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8-6-1909 Las Vegas Optic, 08-06-1909 The Optic Publishing Co.

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MANAGE CANNON REWARDS ON- FORMER CH'-E- OF PITTSBURG MOORISH TRIBESMEN UNITED RANKS OF ""STRIKERS ARE BEINfi SPEAKER CHAMP CLARK SAYS IT CUT-OF- F FREIGHT GOES INTO DITCH - AT TO CITY'S WATER AUGMENTED LY THOSE WHO STOOD FORCE TESTIFIES DEMOCRATIC FORCES IN RAPIDLY NORTH OF LA JUNTA, HEARING SUPPLY BY RECRUITS BY HIM , COLO. CONGRESS HIMSELF HAY FORCE SURRENDER BUSINESS PARALYZED NAMES NEW COMMITTEES ALWAYS BEHAVED JT!T LIMITED 12 HOURS LATE DENIES CERTAIN STATEMENTS ALL SPANISH GARRISON THREAT OF PRESIDING OFFICER IGNORES OFFICER DENIES "SQUARING" , . MINORITY HAD NO --IN CAPITAL JN STATE SIEGE, OaEs AT :45 BUT WILL NOT All CLAIMS YOUNG MIL--- ENED WITH FAMINE AND MILITARY FORCES SOME TIME HONORED ANYHING FOR O'CLOCK TENTION OF DEFEATING WITH EWE UNTIL 8 ' LION AIRE : EPIDEMIC IN CONTROL RULES THIS EVENING ' BILL GOES ON STAND STILL QUIET AT BAECELONA SOCIALISTS BEHIND TROUBLE UNLV FAVORS STALWARTS MOTHER NO DEATHS REPORTED CONDEMNS NEW MEASURE UPON GOVERNMENT'S TREAT- THESE RECEIVE' DESIRABLE AGED PARENT PRESENT8 CHART REVISION ARE. SEEKING TO GIVETHE MOVE vDNLY DONE WAS SAYS THERE WAS NO " v MENT OF PRISONERS FUTURE DAMAGE TO CHAIRMANSHIPS; OTHERS TO PROVE NO, INSANITY GENERAL MENT A REVOLUTIONARY . DOWNWARD, BUT DEPENDS ROLLING STOCK AND ' PASSED OVER EXISTS J INCREASE INSTEAD ' CHARACTER 6. 6. Can White Plains. N. Y., Aug. 6. In the Oran, , Algerias, Aug. Reports he strike sttmv. Washington, Ang. Speaker Aug. 6. Champ Clark, Stockholm, Aug. O'-M- off Because of a baa freight wreck on Washington. non, announced th appointment of Thaw hearing here today, Roger here state the Riffs have cut a minority leader of the house, today tion in this city waa unchanged today. t detectives at the Santa Fe Railway about eighty committees for the sixty-firs- con- former chief of large portion of the Spanish water tnnupd a statement regarding the The men employed at the city lighting late The "Insurgents" Pittsburg, was placed on the witness miles east of La Junta, Colo., about statements if the dem gress yesterday. supply at Melilla and that the town is newspaper that out and 'this is now rules are stand the defense. O'Mara con traffic on that un plant have gone' jagainst the house disciplined by threatened with a water famine and 10 o'clock last night, ocrats had not been absent and firmed told Thaw yester- trains operated by the lighting department and in a number of instances rank- the story by division was badly demoralized, paired they would have defeated the now be a prom- epidemic. This latbit move on . the are ing members have not been given the day of a girl, said to being laid out for 12 hours or until conference report ou the tariff ,blll 'officials. As the strikers prevent Dart of the Moors shows that they are food to chairmanship of their committees. inent actress, who escaped ruin by the track was cleared. Clark denies ithis statement and ing the farmers from bringing in the art of war The are the new appoint White by merei chance and whom exceedingly,, cunning The. California Limited, the Santa states the democrats came out of the citv. a famine is Imminent, me following because of the slowness with, that ments for the house 'commitee chair White' prevented from securing an en apd crack transcontinental train, due more uni roads are being patrolled by are be- Fe's the tariff fight thoroughly country gagement in New York theaters up to which Spanish reinforcements Las at 6:45 a. m., was have been in a genera- s. The authorities are forbid manships: sent relieve the in Vegas ted than they Vreeland and the time of his death. O'Mara denied ing to besieged gar behind the wreck, and was were den to sell methylated spirits, as the (New York), banking Melil- caught tion, while the republican ranks in that he had heard any stories of rison, it is not improbable that 8 o'clock thto ever He unable to obtain their usual currency; Rodetiberg (Illinois), Such ' due to reach here at worse shattered than before. strikers, Mann Thaw's Immoral practices before his la may be forced to capitulate. as . dnatrlal arts and expositions; evening, or Just 12 hours behind iU also denies that the bill is a revision drink, are using these liquor. a victory would give , he Kaoyie (Illinois), interstate and foreign com trial and that he was ever called upon schedule. Closely following downward, claiming the average of Strike la Gs.rfrsU iu or tribesmen new encouragement li regular ineroe; Weeks (Massachusetts,) post- to settle any matter Pittsburg No. 3, was No. 1. which was marked the rates is two cent than While the strike is goutral through their war against Spain and no doubt per higher offices and post roads; Alexander elsewhere In which Thaw was Involv seems to he more acute ' UP for $:30. those of the Dingley bill and when out Sweden, it ed. - ' wher.i strn:tTs (New York), risers and harbors; Par Riif This afternoon a stub No. 1 was .the maximum rates go lnt effect here In Stockholm, (b.j - ont the country. ker (New Judiciary Aged Mother Testifies. I will 27 cent , rt,rfr 'hpailniia'-o'-- 'j anl wbte Jersey), run from Junta to Albuquerque, they be per higher. Mrs. CopeJX, Thaw, ' Hepreaenative Vreeland succeeds Mary ad ...... 1 A i handled Denver and local mail are . ,1,.. which the socialists,. wi.fty.. fBS Mr. Fowler as head of the committee mother .of the prisoner.- luen of the young jfjwalWi. ment of the confined la dun between, tha two points. At Albuquer- YOUNGER MEN 'ARE WANTED The members and - placed on the stand. She explained prisoners move- on banking and currency Repre- since this stub was absorbed into reg , are striving to give the at geons at Fort Montjuich, the que IN THE WEATHER BUREAU party senttive Rodneberg (Illinois) suc- th alleged wild actions of haw No. 1. and 9 are ment a character' nt.i disorders of last week, depends the ular No. t report revolutionary ceeds Mr. Gardner as chairman, of the the wedding of his sihter to the Earl ' warned that a political chances of another sudden and bloody d on time this evening. Washjnsrton. Aust. 6. Old men the government committee on industrial arts and ex- of Yarmouth, m&s said that the facts - wreck were has taken to outbreak in If the The first reports cf the make way for younger blood. This m campaign Is on, steps nip Mr. was were greatly distorted. Mrs. Thaw Spain. prisoners, bud. The positions. Cooper replaced include several aldermen and that the Limited had been ditched is the insinuation which has the expected disordeii in tie Introduced a chart showing 208 mem- which effect by Represenjtatie plmsfead (Penn ' and several people killed, but inquiry authorities decided at tho fiBt signs and said a number of prominent republicans, been sent along the line of the United eylvania).. - bers of the Thaw family the local offices proved insurrection to declare Stockholm of son, are condemned to death or given too at railway States weather bureau field service by of Representative Davidson (Wlscon that only three cousins her rumors be as Soldiers are - severe a penalty, It is said 4,000 men. these to unconfirmed, Chief Willis L. Moore. It means In in a state of siege Is retained as head of the com Harry, showed traces of insanity. of sin) are to a war it was a freight train that was wreck- words the of men over quartered in different sections canals. These prepared open guerilla plain that day - mittee on railways and cars ditched and and the TO fare upon the government in which ed, several being three score years of age occupying the city and suburbs members ia the fight on ANDREWS ASSIGNED ' - . participated' and will an Im So far 19 arm of Sweden is COMMITTEES bombs dynamite play considerable track torn up. entire ses IMPORTANT es high positions in that service passed standing the rules' at the beginning of the .,.'--Abolish- as known no one was killed or even eventiialiiie-j- . portant part, Younger men are leing pushed to the ready for sion and thus incurred the speaker's ' Alarmed Aug. 6. In announcing Military Exemption injured. front to fill the places once occupied King , ." Washington, taken o displeasure. Madrid, Aug. On account of the un by gray hatred veterans. Men who have The situation has suddenly Although Representative Wanger his committee assignments yesterday, Guslave has in- - favorable criticism of the system PROHIBITION WAVE reached the age above indicated will serious a turn thai Kins (Pennsylvania) was the ranking mem Sneaker Cannon, of the house, " which gave rich men exemption from COSTS U. S. MILLIONS not be let out of the service, but will summoned parliament to Stockholm ber of the last committee on inter cuded the delegates of New Mexico some military service on the payment of ;ake less important stations. Illustra and a special eu-i- of the rigs".sg state and foreign commerce,' Repre and Arizona in the personnel of - $300, King Alfonso today issued a de 6. Uncle Sam's the fact that this is to be is expected. Great consternation pre- sentative Mann who has of his most important committees. Washington, Aug. tions of (Illinois) cree the money indemnity for weather bur-- vails in the capital. A civil guard most active on that committee W.; H. Andrews of New abolishing pocketbook suffered a big shrinkage come the policy the been Delegate in lieu of service. wave dur- reau are found in the changes made has been organized for the protection succeeds to the chairmanship. Repre Mexico was named on the committee because of the prohibition Reports received by the minister of 30, Cincin- and ih'e bunks are closed also the committee on pul ing the fiscal year ending July at Philadelphia, Indianapolis, of property sentative Gardner (New Jersey) on territories war tell of an attack made on a there was Nashville and St. Louis, all of and guarded. All the railroads run was the ranking membervof his com lie lands and agriculture and win be last, during which period nati, Spanish outpost near Melilla today In which had been filled with men out of Stockholm have cut down mittee and post roads), on the committee on Indian af- a decrease of $5,290,773 whisky posts ning (postoffices placed by a small force of Moors,' who also whose are between 60 and 70 and the large steamers en- but Weeks (Massa fairs at ,flie of the Sixty-tlrs- t tax receipts. ages operations Representative opening attacked a Spanish convoy. Many tax collections last year years, but are now occupied by young gaged In carrying visitors and resi chusetts) has received the chairman congress. Whisky Spaniards are said to , have been 7 men. , to the seaside resorts in the of committee. Cameron of Ari were $134,868,034, as against $104,158,-80- er dents ship that Important Delegate Ralph wounded in the engagement stopped Alexander (New on the committees for the preceeding year. The archipelago, have suddenly Representative zona was placed of the crews and former of beer and other fermented Postmaster Blood and several running; discharged their York) succeeds to Represen on Indian affairs, mines and mining. receipts OF WRECKED VESSEL de- in his were busy for the winter. This summer tative (now senator) Burton's posi- and postroads, and will CREW liquors amounted to $57,456,411, a genial clerks employ laid up postoffices of the old Is continued until Oc tion as head of the committee on riv- on the committee on ter FACE CERTAIN DEATH ) crease of $2,351,205 compared with today destroying spme traffic usually be placed had ers and harhors and of the nex 1908. Internal revenue receipts from records in the postoffice. They tober. Representative tories at the opening 6. outside the Idle Workmen. Barker (New Is made chair- t . Town.- Africa, Aug. Five sources were $246,212,719. an "official" bonfire Just 100,000 Jersey) session. Cape all committee to city. The postoffice records destroy- It is expected that the present to man of the judiciary Deleeate (Tameon today endorsed of the crew of the steamship Maori, ' ed under tse supervision of Mr. of about 100,000 Idle workmen vdll fill the vacancy caused by the retire E. Towle, of Clone, Arizona, ashore on the rocks In Slang bay, Clay & Havens had the misfor- today tal Franklin as Increased tomorrow. ment of Representative Jenkins No recom washed by terrific seas, are still cling- tune to lose a very valuable horse Blood, date back far as twenty be largely by for census supervisor. R. C. Rob-bin- s islands made for to the Their rescue ap- The real cause of the years, or the time when The bridges leading to the mendations have as yet been ing rigging. this morning. (New York) ' not was postmaster of this, city. adjacent to Stockholm are closely Representative Dwight the New Mexico supervisor. , pears hopeless. deat. of the horse Is known Mr. Many stores have been the republican whip, will get guarded. and closed and no milk Is being delivered Crumpacker's place on the ways in the The sale of spirits, beer means committee BATTLE ANNOUNCES ITINERARY city. was IRRIGATION COMPANIES TAFT and wine has been prohibited. Th Representative Ellis (Oregon) on the labor conflict that is at the bottom of appointed to fill the vacancy the death this trouble originated in a dispute same committee caused by Cushmaa (Wash OF COMING .WESTERN TOUR over wages in the wooleii and cotton of Representative FOR WATERS OF VERMEJO Industries. ington.) important chairmanships retained bv vmembers follow: de- 15, his fifty-secon- CADET TO upon the litiga aa both companies concerned aro 6. Before his September birthday, APPOINTED Following closely ' Washington, Aug. Appropriations Tawney (Minne v ; for the summer capital and his tour will end at Washington MILITARY INSTITUTE tion of the Vermejo Ditch company large corporations. parture today j 10. he sota.) for an in- Late afternoon Judg Mats., President Taft on Nov. During the journey in Colfax county, is a suit yesterday at Beverly, "Military affairs Hull (Iowa). handed a decision In of ' his trip will traverse the famous Royal Gorge junction brought by the Springer Mills also down gave out the itinerary Antonio Roybal, son of Atanacio Naval affairs Foss (Illinois). A. O. south this fall. in Colorado, open the gigantic Gunl Land and Ditch company vs. the another important case entitled through the west and commissioner, hab ' Immigration and naturalization ' total of eon tunnel in that state, visit the Roybal, Land & company, Jahrena vs.. The McAllister Springs The will embrace a the board of coun Howell (New Jersey). French Irrigation journy not- es at Seat been appointed by wherein and Resort company. This case orig- 13,000 miles and will be the most position mill Reeder (Kansas).. both operating in that county, in the' beautiful tv commissioners, a cadet to the Irrigation ,t an inated in Mora The defend- able tour of the United States ever tle; spend three days Jersey)! th nlaintiff company prays for county. tarv at Roewell. Roybal Labor Gardner (New $6,-8- The tour Yosemlte valley In California spend institute the defendants ant bad given a note for about made bv a chief executive. haV to fill the unex Merchant marine and fisherie- s- injunction restraining a the wonders of the been appointed' water from the to the plaintiff, and had secured is remarkable in that it will include day viewing who Green (Massachusetts). froth' taking Yeraejo Ari- pired term of Perfecto Gallegos, - on 20,OflO every point 'of Grand Canyon of the Colorado in river. In chambers yesterday, after- the same by a mortgage stops at practically resigned from the institution. Public lands Mondell (Wyoming). interest in the zona: inspect the work done by the re noon. Chief Justice Mills Issued a acres of land in the vicinity of Wac,on more than ordinary The democratic appointments ' reclamation service on the Elephant ' condition Mound. Since the note had not bee-- Oscar E. Burch, who mained practically unchanged. temporary injunction upon Mail Carrier in court gave judg- TTnlike other tours of the 'kind, the No. 2 also announced the that the plaintiffs furnish a bond paid,, the yesterday of Mexico on has suoervision over route Thi speaker sura of his military aides, eo; meet President Diaz sum of $5,000. Th4 ; defendant ment for the plaintiff in the president, with, is his annual vacation of names of Tawney (Minnesota.) Smith the corres- the international boundary line at El enjoying was ordered to show $7,500, and tho property vraa ordered secretary, newspaper - : at and Bowers (Mississippi)," as company further private nour i ou vma- two weeks, which he is spending (Iowa), to malt and secret service men, will faso, xexae, spena uay - commission to cause on the 16th day of August "why Bold and a master appointed pondents - mountain tesort. Clerk Sho- members of the joint attached for brother's ranch - in the Texas Pah- Harvey's not ha the sale. S. B. Davis, . travel in a private car, investigate the matter of surety bonds the injunction should perma Attorney I win u A'tor--- ; to limited trains. handle and take a four days' trip by waiter nent. promise appeared for th plaintiff, ar.d the most part I the absence of Mr. to indemnify the government against This litigation gives will on his recor- boat down the Mississippi river from papers during baUie fD. J. for the dofentarit. The president start loss. . of developing into quite a legal Boston on St. Louis to New Orleans. Burch. d-breaking trip from TWO LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909

