphoma Foundation Education Foundation Foundation, Inc. $1,000,000 — $2,499,999 Trust of Philip R. Mallory The Connecticut Sports Richard L. Gelb Foundation Trust of Estelle A. Manning Anonymous Genentech Trust of James J. Corbalis, Jr. The T. J. Martell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. General Electric Company for Leukemia, Cancer and Abramson Countess Moira Foundation Eileen Genet Fund for AIDS Research Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Crisp Ovarian Cancer Research Estate of Charles J. Mauro Adler Cure Breast Cancer and Prevention The Abby R. Mauzé Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Alger III Foundation, Inc. Trust of Josephine A. Gilmore Charitable Trust Alliance for Cancer Gene Estate of Helen M. Curry Estate of Anna H. Gleason Melanoma Research Alliance Therapy Trust of Margaret E. Dahm Miriam and Alan Goldberg Foundation Stephen and Madeline Dennis D. Dammerman Golfers Against Cancer Anbinder Florence Miner Estate of Charles E. Dillman Foundation Gloria Miner John M. Angelo and The Gordon Fund Judy Hart Angelo Gloria DiPietro-Cooper The Naddisy Foundation Trust of Jane H. Gordon Estate of Roone P. Arledge Entertainment Industry The Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Grass Family Foundation Foundation The Award of Courage Corporation The Eunice Foundation The Marion and Louis Ronald O. Perelman Grossman Foundation The Batishwa Fellowship Estate of Harry Fagen Estate of Catherine R. Price Farmer Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trust of Edgar D. Grossman Frederick Henry Prince Baumgartner Trust of Harold Farrington Memorial Fund Trust of Helen Guerin Estate of Mary Ann Benjamin The John K. Figge Family Bruce C. Ratner Hackers for Hope Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Benton Estate of Barbara D. Finberg The Robbins Family Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hagan Foundation Allen and Joan Bildner The Jerome and Anne C. Fisher Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hannan Estate of Joseph J. Santry Dan Biele Flight Attendant Medical Estate of Margaret H. Hanson Estate of Marilyn L. Schaefer The Anita and Leonard Boxer Family Foundation Research Institute Stephen P. Hanson Estate of Grace A. Shapro Breast Cancer Alliance, Inc. The Stephanie and Lawrence Jamie and Jeffrey Harris The Joachim Silbermann Flinn, Jr. Charitable Trust Estate of Helen Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hascoe Family Estate of Harry N. Forman Trust of Emil A. Buelens The Lita Annenberg Hazen Paul E. Singer Lorraine Friedman Foundation Estate of Diane B. Burkhart Joan and Joel Smilow Fund for Ophthalmic Hazen Polsky Foundation Stand Up to Cancer The Burnett Foundation Knowledge The Heckscher Foundation Fred and Marie-Noelle Meyer Juliet Rosenthal Ira Sohn Conference for Children Estate of Wilma S. Mills Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Estate of Robert C. Mitchell Jack Rudin Peter J. Solomon Family Heineman, Jr. Foundation Estate of Samuel U. Mitchell The Louis & Rachel Rudin Marie B. Hilliard Foundation The Society of MSKCC Trust of Douglas C. Mohl The Charles and Marjorie The May & Samuel Rudin The Sontag Foundation Estate of Warren A. Montel Holloway Foundation, Inc. Family Foundation Sportsmen for Charity Morgan Stanley Estate of Harriet Huber The Peter M. Sacerdote Estate of Stanley R. Stones The William T. Morris Foundation Estate of Dorris Hutchison Mr. and Mrs. David K. Storrs Foundation Lewis A. Sanders IBM Corporation George Strawbridge, Jr. Mushett Family Fayez Sarofim & Co. Trust of Harry C. Jaecker, Jr. Foundation, Inc. The Margaret Dorrance Estate of Margaret W. Schafer Estate of Clarence W. Johnson Trust of Saul Nathonsohn Strawbridge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Selby of PA Estate of Wilda Johnson The New York Community Trust of Marion Kahn Trust Dr. David E. and Beth The Sussman Family Fund Kobliner Shaw Estate of Mary B. Ketcham Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation Trust of M. Allen Swift Trust of Henry H. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Matania Kochavi Nonna’s Garden Foundation Tarnopol Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Virgil Sherrill Estate of Rosemarie Krulish The Olayan Group Estate of Lillian Tomek Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. The Thomas G. Labrecque Pediatric Cancer Foundation The Beth C. Tortolani Sherrill Foundation Foundation Estate of Frederick Pelda Alfred J. and Stephanie Shuman Anthony and Carole Trapani Trust of Grace Fay Lamb John and Francie Pepper through the Windmill Lane The Trump Group Philippe Laub Perry Capital LLC Foundation Universal Network Television Estate of Wilhelmina LeJeune Estate of Jeanne Poli Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Siegel Leon Levy Foundation M. Steven and S. David The V Foundation for Cancer Laura and Christopher A. Research Estate of Ada Leventhal Pucillo Silbermann Trust of Edward W. Vollintine Dr. Nancy Alpern Levin Mrs. Katharine J. Rayner The Rosanne H. Silbermann Joan and Sanford I. Weill The LisaBeth Foundation Charles H. Revson Foundation Foundation Louis and Jane Weinstock The Litwin Foundation Estate of Edith Roberts Mary Ann and Arthur M. Siskind through the Siskind The Lillian S. Wells Robert S. Ludwig and Estate of Josephine T. Family Sarcoma Fund Foundation, Inc. Gwenyth E. Rankin Robertson The Skirball Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clay T. Lydian Asset Management, LP The Jim & Linda Robinson Whitehead Foundation Trust of William Kirkland The Maloris Foundation Smith Estate of Carolyn H. Wilson Margaux’s Miracle Foundation Estate of Anne Morales Rodgers Trust of Emily V. Smyth Winterburn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Martino The Felix and Elizabeth Trust of Clemance and Edwin Diana S. Wister The G. Harold & Leila Mathers Rohatyn Foundation Snyder The Wolfensohn Family Foundation The Laura Rosenberg The Society of MSKCC Special Foundation Mrs. William L. Matheson Foundation, Inc. Projects Committee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright Merrill Lynch & Co. Estate of Lillian E. Rosenmerkel Zev’s Fund Inc. Foundation, Inc. Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

