Lowland Sheep Production Policies and Practices
Agricu:tural Enterprise Studies in England and Wales Economic Report No.1 LOWLAND SHEEP PRODUCTION POLICIES AND PRACTICES Lowland Sheep Study Group Editor: W.J.K.Thomas Published by the University of Exeter October 1970 Price 50p (10s.) AN INTRODUCTION TO "AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE STUDIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES" University departments of agricultural economics in England and Wales, which formed the Provincial Agricultural Economics Service, have for many years conducted economic studies of farm and horticultural enterprises. Such studies are now being undertaken as a co-ordinated programme of investigations commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The reports of these studies will be published in a new national series entitled "Agricultural Enterprise Studies in England and Wales" of which the present report is the first. The studies are designed to assist farmers, growers, advisors, and administrators by investigating problems and obtaining economic data to help in decision making and planning. It is hoped that • they will also be useful in teaching and research. The responsibia7 for formulating the programme of studies rests with the Enterprise Studies Sub-Committee, on which the Universities, the Ministry (including the National Agricultural Advisory Service) are represented. Copies of the reports may be obtained from the University departments concerned, whose addresses are given at the end of this report. 1ME LOWLAND SHEEP STUDY GFOUP Agricultural Economics Unit University of Exeter (the co-ordinating Unit) • Agricultural Economics Research Unit University of Bristol Farm Management Unit University of Nottingham School of Rural Economics and Related Studies Wye College (University of London) • Meat and Livestock Comnission Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (including the National Agricultural Advisory Service) This report is published by the University of Exeter and is available from: Agricultural Economics Unit University of Exeter Lafrowda • St.
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