Veteran NDP Members Quit
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't / COMMITTEES TO OVERSEE I B.C.'s biggest dam ap,proved VICTORIA ( .(CP)-The caused by construction of Hydro would be allowed to British Columbia govern- the $1 billion dam. set its own schedules for mend .has approved con- He said two committees completion, which the struction of a massive B.C, will be established to Crown corporation has said Hydro power dam on the prepare environmental should he in 1982. Columbia River . near guidelines and monitor • Williams, who chaired the Revelstoke, Labor Minister consultations between cabinet committee that Allan Williams said Men- Hydro and local groups in heard the appeal against the the dam a~ea.. dam, . rejected the ~W'illiams told a news Both committees ~ be suggestion that 'the conference that conditions made up of provincial public restrictions put. on Hydro will be imposed on Hydro ~o servants, and Hydro is to would be weak and Inef- reflect the economic, social pay the cost of the tom- •fectusl. undenvtronmentalconcerns mittses, said WilHums. ConUnued page S* the herald- ' , VOI'UME7! :::ig:g Terrace':i::::L:0~¢::el'ions' :t::::::: '$:'::S:BER,3[ 19~ Veteran NDP Spellbound by a story read by library asshtant Maria Young, preschool spent a happy afternoon downstairs in the Hbrary Saturday. Story hours have resumed for the school year. members quit NEW MARKETS FOR B.C. PRODUCTS 01~AWA (CP) -- Three been campaigning for personal reasons. veteran New Demooratie weeks. A nomination Douglas captured his Party MPs -- former lender meeting has been set for current seat- formerly T.C.. Douglas, ~ Andrew Oct, ~-, two days after the Nunalmo-cowichan-The Brewi~ and John Gilbert -- party says geedbye to the 72- Islands, now Nanaimo- are quitting politics at .the Bennett encouraged by year-old former leader and Alberni because of next. general election, Saskatchewan premier at a redistribution -- in a 19~9 opening three of the party's testimonial dinner. byelection after losing a 19~8 safest federal seats for Brewin and Gilbert campaign battle In ueweomem. represant the Teronto.aren Saskatchewan. • Candidates are already ridings.of Greenwood and The .riding has a long European businessmen lining up for a chance to Broadview, respectively. socialist tradition, going replace the three. Brewin, 70 on Monday, is hack to 1935 when J.S. i LONDON (CP)- Premier .In the British Columbia leaving, like Douglas, Taylor won it for the CCF, said. "In part, this was also applicants having the op- member.of the coal board, Prime Minister James tiding new held by Douglas, beeause.of his age. Gilbert, forerunner of the NDP Bill Bennett of British became the B,C. success portunity to participate in would visit B,C. in early Csila~n today. aspirants forlds Job have 68, is qultting for family and Continued 'page Z Cciumbiaheldaround-table ratio before.the agency is B,C." November. The mission algo will discussion with 20 British '~ 'about 90 percent. He notre that while the attend another round,table • Jr~. I , "l /11 .. Mminessmen.Monday and ,.:'.'! would anticipate.that,.,,~fo!Ibwlng .~ ~a coal IzDara is 'adVanced in _meeting, ~hls. time With ~ui'ecteks :~-ffnk~ial ' i 0 "~ "w,1.~,.~.- ~,~.e,~ .,~.,f'~qb,t,4,,~6~. J~,l,m,m,,a,a-L-Lq~J1~L ~,PJI, J[. ~al~e meres, sao~t~en, havewith the government of thepmuonalCoaJBoard, the that, favorable business. restraint institutions. investments Canada and the agency will premier said British Energy dealings may result from Bennett said he has not 1--1 province, continue to improve.. We MiniSter Alex Eadie and the visit. noticed, any security llDr y JL JLJL pressedthatonc BritisheX-inte,est firm in feelvery poaltive about new ~oneph .Gil~on, a senior,. At the meeting at the coal precautions involving the board's London mission. • developing ~ew markets for headquarters mission Reporters entering the A referenenm will he held processed fishing products. Carryingcoals • At present, .Terrace "All these things are He said the 'iniUal query members watched an London Hilton Hotel were in the future to determine lihrary is below the stand available in the library," he would be pursued, illustrated presentation .of searched by security staff whether Terrace public for libraries in the province stated. "We were .heartened at the•prngress in developing on •Monday, a procedure library will be allotted the both in size of building and The library also. has the type of discussion,, he processes for refining coal. whlch is said to be norrnal at funds to construct a $175,000 sumber ~ books, Soutar special services for children "and Were surprised .at to Britain Bennett .was to meet that hotel, extension to its' present site. said, senior citizens, retarded . some of the more specific LONDON (CP)- Premier processes to obtain greater A delegation from the persons, the handicapped, inquiries that could relate in library board Speaking to the need for Bill Bennett. said Monday value from. coal including extended floor space, the and French and foreign . more immediate investment •that Britain's . coal Just. straight burning, lastnight's council meeting language speaking residents that we set out to develop'on Bilingual bonus asking that council grant library board chairman utilization technology could gasuifleation and other stated, that other recreation , as well as the arts council this trip." provide a major boost to the procesees,"he said. approval for the referencum facilities, such a s and profit and non-profit Bennett is making a tour economy of British :'They the NCB canhelp us which would double the floor the swimming pool and ice organizations. of Western Europe to drum _ .