ADVISORY COUNCIL ON WORKERS' COMPENSATION 8sA O.S. S 121 - NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING MICHAELD. CARTER Chairman The Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation will hold a special l0l N. Robinson 13th Floor Oklahoma City, OK 73102 meeting via Zoom Teleconference on Thursday, February 25,2021, at mdcarter@phillipsmurrah. com 2:00 p.m. (40s) 23s-4100 https : //zoom. u s/i /95 63 07 9 4319 ? ANGELA R. LEBLANC Password : UGs 1 TXplQXhLcEFSTnlHRDd3R3pvZzO9 Vice-Chair 10601 N. Pennsylvania Avenue or Oklahoma City, OK 73120 1 (346) 248-7799, Meeting ID: 956 3079 4319, Password: 1234 aneela. Ieb
[email protected] (4Os) 302-6712 JIM C. CI]RRY 501 N.E.276 AGENDA Oklahoma City, OK 73105 1. Call to order.
[email protected] (40s) s28-2409 2. Roll call and determination of quorum present. JONATHAN D. BUXTON 6301 N. Westem Ave., STE 250 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Chairman Carter will appear remotely yiaZoom teleconference. ibuxton@xlcrle gal. com (40s)702-9900 Angela LeBlanc will appear remotely viaZoom teleconference. Jim Curry will appear remotely viaZoomteleconference. BRYCE A. HILL 1511 S. Delaware Avenue Jonathan Buxton will appear remotely viaZoom teleconference. Tulsa, OK 74104-5234 Bryce Hill will appear remotely viaZoom teleconference.
[email protected] (918) s84-2889 Becky Robinson will appear remotely viaZoom teleconference. Dr. Wienecke will appear remotely viaZoom teleconference. BECKYROBINSON 7707 SW 446 Street Sterling Zearley will appear remotely viaZoom teleconference. Oklahoma City, OK73179 Becky. robinson@hobbvlobbv. com (40s) 74s-l 100 3. Recognize WCC Chairman forroll call and determination of WCC quorum present. ROBERT J. WIENECKE, M.D. 4120 Memorial Road, Suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 4.