R. Wagner-Kaiser
R. Wagner-Kaiser Email: rawagnerkaiser@gmail.com • Phone: (269) 274-1318 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/rawagnerkaiser • GitHub: github.com/rwk506 Webpage: astro.ufl.edu/~rawagnerkaiser/Home.html Stellar Populations • Globular Clusters & Multiple Populations • Variable Stars My interests in astronomy are centered around utilizing the power of stellar populations to learn more about the characteristics of galaxies, from the Milky Way to the Local Group to even further away external galaxies. Through observations of star clusters, variable stars, and resolved galactic stellar populations, I hope to learn more about the formation and evolution of galaxies in our universe. Education University of Florida 2011 – Present M.S. Astronomy: 2013 Gainesville, FL PhD Astronomy: 2016; GPA: 4.0 Dissertation: Bayesian Analysis of Globular Clusters – using a sophisticated Bayesian statistical technique to compare multi- dimensional theoretical models to observed data to determine the most likely parameters that describe object of interest. Vassar College 2006 – 2010 B.A. Physics, B.A. Astronomy (2010) Poughkeepsie, NY Minor equivalent in Mathematics GPA: 3.62; Graduated with Honors First Author Papers • Submitted (10.6.16): Wagner-Kaiser, R. and Sarajedini, A., 2016, MNRAS, Ages in the Local Solar Neighborhood from the JK turndown. • Accepted (2.28.17): Wagner-Kaiser, R., Sarajedini, A., von Hippel, T., Anderson, J., et al., 2016, MNRAS, The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters XIV: Bayesian Analysis of “Single” Stellar Populations of 69 Globular Clusters. • Accepted (12.5.16): Wagner-Kaiser, R. and Sarajedini, A., 2016, MNRAS, The properties of the Magellanic Bridge Based on OGLE IV Photometry of RR Lyrae Stars. • Wagner-Kaiser, R., Stenning, D., Robinson, E., von Hippel, T., Sarajedini, A., van Dyk, D.
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