First Report of Wingless Grass Flies from China (Diptera: Chloropidae) With
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ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 329–336 25 DECEMBER 2017 First report of wingless grass flies from China (Diptera: Chloropidae) with a key to the Chinese and Oriental species of Elachiptera Первое сообщение о находке бескрылой злаковой мухи в Китае (Diptera: Chloropidae) с ключом для определения китайских и ориентальных видов Elachiptera X. LIU, E.P. NARTSHUK* & D. YANG С. ЛИУ, Э.П. НАРЧУК, Д. ЯНГ X. Liu, Hubei Insect Resources Utilization and Sustainable Pest Management Key Laboratory, College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China. E-mail: [email protected] E.P. Nartshuk, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] D. Yang, Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Haidian Distr., Beijing 100193, China. E-mail: [email protected] A wingless species Elachiptera viator Nartshuk, 1971 in the family Chloropidae is recorded from China (Beijing) for the first time. A redescription of the species is given with the figures of its characteristics and the genitalia of both sexes. A checklist of seven species of the genus Elachiptera known from China with their distribution and a key to the Chinese and Oriental species of the genus are given. The following new combinations are proposed: Lasiochaeta ben- galensis (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov., L. longicosta (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov., L. luteopilosa (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov., and Disciphus indica (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov. Бескрылый вид Elachiptera viator Nartshuk, 1971 из семейства злаковых мух (Chloropidae) впервые найден в Китае (Пекин). Дано переописание вида и иллюстрации признаков, в том числе генитальных структур обоих полов. Приведен список семи видов рода, извест- ных в Китае, с данными об их общем распространении, и составлен ключ для определе- ния китайских и ориентальных видов рода. Предложены следующие новые комбинации: Lasiochaeta bengalensis (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov., L. longicosta (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov., L. luteopilosa (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov., и Disciphus indica (Cherian, 1975), comb. nov. Key words: grass flies, China, Oriental Region, key, redescription, Diptera, Chloropidae, Ela- chiptera, new records, new combinations Ключевые слова: злаковые мухи, Китай, ориентальная область, определительная табли- ца, переописание, Diptera, Chloropidae, Elachiptera, новые находки, новые комбинации INTRODUCTION patterns in a few species; rarely absent or reduced. Wingless or brachypterous grass Adult Chloropidae, commonly called flies are mainly known within the genera grass flies, are small to medium-sized flies Aphanotrigonum Duda, 1932, Conioscinella (0.5–7.0 mm), rather smooth, black or yel- Duda, 1929, Elachiptera Macquart, 1835, low with black to brown stripes and macu- Tricimba Lioy, 1864 and Lasiosina Becker, lae; the wing is usually hyaline, with dark 1910 (Ismay & Nartshuk, 1998), and also in Alombus Becker, 1914, Chlorops Meigen, 1803 and Diplotoxa Loew, 1863 (Nartshuk * Corresponding author. & Tschirnhaus, 2012). © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 330 X. LIU ET AL. WINGLESS CHLOROPIDAE FROM CHINA AND A KEY TO CHINESE AND ORIENTAL ELACHIPTERA The genus Elachiptera belongs to the based on the Chinese material. A list of Ela- Elachiptera genus-group in the subfamily chiptera species known from China and a Oscinellinae (Andersson, 1977). It is a fairly key to the known species of Elachiptera from large genus with 81 know n species and is China and the Oriental Region are given, as widespread in most ge ographical regions well as some new combinations of species (Tschirnhaus, 2017). The majority of the de- previously treated in the genus Elachiptera. scribed species of Elachiptera are Holarctic, with 52 species record ed, namely 26 record- MATERIAL AND METHODS ed from the Nearctic (Sabrosky, 1948, 1965; Sabrosky & Valley, 1987; Wheeler, 2003; Specimens were examined and illustrat- Wheeler & Forrest, 2002), and 26 from ed with a ZEISS Stemi 2000-c stereomicro- the Palaearctic (Kanmiya, 1981; Nartshuk, scope and camera. Preparations of the geni- 1984, 2003, 2009; Beschovski & Krusteva, talia were made by m acerating the apical 1998); 10 species are known from the Orien- portion of the abdomen in warm 10% NaOH tal Region ( Sabrosky, 1977; Cherian, 1975, for 17–20 minutes. After examination, they 2012, 2014), 16 species from the Neotropi- were transferred to glycerin and stored in a cal (Sabrosky & Paganelli, 1984; Wheeler & microvial pinned below the specimen. The Forrest 2002; Mlynarek & Wheeler, 2008), specimens are deposited at the Entomologi- and 14 species from the Afrotropical Re- cal Museum of China Agricultural Univer- gion (Sabrosky, 1980; Deeming & Al Dha- sity (CAU), in Beijing. fer, 2012). At present, six species are known The following abbreviations are used: from China (Yang & Yang, 1991, 1998*). a pa – anterior postalar seta(e), ap sc – Four species with