Mark Progress in 3 Murder Probes Mr
Weather Mr. MEBAM >,.^w I ky tftenma. Hifh ta torn- at the shore. Fair, quite winn and kuuH Red Bank Area J tasufht and Tuesday. (SM weatfc- Copyright-The Red Bank Register, lac 1966. il). MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 7414)010 InoM tattr. VMU* tfcnoch rtUmt. turm* Qua fMtst PAGE ONE VOL. 89, NO. 35 raid M 8*4 td «M *t AddWeaJ MSUM omw. MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1966 7C PER COPY Demands Board Tenure for Keansburg Teacher Sept. 1 Prexy Resign KEANSBURG - Board of Education finance com<nit- See Currie Reinstated by State Order tee chairman John jr. Syan Friday angrily called for By JAMES M. NEILLAND 60 days notice to the teacher be- Questioned specifically on the employment is effective Sept. 1. this assertion, claiming tenure Is hundreds and hundreds of people the resignation of board TRENTON — Fired Keansburg fore the contract rescission be- meaning of "employment on the That is the date he obtains ten- obtained upon issuance of the who have fought for me. president Mri. Mar.jaiet teacher Robert T. Currie will be comes effective. first day of the fourth succes- re." contract for the fourth year and "I will be in my classroom on Boyle. back at his job — in Keansburg— With the July 8 date as the sive academic year," Mr. Glas- The other two methods of ob- completion of three years' em- schedule." Mr. Ryan declared: next month. start of the 60-day period, it pey declared: taining tenure concern teachers ployment. Questioned on board president "I am convinced that, un- He will obtain tenure Sept.
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