Kaffraria, and Its Inhabitants
Afrjcana. a 0 SEP. 1940 I » Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Pretoria, Library Services https://archive.org/details/kaffrariaitsinhaOOflem KAFFIR CHIEFS. KAFFRARIA, AND ITS INHABITANTS. XING WILLIAM’S TOWN. BY THE EEV. FRANCIS FLEMING, M.A., Chaplain to Her Majesty's Forces in King William's Town, British Kajfiaria. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO., STATIONERS’ COURT; NORWICH: THOMAS PRIEST. MDCCCLIV. : MERENSKY-BIBLIOTEEK ( ■*! V E*SITI!T V A N m ETC* IA i ASNOMiilff 6 FLEMING | KiGiSTflUNOUMER-. ta.4» TO THE RIGHT REV. FATHER IN GOD, ROBERT GRAY, D.D., BY DIVINE PERMISSION, LORD BISHOP OF CAPE TOWN, THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED, NOT ONLY AS A MARK OF ESTEEM FOR HIS LORDSHIP’S UNWEARIED ZEAL AND ENERGY, IN BEHALF OF HIS PRESENT EXTENSIVE DIOCESE, BUT ALSO AS A SMALL, BUT SINCERE, TOKEN OF LOVE, GRATITUDE, AND AFFECTION, FOR MANY PERSONAL KINDNESSES RECEIVED BY THE AUTHOR. PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. A few words will here suffice to describe the nature of the contents of the following pages. The part, performed by the pen, has been arranged from Notes, taken during a residence in Kaffirland of nearly three years. These notes were collected from personal observation, and inquiry, as well as from the reports of various individuals, long resident in the Cape Colony. I am much indebted to the Lord Bishop of Cape Town, for the use of some valuable information ; and also to the Honorable J. Godlonton, of Graham’s Town, the Rev. J. Appleyard, Wesleyan Missionary at King William’s Town, and various others in the Colony, for a similar boon.
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