Jill Elizabeth Mara,Elizabeth Mara | 354 pages | 14 Sep 2009 | 7D Publishing | 9780982484616 | English | United States Soul Connection - The Key to and Spiritual Enlightenment

Pure light beings from the 7th dimension have an interest in current development. Simion offers assistance to propel humankind forward to our next spiritual octave. They explain that the sentient Earth is making the transition to the next dimension, and we can join her by raising our vibration, thereby accelerating our soul evolution, individually and collectively. They educate us as to the inherent power of our collective intent to create a world of harmony and abundance. The light beings explain that our thoughts and emotions are energy forms that help create our universe, which is becoming increasingly super-conductive as we near a pivotal point when our solar system reaches the central of our galaxy around The level of energy available at this time will trigger a physical and spiritual shift that Keys to Soul Evolution transform our . Keys to Soul Evolution purpose for delivering this message is to assist humanity in its ascension. Keys to Soul Evolution is full of enlightening and practical advice that will enhance your spiritual growth and contribution to . Lord Keys to Soul Evolution Jehovah, as channeled through Arthur Fanning, reveals the course humanity must take to lead itself out of its fascination with density and the material into an expanding awareness that each human is a with unlimited power and potential. This book is an enlightening journey into higher . Here is a book that pulls from life-experience, and the greatest contemporary and historical sages, to engage the reader in life's most challenging and fundamental questions. It gathers momentum as the reader is exposed to the ego, soul, and the Divine by understanding their role in the evolution of human consciousness. What is blocking us from embracing our greatness? As the human and brain developed over the millennia, humanity's true was obscured by a human intellect and belief system in its early stages of evolution. We have all witnessed what this has led to. There Keys to Soul Evolution a way out of this box we have built for ourselves. The breakout begins when we allow ourselves to take a fresh look at Keys to Soul Evolution core human condition that spiritual traditions have been dealing with for thousands of years. This book shows the reader how to look at their soul in a refreshing and new way. In this new century, the time is ripe for an exciting and innovative way of approaching and rediscovering our . It doesn't replace psychology or spirituality - it takes them to a new level. The reader is challenged to wake up their soul and embrace reality below the symptom level. The intellect, heart, and belly soul-centers, which the world's spiritual traditions target in different ways, are explained and reconceived in a way that speaks to the fullness of what it means to be human. Fundamental change has never been more possible. The human mind has evolved to a place where many are perched for a dive into a new reality where contemporary and historical problems can finally be resolved. If you are one of those ready to take the dive, you are likely a "soulworker". This is a person who is ready to do whatever it takes to find the answers to their deepest questions, face their deepest fears, and align their life with Keys to Soul Evolution soul's mission. You will find this book to be a leading-edge handbook that provides the tools, concepts, and keys for evolving humanity into a new way of being. The journey into our souls is the most important and exciting journey we can ever take. There is nothing more worth discovering. The truth of life well lived is simple; it always has been. Most of its loving membership has remained beyond the shadowy veil of human consciousness, but here and there, its presence has been felt directly on the Earth plane. Usually hidden away from the chaos and darkness of the world's busy highways and byways, the masters have remained anonymous to all but a few worthy souls who have dedicated themselves selflessly to the laws of and truth, and have served humanity humbly in a thousand different ways throughout history. These are the disciples of the masters, souls who act as instruments stepping down the powerful frequencies of pure love into digestible portions that humanity can use to brighten its way along the journey home to the Christ consciousness. One such soul is Edith Bruce. These readings were then reconstructed in such a manner as to provide continuity. This volume represents the of the ascended masters condensed into Keys to Soul Evolution keys that serve as a spiritual guide. There are golden keys that present the multitude of methods, techniques, affirmations, , and insights Dr. Stone has gleaned from his own background in psychology and life conditions and his thorough research of all the ancient and contemporary classics that speak of the Keys to Soul Evolution to God realization. The teachings of Sai Baba and Keys to Soul Evolution ascended masters are at the core of these keys, and the author has Keys to Soul Evolution drawn up on various spiritual scriptures such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the . Especially valuable are practical methods to