PROGRAM ACT I ACT II The Codex Project Student Works The Codex Project Search for The Girl A world premiere multimedia performance I. Manipulation “I remember my first time Chorus : Max Richter— Entering the Creation A New Day piece inspired by Codex Seraphinianus, an browsing through The Codex The Girl is huddled in captivity. The On the Nature of Daylight Chorus Music: Games conjoined scribes are unable to free illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary Music Director/Arranger: Winston Harris and thinking ‘I wish I knew The Girl appears for a brief moment, Day breaks as the newly freed themselves. They embark upon a journey Choreographer: Lenai Wilkerson what this meant’ then realizing running across the landscape. She is inhabitants of the Codex dance together world originally published in 1981 by Dancers: Jack Miller, Asia Mitchell, Maurice to free the Girl and to reverse the evil that this is exactly what the trailed by a mysterious priestess. The revealing the Girl safe and sound. She Luigi Serafini, an Italian artist, architect, magic of the Conjuror’s spell. Mouzon, Alexandria Wright, Abigail Yaffe author wanted from me: to Scribe discovers his Doppelganger. is gently lifted back to the real world Musicians: Sebastian Stefanovic, and industrial designer. Award-winning wonder about the existence of Shaken by the sight of one another, the Journey through the Forest where she finds the Scribe sleeping. She Yuka Kubota, violin; Thomas Chafe, viola; Music: Register Albertine Gone Emily Cornett, violoncello; meaning, regardless of what it Overture fearful scribes begin to spar. Disguised wakes him tenderly and they embrace, contemporary composer Marcos Balter was The conjoined scribes encounter Winston Harris, bass could be, or even if it existed. Music: Chorus as an old man, the Ferryman enters and joyful to be reunited so fascinated by this strange and beautiful entices both scribes into the world to many creatures on their journey, which Entering the Harbor Endless World II. An Afternoon Together From that moment on, I embarked search for the Girl. The old man reveals concludes at a castle from which a book that he created a score. Nadia Sirota Writer/Director/Editor: Tom Burke Music: Flora Chorus on a partially guided journey with himself to be an evil conjuror. He takes beautiful Priestess emerges. Cast (in order of appearance) The Girl makes her way alone in a Within the Codex, a swirling dance & Katherine Helen Fisher, graduates of the book, trying to decipher it but his place presiding over the court. Ania Flanigan, Ava Geenen small boat across the river at night. Linguistics culminates in the Doppelganger Scribe’s BSA, were in turn interested in expanding understanding that the decoding Members of the instrumental final confrontation with, and defeat of, III. World Another faster boat enters, piloted The Conjuror was in fact my own story, that the Music: Culture ensemble play their instruments using the evil Conjuror. upon Marcos’s work. When Chris Ford Vocalist: Jazmin Bangura by the Ferryman. He gains on the meanings I found were actually The Conjuror casts a sinister spell extended techniques. Choreographer: Bri Porter Girl and abducts her. Curtain Call approached them about undertaking a Dancers: Savionne Chambers, self-imposed. which transforms the scribes and all the The Scribe at Work Removing the Spell A great jubilation ensues as harmony is project at Baltimore School for the Arts, Melanie Jerome, Anna Peabody, inhabitants of the Codex into sets of Music: Machinery I tried to do the same with my Music: Fauna restored to both worlds. Bri Porter, Alexandra Rojas, conjoined twins. Imagined Worlds was born. Nearly a year The Scribe, author of the Codex, wakes The beautiful Priestess takes her Alessandra Wun music. I’ve created tableaux at his drafting table. Images from his The Burning City place above the twins. She whistles in the making, this exciting collaboration : Tyron Tention that emulate my readings of the creation drift across the sky. The Scribe Music: Architecture a hauntingly lovely tune, magically depicted actions, but also being brings cutting edge