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'. If You Have Issues Viewing Or Accessing This File Contact Us at NCJRS.Gov If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. r ." '. ·:-·r .,' -. I ,!" ,i 'I ; I d .. \" 121593 U.S. Department of Justice (Part 1) National Institute of Justice /2/ Sr.J This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the ·fi=1 person or organization originating it. PoInts of view or opinions stated / in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Okalahoma Aom;njstrative Office 0-1.: the Courts to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the copyright owner. State of Oklahoma The Judiciary Annual Report • FY-89 • \ I NCJRS '. ,.... Administrative Office of the Courts SUPREME GOURT OF OKLAHOMA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS 1915N. STILES, SUITE 305 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73105 (405) 521-2450 HOWARD W. CONYERS DIRECTOR TO THE MEMBERS OF THE OKLAHOMA LEGISLATURE: On behalf of the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Judiciary of Oklahoma and in accordance with the provisions of Title 20, Section 16.11, Oklahoma Statutes, the Oklahoma Judiciary Annual Report and Statistical Appendix is presented to members of the Oklahoma Legislature and other interested persons. The purpose of this publication is to provide detailed caseload information and financial data for the Trial and Appellate Courts along with an overview of the judicial branch of Oklahoma state government for Fiscal Year 1989. The Supreme Court continues to experience an increase in case filings. Due to increases in the number of staff members for both the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, a reorganization of responsibilities between these courts, and diligent efforts, considerable progress has been achieved in decreasing the number of cases pending at the appellate level. If this progress is to continue, additional professional and support personnel for the Appellate Courts is imperative. The number of cases filed in our Trial Courts has declined. This decline, which led to the lowest level of filings in several years, has resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of court-generated funds available for the operation of the Trial Courts. Additional appropriated funds may be required to maintain the present level of service and access for our citizens. Enactment of legislation creating the position of Secretary/Bailiff was a significant event, affecting not only the efficiency but also the morale of the Judiciary. This legislation creates a framework for providing secretarial and clerical assistance for the trial judges of this state. We sincerely appreciate this expression of support for the Judges of Oklahoma. None of the accomplishments of this past year would have been possible without the leadership, support and assistance furnished by Chief Justice John B. Doolin, Chief Justice Rudolph Hargrave, the Justices of the Oklahoma Supreme Court, the Judges and Court Clerks of this state and the staff of the Administrative Office of the Courts. I extend my thanks and appreciation to each and everyone of these persons. Respectfully submitted, ~,---()}.~ Howard W. Conyers Administrative Director of the Courts The Oklahoma Judicial System Table of Contents • THE JUDICIARY. • JUDICIAL FUNDING III Court Structure .........................3 Funding forthe Courts ...................41 Organizational Chart ................4 Funding Flow Chart .....................42 Total Appropriations for FY-89 .............44 The Supreme Court .....................5 Funding Chart ..........................45 Case load Inventory ................. 8 Expenditures from Court Funds ............46 Map of Judicial Districts ..............9 Contributions to the State Judicial Fund ..................48 The Court of Criminal Appeals ............ 10 State Judicial Fund Total Case load Inventory .................. 11 Contributions for 1985 - 1989 ..........49 Map of Judicial Districts .............. 12 Statutory Judicial Fund Expenditures ...... 50 Statewide Cost of Legal Representation The Court of Appeals .................... 13 for Indigents ........................51 Case load Inventory .................. 13 Map of Judicial Districts .............. 16 • STATISTICAL SUMMARY e District Court Statistics ...................55 The District Courts ....................... 17 Map of Judicial Districts .............. 18 Statewide Case load Assembly of Presiding Judges ......... 19 Inventory Summary ..................56 Judges of the District Courts ........... 20 Clerks of the District Courts ............25 Method of Disposition of Civil Cases .......................57 The Court on the Judiciary ............... 26 Method of Disposition The Council on Judicial Complaints ....... 