Parkljevec Izdalo: TD Bizeljsko (Published by:) Besedilo: TD Bizeljsko (Vesna Kunej, Polona Martini, (Text by:) Brigita Heberle, Martin Najger) 2 Kozjanski park (Barbara Plo{tajner) Prevod: Ne`a Kunej (Translated by:) Fotografije: Vesna Kunej (Photographs by) Oblikovanje/tisk: KoloRtisk Kr{ko (Designed/Printed by) Kartografska podlaga: Naklada: 3000 izvodov DTK 1:25 000, GURS Ra~unalni{ka obdelava: Kozjanski park Maj 2006 C M C M Y K Y K

O B ^ I N A Kozjanski BRE@ICE park zeljske pe{p Etnografska zbirka Bi o Marije Su{nik ti

Kapelica Sv. MarjeteStara gor'ca

"kevder s pre{o l. 1900"

Osojnikov kri` Vrhovnica


”Vidova pot ”

"gor'ce" pod Sv. Vidom Parkljevec - Sv. Vid C M C M Y K Y K

VVIDOVA POT kKOZJANSKI PARK Pot, ki je pred nami, nas bo popeljala od Parkljevca (predel med Brezovico Kozjanski park, pokrajina med Savinjo, Sotlo in Savo, na stiku in Pi{e{ko cesto) do cerkve Sv. Vida ali pa {e naprej do romarskega alpskega in panonskega sveta, je zavarovano obmo~je s statusom sredi{~a Svete gore ali celo do Grajske poti. regijskega parka, ustanovljeno leta 1981 (Zakon o spominskem parku Pot za~enjamo pri Etnografski zbirki Marije Su{nik (1), ponos Bizeljskega, Treb~e - Ul. RS, {t. 1/81 in Zakon o ohranjanju narave - Ul. RS, ki predstavlja `ivljenje in delo treh generacij na Filovi doma~iji in je {t.56/99). Obmo~je, veliko 200 km2, je mozaik alpskega sredogorja, resni~no vredna ogleda. ^e bi v Parkljevcu zavili proti Kojancam, bi pri{li na vinogradni{kega gri~evja, obsoteljskih ravnic, ohranjene narave in gostoljubni doma~ijo Sumrak (2). bogate kulturne dedi{~ine, ki nudi veliko mo`nosti za raziskovanje, Mi pa se odpravimo na rahlo vzpenjajo~o Vidovo pot, ki vijuga med u`ivanje in sprostitev. Visoka stopnja biotske raznovrstnosti uvr{~a vinogradi. Tu sre~ujemo zanimive stavbe, znamenja, razgibano bizeljsko Kozjanski park med najpomembnej{a naravovarstvena obmo~ja v pokrajino in seveda prijazne doma~ine, ki radi ponudijo kozar~ek Sloveniji in Evropi, saj spada ve~ji del parka v evropsko pomembna bizelj~ana. posebna varstvena obmo~ja NATURA 2000. Odmaknjenost Pri informativni tabli (3) previdno pre~kamo Pi{e{ko cesto in si zapomnimo, kozjanske pokrajine je ustvarila edinstveno so`itje narave in kulture, da bi desno po cesti pri{li do kme~kega turizma Balon “Bela gorca” (4), tradicije in sodobnosti, ki so temelji sodobnega trajnostnega razvoja. levo pa v Pi{ece. Pe{poti, kolesarske steze, vinsko-turisti~ne ceste, zbirke, razstave, Na{a pot vodi preko Pi{e{ke ceste navzgor, kjer nas na ravnini pozdravi vrt, delavnice, koncerti in {tevilne prireditve s prikazi tradicije ter sodobne spomladi odet v cveto~o glicinijo, ob katerem je kri` in lepo cvetje, ki se ustvarjalnosti povezujejo naravne lepote, kulturne spomenike in ljudi. bohoti okrog obeh bli`njih hi{. To je “Potekarjevo” (5), kjer so neko~ imeli svojo poletno domovanje lekarnarji - apotekarji iz Gradca. Kozjanski Park, the countryside between the Savinja, Sotla and Sava, Naprej ves ~as sledimo asfaltni poti. Na desni strani kmalu vidimo where alpine and pannonian worlds meet, is a protected area with the Jen`urkino hi{o (6), na levi pa dolino potoka in Zgornje Podgorje. status of regional park, founded in 1981 (Treb~a Memorial Park Act, Levo zgoraj je stara doma~ija z lipo, na levo vidimo Podgorje, desno pa Ur.l. RS, no. 1/81 and Nature Conservation Act - Ur.l. RS, no. 56/99). Gradi{~e. Tu se pot rahlo spusti, levo vodi v Podgorje, desno po kolovozni The region, covering 200 km2, is a mosaic of alpine foothills, vineyard poti pa preko Gosijeka v @upjek, kjer je gnezdi{~e pti~a ~ebelarja covered slopes, flatlands along the Sotla, preserved nature and a rich (Merops Apiaster). cultural heritage, which offers great opportunities for research, Mi gremo naprej mimo »Migl~ove kapelice« (7) do lepe hi{e na levi recreation and relaxation. The high level of biotic diversity ranks doma~ija Zagmajster (8). Na levi nas ob poti {e vedno spremlja pogled na Kozjanski Park among the most important nature conservation areas Podgorje, na desni pa porasla pe{~ena bre`ina, na koncu katere je lepa in and Europe, since the greater part of the park belongs doma~ija Tkalec, ki ima manj{o repnico (9) z mo`nostjo ogleda. within the special protection regions of European importance Prispeli smo do kri`i{~a pri Pètanovem kri`u (10). Leva asfaltna cesta, ki je NATURA 2000. The remoteness of the Kozjansko countryside has del Bizeljsko-Sremi{ke vinsko turisti~ne ceste pelje v Pi{ece, desna created a unique co-existence of nature and culture, the traditional asfaltna pot pa v Nimnik in Gradi{~e. Ustavimo se pri stari hru{ki in si v and the modern, which are the basis of contemporary sustainable daljavi oglejmo Bizeljski grad, pod nami Nimnik, naravnost poslopje development. Footpaths, bicycle trails, wine tourist roads, collections, Bla`ove gorce (11), povsod okrog vinograde Jane`eve gorce. exhibitions, workshops, concerts and numerous events depicting Pri Bla`ovi gorci se levo navzdol odcepi strma pot, ki vodi v Dramelj{ek in naprej na [pi~ek (12), najvi{ji vrh Orlice, ki je vedno bolj priljubljena izletni{ka to~ka, katero najve~ Bizeljancev obi{~e za 1. maj. Na vrhu hriba pred nami `e vidimo cerkev Sv. Vida in kaplanijo, na levi pa Informacije, information: Kelharjevo doma~ijo med vinogradi. Naprej nas pot pelje mimo stare hi{e Zavod za podjetni{tvo in turizem z balkonom, kjer je bila neko~ vini~arija. Cesta prvih borcev 18, 8250 Bre`ice Ko pridemo do razpotja, krenemo levo mimo kri`a. Na poti opazimo ve~ i tel.: ++ 386 (0)7 499 06 80, gsm: ++ 386 (0)41 530 427 kri`ev, kar pri~a, da je tod vodila romarska pot na Svete gore. ^e bi {li po fax.: ++ 386 (0)7 499 06 81 desni poti, bi mimo kapelice Sv. Trojice (13), kjer je vsak dan ob 18. uri e-mail: turizem-brezice @ siol.net, www.visitbrezice.com ma{a, pri{li v Jane`evo gorco. Nas pa pot pelje mimo najmanj{ega hrama v Sloveniji (14), ki je pokrit s slamo. Levo se odpre pogled na Podgorje in KS Bizeljsko, Kumrov{ka c. 5, 8259 Bizeljsko Orlico, spodaj je Dramelj{ek. Naprej hodimo med vinogradi, kjer nas jeseni tel.: ++ 386 (0)7 452 00 86, fax.: ++ 386 (0)7 452 00 87 pozdravlja klopotec in `e spet smo na razpotju. Tu zavijemo desno in po SUTLA - SOTLA www.rc-brezice.si/VTC kraj{em useku pridemo do kleti z lesenim kri`em (15). Grmi~evje na levi skriva razli~ne starinske grme: glog, beli kruh (kova~nik), dobrovito, Ob~inska turisti~na zveza Bre`ice trdolesko in druge. Pod nami je doma~ija, imenovana “Opati~no” , ker so tel.: ++ 386 (0)7 499 07 50, gsm: ++ 386 (0)41 677 327 tu neko~ bivale nune (hrva{ko opatice), na desni pa je lep pogled na e-mail: otz.brezice @ siol.net Jane`evo gorco, osr~je Bizeljskega s cerkvijo Sv. Lovrenca, Sv. Anton, Turisti~no