home terminals. Mr. Talley announces track for about fifty miles and he RIPLEY PREDICTS GREATEST that In the future they will have to "let'r out." When he reached Dem- WIFE OF MURDERED MARSHAL deadhead on their own time. ing, one of the leading officials ap- A. Lome, engineer, and Fireman proached him and inquired if he James Jackson, were on No. 10 yes- knew what time he was making at a YEAR IN SANTA FES HISTORY terday, on the run between Albu- certain point. Billy replied that hi? IGNORANT OF HIS DEATH querque and this city. thought he was making ninety-tw- Superintedent of Sh W. A. miles an hour. "The Dutch clock in to leave our K. P. Ripley, president of the SJtita ley said that it might at some future George expect Albuquerque coach," returned the official, An extremely pathetic Incident in out soon enough and she will have time become of the road in a few days for Vermont, where his "showed we were making Just 102 an Fe railway, la more optimistic than the destiny connection with ihe tragic death of to know them. he baa been Tor a long time. In (act, to enter New Orleans, but that the wife has boen spending the Bummer, hour." That la what might' nronerly "Mrs. Barker did not read the Mr. will his be Marshal Pete barker, of Clayton, who ho ia strongly of the opinion that ais company had no such plans at the George accompany family called "going some." newspapers and therefore did not see was coun- . back to The shot and killed at the Union road has Just entered upon the most present time. Albuquerque. Dominion Construction com; in last night's Chronicle-New- s the Mrs. wife of William Bal- prosperous year In its history. This The cut-of- f In western Texas will Balfour, pany has been made defendant at A- ty seat on Wednetday of this week, account of the killing of her husband low-grad- e four. Santa Fe agent, by in a stilt filed in optimism is hegotten of the splendid give the Santa Fe a con accompanied lbuquerque the district by Jailer Frank Garcia, the parti- by Garcia. She says that she and her her daughters haa arrived in Albu- court there by the Western Wheeled crop conditions throughout the terri- nection with its gulf system, and Is of culars of which were given In The husband were going" to Idaho tonight to his doubt- to a vast terri querque from Peabody, Kan., where Scraper company for a claim of where would his vacation tory tributary llnea, and supreme importance Optic, is related the Trinidad they spend will they have been visiting relatives for $1310.70 for material sold to the com- by less it will result in the resumption by tory, and establish the Santa Fe Chronicle-New- s visiting relatives. the five months. Mr. Balfour as follows: the Santa Fe of at a as a direct competitor of the Southern past pany which recently undertook the "he wished to do some shopping ia Improvements was in the "Unconscious of the fact that the de- it of recently appointed agent construction of the Albuquerque East- Trinidad and Barker bad to wait in standstill throughout the period of Pacific, giving the shorter the had been a widow for 24 hours, Duke City, being promoted from the ern railroad. Attorneys Collins and nearly until he could be pression. In discussing existing con- two lines by seventy mires, between Mrs Peter wife of the former Clayton yestreday agency at La Junta. Stroup who filed the suit, also filed Barker, the commissioners ditions in Chicago the other day, Mr. San Francisco and Galveston. was in paid by county for Sixty-fiv- e miles of Bteel for the new a In behalf Clayton marshal, singing her Now Building 200 Miles suit of some ten minor his month's work. He was to have Ripley said: railroad hotel bedroom at the Coronado hotel At About Tueumcari and Memphis creditors asking a total of $328.C2 for Joined her in Trinidad today.. "The indications are that we aie Somervllle, Texas, 325 'his when a Chronicte-New- s have arrived in the yards at Tueum- labor and other small claims. morning "The little woman for a to have a fair wheat crop, a fair cot- miles northwest of Galveston, a line at the door. collapsed cari and the big sawing engine which With 4,000 men working night and reporter rapped few moments dread- ton crop and a big corn crop. The of the Santa Fe branches off and runs "The door was a after hearing the saws up the rails is on the ground day, rapid progress Is made in opened by petite ful news of sudden fiscal Just to be to Beaumont The Santa Fe also being woman her husband's year begun promises 1 blonde with a happy smiling ready for business. It is an inter-- construction of the CoDner River & death, but bracing up hurried out to as good a year as the road has had, has a direct line between Galveston face. Rather taken aback the repor- - es:ing feature of steel sawing tnat Northwestern railway in Alaska, of a telegraph office to send messages and I am hoping that it will turn out and Beaumoint via Bolivar. The Jas (ter asked: this engine will require 15,000 gallons which ninety-fiv- e miles are already in of Inquiry. She will return to Clay- better. It should we hare "00 miles per & Eastern division of the Santa "Are you Mrs. Barker, Vlfe of the of water a day to keep the saws cool, operation. The work on the road ton tonight on the 7:30 train. more of road in operation. No, there's Fe hag already invaded Louisiana Clayton marshal? The work of laying the steel will thus far this summer has consisted "T do not know why somebody did no use talking about the divided rate from a point north of Beaumont, and "Yes," she said and smiled show- progress as fast as the rails are saw principally In the erection of steel not wire me of this last night," she now. It won't be decided until Oc- is heading In the direction of New Or ing a row of pretty white teeth. ed. bridges, replacing temporary pile said, when she could think of the tober and the directors haven't leans. Fencing for time and hating to tell begun To supply more milk and cream and structures. The first of the matter calmly. "A number of my to talk about It By filling in this gap a new through bridges the woman what she apparently did yet" eggs and sandwiches for the rapidly completed some weeks ago consists friends knew that I was In Trinidad The Texas Cut-Of- f line between San not know, the reporter asked another increasing business of feeding oi a G60 feet steel span. The second and at the Coronado hotel. Concerning the Texlco-Colema- cut- Francisco and New Orleans will be question. traveling public in the southwest, the bridge will be nearly 200 feet longer "No, I do not think that there was off of 310 to the com--" established The 310 mile cut-of- f '"Haven't you had any word from miles, complete Harvey eating house system will than the first The greatest work to any bad blood between Garcia and my route from Pacific which the Santa Fe Is now building Clayton concerning your husband?' pany's direct the probably establish a big dairy farm at be con- husband and can not understand why will connect with Belen accomplished, however, is the "A look of alarm stole into her hap- to the gulf, and other new work, Mr. the Del Rio, near if satis. he should have shot him." cut-of- Prescott, Ariz,' struction of a cantilever bridge across said: f at Texlco, and with the-- gulf py face and her blue eyes grew big Ripley factory leasing arrangements can be the Copper river between Miles and "Mrs. Barker says that her husband "About half of this all system at Coleman, Tex. Contracts with the premonition of something extension, made with the owners of the property. Stan dish glaciers. Both these'glaciers was 29 years of age and that they we will this-- under covering 200 miles of the new line terrible that had happened. complete year, is J. Scott of are have been married four years, living-mos- have let' Robertson, a representative active and discharge huge flows '"Why, no,' she hurriedly replied. . contract and the work on the whole already beeu aod construc Fred Harvey, was hers during the of Ice which drift down the river. 'He Is to Join me here of the time in Clayton, though line will be pushed as as it tion work is in progress at several going today; rapidly week en route to Kansas City, after The bridge will be more than 1.800 we are to Idaho she spends half of each year with can he done. The com places along the route. No engineer going tonight for his economically an Inspection of the fine farming feet long. The railroad when com- her parents In Wichita, Kas. They on ing or construction difficulties stand vacation.' pany has no other extension wont tract which ft is to will 160 have no children." " upon proposed pleted be miles long and '"Don't know that hus- hand for this year. It Is true that in the way of a quick completion of you your locate the farm. will nave cost twenty million dollars. band is dead?' said the surveys and estimates are being made the line. reporter. cut-of- Fifty sheep were Instantly killed, "With a horrified gasp the little wo on the projected line of the North- When the Belen f was finished Washington's Plague Spots. nearly a hundred injured and Edward man tottered backward and western Pacific, north of San Fran- several months ago a new link In the Intense Colicky Pains Relieved. grasped Lie In the low, marshy bottoms of trans-continent- Bordeau was almost trampled to death the iron fno! board of her bed. cisco, but whether this work will be line was established, "For some years I suffered from In the Potomac, the breeding ground of when a Southern Pacific train ran '"Dead." 6he echoed, strained done, and when, upon over it, and via AmariUo, Tex., and tense which would come malaria germs. These germs cause depends largely Into a flock of 100 of the colicky pains from her what the estimates show. The work Winfleld, Kan. All traffic to and nearly fleecy on at times and from which I could looking eyes. "Impos chills, fever and ague, biliousness. animals at a road crossing three milos sible. Why I only left him1 yesterday will be very expensive, and it remains from the gulf by way of the Santa Fe find no relief," says I. S. Mason, of Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and gen- south of San Jose, Calif, the other morning.' ,' to be proved whether it will pay. must now be routed via Winfleld, Beaver Dam, Ky. "Chamberlain's eral debility and bring suffering and day. The passenger train was almost Then as kindly as possible the re Some 118 miles of construction on which Is nearly E00 miles longer than Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy death to thousands yearly. But Elec- derailed. The accident happened porter told her that her husband had line will run close to 100,000 the new route which will be estab- was recomended to me a friend. tric Bitters never fall to destroy them, that was by Texlco-Colema- n when Bordeau, a stock raiser, been shot and killed by Frank Garcia, to the mile. Surveys "had been made lished when the cut- After taking a few doses of the remedy and cure malaria troubles. "They are his of slioep . to the at Clayton. all-rou- for off is finished. transporting flo't i I was relieved. was jailer the best tonic and cure before, but the papers were all burn- entirely That four writes R. M. new pastures ten miles south of San years ago and there has been no re- "That her husband was said to have malaria I ever used," ed In the San Francisco fire. The C. cure Jose. Bordeau was almost trampled turn of the symptoms since that time." been intoxicated and that he opened James of Louellen, S. They traffic which this road would get is RAILROAD NOTES. and blood trou- to death beneath "the feet of the This remedy is for sale by all dealers. Are upon Garcia first, breaking the stomach, liver, kidney now moved by water, several rivers Engine 1651 was brought In today bles and will prevent typhoid. Try frightened sheep. Mexican jailer's arm before the Jail them, 50c. Guaranteed by all drug- running down the western slope to by Engineer C. Trainer exactly on il'JDe. Is a fine The notice has been post thing, but it doesn't er retaliated by shooting him through gists. the coast, but this service Is not alto- time. following a ed at the local roundhouse. To all lwiiy enable man to deliver the the head, was spared the weeping gether to the liking of the shippers, Fireman I. C. Hall has reported for In The It's so. This is to advertise a little wife for these details will come If you read It Optic Telng slow and Infrequent. duty again after a lay-of- f' of some engineers: for one on the More Double Tracking. duration. vacancy engineer White Rock Tie Line. Sal- "We are still proceeding regularly Engineer F. Peterson, Engineer C. C. Canyon ' to be $90.00 month with with the double tracking of the main Roberta and Fireman Harvey were on ary per board, Agents Agents to be the Tie Line He line, and by the end of this year, or freight runs yesterday. paid y people. ULTRA CROSSETT will hold seniority on this division. . shortly thereafter, we will have 600 Engineer Clarence Roberts la one run will do so Shoe Shoes miles of double track west of Chica of the Santa Fe employes that has Engineer taking this, with the that he will go. By that time there will be only reported for duty again after a lay understanding for for until work is finished. No ESTABLISHED forty miles of single track on the off. stay the Women Men deadhead time will be allowed for route from Chicago to Kansas City. Engineer Charles P. Warner- has re- from Las to Do- Within this portion of the road we sumed duty after a lay off, and yes deadheading Vegas The oldest in are now finishing up the work on terday went up to La Junta on his mingo. engineer point of will seventy-fiv- e or eighty miles of sec run. seniority making application ond track. There are also about 200 Guss Peterson was at the throttle be assigned to this run. miles of second track on the other of engine 1207, that brought in No. 2 Instead of losing trains, as has been side of Kansas City." yesterday. He reports his engine In the rumor since the building of the Hot vs. In regard to the probability of the first class shape. ' Santa Fe cut-of- Las Vegas will have August Santa Fe extending its Louisiana line, J. A. Talley Is complaining that more trains this fall than ever before. now only about 200 miles distant from there are too many firemen Bick on The Santa Fe has decided to put an R E HERE, and are, perhaps, the days when New Orleans, Into that city, Mr. Rip the road and laying off at other than excess fare train on between Chicago and San Francisco for exclusive sheer cool garments are more essential, more travel that Is willing to pay the price. than other time in the While the schedule has not been fully appriciated, any year. Silence! decided upon, the new train will have Summer Waists and Dresses, purchased now at our The instinct o modeity natural to every woman Is often a faster schedule than the limited freat hindrance to the cure of womanly diseases. Women No. 3 and will give better and more reduced prices will many times repay the amount of the greatly brink Irom the personal question local' physician service, if such a thing is pos- which aeem indelicate. The of examination ia ab- costly thought sible. will run three times of expense in the service and comfort insure horrent to t em, and so they endure in ailence condition It a they during of disease w ich surely progresses from bad to worse. week. It is understood that the ex- the next sixty days. It haa been Dr. Pierce' privilege to euro a cess fare between Chicago and San treat ' any wotnea who have found m refute Francisco will be $15. Las Vegas for modesty In hi otter of FREE oonault' will be one of the few places between Hon by letter. All correspondence la held the two terminals that the train will ma aacredlr confidential. Sddrtaa Dr. B. V. WASH DRESSES service to. , Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y. give passenger We have abotit a dozen neat, serviceable wash dresses, all Spring styles, well made, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulate John Schaefer, the Hungarian ma- perfect fitting and nicely trimmed, made from Gingham, Chambray, Madras, and Linen. the womanly functions, abolishes pain and builds up and chinist, in the Santa , Fe These dresses are worth cent of note we have on the fini bing touch of health on every weak woman employed every the regular price just the prices put pats roundhouse at who was " who gives it a fair trial. - Albuquerque, them to close them out. . arrested Tuesday on a warrant sworn 16.00 One-piec- e well made 1 Jt Makes Weak Women Strong, out VIca him Gingham Dress, and nicely flj "JO by .Victovish, charging trimmed, for only ip4afu Sick Women Well. with obtaining money under false pre- 10.00 and all Linen one-piec- e B"C You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum a a substitute $10.50 Dresses, nicely QQ tenses, was found guilty on the charge with .: for this medicine of known composition. trimmed piping, for - $U"0 by Justice of the Peace George R. 12.50 French Madras one-piec- e Dresses, a very neat J7 OR . sentenced to a ! Craig, and pay fine of dress, well and tastefully made ., $25 and costs of the case. There (jjijU was a wide discrepancy between the evidence of Schaefer and his wit Mexico College nesses and Miss Victovish and her WHITE WAISTS GINGHAMS w witnesses. to he According Schaefer, Some very pretty Waists, remnats of several lines, well anc, neatly Several pieces bordered Zephyr, obtained thfe $25 from the Polish girl made, nicely trimmed with embroidery and Val. lace, Gingham, neat, desirable patterns, OF AGRICULTURE KM at 3 o clock Tuesday morning, as a worth from 75c to $1.50, only 49c fast colors, very popular, worth 25c, for 19o AND MECHANIC ARTS sort of loan, giving her five one hun 111 Li A good variety of styles in a Batiste waist, trimmed with tucks, A nice assortment of dred dollar bills as Schaefer fancy Zephyrs, security. lace and embroidery, neat, serviceable and perfect fitting, fast "To Liberal and was careful to however, that worth $1.75 for 97c wide, colors, good promote explain, patterns 25(0, for 17o Practical Education." he gave the girl to understand that Another lot of Waists made from white Lawn, Linen and h best Scotch HADLEY H ALU ( morriu cr or the bills were just "funny money," as Fancy Ginham, fast if Administration Wais t ings, and white Madras with colored figures, a good vartety colors and good patterns, 1 I Building he It. court ' The courses in Mechanical, Electrical and Cvil explained But the thought of slyles, worth $1.50 to $1.75, for $1.09 worth 35c, for 25c would defend- Engineering are of the highest grade. Requirements (or entrance and graduation a timely lesson do the are the same as those of the best technical schools. Graduates from these courses ant good, so found him guilty. are always in demand at good salaries. Six instructors in engineering. Two entire V4 "Uncle Billy" Gunn, one of the vet- in two are devoted and another is MILLINERY SHOE buildings (besides space others) to engineering, eran engineers of the Southern Pa- DEPARTMENT needed to accommodate machinery and electrical recently purchased. apparatus cific, who has won more than one We still have a few high class Hats, Ladies' Oxfords, new, nobby models, worth $3.50 and Bokia the College coura in Engineering there is an IrxJtntna) Course in Practical Mechanic! u Mid-Snmm- mm Spring and styles, 4.00, for $1.98 which includes some high tchool work and a great deal of shop work, mechanical chawing, care and medal for breaking peed records in trimmed and worth operation of machinery, etc. Tbii course it a good preparation for any of the mechanical irtdiumea. tastefully Men's Oxfords, "Crossett" his locomotive cab, has done another $5.00 to $10.00 each. To close the make, worth $3.50 and 4.00, for.... $1.98 it can be entered by a boy who haa finished the eighth grade. Men's Canvas an Ideal Hot m-f- stunt which has set the railroad men them out we will cell them at Oxfords, Weather shoe, .... $1.30 collegiate and industrial course- are offered in and Household Complete Agriculture, Btmaea, u of He was just Oxfords in Patent leather and tan 2 Economics. Alo a General Scientific College course a college preparatory course and courses in the west talking. "drag- Boys' Calf, sizes to English and Spanish Stenography. Good facilities for studying mime piano voice, hand and ging" a special the other day carrying 6, worth $2.50 pair, for ...$1 90 comfortable aad low. of t. Eleven orchestra. Acctatrjnodabons are expense Faculty company officials and was between OncHalf Barefoot Sandals, worth 75c, for 60c buildings. . " " " Writ for Addreu the President Lordsburg and Deming. He was . 85o, for 65o " - " " W. E. GARRISON" AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, N. MEX. handling a "Baldwin greyhound" with PRICE, $1.00, for 75c seven-foot- , six-inc- h drivers. On this particular occasion he had a "straight 1909 LAS VEOAS DAILY OPTIC FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, THRU m

against further pain, saturated the cot- FOR. AGED PEOPLE. ton with acid. Then he went ' GIANTS OF COMMERCE picric Ve unhesitatingly and strongly uvis , away. Some hours later the doctors ihe use of Kexall Orderlies in preference BIG REDUCTION discovered what had happened and ro any other constipation treatment. We raised an since so veil know their value that e otter to Immediately alarm, return cent us for them if ON cot every paid they ARE DOGGED BY SPIES dried picric acid and absorbent fail to give entire satisfaction. They are ton form one of the highest explosives eaten like candy, are beneficial to the whole known. A mere Jostling of Ryan's sytem, do not cause any inconvenience or griping, and positively relieve the evils of RAibber Tire Vehicles as he New York, Aug. 6. Startling tes- by the census bureau for the whole arm, so long keeps the dressing constipation. Two sues, ioc. and $c la connection with several on it, will be sufficient to explode timony country in Its last report. New York'3 E. G. Murphey, The Rexall Store. health-fulnes- s him, and for that reason there is a prominent recent business failures great advance in the field f We a of Rubber of U desperate search going on to locate ff hare good variety here has brought to light evidences attributed by experts' to Tire and which a regular eysttm of business several causes. Chief among them Is this unique bobm. Meanwhile the city jj Buggies Surreys over dis- age and secret service extending not the great advance in municipal sani- is not at all enthusiastic its . we are offering at a bargain. would renounce only tto employes but to business tation, ranging from the proper cleans' tinction, and, gladly In since It is BEING rivals as well a among the more im- Ing of the streets to pure milk and its position this matter, unless found port nt commerlcal Interests. New pure water campaigns. In the hos- estimated that Ryan may ECONOMICAL LOOK THEM OVER to be another York bo long been cited as the city pitals themselves, where patients are continue explosive for week or ten In which ce'i personality could most actually treated, and on whose reports days. In Our easily be lost, as well as the one any analysis of the causes of the low Hell Gate, the famous and trouble- TE got to give it where more than death rate must be based, the Lo-rett-a. place nobody gave largely some stretch of water In the East up," sighed REPOSITORY passing thoughts to the activities of, advance has been equally striking. "I river, where It sweeps by BlackweU's simply others. That such a supposition la The reports of the Flower Hospital, can't economize Island between Manhattan and Long entirely false end that It Is practical- the leading homeopathic Institution in and there's no use Island, in an eight-mil- e an hour tor- out of the for any one the city, show, for instance, that in trying." ly question rent, is at last to be tamed, bridled even verging on commercial promi- the last ten years the average length "What's the Charles Ilfeld Co. and put to commercial use. The num- now?" nence here to escape constant sur- of its patients' stay has been reduced matter THE PLAZA ber of vessels, large and small, which ailed Iter brother. veillance has now been brought to rom one week to four and a half have come to grief in this dangerou "Froke again?" Nowhere else In the world has days, or about 30 per cent, and that but light. stretch of rapids runs far Into the "Yes. that the science of other people's the mortality rate has shown a cor isn't It's the minding thousands with an appalling annual it business been so highly developed, responding decrease. This, of course, way things count loss of life. Hardly a day goes by, in not because of Idle curlsity, but as a is only another way of saying that the up, no matter how deed, that some marine disaster is hard you to result of the mad race for conuner-cia- l methods of curing a patient have .ad- try not recorded at this point, and as n them down." Not do busings vanced as rapidly as the precautions keep supremacy. only great of the city's water traffic "I've heard that men have watched, taken by the city to keep him from part thrlr employes has to pass there. It is not surprising complaint before. have the heads ill. In view of these facts but heads of firms becoming that millions of dollars have been er-- What is your par- of rival with their Father Knickerbocker sees no reason ticular trial?" firms, together pended in various efforts to eliminate able assistants, watched continually, why his death, rate should not con- "Well, I started the danger of this famous stretch ot on in an effort to discover what are tinue steadily to decrease, and It is out to save they water. True, Hell Gate la not sa of or to do In a busi- predicted that another decade should everything" Wholesalere doing planning greatly feared by navigators as it was "That's always ness way. In the secret archives of see It reduced even more rapidly than before the historic blast when forty a bad beginning." General Merchandiwo the to do this work In the ten years now ending. "Yours, two summer agencies employed tons of dynamite were exploded to So I bought only of are records of many for health," is now the slogan of the in addition to my . Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing a Specialty. espionage remove one of its dangerous rock gowns this year events in the lives of well known city In this respect light-weigt- h suit I had to get a lot of Mail Orders Filled. reefs. But that it still is and will wear Promptly men, which they regard as secrets new waists because they don't probably continue to be an extremely sum' known to themselves, simp! be- The first human bomb on record, in short sleeves any more, but my only dangerous bit of water cannot be de- mer dresses were to be cheap cause have never been made the of a and going they shape living, walking nied, since even the new plan does enough to make up for that I don't The Indication which harmless Is now public. only apparently person, not propose to eliminate its dangers. have time to sew, so I took my dresses in ever receives of the of the police the public general causing 'greater part What is proposed, however, Is to har to the dressmaker." secret comes and a considerable of to how this shadowing system force, part the ness the swift current and means "And probably forgot ask GROSS UELLY ar.: GO. as the result of a note- summer all sorts of appre- j much she'd to make them? occasionally population, ot specially designed machinery to charge lawsuit. It Is then that the since he is liable to "Indeed, I didn't They were to be worthy hension, explode use It in generating electrical power. (Incorporated) Intimate lives of the persons Involved at any moment with Just as fatal re- (4.50 each without the findings." 1 Secret experiments have been under "The what?" are revealed In a manner which sults to bystanders, and incidentally way for some time now, and engineers "The hooks and eyes and thread and shows In Its wealth of detail that In himself, as though he were composed WHOLESALE MERCHANTS who have investigated the problem, things. They added quite a lot to the some cases least. In addition to of or nltro-glycerin- Never at dynamite assert that sufficient power to furnish cost. Then there were the trimmings, and Dealer In. watched from the time they before has such been ex 12 of being politeness for the whole city will be gather- The dressmaker wanted yards un on light and WOOL, HIDES and PELTS leave their houses In the morning hibited street cars and sidewalks, ed waters embroidery for the pink dress from the that sweep me a I went til return at night, persons are j the ordinary desire to push and shove she showed sample. they through the gate. If such proves to and found in their own having given way to an almost unl cheerfully down to buy that actually spied upon be the case, the city will soon begin cost House at house servants sometimes versal habit of deference. All this is it would $13.20." homes, to make the river pay back the heavy "Whew!" Lam W.M.. Albuquerque, Mm M., Tuoumoarl, a as strange as any in a due to the fact that the human bomb e Cat Vega, playing part toll, which it has taken for years in "That particular dress cost $3, Mm Mm, Mm Mm Oolorado melodrama or five-cen-t as unlocated. would at trifle Peoo, M., Logan, M., Trinidad, contemporary yet explode the shape or Human lives ana snips. S13.20 for trimmings seemed a detective fiction. It is estimated that the slightest jostle, and as there Is large. I hunted around till I found not less than $1,000,000 a year is spent nothing peculiar about his appearance some for BO cents a yard that looked .. DAIfi WAGONS, tho Dost Farm mads death-dealin-g almost a good. The saleswoman Wagon here for this secret surveillance. to indicate his possibil POP WAS TAKING IT ALL IN ' didn't think It would wear very well. RACSXZ-SATFL- CY f CO., Vekiolas ities, everyone is taking ail sorts of but I said it would have to do." While New York alone accounts for precautions. It should not be under- Probability That Bullying Lawyer "Was that all?" NAVAJO DLAt::;zTS Re- one-tent- is name Would Have Good Cause to nearly h of the 1,500,000 per- stood that Ryan, for that the "Then I had to get the trimmings the annual hospital of the human bomb, is a voluntary gret Hi Outburst. tor the blue dreBs. They cost me $5 sons who make up crushed In is menace to the residents of the city, and I came bome feeling population of this country that A fresh had the In book." these for such fs not the case. He is an young lawyer soul and pocket the number of persons treated in sane idea that bulldozing a- witness """ Other have their victim of "Cheer up! people institutions this city is steadily pro entirely innocent misguid- brought about the best results. He troubles." Retail Prices: Just as gressing In its effort" to become the ed" zeal, and, incidentally, was the defendant's attorney in an "Walt!" cried Loretta. "That is only was 20c 100 healthiest municipality in the coun dangerous to himself as to anyone important case, and naturally the beginning. When it came to bats ,ooo lbs., or more, each delivery, per lbs, One witnesses How far it has succeeded, is else, since in the event of his being anxious to win. of the this spring I bought a walking hat to lbs., each delivery, 25c per 100 lbs, try. for the was a youngster of lbs., 2,000 in the fact that in spite of the exploded he naturally would be the plaintiff and took my last summer's best hat each 100 Ibsi shown sixteen years of age, red milliner 200 lbs., to 1,000 lbs., delivery, 30c per the past one to suffer most A few days ago perhaps to be made over. Though the trials of dog days during headed, had a hang to bis made it to 200 each 40c per 100 lbs. of hurt his arm and went to the pugnacious laughed when she saw it, she 50 lbs., lbs., delivery, month with its Vicissitudes Ryan Jaw, ar.d as he took his seat In the all for a small and I 100 lbs. to have dressed. The doc- look right price, Less than 50 lbs., each delivery, 50c per weather, the death rate of the city hospital it witness chair he gazed about the thought I was flxed.' But neither of touched a new low mark of a fraction tors appiied picric acid which afford courtroom as if he felt perfectly at those hats could be worn witb these COMPANY lees than 15 per thousand, which is ed immediate relief and then wrapped home. Then the young lawyer go light gowns." AQUA PURA leav- him. women are too almost 2 per thousand, or 14 per H In absorbent cotton. Before "Some young partic- and Distributors of Natural Ice, himself "What's your name?" bellowed the ular." Harvesters, Storers tie cent lower the average given out ing, Ryan, wishing to insure - made Las than exponent of Blackstone. "So I went to the milliner's again and jurity and lasting- qualities of which have Vegaa 'Bill," was the quiet response. was obliged to invest in a $10 straw." famous. Office: 701 Douglas avenue. 'Bill what?" "That's economy for you!" 