$500,000 — $999,999 The Cancer Research Arthur Falcone Deanne and Arthur Indursky Estate of Marguerite Abrams Foundation of America Estate of Beatrice Feinstein Mrs. H. Anthony Ittelson Alex’s Lemonade Stand The Richard E. Capri Estate of Alice H. Ficht The Jewish Communal Fund Foundation on behalf of Allen & Company, Inc. the Wolf Family Trust of Alice D. Fiedler Johnson & Johnson American Brain Tumor Estate of Richard B. Carman Trust of Marie Finch Estate of Horace A. Jones Foundation The Tina and Richard V. Trust of Ira S. French Fritz and Adelaide Kauffmann American Skin Association Carolan Foundation Trust of Oscar H. Friedman Foundation Anonymous James & Patricia Cayne The Michael J. Fox Foundation Kinetics Foundation Roland Arthur Charitable Trust Estate of Joseph G. Gaumont Estate of Joan E. Kinley Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Trust of Betty R. Ciaffone Estate of Lillian B. George Estate of Hazel V. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Baker Citigroup The Gerber Foundation Estate of John W. Knox Family Foundation The Simon & Eve Colin The Aaron and Betty Gilman Estate of Ruth Koch Estate of Eileen W. Bamberger Foundation Family Foundation The Koodish Family Trust of Barbara G. Bargar Estate of Harry J. Colish Estate of Thelma Gish Charitable Trust Estate of Doris A. Baumann Constant Convocation Center GIST Cancer Research Fund The Jacob & Valeria Langeloth Foundation The Arnold and Mabel Cookies for Kids’ Cancer Estate of William J. Glasgow Beckman Foundation Trust of Charles T. Larus The Elaine Terner Cooper Estate of Robert E. Gleason Trust of William T. Benitt Lazard Capital Markets Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. The Besen Family Trust of Faye Copeland Goldberg Harold F. Levinson Jamie Nicholls & Fran Biondi Estate of Leonard Corso Goldman Sachs & Company Life Raft Group Charitable Trust Chandler Cox Foundation The Joyce & Irving Goldman Trust of Martin C. and Betty, James, and Thomas Estate of Helen M. Cramer Family Foundation Margaret V. Lohsen Blake (The Thomas Blake, Trust of Louis J. Lombardi Sr. Memorial Fund) The Dana Foundation The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Lustgarten Foundation The Blue Dot Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Davidson Peter M. Guggenheimer for Pancreatic Research Trust of Ethelvida Boehme Davis Charitable Foundation The Marc Haas Foundation Earle I. Mack Foundation Estate of William Boehme Estate of Sandra Newman Mr. and Mrs. William W. Estate of Lucille Knowles Mr. and Mrs. David Boies Dawson Haerther, Jr. Freedman Mann Trust of Frederick W. The Thompson Dean Family Estate of Ethel V. Haldeman Trust of John C. McCormick Bonacker, Jr. Foundation Evelyn A. J. Hall Charitable The James S. McDonnell Estate of Adele Bozio The DeGroot Family Trust Foundation Trust of Nancy J. Bradford Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Estate of Ralph Melson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bren Annette and Oscar de la Renta Hammerman Estate of Ruth Vitow Messias The Andrea and Charles Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William B. The Ambrose Monell Bronfman Philanthropies, Trust of James Douglas Harrison, Jr. Foundation Inc. Estate of Louis Duenweg Estate of Ruth H. Hewlett J. P. Morgan Chase Trust of Dorothy Fielder Brown The Emerald Foundation Marie B. Hilliard The Norman M. Morris Mrs. Edwin M. Burke Mr. and Mrs. David Epstein The Patricia M. Hynes and Foundation Roy L. Reardon Foundation Trust of Paula Moss The Beatrice & Samuel A. Variety – The Children’s Joyce Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mott Seaver Foundation Charity Estate of Rose Ashton-Irvine News Corporation The Seraph Foundation Richard C. Vergobbi Aventis Pharmaceutical The New York Yankees The Shen Family Foundation Estate of Christine Villano Avon Foundation Foundation Trust of William and Lucy R. Waletzky, MD Estate of William C. Bahn, Jr. Isabelle Sherlock Trust of Melba M. O’Connell Estate of Ingeborg K. Watson The Banbury Fund Evelyn R. Simmers The Sylvan and Ann Trust of Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Estate of Florence Barrack Oestreicher Foundation Charitable Trust Estate of Ruth C. Weismann Estate of Marcia Batten Trust of Jo Anne H. Olmsted Trust of Barbara K. Snader Trust of Reamer W. Wigle Betsy L. Battle E. Stanley O’Neal The Society of MSKCC Associates Committee The Meryl and Charles Witmer Richard I. Beattie Estate of Beatrice P. K. Palestin Charitable Foundation Estate of Katherine R. Estate of Ethel A. Bell Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Trust of Richard A. Yudkin Sonneman Trust of Virginia Poole The Perelman Family Spin4Survival Estate of Anna M. Zavatt Benjamin Foundation St. Baldrick’s Foundation Ronald Zung Estate of Irma Berg Trust of Elizabeth L. Perkins The John R. and Inge P. Bergstein Family Foundation Pfizer Inc. Stafford Foundation $250,000 — $499,999 The Bie Family Foundation Estate of Lucie Picard Estate of Helen E. Steadman Trust of George Aaron The Lisa E. Bilotti Foundation Estate of Marion M. Pincus Bonnie and Steven E. Stern Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure The Nancy and Robert S. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Posner The Mel Stottlemyre Myeloma (ABC2) Foundation Blank Foundation Margot Rosenberg Pulitzer Foundation Estate of John D. Adams, Jr. Trust of Ronald M. Blau Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Street The Louis & Bessie Adler Albert and Betty Bodian The Mitchell P. Rales Family Trust of James Strobridge Foundation Foundation The Bondi Foundation The Michael Sweig Foundation The Rita Allen Foundation John Bradbury Reed Trust of Lillian Borchardt The Craig D. Tifford The Alliance Against ASPS The Louis L. Borick Foundation Trust of Irene Dorothy Reel Foundation, Inc. Foundation Estate of Agnes Rezler The Albert C. Bostwick Barbara Davies Troisi American Health Assistance Foundation Drs. Helena and David Foundation Foundation Rodbard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Estate of Stanley F. Tucker The American Italian Cancer Bousquette Alexander J. Roepers Foundation Tudor Investment Corporation Trust of Alice M. Branch Shafi Roepers The Ametek Foundation, Inc. Daniel P. and Grace I. Tully The Braver Foundation Trust of William C. Rogers Dorothy A. Anderson Foundation Estate of Paul P. Brieloff The Arthur Ross Turner Construction Company Trust of Eileen Alpert Foundation, Inc. Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer United Way of Tri-State Anonymous Foundation Trust of Edward G. Ryder Uniting Against Lung Cancer Estate of Anita S. Appel Estate of Madalyn B. Bryant Joseph J. Santry Trust of Ward M. Vanderpool Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. The Bugas Fund Appleton, Jr. Estate of George W. Vanguard Charitable Schneider III Hilary and Joseph A. Endowment Fund Arms Wide Open Childhood Califano, Jr. Estate of Alana M. Schuster Cancer Foundation Cancer Support Services, Inc. Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

The Paul Robert Carey The Dickson Foundation Leonardo Giambrone Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Foundation The DiMenna Foundation, Inc. For the Love of Life Harteveldt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carmel Elizabeth K. Dollard The Terry Fox Run for Trust of Abraham Hases Estate of Georgia M. Catrini Charitable Trust Cancer Research Estate of Irma Hayes Trust of Ruth C. Celarek William C. Dowling The Evan Frankel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Estate of Burdette G. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frankfort Heimbold, Jr. Chamberlin The Walter S. and Lucienne B. The Edna R. Fredel Charitable Estate of Judith B. Helfant The Y. C. Ho/Helen and Driskill Foundation Lead Annuity Trust Heyman-Merrin Family Michael Chiang Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Ehrler Estate of Frank O. Fredericks Foundation Joan Chorney Eli Lilly & Co. The Fribourg Foundation The Catie Hoch Foundation CIBC World Markets Rita H. Schaefer Elliott Estate of Gerard M. Friedman Estate of Laverne Hodges Corporation The Ellison Medical Estate of Regina M. Gallichio Estate of Martha Holloway Estate of Dorothy L. Cobb Foundation Estate of Norman D. Galloway Mr. and Mrs. D. Gregory Trust of Joan F. Cobb The Charles Engelhard Horrigan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Frances B. Cohen Gardiner Estate of Karen L. Hudson Trust of June K. Evans Mr. and Mrs. John K. Trust of Esther B. Garnsey William Lawrence & Blanche Colgate, Jr. Trust of Lillian Evans Hughes Foundation Estate of Mildred B. Gehrke The Julien Collot Lord Evans of Watford Edith M. Hunter Joe and Ellen Gellert Foundation, Inc. Anthony B. Evnin IBM International Foundation Genzyme The Community Foundation Trust of Sarah W. Ewing Bruce H. Jacobs for Northern Virginia – The Albert and Pearl Ginsberg Hanlon Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Barton Faber Foundation Trust of Clyde H. Jacobs Estate of Robert I. Conley Estate of Giuliana Fantini The Glades Foundation The Rona Jaffe Foundation Estate of Lillian Copperman Trust of Mary E. Farrell Alfred G. & Hope P. Goldstein Janssen Pharmaceutica Products LP Carlos A. Cordeiro Foundation The Feinstein Family Fund Foundation Estate of Mira Jelin Sharon Levine Corzine Susan Wallack Goldstein Paul Felzen Granary Associates The Robert Wood Johnson Estate of Leonard Cossack Foundation The Fibrolamellar Cancer Grand Street Fund The Cowles Charitable Trust Foundation Estate of Al Jolson Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Greene Chandler Cox Foundation Estate of Selma Fine Estate of Robert L. Jones Estate of Mary O. Craft Virginia and Howard The Grace J. Fippinger Groombridge Max Kade Foundation, Inc. Estate of Edna W. Curl Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kay Trust of DeWitt S. Davidson First Quality Enterprises, Inc. Robert C. Halboth Estate of Helen Keena Trust of Richard L. Davies Jeanne Donovan Fisher Mrs. Melville W. Hall Trust of Fenton O. Keister Estate of Frederick W. Davis The Jodi Spiegel Fisher Trust of Florence M. Hammer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kennedy Estate of Leonard Davis Cancer Foundation Gladys and Roland Harriman Trust of Estelle Knapp Trust of Marion E. Dean Aaron I. Fleischman Foundation Foundation Trust of Paul and Fran Knight Trust of Carolyn B. Denney The Floren Family Foundation Susanne and Shelley Harrison Joel Koschitzky Hester Diamond Foundation Fondazione Italiana Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Koslow The Fred W. Kramer Estate of Anne Markowitz Trust of Anny S. Moore Patricia A. Quick Charitable Trust Mrs. John L. Marion Trust of Edmund L. Murray Charitable Trust Cheryl Gordon Krongard The Marmot Foundation The National Brain Tumor Trust of Harriet C. Rath Estate of Harriette H. Kussin Estate of Edith Lipphardt Society Trust of Anne Ressner Estate of Sidney Lacher Martens National Childhood Cancer Estate of Walter E. Rex III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Estate of Elizabeth Martin Foundation Estate of Richard A. Riecker La Motta Trust of Richard and Betty Carole and Raymond Neag The Andréa Rizzo Dance The Lakeside Foundation Martin Trust of Louise F. Neely Therapy Fund Estate of Harriet L. Lampert Estate of Ann L. Martinez Estate of Ann M. Nelson Trust of Lillian Robbins Vivian F. Laube Trust of Anthony J. Masard Muriel Neumann Estate of Sandra Sheppard Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc. The Lucille and Paul Maslin New York Workers’ Rodgers Betty Reid Lawson Foundation Compensation Bar Estate of Nathan Rothstein Association Trust of Joseph Lebednik Trust of Cecelia Matarazzo Estate of Wilhelmina T. Rouget James G. Niven The Richard S. and Karen Estate of Harry H. Maus The Selma and Lawrence LeFrak Charitable Max Cure Foundation Occidental Petroleum Ruben Foundation Corporation Foundation The Mayday Fund David Mark Rubenstein The Okonite Company In memory of Stacey Leondis Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Mazzella Damon Runyon Cancer The Lerner Foundation Grace Oughton Cancer Research Foundation MBNA America Bank Foundation