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Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & , 16 (1) 2021, 1-8

Research Article Study on Ammonia-induced Catalyst Poisoning in the Synthesis of Dimethyl

Hua-wei Liu*), Sheng-tao Qian, Er-fei Xiao, Ying-jie Liu, Jun Lei, Xian-hou Wang, Yu-hua Kong

Gas Purification Division of Haiso Technology Co. Ltd., Hubei Industrial Gas Purification and Utilization Key Laboratory, Wuhan 430074, China.

Received: 30th November 2020; Revised: 2nd January 2021; Accepted: 6th January 2021 Available online: 21st January 2021; Published regularly: March 2021

Abstract On an industrial plant, we observed and examined the ammonia-poisoning catalyst for the synthesis of dimethyl oxalate (DMO). We investigated the catalytic activity in response to the amount of ammonia and revealed the mechanism of such poisoning by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterization. Our results show that only 0.002% ammonia in the feed gas can significantly deactivate the Pd-based catalyst. Two main reasons were proposed: one is that the competitive adsorption of ammonia on the active component Pd hinders the (CO) coupling reaction and the redox cycle between Pd0 and Pd2+; and the other is that the high-boiling nitrogen-containing amine compounds formed by reacting with ammonia have adsorbed on the catalyst, which hinders the progress of the catalytic reaction. The deactivation caused by the latter is irreversible. The catalytic activity can be completely restored by a low-temperature liquid-phase in-situ regeneration treatment.

Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).

Keywords: dimethyl oxalate; synthetic catalyst; ammonia poisoning; space-time yield; regeneration

How to Cite: H.-W. Liu, S.-T. Qian, E.-F. Xiao, Y.-J. Liu, J. Lei, X.-H. Wang, Y.-H. Kong (2021). Study on Ammo- nia-induced Catalyst Poisoning in the Synthesis of Dimethyl Oxalate. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 16(1), 1-8 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.16.1.9572.1-8)

Permalink/DOI: https://doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.16.1.9572.1-8

1. Introduction dimethyl oxalate (DMO) in the presence of Pd/α- Al2O3 catalyst, and then with a copper-based The gas-phase synthesis of catalyst the refined DMO is converted into eth- based on the oxalate route was firstly industri- ylene glycol (EG) through hydrogenation [5-10]. alized in China [1-2]. At present, an ethylene After more than 50 years of research and more glycol plant with an annual output of nearly 5 than 10 years of industrialization, this process million tons has been conceived, and a promis- has gradually matured [11-14]; however, in- ing plant (under construction) is expected to be depth research on industrial applications and of an annual output as high as more than 10 reaction processes are still needed. It is difficult million tons per year [3-4]. The process mainly for the existing large-scale devices to achieve involves a two-step reaction. First, CO and me- long-term cycles of full load and stable opera- thyl nitrite CH3ONO (MN) are carbonylated to tion, because the main problem lies in two key factors in the catalyst, i.e. DMO synthesis and * Corresponding Author. hydrogenation [15-18]. For instance, how to fur- Email: [email protected] (H.W. Liu); ther reduce operating costs as for Pd-based syn- Telp.: +86-27-87408382 thesis catalyst [19,20], or how to avoid pulveri-