27 of Criminal Cases ....................58 The Judicial Nominating Commission ..... 28 Statewide Totals for General Civil ........................59 Foster Care Review Board ................29 Domestic Relations ..................60 Small Claims ........................61 Canadian County Courthouse ...........30 Probate ............................62 Felonies ............................63 • JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION • Misdemeanors ......................64 The Administrative Office of the Courts ... , ...... , ............. 33 Population and Cases Per District Court Judge ........... , .........65 Functional Organization Chart ............35 Oklahoma Judicial Conference ..........66 Staff Organizational Chart ...............36 Dispute Mediation SeNices. , . , ........... 37 The Oklahoma Judiciary Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1989 and statistical Appendix, printed by the Office of Public Affairs, Central Printing Division, are Issued by the Administrative Director of the Courts as authorized by 20 O.S. 1981, § 16. 11. Seven Hundred (700) copies of the Annual Report and Five Hundred Fifty (550) copies of the Appendix have been prepared and distributed at a cost of $6,559.00. Copies of both have been deposited with the publications Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. --~ ~-~-~ THE JUDICIARY Court Structure The third branch of the government, the Courts of General Jurisidiction judiciary, is constitutionally vested with powers In Oklahoma. the court of general juris­ which are separate and distinct from the diction is the District Court. The state is divided executive and legislative branches of govern­ into twenty-six district court judicial districts. ment. The current COUlt structure was The District Court has unlimited originaljurisdic­ adopted in 1969 by constitutional amend­ tion over all justiciable matters. ment. Jurisdiction of the courts in Oklahoma is divided into four categories: Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Oklahoma has four courts of limited juris­ diction. The Court on the judiciary, which was 1) Courts of last resort; created by constitutional amendment in 2) Intermediate appellate courts; 1966, consists of a trial division and an appel­ 3) Courts of general jurisdiction; and late division. The Court on the Judiciary has 4) Courts of limited jurisdiction. jurisdiction over all proceedings filed against judges seeking their removal from office. The Workers' Compensation Court hears and de­ Courts of Last Resort termines claims brought by employees Two courts fall into this category - the against employers for work-related injuries. Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal The Court of Tax Review is comprised of three Appeals. In addition to having jurisdiction over judges designated by the Governor to con­ all civil appeals, the Supreme Court has gen­ sider protests against tax levies. Municipal eral superintending control over 011 inferior Courts hear prosecutions involving violations courts, agencies, commissions and boards of municipal ordinances. Cities with popula­ created by law, with the exception of the tions in excess of 200,000 have municipal Court on the Judiciary and the Senate sitting criminal courts of record. All other municipali­ as a Court of Impeachment. The Court of ties have courts not of record. Criminal Appeals has appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases. To assist tne Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in exercising the court's administrative Intermediate Appellate Courts authority over all inferior courts, the The Court of Appeals, created in 1970, is Constitution authorizes an Administrative Di­ Oklahoma's intermediate appellate court. rector of Courts and staff. The Administrative Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals is pre­ Office of the Courts works closely with the scribed by the Supreme Court. The Court of Supreme Court, and particularly the Chief Appeals hears and decides cases assigned to Justice, in administering the judicial branch of it by the Supreme Court. government for the State of Oklahoma. 3 Organizational Chart Judicial System SUPREME COURT COURT OF CRIMINf.lL APPEALS Courts of 9 Justices 51 ud ges AppelJate JUrISdiction Appellate JUrisdiction Last Resort over all cIvil matters In Criminal cases ] t , CIVIL CRIMINAL COURT OF APPEALS 12 judges Intermediate CIvil appeals assigned to Appellate one of 4 divIsions by Court the Supreme Court OISTRICT COURTS Courts of 71 district judges. 77 associate district judges 60 special judges General Original JUriSdiction over all Jurisdiction justiciable matters MUNICIPAL COURT MUNICIPAL CRIMINAL NOT OF RECORD (340J COURT OF RECORO (2J 4pprox 350 fuJI! part-time 8 JulI-tlme 18 part-time judges judges
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