'Bill Watt!" repeated the boy. "It wasn't much for the hat. It's 'Now,, see here, young man, don't Milan straw and can be used next get new. I want your name ana year though the milliners always say quick, too. Again, what is it?" that and hats never can be used next Bill Watt Watt Watt Watt year. Besides, I always expect to that Is it Do you want me to wnistie have more money next year. The Go. it?" saucily replied the youngster. roses are lovely. Still, the milliner Browne & Manzauarcs Oh, I see your name Is Watt wouldn't guarantee that they would t, eh?" said the lawyer as the not fade. She said I positively must audience grinned. have a parasol for sunny days." WHOLESALE GROCERS flOe.CTGA "You're on!" spoke the boy. "Ypu never use one. "Now, Bill Watt, pay strict atten "I know it, I perfectly hate them!" Seeds and Seeder tion to the question I'm going to ask aid Loretta, fiercely. "But I went Our firm name has stood for quality in you. Listen! Isn't it true that you meekly and bought one. That made Wool, Hides and Pelts. have sometimes been called a prevari $6 more." All kinds of Native Products., cator?" "I can see you swelling around at a 1 1870. "Come was the reply. "I summer resort" ' Grain Sacks, Hay Presses. cigars since again!" Medicines-Hig- didn't get in right on that." "But you know I'm going camping Wholesalers of Drugs and Patent 'A one who tells fibs this season. These creap dresses were Fuse and ask of the prevaricator Explosives, Caps. Could you stronger proof you know what fibs are, don't you?" for Just wearing around home. That explained the attorney. wasn't all, either." for "Well, I guess I'm not one of those "Go on." Headquarters In the Territory than the fact that the "Rothenberg's" quality prevaricator things not by a long "The dressmaker sent word at shot Tou've got the wrong child, old last minute that she would need three of and four more of it? scout," saucily remarked the red- yards embroidery we put our name on head. lace or the dresses would be ruined. sent the ma- "Very well," replied the lawyer So of course I obediently Plows. Agricultural mplemehts will But now, isn't terial to her. I bought the original Hand-mad- e of blended Havana leaf. "We let that pass. it true father never brought trimming at sales and when I got the that your to almost you un in a proper manner: isn't It extra amount I had pay true that he was rauier shiftless, double what I paid at first Three LINE m MEXICAN SOAP' never and makes your mother different days the dressmaker forgot riiL KKlt works, she was not take in and " to telephone me that 10c washing, me besides I three Sold In "Sav. you you " The boy tried ready for and had true so, as it takes two car and hard to get the words in. fittings: fares to get to her house, that added 2 for 25c sizes "And isn't it true," continued the he Is in a sort ot $1.20." lawver. "that fact, else?" a and "Anything loafer, a" "She sent the dresses home Thurs ( ? "Hold on! Hold on there!" cried ( ) of week and her got no - this time so everybody could day last girl Rothenberg & Schloss the boy, answer when she rang our bell, so hear him. "What's the use of askin Bar- she took them back again. Then I me them questions. Why don't you Cigar Co., over had to pay a boy to go and get them Opera t ask pop hisself he's sittln' there for me. have Just come with on They But th' Jury!" the bill and I've been counting up how nothing Denver, Colorado two have most have self much those cheap gowns Where people great cost me." control is about their generosity. "Well, never mind, they'll look fine." Pa&ot'G Draurjiit "That's the worst of it!" groaned Lo- THE retta. "They are so provokingly simple-l- ORIQinilf. ooking that everybody", think I LAXATIVS made them myself or bought them ready-made- . I saw one downtown not L HONEY T bit less pretty for $S, yet the two si 1 outfits cost me $17. E0. The next time st Pnrci Courhi. Ccli. Croup, La Grippe. Anthma, Threat I economize HI know it I might as m . well have the fun of being extravagant DRUG COMPANY from the beginning." . FOR IALE IBY O. Q. 8CHAEFER AND RED CROSS FOUR LAS VEGAS DAILY CPTIC, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1909

within myself, la my own brain, my Che guiltj Optic own ambition, my own courage and determination. To difficulties ESTABLISHED 1879. expect You Need Our Tan Oxfords A and force my way through them. To Reminder PUBLISHED BY turn hard experience into capital for and Vou can afford to buy them ' If anticipating buying: a gifi of Silver, Cut Glass. China or future ; , The Optic Publishing Company struggle. ' Jewelry, remember we carry only the BEST. "To believe in my proposition, heart 15 Per Cent Redoction mcxiBPOmnn) and souL To carry an air of optim- M. ism In the presence of those I meet Gorham Silver ; PADGETT..'.-- . EDITOR ' ' To 1$ with cheerful for N - ; ; dispel temper Just the thing hot weather ; "i .... :v. - ness; kll doubts with a strong con Pickard's China, Hawkes Cut Glass etc. viction, and reduce active friction ' . Take 1909 with an agreeable personality., HedgcockV advantage of our CASH DISCOUNT offer. It . "To make a of my business. saves you ten PER CENT on your Entered at ma PoatofOoa at etudy purchase. East To know in de- Common Sense Shoe Store my profession every ' - Laa Vegaa, N M., an aeooad-clae- a 614 Avenue. j i;- ,!' I tail. To mix brains with efforts Douglas batter. my R. J. TAUPERT, Jeweler and an3 use system and method in my Optician. work. To find time to do every need E. Las Vegas, Jf. M. -:- - 60O A venae. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Douglas ful thing by never letting time find some encouragement by doing just a ises that Is nearest the front street Da"y me doing nothing. To hoard days as little bit yourself. Take a little pride Do something for the "looks of your Per Year ' by Xarrier $7.00 a miser hoards dollars. To make In the Rsolcs of that part of your prem town. ; Per Month by Carrier .65 hour me dividends, in every bring ;. "TV Par Week Vy Carrier .20 creased knowledge, or healthful re CHIEF CHEMIST WILEY creation. Weekly. STEPS TAKEN TO AVENGE my future One Year 12.00 'To keep unmortgaged with to save as well as earn Six Months ) 1.00 debts; To cut out expensive amusements un- - GIVES ADVICE ON EATING til I can afford them. To sbeer clear DEATH OF JAMES BAKER GUIDE FOR GOOD LIVING. , of dissipation, and guard my health most of body and peace of mind as a "Eat anything that you ordinarily the field millions upon millions ot Recently there was killed at Han-le- stock in trade. previous After a consultation this afternoon, holding up a street car, which at the eat, but do not cat so much of it microbes upon its eurface. All truck , Canada, Thomas Van Alstyne, an "Finally, to take a goodgrlp on ' Assistant District Louis C. most would only be a few years in Don't take up any vegetarian or other vegetables th have been fertilized electrical engineer In the employ of the Joys of life; to play the game Attorney the penitentiary. Sheriff McMillan in fads hot weather." These with stable cleanings are especially the Westlnghouse company. He was like a man. To against nothing IlMd and Under Sheriff William during fight a letter to Chief of Police Coles a few are two most dangerous. If I had my way about it, a "graduate of Cornell and while at as own and Stapp, announced that steps would the important rules laid bo hard my weaknesses, ago intimated that if Collin3 manure should never be used for fer- had be taken to C. C. Collins, the days down by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief college been a member of the endeavor to grow in strength a gen- bring could be connected with 'murder car "SWaiLtng the of the bureau of chemistry, for table tilizing any vegetables except the crew and a general participant In tleman, a Christian. Pueblo street bandft, sur- of Baker here that he would be use in hot weather. grains and cereals which are harvest- undergraduate activities. Among his "So I may be courteous to meu, sentence to the Colorado penitentiary, rendered to the local authorities, and "I would add to ed far above the ground in which they papers wag found a jule of conduct faithful to friends, true to God. a frag- back to Las Vegas to answer the those," continued if the officers are still inclined this the famous food grow. The green apple, which has that he had drawn up, and after his rance In the I tred." charge of being implicated in the expert, "advice path way, then the matter of bringing him come Into unenviable notoriety be death It was published in ctn Issue of killing of James Baker here on the against the frequent use of ice water back to the scene of his alleged crime when warm. cause of the colic It is supposed to the Cornell University Magazine. It THE LOOKS OF THE CITY. morning of July 22nd. It is unde you are The soft drink should not be a difficult one, as requi- give the youngster who eats Is is 'entitle? "My Guide," and because stood that late tb afternoon a wire habit is to be deplored also. In our it sition papers can easily be secured not as as be- of its merit and because of the fact i For the sake of appearances was sent Sheriff. F. E. McMillan at investigations of soda fountain drinks really guilty generally general from Governor Cuny and would like lieved. The microbes on the skin cf was Al-- from Pueblo, requesting him to hold Cot we found more than 100 beverages that it written while Van the weeds should be removed be honored Colo an could be sent ly promptly by the sold over the counter to the the apple in all probability cause the etyne was etill in his twenties, j the our principal lins until officer public early parking along rado executive. trouble. The chances are that not we reproduce It herewith: streets, unsightly vacant lots yshould after him. contained caffein. If our children are The local officers are now Inclined more than one boy in a hundred who 'To respect my country," my pro- be cleared of debris and defective At the consultation this afternoon, to be allowed to take caffein into to believe that Collins, when arrested ever the colic fession and To be honest should be which resulted In the county officers thefr systems It la best that they eats green apples gets myself. sidewalks, and crossings in was too to j - Pueblo, only glad plead anyway. I think it is a myth. and fair with my fellowmen, as I ex- fixed. These are things that should taking action in the case, which had qhould get it at home in the form of largely t guilty to that crime, in order to get "As the human frame does not need pect them to be honest and square be done at once for ;the reason than been worked up by Chief of Police tea and coffee. But thousands of par- a light prison sentence and thus es so much fuel to maintain heat, during with me. To be a loyal citizen of the the longer they are allowed to remain Ben Coles, was O. W. White, the ents who would not think of allowing and prose the summer time as the coldf-- r United of America. To will be to do nlgirrcook at the Meridian restaurant, cape possible apprehension their little boys and girls to have during States speak undone the harder they re- - cution for the Baker killing in this will them months, it is only reasonable to of it with praise, and act always as and the more the looks of the town who has positively identified the poc- either tea or coffee give cify, of which he is now accused. , duce the amount of food taken Into a trustworthy custodian of its good will suffer. Every property owner tup5"of Collins as that of one of tha money every day and several times Tomorrow, the day Collins Is to bi run the stomach. I have no use for a name. To be a man whose name should take it upon himself to see that three suspicious characters who visit a day in hot weather, to to the sentenced at Pueblo, will tell whether the corner Btore, vegetarian, fruitarian and other fad3. carries weight with It wherever it his premises are In good order, that ed the restaurant several times on soda fountain at drug or not he will be brought back'. caf- The human system was built for a goes. the weeds are cut down and that his the night of the killing. It was on where they become victims of the Deputy Sheriff Enrique Sena In the r mixed diet "To base my expectations of re- walks are kept in good repair. All White's testimony that the county of- fein habit j absence of Sheriff Cleotes Romero, "I the of fruits ward on a solid foundation of service these things should not be left undone ficers, including the acting district consider washing who' .Is at his ranch, will likely make those that J. C. Saunders and three sons left rendered. To be willing to pay the until action by the city council is attorney, decided to take action look- and vegetables, especially the trip to Colorado after the prisoner. are eaten of the yesterday afternoon for Galesbtirg, III., price of success in honest effort. To taken. If each citizen would do his ing towards the return of the suspect to be Taw, greatest all of the to attend the funeral of his aged look upon my work as an opportunity share, the city council would be suf to this city. Importance at times year, col- the summer. mother. Mr. Saunders' father died to be seized with and made the ficiently encouraged to take further Now It remains to be seen whether Frank Strass Is officiating as and especially during joy two weeks ago. Both parents most of, and not as a painful drudgery steps to beautify the town. As it is. or not tne Fueoio autnonties win lector for the San Miguel Bank dur- Every head of lettuce, every radish, only C. en and reached advanced ages, being ninety to be reluctantly endured. our oouncfl Is attempting to pull, lift surrender the prisoner. He is await- ing the absence of Leslie Witt every apple and pear berry that from old at the time of death. "To remember that success lies and haul a dead weight. Give them ing sentence there for the crime ot who is taking a short vacation. we buy at the market carries years

OncPiece Dress Special THE STORE OF QUALITY" Interesting News for Mothers Dresses are made from Economy Linen, button and braid trim- ABOUT BOYS' NEEDS med and well made, worth $4.50 wash Suits, made from Piques, LinensGinghams, Econ- and $5.00. Special, N.M. Boys' E.LasVegas 2 9 omy Linen, Madras, Chambray and Galatea cloth, sizes Ho $3.00 years. Regular prices, 90c to $2.75. Special prices, 68c to $2.07 it would cost that just for the making. New Arrivals Boys' light colored Shirts, neat stripes, 75c quality. r ,. . Special, 55c - , Toile Du Nord and Red Seal Ginghams guaranted to ' l5c wash, especially fine for Children's school dresses. Now is the Boys' Picnic Straw Hats Neckties Windsors and four-in-han- 19c time to buy these materials and get them made up before School Boys' 25c Summer Underwear 27c begins 12 Jc and 15c per yd. Boys' 35c Balbriggan Drapery Materials We are now showing a very complete line of Silkalines, 5 Cretonnes, Tapestries, Figured Sateens and Fancy Denims. nyMj'rr' iiaa.TTH.fiu fLUnij.iiiMrijuj r. 'ill. g j .j.'" 50-inc- h Tapestry, good serviceable materials in pretty pat- and colors $125 and $1.65 1 New terns plain

36-in- Silkolines, washable . . , 12c and l5c yd.

27-inc- h . Jli Cretonnes, very strong weaves, 10c and 12jc yd. Arrivals IN THE Women's Undergarments '.. AT SPECIAL PRICES j In order to close out broken lots of Women's Summer Under- Shoe DepV m...: wear, we offer 20 PER CENT OFF on all knit goods. Vici-ki- d Shoes, .flexible sole, turn Military heel, nice for elderly Women's Swiss and lisle ribbed Vests and Pants, reg- Ladies; B. and E. width, very comfortable $4.00 ular 15c to $1.00. Now He to 75c ' Women's Union Suits, in ankle and knee lenght, sizes 5 and 6, with or without sleeves, 75c to $1.25. Now 57c to 94c Patent high Shoes, button, high arch, andhigh heel one of , PARASOLS the new shoes for Fall made by "Zieger's Philadelphia," makers t Parasols in Pongees and Silks, some Polka dot, some em- In The Men's Dept. - of high class novelties, . $5.00 Dresses.' Also Children's Parasols. broidered; colors to match , New Shirts, narrow plaited, white . $1.25 and $1.50 ' ' 11'. Special, Blue Chambray, plaited ' ' " $1,25 '; Fine Vice-ki- d Shoes, Cuban heel,.' last, lace, r straight high'arch, 25 PER CENT OFF "' ! And the test $1.00 shirt you ever saw.' v "Zieger's," Us0 Shirt Special SILK SPECIAL A new plaited Men's Shirt, Novelty plait, very stylish, all "Krippendorf Diltman'lShoes, all sizes, widths, and,leathers, andX Special -- . i$l.U;,,o,lat styles", at $3.00,' $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. : Spanrie Si ider lksDebutanlks . Fancy Rvalue. fr ' TO SHOW THEM) worth 65c and 73c. . Reduced to tsc ya. - ; ','v: f rr t. . ,n u Waistings, LAS VEGAS OAiLY OPTIC, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909 FIV

