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[email protected] VOLUME XXXI, NUMBER 16 A Newspaper for Faculty, Staff and Students THURSDAY, APRIL 18,2002 Coming Soon to a Historic Building Near You BOV Finance Committee Endorses College Budget Cuts,Tuition Raises Virginia undergraduates will likely see first increase in six years The finance committee of the William ginia over the next two and a half years," said and Mary Board of Visitors will recom¬ Sam Jones, vice president for finance. "In deal¬ mend that the tuition of Virginia un¬ ing with these dramatic cuts, our primary ob¬ dergraduate students be increased by $208 for jectives have been to maintain the quality of the 2002-2003 academic year. If the recommen¬ our programs, to assure that qualified students dation were approved by the full Board of Visi¬ can afford to enroll and, to the extent possible, tors at its meeting on April 25-26, tuition for to protect our faculty and staff." in-state undergraduates at William and Mary To help ease the burden of increased costs would stand at approximately the same level on students and their parents, the College ex¬ as it did in 1993. pects to spend an additional $300,000 in stu¬ Tuition for Virginia undergraduate stu¬ dent financial assistance that will be awarded dents has been frozen since 1996, and in 2000, on the basis of need. it was reduced by 20 percent. When manda¬ The finance committee will also recom¬ tory fees and room and board are factored in, mend to the full board the following tuition the annual cost for a Virginia undergraduate and mandatory fee increases for students en¬ to attend William and Mary would rise by $546 rolled in other William and Mary programs: to $10,626, a 5.4 percent increase.