EQUITY RESEARCH | May 22, 2020 | 1:10AM EDT SOFTWARE Future of Work Accelerating the transition to Enterprise 4.0, the next evolution of the digital workplace The digital transformation of the workplace is being put to the test by COVID-19. The almost- For the exclusive use of
[email protected] overnight demand for workers to operate from home and for commerce to shift to digital has spurred rapid adoption of collaboration tools like video conferencing and exposed the value of virtual desktops, cloud-based applications and other hallmarks of the new digital office. Trends long in motion in technology are being accelerated, such as public cloud adoption and Zero Trust security, and are likely to retain their momentum after lockdowns ease, while other trends will emerge and shape the next generation such as IoT, RPA and Extended Reality. In a series on the Future of Work, we examine the technologies we expect to drive Enterprise 4.0, the next stage of evolution in the distributed, flexible workplace of tomorrow. Heather Bellini, CFA Christopher D. Merwin, CFA Brian Essex, CFA Mohammed Moawalla Dan Church, CFA Caroline Liu 5832a3af19e04f568a1aa87bee05aee0 +1 212 357-7710 +1 212 357-9336 +1 212 357-2692 +44 20 7774-1726 +1 212 902-0695 +1 212 357-9111
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