~olmnbia. with the technology for the space of the facility which "No other service in offered if wanted arena, are slective in the for British Columbia. ~ Following a meeting with thermal plan and higher use By DAVID GERSOVITZ provides a valuable, service .m~nnbe~ of people they cater Terrace serves so many The premier said one Of officials of the state owned of the Hat Creek coal." Officials of the. Quebec to about half the residents of people for. so little cast,': National .Coal Board, NCB MONTREAL (CP)- The civil servants' union were m, while the library is a the areas which concerned The premier, who federal government has Terrace, aecourding to a function used by 5,800 local Soutar claimed. British businessmen was the the premier announced that heading an 18 day economic unavailable for comment. .board spokesman. borrowers, He also pointed to a agreed to pay •a. bilingual However, a push for a Canadian government's Alex. Eadie, British energy mission to Europe, said bonus to some civil servants Allan Soutar, chairman of sur#ey done in Prince• Foreign Investment Review minister, and Joseph private companies might bonus probably will come the library .board,. told The library' provides Rupert which stated that 46 bet the Qmsdian Union of when the Associated Agency. Gibson, a senior member Of also benefit from the Postal Workers ~W says council the library is "a records, rending for fun, per cent of high school "However, because we the NCB, will visit B.C. in technology and in turn Railway Unions draw up focat point of. the com- facts and figures, maps for students have taken drugs it will never accept a policy contract demands later this had the.federal officials with November for talks on coal provide more Jobs. forcing members to speak munity" especially during consultation and hobble at some time, and fewer technology. Britain is ahead In the field month on behalf of 100,000 the long winter months. us, I think we resolved most both languages on the Job. workers across the country. information, Soutar said. Continued on page 2 of their concerns," Bennett of coal technology because He said the. talks might • Jean-Claude Parrot, Ed Finn~ spokesman for of the .country's dwindling president .of. the postal have a strong impact on •the reSOurCes.. the Canadian Brotherhood B.C. economy and might "There is .the posalbility workers, said in a telephone of Railway, Transport and result in more jobs. here for discussions on interview from Ottawa on General Workers said from Local parents to Vancouver meeting Bennett said his own tallm future technology so that we Monday that the CUPW is Ottawa that the rail unions with the NCB, .which is can get the best utilization not,interested in.a bonus made, and subsequently Herald staff writer • number one objective of already providing B.C. possible out of B.C,'s eoal became union policy since dropped, a demand for a Teenage. pregnailcles, both the provineisl and the Hydro with technical resources," he said.• 1974 has been that French bilingual bonus in 1975 venereal disease, and un, local planned parenthood assistance in the develop- With the premier• in must be the sale working during .the last national wanted births are some of groups, Krause explained. ment of the Hat Creek coal Europe are Don Phillips, ~uegbe~. e of thepost °ffice in negotiations. the problems the .Planned At present they are get- deposits, were of great long- economic development .The outcome may be Parenthood .Association of ting together a program to term interest. minister and Evan Wolfe,, English should be the only different this Ume because B.C, and its .branch in present to the dsparment of "We talked of the various minister of finance. working language inthe rest the government decision, to Terrace are trying to solve. education in Vieteria for of the country, the union pay a bonus to its civil This week two approval before being says. servants "sets a precedent representatives from the brought into the soh~01s. postal workers say that which other employers in Terrace chapter, Joyee • An information centre and New trial ordered bilingual requirements., for public sector won't be able Krauss and Liz Mangi, will library for the general jobs are a denial of workers' to r~ist," Finn said; bealteadlng the.