DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018 -20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2020, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Amid divestment plans, PSUs lag in ` 88 per kilo market rally, FPIs ` 116 per kilo ` 142 per kilo show little interest ` 62 per Dozen SUNNYVERMA& SANDEEPSINGH UP law sees NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER29 first case: Kin AMID THE relentless rallyinthe stockmarket,institutional in- Aworryfor vestors seem to have largely of 20-yr-old voteddowngovernment- theMinistry ownedcompanies. Their stock move against prices continue to languish, un- STOCKPRICESOFgov- Farmer leaders hold apress conference at Singhu Border on Sunday. GajendraYadav WHEREAPOSSIBLEBREAKTHROUGHMAYLIE,EXPLAINED,PAGE11 likethose of leading private sec- ernment-ownedcom- Muslim friend torcompanies. panies and bankscon- The PSUs have shown signif- tinue to lag behind CREATE AWARENESS: PM ON MANN KI BAAT icant lag in performance despite private peers, and have the broad recovery in the mar- been trading sharplybe- MANISHSAHU ketssince April 2020. lowtheir peak value of LUCKNOW,NOVEMBER29 While the BSE Sensexhas recent years. Lowvalua- Newlawshelpfarmers,sayPM,Shah; risen by 50 per cent between tions areanissue forthe ADAY afterthe newanti-conver- March 31 and November 24,the government because it sion lawcame intoforce in Uttar BSE PSU indexhas risen by only has aheavy disinvest- Pradesh, the police on Sunday 18.7 per cent. In fact, the BSE mid ment agenda linedup. registeredits firstcase under it. cap and small cap indices have The Finance Ministryis Owaisi Ahmed, 24,was booked keyMinistersmeetonwayforward jumpedby60per cent and 75.6 said to be looking at by the Deorania police in Bareilly per cent respectively in the same ways to improvethe forallegedly pressuring aHindu period.
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