bcrec_9572_2021 Copyright © 2021, ISSN 1978-2993; CODEN: BCRECO

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 16 (1), 2021, 2 zation and coking as for copper-based hydro- vice: the internal diameter of the stainless genation catalysts in order to extend the cata- steel reaction tube is 8 mm; the catalyst filling lyst life [21]. volume is 1 mL; the reaction space velocity is The catalyst for DMO synthesis is generally 3000 h-1; the reaction temperature is 100~130 a Pd-based catalyst supported by macropores α- ℃; and the carrying gas composition (V/V) is Al2O3 [22-25]. The selectivity of such catalyst is 20%CO+10%CH3ONO+70%N2. We examined usually as high as 99% or above. The activity is the amount of NH3 that is added into the carry- defined by the space-time yield under the con- ing gas and causes catalyst poisoning. ditions of the followings: reaction temperature DMO products were collected through con- of 100~140 ℃, space velocity of 2000~4000 densing the resulting reaction gas and h-1, and the MN content of 10~15%. Since the weighted to calculate the space-time yield between CO and MN is a super (STY) index of the catalyst. The composition of exothermic reaction and self-decomposition of reaction gas (pre- and post-reaction) was ana- MN may occur when temperature exceeds 150 lyzed using Agilent 7820 gas chromatography, °C, the focus of the existing research is mainly equipped with TCD and FID dual detector, on the improvement of the catalyst's low- aiming at evaluating the conversion rate of temperature activity, the control of the reaction CH3ONO. process, and the safety of the system [26-30]. There are relatively few basic researches on the 2.3 Characterization of the Catalyst application of catalysts [31,32]. For example, VG Multilab 2000 X-ray photoelectronic en- the study on the influence of ammonia on syn- ergy spectrometer was used to determine the thesis catalysts. Gao and Wu [33,34] have stud- valence state and relative content of the ele- ied on the ammonia poisoning of Pd-based cata- ments on the surface of the catalyst. The test lysts for the synthesis of DMO. It is believed conditions were Al target, power of 300 W, and that 0.54% of ammonia content only causes a pass energy of 25 eV. The specific surface area decrease in catalyst activity but does not cause of the catalyst was measured by Anton-Paar complete deactivation. X-ray photoelectronic Autosorb-1-C-TCD-MS automatic physicochem- energy spectrometer (XPS) and other related ical gas adsorption instrument, adopting a ni- characterization analysis revealed that the trogen adsorption method. The composition of competitive adsorption of ammonia molecules DMO products (by-products, such as: dimethyl on the active Pd2+ hinders the oxidation- carbonate or methyl formate) were qualitative- reduction cycle of the latter, resulting in a de- ly analyzed by Thermo Fisher's Trace DSQ II crease in catalyst activity. Interestingly, we gas chromatography-mass spectrometer. have observed that in an industrial plant set- ting the trace amount of ammonia in the CO 3. Results and Discussions gas source leads to significant catalyst deacti- vation. Furthermore, we combined laboratory 3.1 Catalyst Poisoning simulation and characterization analysis of poi- In the September of 2015, a newly built eth- soned catalyst to reveal the mechanism of the ylene glycol plant with a production capacity of poisoning and regeneration. 200,000 tons per year was commissioned. The plant features a patented technology, i.e. 2. Materials and Methods WHB® Coal to Polymer Grade Ethyl Glycol 2.1 Catalyst Preparation New Technology [36]. Among them, the DMO synthesis system consists of two production The Pd-series catalyst for DMO synthesis lines (A/B, in parallel), each of which was filled was synthesized according to our previous with 50 cubic synthesis catalysts. In the com- method [35], which was used for a commission- missioning test run stage, only production line ing run test of 200,000 tons per year ethylene B was deployed to use. After 20 days, the oper- glycol industrial plant in 2015. Briefly, spheri- ating load was increased to 80%, and the hot cal α-Al2O3 carriers were loaded with PdCl2 spot temperature of the synthesis reactor stabi- through impregnation, and then reduced (by lized at 117 °C. On the 25th day, we observed hydrazine hydrate), rinsed, and dried at 120 that the catalyst activity tended to be declin- ℃. ing. After that, the catalyst hot spot tempera- ture needed to be increased by 1 °C every 1-2 2.2 Catalyst Activity Evaluation days to maintain catalyst activity and produc- tion load. On the 32nd day, the catalyst hot spot The evaluation of catalyst activity was car- temperature was required to be 125 °C, which ried out on atmospheric fixed-bed reaction de-

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Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 16 (1), 2021, 3 lasted for the next 4 days. The respectively. The results are shown in Figure 1 conversion rate continued to decrease. On the (a/b). 36th day, the production load had dropped to As shown in Figure 1, 1200 ppm ammonia 20% of the full load, and the catalyst was near- content can deactivate the DMO synthesis cat- ly deactivated. The system was shut down for alyst within 3 hours. As the ammonia content inspection. is reduced to 20 ppm, the test results showed It appeared that an acute poisoning on the that the catalyst activity can be reduced to be- catalyst was likely attributed to the described low 50% within 12 hours. This indicates that performance and the dysfunction of the cata- ammonia shows more significant impacts on lyst. We had investigated the possible causes to DMO synthesis catalyst than DEO synthesis the catalyst poisoning on-site. The main indica- catalyst, which is consistent with results from tors of raw materials, including carbon monox- industrial plant testing. ide, , nitric acid, and , ap- peared to meet the process requirements. The 3.2 Evaluation of the Activity of the Poisoning purification unit in the primary process was Catalyst found to contain excessive ammonia. The meth- We sampled the catalyst in the industrial anol that is used for the low-temperature meth- plant for the synthesis of DMO and evaluated anol washing process of the purification unit its activity during the poisoning process. Since contains an ammonia mass percentage as high the DMO synthesis was carried out in a shell- as 0.027%, causing the volume percentage of and-tube isothermal reactor, the catalyst was ammonia in the carbon monoxide feedstock to packed in the tube with a filling height of 4 m. ~ -6 be 17 20×10 (ppm). Normally, the standard Therefore, we sampled at different positions in -6 indicator should be below 0.1×10 . the reactor at different heights for evaluation Gao et al. [33] simulated the changes in the analysis. Our results showed that no signifi- activity of the Pd catalyst for the synthesis of cant difference in catalyst activity among these diethyl oxalate (DEO) by the coupling reaction sampling points (orientations and heights). We of CO and ethyl nitrite under different ammo- conducted laboratory activity evaluation, MN nia contents. The results showed that if the conversion rates, and space-time yields (STYs). ammonia content does not exceed 0.54% the de- For instance, we selected the samples that are crease of the activity of the DEO synthesis cat- 200, 800, 1500, and 3500 mm from the nozzle, alyst occurred. When the ammonia content which were noted as A, B, C, and D, respective- reaches 1.16%, the activity decreases rapidly ly in Figure 2. and then the catalyst became inactivated. At It can be seen from Figure 2 that four(a) cata- the industrial plant setting, however, we have lyst samples with different heights show signif- observed that only 0.0017-0.002% ammonia ex- icant decreases in STYs compared with the ceeding the standard can cause significant cat- control sample. The STYs at 100 °C decreases alyst deactivation. The effect of different am- from 557 g/L·h to 247~271 g/L·h, by about 54%. monia content on the space-time yield of the Pd The STYs at 120 °C decreased from 698 g/L·h catalyst for the coupling reaction of CO and to 516~537 g/L·h, by about 25%. One could con- methyl nitrite was evaluated at the reaction clude that the catalyst demonstrates a uniform temperature of 100 and 120 °C for 3 hours, deactivation and the low-temperature activity


