Largest Senior Glass in Years Represents 21 States, 4 Countries
■HB^HHBI Alumni Alumni Edition Edition Z 7Mt Vol. 24 Staunton Military Academy, Kables, Virginia, Friday, May 30, 1941 Largest Senior Glass The Kablegram Staff—1940-1941 81st Commencement In Years Represents Exercises Will Begin 21 States, 4 Countries With Senior Banquet One Hundred And Ten Are Judge A. M. Dobie Will Speak Candidates For Diplomas To Graduating Class The graduating class of 1941 is the The Academy's eighty-first commence- largest that Staunton has had in recent ment, at which one hundred and ten ca- years. The 110 seniors graduating this dets will graduate, will formally open to- year represent 21 states and four foreign morrow night with the Senior Class din- countries—Brazil, Canada, Cuba and ner at seven o'clock, and it will close Puerto Rico. with the final exercises next Tuesday As is the usual case, more seniors are morning in the assembly hall, where natives of Pennsylvania than of any Judge A. M. Dobie, judge of the fourth other state, 24 graduates coming from United States judicial circuit, will ad- this state alone. New York comes second dress the graduating class. with 18, and Ohio and New Jersey rank During the intervening time, both third with 10 each. Virginia is represent- seniors and the rest of the cadet corps ed by 9 seniors, West Virginia by 6, the will not only attend, but also participate District of Columbia by 4, and Connecti- in many events. cut, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Michi- The Senior banquet Saturday will be gan by 2 each. Mississippi, Washington, followed by an informal dance at nine Florida, South Carolina, Maryland, o'clock.
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