
note1 [September 16, 2009] 1

Prologue In a non-inertial frame, which moves with ac- celeration ~a relative the to an inertial frame, the is a classical relativistic of corresponding equation of motion for the free body gravitation published by in 1916. It is is the accepted description of gravitation in modern ~v˙ = −~a. (2) physics. General relativity is a geometric theory where This is an equation for a (not straight) curve (a gravitational field is not a material field but rather parabola, actually): in non-inertial frames free bod- a curvature of space-time: massive bodies distort ies generally move with along curves. space-time in their vicinity which affects the motion The system of coordinates, where free bodies of other bodies. move along curves, rather than lines, are called General relativity satisfies the correspondence curvilinear. principle1: in the limit of no gravitational fields Equation (2) can be written in the form of the general relativity reduces to , and second Newton’s law, in the limit of weak gravitational fields and non- ˙ ~ relativistic velocities it reduces to Newtonian grav- m~v = Fi, (3) itation. ~ Although not the only relativistic theory of gravi- where m is the of the body, and Fi = −m~a is tation, general relativity is the simplest theory con- a fictitious inertial (in this case often called sistent with experimental data. elevator force). General relativity has important astrophysical Inertial have the following properties: implications and is a basis of current cosmological models of the universe. 1. Inertial forces are proportional to the Unlike classical electrodynamics general relativ- of the bodies, hence under inertial forces all ity has not been quantised: a complete and self- bodies move with the same acceleration. consistent theory of quantum does not exist yet. 2. Inertial forces appear due to geometrical prop- erties of curvilinear coordinate systems, rather than due to some physical fields affecting the Equivalence principle body.

General relativity is based on the Einstein’s equiva- 3. Inertial forces disappear after a coordinate lence principle that postulates the local equivalence transformation to an inertial frame. between inertial and gravitational forces. Equivalence of gravitational and iner- Inertial forces tial masses In an inertial frame a free body moves without ac- Many experiments attempted to observe the dif- celeration, and its (non-relativistic) equation of mo- ference between gravitational and inertial masses, tion in Cartesian coordinates is including Galileo’s measurements of acceleration of balls of different composition rolling down in- ~v˙ =0, (1) clined planes, and Newton’s measurements of the period of with different mass but iden- where ~v is the velocity of the body and the dot tical length. All experiments reported no observed denotes time derivative. This is an equation for a difference, with the most precise experiment to day line (a straight curve): in inertial frames free bodies (Braginsky and Panov) having the accuracy of one move without acceleration along lines. part in a trillion (1012). 1 These experiments suggest that all bodies under a new theory should reproduce the results of older well- established in those domains where the old theories a given gravitational force move with the same ac- work. celeration, just like under inertial forces. note1 [September 16, 2009] 2

Einstein’s equivalence principle where the (relativistic) momentum ~p and the velocity ~v are connected as Einstein has postulated that all properties of in- ertial forces are locally2 fulfilled for gravitational m~v forces. In other words, gravitational forces are un- ~p = 2 2 (5) like other physical forces but much like geometrical 1 − v /c inertial forces. This is called the Einstein’s equiva- p lence principle. It can be formulated as: 1. Gravitational forces are locally equivalent to inertial forces. 2. An accelerated frame is locally equivalent to a frame in a gravitation field. 3. Gravitational field is locally equivalent to a non-inertial frame. 4. In the effects of gravity disappear in all possible local experiments and general rel- ativity reduces locally to special relativity. The principle is customarily illustrated by two spacecrafts, one on Earth, the other accelerating with the Earth’s gravitational acceleration g in the outer space: the observers in these spacecrafts can not determine by doing local experiments inside spacecrafts whether their craft is at rest in a grav- itational field or accelerating. Unlike inertial forces, gravitational forces vanish at large distances from the sources of gravitation and therefore non-local experiments can well dis- tinguish between ficticious and gravitational forces.

Exercises 1. Consider the motion of a particle with charge e and mass m in a constant uniform electric field E~ which is, say, in the direction of x-axis. (a) Suppose that at t = 0 the particle was at rest, ~v = 0, with the coordinate ~r = 0. Find x(t). (b) Suppose that at t = 0 the particle had ~r = 0, but vx =6 0 and vy =6 0. Find x(t), y(t) and x(y). Hint: the equation of motion of a charged par- ticle in an electro-magnetic field E~ , H~ is d~p ~v = e E~ + × H~ , (4) dt  c  2locally means within a limited space, where variations of the fields can be neglected.