Exploring Inside an Orthodox Church

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Exploring Inside an Orthodox Church In contemporary practice, the Iconosta- vas, a mosaic or a fresco. Icons sis may be very elaborate and conceal St. Demetrios depict such figures as Christ, Mary most of the sanctuary, or it may be Daytona Beach, Florida the Theotokos, the saints and an- very simple and open. The Iconostasis gels. They may also portray events has three entrances which are used from the Scriptures or the history during services. There is a Deacon of the Church, such as Christmas, Door on either side, and the center Easter, etc. Icons occupy a very entrance which is called the Royal prominent place in Orthodox wor- Door. A curtain or door closes the ship and theology. The icon is not Royal Door when services are not be- simply decorative, inspirational, or ing celebrated. On the right-hand side educational. Most importantly, it of the Iconostasis are the icons of signifies the presence of the indi- Christ and St. John the Baptist. On the vidual depicted. The icon is like a left-hand side are the icons of the window which links heaven and Mother of God and the patron saint or earth. When we worship we do so event to which the church is dedicated. as part of the Church which in- In addition to these icons, others may cludes the living and the de- be added, depending upon custom parted. We never lost contact with and space. Exploring Inside those who are with the Lord in glory. This belief is expressed an Orthodox every time one venerates an icon or places a candle before it. Text modified from “Treasures of Church Orthodoxy” series by Rev. Thomas Iconostasis Fitzgerald, and used courtesy of the The Iconostasis is the panel of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of icons which separates the sanctu- America. ary from the nave. The origin of this very distinctive part of an Or- thodox church is the ancient cus- tom of placing icons on a low wall before the sanctuary. In time, the icons became fixed on a standing wall, hence the term iconostasis. St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all 129 N. Halifax Avenue the days of my life, to behold the Daytona Beach, Florida beauty of the Lord, and to inquire 32118 in His temple.” Cathedral of St. Demetrios, Phone: 386-252-6012 Thessalonica, Greece Web Site: www.stdemetriosdaytona.org Psalm 26 (27): 4 E-mail: [email protected] Sacred Space most sacred part of the church, and Inside an the area reserved for the clergy and The interior church is, most impor- their assistants. The sanctuary con- Orthodox Church tantly, both the background and the tains the setting for Orthodox worship. The art Holy Altar and architecture are designed to con- and is tribute to the total experience of wor- separated ship, which involves one's intellect, from the feelings, and senses. The Eucharist nave by the and the other sacramental mysteries When one enters Iconostasis. take place in God's midst, and they the interior of an This divi- bear witness to His presence and ac- Orthodox church Clergy celebrating a divine sion serves to tions. Therefore, in the Orthodox tradi- it is like stepping service together remind us that tion there is a very strong feeling that into a whole new God's reign is the church is the House of God and the world of color not complete and that we often find and light. The art place where His glory dwells. ourselves 'separated' from God, and design of The church is generally constructed in through sin. However, during the Di- Church of Holy Wisdom, the form of a cross and is divided into vine Liturgy, when we have access to Istanbul, Turkey the church not only create a dis- three areas: the narthex, the nave, and the Holy Gifts, we are reminded that, tinctive atmosphere of worship, but the sanctuary. The narthex is the en- through Christ, heaven and earth are also they reflect and embody many trance area and in many Orthodox united and that through Him, we have of the fundamental insights of Ortho- parishesis the area where the faithful access to the Father. It should be doxy. make an offering, receive a candle, noted that not all services take place light it before an icon, and offer a per- within the sanctuary. Many are cele- Beauty and Symbols sonal prayer before joining the congre- brated in the center of the nave, in The Orthodox Church believes that gation. the midst of the congregation. In so God is the Creator of heaven and The nave is the large center area of doing, Orthodoxy emphasizes the fact earth. The Creator is present through the church. Here the faithful gather for that the worship of the Church is of- His creative energies of His handi- worship. On the right-hand side of the fered by, and for all the people. work. This means that the material nave is the bishop's throne from which world, being valuable and good, is he presides as a Icons an important means through which living icon of An icon is a holy image which is the God expresses Himself. Since there Christ among distinctive art form of the Orthodox is no hesitation in using the gifts of his people. Even Church. In actual practice the icon creation, the interior of an Orthodox in the bishop's may be a painting of wood, on can- church is very beautiful. Designed to absence, the create an atmosphere which is spe- throne reminds cial, the building is filled with a feel- all that the par- ing of joy and an appreciation of ish is not an God's bounty. Through iconography isolated entity For Further Information and decoration, the beauty of crea- but is part of a tion becomes a very important larger commu- means of praising God. The divine nity which the Our Archdiocese: www.goarch.org Our Metropolis: atlmetropolis.org gifts of the material world are bishop heads. shaped and fashioned by human Transfiguration Monastery, Recommended Sites: Mount Tabor, Israel The sanctuary is www.patriarchate.org/patriarchate/tour hands into an expression of beauty considered the www.stphotios.com/chapel.html which glorifies the Creator. www.imageandlikeness.com .
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