icfcsburg. Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Hoff- - aoooooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOOOO?, an will visit In the city for several The McEntire 000000000O00 i O fit as the of Mrs. B. Dan- - Trustworthy days guests O iger, Mrs. Hoffman's mother. Combination- f Mrs. W. F. Calhoun In company o methods during the and 1th Mrs. L G. Calhoun and two Iwing Settee, San isamc of our O i many years children last for MiguelNationa departed evening O dealings have proven enterville, Iowa, on two months' An Ornament to R:om 0 trad- ' ay CAPITAL PAW m , sunpws the wisdom of isit to relatives k O or Perch. 0 ing with us. While Mrs. Louis Ilfeld of Albuquerque C50.COO.CO te p 100,000.00 Las 0 who of at Trout as working for a busi- visiting Springs i I Vegas O of Mrs. Max Is 0 - the guest Nordhaus, ness we have been. , J. M. CUNNINGHAM, President' O. T. HOSKINS, down In the city fronT pine and 0 Cashier,. O n; for a repu-tatio- . . FRANK SPRINGER, Vlc President. F. B. JANUARY, Atat. Cathlar. working stream for a few days. O O we have gain- J. D. W. Veeder has returned to the O O ed it and it will be Meadow city from a pleasure jaunt Interest Paid on Time Deposits deal to the principal cities on the Paci 0 upheld. Every ' O with us i3 a satisfac- fic coast, during which he visited the exposition at Seattle, Wash. A VT 0 WEIGH THE MONEY deal we 1 . QUESTION tory, gua- Roy Llttrell, brother of Mrs. Chas fcJVi JUL 0 rantee that. H. Stevenson arrived in the city this carefully. You know how easy it Is to spend a hundred afternoon from Raton and will vist 0 dollars, one or two at a time Ever think that it's just as O easy to save a hundred In the same way. WINTERS DRUG CO. here a few days the guest of his sis- ter and bouncing young nephew. o THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS BANK Main 3 and Mrs. Hunker ' Telephone Attorney George 0 BRIDGE STREET are entertaining as their guests R. Y will accept small deposits and pay interest on all sums over Hunker and Chester Hunker, who are 0 5 dollars. That means when yon have saved a hundred you o AND WE DELIVER been for Your TELEPHONE recent arrivals in Las from o also have what your savings have earning you. Vegas spending causes you nothing but regret. Mo., and are brothers of-th- PERSONALS. Salisbury, 0 o genial attorney. 0 R. N. Stripling of the firm of Strip, Now in use at a number of our o Bellno drove out to Mineral Las Vegas Bank Nick ling & Burows, druggists and jewel- best homes in this city. 0 OFFICESavingsWITH o Hill this' morning. ers, St. Augustine, Texas, is spend Only for sale at O returned to Mora Sa.n N actional Dirvk. 0 Rafael Romero ing a few days in the Meadow City.J Migjel a cool moon THE ROSENTHAL 0 last evenlne. enjoying He is on his honeymoon, his bride ride. light being with him. 3c each for full size Jelly Glasses Miss Hazel Bell, daughter of Mrs 60c dz. for Mason Fruit E. George Bell, left on an afternoon train CAPITALIST BADLY HURT First game a. IL MARKET REPORTS. i Jars, (pints) BASEBALL SCORES for Denver. IN RUNAWAY ACCIDENT St. Louis 000 000 0000 2 1 Assistant U. S. Attorney S. B. Da- 80c dz. for Mason New York 001 040 OOx 5 2 0 Fruit (quarts) War-- Louis Wool. vis. 1r.. returned today from a trip H. W. Garberson, the New York Jars, HOW THEY STAND. Pelty, Waddell and Stephens; St 1 flO dz. for Mason St. Louis, Aug. steady; ter- to Santa Fe. capitalist, who Is the owner of a hop and Kleinow. Fruit (half-gallo- k-- tri. ritorial western mediums, 23028; Harry W. Kelly boardeTbelated No. magnificent mountain home, known Jars, Natlonar League. Second game 001 000 4 2 fine mediums fine 1319. 10 this afternoon for a business trip as Hermit's lodge, northwest of this on sale at IWon.Lost.PcL St Louis 0001 2225; 65 27 .707 000 000 000 0 $ 5 to Wagon Mound. city where he and bride are upend- THE ROSENTHAL Pittsburg New York 63 30 .677 Graham and Criger; Wilson, Hughes Chicago Provisions. G. Cunningham, bridge foreman for ing their honeymoon after a brief jour Chicago Stone 52 36 .531 Chicago, Aug. 6. Wheat Sept. 99 came In from to the Grand Canyon, narrowly 12c for Jars New York and Ktelnow; the Santa Fe company, ney 7-- 24c for Stone Jars 47 46 .566 R. H. E. Dec. 98; corn Sept. 63 the north this morning. escaped Jbeing killed about 10:30 Cincinnati First game 36c for Stone Jars 41 52 .441 001 000 9 Z Dec. 52l-8- ; oats Sept 36 have been o'clock this morning while en route to Philadelphia Washington 3004 B. Salas and parties who 48c Stone 13 2 Dec. 36 2()55; In a buckboard. for Jars St. Louis 39 51 .433 Cleveland ...... 112 030 2009 pork Sept. January, eo( Meadow this city mountain 1-- spending a day or In tbe ' 1647 lard 1132 Oct of only at Brooklyn .'...35 68 .376 Gray Wltherup, Ohl and Street; Sept - to Enclno. While driving a fractious team city have returned THE ROSENTHAL 26 68 .277 1125 ribs Sept 1107 October young horses down the Scenio High- Boston Young and Bemls. T. Walla, of Wagon Mound, 1072 1-- Edgar Second game R. H. A. la a visitor In the for a week way, and at a particularly steep and 4c dozen for Fruit Jar Rubbers city ....002 000 OOx 2 8 0 Geo. L. dangerout point, the strap holding the 5c for Straw Cuffs American League Washington as the guest of Guy. pair 000 6 4 New York Stocks. this neck-yok- e broke, letting the tongue of Vaseline Won.Lost.Pct Cleveland ...... 000 0000 Miss Nell Stern, formerly of 5c bottle Elue Seal New York, Aug. 6. Copper firm. down and the team, which Toilet Detroit 61 37 .622 Smith and Street; Falkenberg; city Is visiting here for a few days as frightening 5c bar Oatmeal Cucumber standard spot lead steady bolted. he would be dashed to 59 39 .602 Leibhart and Bemls. 12501275; of her brother, Albert Stern, Fearing Soap Philadelphia 425 bar silver 50 7-- Mexican the guest Detroit-Bosto- n on 430; death by being precipitated down the 5c Witch Hazel Toilet Bo'Bton 44 .564 game postponed C. F. Dutton, a postoffice Inspector bar Soap dollars 44; prime paper 3 4; mountain Garberson eet the 52 47 .527 acpount of rain. wHE headquarters at Denver Is visit- side, 5c big roll Toilet Paper Cleveland call money 1 48 49 .495 Amalgamated brakes on his buckboard and 5c Asbestos Stove Mats 3-- ine the city on business for a fe jumped. for two Chicago 851-4- ; Atchison 119 N. Y. Cent 45 52 .464 Western He landed on his face and as at League. 1-- 3-- drag- only New York 141 So. Pac.x135 Union Pa- days. .438 Score ' R. H. H. several hundred feet before he ...42 54 3-- A Strauss, Miss Lily Coleman and ged THE ROSENTHAL St. Louis cific 203; steel 76 steel pfd, 127 .290 Dea Moinea 010 000 51x 7 6 5 Mrs Heineman have returned from succeeed in bringing the team to a Washington 9 71 $2.75 For All-Cotto- n Top Mat Sioux City ; 003 200 1006 3 & two weeks' pleasure trip to El Por- stop. , Mr. tresses, full size, only at Lange and Lewis; Alderman, From-- venlr. fjarberson'g injuries, while Western League Chicago Live Stock. are not serious. He received THE ROSENTHAL me and Towne. L. E. DIsque, representing the painful Won.Lost. Pet. Chicago, Aug. 6. Cattle 1800 strong an cut over bad- .596 Score V R. H. E. Tritch Hardware company of ugly the left eye, a All-Cotto- n b6 88 George $4.95 for $7.50 Mat Sioux City 2 beeves $4.407.50; Texas steers $4.00 arm and .591 Lincoln ...... 040 102 1008 17 Denver, la calling on the local trade ly sprained left numerous full Des Moines ..55 38 5.65; western steers tresses, size, Omaha J60 000 1019 12 2 $4.006.00; today. cuts and contusions about the face at Omaha .52 41 .559 stockers' feeders cows only Forester and Crelghton; $3.005.15; W. P. Garslde, traveling passenger and head. However, he was able tc Wichita 47 .610 Farthing heifers $3.006.30; calves. $5.508.00. come on Hollenbeck Keeley and Gonditg. , agent for the Santa Fe, is in the city to the city, where he secured Denver . .' 46 45 .505 11000. to 5 R. H. E. Hogs steady higher; from El Paso, Texas, In the interest the services of Dr. Crall, who patched ...43 47 .478 First game mixed Topeka 6 12 4 light' $7.608.10; $7.458.15; him , 000 010 212 of this railroad. up. Pueblo 39 58 .411 Topeka heavy $7.308.20; rough $7.307.50; or an Pueblo 311 530 50x 18 19 3 A. Mennett was a local resident In speaking the accident to Opposite Y. M. C. A. ....33 61 .351 good choice heavy $7.508.20; pigs Harris and Henry; Gal-- coming In from the north on the stub Optic representative, Mr. Garberson Kaufman, $7.007.90; bulk sales $7.658.05. and Mitze. "No. 1 that arrived here from La Jun said that he was thankful Mrs. Gar gano Sheep 11000, weak; native $3.00 COUNTIES IN GOOD WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY R. H. E. ta this afternoon. berson was not with him at the time, Second game 515; western 011 000 11 2 $3.005.10; yearlings W. A. Bairns registers at the Casta-ned- for In all likelihood she would have Topeka ....,060 0311 $4.705.75; lambs, native FINANCIAL CONDITION National League. 120 201 14 4 $4.507.70; from New York, also G. H. Mc- been killed, or at least seriously in- Pueblo 110 0210 western $4.507.60. Boston at Chicago. Kaufman and Donough and E. Van Brock both hail jured. In his report for inclusion in Gov Wrieht Thomason, Kansas City Live Stock. Brooklyn at Pittsburg. Swift and Wel-gar- t. ing from Trinidad, Colo. The horses were not hurt, but the ernor Curry's treport to the Secretary Kerns, Henry; Locke, Kansas City, 6. Cattle 4000, New York at Cincinnati. Aug. H. C. Kelly local agent for the buckboard was completely demolished. of the Interior, Traveling Auditor Including 3000 southern, steady; nal Philadelphia at St Louis. R. H. E. Bankers Reserve Insurance Co., left Charles V. Safford gives a review of First game ive steers $4.25 7.50; southern steers 212 110 16 2 today for a few days' business trip, INSANE COAL MINER financial conditions in the territory. Wichita 1008 $3.755.25; southern cows $2.50 American 011 200 110 11 2 going from here to Trinidad. COMMITTED TO ASYLUM He ehows that the bonded indebted League. Denver 4.00; native cows, heifers $2.257.00; W. C. Kelm, general manager for ness of the twenty-si- x counties is Chicago at Boston. Shaner and Armstrong; Adams and stockers' feeders $3.005.25; bulla coun- St. at the Southwestern Underwriters, Sheriff John Hlxenbaugh, of Colfax $2,874,434, but he also shows that Louis Washington. Haley. $300.4.25; calves $3.507.00; west agents for the Occidental Life Ins. county, arrived in the city on delayed ty treasurers had balances on July IDetroit at Philadelphia. Second game . R. H. B. ern steers $4.006.25; western cows -- York. - 000 8 3 company, Is paying Las Vegaa a visit. train No. 7 last evening, baying In 1, totalling $1,032,009.39. With the Cleveland at New Wichita- 0358 $2.754.50. - Ben Lewis, accompanied by his wife custory Joseph Kizele, an Insane Aus- balance on hand on January 1, 1,055,- Denver ... 401 13x 9 12 1 Hogs, 4000 strong; bulk sales $7.50 six Western and" two eons, will depart tomorrow trian, who had been under treatment 911.51, the total receipts the past League. Beard and Weaver; Bohannon and 7.85; heavy $7.807.90; ; packers' were Denver. night for New York and Boston, where in the New Mexico MInerj hospital months by county treasurers Wichita at Haas. ' butchers $7.707.90; light $7.507.80; Mr.1 15. were the Pueblo. Lewis will combine business with at Raton. Accompanying the sheriff J2.271.745. The following Topeka at ' pigs $6.507.50. sources revenue: Des Moines. s pleasure. and his prisoner was John Kizele, a of ' Sioux City at American Association. Sheep, 3000 steady, muttons $4.00 N. Weil, of Ocate, N. M., is a visi- brother of the demented man Taxes $929,755.79; liquor licenses Omaha at Lincoln.. At Kansas City Kansas City 0; 5.00; lambs $5.507.25; range weth uoil tax sale of tor In the city for a day or bo, the As the officer stepped oV. the train $G0,443.56; $33,604; Louisville, 6. ers $3.755.25; range ewes $3.00, forest reserves motive of his visit being to be roughly with the two brother, who were hand- bonds $55,094.80; YESTERDAY'S GAMES At Milwaukee Milwaukee 5; In 5.00. 2 tax $18,011.93; "handled by Chapman lodge No. A. cuffed together, a curious crowd occupation dianapolis 2. T. & A. M. fines $7,997.94; common school in A gathered and followed them to a National League. At St Paul St Paul 6; Columbus Mrs. M. Dan-zige- r come $16,759.28; county institute fees Alec Wolf, brother, of which to - carriage, they entered be R- - H'E. insurance $20,079; all other First game -- and Vic Wolf, of this city. Is a In- $1,026.50; At - Minneapolis 6; Te-- IAS VEGAS SANTA ROSA driven to the county jail, where the 00X--- 2 5 0 Mlnneapolis- sources Chicago 100 100 visitor to Las Vegas for a few days lock- $46,604.75. ledo 5. sane man, who was violent, was 100 000 000--- 1 6 1 from St. Mo., the guest of The disbursements the past six Boston Louis, ed in a padded cell for the night. and 1UT0U1 Mrs. months were as follows: For main Brown and Archer; Richie Danziger. This morning he' was taken before SAN PATRICIO RANCHER $147,- - Smith. Vegas-Sant- a auto i Mrs.. James Clark, nee Cavanaugh. tenance and county government TRAPS BIG WILD CAT The Las Rosa Judge Mills for an examination as to - who Eas several weeks 449.34; courts $92,749.86; interest $79f- R-- H. E. mail, and passenger line been spending his Dr. M'. P. (DesMarias was Second game express sanity. - OOx 4 9 2 In the as the of her 1872 ; wild animal bounties $13,- 020 110 M. Is now In operation. The auto city guest elsters, called and pronounced Kizele vio- Chicago Roybal a resident of San Patri returned to her home In 193.31; roads and bridges $54,169.-02- ; Boston 000 000 000 0 4 1 makes tire round between has Clayton, lently insane, whereupon the cio, came into the city this morning, trip judge court house and jails $37,784.48; taxes and Brown and Las and Santa Rosa three where her husband is an attorney. ordered him at once committed to the Pfeister Archer; bringing with him a very elegant wild Vegas Mr. and Mrs. Nestor nee to territory. $274,515.11; commissions Graham. times a week. Mondays, Wed- - Hoffman, insane asylum near this city. He cat hide, he having trapped and kill- and two are due of treasurers and assessors $80,157.79; R. H. E. nesdays and Fridays. Danziger, children, was taken to the asylum from the Score ed the animal himself. Mr. Roy to In this from taxes for municipalities $88,571.86; 10d B 1 The auto leaves Murphey's drug arrive the city evening judge's chambers. Pittsburg .000 0001 bal reports many wild cats in that public schools $348,902.20; judgments 12 3 store at 7 a. m., visits both em- Brooklyn 100 020 1004 vicinity and that they are doing great post. The unfortunate man, while $787.95; $1,768.30; county institutes Maddox, Leever and Gib the and offices and leaves Winters' drug ployed In the coal mines near Gallup, other Phillppl, damage among sheep goats. floating indebtedness' $4,175.20; was not until he had lost half his store en the West side for Santa became mentally unbalanced as the son; Bell and Bergen. It disbursements $16,343.67. hei Rosa. Tickets can be 4t 111 E. young goats that was able to trap purchased The result of an old injury and health. shows the Score It II The report also that 020 000 OOx 2 4. 0 the fur coated thief and murderer. at either Murphey's or Winters He was not violent at first and waa bonded indebtedness of rural school St Louis 000 010 5 5 The bounty of $2.00 received for the drug stores. taken to the Miners' hospital, where has mounted to $407,763. Philadelphia 0001 districts hide Is a small item compared with The round trip fare Is $11; one It was thought after a course of treat- value of the territorial institu- Bachmand and Phelps; McQuillen, The the great losses Mr. Roybal has suf- way $6. Each passenger is al-- Finest ment he would perhaps recover. How- not the and ex- Moren and Dooin. tions counting capitol fered but he feels that in being able lowed to carry not to exceed 25 ever, he continued to grow worse, vol ecutive amounts to $1,483,-37-6; Score R. H. E. mansion, to the varmit he is pounds of baggage. Express pack- - 4 when his case reached the violent the CTflrtnnati 002 000 30x 5 9 0 dispatch getting OF of which $137,525 represents at least some revenge. 4 ages are Iso handled and can be stage, it was thought best to send $1,065,577 of New York 000 100 0001 6 2 value of the grounds; left at either of the drug1 stores him to the asylum. and $280,274 of the fur- and McLean; Raymond, the buildings Ewlng Optic, Phone Main 2. mentioned.' Sheriff Hlxenbaugh and the brother niture and fixtures. Crandall and Schlel. - Telephone your news items to The left on No. 10 this afternoon In return ,,The report shpws that there were LtUU to Raton. on seventy-fiv- e banks in the July 1, American League. territory, with a capital of $3,274,086 ' . R. H. E. A. H Co. ansi Drink MacBeth mineral water while and resources $24,608,651. The First game Rcingrueber Browing pf 100 110 OOx 3 8 9 the city water is bad and state banks on July 1, had resources Philadelphia regain your 000 000 000 0 5 2 health. amounting to $5,678,756.56 against Chicago of 4 w, and Smith, Su-to- r Lls Vegas. $4,340,000 on, January 1; had deposits Morgan Livingston; and Sullivan. A woman doesn't seem to worrv as subject to check $2,950,839.08 and We are now making the finest beer in the Southwest. Boost time-deposi- $1,145,855,-65- . R. E. much because her husband i to Second game i at the gambles amounting " home industry and telephone your orders to os for either keg or as she does because Jie '. Isn't a The building and loan associa- Philadelphia 010 000 0000 2 . 1 000 100 9 1 bottle beer. - tions of the territory on the same Chicago 0001 las Vegas Mercantile Cos- date had resources amounting to Bender and Livingston; Scott and ' ' PHONES MAIM 67, 61 32, ". 680 If you read It in To optic tt' so. Owens. aai Douglas. '? AUGUST 6, 1909 IX LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY,