technology, modern IV. Fata Morgana works feverishly into the night in an Pairs of conjoined twins lope around a releasing the twins from the Composer: Denis Bauerschmidt Sweeney careful to not create something artistic techniques, and internationally attempt to chart a course through his dark, dystopian landscape. The entire Conjuror’s spell. Choreographer/Dancer: Abigail Yaffe too indexical or too axiomatic, city is on fire. creation to find the missing girl whose Bipeds recognized young artists to Baltimore. The Co-Choreographer/Dancer: Asia Mitchell fully embracing ambiguity as an Musicians: Sarah Pinto, oboe; face appears and recedes in the fog. Music: Bipeds Codex Project was developed at BSA with, expressive tool.” Sebastian Stefanovic, viola; The Scribe is left alone, exhausted Mapping the Earth and for, our students who are featured on Emily Cornett, violoncello —Composer Marcos Balter Music: Anthropology from the separation. Biped creatures V. Iron Dancers swirl through space as the spirit the Scribe out of the world of the stage and behind the scenes. Music Director: Kaela Pittman topography of the Codex comes to life. Codex and back to his desk where he is Composer: Woodkid left sleeping. The Scribe Dances with Light Choreographer: Savionne Chambers Music: Hermetica Digital Projections: Danielle Caulk The Scribe’s Doppelgänger within Dancers: Zara Anwar, Willis Brandon Musicians: Cameron Bessicks, Kelsey Brown, the world of the Codex performs a Delroy Gaither, Troy Long, Joseph Parrish, virtuosic dance. His arm is a giant Kaela Pittman, Tasja Slaughter, fountain pen drafting images in light Cole Summers, Jasmyn Toon across the night sky.

Intermission Our Guest Artists BSA Students Marcos Balter is a noted composer. Honors include commissions from Actor Chorus Producer Dr. Chris Ford Chamber Music America, the Fromm Foundation at , the The Scribe – James Doggett Marcus Andrews, Tayman Baker, Holland/America Music Society, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Art Jazmin Bangura, Nailiah Clahoun, Director & Choreographer Katherine Helen Fisher Dancers Institute of Chicago, as well as fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Brennan Colson, Jonathon Edwards, The Girl – Abigail Yaffe Memorial Foundation, and Tanglewood Music Center/Leonard Bernstein Rana Hardnett, Maurice Harrington, Associate Choreographer on Shadow Dance Adam Battelstein Foundation, and first prizes in several national and international composition Doppelganger Scribe – Nya Harris, Hakeem Henderson, Partnering Choreography Consultant Manelich Minnifee competitions. He is a graduate of and currently an Maurice Mouzon Ceimone Henry, Myles Hoes, BSA Rehearsal Director, Dance Debra Robinson Deckelbaum Associate Professor of Music Composition at Montclair State University. His Understudy – Willis Brandon Claire Iverson, Anaya Johnson, work has been praised by The Chicago Tribune, The Times and The BSA Dance Advisor Anton Wilson Old Man/Conjuror – Jared Kelly Jordan Kiser, Natalee Lowe, Amber Imagined Washington Post. BSA Acting Coach, Fight Choreographer Consultant Richard Pilcher Priestess – Zara Anwar Merritt, Matthew Moore, Jade Nelson, Adam Battelstein has worked as a dancer, actor, choreographer and writer. Saran Oseitutu, Joseph Parrish, Kaela Grace Adams, Natalie Adams, Zara Composer Marcos Balter He has appeared on Good Morning America, The Ellen Show, The Oprah Pittman, Aleea Powell, Lauren Redditt, Anwar, Megan Argentieri, Willis Brandon, Winfrey Show and the 2007 Academy Awards. He has toured with Pilobolus Nina Regenold, Jaylyn Simmons, Music Director Nadia Sirota Worlds and as a guest artist with Momix all over the world and has appeared at the Jared Kelly, Melanie Jerome, Jack Miller, Tyron Tention, Eliza Triolo, BSA Conductor, & Chorus Dr. Mark Hardy Joyce Theater in NYC and soloed live at Carnegie Hall. He was noted by Maurice Mouzon, Shermia Newman, Oznur Tuluoglu the NY Times for his “comic genius.” Adam started Catapult Entertainment Briana Norwood, Brianna Papparotto, Art Director/BSA Arts Technologist Pat Galluzzo April 17, 7 pm LLC in 2009 and has created films and live performances