Figure 1. The effect of different ammonia contents on MN conversion (a) and STY (b) of DMO synthet- ic catalyst

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Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 16 (1), 2021, 4

loss was more significant, which was confirmed After conducting XPS research on Pd cata- by the performance on the industrial plant. lyst deactivated by ammonia poisoning in the 3.3 Characterization of the Poisoning Catalyst coupling reaction of CO and ethyl nitrite, Wu et al. [34] believe that the competitive adsorption X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) was of ammonia molecules on the active component used to determine the valence state and rela- Pd2+ hinders the CO coupling reaction on the tive content of the main elements on the sur- catalyst surface and the redox cycle of the ac- face of the catalyst for the samples (A), (B), and tive component Pd, resulting in a decrease in (C) that previously described. The results are catalyst activity. After the ammonia molecules shown in Table 1, Figures 3, and 4. The Pd cat- are desorbed, the activity can be partially re- alyst for the synthesis of HDMO-1 DMO is in stored. The reason for the irreversible ammo- the reduced Pd, confirmed by the zerovalent nia poisoning is that the oxidized Pd2+ can not Pd’s characteristic peaks of Pd3d5/2 (binding be reduced in the reaction system and the Pd energy of 335.3 eV) and Pd3d3/2 (binding ener- coalescence occurs. gy of 340.3 eV) in the control sample (Figure 2). In the comparison of poisoning catalyst and As for the poisoning catalyst samples, the two the control characterized by XRD (Figure 5), peaks shift to 336.3 eV and 341.3 eV, suggest- we found no significant difference in the cata- ing the formation of Pd (II). After peak split- lyst structure and active component dispersion. ting, the electron binding energy peaks of 397.4 No changes in morphology was observed by eV and 401.3 eV were observed for Sample (A) TEM (images not shown). The observation re- in Figure 3. Similar peaks were resembled for sults were further supported by the fact that Samples (B) and (C), whereas their atomic per- we didn’t observe the temperature steep rising centages were reduced by about 50%. Referring during the operation. The BET analysis to the standards, the nitrogen-containing com- showed that the specific surface area of the poi- pound is likely to be R-NH2 amine substance. soned sample was 9.1 m2/g, which increases by

Figure 2. Comparison of the space-time yields Figure 3. XPS characterization of catalyst sur- of poisoning catalysts (A-D) and controls face: Pd3d

Table 1. The percentage of atoms of the main elements on the surface of the catalyst

Sample Pd3d C1s N1s A 1.33 14.11 2.51 B 1.23 7.23 1.32 C 1.32 8.50 1.15 Control 1.68 / /

Note that ND means non-detectable (normally element per- Figure 4. XPS characterization of catalyst sur- centage is below 0.1%) face: N1s

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71% in comparison of the control (5.3 m2/g). of the catalyst and increase the specific surface The catalyst pore volume was reduced by near- area of the catalyst. However, the catalyst ac- ly 10% after poisoning. Normally the specific tivity is significantly affected by the binding of surface area and pore volume have a linear cor- ammonia and amine substances with the ac- relation. However, the increase of the specific tive ingredient Pd. surface area in our plant-scale operation was observed along with a decrease of pore volume. 3.4 Regeneration of Inactive Pd Catalysts The carrier of the catalyst is α-type alumina, Based on the above-mentioned mechanism which is a material with large pores and low of ammonia poisoning, it can be assumed that specific surface area. Some substances may be the catalyst activity should be significantly re- generated during the ammonia-induced poison- stored if the amine compounds on the poisoned ing process, and it appears that they are likely catalyst are effectively removed. In this case, to adsorb onto the surface of the inner pore of the method of high-temperature roasting and the carrier, which may result in a decrease in further reduction can be adopted. Mu et al.[32] pore volume and the formation of “false surfac- summarized the deactivation and reuse of es,” leading to an observation of the increase of DMO synthesis catalysts. Chemical plants usu- the specific surface area. Combined with the ally use steam, acid washing, or alkaline wash- analysis results, we speculate that some high- ing to remove organic compounds on the cata- boiling amine compounds are formed after am- lyst surface at high temperatures. However, in monia enters the reaction system. These sub- industrial plants, the design temperature of stances are adsorbed on the pores and surface the reactor generally does not exceed 200 °C,