MY LADY OF USE WANT ADS ARE IMPORTANT to YOU THE ROSES Richard TO-DA- Y! By King in a hundred ways-a- nd, in ONE of Them at Least, Bewitching." Yes. that was the BOSS FLOUR - PATENT word which best expressed her. 'Ue- witching. Absolutely Deiwucnine. Wavinr masses of nut-brow- nair held together Grecian fashion in bands ADVERTISE THE OPTIC nr .mid and arranged becomingly wuu And You Will Always Have s all that apparent carelessness which Wcefc 50 Cents Per hesnoke a first-rat- e coiffeur; preiiy, First Insertion 5 Cents a line 20 Cents Per Line By features -- piquant somewhat indefinite, THE set in a face whose contour was a per little roseuua i i Line. By Month. ' 'iitib - ' ' fect oval; the dearest rvrtf " mouth, all pouts and infectious lm wnere BOSS BREAD a it so happened, the tame she and her companion were seatedJ stood in close proximity to our own, In Our hoarding House. ihoueh from where I was sitting i so NEW MEXICO NEWS "Why do the New'.yweds talk had an absolutely uninterrupted view Always Good Has No to housekeeping? If while Who was Equal DO YOU KNOW much about going of them both, Shlela, they want to go. why don't they go?" with me, was placed witn ner Dacs a scheme to scare the landlady. them wnicn, auer distinction 'It's turned towards Handled All Dealers The Optic Is the medium from Socorro county has the Notice ho got the best section was as it should be, seeing By as- they all, Just which the general public may al-- of being the first to transmit its of chicken?" women never can understand these 1309 Territorial ways have their wants supplied. sessment roll for to things. V. who re- was ien- - Advertisers should remember Auditor Charles Saftord Costly Set of Birds' Eg3. So you see. I wise in not that letters directed to initials ceived it yesterday. The county's to- Of British birds' egss a complete ing Shiela anything about the lovely me. one assessment is $2,069,747, an in- Is worth about $1,000. creature sitting opposite For only, are not delivered through tal set nave - thine, because she would not the If initials are us- crease of $203,643 over last year. , postoffice. and for another thing, the ed should be directed to more ex- What Snail We Have for Dessert? understood, they Rain, rain, and then rain, fair stranger and myself had earned 75he care some In JELL-O- . e the of person, firm, the state of the weather the dainty, appetising, language-of-the-ey- love atfair ' presses Try on our postoffice box or this office. Colfax county for the last few days, economical dessert. Can bs prepared so well that in spite of the distance n n n ad- - or crim- Closing time for classified and if this keeps up the services of Instantly simply add kotllag water between us, and a huge bowl 6 vertisements is 12 o'clock, noon, boatbullders and swimming masters and serve when cool. Flavored Just son and white roses placed upon her the are handed in. in table nearly hiding her from my sight, day they will soon be needed In that section right; sweetened Just right; perfect - when she raised her glass of cham- Want advertisements can be left of The grass Is knee every way. A 10c package makes At The the territory. naene to her lips she looked at me at The Optic office, telephoned and the has more the dessert for a large family. All high, country enough lovingly over the brim and deliberate 29TB. AWUAL NEW MEXICO FAIR AKD RESOURCES EXPOSITION. to Main 2, or sent through the of of South sell Don't substi- aspect the "pampas" grocers It accept ly smiled. malls to The Cash O Dally Optic. America, than of the prairies of the tutes. JELL-- complies with all fare The note I scribbled to my loveiy

with ad required. Or- s in "aria Trsst" Food Laws. 7 flavors: Lemon, was the absurdest tning ALBUQUERQUE , Phone Main 2 as I look back C The Scenic Highway 13 finished ange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Choco- the world. Yet now, the Incident it strikes me aa now from the Colorado line to Moul-to- n late, Cherry, Peach. upon 909 being wonderfully discreet for a man avenue In Raton except for the friends his whole nte the of the whose imagine Help Wanted, Etc. placing of the posts and chains and No, Cordelia, Daughters to be made up of blunder. holes for these posts are now being Revolution don't all patronize the In the dead of night," I wrote, the merry-go-roun- Be WANTED Furnished house, modern dug. Secretary Allison eaya that fur- ... world is full of ghosts restless be Will improvements, good location. Ad- ther work on the road only awaits the ings seeking happiness and repose. for one of these dress Dr. A. G. Sturtz. coming of Engineer Merrlweather, of Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold Should there be hope President William H. from the bowl of roses Taftl the Territorial Good Roads commis A. S. Nusbaum, Batesvllle, Indiana, take MEN LEARN BARBER in front of you a crimson rose; lr, TRADE writes: "Last year , I suffered for A Real make each sion, who will survey and engineer there is no hope, then take Airship that will the flights day. Short time required; graduate months with a summer cold eo however, the road as laid out by the territorial three a white one." earn $12 to $30 week. Moler Bar with Good Roads Commission and the coun- distressing that it interfered my I saw the waiter slip the note into The Great Southwestern Marathon Race.. ber Los college, Angeles. ty commissioners of Colfax county. business. I had many of the symp- her lap. I saw her untold it unaer toms and a doctor's pre- and 1 saw ner Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Judge, who have of hay fever, shadow of the table, High Class Running and Harness Races. did not reach my case, and double it it lived In Raton for two scription read it and up, slipping For Rent nearly years. I took several medicines which seem into the Jeweled satchel at will move about middle of I quickly Base Ball Tournament. the this ed only to aggravate it Fortunately her side; and then, all on the tiptoe oi FOR RENT furnished room In d s Nicely month to a acre ranch insisted upon having Foley Honey I waited impatiently for and Tar. cured me. My excitement, New and Instructive Amusements of all kinds. private family with no children. they have purchased about seven It quickly her to act as I desired. Yet for a Modern conveniences wife has since used Foley's Honey and Including bath, miles southeast of Raton. They are Tar with the same success." O. G. long time, Bhe did absolutely nothing look about and 1 was Fruit, Stock and Mineral exhibits. electric light and furnace heat Four purchasing cattle jwlth which to Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. at all but her, in lest some of my blocks from postoffice. Inquire Op stock their ranch and already have a despair wording letter should have given offense. Excursion Rates on all Railroads. tic office. farmer on the at worft. Mi. is the mother of Inven Special properir Necessity Then, suddenly, in a supremely quiet Judge went to Raton for his health tion and Invention is the stepfather in FURNISHED ROOMS, all modern way, as If the most natural thing and that of hia wife as well, both be of Unfits. out her hand W. G. TIGHT, JOHN B. McMANUS, conveniences. 910 the world, she stretched Fete Murphy, afflicted with chills and fever roses in front of her. She Fourth street. ing towards the President. Secretary. contracted during several years' resi Seared With a Hot Iron. must have known that my eyes were her every move- OK RENT Furnished front room. dence in Oklahoma. They are very Or scalded by overturned kettle upon her, 'devouring '1 J 1 A J 111. - m she must have too, the lln ew mexlco Bna 118 cut with a kiilfe bruised by slammed ment; heard, opposite Library. 618 Columbia ut)ilsuleu of for she tantal- - cnmaie. door or other beating my heart ave, ., Injured by gun any first with a white rose once iziugly played, Yesterday headed hy Forest Super way the thing ncded at and then with a red one, until I could Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue In- FOR RENT OR SALE On visor Thomas R. Stewart, a party of have almost cried out in the agony easy pay- flammation and ki.l the pain. It's Gal-lina- men as the ten- ments, one house, 923 forest started from Santa Fe for earth's supreme healer, infallible for of suspense. At last, Just the upper Pecos to begin reconnols- boils, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and sion was becoming well-nig- h unbear Slimmer Rates East ance work. The men in the party pile's. 25c at all druggists. able, she suddenly broke off the red E3 dest among the red roses and fast FOR RENT Two large airy finish- were H. H. Pooler of the Santa Fe 1st to Inc. The with new s'.o-- o iveth ened it carelessly to the front of her Daily June Sept 30th, 190,9. ed rooms; separate or in suite. 1059 office, J. H. Allison, I. F. EldTidge, over heart will laugh at any sort of iiii alleged corsage her Sixth street Blake Franklin and Barrington Moore I was Then, Jol.e. Then, indeed, happy. of the Albuquerque office. Six pack indeed. I felt at last that life was Fare For tne Round Trip. horses were taken along, carrying sup worth living, and that if this world Colo. ... For Sale plies for two months, as the work to Granulated Sore Eyes Cured. was not exactly as happy as heaven, Pueblo, $11.90 be done will take this much time. The "For twenty years I suffered from a it at least had moments that all the . . FOR SALE 5 room furnished cot- Colorado Springs $13.70 men'' will go over the entire Pecos bad case of granulated sore eyes, says pleasures of paradise could not sur tage, on Columbia avenue, 2 lots, forest and estimate the to Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In pass. Denver - $16.60 cellar stable, lawn, shade carefully middle of I garden, tal stand of accessible timber. After February, 1903, a gentleman asked me In the my perplexity trees, everything In first class re- to try Chamberlain's Salve. I bought saw my lady oi toe roses ana ner Hensas $31.30 seeing that the work is properly one two-thir- I CityMo pair. If taken at once $1,000. box and used about of companion rise from their seats. only started Stewart will re It and not Louis-- . - L. G. 616 Lincoln avenue. Supervisor my eyes have given me any observed, too, the covert looks of St. .$40.30 Calhoun, trouble since." This salve Is turn to Santa Fe. for sale admiration that she excltec. among III by all dealers. all the Chicago, $46.30 FOR SALE Gentle, driving The taxpayers of Lincoln county the onlookers by graceful sup family of her and saddle horse, also two eeated have filed a suit in the district court, pleness superb figure. Final return limit October 31st 1909 ' Don't forget that a divorce suit As she moved forward, gathering and harness. Price P. O. charging fraud in the signing of the For information other buggy right cob's- moro than a wedding suit. her beautiful wraps around her, our regarding points, 38. upon which the election to P. O. Box petition eyes for one brief delirious moment stops overs, Ect, please enquire at change the county seat was ordered. met in I saw Disagreeable at Home perfect understanding. ticket office. FOR SALE Legal blaaka of all do This suit also attacks the validity of the beautifully-molde- d arm and the Lots of men and women who are R. W. scription. Notary seals and record, the statute under which the petition pearl-tippe- d that I so to HOYT, with at fingers longed at the Optic office. was filed as contravening the provi agreeable others, get "cranky" grasp, and I saw, to my utter aston Agent. home. Its not its the liver. sions of the Springer Act of Congress, disposition, ishment and dismay, that,, as she If yon find in feel OLD newspapers for sale at The Op- and as not valid enact yourself that you passed my table, she unpinned the also being a cross around the little tic office. 10 cents a bundle. course Its house, things rose fastened to her corsage and ment because in the of pas- worry you, Just buy a bottle of Bal- scatter WiKg "The devotion of flarduppe NH " I never saw a man so the crumpled it up, disdainfully, sage through the last legislature, lard's Heiblne and put your liver in Its crimson at my feet for Gotrox la positively touching." as Mrs. Rjones' husband, You ing petals henpecked act was not signed or authenticated shape. and everybody around you I had recovered from - all r'.nUt ooile seem him will feel for 50 cents hardly my 'Vap:- "That'.; what it is, 'I don" to remember Lost by either the president of the coun better it Price mortification on with per bottle. Sold by Center Block De when, looking up He matoea a touch about every other What was her er name before he cil or the of the house rep the effort at indif LOST Bunch of keys. Finder re speaker pot Drug Co. greatest complete day." married her?" etc. The of the ference I have ever striven after In my turn to Optic and receive reward. resentatives, question removal of the county seat from Lin life, I found to my dismay, that the During her courtship no girl is In of roses and her com What la Best for Indigestion? Take Notice coln to Carrizozo, will be voted-upo- lovely lady the. LOST One memorandum book, leath- favor of disarmament. had Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, Onta All persons are recommended to 17th, with the result of the panion suddenly disappeared. er covered, one memorandum book, August The was able rio, has been troubled for years with take Foley's Kidney Remedy for back- election much in doubt only thing that anyone cardboard flexible cover. Finder re- very A3 a rule the more a man's thirst to tell me was that they had both Indigestion, and recommends- Chamber ache, rheumatism and kidney and blad- turn to to Optic and get reward. is irrigated the fatter It grows. casually entered the hotel, taken din lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as! der trouble. It will Quickly correct lr. ' Jjcn't emphasize your own faults. ner in the restaurant, and disappeared "the beet medicine I ever used." If regularities, which. If neglected, may afterward. all Pome people, like some things, s Your friends will gladly do It for The smile of honesty is the one directly Beyond that, troubled with indigestion or constipa develop into a serious Illness. It will was enveloped in inpenetrable mys uh as being too good to be true. you. tiiar won't come oh. tion give them a trial. They are cer- restore health and strength. Do not tery. In fact, I never saw either of tain to beneficial. are prove They neglect signs of or bladder them again, though it is true that easy to take and pleasant In effect. kidney Baby Morphine Fiends few days afterward, I learned she had Price, 25 cents. Samples free at all trouble and risk Brlght'a disease or are made by all soothing syrups and returned the next day, asked some dealers. ; diabetes. O. O. Schaefer and Red baby medicines that contain' opium CURES leading questions concerning myself Crosa Drug Co, . McGee e nd naroctlcs. Baby Elrxir from the manager of the hotel, and M e fellow who Is dlsappol lfed 'n contains no or narcotls injurious orugs had gone away again immediately love may console himself with he of ary kind. A sure nnd safe cure The definite Information 60 YEARS' and only they thought that he would probably have for disordered stomachs, bowels If an old sore existed because the flesh was diseased at that could me was that she had driv EXPERIENCE fretfulness splendid for teething in eimply give been disappointed in marriage it would be an matter to some en in a motor car up- fants. Sold by Center Block Depot particular spot, easy apply remedy directly up magnificent Co. to the place that would kill the germs; or the diseased flesh might be on which a coronet was emblazoned; Drug removed a a care effected. be- i - by surgical operation and But the very fact that she had every appearance of that old sores resist every form of local or external treatment, and even a of the and The Laziest Man in The World A fellow often feels like a fish 'm'. ing lady greatest fashion, return after being cut away, shows that back of them is a morbid cause that her evident embarrassment had would not be contented to be kept In of water after a has landed him which must be before a cure can result. Just as long as the girl Removed caused a certain amount of curiosity the house and doing nothing by rheum- Traoc Marks pollution continues in the blood, the ulcer remains an open cesspool for the Designs of which the circulation throws off. S. S. S. cures Old Sores as to the object of 'her visit among atism. Neither are you, who are al- No matter how have ful deposit Impurities of the hotel. And this Copyrights &c long you by purifying the blood. removes every trace of and taint from the personnel ways busy and active. Then don't neg- Anyons tending iiketcn and description may lered, Kidney Remedy will help It impurity Qulcklr ucertAin onr opinion free whether an Foley's the circulation, and thus completely does away with the cause. When circumstance explains somewhat the lect the first twinge of an ache or Invention Is probably patentable. you. Mrs. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, w, 8.S. S. has cleansed the blood, the sore to heal, and it is not a odd telegram that I received some pain that you might think is Just a HANDBOOK on Patent Va.. "I was sufferer from begins sent free. Oldest airencr for securing patent. writes: a surface the the soon the dis- weeks later. It was from "crick." Rub well with Ballard's Snow Patents taken tnronph Munn k, Co. recelrt cure, but healing process begins at bottom; dispatched i so that at times I ould pf-iu- notics, without charge, m the kidney disease, charge ceases, the inflammation leaves, and the place fills In with firm, a fashionable European watering Liniment and no matter what the not get out of bed, and when I did, I effects S. S. S. will once. healthy flesh. Under the purifying and tonlo of the system place, and ran as follows: "If you trouble Is, it disappear at Scientific could not stand straight I took Fol- Is and those whose health has been the drain and Sold Co. Jlitierican. built up, impaired by were here with me and by Center Block Depot Drug A Kidney Remedy. One dollar bot- of an old sore will be benefited its use. Book on Sores you handgomelr Hlntrtl wmklr. Lanreet elft ey's worry doubly by I alone I should 'not scatter crimson dilation of an oientlBo lourn&L Terms, 3 tle rnd part of tie second cured me and ulcers and any medical advice free to all who write. Tear; four month. U &m1 brail newMl'ttlmk It will cnra yon. O. O. roses at your feet, but we would gath- Call np Main 1 when yon have any entirely" THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAUTA, GA. n'UPXCo.seiB'MK8w fork Schaefer and Red Croas Vn.ig Co. er and cherish them together." news. The Optic want it. uranca unos, cb bi waaninstiw, u. , . r u, LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY. AUGUST 6, 1909 tVt