support the ascension process, such as journal writing and spiritual logs, as well as and prayers. Are you searching for peace and no matter what you do you can't seem to find it? In this revealing and engaging book, Yanira shares her memoir of many events in her life and the 5 keys that freed her from victim-hood to victory. As she shares her traumatic experiences and her current perspective, you'll discover how each of your own experiences have resulted in lessons that were leading you to your soul's evolution. Yanira has discovered that every experience is here to help us heal and grow into better versions of ourselves. As she says, "As horrible as these painful and traumatic events were, I discovered they Keys to Soul Evolution all here to help me-not hurt me. Once I understood the reason these painful events had occurred, I was able to find peace. The pain and suffering were here to show me the parts of myself that needed healing. These events were mirroring in me what I couldn't see otherwise. My outer world was a mere reflection of my inner world. As the reader, you'll experience the journey Keys to Soul Evolution healing, transformation, and self-discovery. You'll walk away feeling and seeing life with an empowering perspective. The Soul's purpose is the evolution of consciousness. This book and these cards offer a gateway to participate knowingly in this evolutionary journey. They hold clues to the energetic imbalances, false beliefs and Keys to Soul Evolution expectations that have been stored in the energy center of the body; the sense organs of the Soul. When you engage intentionally through self inquiry and self observation with these seven energy centers, you unlock the unconscious perceptions that have been stored there. Meeting your self in this Keys to Soul Evolution has a transformative effect upon the inner workings of the Soul faculties of Mind, Emotion and Will. You will find it becomes possible to restructure and refine the qualities of the Soul from within. In this auspicious moment you are listening to an urge within your Soul to progress towards something it has yet come to know. Eliminate the false perceptions stored in the sense organs of your Soul and guide your self to freedom. Balancing past-life is the key to soul evolution. In The Evolving Soul, Dr. Backman shows how people create the pre-birth blueprints Keys to Soul Evolution infuse life with purpose. Uncover the ways guides and the ascended masters can influence your opportunities for growth. Discover the seven soul archetypes and your soul ray. Providing fascinating examples from dozens of regression clients, The Evolving Soul also includes questions and prompts to help readers gain profound insights. Each soul is a divine masterpiece crafted to be a living monument showing forth the genius of its Creator. We're all unique treasures hidden within earthly vessels. Within these pages are simple keys useful to navigate through life, break free from any and all Keys to Soul Evolution, obstacles or hindrances, and unlock your full potential in order to make your way Keys to Soul Evolution. Purpose and destiny are inherent within every soul. Through knowledge and the constant renewing of our we all have the aptitude to transcend our present state of being and Keys to Soul Evolution transformed. This is the true evolutionary process predestined for all mankind. There are tens of thousands of self-help books on psychology and human relationships; however, there are very few that integrate the topics of the soul and spirit into the picture. Most books on this subject focus on personality-level self-actualization. The new wave in the field of psychology is transpersonal or soul psychology, which will lead to monadic psychology for the more advanced students of the path. The entire understanding Keys to Soul Evolution psychology is completely changed when the soul is properly integrated. It has been said that personality-level self-actualization brings happiness, soul-level self-actualization brings joy, and monadic- and spiritual-level self-actualization bring bliss. Learn how to see the Light or experience heaven without dying. Discover your spiritual purpose. In this book the student is introduced to the most important concepts underlying hermetic and esoteric studies. Among these concepts is the importance of acquiring the Two Keys: and the Tarot. With these two keys the neophyte can begin unlocking the mysteries of life. In essence, this book is a passionate plea for deep self-reflection. Discover why and how to find peace within yourself and with those around you. Your journey of self-discovery is pivotal to humanity. A must read: Keys to Soul Evolution and engaging! Zain Publisher: light. This is the second book in the 21 Brotherhood of Light Course series by C. These concepts include the importance of the Two Keys to unlocking the mysteries: Astrology and the Tarot; an introduction to basic astrological principles; the mission of the soul struggling to attain Self-Conscious Immortality; the Doctrine of Signatures and the key features of the Tarot, ; and facts and fancies about . This book, together with Course 1, Laws of Occultism, and Course 3, Spiritual Alchemy, are designed to provide the student with the foundation necessary to delve deeper into occult, esoteric and