dru{tvo Bizeljsko Lusthaus ter v ozadju Sljeme nad Zagrebom. Bizeljska c. 47, 8259 Bizeljsko Mimo starega lesenega hrama na desni se vzpnemo po kolovozni poti, ob kateri opazimo lep “kevdr” s son~nimi vrati (16), naprej desno v daljavi pa gsm: ++ 386 (0)31 786 949 s slamo krit Kelharjev hram. Kmalu zavijemo ostro levo proti stari Rajteri~evi doma~iji (17), od koder je lep razgled na Vitno vas, Bo{t, zadaj so Gorjanci. Potem gremo mimo “kevdra” s pre{nico l. 1900 in naprej mimo Kozjanski Park lesenega Osojnikovega hrama. Podsreda 45 k3257 Podsreda In `e smo pri stari obnovljeni kaplaniji (18) in cerkvi Sv. Vida (19), kjer je vsako leto ma{a na Vidovo nedeljo in ob godu Sv. Roka. Telefon, telephone: ^e smo {e `eljni hoje, pot nadaljujemo med vinogradi proti Vrhovnicam. Kozjanski Nedale~ od cerkve Sv. Vida bomo pri{li do razpotja. Naravnost vidimo 03 800 71 00 (uprava, administration), park doma~ijo Kelhar z vinsko kletjo Keltis (20), desno bi pri{li v center ponedeljek-petek, od 8.00 do 16.00 ure ali Bizeljskega, lahko pa krenemo levo proti Svetim goram in se dr`imo oznak Monday-Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00 or za Slom{kovo pot. ^e bi zavili desno proti Bizeljskemu, bi nas pot vodila 03 5 806 118 (grad Podsreda, Podsreda castle), mimo “Oskarjevega” (21) in Jel~i~eve doma~ije na levi ter mimo s vsak dan razen ponedeljka, od 10.00 do 18.00 ure slamo kritega Kelharjevega hrama na desni. Pot na levo vodi mimo daily except Monday, from 10.00 to 18.00 Kelharjeve kapelice in lepega starega hrama na Beli{u, navkreber in skozi gozd, kjer pridemo do Cvetkovega kri`a (22). Dr`imo se leve smeri in e-mail: kozjanski-park @ kp.gov.si pridemo do Osojnikove doma~ije (23) s kri`em. Pot nadaljujmo naprej navzgor in pridemo do razpotja, kjer je blizu kamniti Osojnikov (Hrenov) C M C M Y K Y K

From the top of the hill you can see the Kelhar homestead among the Rautnerjeve doma~ije (25), v~asih gosti{~e Gorski dom. Od tu je le {e vineyards, as well as your destination, the Church of St. Vid and the nekaj minut do vrha Svetih gor, 521 m, kjer je pet cerkva (26). Z vrha je chaplain's house. From here the footpath leads past an old house with a ~udovit razgled po Obsotelju in kozjanskih gri~ih in hribih. Pri Rautnerjevi balcony, which used to be a vinedresser's cottage. doma~iji se lahko vrnemo na izhodi{~e ali pa krenemo desno po asfaltni When you reach the intersection turn left past the cross. Along the cesti, ki vodi do glavne ceste Bizeljsko - Bistrica ob Sotli in naprej do footpath you will notice numerous crosses which used to mark the old Bizeljskega gradu. Po pribli`no 400 m hoje je na levi strani izvir imenovan pilgrimage route to the Svete gore. The path to the right leads past the Bo`ja noga (27), kjer si lahko s hladno studen~nico pogasimo `ejo. Ko pridemo do glavne ceste, jo pre~kamo in se podamo proti Grajski poti, ki chapel of the Holy Trinity (13), where Mass is held every day at 6 pm, to vodi do Bizeljskega gradu ter ~ez Bizeljsko vas in Ore{je v center Janeževa gorca. However, you should follow the footpath past the small Bizeljskega. straw-covered “hram” (ancient wooden hut where wine was stored), which is the smallest “hram” in Slovenia (14). On your left Podgorje and Pa smo pri koncu poti. Spoznali smo en del bizeljskih vinorodnih gri~ev, Orlica come into view, with Dramelj{ek down