for dozens of large Anna Peabody, Alexandra Rojas, Visual Artists April 18, 2 pm & 7 pm corporations including YMCA and Girl Scouts of America. Catapult recently Alexandria Wright, Alessandra Wun, Jailyn Elcock, Mira Isackson, BSA Production Manager Paul Christensen launched an evening-length show which has toured over 100 cities in Europe. Abigail Yaffe Neysa Johnson, Terryl McLorn, BSA Production Assistant Brian Kehoe Jordan Patterson, Sheilah Rubin-Wylie, Dante Baylor, BSA ’03, is wardrobe master for Alvin Ailey and tours with them. Orchestra Lighting Director (The Codex Project) Michael Riggs Adam Santos-Powell, Cade Simon, He designed the costume for The Ferryman and The Conjuror working with Violin I: Grace Carney, Yuka Kubota, Creative Consultant David Title junior stage design and production students. Caroline Wilson Elizabeth Gange, Juliana Benson Katherine Helen Fisher, BSA ‘97, is a director, producer, performer, and Violin II: Lynn Rowell, Maya Giles, Costume Construction & Design BSA Visual Content Team Leader Archie Veale choreographer for stage and screen. A member of The Lucinda Childs Dance Katerina Volkov, Aszana Lopez-Bell Jaelyn Bell, Ayla Boykin, Faith Graphic Specialists Mimi Dang and Jose Rosero Company since 2008, she has appeared in the seminal Philip Glass opera, Branham, Angela Crowder, Tatiana Presenting Viola: Sebastian Stefanovic, Einstein On the Beach, as well as the current staging of Available Light, Martino, Julian Owens-Brunt, Jordan BSA Resident Costume Designer Norah Worthington Tommy Chafe, Lea Broussard a Frank Gehry collaboration. Her works have been presented at Art Basil Patterson (Scribes), Isabella Pittman, Original Works Specialty Costumer Design Dante Baylor Switzerland, LACMA, Radio City Music Hall, Judson Church, Danspace and the Cello: Emily Cornett, Alexandra Whelan, Alaina Pomeroy, Delvonte Wilson Created & Performed by BSA students Brooklyn Museum of Art among other venues. Fisher is Creative Director of Wheeler Jarvis, Luka Stefanovic Stage Manager, Gaia Bethel-Birch Creative Partners Bravo Media, Inc. & Catapult Entertainment, LLC. Safety Third Productions, crafting innovative digital media content. Bass: Winston Harris, & Light Operator, Julian Owens-Brunt Elliott Shaull-Thompson Mike Riggs is resident lighting designer for Morales Dance and Matthew Sound Operator, Alaina Pomeroy Special Thanks Westerby Company. His credits include dance for Dance Exchange, Misomer, Flute: Cierra Hall The Codex Project Imagined Worlds would not have been possible without the resources Chitresh Das Dance Co., ODC, and Off-Broadway theater. He also works in Oboe: Sarah Pinto Projection Operator, Cade Simon Regional Theater and Opera. available in BSA’s brand new Center for Collaborative Arts & Technology and Bassoon: Mateen Milan Production Assistant, upgrades to the Schaefer Ballroom. Thanks to the JS Plank and Dana DiCarlo Sponsored by Media Partner Nadia Sirota, BSA ’00, is a violist, radio show host and creator, collaborative Soprano Sax: Troy Long Genevieve Schuh* Family Foundation, the France-Merrick Foundation, the Pearlstone Family Diane Vuocolo & artist, and producer. A graduate of Juilliard, her debut album First Things First Horn: Kiri Maza Stagehand, Faith Branham WYPR was named a record of the year by , and her follow-up Fund and others for supporting these initiatives and for helping to keep Linda Weinberg Trumpet: Cameron Bessicks Wardrobe, Maggy Davis, Baroque has been called “beautiful music of a higher order” by SPINMedia. BSA at the forefront of arts and technology. Tatiana Martino Harp: Taliah Curtis, Jacqueline Pollauf* David Title is the Chief Creative Officer at Bravo Media. Based in New York Piano: Seth Schultheis, Michael *Guest artists City, Bravo Media is a consumer engagement and multi-platform production Baltimore School for the Arts Sheppard*, Choo Choo Hu* company. Its robust in-house team of video, animation and photography Where the arts change kids’ lives creators work hand-in-hand with experiential designers and developers to Percussion: Evan Hart, Mark Demull* deliver dynamic content that garners attention and drives action.