INDEX. (Family Surnames of Value in Genealogical Research Are Printed in CAPITALS; Names of Places in Italics.)
INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics.) Abagast, Lodowick, pensioner of the Ball, William, 195, 196 Revolution, 39 Banquit, William, pensioner of the Accut, Andrew, 174 Revolution, 30 ACKLEY, 74 Barber, Robert, 3, 4, 5 Ackley, Sarah, marriage of, to Wil- Barbour, Alfred M., to Roger A. liam Watson, 1783. 74 Pryor, 1860, 175 Adamstown, 13 Barley Sheaf, The, 22 Admiral Vernon, The, changed to the Barratt, Hon. Norris Stanley, Out- General Warren, 26; mentioned, line of the History of Old St. 3, 4, 5, 24 Paul's Church, Philadelphia, by, Alexander, Alexander, petition of notice of, 192 widow of, for a pension, 1790, 276, Bartlett, J. Gardner, The English 277 ; wounded at Gulph Mills, 276 Ancestry of Peter Talbot of Dor- Alexander, Catherine, petition of, for chester, Mass., notice of, 93 a pension, 1790, 276. 277 Bartram, John, 76, 219, 220, 225 Allen, A., 142 Bartram, Mrs. John, Alexander Gar- Allen, John, 63, 141 den to, 1765, 76, 77 Allen, Joseph, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, Bartram, William, 77 54, 55, 57 Bate, Abraham, pensioner of the Rev- Allen, William, 64, 142, 201 olution, 267; wounded at Battle Allison, Francis, 196 of Brandywine, 267 "American Engravers upon Copper Battersby, John, pensioner of the and Steel," by Mantle Fielding, no- Revolution, 168, 169 tice of, 94 Bayley, John, 196 Amicable Library Company, meetings Beale, Joseph, 22 of, 200, 204; advertisements of, Beale, William, 22 203, 204; union of with Union Beasaw, Nicholas, pensioner of the Library Company, 204 Revolution, 156 ANDERSON, 71 Beaso, Nicholas, pensioner of the Anderson, Andrew, Jr., 71 Revolution, 29, 30 Anderson, Hannah, 71 Beats, Joshua, 70 Anderson, John, pensioner of the Beatty, Rev.
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