below. Follow the footpath through the vineyards where “klopotec” (the wind-powered bird-scaring dDol`ina poti: rattle) greets you in the autumn. At the intersection turn right through a Etnografska zbirka Su{nik - Sv. Vid: 3 km short cutting to reach the wine cellar with a wooden cross (15). The Sv. Vid - Svete gore: 4 km shrubbery on your left reveals several ancient bushes: hawthorn, Svete gore - Grajska pot: 2 km honeysuckle (also known in these parts as “white bread”), wayfaring ^as, potreben za hojo: tree, spindle tree, and others. Below you is a homestead where nuns Etnografska zbirka Su{nik - Sv. Vid: 1 ura used to live, hence the name “Opati~no” (“opatica” is a Croatian Sv. Vid - Svete gore: 1 ura 30 min expression for a nun), while to your right there is a splendid view of Svete gore - Grajska pot: 30 min Janeževa gorca, the Church of St. Lovrenc (Lawrence) in the heart of Oprema: lahka pohodni{ka obutev in veliko dobre volje Bizeljsko, the Church of St. Anton, the Lusthaus, and the Sljeme Mount in the background with Zagrab below. Ascend the dirt track past the old wooden “hram” on the right and you will come across a beautiful “kevdr” (ancient stone hut for storing wine) THE FOOTPATHS OF BIZELJSKO - VID'S FOOTPATH with sun doors (16). If you look right, you can see the straw-covered Kelhar's “hram” in the distance. Soon you should make a sharp left turn tThis footpath leads from Parkljevec (the area between Brezovica and towards the old Rajteri~ homestead (17), which offers a nice view of the Pi{ece Road) to the Church of St. Vid. From there you can continue and Bo{t with the Gorjanci in the background. The footpath to the Svete gore (the Holy Mountains), a pilgrimage site, or even then passes a “kevdr” (larger stone hut for storing wine) with a wine further to the Castle footpath. press dating from 1900, and further on the wooden Osojnik 's“hram”. Vid's footpath begins at Marija Su{nik's Ethnographic Collection (1), You have now reached the renovated ancient chaplain's house (18) and the pride of Bizeljsko, which represents the life and work of three the Church of St. Vid (19) where Mass is held every year on St. Vid's generations on the Fila homestead and is truly worth seeing. From Sunday and on St. Rok 's day. Parkljevec you can turn towards Kojance to reach the hospitable If you want to prolong your walk, continue through the vineyards Sumrak home stead (2). towards Vrhovnice and you will soon reach an intersection. Straight Today you will follow the slightly rising Vid's footpath winding through ahead you can see the Kelhar homestead with the Keltis wine cellar the vineyards. Along the way you will see many interesting buildings (20). Here you can turn right towards Bizeljsko, or left towards the Svete and marks, the versatile landscape of the Bizeljsko region, and friendly gore. The footpath towards Bizeljsko leads past “Oskar's” (21) and the local people, always ready to offer a glass of Bizeljsko wine. Jel~i~ homestead on your left, and the straw-covered Kelhar's “hram” At the information board (3) cross the Pi{ece Road, bearing in mind that on your right. If you decide to turn left towards the Svete gore, follow the if you follow the road to the right, it leads to the Balon “Bela gorca” signs for Slom{ek's footpath (Slom{kova pot). This footpath ascends tourism farm (4), whereas to the left