Ffliarij Anh Itntnhinnrapfi11
THE ffliarij anh itntnhinnrapfi11 OF EDMUND BOHUN ESQ. AUTHOR OF THE 'HISTORY OF THE DESERTION ' OF THE THRONE BY KIXG J.A..."\lES II, ETC. ET<:., LICE.~SER OF THE PRESS IX THE REIGN OF WILLIA..'\I Al\"D MARY, A~'"D S1.7BSEQt,EXTLY CHIEF JUSTICE OF SOUTH CAROLIYA: ;jnfrnhudnrtJ Jllrmuir, JfoftR, nnh jfhrntrntiuns, llY S. WILTON RIX . • YIR -J"C'STUS, PROBUS, D."NOCENS, TDIERis.• )[.um.u. PRIVATELY PRINTED AT BECCLES, BY READ CRISP: M.D.CCC.LIII. ,i'·r- i .:: "' ,~ -- r·'-:-. ./ "'- ':: >✓ £ -✓~:t -::..-. I , ~ • . I .,,. 7···>-- c.>·':::£<~ - ;;.· --=_;:=:'""' -:::._-:;;...--v --~---:-- -~-~~ ., . , ~ ~:;--- . .... ._:_~ Wesl:. tnntrnts. EDITOR'S PREFACE • • page m LIST OF llLUSTRA.TIOXS • V DESCIDi'"T OF THE FA.'\IILIES OF DE BOHUS, BOHUN OF FRESSINGFIELD, BRO'Wlli"E-BORUN, ETC. facing page vu .. Dt'"TRODUCTORY :MEMOIR • page vu LIST OF EDMUND BOH'\JYS PUBLICATIOXS llXlll .. THE DIA.RIST 'TO THE READER' XXXTil 'DIA.RY OF MY LU'.E' 1 CORRESPO~"DEXCE 131 INDEX 141 .... , ,., ,..,..,,.,,...,,..,...,...,..., .. - lfihitnr' s ,rrfnrr. '-'~ HE present volume contains what is known, from his own account and from other sources, ~ of EnMIDi"l> BoHUN, a voluminous political and miscellaneous writer in the latter part of the seventeenth century. He was of a Suffolk. family; and the book is, in one view, a humble contribution to the still incomplete topography of that county. However, it is not entirely local in its bearing. The lover of the older literature meets here with one who loved it too. The student of human character may find material for thought and lessons of instruction. Now and then topics are referred to, which have long agitated and still continue to interest the world - government, freedom, protestantism, commerce, colonization.
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