A Guide to the Coins of Great Britain & Ireland, in Gold, Silver, and Copper
Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN // / // / fzC&tc* O e--^ A GUIDE TO THE coiisrs GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND, IN GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME, WITH THEIR VALUE. BY THE LATE COL. W. STEWART THORBTJRN, MEMBER OF THE NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OF LONDON. SECOND EDITION. Illustrated with Facsimiles of Coins in Gold and Silver, and numerous other Plates in Gold, Silver, and Copper. LONDON : L. UPCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C. LONDON : t'tlivri:n BY ALFRED BRADLEY, \~(l vntAXD, W.I . In CDemoriam. LIEUT.-COLOWEL WILLIAM STEWART THORBURN Was the eldest son of the late James Thorbum, Esq., Barrister of the Inner Temple, and Mary Anne, daughter of William Stewart, Esq., of Shambellie. His paternal grandfather, the Rev. William Thorbnrn, was for more than fifty years Incumbent of Troqueer, Dumfries, with which district the family has been connected for many generations. Colonel Thorbnrn was born in 1838, and was educated at Dumfries and Edinburgh, and gave early promise of unusual abilities. He entered the Army in 1858, as Ensign in the 1st Royals, was promoted Lieu- tenant, and, after some years' service, joined the Army Pay Department. He served in India, and different parts of the world, and rose through the various grades of his profession until he was promoted Lieut.-Colonel, in March, 1886, and selected for the onerous and respon- sible post of Chief Paymaster in Ireland. He was not, however, destined long to hold a position for which his thorough knowledge of financial affairs and his abilities had peculiarly fitted him. In the beginning of August, he was suddenly struck down by the rupture of a blood vessel in the lung, and, after a painful illness of ten weeks, died on October 18th, 1886, at Dalkey, near Dublin, in the prime of his useful and active life, aged forty-eight years.
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