the road leads to Pi{ece. past Kelhar's chapel and a beautiful old “hram”, and then leads through From the Pi{ece Road, Vid's footpath leads uphill. Where it levels out the woods to Cvetko's cross (22). Keep left and you will reach the you are greeted by a garden, in the spring abounding with wisteria in Osojnik farmhouse (23) with a cross in front. Follow the ascending path full bloom. Notice the cross beside the garden. The nearby houses, to reach the intersection with the 400-years-old Osojnik's (or which are surrounded by beautiful flowers, bear the local name Horseradish) stone cross (24). The path on your left leads to Podsreda “Potekar's”(5), since this used to be the summer residence of Castle, and the path on your right to the Rautner homestead (25) where pharmacists from Graz (“apotekar” is an archaic Slovene expression a guesthouse Mountain Home used to be. In minutes you will reach the for a pharmacist). peak of the Svete gore, 521m, with its five churches (26). The hilltop From here on follow the asphalt track. On the right you soon catch offers a magnificent view of the Sotla Valley (Obsotelje) and the hills of sight of Jenžurka's house (6). If you look left, you can see the the Kozjansko region. From the Rautner homestead you can return to brook gully and Zgornje Podgorje, as well as an old farmhouse with a the beginning of Vid's footpath, or you can turn right and follow the lime tree in front. A little further on you can see Podgorje on your left asphalt road to the main road Bizeljsko-Bistrica ob Sotli, and from there and Gradi{~e on your right. Here the footpath descends slightly. The continue to Bizeljsko Castle. After about 400 metres you will rich a path on the left leads to Podgorje, while the dirt track on the right leads spring called “God's foot” (27) on the left side of the road, where you can through Gosijek to Župjek where bee-eaters (Merops Apiaster) nest. stop to quench your thirst with the cool spring water. When you cross Vid's footpath leads past “Miglc's chapel” (7) to a beautiful house on the main road follow the Castle footpath to Bizeljsko Castle, and from your left, the Zagmajster wine shop (8). On your left you can still see Podgorje, but on your right you will soon notice a sandstone slope, at the end of which you will find the Tkalec homestead where you can see lLength of footpath a small “repnica” (manmade sandstone cave now used for storing Ethnographic collection Su{nik - St. Vid: 3 km wine) (9). You have now reached the crossroads at Petan's cross (10). St. Vid - the Svete gore: 4 km the Svete gore - Castle footpath: 2 km The asphalt road on the left, which is part of the Bizeljsko-Sremi~ Wine Road, leads to Pi{ece, while the asphalt track on the right leads to Time needed for the walk: Nimnik and Gradi{~e. Stop at the old pear tree to enjoy the view of Ethnographic collection - St. Vid: 1 hour Bizeljsko Castle in the distance, Nimnik below you, the building of St. Vid - the Svete gore: 1 hour 30 minutes the Svete gore - Castle footpath: 30 minutes Blaževa gorca (11) strait ahead, and the vineyards of Janeževa gorca all around. Note that “gorca” means vineyard in the local dialect. Equipment: light hiking boots and lots of goodwill At Blaževa gorca the steep path to your left leads down to Dramelj{ek and from there to Špi~ek (12), the highest hill of Orlica and the