kabbalistic studies. Our connections with them run deeply, down to the soul level. Just like us, they are also on a journey to evolve their soul through their relationships and experiences, and each has deeply spiritual messages for us and intentions for our personal growth. In this book, Tammy Billups invites you to explore and deepen this profound relationship, showing how you can co-evolve along with your companions, experience unconditional love, and, ultimately, enact healing for both animal and caregiver. She identifies the five core emotional wounds in and the ways in which they manifest, outlining specific behavioral traits and physical issues animals may exhibit as they mirror our emotional states. She explains how to connect with them on a profound level so we can grasp their needs more clearly and learn what they have to teach us. She also provides guidance to help your animals heal the emotional wounds and traumas that create their anxiety, stress behaviors, aggression, and fears. She also shows how extremely receptive animals are to energy work, holistic healing, and spiritual practices, explaining how these methods unlock emotional barriers and enable both person and animal to heal and reach their highest potential in conscious evolution. 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The channeled messages shared by these light beings are an invitation and spiritual guide for the ascension process and spiritual awakening of life's purpose. Simion reveals a metaphysical , insights into December predictions, and the shift to spiritual enlightenment in the coming era. Simion invites you to expand your consciousness and follow the path of light as it ebbs and flows within you and is connected to the source of all creation. Within this site you will Keys to Soul Evolution spiritual life guidance to awaken your soul to the ascension to the 4th dimension, the evolutionary leap in spiritual awareness and life purpose. Available to order on the Publications page above. Spiritual enlightenment is a choice to recognize your eternal spirit and connection to all that is. Raise your soul awareness in the of channeled information on such topics as , prophesy, sacred geometry, tuning your vibration to be a being of light, developing ESP, and contact with extraterrestrials, multidimensional beings and spiritual guides. Learn to create a reality of fulfillment, and assist in the collective spiritual ascension of humanity by awakening the light being within and following the flow of light. Simion has imparted a fascinating channeled book that is meant to assist us in preparing for a new era of spiritual enlightenment. This web site includes many excerpts from Keys to Soul Evolution: Gateway to the Next Dimension, see topics to the left and publications linkas well as audio and video recordings of channeling sessions. We are here to awaken the spiritual aspect of our multidimensional soul by raising our consciousness. The light beings are an integral part of creation that you can connect to on your spiritual journey. Please enjoy the channeled messages Keys to Soul Evolution if you would like to read or hear more, order Simion's book, or audio channelings, email us with specific questions related to ascension and spiritual growth. We will choose a channelled answer to post on the site each month. You may also arrange to have the channeler, Jill Mara, Keys to Soul Evolution your gathering for a group channeling session on Keys to Soul Evolution spiritual life purpose and ascension, with Simion, the 7th dimension light beings. Check out Keys to Soul Evolution appearances link above for details. Simion Quote "When you are in the state of oneness you fully realize that you are it and it is already perfect. A Window to Spiritual Awakening. Monthly Channeling. Keys to Soul Evolution on Facebook. Follow on Twitter. Personal Guidance Sessions. Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution - Personality & Spirituality

Start your FREE month now! Simion offers assistance to propel humankind forward to our next spiritual octave. They explain that the sentient Earth is making the transition to the next dimension, and we can join her by raising our vibration, thereby accelerating our soul evolution, individually and collectively. They educate us as to the inherent power of our collective intent to create a world of harmony and abundance. The light beings explain that our thoughts and emotions are energy forms that help create our universe, which is becoming increasingly Keys to Soul Evolution as we near a pivotal point when our solar system reaches the central plane of our galaxy around The level of energy available at this time will trigger a physical and spiritual Keys to Soul Evolution that will transform our reality. The purpose for delivering this message is to assist humanity in its ascension. Keys Keys to Soul Evolution Soul Evolution is full of enlightening and practical advice that will enhance your spiritual growth and contribution to universal evolution. This book is an enlightening journey into . It gathers momentum as the reader is exposed to the ego, soul, and the Divine by understanding their role in the evolution of human consciousness. What is blocking us from embracing our greatness? As the human mind and brain developed over the