Estate of Donald LeRoy Mrs. Orhan I. Sadik-Khan The MBNA Education Eileen and James A. Paduano Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Levey Foundation Mrs. Edmond J. Safra Parfums de Coeur Ltd. Trust of Leona Levy Donald J. McCarraher Dr. Nathan E. Saint-Amand PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. The Anne Boyd Lichtenstein Mary Jane McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Saks The Perkin Fund Foundation The Michael W. McCarthy Mara and Ricky Sandler Estate of John E. Liebmann Foundation Estate of Ann Perkins Trust of Erika Saphier Pauline H. Lin Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. McDowell Estate of Claude E. Petruzzi Trust of Paul C. Sawyer Live4Life Foundation Estate of Charles McGreevy Mr. and Mrs. Jeroen Trust of Edwin & Grace Sayers Henk L. Pit Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust Estate of Alan McMaster Estate of Christine C. Scanlan Jean D. Pitcher Estate of Marian J. Looser MeadWestvaco Corporation Trusts of Anabel M. Josephine K. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lundy The Merck Company Scarborough and Walter Foundation Polo Ralph Lauren L. Scarborough Lymphoma Research Corporation Foundation Estate of Despina Messinesi The Milton Schamach Estate of Elizabeth Polotaye Foundation, Inc. Estate of Julian Malkiel Trust of Russell A. Meyer Trust of Helen M. Price Trust of Jennie C. Schneider Manhasset Women’s Coalition Peter Michael Foundation Estate of Seymour Price Mrs. Silvia A. Schnur Against Breast Cancer Trust of Russell H. Michel Project A.L.S. Estate of Evelyn Schrank The Lois H. Mann Charitable Mrs. Minot K. Milliken Foundation Prudential Financial, Inc. Trust of Crystal Schull Estate of Dorothea K. Money Estate of Albert Manning Mrs. Jenice Pulver Estate of Bertha Schulman Young Ae Lim and Estate of Marvin Margolies Joonsikk Moon Purdue Pharma LP The Schultz Foundation Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

The Nina and Ivan Selin Estate of Stella R. Thater $100,000 — $249,999 Elliot A. Baines Family Foundation Thrasher Research Fund A & P Foundation The Baird Family Fund Seventh District Association, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. The Louis & Anne Abrons Estate of Harold P. Bannister Inc. Timpson, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Estate of Gladys N. Severud Estate of Michael Z. Toman Mr. and Mrs. Laszlo Adam Barbanell The Shanken Family Mr. Steven Trost Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Trust of James R. Barber Foundation The Tyler Foundation Adelson Medical Research Trust of Margaret D. Barber Estate of Odette Sharow Foundation Trust of Irwin C. Unger Barish Family Foundation Trust of Minnie M. Shaw The Francis X. Ahearn, Sr. United Hospital Fund Foundation Trust of Grace M. Barry Hope Sheridan Foundation of New York Daniel G. Alexander Estate of Kaethe F. Barry Nancy Shevell United Leukemia Fund Inc. Robert and Elaine Allen Estate of Patricia A. Barry Renee and Irwin Shishko United Way of New York City Estate of Lori S. Alper Trust of Eileen L. Batten Estate of Lillian M. Siemionko Estate of Eleanor B. Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Alpern The Modestus Bauer Leonard and Donna Simon The Washington Post Company Foundation The Amaturo Foundation, Inc. Trust of Angie S. Skinner Douglas Walker Estate of Thelma Beatty The American Ireland Fund The Gordon H. and Norma The Wasily Family Foundation Trust of Gertrude E. Beck Smith Family Foundation Amgen, Inc. Marla J. Wasserman Rosalie Becker Estate of Robert A. Smith Estate of Maurice Amzalak The Bert & Sandra Wasserman Estate of Charles R. Beechler Roberta A. Smith Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Anderson Estate of Robert D. Bennett Estate of William E. Snee The Scott Weingard Warren and Lillian Anderson Corinne Berezuk and Ms. Beryl Snyder Memorial Fund Michael Stieber Anonymous Roy M. Spear Foundation Estate of Elias Weiss Joan and James Berkowitz The Seth Sprague Educational Effie Wells-Lonning Mr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Ansel Fund and Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Estate of Mark J. Anton Rita S. and Bernard S. The Robert Steel Foundation Wertheimer Mr. and Mrs. Rand V. Araskog Berkowitz for Pediatric Cancer Trust of Ida Wharton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Estate of Tony P. Bernabich Research Whitehall Foundation Armfield IV The Bill Bernbach Foundation Trust of Frederick T. Steinberg John C. Whitehead Kym S. Arnone Robert Berne The Jeffrey Steiner Family Estate of Ruth Whitfield The Aronson Family Mrs. Louis Bernstein Foundation Foundation Trust of Charles M. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bid-Service LLC Whittelsey III Mary Kay Ash Charitable Estate of Sonia Stolin-Moresco Foundation Estate of Margaret L. Bingman The Jesse R. Wike Biomet The Daniel P. Sullivan Clinical Charitable Trust Autism Speaks Fellowship Fund Trust of C. June Bisplinghoff Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilderman Aviesan French National Ping Y. Tai Foundation Alliance for Life Sciences BJ’s Charitable Foundation Kendrick R. Wilson, III Frank N. Tedesco & Health Trust of Raymond Blake Trust of Vincent J. Zappolo Estate of Ida Tepper B*Cured Blaker Family Fund Deborah A. Zoullas Trust of Annette M. Terdina Trust of Maureen E. Bacchi Alexander Blass Nicholas B. Zoullas Dr. Joseph J. Bailey Bill Blass Licensing Estate of Vernon Brunelle Estate of Charlotte A. Celian Consolidated Edison Company, Inc. Elizabeth Bucher Trust of George F. Chagnot Company of New York Ambassador and Mrs. Alan Janna Bullock Dr. Kalpana Chakraburtty Dudley P. Cook J. Blinken Trust of Florence Bunn Chanel, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Errol M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. James A. Block Tory Burch Margaret Anne Chappell Mrs. William B. Cook Estate of Vivian K. Blonder Mr. and Mrs. Franz H. Burda Estate of Camille Chericone Cooley’s Anemia Foundation The Walter & Adi Blum E. Gerald Cooper Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Coleman P. Burke Child Neurology Foundation Estate of