it felt he had made a vry bad showing Las Co. H indeed before her eyes, and his Pttrtt.-fel- l. Vegas Undertaking TTH?TTTTnrix The second round was worse, ABSOSELHS WANTS HER Successor to VV. M. LEWIS CO. nil l mivL Moxie being punished unmercifully. "Ah, yeV no good, Moxle." sa!d the W. C. DENXISS, Manager Mrs. W. C. DEN'N IS, Assistant ROUND crowd frankly. "Put him out. Greeny!" a. All thnmbs were down. and BY CAROLINE LOCkH ART Panting He stands forth In the public eye Undertaking and Embalming grasping, Moxie sought his corner, to LETTER find that his seconds had deserted Arid t some close observers ihick Picture Framing a Specialty Excellent Assortment of Moldings (Copyright, by J. IS. Uppincott Co.) him, their loyalty being .borne down As she goes proudly stepping by, the of The a wink. was Moxle by weight adverse public opin- public gives knowing It not quite time for ion. Star. Shoeshine to the other Washington PUBLISHED struggle "Third round! Time!" yelled the THE LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFE boys in the basement delivery-roo- referee. of the his bundle e ain't confined to Gazette building for Moxie walked from his of afternoon so he sat on slowly human folks " said Uncle Eben. "Dar Short Order and Regular Dinners papers, corner, and knocked For Benefit of Women who the curb and watched the girl who Greeny promptly never was a to him down. The crowd yelled in de- yet aig big enough THE BEST GOODS OBTAINABLE ALWAYS HANDLED was stock from ths In Suffer from Female Ills taking quotations rision. Slowly he got to his feet For entirely Justify de cahckle It stahta ticker in the composing-room- , the win the first time he glanced towards the de banryard." Washington Star. Treat dow being open. He hoped she might Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a Girl. She was standing by her chair, female troubles which again nod smilingly at him, In which sufferer from cour- now, and her eyes were blazing with "For my part, I don't see any more caused a weakness SOCIETY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY event, possibly, he might get up excitement As Moxie's and broken down to she caught harm in a game of cards than In a age ask her. called to him. condition of the to despairing glance she of chess." "She ain't goin' come, though," "Don't let him beat Moxie!" game system. I read so he you, "But consider associations." CHAPMAN LOiyiD NO. I. A.. 1", A. PHYSICIANS. thought, despondently. she cried In a shrill voice, very the muchofwhatLydia was one E. Pinkham's Veg- - So he got up slowly and at chess you play with two M Regular com- feminine amid the shouts of the "Why, etable DR. E. L. HAMMOND of the last, to get his papers, which crowd. bishops, while at cards you' play with Compound a.unieatlon first asd was Moxies' As It had done for other not habit usual, What to Moxie can four knaves," Tit-Bit- women la DENTIST was late at when he crept into happened only suffering t third Thuisdays night be at, but all know Just what felt sure it would Suite 4, Crockett Building. Both the court where he lived rather guessed each month. Vlattr dirty to Greeny. Moxle became help me, and I most Just now, his mother happened I. is nearly crazy because his soj me - phones at office and residence. peaceably having a in an He say it did help lag brothers eordial- been somewhat subdued a recent tiger whelp Instant wr.nts to marry an actress." by at and smothered him ' wonderfully. Mr H. KinkeL W. term in the House of Correction his sprang Greeny "Is he so ac a all left me, ii invited. Geo. It, with blows came too bard and prejudiced against pains I DR. G. L. JENKINS as an that grew stronger, and within three months Secretary. sister being "up" "habitual," tresses?" j Chas. H. Sporlcder. with too great a recklessness to be was a penecuy wen woman. and his brothers and sisters having Moxie's "Quite the contrary." come care of either parried or returned. 'I want this letter made public to DENTIST under the fostering was and his "Then what is his kick?" show benefit women derive tA3 VEGAS COMMANDER! NO. t. "The face white to the lips, the may Cruelty." eyes had the glint of steel. Greeny "He wanta to marry her himself." from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable s Knights Templar. Regular He crept out cautiously at an early astonish- Compound." Mrs. John G. Moldak, U Over HedgcocK's Shoe 8tor fought back in desperate Houston Post. conclave second Tuesday morning hour that he might spend but Moxie never felt blows 2115 Second St, North, Minneapolis, Phone 7 on ment, any Minn. ach month at Masonic Vegas the more time sitting the curb when did land. Yell after aJiJ and watched the who in they yell "That man," said the court onlook Thousands of unsolicited and grenn. m. Joh 8. Clark, Girl, smiling went up from the frenzied crowd mbiii. 7:0 p. DENTIST him bad fed a little will De ine testimonials like the above prove F. R. LORD, at hungry heart around the A sudden panic er, convicted sureiy. tie the of E. r . Charles Tanune, Recorder. without her ropes. a on efficiency Lydia Pinkham's C M. realizing bounty. came over Greeny. Bewildered, help- making very poor impression Vegetable which is made (Successor to Dr. B. Williams) im- Compound, That morning he was again less to this sudden, mad rage of the witness stand." exclusively from roots and herbs. ROY- - stop LAS VEGAS CHAPTER NO. t, Office Pioneer Building, over Graad pressed with the whiteness of her an opponent he had counted beaten, "That isn't the defendant," said a Women who suffer from those of and ills to sex should Arch Masons. Regular Rooms 3 and 4. Phone collar, the beauty her eyes, blinded by the ceaseless blows, he "He's Just one of the alienists peculiar their ,al Leader. of lawyer. not lose of these facts or doubt the glory her hair, his intimate - sight FeoaTOcatlon tret Monday in Maia 57, threw his arms over his face, turned, undergoing D- the of E. Pinkham's knowledge of hair and eyes and and ran to his corner, the referee fol- ability Lydia each month st Masonic In- trolt Free Press. Vegetable Compound to restore their gowns being gathered from the to Moxie off from 7:30 m. M. R. lowing hastily pull health. . Temple, p. ATTORNEYS. cessant red of his mother's eyes, her him. The referee led Moxie to the H. P- has. H. what's this?" If yon want special advice writ Wlllm. - matted hair, and her greasy Mother middle of the ring. "John, to Mrs. Pink at Mass. HUNKER Hubbard. But he resolutely refrained "You told me to you some ham, Lynn, orleder, Secretary. GEORGE H. "De eighty-poun- champeen, gents," bring She will treat yourletteras stri ctIt from thinking of his mother when said the his hand at thing to remove superfluous hair from confidential. For 20 sbe Attorney at Law was be sacri- referee, waving years he near this girl, lest it Moxie. face,, didn't lias been sick women in EL DORADO LODGE NO. 1 to toe Girl. He your you?" helping Office: Veeder Block, Las Vegas, New legious frankly batd howled and but one of those elec this way, free of charge. Iont his mother and wished she was dead. Everybody cheered, "Oh, yes; is this healtato write at once. Knights ol Pytblas Mexico. Moxie heard, loudest of all to him, a trical depilatories I have read about?" meet every MondM little "Hurrah!" from the In Castle glad place "Not on your life; that's a safety eveninit where the Girl had sat. Moxie pushed Blobbs "I there is Hall. Visiting Knights GEORGE E. MORRISON razor.' Houston Post. suppose quite his in that direction the 1 are cordially invited. way through t 'iTerence between, a rent :i a that swarmed around him. pull- I. P. HAVENS, boys Boss' Wife So this is the new of tear." Slobbs "You bet there is. Command- Civil Engineer and Surveyor off his gloves as he went She Chancellor ing like For instance. I can't pay my rent be- er. was standing there yet, holding out a fice boy? I suppose you behave If cause I spent all my money on a C. M. BERNHARD, Office: Wheeler Bldg. E. Las Vegas soft white hand. a little gentleman, especially there and de- tear." Keeper ol Record "First edition, boys!" called the are ladies present? Seal. livery clerk, but Moxie went by him- Willie You bet! If they're home Even when a woman does every- packing-box- , self to the seclusion of a ones, the boss takes 'e and I show Cholera Infantum Cured.. ?o her husband's home how ly thing brighten that he might realize fully happy good-lookin- like two my SALDT LODGE, NO. 77, FRATER- em out; and if they're Something years ago he is apt to kick because he has to he was. which was then about a NAL UNION OF AMERICA I show 'em In and the boss takes 'em baby, year pay the gas and electric light bills. was taken ill with chol- Mets first and third Wednesday of out. Judge. old, seriously STILLING WATERS WITH OIL era Infantum, and purging month at Fraternal Brother- vomiting each Twas a Glorious Victory. writes J. F. of F. M.; When you have made a statement profusely," Dempsey hood halL Chas. Trambley, There's rejoicing In Fedora, Tenn. A Not Poured from Barrel Into Ocean Ala. "I did what I could to Vis- for which youvare sorry you should Dempsey, Bertha C. Thornhlll, Secretary. man's life has been saved, and now Dr. as Supposed, But Placed in Bags own to it " said the Idealist. relieve her but did her no good, and iting members cordially Invited. New Is the talk of at Ship's Sides. up King's Discovery "No," answered Senator Sorghum; being verv much alarmed about her fhe town for curing C. V. Pepper of failed to find could When the of a wave-bea- t "it is bad to say something went for a physician but BIBEKAH LAJUliill, u. r., deadly lung hemorrhages. "I captain enough one, so came back Elder Bros & l not about," he writes, en pours oil upon the waters he without It up by second and fourth Thursday work nor get ship you regret following VJarxer B store, aim ivir. niiuer rewa meets roe eood. a barrel of kerosene self-distru- "anil tho (tartar rltd no but. does not empty with an expression of you mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ,. month, at the I. stitches three sTenlnga.ot etch, after using Dr. King's New Discovery over the side.' He up are sure to regret still more." Wash and Diarrhoea remedy. I procured a O. O. F. hall. Miss Bertha Beckw, three weeks, I reel use a new man, or four cotton bags, which he fills bottle of it, went home as quickly aa can do work For ington Star. N. G.; Mrs. Delia Pep ard. V. O.; and good again." with oakum and then with oil, usually possible and gave the baby a dose of Ade-len-e weak, sore or diseased lungs, coughs fish oil and kerosene, In Mrs. F. Dalley, Secretary; equal parts of the remedy. It relieved her fifteen and colds, hemorrhages, hay fever, la The are then tied tightly at the Mrs. Newpop: "John, dear, do you minutes and soon cured her Treasurer. bronchial af- bags entirely." Smith, grippe, asthma or any and all over with a sail think so much of bread and molasses For sale by all dealers. fection It. stands unrivaled. Price f0o tops pricked free. Sold and needle to permit the oil to exude, and is good for baby?" O. E. MEETS SECOND AND and $1.00. Trial bottle 9. P. all are hung from the boat davits and Newpop: "Sure it IS. Bread is the Jr is possible to cure a child by .ha each guaranteed by druggists. to their fourth Tuesday evenings weather chains drop mollify staff of life, you know.' laying on of hands with a good on the billows, month at 0. R. C. hall. Visiting find ing contents raging Mrs. I the Hubbubs "How do you the Goin' to Put on De Mits wld be allowed to Newpop: "Oh, suppose spanking. brothers are invited., W. "I'm The bags must not get much .cordially mosquitoes out at Swamphurst? "We Ike." must be refilled two bread won't hurt him but so D. W. Con- Greeny empty, but every " M. Lewis, exalted ruler; don't have to find them. They find six ten or on molasses The Crime of Idleness. Moxie hours. For bags gallons don, secretary. When he looked at the Girl, in hours. Sometimes, Newpop: "But he doesn't eat the Idleness means trouble for any one. us." was are used thirty realized vaguely that he, himself, if It Is very cold, the oil congeals and mola&ses, my dear; he leaves that on It's the same with a lazy liver. It STAR. REGULAR not quite worthy togaze at her. He the holes fast ASTERN Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di will not run out through the chairs and door knobs." Chicago causes constipation, neaaacne, jaun second and fourth knew that he swore, lied, stole, and the mouth of the bag is arrhoea Never Known smoked and drunk enough, News. dice, sallow complexion, pimples and or eacn momu. Remedy cigarettes, got then luoseeed to let it escape in that loss of nausea, but Thursday evenings to Fail. when the chance of- blotches, appetite, and sisters are readily enough way. Its effect is magical on a rough Dr. King's New Life Pills soon banish All visiting brothers "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, and he admitted to himself that threat- A clergyman who was not averse to build health. A. fered; sea.- - A huge comber will rise liver troubles and up your cordially Invited. Mrs. Sarah Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since these could not be easily ex- an occasional hired an Irishman things eningly to bury the laboring vessel glass 25c at ail druggists. matron; Mrs. Ida It was first introduced to the public in cused in a boy who was fully eleven will a to clean out his cellar. The Irishman Chaffin, worthy In- under tons of water, but strike 1872, and have never found one old. common forth a Seellnger, secretary. cure was not years patch of oil no larger than a began his work. He brought Call up Main 2 when you have any stance where a speedily the Girl, in- its use. I have been a com This morning looking Idly dining table and subside in an lot of empty whiskey bottles, and as news. The wants LODGE NO. effected by out the saw once more a uptic it I. O. O. F.. LAS VEGAS mercial traveler for eighteen years, window, stant into a smooth, round swell, he lifted each one he looked through sandy-haire- little with evening at and never start on a without this, ugly gamin, which the ship rides like a cork. who was 4. meets every Monday trip old and she smiled it at the sun. The preacher, If you are all run down Foley's All visit- my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichols the face of an man, The use of oil is also a valuable their hall in Sixth street. not how walking on the lawn, saw him and will you. - of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale by all frankly at him, realizing in a gale and Kidney Remedy help It cordially invited- to at- aid in wearing ship said: ing brethren dealers. much it meant to him, but being Just sea. A few of oil strengthens the kidneys so they will G ; high gallons paint N. Ea At that Moxie came - are all dead ones, Pat'V tend. C W. McAllister, happy herself. over the lee quarter enables the ves- "They eliminate the impurities froi the O. to 1 Oomstock, V. G.; R. William, Subscribe for The Optic and save across the street and called up her to the maneuver in per-- "They are!" said Pat "Well, there blood that depress the nerves, and window: sel perform )W. B. Crltes, treasurer; eyes. through the open without taking a drop of is one good thing' about it they all cause exhaustion, backache, rheumat- secretary; you' to be a feet safety which. cemetery trustee. "Say, dey's goln good scrap water on board. When a boat ships had the minister with them when ism and urinary irregularities, C. V. Hedgcock, when us the Do not Take down in de basemint fellers so much water that it is impossible to were Tit-Bit- sap vitality. delay. Active at 87. dis" he they dying." Foley's Kidney Remedy at once. O. G. BROTHERHOOD. NO. go fer papes mornin'," said, the oil bags slung into position FRATERNAL This would be unusual news it men to on get Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. at earnestly. "Fm goin' put de without the risk of "being 102. meets every Friday night would themselves running the whom she would and women keep mits wid Greeny Ike, and fight him overboard, an ordinary bed She planned man, eighty-poun- d cham-peenshl- swept In the Schmidt building all aches fer de , their hall free from rheumatism and free rounds sheet saturated with paint oil. tied wed at eight We off de at ten, nn west of Fountain Square, nnrf nalns as well aa keening their pulls fight to a rope and allowed to float, will Should be both brave and good, cor-iall- y is out. Would a o'clock. Visiting members are muscles .and Joints Umber with Bal before de first edition soon calm the seas sufficiently to per- Pull six feet tall, with curly hair,. lard s Snow sola tenter like to come down and see de Bafe-l- UlJLa welcome. Jas. N. Cook, pres- Liniment, oj youse mit men to move about the decks Adept at sawing wood, Biock Depot Lrug Co. De udder feller's bigger'n me, to be the best Jas. R. Lowe, secretary. scrap? Paint oil is agreed Combining a woman's tenderness Uyfntber bad been tenderer from Rldrheatiacha ident; but I kin lick him." for the last twenty-flv- e aud never found any maybe to use, rape-see- oil and porpoise yenri Girl With man's stern hardihood. relief until he bean taking yonr Can caret. Sine, COUN- your news items to Ths "All right," the called back, but kerosene is not satis- C as caret he haa never bao KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Telephone rank next, behaibeirun taking Phone Main 2. laughingly, "I'll come down." (be headache. They have entirely cured hia.i No. 804, meets second and Optic, factory. Her husband measured five feet two, Gaacareta do what yon recommend them to do. t, CIL The was roped off by tying Will you the of bit Pion-- ring give privilege using name.) O. R. C. d was . 