millennia, humanity's true nature was obscured by a human intellect and belief system in its early stages of evolution. We have all witnessed what this has led to. There is a way out of this box we have built for ourselves. The breakout begins when we allow ourselves to take a fresh look at the core human condition that spiritual traditions have been dealing with for thousands of years. This book shows the reader how to look at their soul in a refreshing and new way. In this new century, the time is ripe for an exciting and innovative way of approaching spirituality and rediscovering our souls. It doesn't replace psychology or spirituality - it takes them to a new level. The reader is challenged to wake up their soul and embrace reality below the symptom level. The intellect, heart, and belly soul-centers, which the world's spiritual traditions target in different ways, are explained and reconceived in a way that speaks to the fullness of what it means to be human. Fundamental change has never been more possible. The human mind has evolved to a place where many are perched for a dive into a new reality where contemporary and historical problems can finally be resolved. If you are one of those ready to take the dive, you are Keys to Soul Evolution a "soulworker". This is a person who is ready to do whatever it takes to find the answers to their deepest questions, face their deepest fears, and align their life with their soul's mission. You will find this book to be a leading-edge handbook that provides the tools, concepts, and keys for evolving humanity into a new way of being. The journey into our souls is the most important and exciting journey we can ever take. There is nothing more worth discovering. Most of its loving membership has remained beyond the shadowy veil of human consciousness, but here and there, its presence has been felt directly on the Earth plane. Usually hidden away from the chaos and darkness of the world's busy highways and byways, the masters have remained anonymous to Keys to Soul Evolution but a few worthy souls who have dedicated themselves selflessly to the laws of love and truth, and have served humanity humbly in a thousand different ways throughout history. These are the disciples of the masters, souls who act as instruments stepping down the powerful frequencies of pure love into digestible portions that humanity can use to brighten its way along the journey home to the Christ consciousness. One such soul is Edith Bruce. These readings were then reconstructed in such a manner as to provide continuity. This book and these cards offer a Keys to Soul Evolution to participate knowingly in this evolutionary journey. They hold clues to the energetic imbalances, false beliefs and inauthentic expectations that have been stored in the energy center of the body; the sense organs of the Soul. When you engage intentionally Keys to Soul Evolution self inquiry and self observation with these seven energy centers, you unlock the unconscious perceptions that have been stored there. Meeting your self in this way has a transformative effect upon the inner workings of the Soul faculties of Mind, Emotion and Will. You will find it becomes possible to restructure and refine the qualities of the Soul from within. In this auspicious moment you are listening to an urge within your Soul to progress towards something it has yet come to know. Eliminate the false perceptions stored in the sense organs of your Soul and guide your self to freedom. There are golden keys that present the multitude of methods, techniques, affirmations, prayers, and insights Dr. Stone has gleaned from Keys to Soul Evolution own background in psychology and life conditions and his thorough research of all the ancient and contemporary classics that speak of the path to God realization. The teachings of Sai Baba and other ascended masters are at the core of these keys, and the author has also drawn up on various spiritual scriptures such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible. Especially valuable are practical methods to support the ascension process, such as journal writing and spiritual logs, as well as meditations and prayers. In this revealing and engaging book, Yanira shares her memoir of many events in her life and the 5 keys that freed her from victim-hood to victory. As she shares her traumatic experiences and her current perspective, you'll discover how each of your own experiences have resulted in lessons that were leading you to your soul's evolution. Yanira has discovered that every experience is here to help us heal and grow into better versions of ourselves. As she Keys to Soul Evolution, "As horrible as these painful and traumatic events were, I discovered they were all here to help me-not hurt me. Once I understood the reason these painful events had occurred, I was able to find peace. The pain and suffering were here to show me the parts of myself that needed healing. These events were mirroring in me what I couldn't see otherwise. My outer world was a mere reflection of Keys to Soul Evolution inner world. As the reader, you'll experience the journey of healing, transformation, and self-discovery. You'll walk away feeling inner Keys to Soul Evolution and seeing life with an empowering perspective. Toggle navigation Menu. Keys to Soul Evolution for:.