G. R. Couch Trust of Eli Blumenfeld Estate of Louise V. Burnett Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation Courtesy Associates, Inc. Harold and Adele Mr. and Mrs. Harold Busch Blumenkrantz The Paul Nabil Bustany The Children’s Brain Tumor Estate of Edith C. Cox Foundation Estate of Simon P. Blustone Foundation Trust of Franklin C. Craig Children’s Neuroblastoma Bruce Bocina Gilbert and Ildiko Butler Trust of Louise Crites Family Foundation, Inc. Cancer Foundation Estate of Marti A. Boden Bruce Crystal Estate of Lillian A. Byman Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chipman Estate of Marjorie R. Boselly Cure Childhood Cancer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Calhoun Florence Chu, MD Alan F. Bovee Mr. and Mrs. James F. Curtis III Trust of Marilyn Campbell Estate of Selma Chyatt William R. Boyle Custom Design Cancer Research & Amanda Styles Cirelli Communications, Inc. Estate of Mary C. Brabson Treatment Fund Foundation for Pediatric Cancer Research Filomen M. D’Agostino Estate of Elsie L. Bradford Leah Rush Cann Foundation Corp. Brahman Capital The Anne L. and George H. James A. Cannon Clapp Trust Rosetta B. Damilano Brain Tumor Funders’ Estate of Edward A. Cantor Mrs. Charles A. Dana, Jr. Collaborative Estate of Lyman W. Clardy Caring for Carcinoid The Clark Foundation Estate of Richard Daniels Anna M. and Mark R. Brann Foundation Cleveland Clinic Health System The Gloria and Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Breck Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Danziger Foundation, Inc. Milton Brenner Carpenter CLL Global Research Foundation The E. S. P. Das Foundation Estate of Mae Bridewell Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Estate of Hazel Davidson Carpenter III The Coca-Cola Company Bridgemill Foundation The Arthur Vining Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carr Clarence L. Coleman Jr. Trust of Marie H. Brock and Lillian S. Coleman Foundations Estate of Edna Brodie Estate of William K. Carson Foundation The Ellen and Gary Davis Randall Brooks Mr. and Mrs. William M. James J. Coleman, Jr. Foundation Carson Carl and Nickey Brown Paul Jackson Coleman Roxana V. Dawson Colon B. Carter Catherine D. Brown Estate of Gertrude T. Coles Estate of Jean Decker Trust of Winifred T. Carter Trust of Ruth Ann Brown Robert and Maryann Collin Estate of Libiro DeFilippis Estate of Elsie Cartotto Estate of William A. Brown, Sr. Arthur R. Collins The Lawrence and Florence Joan (Perkowski) Cashin DeGeorge Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Norman Foundation Estate of Lila V. Collins Brownstein Lynn DeGregorio Casual Male Corp. Terry Collins The Honorable Tina Brozman Anthony Del Bove Foundation The Cayuga Foundation Estate of Helen Demitriades Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

The De Rosa Foundation for Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Trust of Loretta B. Fitzgerald Estate of Theresa A. Colon Cancer Research and Elghanayan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ghiringhello Prevention Martin Elk League for Fitzgerald III Marlene and Alan Gilbert Ernst and Paula Deutsch Cancer Research The Francis Florio Fund of the Mrs. Bruce A. Gimbel Foundation Trust of Arnold B. and New York Community Trust Liane Ginsberg The DeWitt Wallace Fund Joan S. Elkind Steve Forbes Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Diaco Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Emmet Trust of William Forbes Girvan The Miriam & Arthur Empire Blue Cross & Blue Richard N. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Glaser Diamond Charitable Trust Shield Foundation 14 Glenwood Management The Ernest & Jeanette Dicker Andrew J. Entwistle Corporation Foundation Four Seasons Hotel – New York Estate of Lillian Epps Trust of Glenn R. Gobble Estate of Richard I. Diennor Claire and Meyer W. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Leann Frank Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Goldberg Discavage Family Foundation Errico Foundation Leslie H. Goldberg Estate of Maurice A. Donovan Selma Ettenberg Trust of Irene R. Frank Trust of Marc S. Goldberg John R. Doss Rafael Etzion Helen Frankenthaler The Goldhirsh Foundation Michael Douglas and Estate of Eugene M. Evans, Jr. Foundation Estate of Elizabeth B. Golding Catherine Zeta-Jones The Evslin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Daniel S. Goldman Percy S. Douglas Trust of James D. Ezzell Frankfurt Susie M. Downing Trust of Jill and Jayne Franklin The Barbara L. Goldsmith Family Reach Foundation Foundation Jane Clausen Drorbaugh Mr. Edward W. Frantel Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Fanjul, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Goodfriend Dr. Scholl Foundation Frazier Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James T. Fantaci Trust of Manuel and Anne Dr. Jeffrey Duban Estate of Katie Fasal Estate of Gloria Freed Goodman Trust of Patricia P. Duffy Estate of Marion E. Estate of Katherine Freeman The Gordon Family Estate of Doris M. Dunham Feigenbaum Frey Family Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Margaret H. Dunwiddie Gretchen V. and Samuel M. Dr. Benjamin T. Friedman Christy and Sheldon M. The Durst Organization, Inc. Feldman Knawm Friedman Gordon Estate of Laura D. Eastman The Corinne Feller The Anna Fuller Fund Arthur A. Gosnell Memorial Fund The Eberstadt-Kuffner Richard M. Furlaud Trust of Louise S. Gosse Trust of Thelma F. Fernandez Fund Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gahan Marietta A. Goulandris Hilary Carla Feshbach Richard Edelman Trust of Ralph W. Gaines Julie Gould Fund for Fetzer Institute Medical Research Doris M. Edwards Estate of Leonard Galasso Mrs. Frederick Fialkow Estate of Richard P. Gould E. E. Cruz Company Estate of Anne Gallagher Trust of Lydia K. Fiedler Estate of Barbara Grace Mr. and Mrs. Blair W. Effron The Gateway for Cancer Trust of Bertram Ehrlich Gloria S. Fine Research Felice M. Grad Trust of Raymond Ehrlich Randee and Howard Fischer Trust of Louis C. Geiger Graff Diamonds Estate of Elinor Ehrman Estate of James K. Fisher Trust of William G. Genner, Sr. Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo & Co. Estate of Estelle Eisenstat Estate of William and Kara and Peter Georgiopoulos Frederica Fissell The Grateful Foundation, Inc. Panayotis Gerolymatos Estate of Harvey R. Graveline Susan Zises Green Laura Hartenbaum Breast Hope V. Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Peter James Brigadier General and Cancer Foundation Mrs. Carolyn T. Holden Johnson, Jr. Mrs. William S. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. William R. Estate of Lillian E. Holdren The Samuel C. Johnson Trust Hartong Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Gregory Howard and Carol Holtzmann The Kahn Charitable Have A Chance, Inc. Foundation Estate of Edythe Griffinger Estate of Herman L. Hoops Trust of William C. Griffith, Jr. Morris A. Hazan Family Trust of Frank J. Kahn Foundation Hope Funds for Cancer Trust of Vernon H. Grigg Research Jane Kalmus The Colon Cancer Foundation Estate of Evelyn Gross Alfred Samson Hou Harry P. Kamen Family HCCF Foundation Foundation Estate of J. Stanley Gross Robert Howard Family Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Trust of Lambert J. Gross Heaney Kamensky Evelyn Huber Trust of William Gross Trust of Lonie G. Hearn Trust of Mildred Kaminsky Estate of Anthony Grosso The Howard Hughes Hecht & Company Medical Institute Estate of Eleanor Kane Allen J. Grubman Philanthropic Foundation Nancy Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William Kane Audrey and Martin Gruss Trust of Shirley S. Heiligman Estate of Bernard Kantor Foundation Edna Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Steve and Meghan Kanzer Estate of Wanda Grzymala Hendrickson Carol Hunter Marie H. Karger Guardsmark, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John Hennessy James B. Hunter The Karma Foundation Marilyn B. Gula Mountains The Maxine R. and Richard L. Syde Hurdus Foundation, Inc. of Hope Foundation Henry Trust I Back Jack Foundation, Inc. Trust of Jerry Katz Trust of Elizabeth Guon Estate of Robert Hensel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ichel Trust of Toby Katz Estate of Gloria E. Gurney Carolina Herrera, Ltd. Estate of Priscilla T. Iden Edward M. Kaufman Gurney Foundation Trust of Leon Hershaft Inamed Corporation Trust of John Kaufmann, Jr. Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. Trust of Marie Hesselbach Incyte Corporation Trust of Ralph W. Kaufmann Jayma Meyer Hack and Estate of Manny Hilfman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kavner Bruce L. Hack The Hillcrest Foundation Ingram Thomas F. Kearns The Hagedorn Fund Hillenbrand Family The Interpublic Group of Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Kelly The Laverna Hahn Trust Foundation Companies Estate of Ruth C. Kelly Estate of Margaret S. Hahn Trust of Myfanwy Hinkle Irish Society of Medical Mrs. Ann Kelman and the late Oncology Estate of Elizabeth W. Hall Mrs. John S. Hilson Dr. Charles D. Kelman It Figures LLC Estate of Mazie J. Hall Estate of Vladimir Hladik Eleanora and Michael Kennedy Harry A. Jacobs, Jr. Estate of Helen Sue Estate of Edward B. Hodge Peter Kenner Family Fund Jacobus-Iacobucci Foundation Hameetman Estate of Marion Hoffman J. Kevin Kenny Estate of Harold F. Jaeger Milton and Miriam Handler Estate of Ruth M. Hoffman John A. Kent Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Jaffe Trust of Steward B. Estate of Herman Kerner Estate of Marion K. Hardwicke Hoffman, Sr. Trust of Ann E. Jennings The Glenn D. Kesselhaut Dorothy Harlow Hoffman-La Roche Inc. The Jewish Communal Fund Children’s Joy Fund Estate of Mary Jane Harrington Deborah H. and Sigmar K. The JMB Hope Foundation Estate of Mary F. Kessler Perry Harten Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kessler Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

The Kettering Family Estate of Anne Lanigan Estate of Margaret S. Longwell Estate of Benjamin Marmer Foundation J. Clair and Pamela Lanning Estate of Anthony Lopez The Christina & Paul Martin Estate of Henri Khouri Dr. Gerald D. Laubach Milton Lowenstein Foundation Doris and Floyd Kimble Mrs. Lois H. Lazaro James J. and Marianne B. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Foundation Martinez IV Trust of Edwin S. Lee, Jr. Lowrey Pamela and Dwaine Kimmet Dorothy Marx Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Leeds The Lucerne Foundation The King Family Charitable Lung Cancer Research Estate of Rita B. Masse Lead Trust The Lefkofsky Family Foundation Foundation James Mathos Mr. James W. Kinnear II Lehman Brothers Inc. Ronald S. Lux The Hale Matthews Foundation Patricia A. Kirby Karen and James Lehrburger Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Trust of Walter J. Matthews David L. Klein, Jr. Foundation P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Lehrman The Matt’s Promise Foundation Robert D. Klemme Trust of John F. Lynch Trust of Martha B. Leigh Maverick Capital Charities The Esther and Joseph Estate of Kathleen E. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Hamish Maxwell Klingenstein Fund The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Estate of Charles S. Lyons Maynard Childhood Cancer Fernand Koch Leukemia Research Foundation Estate of Melvin E. Lyons Foundation Estate of Gale K. Kokubu Fran and Ralph Levine MacDonald-Peterson The Helen & William Mazer Emanuel Kondoleon Foundation Foundation Estate of Dina Levinsky The Koppelman Family Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Mr. Michael Mazzucca Estate of Harold F. Levinson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Estate of Ann C. McBride Elvire Levy The Gwen L. Kosinski MacMillan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foundation Estate of Erna T. Lewine The Arthur and Holly Magill McCullough Robert A. Kotick The Bertha and Isaac Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome I. Kroll Liberman Foundation, Inc. Estate of Margaret E. Maihl McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Estate of Helen Lieber Estate of Margaret H. Mairs McDonald Financial Group Kronthal Mr. and Mrs. Richard The Maguy Foundation Ralph McDonough Lightburn Mr. and Mrs. William L. Estate of Mariette P. C. Major The Dextra Baldwin Kronthal Mr. and Mrs. Linda Lipay Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. McGonagle Foundation Trust of Grace E. Kruse Trust of Wilhelmina I. Lipfert Malitson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. KVFF Fund Ira A. Lipman Elissa Caterfino Mandel McInerney Estate of Sidney J. Lacher Lisa’s Heart Kids’ Cancer March of Dimes Foundation The McKnight Endowment Research Fund Fund for Neuroscience The Lakeside Foundation Estate of Harry Marder The Harold I. & Faye B. Liss Estate of Geoffrey McLoughlin Estate of Schubert L. Lamb Estate of Ida Mae Margolis Foundation Estate of Mary E. McMaster Estate of Marvadene B. Trust of Carlton G. Marie LaMonica Mr. and Mrs. Martin Liss Mr. and Mrs. David B. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Marin The Edward & Kinga Lampert Julia Little McQueary Foundation Estate of Santina Livolsi Edward J. Marino The Meckler Foundation Emma Landau Demarest Lloyd, Jr. Susan and Morris Mark Melanoma Research Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lang Foundation Jerome S. and Maria Markowitz Foundation Estate of Annie Langen Jeanette and Peter Loeb Trust of Sarah Marks Estate of Dorris M. Mendelsohn Estate of Irving M. Mendelson Ronald and Brenda Morey Trust of Emily C. O’Grady Cherie Henderson and Estate of Lorraine Mensing Estate of Barbara B. Morgan Estate of Grace O’Hare David Poppe The Reuven Merker Melissa and Chappy Morris The Oceanic Heritage Janis Z. Porch Charitable Foundation, Inc. Alfred L. and Annette S. Foundation Trust of Ann C. Porterfield Estate of Amy Joan Meskin Morse Foundation Oki Data Americas, Inc. Estate of Edna G. Potter Mesothelioma Applied Mr. and Mrs. George K. Moss Mr. and Mrs. John D. Opie Trust of Ruth S. Prall Research Fund Manuel and Mercedes Mosteiro Optiscan Prevent Cancer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Metz, Jr. Lisa and Marcelo Mottesi Estate of Elaine Orbach Rita Price Mr. Robert A. Metzler Virginia M. Mueller Otis Elevator Company Estate of Ardys M. and Estate of Abby E. Meyer Estate of Irving Mulde The William & Jane Overman Harold I. Proctor Mrs. Sidney Michael Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Foundation The Proctor & Gamble Trust of William M. Murphy III Pam’s Pals Inc. Company Michaelson Muscular Dystrophy Daniel P. and Nancy C. The William H. Prusoff Trust of Florence B. Mickels Association Paduano Family Foundation Foundation The Mike and Steve Ernest Muth The Parnassus Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ptashne Foundation Edith L. Nathanson Trust of Edith Pattison Robert Pufahl The Millbank Foundation The National Genetics Estate of Herman L. Paul, Jr. Richard I. Purnell Fund for Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Estate of Richard I. Purnell Elaine P. Miles NBC Universal Pearlman Bambi Lyman Putnam Eleanor F. Miley Estate of Leslie A. Nelkin Pediatric Brain Tumor Roselyn Flaum Radcliffe Carolyn Rosen Miller Family Trust of Jerome Nerenberg Foundation Trust of Samuel J. Radcliffe, Jr. Foundation The Newport Foundation Pells-Mayton Foundation Stewart Rahr Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Miller New York City District Trust of James A. Pemberton Trust of Betty Raiff Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Miller Council of Carpenters Mort Perlroth Muriel Rains Mrs. Mary E. S. Milligan Relief and Charity Fund Pershing Square Foundation Mary L. Ralph Philanthropic Mr. and Mrs. James W. Milton New York State Health Estate of Frederick D. Petrie Fund Foundation Melissa and Robert Mittman The Pew Charitable Trusts John H. Rassweiler Estate of Catherine Mohan Gerald L. Nichols and Jacqueline W. Nichols Mr. Donald Pfanz Abigail T. Reardon Estate of Irene Mokrzycki Foundation Samantha and Ernst Estate of Phyllis E. Redmerski Trust of Celestine Elizabeth Trust of Robert F. Novak Pfenninger Elenore Reed Moloney NYS Fraternal Order of Police Trust of Peter H. Pflugk Estate of Martha Cuneo Reed Estate of William Monaghan Foundation Trust of Charles V. Pickup Samuel P. Reed Arthur R. Montgomery The Michael A. O’Bannon Estate of Irene Pickup The Beatrice Renfield John and Hee-Jung Moon Foundation Mr. Alessandro Pinto Foundation Estate of Pauline Moor Estate of Ernestine A. Dorothy Ploeger Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Rennert Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Moore O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Plum Olivier and Yosun Reza Estate of Percy W. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Estate of Beatrice Pockrass Estate of Roland S. Rhode O’Connor Tom & Judy Moore Foundation Estate of John E. Polek Judy Rhulen and Family Donors to the Campaign for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

The Rice Family Foundation Jeffrey Rosenzweig Foundation The Schneider-Kaufmann Muriel F. Siebert Foundation Martin Rich for Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Inc. Estate of Ruth Siegmann Research Anne S. Richardson Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV Estate of Mary Siekert Estate of Pearl Rubin Trust of A. Leslie Richardson Trust of Lola Schug Trust of Walter Silberfarb Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell E. Rudin Dee Dee Ricks Estate of Harold B. Schwartz The Grace, George, and Judith Estate of Maria Stella Ruggirello Estate of Harry Rinehimer Estate of Rosalind Silverburgh Foundation Estate of Katherine L. Rummler Schwartzbach Estate of Elizabeth M. Ringo Trust of Leonard & Ruth Estate of Eileen B. Ruthrauff Trust of Paul J. Schwarz Silverman Trust of Victoria Rinius The Derald H. Ruttenberg Mrs. Arline Schwarzman The Seymour Simon The Fannie E. Rippel Foundation Charitable Trust Foundation Trust of Robert E. Schwenk Trust of Anne I. Ryan Marilyn M. Simpson Estate of Norma Risman James R. Tanenbaum and The Raymond & Beverly Elizabeth M. Scofield Charitable Trust The Ritter Family Foundation Sackler Fund for the Arts Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scully Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Irene Ritter Foundation and Sciences Estate of Jewel C. Seab Trust Marie A. Sinclair Abigail Rittmeyer The Saibel Foundation The Jean & Charles Segal Trust of Otto K. & Harriet The RMF Family Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Francois de Foundation J. Singer Saint Phalle Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Robert Mr. David Sekiguchi Estate of Shirley Singer Estate of V. Edward Salamon Bernard and Elaine Roberts The Select Equity Group Estate of Madeline Sisia Estate of Floyd B. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Salem Foundation Estate of Evelyn M. Skolnick Robin Hood Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William R. R. B. Sellars Foundation Estate of Alvin F. Sloan Salomon Vivien Rock Sephardic Hospital Fund Dr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Small Trust of Sidney Samuels Rodale, Inc. – Medstar Suse Smetana Henry Sanborn Estate of Maria Rolfe The Jacqueline Seroussi The Randall and Kathryn Vittorina Rolfo Estate of Andrew D. Sanders Memorial Foundation Smith Foundation Sheldon Rose The Sandler Family L. J. Sevin Estate of Woodrow Q. Smith Taryn Rose International Nina and Julian Sandler Harold Shames Estate of Dorothy Smolen Charitable Fund Estate of Sylvia Rosenberg Estate of Reuben Shane Catherine M. Smolich Mrs. Barbara Santangelo Trust of Ilsa Rosenblum Estate of Saul Shapiro Trust of Robert J. Smutny Sarcoma Foundation of The Sharma Foundation Trust of Evelyn Rosenstein America Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. Snyder Trust of Margaret S. Sharp Mrs. Howard L. Ross The Saw Island Foundation Society of Interventional Estate of Bernice Baruch Shawl Radiology Foundation Estate of Sylvia Ross Estate of Ida M. Scagliarini William R. Sheldon The Harry & Estelle Soicher Estate of Eva L. Rothberg Scalamandré Silks Estate of Alice Sherwin Foundation Philip and Marcia Rothblum Didi and Oscar S. Schafer Foundation Estate of Leo A. Shifrin, MD Trust of Robert Solnick Peter L. Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Rothfeld Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Professor and Mrs. C. Alan Estate of Richard Scharff Soons Estate of Geraldine E. Rove Shopkorn Estate of Josephine L. Schiff Mr. and Mrs. William Shulevitz Soros Fund Charitable Denise Rover Foundation Estate of Billie Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schneider Sidewater Sotheby’s Estate of Regina W. Spence Edward Tarby The Lucy & Eleanor S. Upton Andrew and Ronnie Weiss Estate of DeAnne Spencer Estate of Ruth N. Taub Charitable Foundation In memory of Marie T. Weiss Estate of Agnes Spillmer Tay-bandz, Inc. The Valley Foundation John A. Weissenbach and Ann The St. Giles Foundation Estate of Florence G. Taylor Valley of the Sun United Way Southworth Ronald Stafford Cancer Estate of Gertrude S. Taylor The Varnum DeRose Trust Trust of Gertrude Wellisch Support Foundation, Inc. Team Connor Cancer The Vasey Foundation The Nina W. Werblow Staten Island Yacht Sales, Inc. Foundation Veejay Foundation Charitable Trust Esta Eiger Stecher Team Luke vs. Neuroblastoma The Victoria’s Smile Foundation Virginia A. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Steele Telethon Italy – US Foundation Trust of Eva Vida Estate of E. Olga Wesner Estate of Sanford L. Steelman Estate of Walter G. Terwedow The Family of Maria Elena Mrs. Elizabeth G. Weymouth Estate of Dennis Stein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Villanueva When Everyone Survives The Fred & Sharon Stein Thomas Vital Projects Fund, Inc. The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Estate of Robert P. Thome Estate of Dorothy Voelker Foundation Mrs. Nancy Steinfeld Trust of Vernon Thompson Trust of Anna L. Vogel Estate of Frank A. Widenski The Ernest E. Stempel Thrill Hill Productions Estate of Gertrude Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wilder Foundation Estate of Margaret R. Tomas Trust of Beverly Wachtel The Wilf Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stern Estate of Milton Topolsky Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Williams Trading LLC Estate of Irene Stern Estate of John J. Tormey The Paul E. and Mary Wagner Barbara F. Williams Estate of Winona H. Stevens The Tortuga Foundation Trust Trust of Helen A. Wilson The Guy M. Stewart Estate of Virginia M. Toth Estate of Lillie M. Waldon James B. Wittrock Cancer Fund Trust of Angelina Ann Tovar Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Walsh The Henry Wolf Foundation J. McLain Stewart Jill Tracey Estate of Frances M. Wanek Trust of Toby Wolfberg Estate of Rebecca Stohl Estate of Rita L. Tracey Estate of Shirley I. Warner Mrs. Barbara Wolfson Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Stone Trust of Helen A. Trahin Warren/Soden/Hopkins Estate of Gordon Wootton Estate of Clair B. Stough Family Foundation Trust of Dorothy B. Traufield Estate of Bernadette Wyrough Trust of May Strang Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alfred D. Youngwood Beatrice Travis-Cole Wasserstein Estate of Gene K. Strange The Patricia J. and Edward W. The Robert Mize & Isa White Estate of Shirley F. Watkins Estate of Herta Strauss Trimble Family Foundation Zeh Charitable Foundation Jesse and Doris Weaver Geraldine Stutz Trust Inc. The W. James & Jane K. The Zickler Family Trust of Mary R. Suchanski Truettner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bradford G. Foundation Weekes II Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan Thomas N. Tryforos The Isaac Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. John G. Weiger Charitable Trust Timothy P. Sullivan Charitable Estate of Ina Tuckman Mrs. John L. Weinberg Estate of Robert E. Ziegler Lead Trust Estate of R. Read Tull David W. Sussman Danny M. Weinheim Stanley Shalom Zielony Lucien L. and Shirley Turk Foundation Estate of Sandra Syms The Isak & Rose Weinman Ahavas Tzedek Foundation Foundation, Inc. Ziff Brothers Investment, LLC Dorothy D. Taggart Trust David V. Uihlein, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weisberg Martha E. Zimmer Trust of Andrew Taras Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Unger Estate of Gertrude Weiss Larry and Anne Zimmerman Trust of Joyce A. Taras