5000 DMO-1-xz data






-1000 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0

5000 DMO-4-xz data






-1000 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Figure 5. XRD characterization of catalyst surface: poisoning (top) and intact (bottom) catalyst sam- ples

Copyright © 2021, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 16 (1), 2021, 6 which makes it difficult to achieve in-situ re- molecules on Pd2+ hinders the CO coupling re- generation in the reactor. action and the redox cycle of active Pd on the The low-temperature regeneration of the surface of the catalyst. This type of deactiva- poisoned catalyst was carried out in liquid tion can be restored after ammonia being re- phase respectively. Sample I to IV were regen- moved. The other reason is that the adsorption erated with formaldehyde, sodium hydroxide of high-boiling amine compounds produced by solution, ethyl acetate, methanol. Results are the reaction on the catalyst retards the pro- shown in Table 2. As shown in the Table 2, the gress of the coupling reaction, which is irre- catalyst activity was significantly restored after versible. The low-temperature liquid phase re- the regeneration treatment, especially sample generation can effectively remove the amine IV (100% restored). Using the method associat- compounds adsorbed on the catalyst, leading to ed with sample (IV) in December 2015, the cat- the catalyst activity being completely restored. alyst used in the B-line with an annual output The method has been applied to our industrial of 200,000 tons of ethylene glycol was regener- devices. Up to now, the service life of the regen- ated. The regenerative plant was back to opera- erated catalyst has exceeded 5 years. tion in March 2016. The regenerative B-line’s performance is equivalent to the intact A-line. Acknowledgment The regenerated catalyst’s activity has been This work was financially supported by Hu- stable for more than 5 years and can continue bei Science and Technology Development Pro- to be used. Because low-temperature liquid ject (P20501400001). Thanks to our partners, phase regeneration can significantly restore Wei-jian Chen, Guo-jian Zhang, Jian-yong catalyst activity, the catalyst's irreversible de- Shuang, from Wuhuan Engineering Co., Ltd. activation from ammonia poisoning is mainly caused by the formation of high boiling-point References amine compounds that adsorb on the catalyst. Using liquid phase, organic solvent, and low- [1] Zhou, Z.-F., Li, Z.-J., Pan, P.-B., Lin, L., Qin, temperature regeneration, the Pd content does Y.-Y., Yao, Y. (2010). Progress in technologies not change, because the process of treatment of coal-based ethylene glycol synthesis. Chem- will not have a reaction associated with the cat- ical Industry Engineering Progress, 29(11), alyst active component Pd. 2003-2009 In comparison to other regeneration meth- [2] Yu, B.-Y., Chung, C.-Y., Chien, I.-L. (2018). ods for ammonia-induced catalysts, our method Development of a plant-wide dimethyl oxa- shows advantages of regeneration efficien- late (DMO) synthesis process from syngas: cy/performance, low energy consumption, and Rigorous design and optimization. Computers the capability to achieve in-situ regeneration & Chemical Engineering, 119: 85-100, doi: with a plant-scale treatment. The novelty of 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2018.08.025 our method is to develop a low-temperature dis- [3] Yang, X.-T., Peng, S. (2020). Research and solving technology to remove the high-boiling prospect of coal to ethylene glycol industry. nitrogen-containing compounds formed by re- Shandong Chemical Industry, 49(1), 46-47, acting with ammonia. doi: 1008-021X(2020)01-0046-02 [4] Xu, L., Jie, M., Zhao, L.-H., et al. (2018). Pilot 4. Conclusion test of the catalysts for synthesis of dimethyl oxalate by carbon monoxide coupling. Natural The trace amount of ammonia (0.002%) in Gas Chemical Industry, 43(6), 80-83 the feeding gas can cause significant poisoning and deactivation of the catalyst for DMO syn- [5] Ye, Z.-G. (2018). The analyses of the coupling thesis, which is not completely reversible. reaction mechanism in the process of syngas to ethylene glycol. Yunnan Chemical Technol- There are two reasons for the deactivation. One ogy, 45(10), 88-90 is that the competitive adsorption of ammonia

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