Newsletter of the Civil War Round Table of Kansas City EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President Howard Mann First Vice-President 413 th REGULAR MEETING Lane Smith Second Vice-President THURSDAY, Sept. 22, 2009 Alisha Cole Homestead Country Club Treasurer 6510 Mission Road, Prairie Village, Kansas Paul Gault Social Hour-Cash Bar-6:00p.m. Assistant Treasurer Dinner-6:30p.m. Betty Ergovich Secretary Diane Hinshaw Preservation Director September 2009 Speaker Arnold Schofield Board of Directors Howard Mann Don Bates Sr. Don Bates Jr. “Tragedy on the St. Joseph and Hannibal RR” Brian Lawson Howard Mann has been our past 2 nd Vice-President, our 1 st Vice- Past Presidents President and now our President. He’s writing a book on the 10 th Kansas Deb Goodrich Infantry at this time and knows an awful lot about the Civil War in general. James Speicher Howard also makes sure that St. Like’s Hospital has everything it needs to run Daniel L. Smith Ex-Officio smoothly, that’s quite a job. Daniel L. Smith Chairman of Board Monnett Battle of SPEAKERS FOR 2009 Westport Fund Daniel L. Smith Sargeant at Arms September 22, Howard Mann : “Tragedy on the St. Joseph & Hannibal RR.” Don Bates Sr. October 27, Dave Metheneys : “John Brown.” Chaplain November 17, Jim Lighthizer , 2009 Recipient of the Harry S. Truman Award , Rev. David B. Holloway President of the Civil War Preservation Trust , Special award meeting, don’t Border Bugle Editor miss it. Michael J. Epstein
[email protected] December 15, Silent Auction , Book sale and Vignettes with Dinner. Civil War Round Table of Kansas City Please be sure that we have your reservation by Friday Sept.