1120 Kestner fourth Thursday. hall, stout packing-cor- from post to post, The Secret of Old Age. His hair red and straight, Dickson bt., W.lnUiauapolU. inoj are People with chronic bronchitis, asth bide. Visiting members and Moxie was already in his corner A novel method of attaining longev- He only made ten plunks per week ma and lung trouble, will find great Girl came to be a Best Tor eordlally Invited. W. R. Tipton, when the in, given ity was practiced by Mrs. Yetta Cared but for what he ate. relief and comfort in Foley's Honey seat of honor the young man who In New The Bowels O. K.: E P. Mackel, F. S. by Schulman, who died recently And yet she truly thought he made, and Tar, and can avoid suffering by wrote the bulletins. Moxie was the advanced age of 105 once. O. G. York at A husband simply great. commencing to take it at seized with stage-frigh- t at Mrs. Schulman no partic- - AND THIRD Co. promptly years. paid . New York Sun. V. O. E. MEETS FIRST Schaefer and Red Cross Drug of so near him. exer- ' the sight her Greeny ular attention to points of diet, CANDY C month, at corner looked as ATMAjmC Tueday evenings each Ike in the other big cise, sleep, etc., which, usually figure - McCormick, the Giant's star Trateraal Brotherhood Hall Visit- Summer is filled with pride, per- as a house, but Moxle walked bravely largely in rules laid down for those Harry fall. over to shake hands with him at the believed the with an anecdote to a brothers r-- e cordially Invited. haps because it goeth before a growing old. She that hitter, replied inp order of the referee. He backed into of could be pro- on his batting. Thornhill, president; E. C. lives aged persons compliment Pleaaan, Palatable, Potnt. Taste Good, DoGoodl,' Jno his corner again, not daring to turn if associated constantly, said. "One Jfever Cslcken, Weaaen or liripe, 10c. 2c, Sfle. Neve; longed they "I could always bat," he old in bulk. Tie genuine tablet stnrcped 0 Q Ut Secretary. he catch i Ward, around for fear might her or nearly so, with young people; and Fourth, In tn? boyhood, a pitcher was Qaaranteed to core or your money back. Music Teachers Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. eye. she apparently verified her theory, for taken out of the box after I had 50, MEET TN FRATERNAL "Time!" yelled the referee. the of her boxes: MTOMEV she spent greater part knocked a home run, and another a;;:;l'jilsale.ten mum ball second and TAKE NOTICE Moxie desperately shot out his thin time in company with children, even Brotherhood every blow wa3 substituted. TTT Anntivinnlltl a air A1 f"rt A- - arm and landed a smart on in their sports with live- pitcher fourth Thursday, sleep at the eighth W O Bit lUUbtUuaur oonvu iv v taking part in different sections eye. There was no particu- Leslie's "As I was taking a drink after my brothers always wel com end teachers Greeny's ly interest Weekly. rsn. Visiting Hence we are com-Mns- in science about it, Greeny valiantly round of the bases, I heard a pretty David of the country. lar come to the . wigwam. Tnaehera Directorv accepting the blow so as not to delay Woman In Important Position. girl In the grandstand say: H. Davis, southwest. It will be to crowd Flint, sachem; Waite for the your getting in a smash himself. The Miss Edna L. Foley has Just re "Oh, how stupid of them to change and collector or advantage to have yonr name appear as the blows fell. in the con thief of record will cost yelled impartially signed her place Boston their pitcher! The other man was in this directory, it you a par- to become wampum. In addition to this your "Punch him, Greeny!" yelled sumptive hospital the head He hit the bat notbinz tuberculosis institute. awfully good. nearly name will be on our mailing list, which tisan. of the Chicago Star. 64 I. Moxie!" advised of Smith every time,'". Washington . 1. ROSENWALD Lodge No. 5, will enable us to send you from time 'Swing your right She is a graduate college, 1 O. B. B. Meets every, first Wednes-la- y to time, musical matter that will in- a Moxie supporter. class of 1901. The Chicago institute State what instromeut 'Molt him in the Jaw!" suggested seven in different For Indigestion and all ston:a:h of the month In the vestry terest you. has dispensaries you teach. Send name and address another eagerly. parts of the city and employs nine trouble take Foley's Orlno Laxative as room of Monteflore, Doug- Temple in full to Moxie ducked and danced, feinted trained nurses to assist in treating the it stimulates the stomach and liver and avenue and Ninth street. Visit- did all las and led, but his opponent patients. Miss Foley will lave the bowels and will posHtv Invited. FITZGERALD MUSIC When time was called regulates the ing brothers are cordially COMPANY, these harder. entire charge of the dispensaries and O. G ' ely cure habitual constipation. i II Chas Greenclay, sresUsit; Rabbi 3. at the end of the three minutes, Moxle nurses. California. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Co. 4 . Raisin, secretary. Los Angeles, tlSHT LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1309

Is Your Siove in Good Order? LAS VEGAS' EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE Do You Wish llsalta'g Any If not let us order you a grate or a fire Tot NGW by1 Pie Cherries R'd Rasplierries" . and save later.' We car. furrnsh Bartlctt Pmti Klberta I'eufbes freight express charges Mammoth I'loms Cranford Peaches ! any parj ftr-an- Stove made in the United States. Coofeklji Apple Rose of Peru Grapvs ' ' All Ladies' House Wrappers, now ori hand at Cost Valencia Oranges Vnucf Bananas PHONE MAIN 379 Cantaloupes - Watermelons Boys' and Girls Indian Suits, worth SI. 50, now 98c Or Some Lvidwig Wm. Ilfeld, See late sEjjvpxnent ol new Silk Under Skirts. Mangoes Squash The llardwaremait. Cauhflowef ' " ! Green Corn Green Chile Wax Beans Fresh Tomatoes Green Beans WEATHER REPORT turned to the ' city and will soon be Green Onions New Beets August 5, 1909 on the job Fresh again. "Frenchy" reports Las Vegas Lettuce Fruit Maximum, 88; mini- a to Raton New Radishes Fancy Cucumbers Temperature pleasant trip and vicinity, New Carrots Sonp Bunches mum, 50; range 38; mean 70. returning Thursday evening. . 6 a. m. 12 noon Humidity 84; 31; Phone Main W7 Succetaor to hENRY LEVY,' Sixth 6 m. mean 55. Street. p. 51; Mrs.' P. Stuart, of 612 Main, was the ? Forecast Local Bhowers tonight wlnrrer of a dinner set at the Las Saturday. Mercantile If so, please order same Vegas Co., this afternoon. RECEIVED ' Are you saving your tickets? Come JUST Saturday, August Seventh LOCAL NEW3. next Friday at 2:30. from Las will The Princess "Auto" GcvCar Vegas club hold a smoker The Optic was misinformed Inst t thia afa rooms evening its club on the evening in the matter of the sale of The Latest West side. and Nobbiest Thing Out, The Stare That's Always Busy the Lacey cottage on Fourth street. the property being purchased by Con- of Mr. and s Eleanor, young daughter ductor J. M. Leaeuey. and not by Mr. Mrs. Fred Westerman is quite ill with Morrison. Jiutomaticallp Collapsible-- a slimmer complaint. REASONABLE IN PRICE The probale court will convene on There will be a special communica Monday, August 10th, when a gnat Call tion of Chapman Lodge this evening deal of important business will be at our Store and look them over. Use Our Work in third degree.. taken up. The matter of the estatb of the late George Rue will be taken Sale Good Col- - (EL For fresh cow. 925 up at this session of the court. J. C. Johnsen Son avenue. lumbia 623 Douglas Avenue. Reports coming into the city from There will be an informal dance the vicinity f Chaperito show that this at evening the Commercial club the "general condition of the country the Flour parlors given by Fortnightly club down there Is very good and there Is yet mucn nope for good crops from H. O. DROWN TRADING Get the best at CO., XoJette's barber Chaperito and" vicinity. DEALERS IN shop. ALFALFA. H AY and GRAIN, V Misses Kate and Lena Hoffman, VEHICLES IMPLEMENTS 'and WAGONS? Appel Brothers are an Get Our IwfnrA building ad aunts of Mrs. C. M. Bernhard. arrived knumt8 ditlonal warehouse In Also for the rear of their in the city last evening on belaid Bridge Slreet PhonMaJK Hco.dqu.rters of place business pn Bridge street. No. 7 from Louisville, Ky., and will AH Kinds of remain in the city for a month as the FEED All Odd Fellows are re Mr. especially guests of and Mrs, Bernhard. quested to attend a meeting at the For Ibe hal of thia order this evening at 8 A marriage licence has been granted o'clock. to Nicanora Garcia and Miguel Her nandez, both parties being residents best Meat Doll's Jewelry store for rent. In of Manuelitas, and both eighteen of Mrs. L. P. 509 t quire Wright, Sixth years of age. The groom-etec- is a Try ' ' street. ... ,. prosperous young farmer in the low intbe a Ja.r of er country. Las Roller Mills The Mutual Building and Loan" As City Vegas sociation of .this city ha3 just declar- Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Cunningham and ed 'a semi-annu- dividend of 7 their three Mar- Ferndell daughters, Missps Phone 131. guerite, Helen and Louis, accompanied by Howard Clark, Wilson W. Mills goto Dr. W. H. Heymann and family are and Leslie Witten, heft the city this now located in their new home on afternoon on Number 10 for Ute Park, Papen's Preserves Eighth street which was recently Colfax county, where iney will re- by the doctor. ; ' A Simple Test purchased main for about a week. . and W. O. Robinson, resident agettt for A. IE to know whether are des- W. Buddecke and wife and Ford you want you the Edwards-Marti- n Land tined to be a success or failure company, M. Thompson returned last evening Hot Rolls financially) spent the on the mesa can find out. day showing from Los Alamos, where the were JOHN A. PAPEN you easily some eastern land over buyers the taken as the guests of R. J. Taupert FRESH dry section. EVERY DAY farming In his auto. The party, with the ex- Ceun You Save GROCER AND BUTCHER. Money? ception of Mr. Taupert, left this morn- 'V. Order cream T If can aside a certain your .'r n T. ing for Mora, where they will enjoy you persistently lay Turner. Phone 144 and 145 portion of your savings each week or month, an outing for a few days, free from at there is no doubt about you being a success the hot, sultry heat waves of St financially. " All persons who think themselves Louis, Mo. indebted for the fourth of cele- Walter This Bank will help you to make the July O'Brien, well Known In test, bration on the west side, will Those unfortunates who answer these and furnish a safe depository for your funds, please roll parts among the cattle men, remit the money that was advanced call on the city chain each morn- arrived in the after- toucher's with interest at 4 cent on time gang city yesterday per deposits. to them - by the committee, to Juan Sil- ing are still busy cutting weeds and noon from Raton with two car loads va as soon as THE COFFEE MAN" possible. improving generally the condition of of cattle for Graaf & Hayward, de- the streets. If the residents in the parting on an evening train last even The All Aboard for First National Bam Everything is ready foi the big so different parts of the city would co ing for Arizona points. Harvey's! cial to be given at Mackel's opera operate with Chief Coles in hia en Carriage goes out Saturday mora-- returns house next Monday ..evening by- the deavor to clear out the usual sui Finch's Golden Wedding Rye. aged lag following Friday. Leave OF US VEGAS. NEW MEXICO. eye-sore- s Catholic ladies of the West side. Ev mer It would greatly Improve in the wood. Direct from distillery to orders at Murphey's or H. O. Browa Co s. CAPITAL and SURPLU8 $130,000.00. erything served will be in Spanish the looks of the streets and material you. At the Lobby, of coune. Trading style. ly help sanitary conditions. Try a dram of Old Taylor bourbtm The best draft beer In JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, President. the city. At A movement Is under way to es at the Opera bar. Served from bar- The of course. E. D. Joe Forter, probably better known Lobby, . RAYNOLDS, HALLETT RAYNOLDS, In this as tablish a mall delivery for the dry rels on the bar. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. community "Frenchy," who for some time past has been in. the farmers on the mesa. In the event Straight Guggenheim rye served of 'the FOR employ of White & McCune, has re- - scheme being carried out, it RENT Good pasture with plen over the bar at the Antlers. is the intention to establish a star box ty of good water. Mrs. Green. delivery, aa there are' fully thirty-fi- v Pabst's draught beer on tap only at ' Delicious families between Las Vegas and Casa It you read it In The Optic it's so. Opera bar. MONEY SAVED Grande who would be benefited, by - this move, which certainly is a very On Domestic Coal. Best Screened Raton Egg, $4.75 Salad wise and much needed one and it is per ton just wbat you want for cooking, hoped that those promoting the SWEET PEAS, scheme will be Free from Slate or Slack Dressing "Successful. Pink, White, Lavender and Red, or Mixed. Durkees Salad The automobile stage line between D. W. CONDON Las Vegag and Santa Rosa has made SO Otc two successful Phone Main SI Dressing is trips, the second one Foot Main ht being completed when the autv.- - ar- PER HUNDRED made with rived tn this city yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. - olive oil, which Many- passengers are Las taking advantage of this fine service, Vegas Greenhouses is as it Is such a marked Improvement PERRY ONION. Prop. Phone Main 276 guaranteed over the horse stage line and ; the BRINK GRAPE JUICE pure and of the mail service between this city and Anton Chlco, Casaua and Colon las is We have it to suit the taste offall. finest quality much better both for local merchants and those located in the lower THE HYGEIA ICE and the other Made from pure distilled water are s - - Woicfaar'a, ingredients A game of baseball between the PRICES " all-sta- r 2,000 lbs or more each 20c i madefrom Concord grapes. of a character American team of the .East delivery per hundred j side and the New Mexicans from the 1,000 to 2,000 lbs. " 30c 200 .4 which have West side is scheduled to1 take place to 1,000 lbs. " Ulf) 40c 50 to ' "V made Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at 200'lbs. 50c Durkees the East side" ball grounds. It la to Less than 50 lbs. " " 75c " - er be hoped that the teams will not made from the choicest California grapes ad guaran-teedfund- a most - popular disappoint the baseball fans who al- - CRYSTAL ICE CO... McGuIre & Webb purej food law by Calwa Products Phone Main 227 ' Salad way gather to witness these contests Co. of San' Francisco. . Dressing!. as was the case last Sunday when a large crowd assembled,at the grounds but no ball warrior came forth. Much interest Is being taken In the team ivi. that baa been .organized to represent jr. 1 Veeas and attemnt sjsjsla.. Las its to ret Cartoonist and Illustrator. I together and practice and have games CommerciaIDesignerand Suggester of Practical Ideas. Original Dis- Grocer 'a the right kind of dope. tinctive and Effective Designs. Phone 183 Main.