1st Cavalry Division Association Non-Profit Organization 302 N. Main St. US. Postage PAID Copperas Cove, Texas 76522-1703 West, TX 76691 Change Service Requested Permit No. 39 SABER Published By and For the Veterans of the Famous 1st Cavalry Division VOLUME 69 NUMBER 1 Website: www.1CDA.org JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2020 A brief history of HORSE DETACHMENT by CPT Jenny Nocella THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER my first three weeks in Viet Nam: Fifty The Horse Cavalry Detachment welcomed Allen Norris the New Year in Pasadena, California by (704) 483-8778 years ago, I was home
[email protected] on leave with orders representing the First Team in the 131st for Vietnam. Tournament of Roses Parade (left photo) nd and conducted horsemanship skills training I arrived at Bien Hoa airbase on Jan 12, 1970. As an officer (2 Lt. Artillery) with the LAPD Metro Division Mounted! I was given a “dream sheet” with different possible unit choices listed. I wanted st The six-mile parade route was lined with to be with the best, so I checked the 1 Cavalry Division. I know now and have thousands of spectators and is a true spectacle known for a many years that it was the right choice, although there were a few to behold. The members of the Detachment, times during 1970 that I wasn’t so sure. st represented Fort Hood and Central Texas I was assigned to the 1 Cav and then to 2/19 Field Artillery in Tay Ninh. From with class, whooping and hollering to the there I was sent to B Battery then located on FB Jamie and in support of 2/7 Cav.