reduced wings are apical scutellar seta(e), dc – dorsocentral known in the genus Elachiptera including seta(e), npl – notopleural seta(e), oc – ocel- an undescribed species from the Kiliman- lar seta(e), orb – orbital seta(e), poc – post- jaro Mountain in Tanzania (Nartshuk & ocellar seta(e), p pa – posterior postalar Tschirnhaus, 2012). The European species seta(e), vte – outer vertical seta(e), vti – in- E. brevipennis (Meigen, 1830) is character- ner vertical seta(e). ized by polymorphism in the development of the wing; Nartshuk & Tschirnhaus (2012) TAXONOMIC PART published the photographs of two alive in- dividuals. Wheeler (2003) described E. aq- ORDER DIPTERA uila Wheeler, 2003, a brachypterous species FAMILY CHLOROPIDAE from Canada. Only the wingless form of E. viator Nartshuk, 1971 is known. Elachiptera SUBFAMILY OSCINELLINAE species usually occur in wetlands, but also Genus Elachiptera Macquart, 1835 in agricultural fields with cultivated cere- als. The larvae are phytosaprophagous, de- Type species: Chlorops brevipennis Mei- veloping in rotting tissues of plants, usually gen, 1830 damaged by other insects. Diagnosis. Small flies (body length 1.5– A wingless species Elachiptera viator 2.5 mm) with body black or yellow. Wing Nartshuk, 1971 was originally described transparent with costal vein reaching M1+2, from the Primorie Territory of Russia and or wing reduced. Postpedicel (1st flagel- eastern Mongolia. In this paper, we record lomere) oval or reniform; arista thickened, E. viator for the first time from China, re- strap-like; among orbital setae, one or two describe and illustrate this species in detail long. Ocellar triangle shiny, without dust. *According to Pont & Xue (2007), Yang & Yang’s “Flies of China” was published in May 1998 (and not in 1996); 1996 means the copyright date only. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 329–336 X. LIU ET AL. WINGLESS CHLOROPIDAE FROM CHINA AND A KEY TO CHINESE AND ORIENTAL ELACHIPTERA 331 Figs 1–2. Elachiptera viator, male. 1, body, dorsal view; 2, body, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. Scutellum trapezoidal, flattened, with 1–3 gin of postpedicel black, microtomento se; pairs of scutellar setae on small, medium- postpedicel 1.5 times a s wide as long; arista sized or finger-like tubercles. Notopleural brown with short brown setulae. Proboscis setae 1+1. In the male genitalia, postgonites and palpus yellow with yellow setulae. widened and triangular. Thorax yellow, smooth, shiny. Scutum 0.9 times as long as wide. Thoracic pleura shiny. Postscutellum y ellow. Scutellum yel- Elachiptera viator Nartshuk, 1971 low except for lateral and distal margins (Figs 1–9) yellowish brown, 0.5 times as long as wide; Material. 1 male, 1 female, China, Beijing, trapezoidal, flattened, with two pairs of scu- Yanqing, Sihai, 9.IX.2009, Junchao Wang leg. tellar setae on small tubercles, the apical tu- Description. Male. Body length 2.1 mm. bercles nearly as long as wide; ap sc twice as Head yellow, 0.9 times as long as deep, long as scutellum. Setae and setulae on tho- 1.2 times as wide as thorax; frons 0.8 times rax brown; npl 1+1, distinct; a pa developed, as long as wide, projecting slightly in front as long as npl; p pa hair-like, a pa three times of eye; gena narrow, 0.5 times as wide as as long as p pa; one dc developed, as long as postpedicel (1st flagellomere); parafacialia a pa. Legs yellow except for fore tibia brown indistinct. Ocellar triangle yellow, smooth, with basal portion yellow and fore tarsus shiny, reaching anterior margin of frons, yellowish brown. Hind tibia with short oval with pointed apex; ocellar tubercle light tibial organ. Setulae on legs brown. yellowish brown. Cephalic setae and setu- Wing and halter absent. lae brown; two orb developed; poc slightly Abdomen brown, tergites 1+2 (fused) longer than oc; vti hair-like; vte developed, yellow except for distal portion slightly yel- as long as poc; vte 3 times as long as vti. An- lowish brown; ventral parts of abdomen yel- tenna yellow except for dorsodistal mar- low. Setulae on abdomen brown. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 329–336 332 X. LIU ET AL. WINGLESS CHLOROPIDAE FROM CHINA AND A KEY TO CHINESE AND ORIENTAL ELACHIPTERA Figs 3–6. Elachiptera via- tor, male. 3, epandrium, posterior view; 4, epan- drium, lateral view; 5, hypandrium and phallic complex, ventral view; 6, hypandrium and phal- lic complex, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Male genitalia (Figs 3–6). Epandrium not included in the key. Below, we briefly yellow, short tubular; surstylus simple, al- consider these species. Tschirnhaus (2017) most parallel-sided, with a rounded distal provides a review of all sp ecies formerly in- apex, in profile shorter than width of ep- cluded in the genus Elachiptera. andrium. Cerci short, separate, gap widely Sabrosky (1977) listed five species of incised ventromedially. Postgonite roughly the genus Elachiptera from the Oriental Re- triangular, with a narrow inner distal apex; gion. He recorded E. brevipennis (Meigen, basiphallus cylindrical, longer than wide. 1830) from Taiwan (“Formosa” in the text), Hypandrium closed dorsally. probably following Hennig (1941).