BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND PROCEEDINGS at the 2018 REVIEW OF PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES IN ENGLAND HELD AT THE COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING, OLD HALL STREET, LIVERPOOL, L3 9JR ON FRIDAY 21 OCTOBER 2016 DAY TWO Before: Mr Neil Ward, The Lead Assistant Commissioner ______________________________ Transcribed from audio by W B Gurney & Sons LLP 83 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HW Telephone Number: 0203 585 4721/22 ______________________________ At 9.00 am: THE LEAD ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us today. My name is Neil Ward. I am the Lead Assistant Commissioner appointed by the Boundary Commission to conduct two things: To conduct the hearings across the whole of the North West into their Initial Proposals for the revised parliamentary boundaries for the North West region and, along with two fellow assistant Commissioners, Nicholas Elliott and Graeme Clarke, to take on board all the representations that are either made in the hearings or in written representations and to consider, in the light of them, whether we think it is appropriate to recommend changes, revised proposals to the Boundary Commission on their Initial Proposals. I should say that I am, in a sense, essentially independent of the Boundary Commission. Although I am appointed by them, I had no hand in the drafting of the proposals and I received them the same time as everyone else and I am, in a sense, an honest broker in this process, considering whether or not changes ought to be made. This is the second day of the Liverpool hearing. Just a couple of words on process.
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